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Showing posts with label Vertex. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Vertex. Show all posts

Nov 14, 2023

Is Stephen Miller a Bulldozer?

So What If Miller Comes 'Round Again?

by Jude Cowell, partisan for democracy

Is this the Wikipedia page of Stephen Miller's second-great grandfather Dov Ber Cheinman, an illustrious figure and teacher in Jewish history? Yes, Mr. Miller is Jewish and was architect of Trump's ripping children from the arms of their parents at the Southern border, even though his ancestral heritage includes asylum seekers fleeing anti-semitic progroms. How's that for an example of pulling up the ladder behind you? Hypocrisy much? Well, if you wish, read about controversial flame-thrower Stephen Miller here and expect more of him if Trump manages to grab the White House again.

As for Miller's natal planets, here's an excerpt from a previous post containing a few astro-notes concerning Trump's hardcore reich-wing speech writer Stephen Miller with mild edits for clarity:

Stephen Miller August 23, 1985 4:53 pm PDT Santa Monica, California (RR: AA). Hour of the Moon (fluctuations, changes) with his Sagittarian Moon out-of-bounds (faulty or estranged relationship with Mother); Moon conjunct Uranus @Station Direct (intuitive, seeks emotional excitement, erratic mood changes, extreme emotions, often cranky, irritable, moody) and suggesting further separation issues with Mum and his entire family. Tellingly, his Sun in Virgo (@00:46) conjuncts royal Regulus in 8th house of the Occult, and other metaphysical factors are shown elsewhere in his natal chart and in his family heritage (Kabbalah: see the horoscope's lower left corner, below). Paradoxically, a Virgo Sun placement suggests a mother-ruled child but it may involve a lost or missing quality.

Meanwhile, Sun sextile Pluto {} denotes those whose deep desire is to control the world; they're self-reliant, competitive, and base their lives on winning vs losing (like Trump); plus, with Pluto conjunct MC, Miller's main objective is to gain power and control; father issues are possible with Pluto-MC and bullying is a potential.

Additionally, Mr. Miller's Earth-Fire personality blend is known as a 'bulldozer' which tends to push moral certitude upon others (ex: "scorched earth" policies). Often dictatorial and insensitive to other people, Mr. Miller values rationality over human suffering while shoving through his preferred political policies (Sun Sign-Moon, Charles and Suzi Harvey #ad).

Now here's the rest of the post which contains a link to Stephen Miller's accurately timed natal horoscope, sans my usual scribbles.

And to close, here's a bi-wheel for your consideration:

Stephen Miller natal surrounds the genesis of Trump's "American Carn*ge" Party (Horoscope) (inner) based on Trump's threatening inaugural address of January 20, 2017 and which, hopefully, will be the only such diatribe We the People will ever have to endure whether Mr. Miller pens it or not:

Note: the January 20, 2017 horoscope is worth keeping our eyes on for transits such as relentless Pluto's power-mad conjunction to inaugural Midheaven and to US inaugural Sun, a cosmic marker for those who crave power and control. And with the Trump crowd of comrades, not in a good way. However, the better news is that Pluto will finally leave Saturn-ruled Capricorn, the placement a cosmic marker for The Dictator (R. Ebertin) so in Aquarius there could be a less dystopian-Utopian quality to our national leadership going forward with the rule of law still part of the deal--as long as we convict him while we can!

Aug 11, 2023

Trump Trial Jan 2, 2024: Only the Facts!

Will Scofflaw Trump Go On Trial in Jan 2024?

by Jude Cowell

In 2016 we discussed what some call the Hopi Star of Prophecy, Ras Alhague, the snake charmer and Alpha star of Ophiuchi and the star's conjunction with Donald Trump's natal Moon opposite natal Sun - thereby symbolically twinkling upon his Nodal Axis of destiny and fate. Apparently, the natural law of karma (reaping what's been sown) will be in the courtroom.

So perhaps it's merely a curious synchronicity that the DC Trial of Trump proposed for January 2, 2024 by Special Counsel Jack Smith shows testifying Mercury strong at Direct Station (22Sag11) in the Horoscope you see, below. Set for Washington DC at the speculative hour of 10:00 am est on January 2, 2024 with Trump's natal chart surrounding it, here's a marked-up bi-wheel in case the trial date holds, and just in case Trump hasn't flown the coup before then:

See what you think:

Not penned on either chart are Trump's natal Vertex (22Cap51 with his Saturn conjunct Anti-Vertex: double the karma!), and the Trump Trial Horoscope's 10:00 am Vertex (15Vir38); these are points of fated encounters.

Jun 29, 2023

Trump Mars Return 2023 and America's Book of Secrets

by Jude Cowell

You know that if it's true that there has existed for centuries an America's Book of Secrets, it would contain just the sort of valuable information that Mr. Trump would want to steal along with the purloined government documents taken as he reluctantly left the White House in 2021, and possibly nabbed while he resided there rent-free at the trough of US tax-payers.

Along with nuclear secrets stolen and passed around, this disturbing potential occurred to me last year but it was only when I glanced at the orange blighter's Mars Return 2023 Horoscope that I decided to mention the possibility in this post along with his Mars Return chart for 2023, as you see, below.

Notable is the Sabian Symbol for the return chart's Vertex ('VX'), a fated point of encounter which, when its degree is rounded-up gives,

"29Virgo": "A Man Gaining Secret Knowledge From an Ancient Scroll He Is Reading."

Note that Marc Edmund Jones uses the word paper in place of scroll, and the unmarked horoscope would have the Mars Return's VX in 7th house if I had marked the chart with my notes, plus, opposite is the Anti-VX (similar to an Ascendant) conjunct Neptune Rx rising, an unstable indication which may relate to health issues for the old fella, and to mysterious or inexplicable delays; that his Mars trines North Node and Midheaven suggests the continued support Trump receives from a small percentage of a deluded public:

Aspects to his Mars include the approach of Venus (desires increase; joint efforts; material concerns), a square from Uranus (unpredictable events; rash actions; disrupted relationships), and a close inconjunct, or quincunx, from rising Neptune Rx @27Pis40 suggesting complex conditions of intrigue, theft, loss, and/or health concerns which the man "overshadowed by shadows" will be dealing with, or will continue to deal with, over the next two years as timed by his Mars Return 2023.

A Related Post: On August 8, 2022 the FBI searched Mar-a-Lago for stolen documents: for Trump it was a Lunar Return and a Venus Return day.

Sep 8, 2021

DC Horoscopes Oct 2021: Saturn and Pluto turn Direct

by Jude Cowell

Wednesday September 8, 2021: Below is a dual image of the exact moments that two karmic planets Station and turn Direct in October 2021: Pluto @24Cap18:51 on October 6th, then Saturn @6AQ52:43 on October 10th.

As you know, Sabian Symbols of station degrees tend to be prominent in some way in relation to current circumstances: Pluto at "25Cap" = "An Oriental Rug Dealer" (perhaps representing 'dealer' Tr*mp with his 10th house natal Uranus 'oriental' = his guiding planet of chaos, disruption, and shocks to the system - oriental because his Uranus @17Gemini rises last before his natal Sun but the Symbol obviously may also relate to a Middle Eastern person or events such as Afghanistan withdrawals); Saturn at "7AQ" = "A Child Born of an Eggshell" which I've often used to suggest the Oval Office and its inhabitant, but can also relate to current issues over abortion, anti-abortion, Roe v Wade - and anti-women Taliban-esque laws in places like Texas.

See what you think October 6 and 10, 2021: Pluto Direct (lower left) and Saturn Direct (upper right):

Study notes are penned on the charts. A midpoint picture found in both charts is Neptune-Pluto (criminal syndicate/s, organized crime; crooks and swindlers) = expansive Jupiter @22AQ22/24 ("23AQ" = "A Big Bear Sitting Down and Waving All Its Paws" which always reminds me of Russia with its bear symbol, and of the wide-girthed Herr Tr*mp, the fraudster. Social and political pressures are additional potentials of this midpoint picture yet it may also denote a "Thank God" situation or exclamation!

Now I confess that having Tr*mp and his natal planets splatted all over these October 2021 horoscopes was not my druther but there he is (ex: his 2nd house Jupiter Stationed @17Lib27 features in both charts). Another point worth mentioning is that October 10, 2021 is the day of a Lunar Return for him and as you see, the Moon in the Saturn Direct chart is @21Sag05 so his Moon Return (21Sag12) perfects at 10:28:58 pm edt that evening. Ascending at that hour in Mar-A-Lago, FL will be 20Gem19 which allows his tiresome old Uranus-North-Node-Sun trio to rise once again. My apologies, but there it is. So obviously His Mouthiness has more to say, do, and pretend in his role as the worst, most vile albatross to hang around America's neck in US history. For as you know, he aggressively targets the American people with his malicious, vengeful venom as we see by his natal Mars rising in opposition to We the People's natal Moon.

Related: The current cycle of October 2021's two stationing planets began with the Great Conjunction of Saturn and Pluto @22Cap46 (a governmental degree) on January 12, 2020, which just happened to conjunct the natal Vertex (fated encounters) of Herr Tr*mp - our "representative" at the time and a cosmic synchroncity which emphasizes the karmic nature of US conditions and events.

Jul 16, 2019

Jan 10, 2020 Lunar Eclipse: "A Prima Donna Singing"

As you've noticed, the very first eclipse in 2020 is the Lunar Eclipse of January 10, 2020 @20Can00:13 (Saros #144), a critical degree which conjoins fixed star Castor (to write or create; sudden fame or loss; murder). Additionally on January 10th, the Moon rises with Castor's twin star, Pollux (cruelty; danger of disgrace; the occult; astrology). Please note that these are general potentials of the two stars and are not for a reader's personal application--please consult your chart or your personal astrologer for such information!

In Washington DC, the January 10th Lunar Eclipse perfects at 2:21:11 pm est during a Mercury Hour (changes) with Mercury @20Cap06 out-of-bounds (OOBs) yet by degree conjunct the Sun. Quite a full 8th house, as you see, when the chart is set for DC. Two days later (January 12th) karmic Saturn and Pluto meet in Great Conjunction @22Cap46 and as we've previously discussed, Donald Trump's natal Vertex @22Cap51 will be greeted by Saturn and Pluto's compressed energies. Therefore, fated encounters and/or changing work conditions are distinct possibilities for his nibs and thus for the American people.

In the realms of Politics and Business, turmoil in rigid or older systems and upsets in existing checks and balances are on the Saturn-Pluto to-do list, however, we're already experiencing such things under the wacky 'tutelage' of the racist, sexist, klannish Donald Trump whose roots are of the Germanic persuasion. If he's still kickin' around the White House in early January 2020 (as I suspect although it would be much better if he'd go back where he came from), he'll continue such activities as: hoarding resources, considering methods for destruction or removal, making secret preparations for future restrictions, and/or trying to keep his affairs private or not open to scrutiny (Munkasey).

So as you see, Mercury in Saturn-ruled Capricorn is chart-ruler and makes two applying Ptolemaic aspects in the Lunar Eclipse chart (penned on, lower left). First The Messenger (and planet of puers and puellas) conjoins Saturn (2A26) denoting how things may issue from this eclipse: negotiations and discussions may be hindered, restricted, or delayed, mutual planning might be frustrated, impasses or stalemates occur, and/or treaties are difficult to manage or debate; advice may be sought or given, serious meetings are held, and/or preparation becomes an important issue. Some indication of computer programming may be involved, perhaps in the form of hacks and/or leaks--and besides, all eclipses are 'wild cards' that tend to uncover secrets, disrupt events, and prompt changes of direction in similar fashion to erratic Uranus--especially Lunar Eclipses which are awareness-producing Full Moons.

Then soon Mercury conjoins Pluto (2A36) suggesting that ideas, information, and communications relate to how to gain more power and control, finances and investments may be involved, plus, secrets, intel, and propaganda are on someone's menu. Even orbital weapons and/or communications satellites may turn up as topics in the public discourse, or in private.

Now with the eclipsing Moon opposing Mercury, Saturn, Pluto, and the Sun and the Moon in a mundane chart representing the people and the public, what is suggested here? Lunar signs point toward potentials for: head vs heart, altering facts to suit the public mood (which is Cancerian = protection of home, family, food supply, homeland, business), indecision or vacillation, and/or someone who talks too much but says very little of substance (ex: politicians--and one in particular). Practical vs theoretical economics may be involved (a full corporate 8th house, too, with expansive Jupiter conjunct South Node (lack of popularity; limited funds) in restrictive Capricorn and there's difficult fixed star Facies nearby (ruthlessness or the victim). Note that with Moon opposing Pluto, criminal elements and violence are also suggested along with misuse of resources. Again, we've experienced such things already via Trump and his cronies, mob-connected and otherwise.

My suspicion is that very few Americans are holding their breaths for his nibs to install "the best people" in government for who with qualifications would take the risk after what we've seen? And Trump obviously never intended to make improvements, only to tear down. In fact, his efforts at sabotage have hollowed out the US government just as his handlers and enablers directed while allowing infesting infiltrators their run of the place for spoils and plunder (see the description of SO'W under its title, above--written in 2005: yes, I've been in a snit of miffdom for years over what criminals 'have done with the place'...our America, and I dissent because I care).

The rounded-up Sabian Symbol for the January 10, 2020 Lunar Eclipse @21Cancer: "A Prima Donna Singing"...'Keyword: EXCELLENCE...positive expression: an overflowing richness of self through its full command of its own deep and genuine potentials; negative expression: superficial affirmation and unseemly display' (Jones). I suggest you decide which is most often expressed (and tweeted) on behalf of Washington DC Politics these days.

Now there are a few other things I wish to include in this post then I'll hush and leave the chart/s to you, dear reader. One curious factor is unaspected Uranus @2Tau38 stationing and set to quirkily turn Direct in 6 hours 26 minutes. Plus, evaluating Venus and radical rebel Uranus, The Witness, are in Mutual Reception (on friendly terms) with 10th house Venus visible @28AQ23 (conjunct our 1776 Moon, more or less: harmony, sociability, romance?). So disruptive Uranus in the 12th house of Politics, Large Institutions, Karma, and Self-Undoing makes no aspect to other planets, therefore its genius and inventiveness are only operable in the 12th house; brief spurts of nervous energy (ex: tweeting) may be noticed along with discontent and restlessness, plus, Uranus' natural tendency toward detachment, independence, and insistence on freedom of action are sharpened here via isolation behind the scenes. Is this an intriguing cosmic picture of witnesses testifying from or toward the secretive 12th house of Hidden Enemies? And possibly feminine witnesses in the form of Lady Venus? For or against Trump? We can't know for certain until or if such testimony is given. Or tantalizingly obstructed, as the case may be.

But one thing is certain: that Uranus in Mercurial Gemini in natal 10th house is the oriental, or guiding, planet of Donald Trump and its tendencies are definite considerations in relation to the January 10, 2019 Lunar Eclipse chart with Uranus unaspected, for it echoes Trump's chaotic, 'freedom-loving' style of so-called 'leadership' and his love of disrupting everything around him and beyond.

To close, here is a DC Horoscope of the January 10, 2020 Lunar Eclipse chart's Prenatal Solar Eclipse ('PE') which perfects on December 26, 2019 @4Cap06:

If you wish, check out a previous post with astro-notes concerning the above 'Christmas' 2019 Solar Eclipse. Basically, from late 2019 into 2020 and beyond, our Cancer-Capricorn security issues are distilled or compressed within the 4-to-23-degree range of the two Cardinal signs (and squaring Aries-Libra) and nearby our US natal Mercury-Pluto opposition creeping, surveilling, and monitoring 24/7.

Related: US Mercury-Pluto opposition to be 'hit' by Saturn and Pluto. And for more star info see Anthony Louis' book Horary Plain and Simple.

Above image may not depict a prima donna but she is my drawing Singer in Blue.

Oct 20, 2018

DC Horoscope: Nov 8, 2018 Jupiter Enters Sagittarius

Jupiter to Sagittarius: Financial and Military Matters

by Jude Cowell

Two days after the 2018 Midterm Elections, on November 8, 2018 at 7:40 am est, transit Jupiter enters his own sign of Sagittarius just after the New Moon of November 7th @15Sco11. Below is the DC Horoscope of this cosmic event which marks a significant shift from the Mars-Pluto energies of intense, brooding Scorpio with its materialistic outlook:

Yet as you see, the shift may not be as light as we wish for there are several chart factors denoting both financial and military matters and a president unable to meet all demands or master all situations (Ebertin). This may be seen penned into the center of the chart as the difficult 'death axis' pair of Mars and Saturn combine their energies via midpoint directly upon America's POTUS Sun position (00AQ48 on Jan 20, 2017 = Trump). And of course, the Saturnian South Node, or 'tail of the dragon', is at a critical-crisis degree of 29Cap37 in the 2nd house of Values and the National Treasury, conjoining US Progressed ('SP') Pluto Rx. That two planets of karma are posited in the 2nd house as well with sign Capricorn intercepted suggests karmic conditions which must be dealt with because even Trump and America must reap what's been sown. Note that the Pluto-SN pairing also suggests potentials for war, violence, or other large-scale events which disrupt people's lives and are too large for mere mortals to handle. Refugees crashing trough border walls are suggested.

In Sagittarius, Jupiter emphasizes potentials for justice, religious and moral aspirations, making far-reaching plans, foreign concerns, but also wastefulness and speculation. Philosophically, a hint of Marxism may be involved or even bohemianism with this placement although given present conditions in US society, attempts to convert others to a particular system of beliefs is probably on the Jupiterian menu. This reminds me of the Bush-Cheney Vulcans' deceptive "hearts and minds" propaganda as they invaded and radicalized the Middle East against the West, plus, Jupiter can also play the role of The Broadcaster, for ill or good.

Now Jupiter enters Sagittarius during a Mars Hour, as you see, and Mars rules Scorpio --'27Scorpio' is emphasized by the Ascendant and Moon rising--'27Sco' = "A Military Band on the March". Of course, this may not be America's military band on the march but with impulsive Trump in the Oval Office, all bets are off in the predictability department. With warrior planet Mars as chart-ruler, he applies only once--a square with Jupiter. Potentials for the square are penned on the chart, lower left. Plus, Jupiter as actor in a horoscope also plays many parts such as politician, financier and banker, religious figures...and military Generals.

Jupiter's karmic confrontation degree of '30Scorpio' = "The Halloween Jester" (negative expression: contempt for established values") while his position @1Sag = "A Grand Army of the Republic Campfire (negative: unhealthy veneration for the past" (The Sabian Symbols in Astrology, Marc Edmund Jones). Having a cycle of approximately 12 years, of interest is that Jupiter last entered Sagittarius in November 2006 and on November 6, 2006, Democrats gained control of both the House and Senate in the 2006 Midterm Elections. Perhaps the history of the 2018 Midterms will rhyme, if not repeat, with Jupiter entering Sagittarius.

Just behind the rising Moon and Jupiter is little Mercury @10Sag = "A Golden=Haired Goddess of Opportunity" and Mr. Trump is nothing if not an opportunist as are his cabinet members under scrutiny for misuse of public funds and other unethical practices. Of course, communicating Mercury rules reporters and political pundits as well as voters and ballots and this Mercury squares the Career Point (MC) which denotes blockages in communications. We should also mention that the Midheaven ('MC'), the Goal Point of all horoscopes, points toward the 19 North Solar Eclipse of September 1, 2016 @9Vir21 with unstable Neptune opposite at the IC (Basis) of this horoscope. 19 North themes are: realism, coming down to earth and seeing something for what it really is, and tackling the truth (Brady). And there is radical chaos-creator Uranus Rx @29Ari55 in the 5th house of Speculation and Risk-Taking and in Nodal Degree, a fated or karmic condition as is the Cancer-Capricorn interception across the 2/8 axis of Money, Debt, and Corporatism with Uranus in Aries denoting blind zealots and Utopian anarchists (Ebertin).

As for the 19 North 'realism' eclipse and fraudulent, obscuring, eroding Neptune opposing it, we continue to find ourselves mired within truth vs fiction problems in large part due to Mr. Trump's fantasy-prone Mercury-Neptune square of falsehoods, misconceptions, and indiscretion for this manifestation of a 19 North Solar Eclipse is the Prenatal Eclipse of the 2016 presidential election and of Inauguration 2017 when saboteurs foreign and domestic placed Trump's fat finger on The Button. For a glimpse of the 2016 eclipse horoscope see The 2016 Eclipse That Heralded The Prevaricator.

Above Image: illustration for '12Cancer' = "A Chinese Woman Nursing a Baby with a Message" which Jones relates to "real community service"; ("negative expression: completely unreasonable demands for recognition") and of course one thinks of Trump's and America's financial links to China; pencil on black paper; image available in my Fine Art America portfolio.

Jul 20, 2018

Winter Solstice 2012, a haunting YOD, and Saturn-Pluto

Winter Solstice 2012, a YOD Pattern, and Fated Encounters at Vertex for Mr. Trump

by Jude Cowell

The well-publicized cosmic event of Winter Solstice 2012 presented us with a horoscope that cannot be forgotten for its configurations but also because the date times the ends of, or shifts in, various calendars and is said to symbolically spotlight a turning point for humanity. With its potentials of a 'turning point' or 'crossroads', the starkest figure within the 2012 chart is a YOD pattern with a Saturn-Pluto sextile at its base pointing like a 'Finger of God' toward Jupiter Rx @8Gem54 in 6th house (chart set for the White House Washington DC). And it's 8-8-8 degrees all around for this heavy weight trio of planets whose influences naturally continued into 2013 and beyond. Mr. Barack Obama was playing the presidential role then as you'll remember and, in the exalted realms of archetypes, representing many-armed Siva (Shiva), god of creation and destruction. Chilling. And for some crazy reason its statue is displayed near the Hadron Collider, a dangerous machine if there ever was one.

Yet after enduring almost two years of a Trump White House, Mr. Obama is being praised even by some conservatives like Max Boot who writes the He Would Take Obama Back in a Nanosecond. Well, I'd be there with ya, Mr. Boot, to welcome him back to the White House ('the people's house' and not Putin's playground!)

And perhaps it isn't significant but the Winter Solstice 2012 YOD pattern with the Saturn-Pluto sextile at its base points to 2012 Jupiter, as noted, but also to the Prenatal Solar Eclipse degree of Donald Trump in the 2 Old North series which just repeated @20Cancer41--onJuly 12 while he was overseas wilting next to Putin! 'Unfortunate news' is one of the potentials of a 2 Old North eclipse and there was certainly a huge amount of it attached to Trump's 'summit' with Vladimir Putin, especially upon Trump's return to US shores, and the criticism reverberates as I type 5 days later (hence Max Boot's op-ed linked above!)

Of course, Trump's PE of 1946 @9Gemini conjoins America's natal Uranus (8Gem55) so we can substitute Uranus for 2012 Jupiter in the formula and we have potentials for: Saturn-Pluto = US n Uranus: sudden changes or upsets in plans that concern important activities; reforms in the way punishment is given for important crimes; the erratic or uneven use of retaliatory measures (M. Munkasey). Noel Tyl adds some disturbing possibilities that deserve their own paragraph:

2012 Saturn-Pluto = 2012 Jupiter: trouble with authority; adoption of the austere; staying out of trouble; trying to save what's left. And with US Uranus: ~brutal efforts to start a new order~; an attack, regardless of potential losses. Of course, it took 'brutal efforts' back in Revolutionary days to establish our nation but that's actually the trouble--too many 'bosses in their own minds' think it's time for the 'new order' of 1776 to give way to a newer order which, they think, must be preceded by chaos--and they have Donald Trump as chaos agent for that. This Trumpian chaos creation reminds me too well of the themes of The Tower Solar Eclipse of August 11, 2018 upcoming--and he's known for his love of tower-building and for plastering his name all over them, the better to fall.

Saturn (government, law, business, limits) and Pluto (control, manipulation, transformation)

Now it's true that the Saturn-Pluto pairing is problematic for its cruelty, brutality, rage, fury of destruction, and a potential for hardship which sounds rather like Siva in destruction mode with the creative mode in regression. And most readers of my astro-blabs are well aware that the Saturn-Pluto cycle of about 33 years' duration begins anew on January 12, 2020 when the old man and the saboteur precisely conjoin one time only @22Cap43--conjunct the natal Vertex (Point of Fated Encounter) of Donald Trump (22:46)! Of course, both planets link to the devil and Hades but that's a post of a different hue.

Whether Trump meets with Saturn and Pluto or he forces their combined energies onto others is unknown to yours truly since Astrology's AC-DC currents can direct in either direction depending, or can denote alternating energies. But I do know that it should be one but may turn out to be the other. Fate is fickle that way yet karma always rolls around, no matter the level of a person's wealth and privilege. Is Mr. Trump destined (Vertex) to encounter Saturn-Pluto's strength and harshness or rule with it? Already the Cager of Children has shown signs of harshness and cruelty which would be most unfortunate for the entire world. And as you know, Trump admires aloud such harsh traits in other despots and longs for their type of 'independence' to act. Well, a Saturn-Pluto sextile suggests control issues on its own, and involves power and the withholding of information in order to retain it. Sounds rather like Putin holding something over Trump's head, doesn't it? Perhaps hotel tapes, money laundering crimes, or whatever? Even worse may be imagined since we don't actually know!

Then to the Saturn-Pluto conjunction we should add Nicholas de Vore's symbol for the degree of '23 Capricorn' (rounded up) where they meet on January 12, 2020 and we have an appropriate symbol of "governmental authority" which makes me wonder if Donald Trump will wield it--or by then will governmental authority finally catch up with his wayward ways and snatch him sideways?

Conjunctions of Saturn and Pluto 1914--2020:

October 4, 1914 @2Can14; November 1, 1914 @2Can04; May 19, 1915 @00Can54 (a Cardinal World Point of Manifestation: WWI); August 11, 1947 @13Leo07; November 8, 1982 @27Lib36; January 12, 2020 @22Cap46.

Aug 19, 2013

Was CIA Chief behind Michael Hastings' death? (video)

If you've had your suspicions about the fiery car crash that (conveniently for The Empire) killed journalist Michael Hastings (who is said by his wife to have been working on an article about John Brennan), here's a 5-minute+ video with just such a theme:

And if you haven't seen the 'car crash' horoscope, click here but a warning: video taken just after the crash is included in my post.

You'll notice in the horoscope that America's natal Uranus @8Gem55 is rising as is warring activist Mars in transit. Also, restrictive authority Saturn @5Sco07 Rx conjoins the Vertex, a point of fated encounters which may include death and sudden endings, plus, the Moon @18Lib59 reflects US SP Mars, retrograde by progression since Summer 2006.

Jan 17, 2008

Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr: April 4, 1968

Never can I fully express the sadness and horror felt as I watched the TV news shouting out the assassination of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. in 1968--another one gone leaving America once again an assassination nation oppressed by unnamed murderers and political fanatics...the chaos creators.

One of my Gather friends, Andrew, has captured the times and feelings better than I ever could in his A Poem on the Anniversary of Dr. King's Birth which inspires me to publish the chart of Rev. King's assassination with his natal planets added by hand on the chart of April 4, 1968, 6:01 pm CST, Memphis, TN.

With my usual chickenscratch, you see I've run out of space around the outside of the chart, so I've listed King's natal placements coded in green.

Pink marks the Eclipse Series (6North) in which this murder took place, with asteroid, Icarus (assassination; flying too high; risk-taking) nearby and tr Chiron (the Wounded Healer/Christ archetype) at Aries Point (AP) of fame and prominence. Rev. King had become too prominent, too loved, and too listened to for the men in charge.

6N Series: relationship to authority/father figures and the need to take control; another's illness/unreliability brings commitments and responsibilities (Brady's Predictive Astrology.) 6N last manifested April 19, 2004 and was the PE Series of the 2004 US presidential election. Um-hmm.

(Note: any reference made here to 'MLK' or 'King' is for the sake of blogging brevity and implies no disrespect for Reverend King for I have none.)

With America's natal Sun at MC, this mayhem was carried out on behalf of America's goals and objectives, pathetic and cruel as it was, and the US n Jupiter and Venus are piled up at the top of the chart as well. Cancer is a very self-protecting sign, as you know, and there was much at stake in 1968 - for war profiteering must go on, as we see ad nauseum.

The chart shows the Moon 2Can08 being oppressed by the cruel Saturn/Pluto midpoint. Saturn/Pluto together = reactionaries; violent people; criminals and with Cupido conj Moon we have a vivid picture of the violence against Rev. King, his wife (Moon), and the American people (Moon in a national or event chart.)

And btw: the Pentagon's natal Mars (sniper/sharpshooter?) is conj the Moon, Saturn/Pluto, and Cupido. In a national chart, Mars represents the military, police, activists, etc.

Saturn/Pluto = Moon: cold feelings; renunciation; a tragic destiny.

Asteroid, Cupido = The Family; crime syndicates; corporatism. Pluto/Chiron (plutocracy) 25gem34 in 9th house of philosophy along with the Mercury/Pluto midpoint = powerful persuasion...King's ability to sway the People. His speeches had become very inconvenient to the empire.

Sun 15Ari16, signifying Dr. King on the level of 'leader' is being inhibited by controlling Saturn (authority) which repressed his self-expression in the worst way possible--his death.

Sun may also represent the president of the nation repressing King's authority (Saturn)--it works in both directions as does everything in life and thus, in Astrology as it describes life.

Violent instigator, Mars (male, appr age 25--35) is conj tr Vertex (VX), a point of destined encounter. On this day in 1968, tr Mars/VX conjuncted Rev. King's natal Chiron 5Tau25 at the moment of his murder, with asteroid Arachne (network, including spying networks; web; entanglements) there as well.

Did US intell agencies hire criminals to perpetrate this unholy act against a preacher of the Word? (Anti-vertex in Scorpio.) Did the president or his Party have a satanic claw in it? The Sabian Symbol for the DESC degree, "11Ari" = "The president of the country"...I'm just sayin'...

Opposite the Saturn/Pluto midpoint is asteroid, Atlantis, one of the significators for America, keywords: abuse of power; feeling doomed.

Most people are aware now--if they weren't at the time--that King's plans to unite protestors for civil rights with protestors against the Vietnam War was a huge worry for the US government esp since the Civil Rights Act had been passed and Rev. King was more free to voice his longtime convictions against the war.

For then--as NOW--a wrong-acting government has everything to fear from such large numbers of the People, whom they supposedly represent, and in whose name they supposedly act. Rev. King represented a father figure who could--and would--unite the People for the common good and for right-acting that should be inspired from a higher plane than the Oval Office.

Rising at 6:01 pm CST in Memphis was the spiritual midpoint of Jupiter (the preacher) and Neptune (spirituality), a midpoint combo which has both positive and negative connotations...a mixture of both depending on motivations:

Pos: the grand spirit; idealism; religion; ESP; benevolence; humanitarianism; visualization; dreamers ("I have a dream," and "the mountaintop" speech of April 3); ability to shape things; mysticism; art, music.

Neg: speculators; wastrels and spendthrifts; hypocrites; ideals vs reality; gain without effort; scandals; losses; political conflicts.

Jup/Neptune = ASC: a visionary; speculaton; sharing great hopes with others; living in an unreal world; living in a world lighted by personal imagination and an emotionally rationalized agenda.

This is an important part of the chart--the ASC is the WHAT? Point and so it equals the assassination itself--Dr. King's death. "An emotionally rationalized agenda" seems to me to be a must if you travel in the circles that assassinate well-loved leaders of the nation you're determined to control and persuade to accept your selfish ends.

As I type that statement, I'm reading the midpoint picture created by tr Uranus/Pluto (fresh from their mid-60s Conjunction which caused so many of my generation to take to the streets...the Uranus/Pluto duo = overturning the status quo; new perspectives; attainment of great goals through great effort; upsets and tension; revolution; collapse of the old order, building the new; the process of transformation)..and it's pointing to America's natal Neptune...

Uran/Pluto = Neptune: falsehoods, lies; fraud; the desire to harm others secretly; delving into supernatural realms; sympathy; unfulfilled wishes; fatigue.

This picture among generational (slower-moving) planets would have been a background influence of the day (not only on April 4, 1968) and would've affected many dimensions of life...and is one of the reasons I referred to America's 'wrong-acting' above.

Please click to enlarge the chart for a few more of my notes, for being fatigued myself, I shall close with the *Images for the Sun Aries/Moon Cancer blend for April 4, 1968, 6:01 pm CST:

The Salvation Army...A lightening storm at sea gives way to a peaceful, radiant dawn.