, pub-4599738212880558, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0, pub-4599738212880558, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0

Dec 1, 2023

Dec 1, 2023 George Santos expelled from Congress!

Under a YOD pattern's influences of crisis, turning point, karmic opportunity, and/or a special task (with possible health implications), indicted grifter George Santos was expelled from the 118th Congress this very morning by 311 to 114.

Now as you see below, the base of the YOD pattern is formed by a Mercury-Saturn sextile with this morning's Moon at apex along with the natal Sun of Mr Santos. It seems that a personal completion of some sort has occurred for Mr. Santos with Moon-to-natal-Sun and transiting Luna as timing device. Potentials are penned on, lower right corner.

A Bi-Wheel of DC Horoscopes: George Santos "noon" natal (inner) surrounded by today's transits at 11:20 am est which is the time I deduced from watching C-SPAN when the overwhelming vote to expell the Republican grifter occurred:

Other planetary contacts are in force as well such as the 11:20 am IC (Endings) conjunct the natal Jupiter of Santos (@00Gemini+ = Alcyone: "something to cry about" - the end of his lucrative career of financial schemes), and today's Sun conjunct his natal Neptune-Pluto midpoint which is the axis of Organized Crime and/or Strange Influences.

Few study notes are added to the bi-wheel but you'll spy other contacts between the charts, I'm certain, so do as you will and as you want!

Please note today's timing may be off a bit but the Moon-to-Sun and other transits hold true.

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