by Jude Cowell, Protestant and partisan for democracy
With the traditional separation between church and state under serious attack in America, the machinations of certain evangelicals and Christian Nationalist operatives are in the news each day as they envision America becoming a restrictive, paternalistic theocracy.
Along those lines, below is an interesting horoscope showing the planets' positions on the morning (using "10 am est") of December 12, 2020, the Jericho March organization's first official effort against the corruption in politics. Then on the morning of January 6, 2021, this group of folks, inspired by Joshua fittin' the Battle of Jericho (Joshua 6), encircled the US Capitol Building, marching as it were, with high expectations that the Walls of Washington would come tumbling down. And as we can see in the horoscope, they were on a mission, led by the Scorpio Moon and with Altair the Eagle rising ("1AQ": "An Old Adobe Mission") which is way far on the Roman Catholic side for me--that influence would be Mrs. Weaver).
Well, on January 6th we saw rioters and looters for Trump, violent people climbing Capitol walls, but the walls of democracy held against the barbarians, and things didn't turn out the way Trump had hoped. He's still trying to take over though!
So see what you can make of the above horoscope. You'll notice contacts with Trump natal planets such as Sun conjunct his Moon @22Sagittarius (a sense of completion, but with his neurotic South Node nearby), his 10th house Gemini trio spotlighted by the North Node (basically his Nodal Return), and the influential Lunar Eclipse @8Gem38 of November 30, 2020 conjunct his 2 Old North Solar Eclipse (@8Gem48) while simultaneously eclipsing US 1776 Uranus, our totem planet of war and revolution (@8Gem55). And as we know, disruptive Uranus plus an eclipse is a cosmic shout-out to zealots and anarchists behaving against society.
Then for the cosmic weather of December 12, 2020, the overzealous Sun Sag-Moon Scorpio pairing tells a tale of moralistic intensity, overcritical attitudes toward weaker souls, exacting judgments, rebellion, and a tendency to condemn contrary views. Self-righteousness seems a given, yes? Which, at its worst, leads to forcing one's religion on others with tragic results.
Finally, this steamy, scalding Fire-Water blend sports an apt Image for Integration, as you might agree:
"A missionary sees himself as a secret agent for God."
(Sun Sign-Moon Sign, The Harveys #ad.)
And the themes of the 4 North Solar Eclipse at a Cardinal World Point of manifestation (00Can21) under which the Jericho March folks began their marching campaign?
Restriction, restraint, separation, illusion, obstacles, a tendency to misjudge strength and/or the situation (paraphrasing B. Brady).
So there it is: yet another facet of complexity added to the church-state crisis that We the People are currently facing, whether all of us realize it or not.
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