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Showing posts with label J6. Show all posts
Showing posts with label J6. Show all posts

Jun 6, 2024

Bannon for Prison: Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Rand

by Jude Cowell, partisan for democracy

Admittedly, soon-to-report-to-prison-by-July-1st Steve Bannon (BBC News), podcasting bigmouth promoting lawless Tr*mpism, has for years reminded me of historical figure Albert Pike both in physical looks (check out Albert's photo), and ideologically from sedition to the dream of a third world war and global fascist domination, all Uranian pursuits of chaos, disruption, and mayhem.

Actually, their shared anti-humanity agenda has sometimes been put in the category of "Utopian Idealism" in which lawlessness is the ruination of civilization (and the bad guys win), and Ayn Rand's sociopathic idolatry of serial murder is alleged to be the "moralistic" way to exist - selfishly by objectivizing other people. If you're not one of the ones deemed by narcissistic sociopaths to be dispensible, that is.

Of course, since 1776 this American experiment is about mankind's ability to govern himself but that's not what Uranian zealots want - they're determined to be the ones doing the governing like feudal overlords holding all the wealth and privileges. And all spearheaded by a "president" gifted with total immunity for any crime he's in the mood to quixotically commit, including murder, Ayn Rand's favorite. In other words, no one will be safe, even the enablers of their psychopathy.

For background see How Ayn Rand Became An Admirer of a Serial Killer (not for the squeamish). And here's a view of Rand's natal horoscope where we find her natal Chiron now visited by transit Pluto, the Plutocracy duo, and her natal Venus, apex of a T-Square, is lingeringly contacted by transit Neptune @29Pisces. She'll get no glamorous portrait from me!

Now I prefer never to chortle over the misfortune of others but if I relent, it always concerns what they're reaping due to their own sorry behavior. This is what I call karma - reaping what's been sown, a natural law that no earthling can escape forever. Yet despite this, if Steve Bannon does see the inside of a jail cell, I'm certain he'll manage to make as much out of it as possible. Sabotage by Uranian zealots goes on!

Pike, Tr*mp, Bannon: Jupiterian Figures with Uranian Intent

Above you see a NASA portrait of planet Jupiter. But for the scheming podcaster's natal chart details try: Steve Bannon: In the Realms of Jupiter.

And so a typical cussedness we've seen a lot lately in US politics has been denial of responsibility by the guilty, and we can easily plop the names of scofflaws Bannon and Tr*mp in the blank spaces. Therefore, a reluctant peek at current planetary transits to Bannon's natal planets had to be done with an emphasis on Saturnian responsibility. Here is the primary transit I discovered:

On June 14, 2024, transit Saturn @19Pis14 sesquisquares his natal Saturn @4Scorpio, which marks a period of complexity when Herr Bannon must face up to his responsibilities. It's a karmic time finally come, and he'll reap what's been sown and, if he's smart, he'll correct past mistakes, if he's willing.

For as you know, this legal predicament issues from his lack of response to a congressional subpoena concerning the J6 coup attempt, with lawmakers and an authoritative subpoena falling obviously under the auspices of planet Saturn and the fact that Bannon was called to Capitol Hill to account for himself, a societal responsibility which he declined to fulfill.

May 8, 2024

A J6 Solar Return Horoscope for 2025

A Forewarned Is Forearmed SO'W Post

by Jude Cowell, partisan for democracy

A topic of discussion for political pundits these days is that Donald and his never-give-up comrades are likely to be planning another J6-style coup attempt of the US government which may include violence, so I set up the J6 Solar Return Horoscope for 2025 to see what we could see.

Instead of a physical attack, cyber warfare is a likely method of taking control (ex: Election 2024), or, some virulent combination of physical and cyber may be under consideration by these win-at-any-cost ruffians and thugs. In addition, it remains uncertain if stolen documents are being held over certain heads in order to force Donald's will for power and retaliation upon our country - in other words, to force his way back to the power that nests within the White House, thus pleasing his foreign bosses, comrades, and financiers.

Potentially, a second coup attempt could occur in 2024, of course, but let's focus on the 2025 Solar Return ("SR") of the Breach! J6 Horoscope (with US 1776 Uranus rising at 2:15 pm est when the Capitol Building was breached: Uranus = shock, revolt, and/or assault) for the chart shows us the planetary energies in play on the day of the 2021 coup attempt's 4th anniversary, January 6, 2025, at the very moment the Sun returns to its J6 position in 2021. No, I'm not saying that this is the exact day that saboteurs may take further action against America, however, the 2025 Return Horoscope merely symbolizes possibilities and trends of such anti-government behavior.

Mars-Pluto: Force, Brutality, Atomic Energy; Uranus-ASC: Upsets, Excitement

The current Mars-Pluto Cycle (use of force; violent measures) began on February 14, 2024 @00AQ46. What must be mentioned is the Mars-Pluto opposition which is Angular (prominent - like a Full Moon phase in their cycle), and radical zealot Uranus Rx rising - doubly Angular for it lands upon the natal Midheaven ('MC') of Mr. Trump indicating a potential for a major job change (Uranus-ASC = n MC); this is if his fascist authoritarian dream of dystopia comes true, or if he's somehow knocked out of the running and must make other arrangements:

ASC 23Tau52 makes unaspected Venus in Pisces the chart-ruler with unusual perspectives, lack of self-control, an impressionable nature, and isolation (R. Ebertin) more or less in charge. At MC, the Goal Point, we find manipulative, wealthy Pluto in Aquarius with exaggerated plans for reform, or, popular plans for bringing folks together as a community. Obviously, this depends on who manages to nab the presidency in November 2024. Also of note: mundane Pluto can wear a variety of hats including that of The Pope, the spy, and/or the assassin.

The Solar Return Sun and Moon

Sun @16Cap41 conjuncts asteroid Hopi, known for its association with ambushes and prejudice, while the Sun applies twice: 1. square Chiron which spotlights a potential for gaining center stage by a restless character, and 2. trine Uranus which implies technological cooperation, and novel or unusual ideas and methods. Notably, the J6 Sun also opposes the natal Nemesis (16Can40) of Herr Trump which may symbolize little more than his nibs' challenge to national leadership and his determination toward retribution for his loss.

When a Solar Return Moon is in Aries, a new element can be expected within the environment, and heading in a new direction is indicated (C. Teal). However, the square from the Capricorn Sun shows conflict through insensitive or arrogant people making unrealistic demands that interrupt or interfere with our druthers. In 12th house, a SR Moon suggests a period of reflection, recuperation, or possibly confinement. The Moon-Chiron conjunction places an emphasis on patriotism, while the Moon-Jupiter sextile offers assistance and a ray of hope (A. Oken).

As for J6 SR 2025's Earth-Fire Sun Capricorn-Moon Aries blend of conscious and unconscious energies, its "Image for Integration" tells a tale all its own:

"A Roman City-State Is Attacked by Barbarians But Its Solid Walls Keep Marauding Bandits At Bay" (The Harveys). Well, it worked before, may it do so again!

Meanwhile, orating Mercury, the messenger planet in late Sagittarius is the ruthless executive leading a Locomotive shape of planets and in Jupiter-ruled Sag may denote the rhetoric of a religious figure (real or imagined). Provocation, aggressive language, and abuse are in the mix via the Mercury-Mars inconjunct, and the aggression could possibly transfer energies into physical activities, or enthuse others into taking action. Additionally, the deceptive, fantasy-prone, skewed perceptions of the Mercury-Neptune square echo the same square in the natal chart and psyche of malicious schemer, Herr Trump.

Activist Mars @The Foundation

Significantly, warrior planet Mars @30Cancer ("A Daughter of the American Revolution") is out-of-bounds ('OOBs') so who knows what he (or she!) is up to off on his/her own yet can also represent foreign actors as can ivory tower Pluto in 9th house of Foreign Lands and Legal Affairs. My suspicion is that outside agitators should be expected to enter our domestic scene (IC) in order to participate, a ploy we've already seen in current campus upheavals, and have experienced in the past (ex: DNC 1968 Chicago).

The Love of Money Is the Root of All Evil

Financial indicators (exs: embezzlement; foreign raids; more tax breaks; bribery) are bunched around the 2nd cusp of the National Treasury and Earning Ability and include Jupiter, gold-hoarding Midas, and Cupido, asteroid of Corporatism, The Syndicate, the mafia, and/or 'The Family' (also a reference to the power-craving "religious" fundamentalist group in DC that journalist/author Jeff Sharlet has written about and which was made into a Netflix documentary). Then on a more positive note, US employment numbers may continue to impress!

The Jupiter-Saturn Cycle Squared

As you know, their 20-year cycle began with the Conjunction of December 21, 2020 @00AQ+ (conjunct the current Mars-Pluto Cycle @00AQ+), and it would take an additional post for more than a mention of the Jupiter-Saturn Cycle once January 6, 2025 rolls around. For as you see, generous Jupiter in Gemini (Rx until early February 2025) and restrictive Saturn in Pisces (conjunct the Republican Party's 1854 Neptune in mid-Pisces: the grim face of reality transit) are at a square stage of blockages and obstacles. Specifically, we may expect projects to begin before previous projects end, some financial imbalance, and of course, there's the pair's typical association in government of checks and balances which could be part of this picture especially considering the afore-mentioned marauding bandits in the form of the seditious saboteurs, foreign and domestic, who continue to afflict the US government - our government.

Well, there you have my look at the J6 Solar Return Horoscope for 2025. Other planetary factors exist which may stand out more clearly to you, or which may take precedence as we approach Election 2024 and enter the New Year. A variety of transits and progressions will certainly change the cosmic picture substantially along with events as-yet unknown, so let's keep our chins up, our eyes peeled, and fervently hope that our solid walls hold as needed, shall we?

Related posts include: America, Neptune-Pluto, and Organized Crime and The 119th Congress Opens (January 3, 2025 horoscope shown).

May 7, 2024

On the Eclipse of NBC TV

Herr T's Bullhorn for Subversion

by Jude Cowell, partisan for democracy

In recent posts yours truly has been known to fuss over how The Apprentice TV show (2004) gave NY playboy Donald a major opportunity to promote the rumor that he was a "successful businessman." If you still believe this absurd fallacy, then reading Stars Over Washington may not be for you! This is your cue to skedaddle away for best results.

Because for one thing, the good people of New York City knew then and know now that Donald was a mobbed-up "contractor" and a deadbeat in the success and finance departments. Unless we count his experience with money laundering for various entities.

Yes, it was NBC's "reality" TV show that ultimately led to Donald's 2016 campaign for the presidency and, aided by Russia, wealthy corporatists, and a hype-believing public, Donald managed to coup the White House as if he'd won the 2016 Election. And you know the rest.

NBC: A Subsidiary of Comcast

My point is that these twisted political conditions have angered me into a snit of miffdom ever since the orange blighter rode the escalator on the morning of June 16, 2015 at the Gemini New Moon and had someone pay a casting-call audience below to listen to his bigoted swill. Therefore, I must consider The Apprentice's creator Mark Burnett (follow the link, above) partially responsible for the anti-democracy campaign against America and the American people, while a large amount of blame for our predicament must also fall upon NBC, nowadays a subsidiary of Comcast.

Therefore, above is a Horoscope of the 13 South Solar Eclipse which influenced the April 19, 1939 founding of NBC TV. (NBC Radio was founded earlier on June 19, 1926 under the influence of an 18 South Eclipse of endings, partings, grief), but it's the TV division of NBC now starring in this fussy post. Of course, you notice that 1939 is the year that World War Two began when Naz* Herr Adolf invaded Poland.

Now as you can see, 13 South themes are listed on the chart, compliments of Bernadette Brady, and include some sinister energy underneath. Plus, there's a revealing square from Pluto (opposing US 1776 Pluto in Capricorn which also squares the eclipse); potentials are listed on the chart. Activist Mars @15Capricorn leads a Locomotive shape of the planets (the ruthless executive), and don't miss Saturn in Aries at Midheaven, too (see upper right corner). The two planets (actors) were possibly a team since they're in friendly Mutual Reception with one another, and Mars is exalted in Capricorn.

Then there's mass media planet Neptune Rx @21Vir01 conjunct Denebola (going against society) so basically Neptune is in process of performing a US Neptune Return (@22Vir25 in 1776) which suggests a confusing period when ideals can shift or be shifted by propaganda and/or advertising, and the mass employment situation wasn't going well as WWII was brewing abroad and the Great Depression was ruining lives.

Now in addition, the 13 South Eclipse of 1939 @28Ari43 conjoined fixed star Mirach ("girdle" of the Princess in the Andromeda Constellation with its restrictive Saturnian nature and Venusuian flavor: the ladies). Then to me, the Uranus-Midas conjunction (see below) suggests the network's (and other media outlets) tendency to create massive fortunes thanks to the radical activities of Uranus the zealous chaos-creator (ex: the J6 coup attempt, ongoing; and the old "if it bleeds, it leads" mantra of news outlets) while simultaneously taking advantage of the quirky planet's novel, innovative creative content that entertains, surprises, and delights the public - or, stirs up the masses, positively or negatively.

Plus, you also notice the Earth Grand Trine in the 13 South horoscope, a protective, creative closed circuit of energies beween Mars-Uranus-Neptune with radical planet Uranus @16Taurus conjunct gold-loving Midas, as noted, and pointing ahead toward the position of radical reactionary Uranus @16Taurus conjunct the 2022 Midterms Lunar Eclipse when rabid Maga-ites managed to infest the US House of Representatives, spouting their Russian talking points and sporting AR-15 lapel pins. Certain corporations have financially supported this - see corporate Cupido in 4th house,.

Then perhaps you remember that a German Media Baron supported the rise of Hitl*r who thought he should rule the world. Oh the compensating absurdity of some men's massive egos.

In closing, you've probably seen ProPublica's updated list of corporations that vowed to suspend their financial support of J6 politicians just after the 2021 attack yet a number of them have continued supporting election denial after all. You'll easily spy Comcast at number 5.

Well, that's enough fussing for today, so if you've managed to read this far, my thanks and kudos to you! jc

Mar 20, 2024

Devin Nunes outed for his Russian ties

Official portrait: Devin Nunes in happier days

Are Dark Deeds Ever Really Hidden?

by Jude Cowell, partisan for the common good

When astro-notes concerning Republican Devin Nunes were published here in 2018, the fact of his involvement with the Russian propaganda campaign on Trump's behalf was suspected by some folks such as myself. Well today, Lev Parnas testified in a "Maga" House hearing revealing the complicity of Senator Ron Johnson - and former Representive Devin Nunes as Russian agents.

Once again, getting "dirt" on Joe Biden in order to "smear" his reputation and character just isn't working out as planned for Trumpist Republicans in Congress, most likely because there isn't any. Besides, who in US politics could possibly compare with arch villain Trump's level of skullduggery and disloyalty? Why, Donald is known as agent orange in some quarters!

Devin Nunes Center Stage: Peep-Eye!

Below is the Russian operative's natal data along with a few of the current planetary contacts that stand out in my estimation, although you certainly may discover more:

Devin Nunes October 1, 1973 7:07 am pdt Tulare, California; RR: AA; Moon @7Sag13 conjunct Neptune; ASC 10Lib23 where the 8 South Eclipse will land on October 2, 2024 with its themes of "loss, separation, sad partings"; possible "overstrain and/or physical injury" (B. Brady). Therefore, caution is advised!

However, the most current wild card of the Universe has to be the May 25, 2024 Lunar Eclipse @5Libra for it casts its revealing spotlight upon Mr. Nunes' natal Pluto (4Lib26) and brings his natal Sun (8Lib15) into the picture with the Sun-Pluto pair known for craving power and control. You'll remember that Trump's natal 2nd house Neptune will be lit up like a pinball machine by this Lunar Eclipse on Monday. And apparently the natal Pluto of Devin Nunes along with it. Interesting how their Neptune-Pluto connection showcases the organized crime duo of Neptune-Pluto.

Then there's Nunes' natal Chiron @19Ari05 which reveals that his Chiron Return is actually a five-fer. The first Return occurred June 7, 2023, the second on September 7, 2023, and the third conjunction soon occurs on April 3, 2024; this is his closest return to the visionary 8 North Great American Eclipse of April 8, 2024 @19Ari24 conjunct transit Chiron (also @19Ari24) which basically is his Chiron Return #3 of 5 - so his Chiron is eclipsed.

Adding complexity to his April Chiron Return will be a Moon-Pluto Conjunction @1AQ+ which conjuncts his natal Jupiter @2AQ18. This could possibly bring him some luck, or at least it may suggest a way out of an uncomfortable situation. Or not. Instead, it could indicate a cosmic light shone upon certain financial issues (Jupiter), a secret child or an affair, and/or involvement with violent actions such as the J6 coup attempt. Either way, deep emotions are certain to be expressed to and/or by him. Having a Chiron-Uranus opposition, facing deep emotions realistically is not one of his skills, nor is honoring the ideals of others with whom he disagrees.

Then the fourth conjunction of Chiron-to-his-Chiron perfects on December 15, 2024, with his final Chiron Return coming on January 12, 2025. Whew! Quite an extended period of time, so it seems that Mr. Nunes has multiple lessons to learn from his natal Chiron in Aries, restless maverick with a yen for power that he is.

So! These are the soon-coming planetary contacts I see for Mr. Devin Nunes. What fall-out will occur from today's hearing on Capitol Hill and the testimony of Lev Parnas remains to be seen and I'm certain political pundits will inform us. That is, unless Republicans somehow manage to cover it up or spin it to their satisfaction with an election coming up.

Besides, one ace up their anti-American sleeves is that everyone knows how short the memories of US voters can be.

But hold on: because Crooks and Liars has this: Lev Parnas' Testimony Blows the Biden Impeachment Out of the Water!

Feb 23, 2024

The J6 Jericho March Horoscope

by Jude Cowell, Protestant and partisan for democracy

With the traditional separation between church and state under serious attack in America, the machinations of certain evangelicals and Christian Nationalist operatives are in the news each day as they envision America becoming a restrictive, paternalistic theocracy.

Along those lines, below is an interesting horoscope showing the planets' positions on the morning (using "10 am est") of December 12, 2020, the Jericho March organization's first official effort against the corruption in politics. Then on the morning of January 6, 2021, this group of folks, inspired by Joshua fittin' the Battle of Jericho (Joshua 6), encircled the US Capitol Building, marching as it were, with high expectations that the Walls of Washington would come tumbling down. And as we can see in the horoscope, they were on a mission, led by the Scorpio Moon and with Altair the Eagle rising ("1AQ": "An Old Adobe Mission") which is way far on the Roman Catholic side for me--that influence would be Mrs. Weaver).

Well, on January 6th we saw rioters and looters for Trump, violent people climbing Capitol walls, but the walls of democracy held against the barbarians, and things didn't turn out the way Trump had hoped. He's still trying to take over though!

So see what you can make of the above horoscope. You'll notice contacts with Trump natal planets such as Sun conjunct his Moon @22Sagittarius (a sense of completion, but with his neurotic South Node nearby), his 10th house Gemini trio spotlighted by the North Node (basically his Nodal Return), and the influential Lunar Eclipse @8Gem38 of November 30, 2020 conjunct his 2 Old North Solar Eclipse (@8Gem48) while simultaneously eclipsing US 1776 Uranus, our totem planet of war and revolution (@8Gem55). And as we know, disruptive Uranus plus an eclipse is a cosmic shout-out to zealots and anarchists behaving against society.

Then for the cosmic weather of December 12, 2020, the overzealous Sun Sag-Moon Scorpio pairing tells a tale of moralistic intensity, overcritical attitudes toward weaker souls, exacting judgments, rebellion, and a tendency to condemn contrary views. Self-righteousness seems a given, yes? Which, at its worst, leads to forcing one's religion on others with tragic results.

Finally, this steamy, scalding Fire-Water blend sports an apt Image for Integration, as you might agree:

"A missionary sees himself as a secret agent for God."

(Sun Sign-Moon Sign, The Harveys #ad.)

And the themes of the 4 North Solar Eclipse at a Cardinal World Point of manifestation (00Can21) under which the Jericho March folks began their marching campaign?

Restriction, restraint, separation, illusion, obstacles, a tendency to misjudge strength and/or the situation (paraphrasing B. Brady).

So there it is: yet another facet of complexity added to the church-state crisis that We the People are currently facing, whether all of us realize it or not.

Jan 23, 2024

Elise Stefanik July 2, 1984

by Jude Cowell, partisan for democracy over fascism

From the Wikipedia page of Republican congress member Elise Stefanik we learn that she was born July 2, 1984 in Albany, New York, with Sun in Cancer, Moon in either Leo or Virgo, and under the restrictive rays of a 4 North Solar Eclipse.

So below, without a known birth hour and a mispelled surname (mea culpa!), is what little I can ascertain about Trump supporter Elise Stefanik based on a noon natal horoscope; note that Stefanik has done a complete one-eighty concerning the J6 insurrection/coup attempt and now shills on behalf of D. John Trump and wants to be Trump's running mate, says a recent op-ed in The Guardian:

And here's an unmarked noon horoscope with Stefanik's name spelled correctly:

Oct 12, 2023

American Revolution's Eclipse Aug 2027

As in 1775 Themes Repeat with the 11 South in 2027

by Jude Cowell on behalf of democracy and the common good

Back in the olden days of December 2012, the Horoscope of the American Revolution was published here on SO'W with a few planetary and historical details added such as the war's hidden dynamic.

Below is an excerpt from my December 2012 post which, in my mind, relates to the J6 coup attempt by sore loser Trump and his followers, the extremists, anarchists and zealots willing to overthrow the government of the nation that my Revolutionary War ancestors sacrificed, fought, and died to help establish. 'Maga' hotheads have even had the audacity to cite what they called their "1776 moment" as if their violent, traitorous sabotage of the US Congress that day was in league with the revolt of 1775 against the British monarchy. So actually, they even had the year wrong!

And yet, 'under cover' of the American Revolution, Trump's thugs and maga politicians have sought to justify what was a sore loser attempt to physically force a second Trump "presidency" upon the majority of American voters who had said, enough! to another term of Trumpian brutality and grift. Grudge-holding Donald was rebuffed, and he remains po'd.

Of course predictably, our country is now experiencing a wave of strong-armed violence and threats against anyone in process of holding Trump accountable for instigating J6, plus, for the several other allegations against him, including espionage. And if the US military had played along that day, Trump's coup attempt might have been successful, so it's significant that Republican Senator Tuberville of Alabama has been aiding Trump for months by holding up military promotions. But good news! The new chairman of the Joint-Chiefs-of-Staff, C.Q. Brown, has been successfully confirmed by bipartisan Senate vote, "sidestepping" the Tuberville scheme to hobble our military which damages our national security, and aids Mr. Putin.

And you'll note that House magas are against more funds for Ukraine and it's part of the snag involved with the Republican government shutdown that could be coming November 17th. Meanwhile, Rs are now callously using the Israel-Hamas War (begun October 7, 2023) to further their support of Russia by claiming no support for democratic Ukraine, send the support to Israel instead, they cry!

Thankfully confirmed now is General Randy George as Army Chief of Staff. At least there's a bit more progress although US national security remains in jeopardy, just how America's enemies planned. And you've noticed how the Hamas attack on Israel came only after Tuberville's blockage of military promotions intended to neuter the US military as much as possible.

But speaking of military topics and conditions, let's look ahead to 2027 because a significant Solar Eclipse repeats and it's the one that 'spawned' the American Revolution, and it arrives in early August 2027 (influences begin in July) and, as the Cosmos would have it, the malevolent natal Pluto of Donald Trump @10Leo02 will be 'eclipsed' by it as it casts a disruptive cosmic spotlight his way. This transit indicates power issues or abuse, plus, criminal offences such as gang wars for anyone who lives long enough to experience it.

The American Revolution 1775's 11 South Eclipse occurred @11Pis11; an eclipse in the 11 South Series repeats on August 2, 2027 @9Leo55:

As you see, 10th H Pluto @26Cap41 in 1775, planet of power, manipulation, and control, is in the same degree (26) as battling Mars with Mars @26Leo13 (conjunct Trump's natal Mars). Their inconjunct (150 degr) is nearly partile (exact) and applying (0A27.) A persecuting Mars-Pluto inconjunction (or, quincunx) describes a courageous challenger (Mars) who's grown weary of being someone else's 'workhorse' and Mars' bad temper results in explosive conditions which are made more burdensome by financial stress.

Also notable is transit Pluto in Aquarius aligning in opposition to Trump's Pluto in Leo suggesting a no-compromise struggle for power and control.

These cosmic signals resemble the conditions that sparked the American Revolution to me. How about you?

More eclipse details concerning this topic are available for my SO'W Patreon subscribers, and freshly published this very day; naturally, you're cordially invited to join us! jc

Sep 19, 2023

Republican Revolution to fight Trump's "Nemesis"

by Jude Cowell, posting on behalf of the common good

The Worship of Mammon; wikimedia commons; public domain

Dear GOP: The love of money is the root of all evil

An article by Michael Hirsh in today's magazine edition of Politico, Inside the Next Republican Revolution, elucidates the battle between conservatives in league with ex-president Donald Trump and what he considers to be his "nemesis," the "deep state," which in reality is the federal bureaucracy of Washington DC, aka, the federal workers whose efforts make the US government perk along. Note that Trump's natal Nemesis @16Can40 is posited in his natal 11th house as are his Saturn and Venus in Cancer (June 14, 1946).

Now it may be that government bureaucracy has grown too wieldy for our very busy and populated nation, but Trumpers' plan to completely purge and destroy various agencies is the longterm GOP agenda to collapse and destroy the US government so that a dystopian, anti-democratic fascist regime can be more easily implemented (with the GOP in power forever). Obviously, the "Reagan Revolution' of the 1980s is implicated through Neoliberalism's "trickle down" scam now on the skids under President Biden's policies, along with Reagan's other anti-societal policies during the 1980s' Decade of Greed which championed the GOP's highly lucrative Worship Of Mammon.

So the Politico article linked, above, begins with Paul Dans of the Heritage Foundation, an MIT-educated lawyer, now leading a "team of former Trump officials" who are preparing a new "America First" agenda, aka, Project 2025, which at its core, is a fascist agenda.

And admittedly, for years on SO'W I've fussed about a multiplicity of sinister GOP plans through solar eclipses and other cosmic signposts so I'll simply add to this post a list of previous post links for those who care about the future of our country and don't mind using the lens of Astrology for investigative purposes. The following list won't be comprehensive so I urge you to use the SO'W sidebar Search field for other offerings by typing in topics such as "Eclipses," "Fascism," or, "Nazism."

But naturally the most important 'urge' I can shout out to you today - as if you didn't know - is to Vote Blue in 2024 for Democracy. Your family members and future descendants will greatly appreciate your vote.

Related news: Joe Biden's Impeachment Falls Apart (9.19.23, Newsweek).

Links List:

A Reagan Revolution event, Trump's J6 Coup Attempt and Its Solar Return 2023;

And for those who dare, take a A ginger step into Trump's 12th house: a man 'overshadowed by shadows';

Mercury-Neptune and the Presidential Records Act;

Reaganomics Eclipse 1981: a Turning Point for America in the 1 North Saros Series as is The Great American Eclipse of 2017;

Horoscope: 1982 and 2020 Saturn-Pluto Conjunctions (a cosmic time link from Reagan to Trump via the cruelty, violence, and fanaticism of the Saturn-Pluto combination of karmic energies, a planetary cycle that times a new 33-year social and political order or regime encompassing the traditional 20-year Jupiter-Saturn 'new societal order');

An Eclipse Heralded the Trump Regime;

The Tower Eclipse @18Leo41 (during the Trump years);

The Eclipse of the GOP's PROJECT 2025;

The 10 tactics of fascism: Jason Stanley.

Election 2024: our Make-or-Break Moment

And to view the historical horoscope that forms the foundation of all our current Western 'new orders' see Roman Empire: Birthday of the New Order.

Sep 3, 2023

Sept 2023 and the Belligerence of Mars

Caricature of a mouthy Trump; source unknown

With a very active Mars (the warrior), a favorite planet of Mars rising Mr. Trump, it's worth noting that the current legal battles going on now fall within the time frame of the Summer Solstice 2023 Horoscope until the Autumn Equinox 2023 Horoscope 'takes over' on September 23rd. A shift of energies within the Collective will be noticeable, and significantly, Venus-ruled Libra is the sign of the Scales of Justice.

Meanwhile, here's a link to a recent post displaying both the Autumn Equinox 2023 Horoscope and the Winter Solstice 2023 Horoscope, its frosty Saturnian energies taking us into 2024 until March and Spring Equinox 2024 (a chart not yet published but coming soon to SO'W).

Significant to Trump's current legal challenges is his natal Pluto rising in the Autumn EQ chart, and this necessarily brings along Trump's Mars-Saturn midpoint (the death axis - R. Ebertin) with its destructive energies and 'intervention of a higher power' vibes. Set for Washington DC, the chart's Midheaven ('MC': The Goal) @29Aries+ is the position of belligerent Mars during Trump's January 6, 2021 coup attempt (failed, but ongoing). In addition, this happens to be the position of the Sun in the "first shot" Horoscope of the American Revolution, as you can see if you wish.

And everyone who's paying attention has heard the maga/reich-wing shout-outs attempting to link their Trumpian sore loser sedition efforts with the 1775 Revolution while calling for another civil war like the loose cannon troublemakers and zealots they are. For my part, they behave much more like the Confederates of the 1860s than the patriots of the Revolution whose battles and victories ultimately led to the estabishment of our democratic Republic, a form of government that the current crop of reich-wing zealots now work against.

Eclipse Cycles Bring Similar Conditions 'Round Again

So as I type this post, we operate under the auspices of April 2023's 7 North Solar Eclipse at its critical 29th degree, until the 7 South Solar Eclipse @21Libra 'takes over'. And perhaps you've noticed that the Eclipse in the 7 North Saros Series has previously been termed, Hitl*r's Birthday Eclipse by yours truly. Well, Herr Adolf does have his modern-day followers who imagine that they need to complete the little Austrian's mission of world domination - as if theirs is a worthy goal when all they offer society is evil and suffering.

And yes, America has been in such an evil Saturn-Pluto pickle before - and democracy survived. An example of a watershed moment? The Big Brazen N*zi Rally of 1939 NYC (horoscope shown) in which a gaggle of 'em brashly latched on to the reputation of George Washington who walked away from power as the archetypal example for all future US presidents to follow - all but malignant narcissist Donald Trump, that is.

And so there's an example from 1945 that I hope for America's sake will be followed now via the "Trump Trials": that the sadistic brutes of the 1930s and 1940s FAFO!

Aug 28, 2023

Saturn and The Trump Trial: March 4, 2024

Karma's Principle of Cause and Effect: Reaping What's Been Sown

by Jude Cowell, posting on behalf of the common good

With the (J6 Coup Attempt Trial), aka, the 'Election Interference' Trial of Mr. Donald Trump scheduled today by Judge Tanya Chutkan for March 4, 2024, major flurries of investigative activity by astrologers are now in motion including by yours truly. Yet studies of any horoscope take time so today this post focuses on a curious detail affecting America's entire Trump saga and that's the solar eclipse cycle in which the turmoil of Inauguration 2017 took place, manifested as the 19 North Eclipse of September 1, 2016 @9Vir21.

Note that March 4, 2024 is a day prior to Super Tuesday 2024.

Karmic Saturn = Realism, Accountability, Restriction, Loss, and Demands for Corrective Action

And so my focus today is because, during the trial of March 4, 2024, transit Saturn @10Pis21, planet of legal affairs, lawyers, courts, and trials that intend to hold miscreants accountable for their illegal behavior, will conjunct the position of Neptune in the 19 North Eclipse Horoscope of 2016 - the gaslighting planet of fraud, deception, and overblown schemes which by transit opposed the 19 North Eclipse with its themes of: 'realism; good time to tackle the truth; seeing old situations for what they really are; coming down to earth' (paraphrasing B. Brady).

Therefore, from the beginning of America's Trump/'POTUS' saga, this requires that thousands more lies should be revealed and addressed in court! For who can forget that an unelected Trump touted that the 2020 Election would be a "continuation" of (his) power instead of a (peaceful) transfer to Joe Biden? And Trump's sore loser resentment (and instructions from his foreign and domestic handlers) brought our country his violent coup attempt of January 6, 2021 against the US Congress in process of certifying our traditional peaceful transfer of power. Yet thanks to participants who upheld the US Constitution, Donald's anti-constitutional power grab failed, and Joe Biden's victory was certified hours later. Better late than never!

The Virgo-Pisces Polarity: Facts vs Fiction on the Victim-Savior Axis

Because as you know, the opposition to the eclipse from Neptune interfered with 19 North themes by challenging 19 North's call for facing reality with chaos, confusion, deception - and what became Trump's "Big Lie" that forms the basis of agent orange's and the Republican Party's scam of deception and gaslighting upon the American people - and US society has suffered from these Neptunian energies ever since.

Yet 'Trump Trial' circumstances are even more complex for on March 4, 2024, Saturn @10Pis21 actually activates the 19 North Saturn-Neptune square, the self-defeatist aspect (A. Oken) for simultaneously this is a Saturn-square-Saturn transit (2024 to 2016) when formal restrictions can be imposed and there's little if any flexibility in (Trump's) circumstances. Sounds like a court case to me.

And yes, the 2016 Mars-Saturn conjunction (10--15 Sag) is involved with March 4, 2024 Saturn as well which suggests potentials for frustration, anger, resentment, and an urge to take shortcuts around laws, rules, and regulations which is a negative path that ultimately leads to failure more often than not. Then I would have to call Trump's J6 coup attempt his reckless way of taking a major shortcut back to the White House, wouldn't you?

Will We Come Down to Earth in March 2024?

So in March 2024, when Trump is scheduled to be held legally accountable for his seditious J6 coup attempt by Special Prosecutor Jack Smith and his team, we might take comfort in the Saturn-to-Neptune transit which indicates "the grim face of reality" for Trump, his comrades, his subversive coup attempt congressional comrades of the 'maga' persuasion (ongoing!), and hopefully for any of his cult followers who still 'believe' by then in the orange scofflaw con-man's fantasy world where he becomes a dictator - exactly the kind of government our Founding Fathers escaped from in Europe! Certainly, a 'coming down to earth' and 'seeing situations for what they really are' are long overdue in the US for a certain percentage of our population who continue to act under the spell of mass delusion promoted by Mr. Trump.

Then when it comes to the 19 North Eclipse of 2016 that heralded the Trump "presidency," the exhange of oppositional planets from Neptune to Saturn makes an important difference - from Neptunian fantasy to Saturnian reality. Here's the original 19 North Horoscope as previously published to SO'W with the fantasy-to-reality exchange info added below; study notes penned onthe chart are from my original post:

Neptune opposite the 19 North Solar Eclipse: chaos and confusion as people are pulled between truth and fallacy, reality and illusion/delusion.

Saturn opposite the 19 North Solar Eclipse: those who refuse to face up to their responsibilities while placing blame upon anyone but themselves (R. Lineman); denial of guilt by the guilty (jc).

Karma Knocks Upon Trump's Door

Then in closing, the rounded-up Sabian Symbols of the 19 North Eclipse and 2016 Neptune/2024 Saturn are quite interesting, see if you agree:

Eclipse "10Virgo" = "Two Heads Looking Out and Beyond the Shadows" vs "11Pisces" = "Men Seeking Illumination."

My hope for American democracy is that bringing seditionsist Trump, career criminal, to Justice via legal eagle Saturn and the DOJ will finally wake up those asleep within their white supremacist delusions and anti-democratic dreams of regressing our country back to the 1800s.

More of today's news: All Trump and Co-Defendants To Be Arraigned in Georgia on September 6, 2023 under a quarter Moon @15Gemini that points toward Mr. Trump's 10th house Uranus, his guiding planet of chaos, disruption, unpredictability, and radical politics.

Aug 3, 2023

Horoscope: Trump J6 Arraignment

August 3, 2024: It's Trump J6 Arraignment Day, a sad day in America but a happy day for democracy and the rule of law. Here's an unadorned horoscope set for today at 4:00 pm edt Washington DC, the hour scheduled for the arraignment in court of Donald J. Trump as per the August 1, 2023 indictment on four counts against him for his actions (not his words) leading up to and including the coup attempt against the US Congress on January 6, 2021 when, despite his lies, he knew he had lost the 2020 Presidential Election:

As you see, 5th house Jupiter in Taurus rules the 4:00 pm Ascendant and thus the arraignment in the Great Benefic's legal role as judge. Jupiter applies only to conjunction with 6th house Uranus, also in Taurus, suggesting that freedom is on the docket today so apparently, Trump will continue to roam free.

Then perhaps the Great Conjunction of Jupiter and Uranus on April 20, 2024 @21Tau49, very near his natal Midheaven, will bring Trump another get-out-of-jail-free card, especially since his natal Jupiter-Uranus trine has always helped him skate away from trouble. Perhaps his mobster pals will help (the organized crime pair, Neptune-Pluto sextile). Still, nervousness, fatigue, uncertainty, and neurosis are part of the picture with the Uranus-Pluto trine bracketing subversive Neptune at IC, the Basis of the matter.

Another consideration is Trump's first natal planet to rise in the 4:00 pm chart, and that's his 4th house Moon in Sagittarius with its estranged conjunction to his South Node. Often, bad timing and fluctuating popularity are indicated by Moon-SN. No, Mommy didn't care for him and that's a very large emotional hole to fill using his brighter Sun-NN conjunction in natal 10th house of Career with his radical Uranus in Gemini, the chatty sign of duplicity and multiplicity.

Now there are other planetary factors of note, of course, but I leave it for you, dear reader, to decide for yourself from this 'keepsake' horoscope of first-evers!

Aug 2, 2023

KKK Act part of J6 Indictment Counts

Back in February 2021 on SO'W, a post appeared concerning Eclipses, Klans, Prez Bids, Despots, and Empires. Contained within was a dual image of two manifestations of a 17 South Solar Eclipse, an image also shown, below. This suggests a cosmic time link between Trump's 'prez bid' of 2015, made under the auspices of the Spring Equinox 2015 Solar Eclipse (17 South @29Pisces - conjunct fixed star of misfortune and imprisonment, Scheat), and the Ku Klux Klan Act of 1871 which the US Congress passed on April 20, 1871.

Updated to current events, in the August 1, 2023 Indictment of Donald Trump on four counts related to his failed coup attempt of January 6, 2021 is the fact that one of the four counts ('conspiracy against rights') is said to make use of the KKK Act intended to protect our nation against insurrection attempts such as the Civil War which was also started under deceptive influences (ASC = Mercury-Neptune: being deceived, exploited; Trump's natal Mercury-Neptune square deceives and exploits).

Significantly, the Civil War of 1861 began under the influence of a 7 North Eclipse which is the solar eclipse in effect now since April 20th (@29Ari50, the position of seditionist Mars on J6 indicating violent acts), plus, 7 North happens to be the Prenatal Solar Eclipse ('PE') Series of Jack Smith; see his eclipse link, below.

As can be seen in the bi-wheel shown above and in yesterday's post concerning Trump's arraignment in DC scheduled for August 3, 2023 (tomorrow), the 17 South Eclipse of 2015 conjunct Scheat landed upon the natal Moon of Fred Trump, the papa who made Donald the man-baby he is today.

So here's an excerpt from the above-linked post concerning the 17 South Eclipse of 1870 (@00Cap30, a Cardinal World Point of manifestation) and it's occurrence in March 2015, an eclipse series which inspired both the passage of the KKK Act of 1871, and Trump's 'prez bid' announcement of June 16, 2015 delivered from Trump Tower NYC with his racist remarks signaling the bigotry and extremism to come:

{The KKK Act of 1871} "now being considered for use against Trump and his comrades."

And so as a partisan for the common good of the American people, and the entire world, I'm taking this opportunity to thank Special Counsel Jack Smith for his dedicated work on the case of Donald Trump, first 'president' to ignite a seditionist insurrection against the government of the United States of America in the hope of retaining the powerful office he could no longer legally hold.

Closely Related: The Civil War's Solar Eclipse Soon Repeats. Now. It's repeating now. jc

Trump J6 Arraignment Aug 3, 2023

Like Father Like Son, Two Natal Horoscopes: Fred and Donald Trump

As you've heard, late on Tuesday afternoon (August 1, 2023) an indictment of Donald Trump on 4 counts relating to his J6 coup attempt was announced by Special Counsel Jack Smith.

A planetary factor that really stands out this week is transit Sun in Leo conjunct Trump's 12th house Pluto (10Leo02) which happens to be the apex planet of his Mars-Saturn midpoint, which Reinhold Ebertin calls the death axis.

Since America's orange albatross began his presidential saga in June 2015 (under the auspices of the star of misfortune, Scheat), Trump has demonstrated how willingly he can manipulate his dangerous midpoint picture, Mars-Saturn = Pluto with the fury, destruction, intervention of a higher power, and the "deaths of many people" it entails. Add the nasty, enraged star Algol twinkling upon his Midheaven (The Goal Point), and the corpses can pile up (Algol in Chinese Astrology).

Then by the day of his J6 arraignment, announced for Thursday August 3, 2023 at 4:00 pm edt Washington DC, the Sun will clock in @11Leo14, still within range of shining upon Trump's deadly midpoint picture so that potentially we have: natal Mars-Saturn = tr Sun: 'inability to meet all demands or master all situations' (R.E.); 'a sense of loss; breaking down under stress and strain; eking it out; possible threat to body or health' (Tyl).

Then of course, the Sun-to-Pluto transit casts a spotlight on power, abuse of power issues, and ego concerns all on its own. But with this particular career criminal Trump, we get even more, Trump-style: we get danger and threats from a bruised ego fearing that someone might dump a bowl of mashed potatoes on his head. Or worse yet, lock 'im up.

Well, it's after 1:00 am here so typing any more about this subject must wait for a less sleepy time. Thanks a bunch for reading my late-night musings concerning the litigious scofflaw they call Trump. In closing, I'll leave you with a link to a previous post that displays two horoscopes: the 'J6 Maga Mob Attack' and the Maga Mob Attack's Solar Return 2023 Horoscope where you'll find the Trump J6 Arraignment Sun of August 3rd @11Leo14 shining brightly upon its Midheaven (11Leo26) along with the natal Pluto = Mars-Saturn trio of the orange albatross!

Jul 27, 2023

Will Trump’s New Inflammatory Fascist Ad Ignite a Civil War? - Thom Hartmann

One of the more closely related SO'W posts to Thom's topic is from October 2022 concerning a cosmic time link via two Solar Eclipses, both in the 6 South Saros Series: The GOP Wants Confederacy 1861 Back where you'll see the 1860 6 South manifestation heralding the Civil War era, and its repetition in October 2022 @2Scorpio. Both eclipses reveal materialism through Venus, but the 1860 Mars, the warrior planet, is the real 'star' acting as leading planet of a ruthless Locomotive shape of planets; plus, Mr. Hothead is out-of-bounds ('OOBs') of the earthly plane, and opposes the 1860 Eclipse which indicates resentment, and tug-of-war activities.

And isn't this what the GOP and its hotheaded, fanatic 'magas' are attempting to activate: a tug-of-war campaign intended to ignite a second Civil War?

One of the unfortunate symbols of their 'success' with the gullible among us is the misguided insurrectionist who carried a Confederate flag into the US Capitol Building on January 6, 2021. For after all that my Southern ancestors sacrificed during the 'Civil' War, this American found the image to be highly offensive.

But my point today for gullible sore-loser seditionists is this: America is a Perpetual Union and it's constitutionally illegal for a state to secede from the Union - and this limitation is one of the several reasons that Trump and the GOP are determined to make the US Constituion null and void. If they can manage to break that legal taboo, our Perpetual Union can be dissolved along with democracy in America. This will make a return to brutal, sadistic Nazism more likely to spread around the globe.

Therefore, our fight is for the highest stakes: for life itself. Which means that to Vote Blue is the only path forward for the sake of our children's futures!

Jul 9, 2023

The Eclipse of Fan-Boy Patrick Byrne

Reality and a Fantasy-Prone Seditionist

by Jude Cowell

As we see on his Wikipedia page, election denier, "Deep State" conspiracy theorist, former paramour of Russian agent Maria Butina, and former CEO of Overstock dot com Patrick Byrne, was born on November 29, 1962 with Sun and Mercury in early Sagittarius, and Moon in late Sagittarius, or more likely in business-and-government-oriented Capricorn.

From August 2019, see Overstock investors cheer after "too controversial" CEO Patrick Byrne resigns as CEO and board member. Apparently, Byrne's romance with Russian agent Maria Butina may have been the last straw for company investors--see a previous post Maria Butina's hearing on Capitol Hill showing the hearing's horoscope of December 12, 2018 with transit Saturn @9Capricorn conjunct her natal Neptune, the "grim face of reality" transit.

For as with 'everything Trump', reality vs fantasy plays the key role in cheating for success, aka, fraud. Astrologically, there's even a cosmic time link between Trump's Big Lie and The Eclipse of Fan-Boy Patrick Byrne, anti-democracy election denier and known promoter of conspiracy theories galore - a perfect co-conspirator for Trump.

For details on Mr. Byrne in the Oval Office that December night of sedition plotting, see Axios: Inside the craziest meeting of the Trump presidency.

And as reported in May 2023 by Sam Levine in The Guardian, Dominion is not done fighting 2020 elections lies via pending defamation cases against Rudy Guiliani, Sidney Powell, pillow guy Mike Lindell - and Patrick Byrne.

So above is a noon natal horoscope for the "mad king" who was present at the 6-hour Oval Office meeting with Trump, Mike Flynn, Sidney "Kraken" Powell, and others on the night of December 18, 2020 until after midnight of December 19th, after which came Trump's "will be wild" tweet (timestamped tweet's horoscope shown, his 2nd hou$e taboo-breaking Jupiter rising) which served as a call to arms and led to his January 6, 2021 coup attempt against the US Congress to stop or disrupt our tradition of the peaceful transfer of power. (Sore loser cries wahhhh!)

Here's the 2:15 pm Trump Coup Attempt Horoscope along with the 2021 seditionist insurrection's Solar Return of 2022. And check out the current J6 coup attempt's Solar Return 2023 Horoscope, as you wish.

Now as you see, Byrne's 19 North Prenatal Solar Eclipse ("PE") is penned on the above chart (conjunct the 'noon' Descendant) with themes of: "realism; coming down to earth; seeing an old situation for what it really is; tackling the truth" (paraphrasing B. Brady).

Where the cosmic time link comes in is the fact that an eclipse from Byrne's 19 North Eclipse Series occurred on September 1, 2016 (@9Virgo, opposed by deceptive Neptune @10Pisces) and operated as the PE of both Election 2016, and Inauguration 2017. That's fact-based Virgo opposed by deceptive Neptune, planet of mass media, in shady, confusing Pisces - and there's Herr Trump "tackling the truth" - with his 'Big Lie'.

Now it's 2023, another presidential election has been held (and lost!), and America's orange albatross is still trying to tackle the truth - out of existence! Perhaps we can agree that Trump's entire political "career" has been one long reality vs fantasy fiasco for the American people and for democracy. But that's what We the People get when a violent mobster, racketeer, money-launderer, and conman is shoehorned into the Oval Office with a little help from his comrades, and gullible voters. Plus, the words, blackmail and bribery easily spring to mind along with favors and pay-offs.

Byrne's Solar Eclipse in Royal Leo (chart not shown)

So let's return to our consideration of Patrick Byrne's PE which links him right in with Trump's underhanded activities. For Byrne, his 19 North manifested on July 31, 1962 @7Leo48 (rounded-up to "8Leo" = "A Bolshevik Propagandist'). Note that with a solar eclipse in Leo (his Mars sign), one must avoid pride and arrogance for karmic progress to be made. And on July 31, 1962, restrictive Saturn Rx @9Aquarius opposed his natal PE which suggests a man who refuses to face up to his karmic obligations, and places blame for his problems upon others; to correct problems reality must be faced and corrections honestly made. Oops. Funny how this sounds a lot like Patrick's idol, Trump.

In addition, often-deceptive Neptune @10Scorpio squared Byrne's PE which indicates potentials for "inborn fraudulent tendencies" and "chicanery"; "realism and honesty" are necessary in order to erase karmic debts (paraphrasing R. Linemen). This implies inheritance from his father, who must be his role model in business matters, I imagine - which also sounds like Trump and Papa Fred. Byrne's Eclipse and Saturn formed a T-square that points toward Neptune in Scorpio, not the best indicator of morality and, unless temptations are avoided, the placement involves more than a tinge of sex and/or drug abuse.

Byrne's Closest Applying Aspect to Natal Sun

Then there's the domineering "might makes right" attitude shown by his Sun-Pluto square (lower left) which resonates closely with similar Plutonian character traits of Donald Trump. This particular square tends to be a negative for relationships, especially when expressed in the realms of "romance." Still, it suggests that his ego (Sun) was determined to achieve his goals and objectives, with the 'success at any cost' potential for powering through any and all obstacles. Obviously, a strong will is indicated. Oh, but there's more determination --

The Highly Motivated Natal Mars of a Busy Boy

Now before closing, we should mention Patrick Byrne's Mars (@21Leo) which is unaspected in his natal chart by another planet yet is influenced by his powerful Pluto-NN midpoint (penned on the chart, upper right), plus, Mars leads a Locomotive shape of the ruthless executive with the rest of his planets following along. And if you read his Wikipedia bio page, you may be impressed by the large number of his business and political activities through the years. Unaspected, his me-first Mars in dramatic Leo is able to act in an unrestrained, boundless way and with sudden outbursts of anger or aggression; irrational actions can result (B. Tierney).

As for Mr. Byrne's 19 North PE repeating in time to influence Election 2016, he may have exulted over the thought that his barge of Plutonian domination, forcefully driven by fellow fantasist Herr Trump, had finally reached safe harbor in the White House, then in December 2020 Byrne plotted with the others hoping to repeat the 'successful' results of Election 2016 despite the will of a majority of voters in November 2020.

Because for some people, "might makes right," doncha know.

Jun 13, 2023

Rachel Maddow's Deja News podcast

A 7 South Eclipse Repeats October 14, 2023 @21Lib07

by Jude Cowell

By now you've heard that yesterday the intrepid Rachel Maddow and her longtime producer Isaac-Davy Aronson debuted a new podcast Deja News which asks, "Has anything like this ever happened before?"

Deja News Episode 1: Riot at the Gates (Again)

Now if you've ever read many posts here on SO'W you know that Rachel's new podcast is right up the alley of my eclipse and 'cosmic time link' posts published here since historical cycles and eclipse cycles tend to resonate with similar, aka, rhyming, events and conditions.

Episode 1 opens with the fascist plot against FDR proposed to General Smedley Butler in 1933, and Deja News goes on to compare it with the coup attempt by sore loser Donald Trump and his maga acolytes and henchmen on January 6, 2021 when anarchists breached the US Capitol Building as a peaceful transfer of power was taking place in Congress. Rachel's opening point: that the J6 plotters had seen such a coup happen before - successfully against the Parliament in Paris, France, as a peaceful transfer of power was in progress on February 6, 1934.

And similar to the way we use "Jan6" as shorthand for Trump's failed coup, in France the assault by a violent mob in 1934 is shorthanded as "Feb6" and is 'honored' each year by authoritarians. Now by 1934, fascist dictator Mussolini had been in power for a few years and authoritarianism was on the rise in Europe where certain people promoted the idea that liberal democracy "had run its course." Sounds tres familiar, oui? For we have anti-democracy saboteurs at work in the US.

Okay, so here's the point in this post where I hush about historical events that Rachel Maddow's Deja News will inform you about much better than I can, so the question in this post becomes, Is there a cosmic time link that resonates between our time and the coup of 1934? Why, yes!

That would be the Solar Eclipse Saros Series in which the Croix de Feu (Crosses of Iron) coup occurred, the 7 South of August 21, 1933 @27Leo42 (shown, below). And yes, that's the degree of Trump's natal Mars rising with royal star Regulus ('success if revenge is avoided' - but he doesn't, so 'all that's been gained will be taken away' which is the effort now in progress). You'll note that the 7 South Eclipse affecting the Croix de Feu coup of 1934 conjuncts Regulus and manifested in August 1933:

Dual Horoscopes above: 7 South Prenatal Eclipse of the Croix de Feu coup (lower left) and a noon Horoscope of the Croix de Feu Coup of February 6, 1934. Study notes are penned on including 7 South themes of "power, anger, force" (via the initial 7 South Eclipse's Mars-Pluto Square); "huge obstacles clear," or--"sudden crisis" (paraphrasing B. Brady). Plus, as you know, signs of eclipses should be read through the signs of their initial eclipses, and here that would be Cancer, sign of nationalism and tribalism.

Further cosmic time links exist and include the initial 7 South @8Can03 conjunct Trump's natal Mercury (8Can01), and conjunct the Syzygy Moon of his failed coup attempt of January 6, 2021.

For further reading, here's a seriously related post: In 2023 Trump greets the 7 South Eclipse.

Final Note: The second episode of Deja News next Monday will concern events in Florida so Ron DeSantis may want to have himself a listen!

Apr 26, 2023

Astro-Notes on J6 Coup Plotter Ted Cruz

Can Astrology Describe Ted Cruz?

by Jude Cowell: pro-democracy forever!

Hear Ted Cruz Caught on Tape Plotting "Step Two" of Trump's Jan 6th Coup Attempt, thanks to MSNBC's Ari Melber reporting on it.

The accuracy rating for the natal horoscope of Republican politician Ted Cruz is only a C since the hour of his birth is in question. Most often, 1:00 am MST (December 22, 1970 Calgary, Alberta: Sun @00Capricorn) is commonly used, as you can see if you follow the link. Yet another possibility is 7:34 pm, but admittedly I have no allegiance to either timing, particularly since Herr Cruz shows no allegiance to America, only fascist leanings. That he has argued cases before the US Supreme Court in the past does not an American patriot make. A Canadian by birth, Ted Cruz renounced his Canadian citizenship on May 14, 2014 and has clung to American citizenship ever since which places Cruz, the J6 coup plotter, firmly under US law.

And it may be that We the People don't actually know where Ted's true loyalties lie. Or if he has any at all.

Then way back in 2013, a post appeared on my WordPress blog, Jude's Threshold, concerning Cruz's Sun-Moon personality blend so if you're curious about a maga Republican who's revealed to be a Crusader Dueling with Shadows, you're invited to check out my astro-notes.

Meanwhile, one of lawyer Cruz's more informative natal placements to me is his legal eagle planet Saturn Rx @16Tau19 conjunct the very position of the 2022 Midterms Lunar Eclipse conjunct the radical anarchist planet, Uranus.

For Herr Cruz, this planetary contact qualifies as a Uranus-to-Saturn transit, a period when laws and rules are challenged and reevaluation and alteration are potentials which may affect the way responsibilities are handled due to the unorthodox ideas presented. Thing is, such alterations can be accomplished within The System without tearing it down.

Yet as we know, motivation is everything, and unfortunately, a motivated Ted Cruz has joined the tear-it-all-down brigade of comrades, many of whom are still feeling bu*t-hurt from losing the Civil War, a conflagration that Ted has no personal connection with, to my knowledge. And this resentful sore-loser condition has been easily manipulated by enemies of American democracy, enemies such as the vengeful Herr Putin who's known to have felt deeply resentful since the fall of the Soviet Union (Russia's 1991 horoscope is shown, below). So I must suppose that Herr Vlad feels "bu*t-hurt", too.

Then revealingly, the fascist-nazi clincher on seditionists like Cruz is the Sabian Symbol of his natal Saturn rounded-up to "17Taurus": "A Symbolical Battle Between Swords vs Torches."

So if this cosmic synchronicity of symbol plus Saturn-Uranus' old vs new order impetus reminds you of the vile tiki torch march in Charlottesville, Virginia in August 2017, then we're on the same page when it comes to white "supremacy" - so here's my question: since when are hatred, primal violence, crime, and murder signs of any kind of "supremacy"?

Foreign Manipulation of US Affairs = Sabotage

Now personally, I never celebrate the fall of any country because of the populations it harms, yet even so, here's a view of Russia's 1991 Flag Raised Horoscope for your consideration:

Note that the Soviet Union post linked above contains chart details and an enlargeable horoscope, if you'd like them.

Now to close, here's a related post: 2022 Midterms Lunar Eclipse and Planets hit US Congress' 1789 Horoscope.

And here's some interesting news that broke a few days ago: Three of the 2017 tiki torch marchers have been indicted so apparently, "swords" trump "torches", at least in the case of these three bu*t-hurt neo-nazis.

Apr 13, 2023

Nazism Then and Now: The Threat Is Real

Nazi Era 1933--1945: The GOP Has Brought Back the Primal Violence?

by Jude Cowell: pro-democracy all the way

On April 20, 2023, what I've previously termed "Hitler's birthday eclipse" in the 7 North Saros Series manifested @29Ari50, the degree of warrior planet Mars on January 6, 2021, the day of the maga mob attack against the US Congress on behalf of Donald Trump. One would have to be a head-hiding ostrich not to see the connection with the current poisonous infiltration into American institutions of Hitler-loving sabtoteurs of the political class.

Through this Mars-Eclipse synchronicity, a cosmic time link is revealed between Hitler, his Nazism and dictator-wanna-be Trump along with the scofflaw vigilantes and thugs he set loose on January 6th to stop the vote certification for Joe Biden. Outrageously, complicit Republican politicians of a fascist persuasion now "serve" in the House of the 118th Congress, with sabotage and the protection of indicted criminal Trump on their to-do list.

Image: 'Big Mouth Trump'; attribution unclear

Old Boss 'Same' as the New?

Not necessarily because a total reversal of their cruel plans is certainly possible with our persistent determination and the power of truth on our side. One necessary aid in the struggle is to know what democracy is once again up against. Therefore, for those who might appreciate it, historical information concerning Nazi Germany and the Third Reich is readily available online and includes details concerning the old Nazi ideology of their mislabeled "national socialism" which animated Hitler and his fellow criminals hiding behind its facade, a group with extreme resentments beginning with Germany's humiliation over the Treaty of Versailles, signed on June 28, 1919; the provisions of the Treaty ending World War One (WWI) went into effect on January 10, 1920.

Now as you know, "national socialism" was a ruse to fool the German population with the illusion that Herr Adolf and his brutal gangsters worked for the common man as they stoked resentments already within German society. If this exploitation from the Nazi era sounds familiar, you must be an American experiencing the 'Trump era' which I count from his Gemini 'prez bid' New Moon of June 16, 2015, the morning of his descent on the "golden escalator" of Trump Tower NY when he delivered a racist speech to a paid-off audience, $50 per head. It was political thespianism by a B-list reality TV "star" with a longstanding dream of being president but was really an announcement of what he and his wealthy backers intended as the death knell of democracy in America, and the vanquishing of America as global leader. We might also time our Trump troubles beginning with the Spring Equinox 2015 Eclipse, its energies made more sinister by its conjunction with Scheat, the star of misfortune and extremism.

So when it comes to exploiting resentments in society for selfish purposes, perhaps we can agree that in our day, there may never be a man more resentful and begrudging against others than the Mango Mussolini!

So in closing, here's a related SO'W post published in February 2011 (!) which was intended as a forewarning of our present difficulties that only ostriches can ignore now that they're no longer hiding behind 'the Republican party' label and are prancing around openly - Horoscope: Fascism Rising Solar Eclipse 1933 (then and now). Perhaps you can see, dear reader, that I've been writing and warning about the sadistic 'white power' criminals (Adolf's 'Aryanism' on steroids) attempting to take over America for quite a long while.

Also related is the Horoscope of the Third Reich, January 30, 1933, 90 years ago. A study of transits to this chart and its progressions is revealing concerning our current societal conditions.

Apr 7, 2023

Pluto and the April 2023 NRA Convention

They Say April Is the Cruelest Month

by Jude Cowell

In support of the "American carnage" that Trump promised the American people on January 20, 2017, the National Rifle Association, or, 'NRA' as it's known, will hold its 152nd annual convention in Indianapolis, Indiana from April 13--16, 2023.

From 5:00 pm to 10:00 pm on April 13th, participants can "Enjoy an evening of food, firearms, and fundraising" if they attend with a $150 ticket in hand or pay to be seated at a "bronze table." A "powerhouse lineup of political speakers" is scheduled from April 14 to 16 so politicians who roll around in the largesse of NRA donations, financial support which requires them to vote for guns over the lives of our children, are apparently on the speakers' list. And instead of being shamed by their association with guns and the murdering of school children, speakers will no doubt deliver rousing rhetoric to audience member acolytes of the "right to bear arms" persuasion.

This means that for NRA purposes, their self-serving misinterpretation of the Second Amendment must be maintained against all common sense. But have the goals of the NRA always been craven and bloodthirsty against the American citizenry?

Actually, a brief peek at history reveals that, no, the NRA hasn't always been promoters of arms over children, not in public, anyway. For details, I point toward the Revolt at Cincinnati during the 1977 NRA Convention when a forced change of leadership was imposed against "the old guard," and an "updated" mission became the norm along with a reorganization of rules and bylaws. From 1977, "the right to bear arms" became the NRA's primary cause as conspiracy theories grew around the paranoia that one day, the US government would arrive to "take away their guns." Now I wonder who was behind the promotion of such a paranoid delusion, and who continues to profit from it?

Because, of course, stockpiling weapons and planning and/or perpetrating terrorist activities attracts law enforcement responses so that conditions are created for a self-fulfilling prophecy. An additional result is that a 'well-armed militia' is illegally formed around the country for the purposes of armed rebellion and fascist-authoritarian take-over. They're determined that our votes will no longer matter! And this, I believe, is part of the hidden agenda of America's enemies, a tyrannical taste of which was shown by the attack on the US Congress on January 6, 2021, supported by a variety of corporations and CEOs with anti-American mindsets and directing a gaggle of paid-off seditionist politicians to betray their oaths of allegiance and sabotage their country.

Shadowed Demons from the Past Haunt America

NRA Horoscope November 17, 1871 1:33 pm LMT (source of timing unknown) New York, New York; Ascendant "13Pisces" = "A Sword in a Museum" and of course, with the founding of the NRA we're talking about the era of Confederate General Albert Pike, the grand poobah of his day, known for promoting a plan for fomenting world war three, a devilish plan that continues haunting us in 2023:

Now recently we discussed how the transit of hidden manipulator Pluto @29Capricorn and 00Aquarius opposes the Jupiter-Uranus conjunction in the NRA 1871 Horoscope so let's not repeat the discussion here, except to say that with karmic Pluto, this is a once-in-a-lifetime transit for the power-grabbing organization and for whatever or whoever animates the group's sinister motives for political control, extreme financial power, and the undermining of democracy in America. Plus, in the 1871 Horoscope, Pluto is @18Taurus. Pluto in Taurus is a placement of deep intolerance, and is being activated by transit Uranus and forms a planetary duo of restlessness and upheaval.

Therefore, in honor of a peaceful Easter weekend, may stronger, higher forces continue beating back fascist tyranny and sedition in the US and across the entire globe - because as most people agree, Love is stronger than hate!

A Related Post: Demonic Forces That Seek to Engulf Us in the "American Carnage" Horoscope.