April 22, 2024 Horoscope: Trump Election Interference Trial Opens, Manhattan, NYC 9:30 am edt; Judge Juan Marchan Presiding; aka, The Trump Hush Money Trial:
Monday April 22, 2024 9:30 am ET Manhattan, NYC
First up we may expect a few minutes of "judicial housekeeping" by Judge Marchan, then opening statements will begin. The first witness is expected to be The National Enquirer's David Pecker, previously in cahoots with pal Trump to squash negative stories about the promiscuous New York playboy who remains an all around cad and bounder.
Trump's first natal planet to rise will be his 11th house Saturn in watery Cancer which conjuncts his Venus (dissatisfaction in relationships) and inconjuncts his natal Moon-South-Node. This natal inconjunct adds great emotional and physical pressure to the Libra Moon inconjunct Saturn in Pisces of the trial, as noted:
In the chart there are two stand-out aspects of adjustment: Moon inconjunct Saturn - with Moon conjunct Trump's natal Jupiter, an aspect of legal and/or religious conflict, and Pluto @2AQ04 (8th house) inconjunct the Ascendant (@1Can25, close enough to a Cardinal World Point of Recognition to gain the world's attention).
The Moon-Saturn aspect indicates his emotional immaturity, his obvious discomfort, and a need to take responsibility, combined with Saturn inconjunct his Jupiter (forever whining, "It's not fair!" when in Libra, sign of The Scales of Justice) which identifies his fear of humiliation, a highly judgmental tendency toward others, excessively strong feelings difficult to hide, and his sense of being betrayed and abandoned. Chart-ruler Moon opposing Venus describes the uncomfortable social situation he's forced to endure, made worse by input from the negative aspect from legal eagle Saturn.
Add the Sun-Pluto square for ego breakdown, physical suffering, and promoting a sense of martyrdom as a sop for his bruised ego (and as a campaign strategy he's already demonstrated for his gullible base's consumption).
Along Comes Heavyweight Pluto
Pluto inconjunct the Ascendant (the trial itself) shows his unwillingness to cooperate in this power struggle as his usual sense of control and the ability to manipulate conditions and people are lacking. It also suggests the defendant's grudge-holding nature, his need to know what questions will be asked if he testifies, old issues being dredged up, and his habit of repeating himself ad nauseum which will not be tolerated by Judge Marchan. No rambling on--stick to the matters at hand!
Yet Trump's tendencies to exaggerate and to make mountains out of molehills when it suits him will be expressed if given a chance; however, testifying planet Mercury opposing his natal proportion-challenged Jupiter denotes a highly unfavorable time for disagreements with authority figures.
And with the trial's Mercury-Moon opposition, the day's energies tend toward wordiness, an altering the facts atmosphere, and the potential that someone's change of heart about participating will bring things to a halt, especially since Mercury Rx won't turn Direct until the evening of Thursday April 25th. Obviously, possible losses of jurors and/or witnesses come to mind due to nervousness over the raptor's sinister gaze and his mob-like intentions.
So despite his strong emotions and deep need to take over the limelight, Mr. Trump will do somewhat better for himself if he keeps his mouth shut and keeps his wide girth off the witness stand.
For more info see the horoscope, Stormy Legalities: 1st Trump Trial of Monday April 15, 2024 which shows a first-house Moon @23Cancer--conjunct Defendant Trump's natal Saturn, with the Moon-Saturn duo emphasizing depression but the pair can also provide ambition, strategy, and direction.
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