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Showing posts with label Moon-Saturn. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Moon-Saturn. Show all posts

Aug 5, 2024

VP Kamala Harris' Progressed Full Moon in Gemini

by Jude Cowell, partisan for democracy and VP Kamala Harris

Just a quick posting today to show the AA-rated natal chart of VP Kamala Harris (upper right) and her Secondary Progressed ('SP') Full Moon which perfected on September 24, 2023 @27Gem14 with SP Sun @27Sag14 on her Nodal axis.

The Vice President's birth place of Oakland, California is used for the progressed chart, and as you see, her creative trio of Uranus-Pluto-Venus has evolved into a powerful, highly energetic Uranus-Pluto-Mars trio, thanks in part to her birth in 1964 during the Great Conjunction/s of Uranus and Pluto in mid-Virgo:

Now as you know, Secondary Progressed Full Moon phases represent the ultimate reach of an individual's lifetime and activities and VP Harris is in this phase now, with the next Progressed phase beginning with the Disseminating phase and her SP Moon @15Leo29 (and SP Sun @00Cap29, a Cardinal World Point); this phase perfects on December 7, 2026.

Then if we consult VP Harris' Solar Arc Progressions set for the same date, time, and location for any external influences active within her environment, we find a few contacts to natal planets such as Solar Arc Moon conjunct natal Ascendant/North Node, Solar Arc Saturn conjunct natal Moon/opposing natal Sun, and Solar Arc Venus conjunct natal Neptune in Scorpio which to me suggests flattering photos and portraits of VP Kamala Harris. Not that Venusian envy and jealousy and Neptunian gaslighting and deceptive propaganda aren't part of the Scorpionic picture as well.

In general, it's obvious that lunar publicity is spotlighting VP Harris on the world stage (Moon-NN-ASC) with a sense of fatedness, Saturnian responsibility and authority are completing her inherent ambition, strategy and direction (Saturn-Moon-Sun), and masses of women support her 100% (Venus-Neptune) as do the wonderful men who see the writing on the societal wall!

Apr 20, 2024

Trump Trial Opening Statements 4.22.24

April 22, 2024 Horoscope: Trump Election Interference Trial Opens, Manhattan, NYC 9:30 am edt; Judge Juan Marchan Presiding; aka, The Trump Hush Money Trial:

Monday April 22, 2024 9:30 am ET Manhattan, NYC

First up we may expect a few minutes of "judicial housekeeping" by Judge Marchan, then opening statements will begin. The first witness is expected to be The National Enquirer's David Pecker, previously in cahoots with pal Trump to squash negative stories about the promiscuous New York playboy who remains an all around cad and bounder.

Trump's first natal planet to rise will be his 11th house Saturn in watery Cancer which conjuncts his Venus (dissatisfaction in relationships) and inconjuncts his natal Moon-South-Node. This natal inconjunct adds great emotional and physical pressure to the Libra Moon inconjunct Saturn in Pisces of the trial, as noted:

In the chart there are two stand-out aspects of adjustment: Moon inconjunct Saturn - with Moon conjunct Trump's natal Jupiter, an aspect of legal and/or religious conflict, and Pluto @2AQ04 (8th house) inconjunct the Ascendant (@1Can25, close enough to a Cardinal World Point of Recognition to gain the world's attention).

The Moon-Saturn aspect indicates his emotional immaturity, his obvious discomfort, and a need to take responsibility, combined with Saturn inconjunct his Jupiter (forever whining, "It's not fair!" when in Libra, sign of The Scales of Justice) which identifies his fear of humiliation, a highly judgmental tendency toward others, excessively strong feelings difficult to hide, and his sense of being betrayed and abandoned. Chart-ruler Moon opposing Venus describes the uncomfortable social situation he's forced to endure, made worse by input from the negative aspect from legal eagle Saturn.

Add the Sun-Pluto square for ego breakdown, physical suffering, and promoting a sense of martyrdom as a sop for his bruised ego (and as a campaign strategy he's already demonstrated for his gullible base's consumption).

Along Comes Heavyweight Pluto

Pluto inconjunct the Ascendant (the trial itself) shows his unwillingness to cooperate in this power struggle as his usual sense of control and the ability to manipulate conditions and people are lacking. It also suggests the defendant's grudge-holding nature, his need to know what questions will be asked if he testifies, old issues being dredged up, and his habit of repeating himself ad nauseum which will not be tolerated by Judge Marchan. No rambling on--stick to the matters at hand!

Yet Trump's tendencies to exaggerate and to make mountains out of molehills when it suits him will be expressed if given a chance; however, testifying planet Mercury opposing his natal proportion-challenged Jupiter denotes a highly unfavorable time for disagreements with authority figures.

And with the trial's Mercury-Moon opposition, the day's energies tend toward wordiness, an altering the facts atmosphere, and the potential that someone's change of heart about participating will bring things to a halt, especially since Mercury Rx won't turn Direct until the evening of Thursday April 25th. Obviously, possible losses of jurors and/or witnesses come to mind due to nervousness over the raptor's sinister gaze and his mob-like intentions.

So despite his strong emotions and deep need to take over the limelight, Mr. Trump will do somewhat better for himself if he keeps his mouth shut and keeps his wide girth off the witness stand.

For more info see the horoscope, Stormy Legalities: 1st Trump Trial of Monday April 15, 2024 which shows a first-house Moon @23Cancer--conjunct Defendant Trump's natal Saturn, with the Moon-Saturn duo emphasizing depression but the pair can also provide ambition, strategy, and direction.

Jan 22, 2024

Kyrsten Sinema needed at the border

Senator Kyrsten Sinema; official portrait 2018

Senator Sinema is a Moon-Saturn Kind of Gal

by Jude Cowell

So far these last few years, I've managed to avoid publishing the natal horoscope of former Democrat, now "Independent" Senator Kyrsten Sinema. But with her name in the news again in relation to US-Mexico border issues, her natal Moon-Saturn opposition across the self-willed Leo-Aquarius polarity - which lands upon America's 1776 Nodal Axis - may be worth a review if one hasn't previously. Actually, that would be yours truly, for I've ignored her disloyalty and money-grabbing activities in Congress as often as possible.

Now if memory serves, Sinema's childhood is known to have been a difficult one of poverty, as many others have been. One indication of this in her chart is the Moon-Saturn opposition between Mummy and Daddy, if we want to consider it on such a level with emotional deprivation part of the lunar picture. Thing is, this opposition tends to affect health but can simultaneously provide the individual with a deep urge for wordly accomplishment, or in other words, it suggests a highly ambitious nature. Self-reliance comes along with it and can often give a loner personality and an independent streak.

My concern now is Election 2024, the changes it will bring, and the fact that Sinema's natal Moon conjuncts US South Node (fluctuating popularity; emotional disengagement) while her Saturn conjuncts US North Node (public responsibility; contacts with more mature folk such as senators). Now I agree that her 10th house of Career and Public Status is stunningly full of her Sun, Mercury, Venus, and Saturn so chances are we're not rid of her just yet, no matter what career path she decides to take. Lucrative lobbying seems to attract but may not be prominent enough to suit her ambitions. After all, her money-bags planet Jupiter is in the 8th house of Big Business and Shared Resources, while erratic Uranus and North Node, a duo of radical politics, rise in 1st house of Self, making the highly intelligent Kyrsten Sinema definitely a woman to watch - and a difficult woman to fathom or predict!

Meanwhile, Republicans continue calling conditions at the Southern border a "crisis" of national security yet they refuse to cooperate on a solution because it would benefit President Biden and other Democrats. Selfish much?! Well, one must wonder just how security-minded Republicans are - if they are.

And so admittedly, if Kyrsten Sinema can somehow loosen the political log jam concerning Southern border issues, I'll have to change my view of the quirky Senator from Arizona.

Dec 13, 2022

Saturn and the 12N Eclipse of Marjorie Taylor Greene

Saturn in Cancer: Hypersensitive, Discontented - and with Family Aggravations

by Jude Cowell

As you've heard, Marjorie Taylor Greene boasted over the weekend at a Young Republicans event in NYC that, had she and Steve Bannon "led" the January 6, 2021 insurrection, they would have "won" (with guns ablazing as if there weren't guns - and deaths - involved already). My suspicion is that she must've meant that fascists like her and Steve could've pulled off the heist. CNN's Don Lemon has spoken of the brazen boast of violent uprising by Marjorie Taylor Greene in case you missed it.

And while it's true that Mizz Greene has appeared on SO'W once in October in a Mehdi Hassan video segment How the GOP Lost Its Mind, her boast of overthrowing the US government by 'armed riot' has made QAnon darling Mizz Greene's dream of grabbing power and control in the US House of Representatives (the 118th Congress) more obvious to the point that another post concerning my fellow Georgian, however reluctantly considered, must occur.

This is that post.

Marjorie Taylor Greene born May 27, 1974 Milledgeville, Georgia; Sun Gemini, Moon Leo or possibly in Virgo (her deep need for attention and leadership suggests a Leo Moon); birth hour unknown so 'noon' is used in the bi-wheel, below, her natal chart surrounds her 12 North Eclipse Horoscope:

As you see in the bi-wheel, Greene's natal planet of authority, authenticity, and realism, Saturn @4Can03, opposes her 12 North Prenatal Solar Eclipse ('PE') @2Cap40 indicating one who refuses to face up to their karmic obligations and blames their problems on other people (anyone but themselves - like Tr*mp, also born with a watery Saturn in Cancer with its Moon-Saturn signature). For karmic progress, the individual must face up to reality and correct problems in a responsible manner (R. Lineman). Let's not hold our breaths.

Because instead, Mizz Greene craves more power and authority once the 118th Congress gavels in on January 3, 2023 and, sorry to tell you, but the themes of her Prenatal Solar Eclipse in the 12 North Saros Series support more than hinder her power grabbing efforts. Significantly for her zealous activities, Greene was born on a day when the disruptive chaos-creator planet of anarchy, Uranus, arose with starry Spica ('the spike') with its potential for brilliance and a cosmic connection to the Washington Monument, and thus, to the presidency! Could this ultimate power position be Marge's eventual goal? Her ego is certainly large enough.

Yet the thing is, such politicians are anti-democracy so apparently their hook-up with the global fascist-nazi movement now working to sabotage America into collapse and establish a fascist-style dictatorship is close to Mizz Marge's aim. Such saboteurs gnaw away at American Democracy from the inside, as we'll see when the House gavels in the 118th Congress, and continues making a mockery of the US government.

So here's an unmarked, printable Horoscope of her 12 North PE which manifested prior to the birth of little baby Marge; the chart is set for Milledgeville, Georgia on December 24, 1973 at 10:07:02 am EST, and its themes are listed, below, and notably, the initial 12 North Eclipse @28Tau38 (of May 19, 1613) conjuncts the IC, the Foundation and Root of the 1973 12 North manifestation which gives extra strength to its themes; additionally, there's a YOD of crisis and opportunity if one counts the Midheaven (28Sco45 - conjunct President Biden's natal Sun-Venus) with a Mars-Saturn sextile (with its talent for organization) at its base, and with the Mars-Saturn midpoint as 'the death axis' (R. Ebertin); so the YOD has violent implications which are beyond the scope of this post - other than the above noted 'armed riot' remarks of Mizz Greene:

12 North Themes: 'Opportunities to accept greater respnsibilities come suddenly; new commitments appear due to another person's inability to carry on; events are difficult but outcomes in terms of harmony or self-esteem are positive' (paraphrasing B. Brady's Predictive Astrology #ad). The last 12N occurred in January 2010 @25Capricorn, the next 12N occurs on January 26, 2028 @6Aquarius conjunct the US South Node of 1776.

And of course, 12N's "inability to carry on" reminds one of Kevin McCarthy and his deperate attempt to become Speaker of the House, yet said to be lacking the necessary votes, as reported so far. And considering the 'supportive' themes of her PE, I suspect you see what I mean about Mizz Greene.

Mar 6, 2021

Modern Humanity Horoscope with March 2021 Transits

UPDATE April 22, 2022: Noting that the Midterms 2022 Lunar Eclipse @16Taurus conjunct radical Uranus meets the North Node of Modern Humanity, or we could say that the Lunar Eclipse of November 8, 2022 falls eerily across our path. jc

Original post begins here:

A Cosmic Check-Up for Modern Humanity: Our Appointment? March 8, 2021

by Jude Cowell

March 6, 2021: Below is the DC Horoscope of the Modern Humanity Eclipse of 1892 which perfected on *April 26th at 4:46:34 pm est @7Tau05 in the 2 Old North Saros Series. Around the eclipse chart in center are the transits for March 8, 2021 set for 12:40:15 pm est Washington DC. I chose this hour for our "appointment" because it's when the July 4, 1776 Sun @13Can19 rises on March 8th, plus, US natal Sun sits atop the eclipse chart, as you see, in the catbird seat and visible to all. This sign and degree seems significant to me because of the 1892 Eclipse Midheaven/Immum Coeli axis, aka, the MC-IC Security/Homeland axis which emcompasses Career and Domestic Scene. Naurally, parental and child issues are also involved across the 4/10 polarity which in Western Astrology is ruled by the Moon (Cancer 4th house) and Saturn (Capricorn 10th house), the lunar mommy and solar daddy significators with family concerns close at hand. Of course, the Moon-Saturn duo can tend toward depression or illness, but also to ambition, strategy and direction:

Now I've tried not to scribble all over the bi-wheel with basic chart factors as I tend to do, however, penned upon the image are the more prominent planetary contacts of Monday March 8, 2021 and beyond since some transits are ongoing (perfecting multiple times, some already in progress) while some transits have yet to perfect but are included because they're within orb and will gain strength as they become exact.

An example is 2021 Mars to 1892 Neptune and Pluto @7Gem34/37 in the financial and corporate 8th house. As you know, America is under an ongoing attack (Mars) by criminal elements or the criminal underworld (Neptune-Pluto: racketeers and mobsters) who've infiltrated federal and state governments, some of whom work to sabotage our country into complete collapse and destroy democracy as a system of government - and with helpers in the political class. (You recognized the Tr*mp Mob's 'take-over' objective on January 6, 2021, I'm certain.) There exist social meddlers who want We The People in the streets with pitchcforks in hand! But personally I prefer legislative and legal powers to beat them and their lousy policies back.

Meanwhile, the Neptune-Pluto duo also represents the psychic roots of man (A. Oken) which makes the karmic pair, here in the 8th house of the Occult, prominent on an inner and/or spiritual level, and sometimes suggesting supernatural involvement.

A News Note: Today around noon or so, the US Senate passed a somehat reduced Covid Relief Bill which then goes back to the House to be re-passed before President Biden can sign it into law (because changes were made from the House version). So if its weighty abundance doesn't bring down our financial house entirely, the Bill will provide some financial relief for struggling Americans, their families, for Covid distribution efforts, and for state governments who can't just up and print money of their own like the federal government can do!

Now a quick look at 1892 chart-ruler Venus (ASC in Libra) and 'her' applying aspects which hint at how things will proceed. There are only two and one isn't considered Ptolemaic (major) in the traditional sense - an inconjunct, or quincunx (150 degrees), between Venus and Mars. Right away we know that adjustments (inconjunct) are needed between the sexes (Venus-Mars) which affect relationships (Aries-Libra issues, but also suggests war and diplomacy concerns). Money is involved as many folks work hard for too little profit and are exploited or, we exploit others in business and/or in love and war. Approval is sought from others to bolster self-worth (and increase paychecks?) so resentment is felt when we're unappreciated and America's obscene income inequality threatens all progress.

But prior to the inconjunct, Venus @22Gem31 squares karmic Saturn Rx @24Vir00 from 9th house to 12th. This is a cosmic picture of socializing issues of an anti-societal kind so that isolation is actually preferred by many. It also implies worry or anxiety over finances and/or legal matters yet worrying never brings positive outcomes, does it? Other potentials of the square include withheld affections or the limiting of resources such as the tiresome R vs D battles in Congress.

Now as you see, 1892 Saturn is angular upon the March 8, 2021 IC (as timed by the eclipse) suggesting our ongoing difficulties on the Domestic Scene, increased responsibilities at home, plus, the potential loss of homes through eviction or otherwise. Hopefully, this is a passing or temporary condition for us especially now that the Covid Relief Bill (Saturn!) seems to be heading for a presidential signing: yayy! Evictions forestalled for a few months longer while the economy hopefully improves. And obviously, Saturn in 12th house is a cosmic picture of folks working behind the scenes, or, from home in isolation. Perhaps this has not been such a bad deal for those who can manage to work from home since serious old Saturn joys in the 12th house!

Yet a fly in the House may be an inconjunction between Mercury, the planet of bills, signings, and negotiations, and restrictive Saturn which suggests authority figures who deny their responsibilities and tend to live in the past (the 'good ole days'). Do you know anyone like this? Perhaps someone 'serving' We The People in Congress? Or at least, getting paid to serve us? Or how about those who occupy certain governors' offices? Well, more adjustments to the Covid Relief Bill may be on the congressional menu. But this aspect reveals that sometimes it's better to say, No, and stop acting like patsies!

April 13, 2021

Now another word about Saturn: on April 13, 2021, Mars will square 1892 Saturn so that efforts to control may be stymied and aggressive actions blocked. Activities (Mars) are met with resistance (Saturn) and solutions must be sought which hints that good outcomes are possible (now that adults are in charge: Saturn). Thing is, at least two other transits occur on April 13, 2021: Jupiter sextiles 1892 Mercury (first of three) which suggests favorable business opportunities, and a positive period for writing, publishing, teaching, and commerce in general. All the Mercurial things which hopefully will benefit children.

Then in the more esoteric or spiritual realms on April 13th, 2021 Chiron (The Key!) conjuncts 1892 Jupiter in Aries (#1 of 3, in the 6th house of Service and Health), a transit already within orb. This transit identifies a period when it's 'time to forget and forgive' so that old wounds (Chiron) can heal. Those with the idea that we must 'move on' are correct for this is exactly what it is time for. And yet days in court for criminals are warranted as well so perhaps around the time of the third conjunction (February 12, 2022), justice will be served and satisfied, 'clean-ups on aisle 13' will be successfully completed, and society can move into the future with lighter hearts, better braced for upcoming challenges.

Now before I list a few midpoint pictures, we should consider an overarching situation: that 2021 Uranus has been opposing 1892 Uranus from Taurus to Scorpio, its sign of exaltation. March 6, 2021 was the last of three exact oppositions, and as you know, this is the "Mid-Life Crisis" transit for human beings, and some astrologers might say it can't apply to society as a whole. But what is Modern Humanity but a massive collective of human beings? I say it does apply to current conditions, and the restlessness involved, plus, its out-of-character implications in our era seem spot-on to me, if not to you. This disruptive influence is, in a word, generational, and I'd say that Uranian styles of uniqueness and individualism are signs of the times.

Now you know that the sign of Uranus describes behavioral tendencies so we've 'traded' intense Scorpio tendencies for Taurean ones (materialistic, possessive, intolerant of 'the other') and suggests potentials for risk-taking, speculation, finding unusual sources of funding, funny financing, sudden economic changes, and/or putting all the eggs into one basket. When in Taurus, the sign of its detriment, erratic Uranus likes to advance reforms in business and the economy so with the financial stalemates and underhanded schemes on Capitol Hill, we've certainly noticed such tendencies in recent years. Of course, this transit has occurred before, as have others, so a look back would be interesting but it's beyond the scope of this post. After all, I don't have all night and neither do you!

3 Midpoint Pictures: March-April 2021 to April 26, 1892; any, all, or none may apply

1. 2021 Uranus conjunct 1892 Solar Eclipse: acting independently; rebellion; sudden conflicts; shared upsets; lack of adaptability; quick developments; dramatic changes and reforms. As you know, eclipses are Uranian 'wild cards of the Universe', disrupting earthly events as mundane Uranus can do. Actions may occur early, on time, late, or never. Plus, quirky Uranus often wears a cap of the Utopian anarchist, political zealot, radical reactionary and reformer. This is a major transit with both Uranus and the Eclipse suggesting that karmic progress can be made if the energies are handled correctly! Yes, it's full of difficulties for society - like catching a bolt of lightening in a bottle! Yet 2021 Uranus is activating the eclipse themes of 2 Old North which are: 'unfortunate news concerning relationships; issues of separation or the endings of unions' (secession?); 'things look worse at first but brighten with quite positive results; taking action concerning personal relationships' (paraphrasing Brady's Predictive Astrology). Humanity has recently experienced a 2 Old North Eclipse on July 12, 2018 @21Cancer. (Actually, you may remember that this is the Prenatal Eclipse Series of the former guy, what's-his-name.)

2. 1892 Neptune-Pluto = 2021 Mars: taking action based on faith; application of force taken sensitively (ex: 'surgical strikes'?); displays of powerful emotions; a deep urge to change or transform, eliminate, purify (by Covid?), or unite; the desire to share power or territory; hostility; the use of violence to accomplish aims; being used as a tool for other people's interests; lack of stamina; convincing or being convinced.

And 3. 2021 Moon-Pluto = 1892 Mars: using force to achieve changes in corrupt practices; quarrels; rage; possible injuries; secrets or scandals revealed (ex: a possible love child).

Now let's close with a fourth April 13th transit involving 1892 Saturn but this one begins in 2022: undermining Neptune in Pisces will oppose 1892 Saturn, first on April 13, 2022, with the third opposition on February 13, 2023. This is a destabilizing and stressful influence (already within orb) when authority figures are threatened by deceitful people (already, I know!), multiple bankruptcies may occur, and important limitations can disappear. Apparently, our disappointment with corrupt authority figures will continue to erode society if we allow it.

The challenge for humanity is to figure out how to see things from a different perspective which most folks seem to already be doing as they reflect upon what's truly important and valuable in their lives.

Midpoint sources are listed at the bottom of the chart image.

*The above horoscope may be found in Horoscope for the New Millennium, by E. Alan Meece who notes on page 149 that the actual Conjunction of Neptune and Pluto occurred on April 30, 1892. The eclipse chart is used instead for Modern Humanity ("the chart for the age we live in") because with eclipses an accurate time can be reliably known - to the minute and second. jc

Oct 23, 2020

The Natal Saturns of Biden and Trump: Who to Hire?

Job Interview! Whose Saturn Fits the Bill?

by Jude Cowell

October 23, 2020: My deep suspicion is that pretty much everyone knows by now that astrological Saturn is the planet of responsibility, reliability, dependability, maturity, realism, Time, gravity, accountability, limitation, restriction, flaws and fears, efficiency, seriousness, concentrated thought, fulfilling (or neglecting) demands and commands, studiousness, learning/teaching lessons, work, laws, rules, regulations, policies, perseverance, endurance, and other such sobering, often difficult things. Plus, we know that karma, loss, and several physical characteristics also apply to multi-dimentional Saturn but let's not fret over it just now because this post is for comparing/contrasting the natal Saturns by sign and aspect condition of Donald Trump, the incumbent, and Joseph Biden, the challenger, opposing one another on November 3, 2020 as they vie for the job of US president.

Pretending this post is a job interview of the planet of responsibility and work (even though it's the Electoral College that decides the victor, not We The People), we know from the outset that Saturn functions well from mental Air signs but not as well from emotional Water signs and is, in fact, in his detriment in Cancer because it's the sign opposite Capricorn, ruled by Saturn.

Now perhaps you'll agree that the role of President of the United States ideally calls for the more sobering traits mentioned above, and some would say that such seriousness and maturity have been lacking for nearly four years now. Be that as it may be, let us proceed to consider the proclivities of former VP Biden's Saturn in Mercury-ruled Gemini vs the current figurehead, Donald Trump, and his Saturn in Moon-ruled Cancer - the first suggesting a Mercury-Saturn signature, the second with Moon-Saturn on its resume.

That both men are of a Saturnin age must please the planet of old age! Or at least it's no disqualifier for political office as far as Saturn the senex is concerned:

General notes on folks born with Saturn in Gemini: a logical, practical mind; well-disciplined; dependable; honest (for the most part--Mr. Biden is a politician, after all); reasonable; organized; adaptable; objective; intellectual; can manage well within systems; interests in Math and Science; prefers that things be well-defined (ex: clarity in contracts); a resourceful finder of solutions; wisdom through duress; philosophical; possible speech impediment such as stuttering; the nervous system.

Joe Biden was born with a wide conjunction of Saturn (7th house) and Uranus (6th house) suggesting willpower and perseverance; an applying sextile between Saturn and Pluto denotes one who requires details before making decisions; control issues require positive channels for best expression; priorities are self-reliance and financial security; opportunities (sextile) in work and career matters (Saturn) are provided by higher (hidden, wealthy) powers (Pluto in the corporate 8th house).

General notes on folks born with Saturn in Cancer: early family environment results in emotional inhibitions that lead to estrangement from family members and/or others; the parental unit may have been cold and austere causing emotional scars, depression, and an inability to trust; extreme emotional sensitivity, a touchy ego, defensiveness; a protective emotional shell forms (Cancer the Crab scuttles sideways to avoid uncomfortable situations/loathes being challenged); a lack of warmth in relationships; security concerns (Saturn rules walls, fences, and borders!); a deep need for respect and approval from others; domestic strain and financial problems; a sluggish metabolism leads to excessive weight gain and water retention; an unusually strong materialism (heightened by a deep fear of poverty). The Moon-Saturn signature also relates to ambitious plans and strategizing often based on unconscious motivations and emotional needs.

Donald Trump was born with a Venus-Saturn conjunction in the 11th house of Groups and Associations. Discontent in relationships can be an excuse for disloyalty and unfaithfulness; concerns with justice, fairplay, and loyalty are evident - for Trump this is supported by his Jupiter in Libra through which we hear his cry of, "It's not fair!".

So! If you were the one hiring, and considering the dire problems America now faces, which fellow do you think would more efficiently and responsibly handle such a difficult job at this moment in history?

Birth Data Used (assuming accuracy): Joseph Biden November 20, 1942 8:30 am EWT Scranton, PA (RR: A); Donald Trump June 14, 1946 10:54 am edt Jamaica, NY (RR: AA).

May 24, 2020

May 26, 2020 Horoscope: Pluto oppo US natal Mercury

by Jude Cowell

For a while now, transit Pluto has led the tilt of a BOWL shape of planets. Here you see a DC Horoscope set for the moment on May 26, 2020 that transit Pluto and Moon oppose one another across the Cancer-Capricorn security axis ('Moon-Saturn' = a health indicator along with ambition and strategy). Moon-Saturn's signs are intercepted across the 3/9 Communication axis (local vs foreign) suggesting that our problems are karmic and must be dealt with, one way or another. Power-mad Pluto @24Cap46 Rx tilts or tips the BOWL as you see while Luna, acting as an excellent timer (to the second!) makes up the opposite rim of the BOWL. A lack of balance is suggested while simultaneously, Pluto, within orb of US natal Pluto, opposes US natal Mercury Rx which implicates America's surveillance-loving, thought-controlling Mercury-Pluto opposition of July 4, 1776--here with transit Jupiter Rx @24Cap00 conjunct US natal Pluto Rx (27:32). Someone is misusing intelligence reports and/or leaking secrets, which in Washington DC comes as no surprise.

Now I'm not suggesting that the May 26th opposition identifies a moment or a day when a significant event will occur (which would take far more factors than one chart can show) but the chart is posted here merely as a symbolic horoscope spotlighting current conditions in society at the end of May 2020 particularly in the realms of Moon-Pluto, Mercury-Pluto, Jupiter-Pluto, Saturn-Pluto, and more if one cares to seek.

In general, possibilities of the noted planetary pairs include:

Underhanded tactics to gain control, zealotry, ambitious new plans, emotional outbursts, upheavals, investigative research (a vaccine perhaps?), conflicts and uprisings, fanatical aims, plutocrats exploiting the masses (tiresomely!), cold hearts, renunciation, reactionaries and violent people, painstaking work, martyrdom, mass murder, pursuing egoistic aims (wonder who?), a demagogue (peep-eye!), a propagandist, persuasive oration, plagiarism, speculation, large projects, those with power to dispense, 'legal eagles', economists, professors, and, last but not least: a sense of duty, isolation, thrift, self-control, depression, finding fault, wounds, blood transfusions, and/or kidney and other diseases. Obviously, a very difficult period is described and is discernible by conditions and events (sans Astrology) in society.

So What's Not in the BOWL?

The zodiacal signs not contained within the BOWL are: Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, and Sagittarius (except for South Node in Sag) and these describe huge areas of experience missing from current proceedings at the moment for the plutonians in charge and thus they represent 'challenges to existence' for those utilizing the BOWL energies as they advocate for a cause or a mission with greedy Pluto 'scooping up' all planetary energies (Jones). Plus, even without the lens of Astrology, few people are unaware of the titanic power struggles ongoing in America and elsewhere between radical reactionary political operatives--saboteurs, I call them, neo-fascists others call them--and the Establishment entities and forces which imply, if not promise, society a less chaotic existence (I'm for that! Can you tell?).

Meanwhile, the restrictive, constraining, tough-minded Saturn-Pluto Conjunction of January 2020 (@22Cap46 - conjunct Trump's natal Vertex!) continues to bedevil the globe, financially and otherwise--and their last conjunction of 1982 @27Lib36 ('Reaganomics') rises at Ascendant in this chart reminding us of our current potentials for difficult circumstances, loss, and silent power - some directly due to the limitations of Reagan era politics and economic policies (ex: cuts to mental health funding, corporate welfare, etc). Besides, we know that mundane Pluto is stealthy and manipulative all by himself and loves to wield silent power! And with karmic loss-leader Saturn by Pluto's side and strong in his own sign of Capricorn, what can possibly go wrong? (snark).

Well, for one thing, that's Trump's natal 12th house Pluto (10Leo02) near the top of the chart ('MC') as you see which always brings along his destructive, brutal midpoint picture of Mars-Saturn = Pluto: 'death of many people, murder, intervention of a higher power' (Ebertin). So we have that going against us as Trump corpses pile up and his particular brand of chaos and mismanagement reign--now with potentials for nuclear testing. Hopefully, nukes won't be 'the higher power' that intervenes.

So as you see at the Foundation of this chart (IC), the trio of heavyweights form a midpoint picture - Saturn-Pluto = Jupiter: 'difficulties caused through illness; social and religious fanaticism' (Ebertin) which pretty much sums up much of what's going on these days, yes?

And with the intense Moon-Pluto influence in this symbolic chart I'm thinking that the Secondary Progressed ('SP') Conjunction of US SP Moon and Pluto in October 2020 may be part of what's forewarned or pre-echoed in this chart. At the least, a cosmic time link is suggested between late May and October 2020 so perhaps Patreon subscribers of SO'W might consider a comparison between this horoscope and America's October SP horoscope recently published to Patreon!

So in closing

Mention should be made of transit Jupiter, the planet of expansion and increase (not always a good thing since negative conditions can be made worse by his presence!), precisely conjoining the natal Pluto of America only once: December 7, 2020. So as you see, this year will be the 79th anniversary of "a date that will live in infamy", a reference to Japan's attack on Pearl Harbor what some have called a version of a 'false flag op' (FDR knew it was coming and did nothing to divert it--similar to Trump and coronavirus in 2020). The attack on Pearl Harbor was then used by Washington to justify America's entry into World War II - which was a case of doing what the Pentagon wanted to do in the first place - an example of a practical use of the Hegelian Dialect that creates a problem then 'solves' it.

And yes, there remains an awful lot of such manipulation and 'solutions' that miss the mark going on in US Politics, that "systematic organisation of hatreds".

So my question for you is: through our years of apathy and laziness, have We The People finally merited the sorry government we've long deserved?

Exact 2020/21 Transits to US natal placements include Pluto oppose US Mercury 3x: February 27, June 26 (this chart), January 1, 2021 (disturbing news, forcing opinions on others, crisis); Saturn conjunct US Pluto 3x (power and control issues, conditions and/or events too large to handle): February 23, August 4, November 20; Jupiter oppose US Mercury 3x: March 30, June 29, November 20 (blunt opinions; tactlessness). Note that November 20, 2020 stands out due to transit Jupiter and Saturn ruffling the US natal Mercury-Pluto opposition. Also note that other pertinent transits and influences must be factored in for a fuller picture to be gained--some negative, and some positive and thus mitigating. Thank Goodness. jc

Feb 13, 2020

Spring Equinox 2020's 2nd House Planetary Pairs

More on Spring Equinox 2020

by Jude Cowell

February 13, 2020: If you've watched Revealing Light Tarot's reading covering the Next 6 Months you've noticed Mary Ann's focus on the month of March which naturally contains Spring Equinox 2020 (March 19 11:49 pm ET), a horoscope that serves for the entire year and marks the moment when the Sun conjuncts the Aries Point of World Events. And if you use the late afternoon US natal chart of July 4, 1776 that I tend most to use, this times the Sun's entrance into America's natal 4th house of Domestic Scene and Homeland (with its 4/10 Security implications). The following post is my attempt at an additional consideration of Spring Equinox 2020 (the horoscope set for Washington DC) and the emphasis created by the chart's 2nd hou$e planetary pairs opposing the corporate 8th hou$e. Obviously, we must keep in mind other matters of the 8th house which include death, transition, the occult, shared resources, taxes, debt and credit, and/or insurance.

Mars as 2nd-house Trigger conjuncts Jupiter, then Pluto, then Saturn

In the Spring Equinox 2020 Horoscope (chart shown) we find a full 2nd house (National Treasury; Values; Earning Ability) suggesting a heavy focus on financial matters, if not economic, budgetary, and/or currency concerns. So let's consider the planetary pairs therein for more information in the Realms of Politics and Business as provided by Michael Munkasey and the Hegelian model (creating problems then 'solving' them the way that was already intended).

First, a few basics:

2nd cusp 25Sag19 makes money bags Jupiter the 2nd-house ruler; Jupiter also rules 4th house with its cusp @6Pis46 along with the 'help' of deceptive loss-leader Neptune, planet of fraud and mergers. Transit Jupiter first conjoins Pluto (1A54) suggesting The Fed, then Saturn (7A040) pointing toward a new social, political, and economic order (see the Jupiter-Saturn link, below). Placements in 2nd house include the drain of the Moon's South Node, the tail of the dragon, suggesting a neurotic reliance on past tactics that are no longer effective, and most folks agree that Trump has certainly plopped our National Treasury resources into the red, in large part due to his Tax Cuts for the wealthy (Corporate Socialism for the 1%!). That the Cancer-Capricorn polarity is intercepted across the 2/8 axis in the Spring Equinox 2020 chart denotes karmic conditions which must be addressed via its Moon-Saturn influences of ambition, strategy, and direction. Saturn-ruled Capricorn's involvement implies investments and Wall Street trading with depressive Moon-Saturn vibes. However, taking direct action to solve problems can always mitigate this.

Meanwhile, with 24Scorpio46 rising, 2nd-house Mars is chart-ruler (and activating trigger), plus, the warrior planet also rules the 5th house of Speculation and Risk-Taking (5th cusp 8Ari17). And with Mars @22Cap35, the January 12, 2020 Saturn-Pluto Conjunction @22Cap46 is thereby activated suggesting potentials for: ruthlessness, violence, and/or 'the necessity to fight for existence' (Ebertin). Munkasey adds 'the need to use whatever means or power available to continue working' and as we know, royalist Trump keeps claiming for himself expansive powers that break the parameters placed in the US Constitution = unconstitutional behavior of the Executive Branch morphing the US government into an imperial monarchy.

Plus, a nod should be made toward the 6th house of Work and Service (Civil, Military, Police, etc), and Health which contains disruptive Uranus @4Tau32 (in Taurus = seeking unusual sources of funding; environmental concerns) and money planet Venus @15Tau56 (conservative in Taurus yet luxury-loving). Together the Venus-Uranus pair relates to money matters such as extravagant spending, waste, eventual bankruptcy, plus, estrangement and relationship break-ups.

So here are some of the potentials of the planetary pairs posited in the 2nd-house with a few comments and a steel industry link included by yours truly:

Mars-Jupiter Thesis: action taken in response to legal judgments (Barr shortening Roger Stone's sentence?); advice which angers or inflames others (ditto); too much legal activity or opinions; religious activities. Anti-thesis: judgment of enemies or those who seek to do battles; misuse of forces; an expansion of military hardware (and funding); legal opinions or judicial cases which affect the military or metal industries.

Mars-Pluto Thesis: security forces allied with the military; conducting clandestine operations; using police or military against criminal elements (oh could we?); attacks using powerful forces and weaponry. Anti-thesis: A police state with rigid military controls; use of suppression and torture as a means of enforcing policy (Trump's dream?); exporting upheaval and political theory to others as an objective; wars, rape, mayhem, chaos.

Mars-Saturn (with Saturn strong in Capricorn at a critical-crisis 29th degree) Thesis: curtailing force or military power by authorities; enforcement of honor through the use of strife or struggle; wars which persist (yep); frustration imposed upon or by criminal elements (Alert: mob boss in the White House!); demands to halt armaments. Anti-thesis: military actions which continue under political or other restrictions; an obligation to use force (NATO?) when restraint is required; the ambitious taking of what belongs to another; an older enterprise becomes angered.

And if we add health to the planetary pictures in consideration of our concerns over Trump's obese medical condition, bad diet, and what looks to be his continual drug use (sniff sniff!), we find that Mars-Jupiter = hip or liver surgery or a major operation, Mars-Pluto = tumors and/or toxic diseases of the sexual organs (late-stage syphilis?), and Mars-Saturn = high blood pressure, blockages (how could a fatty grub not have these?), weak or withered muscles, and/or hyper followed by hypo (Munkasey).

Biologically, to Mars-Jupiter Ebertin adds 'heart muscle' and 'activity of the organs'; to Mars-Pluto: replacement by 'artificial organs and functions' (including dentures); to Mars-Saturn: 'joints, muscles, bones, tendons, sinews, bone or bone marrow inflammation; atrophy of an organ, and/or muscle paralysis, particularly of the breathing mechanism (includes suffocation)'.

(An additional astro-note: today, February 13, 2020, marks the first of three exact oppositions from transit Pluto to Trump's natal Saturn in clannish Cancer and these challenging energies imprint upon the whole of 2020 for him, and thus for our nation (exact again on July 12th and December 20th). Aptly, Trump's abuse of power issues are front and center in the news this very day via his Roger Stone sentencing interference, as you know, along with rigid demands concerning his authority, accountability, and unreliability, demands which are always required by cosmic taskmaster Saturn - his, spotlighted all through 2020 by oppositions from powerful Pluto, planet of manipulation, control, secrets, criminality, and hidden wealth.)

Well, this post is my second pass at the Spring Equinox 2020 Horoscope (aka, Aries Ingress) using a different lens than before. And as always your on-topic comments are welcome (moderated to cull out the ads and trolls!) and my Thanks for any and all Shares which encourage more such SO'W posts! jc

Related 2020 posts include: DC Horoscopes: Jupiter-Pluto Conjunctions of 2020 (tri-wheel charts shown), and the order-shifting Jupiter-Saturn Conjunction which ends 2020 on December 21st @00AQ29 - here are the conjunction's Midpoint Pictures and its DC Horoscope.

Sources: Unleashing the Power of the Planets, Michael Munkasey, and The Combination of Stellar Influences, Reinhold Ebertin.

Above image: 'Abandoned Garden with Peonies', a pencil drawing by yours truly.

Nov 18, 2019

Cold War Horoscope 1945 meets Saturn-Pluto 2020

Cold War-Yalta Astro-Notes: 1945 and Beyond

by Jude Cowell

It's probably not good news that one of the planets in a historical horoscope soon to be 'hit' by the harsh January 12, 2020 Saturn-Pluto Conjunction @22Cap46 is Mars in the February 4, 1945 Cold War Horoscope of the postwar Yalta Conference between FDR, Churchill, and Stalin which suggests potentials for 'brutality, violence, ruthlessness, and the necessity to fight for one's existence' (Ebertin). Additionally, the January 12, 2020 conjunction of compressed energies manifests upon the Cold War's 19 South Prenatal Eclipse ('PE' of January 14, 1945 @23Cap41 = 'lucky breaks'--Brady) and it conjuncts Trump's natal Vertex ('VX' @22Cap51), all of which are penned on the right side of the chart; Roosevelt's birth data is listed, upper right; and a Vertex is a point of 'fated encounters' and/or 'changing work conditions':

Also listed on the chart underneath FDR's natal data is a depressing cosmic occurrence--Yalta's Saturn Rx @4Can36 conjoins FDR's natal Moon, and Yalta's Moon conjoins FDR's natal Saturn--a double whammy, we could say. So obviously, the conference was held during an emotional low point in Roosevelt's life, plus, Moon-Saturn contacts often have health connotations. We can see this in Yalta photos and the dark circles around his eyes.

Then sadly, as you know, President Franklin Delano Roosevelt died of a brain hemorrhage about 2 months after the Yalta Conference ended, his "willful ignorance" about Stalin and communism no longer influencing him. Yet due to recent events and Trump's turns against traditional US alliances, one may wonder if in 2019 and beyond the tendency toward such 'ignorance' continues to influence certain denizens of Washington DC who thereby work against the better interests of our nation.

Recommended: Roosevelt's Failure at Yalta from the Hoover Institute circa 2004 which touches uncomfortably upon the current day relationship between the US and Russia via Donald Trump's transactional, subservient union with Vladimir Putin. Alternatively, here's a different view, Why Roosevelt was right about Stalin - that we could do business with him because at heart Stalin was a businessman. So was FDR naive about the Russian leader of his day? Does Donald Trump behave like a Kremlin asset? The horoscope, above, has some indication of threatened violence and of course many folk (such as yours truly) suspect that Putin controls Trump bwo blackmail and/or threatened violence--and perhaps Stalin controlled Roosevelt in a similar fashion. If so, are current events and those of the Roosevelt administration and the Stalin regime more alike than we know?

Well, for more info on 1945 events, try a Politico article by Andrew Glass Roosevelt departs from Yalta, February 11, 1945 which details some of the aftermath of the Yalta Conference such as FDR's assurance to Congress that, "I come from the Crimea with a firm belief that we have made a start on the road to a world of peace." But it soon became clear that Stalin would not honor his promise of free elections for Poland. Naive? Willful ignorance? Complicity under duress?

So I surmise that the upcoming planetary pile-up upon the 23 Capricorn degree indicates a cosmic time link involving events of 1945 and today, with the same nations participating. And on the horoscope you see (mid-center, top) a notation replete with on-topic cosmic synchronicity: 23 Capricorn = Governmental authority, according to fabled astrologer Nicholas Devore.

So as 'they' always like to say, timing is everything which suggests to me that whatever upcoming shift "this is," it has been in the planning stages for a very long time meant to coincide with the beginning of a new order timed by Saturn conjunct Pluto, then at Winter Solstice 2020, Jupiter conjunct Saturn upon US Inaugural Sun (the Office of the President), and with three conjunctions of the wealthy plutocrat duo Jupiter and Pluto sandwiched in between.

Sep 9, 2019

DC Horoscope: The Very First Eclipse of 2020

Looking Ahead with The Past in Mind: a 2nd Look at the January 10, 2020 Eclipse

by Jude Cowell

On January 10, 2020 will manifest a penumbral lunar eclipse, aka, an appulse eclipse (light not fully dimmed); for more info see Keith's Lunar Eclipse Page. Yet as some readers know, my focus with solar and lunar eclipses and their effects on history and society is on their degrees--their symbolism, conjunctions, oppositions, and other prominent factors related to their particular place of manifestation in the Zodiac. Sensitive degrees are created when eclipses occur upon them and can remain 'sore' for years as is the case with sensitive critical degrees (Mansions of the Moon are not covered here!) which may suggest possibilities for crisis conditions and/or events--at the least, disruption--usually externally with solar eclipses and internally with lunar ones.

Therefore, it's notable that the January 10, 2020 Lunar Eclipse, although not Total, is at the critical degree of 20Cancer00, plus, this is the first eclipse of 2020 so its cosmic 'wild card' energies are imprinted upon the entire year. What 'cosmic blinks' are in store? What shenanigans are perpetrated in the dark? What can Castor reveal? Related may be the fact that a 12 South Solar Eclipse occurred conjunct Castor on July 11, 2010. Will a discovery or two concerning 2010 issues and events turn up during 2020? Consider 12 South themes: 'a long-term worrisome or draining issue at first seems worse then suddenly clears with successful outcomes' (Brady). Okay!

As for the January 2020 Lunar Eclipse, the Cancer-Capricorn axis is ruled by Moon and Saturn which relates to security and domestic concerns, plus, has ambition, strategy, status, and direction interests. Set for Washington DC, the horoscope of the January 10, 2020 Lunar Eclipse @20Can00 reveals a variety of reactions to the previous Solar Eclipse of December 26, 2019 @4Cap07 (see eclipse list linked, below) with its 'traumatic transformation' theme. And obviously, a 'new start' is heralded by a New Year on January 1, 2020 so what may we expect for Year 2020 besides the major changes of direction timed by the January 12, 2020 Conjunction of karmic planets Saturn and Pluto (@22Cap46)? For as you know, eclipses also tend to disrupt earthly affairs and bring changes of direction although no one can say with complete confidence exactly what's ahead (other than Campaign 2020 and the usual political antics and overblown promises). However, new social, financial, and political orders are suggested and point toward another Great Conjunction in the 20-year cycle of 'societal planets' Jupiter and Saturn begins again on December 21, 2020 @00AQ29--at Winter Solstice, and conjuncts the US POTUS Sun degree.

So let's have a glance at the 'cosmic blink' eclipse horoscope that 'opens' 2020, below, for eclipses are always Uranian in nature--erratic, sudden, sometimes shocking, or perhaps merely full of surprises. Adding extra information, as noted, we have the lunar eclipse activating one of the Gemini Twins, Castor, a star containing possibilities for 'sudden fame or loss, mental illness, murder', and/or 'the crippling of limbs' (A. Louis). Yet Castor is also a writers' star and suggests much creativity in its positive manifestations. Eclipses 'work through' fixed stars and strengthen or empower their potentials - and vice versa.

A previous post also concerned the January 2020 Lunar Eclipse.

DC Horoscope: January 10, 2020 Lunar Eclipse @20Cancer00 Conjunct Castor:

Hour of Mercury (time for change) but Mercury is out-of-bounds of the earthly plane ('OOBs') but here we see the little fella posited in 8th house with Jupiter, South Node, Sun, Saturn, Pluto, and asteroid Ceres ('democracy' restricted or over-powered by Saturn-Pluto authoritarianism; plus, potential interruption of food supplies). The 2/8 axis (Taurus-Scorpio) is emphasized (Money, Shared Resources, the National Treasury--what's left of it--Insurance, Debt, Corporatism, Transformation, the Occult, Death, etc). And the Jupiter-SN conjunction suggests clashes and conflicts of interest between social and ethical aims vs current trends and traditions, issues of bad timing, difficulties or delays in or concerning foreign lands, and genuine morality that could suffer from false religious it has before. In addition, Mercury's OOBs condition can relate to messages from an unknown source and/or to someone who is out-of-touch, here with 8th house matters and issues. Perhaps he's wandering off from a microphone or podium, forgetful of where he is and losing the thread!

Now we should also consider that the January lunar eclipse is the cosmic 'bookend' of the December 26, 2019 Solar Eclipse @4Cap07 in the 3 South Saros Series with themes of traumatic transformation and relationship endings (Brady) so its themes are yet another suggestion of major changes afoot. Plus, the Cancer eclipse hints that the public reacts to the Capricorn eclipse of 2019 and its effects in emotional and/or patriotic or nationalistic ways; Trump's insistence on protectionism comes to mind. Personally, I react with, 'America going it alone is a weakened America' while the sabotage and undermining of our nation as led by Trump continues.

As you see, communicating Mercury, planet of young people and ruler of the chart (ASC 13Gem53 with Trump's chaos-creating natal Uranus first to rise), conjoins the Sun @20Capricorn, the sign of government, law and business, so Mercury is also at critical degree. This conjunction on a political level suggests a leader (Sun) fond of his own ideas (Mercury) who doesn't listen (Mercury) to others (Full Moon = the public, and/or women). Sound like anyone you know, and perhaps like the continuing lawsuits, investigations, and scandals now in the news which are certain to continue into and through 2020? As you know, fantasist Trump's natal Mercury-Neptune square blocks both his hearing and his understanding!

Then on a behavioral level, there's quirky Uranus unaspected in money sign Taurus which emphasizes the planet's isolation and detachment qualities while hinting at spurt-like bursts of energy. Without sufficient channels through which to discharge the intense energy of Uranus which aspects would provide, nervous electrical tension can build up and increase restlessness and feelings of discontent. Uranian flashes of genius can still occur but there's less impetus to change rigid behavior patterns--implicated in this case are Taurean traits of possessiveness, selfishness, greed, and intolerance. And since on a behavioral level I often ascribe planet Uranus as a representative for Donald Trump (it's his guiding planet), I suspect this horoscope with Uranus in 12th house of Karma and Politics shows that he's feeling 'unique and unmatched' in the political arena (Tierney). However, to me Trump is more of an embarrassing sticks-out-like-a sore-thumb figure with his natal Uranus in duplicitous Gemini. And although Uranus is unaspected, it is apex planet in a midpoint picture:

Venus-North-Node = Uranus: unsettling news; disrupted meetings or contacts; polite (?) indifference to ideas (Munkasey); a quick liason; unusual friends or encounters (Ebertin). Note that Munkasey gives the Venus-North-Node pairing potentials for 'poor management or bungling of wealth' and/or 'society shapes collective destiny'. And who's our top bungler?!?

The final factor I'll mention in this my second look at the January 2020 Lunar Eclipse chart is transit Jupiter @8Cap55 opposing Trump's natal 11th house Mercury (8Can55) suggesting potentials for his grand ideas, plans, and schemes to be rejected outright and/or blocked by others, while lots of talk and no action continues as the order of the day (except for the sneaky things he and the GOP are up to while Trump distracts with his nonsense--consciously or unbeknownst in his role as the 'useful idiot'). Misjudgments on his part will affect financial and other matters (still), and more of his words and rhetoric will meet with criticism. Unimpressive may be the word, plus, Trump's lack of popularity comes to mind--and the January 2020 Lunar Eclipse will certainly uncover new facts that lead to more criticism, a lack of legal success, and a previously unknown critical or crisis situation, condition, secret or scandal--at least, it will probably uncover a tidbit or two not revealed by the 'Christmas Solar Eclipse' as 2019 concerns carry over into 2020.

And now for the daring here's a List of Solar and Lunar Eclipses July 2019 through 2022.

Nov 16, 2018

Documenting Donald Trump's Lies: Do Americans Care About the Truth? with Guest Daniel Dale

Recently I caught a TV interview with Toronto Star's Daniel Dale and was encouraged by the thought that someone objective was keeping such close tabs on the many lies of prevaricator Donald Trump. Other journalists are doing so as well, of course, but I do like the cut of Mr. Dale's jib.

Yet after all, it isn't as if multiple astrologers hadn't warned over and over about Trump's unfitness for office, his loose relationship with the truth, his magical thinking tendency that allows him to live in his own fantasy-prone world in spite of reality, his misconceptions, and loose-lips-sink-ships indiscretion--all unfortunate features of being born under a Mercury-Neptune square without other chart factors to mitigate the difficulties. And you know that Trump's inability to hear others and his lamentable resistance to learning and lack of curiosity can also fit neatly under the Mercury-Neptune-square umbrella with cloudy, confused Neptune permanently stuffing cotton balls in his Mercurial ears and brain cavity. It's an umbrella he can't close.

Then there's his natal Saturn, karmic planet of realism, authenticity, authority, responsibility, accountability, and limits. However, Mr. Trump's natal Saturn is in its detriment in the Moon-ruled sign of Cancer, a hypersensitive placement full of discontent (Moon-Saturn), a bottomless need for approval, defensiveness, and attachment to material possessions.

And of course, with dysfunctional Saturn in a natal chart and psyche, Papa is always implicated unless Mama wore the pants in the family but in Big T's case, a Cancerian Saturn points toward both members of the parental unit. Sorrowfully adding to the drama, Baby Donnie even sports from birth a dreaded Moon-South-Node conjunction, a Lunar-Saturnian combination suggesting early estrangement from Mom. Talk about a big mess!

Add to all this Trump's negative Geminian tendencies toward duplicity and superficiality, his lack of morals, shifting standards and then, thanks to the 2016 Election, the American people are yoked to a raging dumpster fire in the Oval Office--hunkering down, lashing out, and blaming anyone but the one person responsible for his current woes.

Now who was it said Reality Bites?

And yet we know that, tragically, as Donald Trump goes, so goes America. But does he remind you of an embarrassing trail of bathroom tissue stuck to the bottom of America's shoe? Me, too.

Even so, we'll keep our chins up while checking out an informative segment from the Thom Hartmann program featuring an interview with Daniel Dale himself. And maybe with the help of a still-breathing US Justice Department we can snuff out the raging dumpster fire, its lies, crimes, sabotage, scandals, insults and all!

Aug 21, 2018

Aug 21, 2018 Sun and Saturn affect Trump legal matters

As Above, So Below for Donald Trump

August 21, 2018: Today in Alexandria, Virginia, jurors found Paul Manafort guilty of 8 out of 18 counts of felonious activities while Trump fixer Michael Cohen pleaded guilty in his many-faceted case and pointed a finger at Donald Trump ('candidate') as the co-conspirator who directed him to pay Trump amours Karen MacDougal and Stephanie Clifford in order to protect Trump's 2016 campaign for the presidency. Campaign finance violations may attach.

But predictably, GOP lawmakers try to distance Trump from Manafort and Cohen as democrats pounce what with the 2018 midterms upon us and Mr. Trump's legal exposure from these outcomes remains to be seen in the coming days and weeks.

That was on Earth. Overhead in the starry firmament, today's Sun returned to its degree at last summer's Great American Eclipse (28Leo52) which precisely conjoined the natal Ascendant of Mr. Trump (remember he took off his safety glasses to stare directly at the eclipsed orb?)--and perfected not far from his rising Mars @27Leo. Rounded up to 29Leo, the eclipsed Sun's degree one year ago today and therefore, today's Sun position, are at a critical-crisis 29th degree.

Even starker is that royal 'kingmaker' star Regulus is in the solar mix and rises in the natal chart of Mr. Trump as we recently discussed. All the Royal Stars of Persia contain great gifts but include serious cautions which, if neglected or ignored, are not so forgiving. In fact, this sounds a bit like karmic Saturn who rewards only those who honestly deserve it. He will not be trifled with!

Yet there's another factor in the 2017 eclipse chart that tells a difficult tale in line with today's legal events--that 2017 Saturn @21Sag11 precisely conjoined the sensitive natal Moon of Donald Trump and very soon went on to oppose his natal Sun (22Gemini), either of which condition represents sobering times. His having the Nodes involved with his natal Sun-Moon opposition only adds more karmic flavor to these transits and spotlights the legal events that, as of today, will begin to threaten Mr. Trump in earnest.

Because we know that Saturn's realm includes the legal system, lawyers, judges, karmic decisions, restrictions, limits, scrutiny, and--perhaps most importantly--accountability, something Mr. Trump has already attempted to distance himself from (today's Manafort convictions "have nothing to do with me," he says). To natal Moon, harsh Saturn tends to bring feelings of emotional deprivation and turmoil and can even herald a forced change of residence if other factors agree. The family isn't faring very well either. Opposing natal Sun, one's ego and sense of pride are affected negatively by authoritative Saturn so that goals are delayed, hindered, or blocked while failure to accept responsibilities will not satisfy the rightful demands of taskmaster Saturn. Leadership, integrity, and honesty are challenged and if one has broken (Saturnian) rules or laws in the past, it can mean the eventual loss of something even more valuable. Such difficulties and worries might also signal a health breakdown approaching especially if the recipient of Saturn's rays has reached a ripe old age, or if chronic conditions exist.

Mar 1, 2018

Manafort Trial Reset for September 17, 2018

By DonkeyHotey (Paul Manafort - Caricature) [CC BY 2.0 (], via Wikimedia Commons

Of Kingpins and Squealers

by Jude Cowell

March 1, 2018: since yesterday, word is that the Paul Manafort trial has been reset for Monday September 17, 2018. It had been scheduled for March 15, 2018, a date of cosmic occurrences such as a seed-planting New Moon @24Taurus36--conjunct the natal Midheaven of Donald Trump, and the day transit Uranus enters Taurus, sign of The Bull, though the disruptive planet of chaos will back into Aries once again in November 2018 and re-enter Venus-ruled Taurus for good in March 2019.

A glance at the general transits of September 17, 2018 show an excitable if not explosive and dangerous Mars-Uranus square, tr Mercury (planet of testimonies, deals, and such) @21Virgo and conjoining fixed star Denebola (to go against society; out of the mainstream), and a sobering or depressive Moon-Saturn conjunction in very early Capricorn, sign of government, law, and business. And since world events tend to occur when Cardinal World Points of Manifestation (00Ari/Lib and 00Can/Cap) are triggered, we find wounded-wounding Chiron at Aries Point on that day and conjunct difficult fixed star Scheat with its potentials for malevolence of sublime scope, imprisonment, extreme misfortune, murder, suicide (A. Louis, N. DeVore, Ebertin-Hoffmann).

Additionally, transit Jupiter, planet of expansion and increase, sits upon the disturbing degree of 19Scorpio (traditionally an 'evil degree'--Devore, who also says it's a crucial point of Ego vs Supreme Will) so Jupiter may not show the protection usually afforded especially since two malevolent stars inhabit the degree: North Scale with potentials for hasty words that cause problems, tragedy, and violence, and Serpentis (aka, Unukalhai) with vibes of tragedy, misfortune, immorality, accidents, and/or danger of poison. Wonder of Mr. Manafort should use the services of a royal taste tester?!

Also of interest is the fact that moving Mr. Manafort's trial to September places the proceedings into the more difficult August 11, 2018 Solar Eclipse Saros Series, the 2 New North, with themes of The Tower that collapses (Brady). This includes plans and lifestyles collapsing and of course, Trump Tower comes easily to mind and although a complete financial and political collapse may be indicated for America (2 New North is the PE of Midterm Elections 2018--and as a POTUS goes, so goes America). However, it's Donald Trump who is closely linked to towers, even imprinting his name on them. Now this cosmic condition may very possibly bode ill for the Trump White House and for all he has gained so far in life because he regularly tends to ignore the karmic caution of his rising star, royal Regulus: success if revenge is avoided. And if it isn't avoided, at some point all that has been gained will be taken away.

Yet if total collapse is on the kingpin-in-chief's karmic agenda, would his Libran Jupiter's motto of "it's not fair!" agree that even a self-exalted, ego-based Mr. Trump must eventually reap what he's sown?

Related Posts include: A Noon Horoscope for Robert Mueller; Paul Manafort: the Ram and the Bull; and Chiron to Aries Point (3x--and please note that on the tri-wheel horoscopes I mislabeled the first conjunction as '2019' though the horoscope shown (April 2018) is correct.

Dec 13, 2017

Astro-Notes: Senator-Elect Doug Jones

December 13, 2017: As you've heard, last night Democratic candidate Doug Jones was elected to the US Senate by Alabama residents who thereby voted their state into the 21st century. Of course, Jones' opponent in the Special Election, the controversial Roy Moore, intends to contest election results if there's any basis for doing so (exs: military votes have yet to be counted, a difference of less than 1/2% will automatically trigger a re-count--and voting Mercury is retrograde now).

Contested, re-counted, or final, let's see what can be gleaned from a speculative natal horoscope for Doug Jones--speculative since no birth time is known so 'noon' is used but with a 24-hour range of degrees for natal Sun and Moon. Yet a few chart factors are knowable even without correct timing of his birth. For instance, Mercury in Taurus (logical thinking) and Venus in Gemini (courtesy and cooperation, a desire for discussion) are in Mutual Reception and thus 'friendly' with one another.

Born May 4, 1954 in Fairfield, Alabama (Jefferson County), attorney Doug Jones is known for trying and convicting the Klansmen who blew up four little girls in church in 1963 (for which I say, Major Kudos to Mr. Jones!) During the recent senate campaign, attempts to paint him by Trump and others as soft on 'law and order' rang hollow to me, and apparently did so for many voters in Alabama--some who were uncomfortable voting for an alleged sexual predator of young girls, even a Republican one named Roy Moore.

The 24-hour period of May 4, 1954 shows the Sun (conscious mind) ranging from 13Tau14 to 14Tau12 and Moon (the unconscious/emotions) from 3Gem02 to 17Gem45. The last Lunar position conjoins Trump's natal Uranus, his guiding planet of quirkiness and cantankerousness in the sign of communications--while simultaneously conjoining the Uranus of Roy Moore, all at 17Gemini+.

Doug Jones: Earth and Air

His is an Earth-Air combo of rationality, efficiency, and innovation supported by an efficient Mars in Saturn-ruled Capricorn (6Cap30 at noon). However, Earth-Air blends have a tendency to become 'dry as dust' and give little attention to the emotional and/or intangible sides of life and may 'blow hot and cold' emotionally which can cause problems in close relationships. Yet this well-directed energy easily supports a career in law enforcement and, perhaps, in politics.

Doug Jones: Sun Taurus-Moon Gemini = 'earthy yet breezy'

Sun Taurus-Moon Gemini denotes one who is down-to-earth and charming, a witty conversationalist, and dogmatic yet flippant. An impulsive talker, Mr. Jones personifies the 'country mouse vs city mouse' archetype and desires control and certainty in life while arguing and bullying his way along (useful traits for a legal prosecutor, I imagine.) This blend shows that his is a clear-headed and practical intelligence with a good business sense, and he is able to consider new ideas and put the worthy ones into practice without much fuss. With maturity, Doug Jones has probably learned that flexibility, not confrontation, gets the best results for all concerned.

The Sun Taurus-Moon Gemini personality blend of Doug Jones is shared natally by some interesting folk including George Carlin, Fred Astaire, Shirley Temple, Sigmund Freud, Russia's Catherine the Great, and France's Teilhard de Chardin. Such intriguing company to keep!

At noon on May 4, 1954, powerful Pluto @22Leo32 rises (ASC 22Leo28) and is greatly strengthened by its Station Direct condition. Pluto brings along Pallas, the ethics asteroid. (His Chiron @28Cap39 is Station Retrograde upon US natal Pluto, a plutocracy pairing.) Some caution is advised since 22/23Leo is the 'foot in mouth' or 'worst foot forward' degree (A. Louis) so we may see something occur with future Senator Jones along those lines concerning the realms of plutonian leadership (Pluto in Leo).

Also rising at noon is the midpoint between Moon and Saturn, a signature of ambition and strategy (Tyl). Moon-Saturn = Pluto suggests potentials for 'rising in life by force, a need for self-reliance, the threat of loss' (attorneys must feel this constantly), and, added by yours truly: ambition (Moon-Saturn) for power (Pluto). Last night he achieved this goal, if it sticks until his swearing in to Congress in early January 2018.

Another revealing midpoint picture which stays in effect for the 24 hours of his birth date is Pluto-NN = Saturn suggesting an ability to read people (Munkasey), fighting against oppression (as in the 1963 church bombing case), and truculence and rebelliousness (Ebertin). To this picture I would add powerful connections (Pluto-NN) to authority figures (Saturn). And of course, law-abiding Saturn also represents lawmakers such as those on Capitol Hill, and Pluto-NN contains a "tiger by the tail" flavor.

Now let's close for now with the Prenatal Solar Eclipse Saros Series into which Doug Jones was born. This Solar Eclipse (his PE) manifested on January 5, 1954 @14Cap13 in the 10 North Saros series and falls between his natal Mars (6Cap30, as noted) and North Node (16Cap42), a pair denoting teamwork and encounters with police forces and/or the military. 10 North themes are: inhibiting or frustrating events arrive having to do with news, paperwork and/or a young person; tiredness and a drained feeling may be attached; it's best to work through any difficulties one at a time (paraphrasing Predictive Astrology, Brady).

When a Prenatal Eclipse manifests in Saturn-ruled Capricorn, sign of government, law, and business, karmic advancement can occur by way of dedication and hard work, often at the expense of personal pleasure and worldly prestige. There are karmic links to authority figures (the father, or others he respects, probably older than him) and there is a tendency to join professional organizations and to show interest in government affairs. Here is what some people call 'an old soul' whose mission in life is to teach or enlighten others yet it may be difficult to reach out as a teacher from a spiritual standpoint unless karmic (reaping what's been sown) spiritual lessons have been learned (paraphrasing Your Prenatal Eclipse, Rose Lineman).

The most recent occurrence of a 10 North Solar Eclipse was on February 7, 2008 @18Aquarius; the next will be on February 17, 2026 @29Aquarius, a critical-crisis 29th degree. Three days later (Feb 20) transit Saturn and Neptune will conjoin in Great Conjunction @00Ari45, the Cardinal Aries Point of world fame, recognition, and fortune.

Well, there's my incomplete-without-a-birth-time astro-view of Senator-elect Doug Jones. More of his planetary chart factors are worthy of noting, of course, so I hope you may set up a natal chart for him and see what you discover!


For more personality blend details see Sun Sign-Moon Sign, Charles and Suzi Harvey.

Jan 5, 2017

Jan 5, 2017 Stars Over Washington's 'Trump Poll': the totals so far

Thursday January 5, 2017 1:50 pm est

As of today the leading opinion in the recently posted Stars Over Washington 'Trump Poll' (A Trump Presidency will be--) is: one big scam. Runner-up is a distopian nightmare, and number 3: the end of America. The 4th possibility has zero adherents, undoubtedly because that answer is a dream come true.

And so I'm proud to say that readers of Stars Over Washington, those who go to the trouble to participate in polls (please do! sidebar, upper right), possess a clear-eyed, realistic view of the ongoing train wreck that is Washington DC Politics 2017 and have faced the haunting specter of the alt-right and theocratic ideologues who will sway Mercurial Gemini Mr. Trump on many social and political issues which will closely affect the American people, undermine the US Constitution, and ruin the US government more than it already has been. And considering Mr. Trump's conflicts of interest, past and current shady dealings, scams, frauds, billionaire buddies, possible mob ties, a basic lack of understanding of the necessary 'blind trust' requirement, and a thousand other issues and protocols that most people understand and would abide by, this freedom-loving fellow (who threatens to jail others and 'loves to fire people') sees only the ironies convenient for him to see. It appears to this astrologer that his fighting, egoistic Leo Mars rising with royal Regulus will signify much of his hot-mess presidency ruled by whim and retaliation.

And as anti-democratic and bigoted as his Cabinet members and staff of operatives may be, astrologically we can expect Mr. Trump's natal Uranus (radical reformer, rebel, anarchist) posited at his birth in changeable, sometimes unreliable Gemini to lead his pack of planets with all the disruptive, maverick, and chaotic energies it and he can muster. For as you know, the sign of Uranus in a natal chart describes behavior and with Trump's Uranus oriental and leading a BOWL shape, chatty deal-making Gemini is one of the main archetypes that We The People are facing with Mercury the ruler of Gemini and his Sun (personality) and North Node (public contact) in the sign as well.

And yet his Mercury in Cancer, sign of shrewd business ability and love of family and country, provides him some measure of perception, intuition, and objectivity (since Mercury is not in his Sun sign) even though his Mercury, planet of thinking processes, is ruled by the Moon (feelings, emotions) so We The People have that goin' for us. We find Mr. Trump's extreme defensiveness displayed via his tweets and remarks that punch back at all detractors ("enemies," he says) since Cancer, sign of the crab, always scuttles sideways to avoid dealing with unpleasant encounters--such as blame, criticism, and other people's opinions and ideas.

However, he relates to others (via Jupiter's sign--his moneybags planet is strong for it's Stationary Direct) as a Libra with the placement's constant "it's not fair!" refrain ringing in our ears, and yet his Moon-South-Node conjunction does not make for popularity and indicates mommy issues, or, at the least, a deep sense of separation from the crowd. This spot in the Zodiac (for him, 22 Sagittarius) is where the karmic planet of restriction and blockage, Saturn, now tromps and conjuncts natal Moon-South-Node and opposes his natal Sun in Gemini. This transit is quite a cosmic Ouch!

And so...

The SO'W Trump Poll remains open until midnight January 20, 2017 (Inauguration Day) and if you haven't, please register your opinion if you have a moment. Multiple answers are acceptable which may come in handy for those who feel torn between the nightmare and the dream come true. That's a tiny little joke, in case you can't tell.


Related Posts include: The Whimsical Sun (POTUS) of Inauguration 2017; Inauguration 2017: Midpoint Pictures and the Sun-Moon Blend (hint: someone's 'blind zeal' is showing); The Unaspected and Out-of-Bounds Planets of Donald Trump; After the Revolution: the Oriental Planet of Donald Trump; and Donald Trump and The Future, a message from activist Max Igan via video.

Additionally, typing the president-select's name into the SO'W sidebar Search field will present many possible reading opportunities for the daring...