When Donald Reached For "Pie in the Sky"
by Jude Cowell
Shown below, for your consideration is the Solar Eclipse Horoscope of NBC's The Apprentice which perfected November 23, 2003 @1Sag13:57 NYC in the 5 New South Saros Series set for NYC. At Midheaven: Mars-Neptune = Uranus: "Reaching for 'pie in the sky'; energetically following one's dream" (N. Tyl). As you know, the "reality" TV show was Donald's publicity-infused launching pad for his eventual run in 2016 for the White House.
Then curiously, what turned out to be his "prez bid" New Moon of June 16, 2015 @25Gemini": "A Man Trimming Palms" rises at 8:00 pm est; plus, the novelty-loving planet of anarchy and technology, Uranus @00Pisces, conjuncts Midheaven ('MC': The Goal Point) and is apex of the Mars-Neptune midpoint (see the Horoscope for midpoint potentials):
Now as you know, all eclipses are karmic in nature, may disrupt earthly events, and spark changes of direction similar to the action of unpredictable Uranus. Eclipse themes are always a consideration so 5 New South Eclipse themes are penned on the above chart.
Significantly, erratic Uranus squares the Eclipse which denotes an uncaring attitude toward humanity along with radical activities (R. Lineman). Both these potentials have been demonstrated in recent years by the fellow in question, as you may agree. And for obvious reasons, Donald's "successful businessman" image promoted on The Apprentice supported him on this quest to play the POTUS role although the image is somewhat threadbare now. An additional Uranian note is that Trump's natal 10th house Uranus @18Gemini is oriental so 'the sky god' is his guiding planet of chaos and disruption - the voices in his fantasy-prone head.
A Sagittarius Eclipse: Trump's Moon-South-Node Sign
When a solar eclipse manifests in Jupiter-ruled Sagittarius, the cosmic spotlight is cast upon frankness and enthusiasm, yet negatively there are issues of false optimism, misguided beliefs, and midirected idealism (such as are seen with the idolatry of cult leaders and the Big Lie of you-know-who). In 6th house the eclipse emphasis is on compatibility in the work space and work ethic. No certainty on such a possibility.
The Apprentice: Money, Power, Fame
Now I've never watched an episode of the show so to set up a Horoscope of the first airing of The Apprentice (or, 'Celebrity Apprentice'--is there a difference?), I've speculatively selected 8:00 pm est (January 8, 2004) because Trump's natal Mars and Ascendant rise and his 10th house of Career and Public Status is suitably atop the horoscope.
Yet if the show's go-time was later than 8:00 pm, we can surmise that a staffer was touching up his orange makeup, powdering his wig around that time, or maybe changing his diaper (staffer Noel Casler has called him DiaperDon). Adjust the hour as you wish, dear reader, for the initial show may have been taped anyway.Then another factor is the show's creator, Mark Burnett (July 17, 1960 London, UK), who along with wife Roma Downey, is responsible for producing unusual religious content including the film Son of God, an exercise in "presenting another Jesus," or "reinventing" Him. That's a no-go around here! I found Burnett's association with the film by searching for his name and Opus Dei, if that tells us anything about the anti-democracy forces aligned against America. You'll remember that Trump's AG Bill Barr, legendary fixer of legal jams, is said to be a member of the secretive Catholic organization, as are other public figures - some are involved in skewing the US Supreme Court toward right-wing authoritarianism and successfully overturning Roe v Wade.
The Apprentice: A Speculatively Timed Horoscope:
To close, here's an original intro (trailer) of The Apprentice (January 8, 2004 as shown in the horoscope, above):
And if the video is removed from SO'W, here's a link. Think money.
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