Herr T's Bullhorn for Subversion
by Jude Cowell, partisan for democracy
In recent posts yours truly has been known to fuss over how The Apprentice TV show (2004) gave NY playboy Donald a major opportunity to promote the rumor that he was a "successful businessman." If you still believe this absurd fallacy, then reading Stars Over Washington may not be for you! This is your cue to skedaddle away for best results.
Because for one thing, the good people of New York City knew then and know now that Donald was a mobbed-up "contractor" and a deadbeat in the success and finance departments. Unless we count his experience with money laundering for various entities.
Yes, it was NBC's "reality" TV show that ultimately led to Donald's 2016 campaign for the presidency and, aided by Russia, wealthy corporatists, and a hype-believing public, Donald managed to coup the White House as if he'd won the 2016 Election. And you know the rest.
NBC: A Subsidiary of Comcast
My point is that these twisted political conditions have angered me into a snit of miffdom ever since the orange blighter rode the escalator on the morning of June 16, 2015 at the Gemini New Moon and had someone pay a casting-call audience below to listen to his bigoted swill. Therefore, I must consider The Apprentice's creator Mark Burnett (follow the link, above) partially responsible for the anti-democracy campaign against America and the American people, while a large amount of blame for our predicament must also fall upon NBC, nowadays a subsidiary of Comcast.
Therefore, above is a Horoscope of the 13 South Solar Eclipse which influenced the April 19, 1939 founding of NBC TV. (NBC Radio was founded earlier on June 19, 1926 under the influence of an 18 South Eclipse of endings, partings, grief), but it's the TV division of NBC now starring in this fussy post. Of course, you notice that 1939 is the year that World War Two began when Naz* Herr Adolf invaded Poland.
Now as you can see, 13 South themes are listed on the chart, compliments of Bernadette Brady, and include some sinister energy underneath. Plus, there's a revealing square from Pluto (opposing US 1776 Pluto in Capricorn which also squares the eclipse); potentials are listed on the chart. Activist Mars @15Capricorn leads a Locomotive shape of the planets (the ruthless executive), and don't miss Saturn in Aries at Midheaven, too (see upper right corner). The two planets (actors) were possibly a team since they're in friendly Mutual Reception with one another, and Mars is exalted in Capricorn.
Then there's mass media planet Neptune Rx @21Vir01 conjunct Denebola (going against society) so basically Neptune is in process of performing a US Neptune Return (@22Vir25 in 1776) which suggests a confusing period when ideals can shift or be shifted by propaganda and/or advertising, and the mass employment situation wasn't going well as WWII was brewing abroad and the Great Depression was ruining lives.
Now in addition, the 13 South Eclipse of 1939 @28Ari43 conjoined fixed star Mirach ("girdle" of the Princess in the Andromeda Constellation with its restrictive Saturnian nature and Venusuian flavor: the ladies). Then to me, the Uranus-Midas conjunction (see below) suggests the network's (and other media outlets) tendency to create massive fortunes thanks to the radical activities of Uranus the zealous chaos-creator (ex: the J6 coup attempt, ongoing; and the old "if it bleeds, it leads" mantra of news outlets) while simultaneously taking advantage of the quirky planet's novel, innovative creative content that entertains, surprises, and delights the public - or, stirs up the masses, positively or negatively.
Plus, you also notice the Earth Grand Trine in the 13 South horoscope, a protective, creative closed circuit of energies beween Mars-Uranus-Neptune with radical planet Uranus @16Taurus conjunct gold-loving Midas, as noted, and pointing ahead toward the position of radical reactionary Uranus @16Taurus conjunct the 2022 Midterms Lunar Eclipse when rabid Maga-ites managed to infest the US House of Representatives, spouting their Russian talking points and sporting AR-15 lapel pins. Certain corporations have financially supported this - see corporate Cupido in 4th house,.
Then perhaps you remember that a German Media Baron supported the rise of Hitl*r who thought he should rule the world. Oh the compensating absurdity of some men's massive egos.
In closing, you've probably seen ProPublica's updated list of corporations that vowed to suspend their financial support of J6 politicians just after the 2021 attack yet a number of them have continued supporting election denial after all. You'll easily spy Comcast at number 5.
Well, that's enough fussing for today, so if you've managed to read this far, my thanks and kudos to you! jc