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Aug 25, 2024

"The Happy Warriors" of 2024 and 1924

To Counter Dystopian Darkness

by Jude Cowell, partisan for the common good

As the world knows by now, DNC 2024 was harmonious and lyrical, and can be said to represent the opposite of the DNC of one hundred years ago, a contentious mess in 1924 held at New York's Madison Square Garden. DNC 1924 took an astounding 103 ballots before nominees John W. Davis (WVA) and Charles W. Bryan (NB) were selected.

So if you have a chance check out Wikipedia's DNC 1924 page, or watch Sean Munger's presentation, 1924: The Fascinating Forgotten Election (recommended, if you have the time, or watch in increments - it won't return to 00:00 so you may have to 'rewind'). Obviously, one reason that few if any voters nowadays remember the Democratic nominees of 1924 is because they lost the election to Republican Calvin Coolidge.

Meanwhile, there's an interesting cosmic time link between DNCs 1924 and 2024 and that's the label of "The Happy Warrior" mentioned by FDR in a speech promoting NY Governor Al Smith as such. The concept is based upon William Wordsworth's poem, "Character of The Happy Warrior" (written in 1806 after the death of the heroic Lord Nelson, published in 1807), with generosity of spirit one of the primary character traits lauded in the poem.

Necessarily, such a trait of kindness disqualifies from the presidency any of the fascist-leaning, dark-vision-promoters of the GOP, a sour-faced, seditious bunch of radical regressives, as you know - irrationally banging their heads against a 19th century brick wall, neuroses on display. There's no such thing as time travel so they're determined to destroy our country to remodel it in Herr Adolf's dark, brutal image - to which I say, We're Not Going Back. Besides, my uncles didn't fight Nazis in WWII only for America to succumb to violent madness and sadistic cruelty now - by electing it!

Depiction of William Wordsworth

Now since 1924, the "Happy Warrior" label has been applied to other politicians as well such as Barack Obama who then applied it to his VP Joe Biden - and in 2024 it has been applied to VP candidate Tim Walz. This resonates with what some folks have seen as a similarity between the DNC 2024 nomination of the Harris-Walz ticket compared favorably with the DNC 2008 nomination of Barack Obama and VP Joe Biden. In fact, while commenting on DNC 2024, MSNBC program host Lawrence O'Donnell related a story about once being asked if he wanted to meet the "female Barack Obama." Two guesses as to who this was and the first one doesn't count! Clue: in 2008 she knocked on doors for the Obama campaign - and her initials are KH.

So! Perhaps it's elusive but the main point of this post is that Happy Warrior leaders suit the Spirit of America that a large majority of citizens prefer over the death and destruction of Tr*mp's Project 2025 purging agenda. Therefore, a Vote Blue tsunami is necessary for Harris-Walz and for all down-ballot candidates on November 5th so that the Democratic Senate is retained, and the House of Representatives can be wrested from the seditious hands of Maga saboteurs who grabbed control at Midterms 2022 while brandishing their AR-15s.

Related is a List of US Presidential Candidates.

And Coming Soon (if no one backs out!) is the October 1, 2024 Walz-Vance Debate (horoscope shown). And btw, have you noticed that Gov. Tim Walz (April 6, 1964) was born under the influence of a Sun-Neptune inconjunction of adjustment, an aspect containing a theme of acceptance of obligation?

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