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Showing posts with label DNC 2024. Show all posts
Showing posts with label DNC 2024. Show all posts

Aug 28, 2024

Harris-Walz CNN interview: A Horoscope

by Jude Cowell, partisan for the common good

At 9:00 pm ET on Thursday August 29, 2024, CNN is set to air their first joint TV interview since DNC 2024 with candidates VP Kamala Harris and her running mate, Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz. If this event airs as announced, below you see a Horoscope of the interview set for Atlanta, Georgia. The pair of Democratic candidates are currently on a two-day bus tour through Georgia culminating in the beautiful city of Savannah.

An abundance of astro-notes are penned on the chart for curious readers like you, followed by the same horoscope, unmarked; of note is chart/interview ruler Jupiter which makes no applying aspects and this emphasizes Jupiter @18Gem47 in the 3rd house of Communications. Plus, VP Harris' natal ASC-North Node ('NN') conjunction is snugged between interview Jupiter and Mars and this creates a midpoint picture highlighted in yellow with potentials listed, bottom right corner:

Aug 25, 2024

"The Happy Warriors" of 2024 and 1924

To Counter Dystopian Darkness

by Jude Cowell, partisan for the common good

As the world knows by now, DNC 2024 was harmonious and lyrical, and can be said to represent the opposite of the DNC of one hundred years ago, a contentious mess in 1924 held at New York's Madison Square Garden. DNC 1924 took an astounding 103 ballots before nominees John W. Davis (WVA) and Charles W. Bryan (NB) were selected.

So if you have a chance check out Wikipedia's DNC 1924 page, or watch Sean Munger's presentation, 1924: The Fascinating Forgotten Election (recommended, if you have the time, or watch in increments - it won't return to 00:00 so you may have to 'rewind'). Obviously, one reason that few if any voters nowadays remember the Democratic nominees of 1924 is because they lost the election to Republican Calvin Coolidge.

Meanwhile, there's an interesting cosmic time link between DNCs 1924 and 2024 and that's the label of "The Happy Warrior" mentioned by FDR in a speech promoting NY Governor Al Smith as such. The concept is based upon William Wordsworth's poem, "Character of The Happy Warrior" (written in 1806 after the death of the heroic Lord Nelson, published in 1807), with generosity of spirit one of the primary character traits lauded in the poem.

Necessarily, such a trait of kindness disqualifies from the presidency any of the fascist-leaning, dark-vision-promoters of the GOP, a sour-faced, seditious bunch of radical regressives, as you know - irrationally banging their heads against a 19th century brick wall, neuroses on display. There's no such thing as time travel so they're determined to destroy our country to remodel it in Herr Adolf's dark, brutal image - to which I say, We're Not Going Back. Besides, my uncles didn't fight Nazis in WWII only for America to succumb to violent madness and sadistic cruelty now - by electing it!

Depiction of William Wordsworth

Now since 1924, the "Happy Warrior" label has been applied to other politicians as well such as Barack Obama who then applied it to his VP Joe Biden - and in 2024 it has been applied to VP candidate Tim Walz. This resonates with what some folks have seen as a similarity between the DNC 2024 nomination of the Harris-Walz ticket compared favorably with the DNC 2008 nomination of Barack Obama and VP Joe Biden. In fact, while commenting on DNC 2024, MSNBC program host Lawrence O'Donnell related a story about once being asked if he wanted to meet the "female Barack Obama." Two guesses as to who this was and the first one doesn't count! Clue: in 2008 she knocked on doors for the Obama campaign - and her initials are KH.

So! Perhaps it's elusive but the main point of this post is that Happy Warrior leaders suit the Spirit of America that a large majority of citizens prefer over the death and destruction of Tr*mp's Project 2025 purging agenda. Therefore, a Vote Blue tsunami is necessary for Harris-Walz and for all down-ballot candidates on November 5th so that the Democratic Senate is retained, and the House of Representatives can be wrested from the seditious hands of Maga saboteurs who grabbed control at Midterms 2022 while brandishing their AR-15s.

Related is a List of US Presidential Candidates.

And Coming Soon (if no one backs out!) is the October 1, 2024 Walz-Vance Debate (horoscope shown). And btw, have you noticed that Gov. Tim Walz (April 6, 1964) was born under the influence of a Sun-Neptune inconjunction of adjustment, an aspect containing a theme of acceptance of obligation?

Aug 19, 2024

DNC Aug 19, 2024: Visions and Dreams!

by Jude Cowell, partisan for the common good

As you know, today is the first day of DNC 2024 in Chicago, Ilinois, under the auspices of April 2024's 8 North Solar Eclipse @19Ari24 conjunct priestly Chiron (19:24), the Christ archetype in Astrology. This repetition of 8 North is the third of our Great American Eclipses with themes of "visions, vivid dreams, inventiveness, flashes of genius, good ideas, new-found inspiration; freedom is needed for a few days" (B. Brady).

Here you see a bi-wheel of the natal horoscope of VP Kamala Harris (inner), who will accept the Democratic Party's nomination for president on Thursday evening (8/22), and the 8 North Eclipse Horoscope (outer) set for Chicago, Illinois:

For this post, the 8 North Eclipse chart is set for Chicago because of the location of DNC 2024 this week and DNC 2024 themes - her themes (listed, below) - and because locating the visionary 8 North Eclipse there places VP Harris' natal Moon (opposite her natal Sun: she's a Gibbous phase lady) atop the Midheaven ('MC'), the Career and Public Status Point. Plus, mundane Moon = publicity and the public mood. Moon in Aries is a very eager placement!

Note that potentials of Moon-MC = "strong soul ties; appreciation for home and family; people with feeling and sentiment; desire to care for others; a soul relationship with the female sex" (R. Ebertin).

Of course, there are other planetary contacts between the charts and I'm certain you'll spot them, plus, a few astro-notes are sprinkled around the charts including the Sabian Symbol for the 8 North Eclipse degree of "20Aries" = "A Young Girl Feeding Birds in Winter." To me this resonates with VP Harris' proposals that will strengthen families and aid children. However, she'll need victories in both the House and the Senate in order to implement her plans for a brighter future. So my hope is that DNC 2024's Blue Moon in the humanitarian, progressive sign of Aquarius will bring a Blue Wave in November!

From MSNBC: Themes of all four nights revealed. TV coverage from 6:00 pm - 10:00 pm each night.

Specific Themes of DNC 2024:

Monday: For The People

Tuesday: A Bold Vision for America's Future

Wednesday: A Fight For Our Freedoms

Thursday: For Our Future

Sending Best Wishes for a successful DNC 2024 on behalf of the common good!

Jun 28, 2024

DNC and RNC 2024: Significant Lunations

Great American Eclipse 2024 Sponsors Both DNC and RNC 2024: Dreams/Visions

by Jude Cowell

According to details on the DNC 2024 Convention, the event is scheduled to be held from August 19 to August 22, 2024 at the United Center in Chicago, Illinois. On the first day of the convention, a Full Moon perfects upon America's Aquarian Moon (in the July 4, 1776 late afternoon Horoscope) with "28AQ" = "A Tree Felled and Sawed." This Aquarian Moon (1776 and 2024) is opposed by Tr*mp's natal Mars rising which describes agent orange's aggressive targeting of We the People. So here's DNC 2024's Full Moon Horoscope with a few of my study notes penned on:

RNC July 2024 then DNC August 2024

Recently we Moon-tracked RNC 2024 (July 15--18, 2024: Moon from Scorpio to Sag). The DNC 2024 Moon (from 12:00 am CDT on August 19th to the midnight hour of August 22, 2024), begins in Aquarius and floats through Pisces into Aries. Not that political events tend to occur in the middle of the night, of course, but because the mundane Moon's signs and aspects provide information concerning the moods, trends, and feeling nature of the public as a convention proceeds from opening to closing day, and perhaps a few minutes before and after.

At DNC 2024, by entering Aries, the Moon crosses the Aries Point (of global events) and the North Node of public contact (7Aries+) along her way - and while in mystical Pisces, status quo Saturn and urge-to-merge Neptune will be met. To me this suggests that topics such as our social safety net programs are on the party's agenda via the Saturn-Neptune combination.

Add this to the Full Moon conjunct 1776 Moon in the humanitarian sign of Aquarius, and cosmic conditions point toward democracy's capacity to once again vanquish the brutality of the fascism offered by the anti-American GOP and their figurehead, agent orange, dictator-wannabe and convicted felon.

At least, that's the fight I hope the Democratic Party has and is prepared for. And We the People must join the fight by Voting Blue in November!

Meanwhile, within both conventions presidential nominations will be proposed, the primary objective of national conventions, expectably occurring during the final evening with DNC Moon in Aries (RNC 2024 Moon in late Sagittarius), along with multiple speeches, an acceptance speech by the nominee, and other events. But our focus with this post is primarily on the mood of the public which includes that of convention attendees and viewers at home (voters), with publicity of and during the conventions part of the cosmic lunar picture.

Death Cult's Moon 2017 Returns in 2024

For context, when we Moon-Tracked RNC 2024, Luna ranged from 7 Scorpio to 28 Sagittarius (crossing Trump's natal Moon-South-Node conjunction of fluctuating popularity). And perhaps you remember the position of the Inauguration 2017 Moon @9Sco21 so there will be a Lunar Return during RNC 2024 for Trumpers who fantasize about that 2017 feeling, deluded folks as they are. As you know, a Scorpio Moon suggests 'fighting for survival' issues along with the fabled moodiness of Scorpio and the potential for betrayal concerns. Additionally, Trump will experience a Lunar Return during RNC 2024 which for him always denotes a Moon-to-South-Node transit--not the best indicator for good timing or for popularity. Plus, for his nibs, every single Lunar Return is always a Moon-opposite-natal-Sun transit as well, so naturally relationships are involved.

Now for the sake of comparison, here's a dual image of both Lunations that occur during DNC 2024 (upper right) and RNC 2024 (lower left), again with astro-notes penned on:

Political Conventions in 2020 Restricted by Covid-19

Nostalgically, another cosmic comparison is when we Moon-Tracked DNC and RNC in 2020 which you'll recall were held virtually due to Covid-19. Even so, the DNC Moon of July 13, 2020 began her journey in pioneering Aries, while the RNC 2020 Moon of August 24th began her travels in--you guessed it--Scorpio, yet another echo of Inauguration 2017's Scorpio Moon.

DNC August 2024 - in Chicago!

Now perhaps you'll agree that the Democratic Party seems brave (or stupid!) to hold their 2024 Convention in the same city as in 1968 considering the upheaval and violence that erupted in Chicago (staged by opponents for the most part--I watched it on my TV: hired thugs). So here's a previous post concerning the solar and lunar background influences of that time via 1968 solar eclipses which have already repeated in 2022 and that is likely a moderating factor for 2024.

Plus, in 2024, came the visionary 8 North Solar Eclipse of April 8, 2024 holding sway over both conventions, as noted, and it's the third of three Total Great American Eclipses. Then for astro-notes concerning the televised melee in Chicago in 1968, see 6 North and 6 South Eclipses of 1968 which, as noted, repeated in 2022.

Well, there you have it, a sort of jumbled up assessment of DNC and RNC 2024. With Google's threat of deletion of my 18 years' worth of images and other content (July 1, 2024), I may decide to copy/paste this post into my WordPress blog, Jude's Threshold (named after my 12th house Saturn). But for the weekend, this post is available right here on Stars Over Washington for your consideration. jc