October 20, 2024: Happy Birthday to VP Kamala Harris who turns 60 years old today!
Below you see her stand-alone Solar Return 2024 Horoscope. The chart is symbolically set for Washington DC since she lives there at the Naval Observatory as Vice President, and is in process of campaigning and traveling the country to and fro.
Now recently we discussed the Solar Return 2024 Horoscope of our current VP and 2024 presidential candidate Kamala Harris (her natal chart shown surrounded by that of Fox's Bret Baier, and you know how that interviewus interruptus turned out.
So by reader request, here's a stand-alone version of the Solar Return 2024 Horoscope for VP Kamala Harris sprinkled with a few of my study notes:
As you see, the Sun Libra-Moon Gemini Solar Return blend is a double Air combo with lots of plans and ideas; a reasonable, civilized, and logical communicator and thinker (-The Harveys). This blend of conscious-unconscious energies tends to soar toward ideals that build social and political structures and systems which are positive for humankind if implemented. I say, let her!
Not listed on the chart is the Vertex of fated encounters which lands @19Leo40 in Return House 7 of Alliances and Partnershps. Meanwhile, Return Saturn @13Pis15 is a significant troublemaker for her from now until her 61st birthday: restrictive, depressive Saturn is in Return 2nd hou$e of the National Treasury and squares Return Moon (obstacles; limitations) with Luna conjunct transit Midas of gold-loving fame. Therefore, financial matters are obviously a trouble spot with Congress in charge of the purse strings, and certain operatives working to collapse the US dollar into worthlessness so that the elusive "crypto-currency" appears to be a workable solution rather than the scam and ruse that it is.
After all, turning illusion into reality will be quite a magical feat with an abundant amount of deception required. Beware!
Then of interest is Return Saturn's rounded-up degree in Sabian Symbols: "A Lady in Fox Fur" which likely indicates Fox "News" propaganda about her on into 2025 but also suggests VP Harris' recent "out-foxing" of Bret Baier, as linked above. Also interesting is the fact that the ongoing transit of Saturn in Pisces has been landing off and on upon the Republican Party's 1854 Neptune which, as you know, is the "grim face of reality" transit that brings Saturnian reality to stomp on Neptunian deceptions, fantasies, and illusions - "The Big Lie" included.
And boy, do they - and We The People - need it.
A Related Post: Karmic Saturn in Karmic Pisces Until 2026.