by Jude Cowell, partisan for common decency
DC Horoscope: Summer Solstice 2025 June 20, 2025 10:42:13 pm EDT Washington DC shown, below:
ASC 4AQ28 rises with Pluto @3AQ20 Rx, planet of purges, transformation, power, spying, manipulation, death, and obscene wealth: Pluto/ASC uses power to try to remake circumstances; MC (The Goal) @25Sco24 conjunct Mr. T's natal IC; radical reactionary Uranus at a critical 29th degree of Taurus conjunct the chart's IC (Endings; Domestic Scene); Solstice Sun 00Can00:00 in 5th house of risk-taking with Jupiter @2Can33, the sign of Jupiter's exaltation:
With Aquarius rising, Saturn and Uranus are prominent this Summer and are engaged in a fortunate sextile (60 degrees) aspect of original ideas that may be practically applied. Reliability is notable and good advice forthcoming with which constructive solutions can be found. However, since political ability may also be involved with the sextile, its positive indications may or may not relate to the current administration because chaos and disruption are their aims, and destruction not construction must come first.
Therefore, it could be others who step in to use the positive energies of the Saturn-Uranus sextile of Summer 2025; improvement in the Middle East cannot be ruled out.
Meanwhile, Solstice Pluto sextiles Neptune in a YOD pattern (crisis; turning point; special task; karmic opportunity) which points toward 7th house Mars @2Vir06; as a midpoint picture the trio suggests potentials such as being used a tool for someone else's interests; a lack of resistance or stamina; and/or succumbing to external powers (R. Ebertin).
Plus as you know, hot-natured Mars in Virgo can be an exploitative placement and/or may have scientific connections or interests. One might think of Mars-directed space launches, for one thing, and the volatile Mars-Uranus square would support launches especially if explosive acts of violence and/or accidents can be ruled out or thwarted.
Then back on Earth, due to the current political and social climate in US society in which certain actors have threatened to impose "hardship" conditions upon our population, we might wish to consider a second sextile as a base of a YOD pattern and its potentials: Pluto sextile Saturn = Mars: the necessity to fight for one's existence; ruthlessness; brutal assaults; maltreatment (R.E.). And I don't have to mention here who has expressed out loud the threat of hardship in this, the richest nation in the world. Of note is the thievery and looting that come with such a threat - as usual, in a society rife with inequality theirs is a rob the poor to give to the rich scenario.
Now often with YOD patterns, a timing element is involved (here, for Mars to act?), plus, health implications may be indicated via the inconjuncts. One possibility is the disruption to health insurance coverage that many folks are already facing, myself included. (If you use them, check out the Sabian Symbols in the chart for more information.)
Then last but not least is the Moon @00Tau29, the position of President Biden's natal Moon. His Lunar Return Horoscope for June 20, 2025 (11:30:41 pm edt) is basically the same chart you see here with the same cuspal signs and aspects to his Taurean Moon - sextiles, a trine, but with one clunker: a square from Pluto which echoes the Moon-Pluto square in his natal chart. This personalizes the Summer Solstice 2025 Horoscope for President Biden and may relate in part to his activities during the Israeli-Palestine hostage crisis, or to a health issue that may be heart-related ("Saturn-Uranus" = heart block - R. Ebertin). Hopefully not, but Pluto square natal Moon does suggest a health issue for him or a surgical procedure during the month of June - and squares denote blockages or obstacles - and there's priestly Chiron nearby as well! Still, Mr. Biden enjoys the cadillac of heathcare, we're told, so that's a significant benefit.
Now in closing, here are a few notes concerning the cosmic weather of the day and thus of Summer 2025 using the Solstice's Sun Cancer-Moon Taurus blend of energies, a pragmatic Water-Earth combination with Lunar-Venusian influences:
Fussy; retains subjective prejudices; tendency toward laziness and stubbornness; values are rooted in the past; shrewd in business; strategic. Perhaps you'll agree that there are Images for Integration (conscious Sun + unconscious Moon) which may apply to the current gaggle in charge:
"A flourishing family business" and "A family photo album."
(For more details see Sun-Sign-Moon Sign, Charles and Suzi Harvey #ad).
Grimmace for the camera!
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