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Showing posts with label Jupiter in Cancer. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Jupiter in Cancer. Show all posts

Jan 6, 2024

January 2024: Big Trouble at the NRA

On January 5, 2024, the NRA tweeted that Wayne LaPierre will resign from his top position in the organization as of January 31, 2024. His resignation comes amidst his current civil corruption trial in Manhattan, NY which opens this Monday (1/8/24), last I heard.

For reference, here's a previously published dual image with NRA November 17, 1871 and the group's current Jupiter Return Horoscope from 2014, still in effect until Summer 2026:

Significant planetary transits are now affecting the NRA Horoscope of November 17, 1871 and the most obviously connected to LaPierre's corruption trial and to the group's dwindling membership fees in recent years is transit Pluto opposing the organization's Jupiter (exalted in Cancer, and at Station Rx @29Can55: '30Cancer' = "A Daughter of the American Revolution" -- interesting, since the NRA is a Civil-War-era concoction). Note that 1871 Jupiter conjuncts the group's intense Venus-Pluto midpoint which suggests a picture of "Propagation of destructive impulses" and/or "intense feelings of pleasure from power or destruction" (M. Munkasey).

Of course, bankruptcy is a lurking potential when this planetary duo is involved, so hopefully a full-on search for hidden rubles has been done, perhaps offshore and in foreign bank accounts and super-secret vaults. What Mr. LaPierre hasn't frittered away, that is.

Perhaps you've seen this 3M26S video clip The NRA lies about its bankruptcy filing.

Because we know that the Venus-Pluto duo hints at "extremes of private wealth hidden in secret places" and to finances (as does Jupiter), and to "attracting elements of organized crime" (M.M.). Well, guns do that, don't they?

Anyway, the Pluto-Jupiter opposition, coming on for some time, reveals a period of legal battles with financial consequences. One example you may remember: NY AG Letitia James squashed the group's plan to transfer their assets from New York to Texas.

Simultaneously, other current transits include Uranus Rx @19Taurus conjunct 1871 Pluto (past control may be lost; abrupt changes), legal eagle planet Saturn square 1871 Mercury (opinions challenged, delays, blocked communications), and North Node conjunct 1871 Neptune (meetings about corruption and fraud).

Well, it's all karmic, isn't it? An established organization taken low by its own underhandedness and now legal eagle Saturn makes decisions for its future. Of course, Chapter 11 filing would mean the NRA could reorganize--so maybe they'll behave in a more upright fashion in the future. What do you think?

Nov 14, 2022

Printable: Joe Biden's Jupiter Return

His Jupiter in Cancer Exalted and Mothering the World

by Jude Cowell

With nary a study note penned upon it, below is President Joe Biden's current Jupiter Return Horoscope set for June 24, 2014 and operative until his next Jupiter Return (actually a three-fer return in 2025 and 2026) in Jupiter's 11.6-year cycle of reward and expansion.

This is a printable copy which includes the Return's aspect grid where we see that Mr. Biden's Jupiter is at the bends and thus denotes issues that must be dealt with with (square the Nodal Axis in the Aries-Libra polarity: karma between family vs external relationships/the public; his Catholic religion is also involved). Then as you see, Jupiter is posited in Return 5th house of Risk-Taking, Creative Pursuits, and Children, and receives a sextile of opportunity from the Taurus Moon (Biden's natal Moon = 00Tau59 in natal 5th house - conjunct Herr Adolf's natal Sun so Joe instinctively understands what were the Austrian dictator's possessive, intolerant, materialistic Taurean goals).

Additionally, Mr. Biden's Jupiter inconjuncts Return Midheaven @23Sag21 suggesting that career adjustments have been needed by Mr. Biden in order to attain his Jupiterian goals of political leadership. Perhaps this represents on one level his rise from VP to POTUS which may have been his goal all along! Then if we use the Return Midheaven as a point where Moon-Jupiter's sextile energies ('a ray of hope' - A. Oken) can be beneficially released and utilized, a YOD pattern appears, and women's issues (Moon-Jupiter) become part of our political, social, and religious dialogues and must be dealt with, as noted, in the visible 10th house. This fortuitous cosmic condition of the sextile has helped Jupiterian Joe Biden to triumph over Herr T's 'Big Lie', a negative Mercury-Neptune square condition of misguided perception, falsehood, fraud, and fantasy-spinning.

YOD Pattern of Crisis and Opportunity

Moon sextile Jupiter points toward Return Midheaven and shines a cosmic spotlight upon the karmic December 14, 2020 4 South Eclipse @23Sag08. As it turned out, 4 South's vibes of discontent and the 'desire to end relationships' hasn't only been on the side of the brutal Tr*mpians, but also describes the December 14, 2020 electors doing what the rest of us wanted: voting Joe Biden into the White House.

Because, as you see in the Return 2014 chart, President Biden's Jupiter Return Midheaven @23Sag21 was conjoined by the Electoral College Vote Eclipse of December 14, 2020 in the discontented 4 South Saros Series - on the day that the Electoral College Vote elected Mr. Biden, and the one that Tr*mp and his comrades (what's left of them in late 2022) can't stop squawling and grousing over how 'rigged' and 'stolen' the 2020 Election was. My guess: Herr T must be the mouthiest sore loser in the world.

Well, if Election 2020 was stolen, this common-good Southerner admits to being heartily thankful that modern day fascists and neo-nazis have received gracious helpings of comeuppance for the sake of democracy - at the recent Midterms 2022 Elections and in November 2020!

Yet we know that it's not the time to abandon our pro-democracy efforts since barbarian coup plotters certainly aren't done causing trouble, division, upheaval, violence, and strife in our country. For example see The Dangerous Eclipses of 2023.

Joe Biden, Democracy, and the Democratic Party

As for our Democratic President Joe Biden's Jupiter in Cancer 'Mothering the World', this resonates closely with democracy's protective and nurturing functions, and with the asteroid that signifies democracy: Ceres - which also represents the mother archetype! Obviously, contrasts may be made with the Republican Party's tendency toward strong-armed paternalism and misogyny against women but such musings are beyond the scope of this post.

So! If, dear reader, you print out the above chart, or set up one of your own, the horoscope will prove handy for following planetary transits (including eclipes) to its planets and Angles as cosmic timers for events - especially transits to the Angles - for they will affect the Jupiterian hopes and goals of President Joe Biden, and, through his presidency, will positively or negatively affect America and the American people.

Thanks a bunch for reading and share if you dare! Jude

Apr 22, 2021

Horoscopes: America's Jupiter Returns 2013 and 2025

April 22, 2021: Nope, not a whole bunch of text today, only two DC Horoscopes showing America's current Jupiter Return which perfected on July 22, 2013 (lower left - 2021 Uranus across the top/MC = crisis; reforms), and our nation's next Jupiter Return on July 5, 2025 (upper right). Significant is our country's 1776 Jupiter's rounded-up degree of '6 Cancer' and its very descriptive Sabian Symbol, "Game Birds Feathering Their Nests" which implies the greed which is the sickness at the core of the Plutocracy through the auspices of which this idealistic experiment called America was begun. And with expansive Jupiter involved, in general our society's tendency toward greed seems only to have grown.

Now as you know, Jupiter is exalted (works best) when in Moon-ruled Cancer, a business-oriented sign of home, family, protection, and needs met. So approximately every 12 years since 1776, when transit Jupiter returns to its July 4, 1776 degree (5Can55:59), the same conjunctions re-form which were in force on that day with our natal Venus and Sun with potentials for - Jupiter to Venus: desire for luxury; potential benefits; fortunate alliances; compromised principles; Jupiter to Sun: ego expansion; self-indulgence; generosity; self-inflating tactics; more money, knowledge, and/or awareness; grand plans.

Note: Mundane Jupiter = expansion, freedom, ideals, philosophy, justice, protection, exploration, discovery, boundary-breaking, good fortune, breakthroughs, finance, banking, investment, politics, religion, corporatism, gurus, thespians, professors, lawyers, judges, and more.

As you see, 2013 Moon @25Cap36 has been catalyzed multiple times by recent transits such as transit Pluto (today @26Cap48) to Moon, another crisis indicator that also suggests the emotional and physical trauma and abuse that so many people are suffering for a variety of reasons. Intense turmoil and overwhelming circumstances are denoted but as with every transit, the influences will pass. However, transit Pluto will be opposing 2013 Sun (29Can48 = '30Cancer' = "A Daughter of the American Revolution") showing that our contest-of-wills/no-compromise political conditions concerning US leadership (Sun) will continue in relation to Jupiterian circumstances, conditions, and people, any of which are noted above. Take your pick!

So until on or about July 5, 2025, check current transits if you wish, for we remain under the influences of America's 2013 Jupiter Return with its chart-ruler, the Sun, making only one applying aspect in the chart, a square to Saturn @4Sco59 conjunct IC (4:50) suggesting a continuation of concentration on business and the need for hard work. Plus, Saturn/4th house indicates links to real estate, mining, natural resources, and, if the American people can be that fortunate despite the plutocatic oppression that weighs so many of us down, to the conservation and preservation of our homeland and its resources:

Dec 1, 2019

Late December 2019 Jupiter opposes US natal Jupiter

Thoughts of Jupiter December 2019 into 2020

by Jude Cowell

As anyone who studies America's founding horoscope of July 4, 1776 knows, US natal Jupiter @6Cancer (5:56), its Moon-ruled sign of exaltation, possesses a descriptive Sabian Symbol that the 'ruling elite' through the centuries, more often than not, have apparently taken to heart for their own selfish gain:

"Game Birds Feathering Their Nests."

And with Jupiter's cycle of approximately 12 years (11.6), we can say with reasonable assurance that on or about January 14, 2008, transit Jupiter opposed US natal Jupiter in the midst of the financial implosion and heist that was the Bush-Cheney regime in 2007--2008 so the opposition flavored the entirety of 2008 when the game birds' feathers 'hit the fan' but the dire effects were dumped onto We The People to lose and pay. Transit Jupiter opposing Jupiter denotes a period of discontent with wealth and personal achievement, discouraging comparisons that lower confidence, promises which often turn out to be duds, and there's an inability to impress anyone. Obviously, funds may be depleted during this transit possibly due to previous extravagance and/or waste, things that most of the 'ruling elite' practice with aplomb.

Well, now it's time for 2019 Jupiter to oppose US natal Jupiter (1776) once again which the planet of bankers, financiers, corporatists, gurus, generals, and politicians will do in late December 2019. In fact, this challenging Jupiterian transit turns up within the horoscope of the 3 South Solar Eclipse which perfects on December 26, 2019 @4Capricorn06 (the eclipse also opposes US natal Jupiter and our Venus for that matter). The eclipse chart is linked, below, with 3 South's themes of: 'traumatic transformation through news received or short journeys' and 'sudden endings of relationships and/or alliances' (paraphrasing Brady's Predictive Astrology). Can Trump's machinations be far behind?

Of course, this is only one planetary transit affecting current events into year 2020 but it is, I'll wager, a significant one especially for the US economy, the budget, deficits, shortfalls, and for other areas that concern our nation--including for the massive Jupiterian who tweets from the White House.

Yet as you know, money is only as valuable as people believe it is.

Related Posts include: December Eclipse ends 2019 with Jupiter and Pluto issues in which Donald Trump, with his natal Neptune @5Libra squaring US natal Jupiter, makes his typically disturbing appearance and the Jupiter-Neptune pair of energies show off their usual speculation, risk-taking, grand schemes, and bubbly inflation capabilities; Donald Trump: In the Realms of Jupiter; and Saturn-Pluto 2020 Conjunct The Fed's Uranus 22Cap47 which thus forms a karmic midpoint picture of potentials for:

Saturn-Pluto = Uranus: "sudden changes or upsets in plans which have been made concerning very important activities; reforms in the way punishment is given for important crimes; the erratic or uneven use of retaliatory measures" (Munkasey). Reinhold Ebertin adds a potential for: "sudden acts of violence." Hopefully this planetary picture of potentials won't amount to much but time will tell. Which is what I tell myself until I consider with fretfulness what Noel Tyl adds to this picture of disturbing possibilities: "an attack, regardless of potential losses" and "brutal efforts to start a new order."

So in closing, below is the three-fer DC Horoscope of the Conjunctions of Jupiter-Pluto (plutocrats, wheeler-dealers, large project developers, independent contractors, the Fed) which perfect three times in 2020: April 5, June 30, and November 12 - all falling within the degree range of 22--25 Capricorn as you can see:

Jun 23, 2019

July 2019 Eclipse hits 'Berlin Wall Falls' Horoscope

On the topic of new and old orders falling, being built, and morphing into the next, here is the timed horoscope (via news report; RR: A) of the Fall of the Berlin Wall November 9, 1989 where we see Jupiter Rx exalted in Cancer and rising and, it turns out, awaiting its 'eclipse' which occurs on July 2, 2019 in the form of the 3 North Solar Eclipse @10Can37 (chart set for DC, not Berlin); please enlarge the image since my study notes are penned on the chart and will not be repeated in this text:

The horoscope of this global event, a major signpost along the dusty trail toward the draconian 'New World Order' (which some say is actually the 5G 'Smart' Grid), reveals a variety of cosmic time links to planets, conjunctions, and lunations within the 2019--2022 period and I believe that this is partially because those in charge (lurkers behind the curtain--'presidents' and politicians are mere figureheads) use--have always used--occult methods such as Astrology to time their devilish activities. You may disagree but there it is.

Naturally, with the sign Cancer involved, plus, the planet Jupiter, financial implications or complications are suggested by the July 2 Eclipse and by the July 16, 2019 Lunar Eclipse in Saturn-ruled Capricorn (@24Cap04--near US natal Pluto and opposing US natal Mercury--security, surveillance concerns and/or spying scandals exposed? Even Cancerian food supplies may be affected).

So which planets in Mundane Astrology are associated with old and new orders?

We can point to Saturn (old; the past) and Uranus (new; the future) and consult their 45-year cycle for timing purposes. Their current cycle began when they last conjoined three times, all in 1988: February 13 @29Sag55, June 26 @28Sag47, and October 18 @27Sag49 during the presidency of Ronald Reagan who, among other things, signed a trade agreement with Canada in 1988, if memory serves. And of course, on November 8, 1988, George H. W. Bush was (s)elected president and continued to experience some measure of fall-out from his Iran-Contra role, hidden as it was intended to be. Meanwhile, karmic Saturn went on to meet with Neptune in Capricorn three times in 1989 (@10-12Cap). Yet for our topic today--years 2019--2022--we should note that the next Saturn-Uranus Conjunction won't perfect until June 28, 2032 @28Gem01, opposite their 1988 meet-ups.

Therefore, I'm 'calling it' for the two societal planets as timer--Jupiter and Saturn, for their conjunctions relate to the beginnings of new social, financial, religious, and political orders which endure for about 20 years, with the current cycle in force since May 28, 2000 (@22Tau43). So in case you haven't seen it, here's a DC Horoscope of the upcoming Jupiter-Saturn Conjunction at Winter Solstice which conjoins and activates America's POTUS Sun degree (00AQ+) on December 21, 2020, just in time for Inauguration 2021.

A prominent midpoint picture will form--Jupiter-Saturn = Sun: "Taking destiny into one's own hands; major changes according to plan; or, if nothing has been prepared, becoming gripped by the status quo and having to make the best of things (Solar Arcs, Tyl).

Related: The Prenatal Eclipse of Inauguration 2021.