unknown artist for New York Times, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons
Panama Horoscope plus The Canal
by Jude Cowell, partisan for the common good
Panama gained independence from Columbia on November 3, 1903 under the influence of a Total 14 North Solar Eclipse @27Virgo - as you see, conjunct Venus. This indicates that fairness and cooperation bring best results while the negative expression is materialism. Chart-ruler Venus in level-headed Virgo applies once - to a beneficial trine with Saturn so stability has been the case for Panama so far. It remains to be seen what mischief Mr. T. can stir up. Plus, we know that other planets and aspects will have input as well through transits and progressions.
Because by now you've heard that Mr. T. has threatened to "take back" the Panama Canal by force if necessary for what he says are economic and national security reasons (the same with "purchasing" Greenland).
The US gave up control of the Canal in 1999 as per The Carter-Torrijos Treaty signed September 7, 1977, so naturally Mr. T is determined to lie about it and undo any accomplishment of President Carter that he can. Much depends on who's pulling Mr. T.'s strings over Panama and they must have their own reasons for doing so. Simply making trouble for America is one typical, basic motive of our enemies, as it turns out.
And then there's this: M. T. Is Wrong: Jimmy Carter Didn't Lose Due to Panama Canal. What a tiresome four years it will be keeping up with everything Mr.T. is wrong about. However, we've all had four years' worth of experience, haven't we?
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