by Jude Cowell, partisan for the common good
Today a reader's request arrived for a view of Canada's founding horoscopes so this is a quick posting of the three horoscopes for Canada that are in my files; notably, there are other charts for significant Canadian events but presently these are the charts saved in my files.
First, dual charts display Canada 1608 when a settlement was founded by legendary explorer Samuel de Champlain (lower left; Campion #50) along with Canada 1867 (upper right Dominion: combined with New Brunswick and Nova Scotia; Campion #51):
The second dual image shows the natal chart of Queen Elizabeth II (lower left) who signed legislation to repatriate Canada in April 1982; upper right is the Canada Independence (or Repatriation) Horoscope with data from Campion:
So, there we go. At the moment, I have no further comments regarding these horoscopes or events except to say that I've always been very fond of Canada and the Canadian people, and I heartily wish that the profane convicted felon would leave Canada alone - and while he's at it, would leave this country altogether. jc
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