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Showing posts with label 24-hour news cycle. Show all posts
Showing posts with label 24-hour news cycle. Show all posts

May 24, 2023

Horoscope: CNN Launches June 1, 1980

During the Presidential Election year of 1980, CNN (Cable News Network) launched from its headquarters in Atlanta, Georgia on June 1, 1980 anchored by husband and wife team, Dave Walker and Lois Hart - and the 24-hour news cycle began. Their leading story was the May 29, 1980 attempted assassination of civil rights leader Vernon Jordan and President Carter arriving to visit him during Jordan's recuperation.

Here's a brief clip of CNN's initial broadcast with no time stamp, unfortunately. However, "good evening," Dave Walker says as the first-ever segment debuts so I've set the CNN Launches Horoscope for 7:00 pm edt with the technology planet of new ideas rising: electric Uranus Rx @22Sco47 to create a symbolic horoscope which seems plausible.

In investigative Scorpio, Uranus is exalted, behaves fearlessly and with scientific ingenuity to effect drastic change and disruption - in 1980, change from the old model of the 6 o'clock news hour to the 24-hour news cycle. So with transit Uranus now in Taurus, a "midlife crisis" is occurring this year for CNN (Uranus opposing Uranus), marking a time when one acts out of character - and thus CNN staged a "townhall" for Trump on May 10th so he could spew his tiresome old lies to an audience of supporters who were told they could applaud, but couldn't boo! Leadership styles have now changed at CNN as well, with new muckity mucks shifting the network to the right--some would say, the far right.

So in the marked-up chart, below, you'll note that starry Regulus culminates at Midheaven at 7:00 pm ('MC' = the Goal Point: success!). Also at MC is broadcasting Jupiter @2Virgo, sign of facts, categorizing, criticism, and analysis. A few of my study notes are penned on the chart, as you can see, but I know you'll find several more factors of interest; also an almost unmarked 7:00 pm horoscope is added, below, suitable for printing if need be.

The Sun's Sabian Symbol (rounded up to 12Gemini) is prominent and concerns Vernon Jordan so the symbol for "12Gemini" is penned on the right side of the chart.

CNN Launches June 1, 1980 Atlanta, Georgia

Now if you're curious, here are 40 years of CNN history in photographs, plus, there's an interesting bizjournal feature from 2015, #tbt: A Look at Lois Hart, who led CNN's first newscast 35 years ago" (it's 43 years ago this year, June 1st). Hart revealed that she and her husband were "very nervous" but on camera they looked quite calm.

Then the latest news I've seen today is that another CNN "townhall" will be broadcast on behalf of 2024 candidate Nikki Haley. Will the audience be full of Haley supporters? Can they applaud but not boo? Will she promote fascism, too?

Review the May 10, 2023 Horoscope of the Trump-CNN "townhall" if you wish, with the 7 North "Fascism Rising Eclipse" of February 1933 at the "townhall"'s IC (Basis, or, Foundation) at which lurks the May 10, 2023 Saturn @6Pisces.

And if you like, check out the Wikipedia bio of CNN's quirky founder Ted Turner and be sure to scroll to Ted's plan for CNN to broadcast "the end of the world," which apparently is what Christian Nationalists cheer for and are working toward. As if our Creator needs their short-sighted efforts!