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Showing posts with label 5 New South. Show all posts
Showing posts with label 5 New South. Show all posts

May 7, 2024

Eclipse of 'The Apprentice'

When Donald Reached For "Pie in the Sky"

by Jude Cowell

Shown below, for your consideration is the Solar Eclipse Horoscope of NBC's The Apprentice which perfected November 23, 2003 @1Sag13:57 NYC in the 5 New South Saros Series set for NYC. At Midheaven: Mars-Neptune = Uranus: "Reaching for 'pie in the sky'; energetically following one's dream" (N. Tyl). As you know, the "reality" TV show was Donald's publicity-infused launching pad for his eventual run in 2016 for the White House.

Then curiously, what turned out to be his "prez bid" New Moon of June 16, 2015 @25Gemini": "A Man Trimming Palms" rises at 8:00 pm est; plus, the novelty-loving planet of anarchy and technology, Uranus @00Pisces, conjuncts Midheaven ('MC': The Goal Point) and is apex of the Mars-Neptune midpoint (see the Horoscope for midpoint potentials):

Now as you know, all eclipses are karmic in nature, may disrupt earthly events, and spark changes of direction similar to the action of unpredictable Uranus. Eclipse themes are always a consideration so 5 New South Eclipse themes are penned on the above chart.

Significantly, erratic Uranus squares the Eclipse which denotes an uncaring attitude toward humanity along with radical activities (R. Lineman). Both these potentials have been demonstrated in recent years by the fellow in question, as you may agree. And for obvious reasons, Donald's "successful businessman" image promoted on The Apprentice supported him on this quest to play the POTUS role although the image is somewhat threadbare now. An additional Uranian note is that Trump's natal 10th house Uranus @18Gemini is oriental so 'the sky god' is his guiding planet of chaos and disruption - the voices in his fantasy-prone head.

A Sagittarius Eclipse: Trump's Moon-South-Node Sign

When a solar eclipse manifests in Jupiter-ruled Sagittarius, the cosmic spotlight is cast upon frankness and enthusiasm, yet negatively there are issues of false optimism, misguided beliefs, and midirected idealism (such as are seen with the idolatry of cult leaders and the Big Lie of you-know-who). In 6th house the eclipse emphasis is on compatibility in the work space and work ethic. No certainty on such a possibility.

The Apprentice: Money, Power, Fame

Now I've never watched an episode of the show so to set up a Horoscope of the first airing of The Apprentice (or, 'Celebrity Apprentice'--is there a difference?), I've speculatively selected 8:00 pm est (January 8, 2004) because Trump's natal Mars and Ascendant rise and his 10th house of Career and Public Status is suitably atop the horoscope.

Yet if the show's go-time was later than 8:00 pm, we can surmise that a staffer was touching up his orange makeup, powdering his wig around that time, or maybe changing his diaper (staffer Noel Casler has called him DiaperDon). Adjust the hour as you wish, dear reader, for the initial show may have been taped anyway.

Then another factor is the show's creator, Mark Burnett (July 17, 1960 London, UK), who along with wife Roma Downey, is responsible for producing unusual religious content including the film Son of God, an exercise in "presenting another Jesus," or "reinventing" Him. That's a no-go around here! I found Burnett's association with the film by searching for his name and Opus Dei, if that tells us anything about the anti-democracy forces aligned against America. You'll remember that Trump's AG Bill Barr, legendary fixer of legal jams, is said to be a member of the secretive Catholic organization, as are other public figures - some are involved in skewing the US Supreme Court toward right-wing authoritarianism and successfully overturning Roe v Wade.

The Apprentice: A Speculatively Timed Horoscope:

To close, here's an original intro (trailer) of The Apprentice (January 8, 2004 as shown in the horoscope, above):

And if the video is removed from SO'W, here's a link. Think money.

Nov 14, 2021

A Few Cosmic Considerations as 2021 Nears Its End

Karmic Eclipse Themes Undergird Events; Solstices and Equinoxes Are Timers

by Jude Cowell

Image: 'Blue Winter's Path'; pencil on paper; by Jude Cowell Art 2021

Sunday November 14, 2021

As Astrology always reveals, it's the Winter Solstice Horoscope that takes us from one year into the next and holds particular influence as its planets reflect earthly events until Spring Equinox of the following year. In fact, it's illuminating to consider both charts for a fuller picture, perhaps in the form of a bi-wheel with the Winter Solstice chart snugged inside since it is the first cosmic event to occur. One might also take a Spring Equinox Horoscope and add the Winter Solstice Horoscope for the same year to see how things are moving along, especially since Spring Equinox charts are 'good for' an entire year and may be considered via transits, directions, and such.

So as 2021 nears its end, here's an excerpt from the previously published Winter Solstice 2021 Horoscope (DC Horoscope shown):

Winter Solstice 2021 falls within the 5 New South Eclipse Series which manifests on December 4, 2021 @12Sag22 with benefits promised. (The 12Sag Eclipse is in 9th house of {the Winter Solstice 2021} chart conjunct Midheaven although it isn't penned upon the {Solstice} chart - and the Midheaven is unaspected by any planet so the beneficial themes of the eclipse may be the objectives of the winter season!

(For more chart details, follow the eclipse's link.)

Therefore, considering President Biden's legislative efforts in Congress this year, such beneficial objectives and the good news that comes with them (ex: his Infrastructure Bill) seem to be a given. A 'given' representing progress to some legislators for the American people (aka, the common good) but improvements to block and delay for others who are regressively minded as they work to accomplish an authoritarian take-over of the US government, a fascist/corporate effort that failed in 1933. And of course you know which political party is which within our current circumstances as transit Neptune in Pisces opposes US natal Neptune in Virgo (clash of ideals; racial and other persecutions across the Virgo-Pisces victim/savior axis). Plus, transit Pluto is already within orb of America's first-ever Pluto Return - exact three times all through 2022 as societal scaffolding is forced to collapse and traditions and laws are sabotaged and ignored. Yet we know that the fascist plot of 1933 became known as 'the businessmen's coup' and it failed, just as it should have.

This time, after decades of patient planning, the plot has widened and a multitude of wealthy corporations and CEOs are funding the fascist coup attempt yet it's imperative that the traitorous saboteurs and criminals who have infiltrated and infested America must be made to fail again!

And on that note, thanks go to journalist Judd Leggum and this staff, because the public can know what many corporations are up to in private while funding far-right efforts against democracy - despite what their gaslighting public relations people say in public.

So if you haven't, see EXCLUSIVE: How corporate PACs are plotting to "move beyond" January 6. Why, they're part of a global crime syndicate of saboteurs and malicious schemers so it's no wonder their heinous efforts and thuggish acts of violence are difficult for the little ole US Congress to hold accountable.

Because after all, these crooks have got friends in high places.

Looking ahead, here's the Spring Equinox 2022 Horoscope (aka, Aries Ingress 2022) and here's the DC Horoscope with details on the 5 New South Solar Eclipse of December 4, 2021: The Karma of Past Actions.

Oct 25, 2021

Dec 2021 Solar Eclipse: The Karma of Past Actions

5 New South Eclipse Themes: Good News and Benefits!

by Jude Cowell

October 25, 2021: Below is a view of the DC Horoscope of the 5 New South Solar Eclipse of December 4, 2021 @12Sag22 which falls within the 2nd house of The National Treasury and Values when the eclipse chart is set for Washington DC. In Sabian Symbols its rounded-up degree of "13Sag" = "A Widow's Past Brought to Light" (a Freemasonry reference) with "Keynote: The karma of past actions as it affects opportunities presented by a new cycle" (D. Rudhyar). In his An Astrological Mandala (#ad), Rudhyar goes on to explain, "Mankind is 'the widow' because our soon-to-be-concluded Piscean Age has buried most of the ideals it once revered and proclaimed. Yet the New Age will have to deal with many oppressive ghosts. This is a symbol of RETRIBUTION." We don't need Astrology to tell us that America's old business will linger into 2022 which may refer to criminal and civil indictments we've yet to see in October 2021.

And for old age-new age, conservative-progressive, past-future, and old order-new order issues and stand-offs we tend to look toward Saturn vs Uranus; here, their midpoint @25Pis26 is posited in the 6th house of Military-Police-Civil Service, Employment, and Health. Their midpoint opposes US Progressed Neptune in Virgo which hints at "masked changes designed to break traditional roles" (supported by the ongoing transformative US Pluto Return/s of 2022 but now within orb and busy restructuring society, systems, structures, and traditions). Also suggested are potentials for "separations; bereavements; falsehoods, and/or malice due to weakness" (R. Ebertin).

Meanwhile, my personal hope is that the 'Retribution' of the "13Sag" Eclipse refers to holding accountable the criminals, corporatists, corrupt politicians, and their enablers who have undermined and continue to sabotage our nation out from under the noses of Americans who prefer a democratic Republic.

As you see, the Eclipse opposes or is opposed by wealthy gold-hoarder Midas Rx (@12Gem02 in the Corporate 8th house) and is attended by messenger planet Mercury 15Sag18 which conjoins asteroid Arachne, a spidery, possibly sinister reference to the World Wide Web, the Internet and to certain sticky networks such as those identified by asteroid Cupido (here @24Leo47 in 11th house of Groups and Associations opposite Jupiter in the 5th house of Gambling and Risk-Taking. Cupido networks include the World Banking System, 'The Family' of 'religious' power-grabbers, various mafia organizations and other criminal networks, and Corporatism in general. The global neo-n*zi movement of crooks and blighters may also be indicated by Cupido whose position in vain Leo conjuncts the natal Mars of crime boss you-know-who.

Plus, we should note that a solar eclipse in Jupiter-ruled Sagittarius involves issues of: searches for ultimate truths, ethical considerations, moral concepts, and religious convictions. However, misguided beliefs and misplaced idealism will interfere with karmic progress, and false optimism must be avoided for best results (R. Lineman). When communicating Mercury closely attends an eclipse, reasoning power and logic are necessary and must be utilized in order to resolve karmic (longstanding) problems; determined concentration is a must because when thinking Mercury is in wide-ranging Sagittarius, thoughts are deep yet a scattering of energies, and a tendency to avoid tasks or to take the line of least resistance are constant possibilities. Dotting Is and crossing Ts will be important to the matters at hand which suggests negotiations, agreements, laws, treaties, trade deals, and/or contracts that may be signed under the influence of this eclipse. But fine print should be closely scrutinized similar to periods when Mercury is retrograde (as it will be in mid-January 2022).

Now naturally, you'll note the intense Venus-Pluto Conjunction at the Foundation of the chart with angular Venus as chart-ruler and 8th hou$e ruler. See lower left corner for a few notes concerning the only applying aspect of Venus - her conjunction with powerful wealth-hoarding plutocrat Pluto which occurs within the greatly sensitized later-degrees of Saturn-ruled Capricorn, sign of government, law, business, and investment. Curiously, notable indications of a Venus-Pluto pairing includes "foreign raids on the treasury" (M. Munkasey). And of course, Wall Street gentry and speculators are involved with Jupiterian financial matters.

Also, see money planet Venu$ as apex of the Mars-Neptune trine, lower right corner, which suggests potentials for appeasement, superficial religious practices, and perhaps infection. A high-flying Kite pattern of success is suggested here yet only the goal-oriented Midheaven, with difficult star Castor conjunct MC, creates the Kite's tail so let's skip the pattern since no planet is there (but "A Prima Donna Singing" is). So this leaves the focus on the Mars-Neptune trine with Venus at apex, as noted, and with the Mars-Neptune pair suggesting potentials for 'military or industrial espionage, scandals involving the military, riots over national healthcare (hospital fires)', and/or "the threat of war or force to be used against the ideals of the people, the country, or its rulers" (M. Munkasey). This we know, even without Astrology to tell us - especially since talking heads warn us of future violent actions all the time with 1/6 as only the opening salvo by fascist malcontents and saboteurs.

Three December Solar Eclipses: 2019 ('The Covid Eclipse'), 2020 ('The Electoral College Vote Eclipse' and the Eclipse series of Inauguration 2021), and 2021 ('RETRIBUTION: The Karma of Past Actions Eclipse')

Now coming near the end of a year, December Eclipses always carry their energies, Uranian disruptions, and themes into the next year so the 5 New South Eclipse shown above will affect the first months of 2022 until around the middle of April 2022 when themes of the next Solar Eclipse (6 North @10Taurus) override those of 5 New South, suddenly or gradually.

And because a solar eclipse is a New Moon and a course-changing 'wild card of the Universe', the next Full Moon is highly significant as the New Moon's culmination or fulfillment phase suggesting full awareness and/or relationship issues. That will be the Full Moon @27Gem29 on December 19, 2021 when results (or fall-out) from the 5 New South Eclipse should become more obvious in relation to the matters discussed, above.

A few closing notes: Readers familiar with the natal planets of the 'orange menace' won't fail to notice that rising in the above chart is his natal Jupiter stationary (@17Lib27 in natal 2nd house with his wounded Chiron and deceptive Neptune) - and Speaker Nancy Pelosi's natal Jupiter @17Aries, precisely and diametrically opposed to his Jupiter across the Aries-Libra axis. Plus, eclipse Jupiter @25AQ50 opposes the natal rising Mars of the 'orange menace', which as you know, opposes our July 4, 1776 Moon (We The People) showing his vengeful aggression against the American people. And one more thing: Mars @23Sco40 leads a BOWL pattern with zealous Uranus, Mars' former tango partner (their opposition perfected around mid-November 2021) now Rx @11Tau38. This position of warrior planet Mars conjoins and ruffles the natal IC, then enters the 4th house of the 'orange menace', and the BOWL shape of planets suggests one who advocates for a cause - and in his case, everyone knows that his well-known cause is weakly based upon a Big Fat Lie.

5 New South themes: Brady's Predictive Astrology #ad.

Oct 1, 2021

Winter Solstice 2021 Horoscope: Jupiter "at the bends"

October 1, 2021: As you can see in the Winter Solstice 2021 Horoscope, below, Pisces rises and Jupiter in Aquarius rises and rules the chart and the winter season. However, Jupiter @28AQ36 makes no applying aspects to other planets but is square the Nodal Axis and thus is at the bends - with South Node, a sacrifice or an offering is implied. Plus, Jupiter square the Nodal Axis suggests people whose social, religious, and ethical attitudes and aims are out of harmony with the society in which they live. Of course, expansive Jupiter contains multitudes so malcontents and zealots are not the only folk this Jupiter may represent. So if I were you, I'd include corporatists in one bunch or another along with military types, religious leaders, broadcasters, politicians, and, in Aquarius, humanitarians and philanthropists. Hopefully, a Jupiterian word, some form of protection will be afforded with Jupiter rising.

Winter Solstice December 21, 2021 10:59:08 am EST Washington, DC

With the Solstice Sun @00Cap00:00 falling within the 10th house of Career and Public Status, America's national reputation is on full display - and subject to scandal. Contained in the 9th house of Higher Education, Philosophy, and Foreign Lands, is activist Mars @5Sag47 conjunct the separative South Node of the Moon, an indicator of loners who tend to act independently (and possibly violently) but may also represent those who question the military values of our country (9th house = abroad) and, as has been the case for decades, of overblown defense spending (at the expense of the public's needs). So it looks as if the GOP won't be giving up their political advantage over the Biden administration through their criticism of the Afghanistan withdrawal or of other military and security policies into 2022. Sore losers can be that way.

Now as you see rising in 1st house are oceanic Neptune @20Pis31 suggesting large or mass events, probably involving water and/or storms or other weather-related events. That wounded healer Chiron rises as well is not lost on me yet I've no idea what this may entail unless healing is part of the compassionate Neptunian picture. Hopefully, any goodwill expressed will be genuine rather than superficial.

A 5th House Moon in Cancer

Highlighted on the chart is a YOD pattern with apex Moon @27Can01 (opposing US natal Pluto) in the 5th house of Risk-Taking, Creativity, and Children. This pattern sometimes indicates crisis conditions (which we know we have) and can also be a health indicator. Naturally our thoughts go to Covid infections and to innoculations which are said to be coming for younger children possibly by the end of the year. Either way, children, women, and families are spotlighted by the 5th house Moon in her own sign of Cancer. That the Moon opposes US natal Pluto (or is opposed by it) hints at extreme feelings, possible domestic difficulties, and the pairing makes objectivity and taking a positive attitude crucial for best results. Also we must guard against giving in to faulty assimilation of impressions that lead to self-defeat! (B. Tierney).

Meanwhile, YODs may also denote turning points, special tasks (with correct timing a key issue - the Moon is an excellent timer), and/or karmic opportunities for progress. Whatever is suggested here, the Moon at apex of a YOD pattern puts Lunar folk in the spotlight for taking positive, well-timed actions despite any emotional traumas of the past which cloud their perception of current reality.

Cosmic Blinks of Disruption: Solar and Lunar Eclipses

Ruling 2nd hou$e via Aries and 9th house via Scorpio, this 9th house Mars activates the Lunar Eclipse of May 26, 2021 @5Sag and the conditions and circumstances of that time period. Perhaps you remember that the May 26th Lunar Eclipse gave clues as to society's emotional reactions to the difficult 4 South Solar Eclipse of December 14, 2020, the day of the 2020 Electoral College Vote. Well, you know very well what issues are involved from the 2020 Election, no need to type them here.

But time moves on and Winter Solstice 2021 falls within the 5 New South Eclipse Series which manifests on December 4, 2021 @12Sag22 with benefits promised. (The 12Sag Eclipse is in 9th house of this chart conjunct Midheaven although it isn't penned upon the chart - and the Midheaven is unaspected by any planet so the beneficial themes of the eclipse may be the objectives of the winter season!) Heads up to those who use a US Horoscope with Sagittarius rising around 11/12Sag because this personalizes the December 4, 2021 Solar Eclipse to the US and implicates Jupiter as even more significant in this Solstice 2021 chart since the Great Benefic rises - and rises at 28AQ36 conjunct the people's Moon in the 'Sag rising' horoscope of 1776. This transit is meant to be a happy time of life unless other planetary factors interfere with or mitigate the positivity of a Jupiter-to-Moon transit. Considering the Winter Solstice 2021 Horoscope I'd say that our prognosis is mixed which means that political, financial, and other social tussles and negotiations continue through the winter season but with some benefits attached as Year 2021 ends and 2022 begins.

However, you may be pleased to note that only one mention of Tr*mp is marked on the chart - his natal Jupiter (@18Lib27 in his natal 2nd hou$e and Stationary) conjunct the Winter Solstice 2021 8th cu$p. And of course you know the Sabian Symbol for "19 Libra" = "A Gang of Robbers in Hiding." Very appropriate for the career grifter.

Now admittedly, there are many more chart factors of note (Mercury in Capricorn, the common-sensical yet possibly fraudulent "Mercury-Jupiter" on the Angles, the ongoing Saturn-Uranus square of old order vs new order, Saturn working in isolation, testy Mars leading a steamy Locomotive revealing him to be a ruthless, high-powered executive driven toward success, etc) but, mea culpa, I cannot possibly mention them all in this text. Therefore, penned on the chart for those who wish to read them are my study notes.

Yet before this post ends, mention must be made of the intense 11th house Venus-Pluto Conjunction in Capricorn, sign of government, law, business, and investment. Here is a paraphrasing of the Hegelian Thesis-Antithesis model from Michael Munkasey's book, Midpoint: Unleasing the Power of the Planets (#ad) by which we may find that the Venus-Pluto duo pretty much sums up the majority of what I've typed, above. And of course you know I must mention that "Thesis" = conditions set up on purpose so that solutions("Antithesis") 'must' be implemented just as ivory tower social tinkerers intended to do in the first place - with the aid of certain politicians, media figures, and other compromised actors who have been bought off and don't mind betraying America on behalf of a vicious global authoritarian movement, as we now see:

Thesis: Extremes of wealth hidden in secret places; model or beautiful waste processing or disposal systems; genetic alterations; transforming the natural beauty of a country.

Antithesis: Attracting elements of organized crime; breakdown within the social fabric of society; volcanic activity which destroys financial or agricultural centers.

As always, feel free to leave a name-tagged, on-topic comment if you wish and you know that your Shares are always much appreciated. Because if the readership of SO'W fails to grow, then what am I doing this for? jc

Jun 25, 2021

December 2021's 5 New South Solar Eclipse: Benefits!

by Jude Cowell

June 25, 2021: Below is a DC Horoscope of the December 4, 2021 Total Solar Eclipse @12Sag22 in the 5 New South Saros Series with its themes of 'benefits, good news, peak experiences, joy' (Brady's Predictive Astrology #ad).

As you see, chart-ruler Venus @22Cap19 conjuncts the IC (Foundation of the Matter) while applying to a conjunction with powerful Pluto @25Cap07. Some consideration may be due to this particular degree range of Saturn-ruled Capricorn since '23 Capricorn' is a degree of governmental authority (N. DeVore) and '25 Capricorn' is, critically, the cusp of the 24th Lunar Mansion. In addition, mercenary star Terebellum (Omega Sagittarius), although faint, is located within these degrees as well. So Venus to Pluto (see lower left) suggests strategic manipulation in order to gain control. Financial matters, even bankruptcy, are also suggested as well as criminal elements having influence. Of course, we don't need Astrology to tell us America has been seriously infiltrated by such corruption.

And for those who prefer a US horoscope with 11--13 Sagittarius rising, this Solar Eclipse hits directly upon the Ascendant of such a chart which then personalizes the 5 New South Eclipse of December 2021 for America and further enhances the significance of expansive planet Jupiter. However, if you prefer a different version (July 4, 1776, or other--) then the eclipse falls within a house other than the Ascendant (1st or 12th house) and affects the activities of that house and the houses also ruled by the eclipse-and-chart-ruler/s.

Now located with the Eclipse in the 2nd hou$e is Mars @23Sco40 as leader of a BOWL shape of planets so here we have an activist or combatant promoting the 'advocacy of a cause' or 'having a mission'. A further identifier is the fact that this Mars conjuncts the natal IC of Donald Tr*mp which may be what I like to call a cosmic peep-eye especially since he is known or suspected to have been born with testy Mars rising in royal Leo.

One more Tr*mpian note is that his natal Jupiter @17Lib27 (at Station on June 14, 1946) conjuncts this Ascendant while Speaker Nancy Pelosi's natal Jupiter conjuncts the Descendant reminding us of their previous political stand-offs. Yet a comfort is always to consider the Sabian Symbol of his greedy Jupiter at '18Libra': "Two Men Placed Under Arrest".

Then with critical-crisis degrees on the security-minded MC-IC, we find one of the Gemini Twins, Castor at Midheaven ('MC') - positively a creative star, yes, but also with its negative potentials for 'sudden fame or loss, murder, mental illness', and/or 'the crippling of limbs' (A. Louis). Everyone knows our society is at a critical stage of development, this is not news!

So here are my final notes: the Moon rises with royal star Antares (We the People feeling feisty!), Mercury @15Sag13 (conjunct Arachne: the internet?) accompanies the Solar Eclipse and suggests the need for logic and reasoning power which emphasizes the sign and portents of this Eclipse: Sagittarius, so that karmic progress can be made by an honest search for truth and by utilizing moral concepts and ethics. However, misplaced idealism, misguided beliefs, and false optimism must be avoided for best results (R. Lineman).

So agree or disagree, I personally feel such uplifting concepts are much more likely to be utilized now that America is helmed by President Joe Biden.

As always, dear reader, your on-topic comments and observations are welcomed as are any kindly Shares! Jude