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Showing posts with label The Apprentice. Show all posts
Showing posts with label The Apprentice. Show all posts

May 7, 2024

On the Eclipse of NBC TV

Herr T's Bullhorn for Subversion

by Jude Cowell, partisan for democracy

In recent posts yours truly has been known to fuss over how The Apprentice TV show (2004) gave NY playboy Donald a major opportunity to promote the rumor that he was a "successful businessman." If you still believe this absurd fallacy, then reading Stars Over Washington may not be for you! This is your cue to skedaddle away for best results.

Because for one thing, the good people of New York City knew then and know now that Donald was a mobbed-up "contractor" and a deadbeat in the success and finance departments. Unless we count his experience with money laundering for various entities.

Yes, it was NBC's "reality" TV show that ultimately led to Donald's 2016 campaign for the presidency and, aided by Russia, wealthy corporatists, and a hype-believing public, Donald managed to coup the White House as if he'd won the 2016 Election. And you know the rest.

NBC: A Subsidiary of Comcast

My point is that these twisted political conditions have angered me into a snit of miffdom ever since the orange blighter rode the escalator on the morning of June 16, 2015 at the Gemini New Moon and had someone pay a casting-call audience below to listen to his bigoted swill. Therefore, I must consider The Apprentice's creator Mark Burnett (follow the link, above) partially responsible for the anti-democracy campaign against America and the American people, while a large amount of blame for our predicament must also fall upon NBC, nowadays a subsidiary of Comcast.

Therefore, above is a Horoscope of the 13 South Solar Eclipse which influenced the April 19, 1939 founding of NBC TV. (NBC Radio was founded earlier on June 19, 1926 under the influence of an 18 South Eclipse of endings, partings, grief), but it's the TV division of NBC now starring in this fussy post. Of course, you notice that 1939 is the year that World War Two began when Naz* Herr Adolf invaded Poland.

Now as you can see, 13 South themes are listed on the chart, compliments of Bernadette Brady, and include some sinister energy underneath. Plus, there's a revealing square from Pluto (opposing US 1776 Pluto in Capricorn which also squares the eclipse); potentials are listed on the chart. Activist Mars @15Capricorn leads a Locomotive shape of the planets (the ruthless executive), and don't miss Saturn in Aries at Midheaven, too (see upper right corner). The two planets (actors) were possibly a team since they're in friendly Mutual Reception with one another, and Mars is exalted in Capricorn.

Then there's mass media planet Neptune Rx @21Vir01 conjunct Denebola (going against society) so basically Neptune is in process of performing a US Neptune Return (@22Vir25 in 1776) which suggests a confusing period when ideals can shift or be shifted by propaganda and/or advertising, and the mass employment situation wasn't going well as WWII was brewing abroad and the Great Depression was ruining lives.

Now in addition, the 13 South Eclipse of 1939 @28Ari43 conjoined fixed star Mirach ("girdle" of the Princess in the Andromeda Constellation with its restrictive Saturnian nature and Venusuian flavor: the ladies). Then to me, the Uranus-Midas conjunction (see below) suggests the network's (and other media outlets) tendency to create massive fortunes thanks to the radical activities of Uranus the zealous chaos-creator (ex: the J6 coup attempt, ongoing; and the old "if it bleeds, it leads" mantra of news outlets) while simultaneously taking advantage of the quirky planet's novel, innovative creative content that entertains, surprises, and delights the public - or, stirs up the masses, positively or negatively.

Plus, you also notice the Earth Grand Trine in the 13 South horoscope, a protective, creative closed circuit of energies beween Mars-Uranus-Neptune with radical planet Uranus @16Taurus conjunct gold-loving Midas, as noted, and pointing ahead toward the position of radical reactionary Uranus @16Taurus conjunct the 2022 Midterms Lunar Eclipse when rabid Maga-ites managed to infest the US House of Representatives, spouting their Russian talking points and sporting AR-15 lapel pins. Certain corporations have financially supported this - see corporate Cupido in 4th house,.

Then perhaps you remember that a German Media Baron supported the rise of Hitl*r who thought he should rule the world. Oh the compensating absurdity of some men's massive egos.

In closing, you've probably seen ProPublica's updated list of corporations that vowed to suspend their financial support of J6 politicians just after the 2021 attack yet a number of them have continued supporting election denial after all. You'll easily spy Comcast at number 5.

Well, that's enough fussing for today, so if you've managed to read this far, my thanks and kudos to you! jc

Eclipse of 'The Apprentice'

When Donald Reached For "Pie in the Sky"

by Jude Cowell

Shown below, for your consideration is the Solar Eclipse Horoscope of NBC's The Apprentice which perfected November 23, 2003 @1Sag13:57 NYC in the 5 New South Saros Series set for NYC. At Midheaven: Mars-Neptune = Uranus: "Reaching for 'pie in the sky'; energetically following one's dream" (N. Tyl). As you know, the "reality" TV show was Donald's publicity-infused launching pad for his eventual run in 2016 for the White House.

Then curiously, what turned out to be his "prez bid" New Moon of June 16, 2015 @25Gemini": "A Man Trimming Palms" rises at 8:00 pm est; plus, the novelty-loving planet of anarchy and technology, Uranus @00Pisces, conjuncts Midheaven ('MC': The Goal Point) and is apex of the Mars-Neptune midpoint (see the Horoscope for midpoint potentials):

Now as you know, all eclipses are karmic in nature, may disrupt earthly events, and spark changes of direction similar to the action of unpredictable Uranus. Eclipse themes are always a consideration so 5 New South Eclipse themes are penned on the above chart.

Significantly, erratic Uranus squares the Eclipse which denotes an uncaring attitude toward humanity along with radical activities (R. Lineman). Both these potentials have been demonstrated in recent years by the fellow in question, as you may agree. And for obvious reasons, Donald's "successful businessman" image promoted on The Apprentice supported him on this quest to play the POTUS role although the image is somewhat threadbare now. An additional Uranian note is that Trump's natal 10th house Uranus @18Gemini is oriental so 'the sky god' is his guiding planet of chaos and disruption - the voices in his fantasy-prone head.

A Sagittarius Eclipse: Trump's Moon-South-Node Sign

When a solar eclipse manifests in Jupiter-ruled Sagittarius, the cosmic spotlight is cast upon frankness and enthusiasm, yet negatively there are issues of false optimism, misguided beliefs, and midirected idealism (such as are seen with the idolatry of cult leaders and the Big Lie of you-know-who). In 6th house the eclipse emphasis is on compatibility in the work space and work ethic. No certainty on such a possibility.

The Apprentice: Money, Power, Fame

Now I've never watched an episode of the show so to set up a Horoscope of the first airing of The Apprentice (or, 'Celebrity Apprentice'--is there a difference?), I've speculatively selected 8:00 pm est (January 8, 2004) because Trump's natal Mars and Ascendant rise and his 10th house of Career and Public Status is suitably atop the horoscope.

Yet if the show's go-time was later than 8:00 pm, we can surmise that a staffer was touching up his orange makeup, powdering his wig around that time, or maybe changing his diaper (staffer Noel Casler has called him DiaperDon). Adjust the hour as you wish, dear reader, for the initial show may have been taped anyway.

Then another factor is the show's creator, Mark Burnett (July 17, 1960 London, UK), who along with wife Roma Downey, is responsible for producing unusual religious content including the film Son of God, an exercise in "presenting another Jesus," or "reinventing" Him. That's a no-go around here! I found Burnett's association with the film by searching for his name and Opus Dei, if that tells us anything about the anti-democracy forces aligned against America. You'll remember that Trump's AG Bill Barr, legendary fixer of legal jams, is said to be a member of the secretive Catholic organization, as are other public figures - some are involved in skewing the US Supreme Court toward right-wing authoritarianism and successfully overturning Roe v Wade.

The Apprentice: A Speculatively Timed Horoscope:

To close, here's an original intro (trailer) of The Apprentice (January 8, 2004 as shown in the horoscope, above):

And if the video is removed from SO'W, here's a link. Think money.

Aug 16, 2018

The Solar Eclipse of Omarosa Manigault Newman

Image: Horoscope of the last manifestation of a 12 North Solar Eclipse on January 25, 2010 @25Capricorn.

August 16, 2018: If you haven't you may wish to view the natal horoscope of Omarosa Manigault Newman (RR: AA) who was born February 5, 1974 at 10:54 pm edt in Youngstown, Ohio with Sun @16AQ56, Moon @4Leo52, and Ascendant 6Lib54--with Pluto Rx and rising @6Lib36. This and other factors gives her a 'Trumpian' need for taking revenge against those who hurt or injure her in any way (Moon-Neptune = Pluto) and an ability to see through other people (Moon-Neptune = ASC).

Her powerful natal Pluto and ASC are also involved in a YOD pattern, an indicator of crisis, a special task, a spiritual opportunity, and/or a turning point or crossroads situation coming along in her life at some point. How she handles the situation or opportunity is her choice and it now seems we're seeing her handle--and best--Donald Trump and her firing from the White House (December 2017) with her book release and the outing of secret tapes she recorded while in the White House. Trump trained her on The Apprentice and Omarosa learned well enough to use his vengeful tactics against him now and she is aided by inherent plutonian abilities as noted, above. And her YOD pattern between Pluto in Libra sextile Moon in Leo points toward natal Mercury @4Pis35 (5th house), planet of communications, messages, news, and gossip! Through the YOD, Omarosa 'yields a powerful influence on the public through speaking or writing' (Moon-Pluto = Mercury--Ebertin). And yes, a Moon-Pluto sextile does have a tendency to hold grudges (Epstein) and attracts the same!

Yet this post isn't about her natal horoscope as a whole but concerns today's position of transit Saturn @3Cap53 which impels this Capricorn to post a bit concerning Omarosa's Prenatal Solar Eclipse (PE) for the planet of facts, truth, accountability, responsibility, and commitment activates her PE (3Cap40) which perfected on December 24, 1973 in the 12 North Saros Series. This manifestation in the 12 North series was only an annular eclipse (not as strong as a Total) yet had an especially long duration: 12 minutes 03 seconds. The last manifestation of a 12 North eclipse is seen above in its horoscope set for Washington DC during the Obama administration.

12 North contains themes of: 'opportunities to accept greater responsibilities come suddenly into the life; new commitments likely come as a result of another person's being unable to carry on; events heralded by the eclipse may be difficult but outcomes in terms of harmony and self-esteem are positive' (paraphrasing Brady's Predictive Astrology). 12 North last occurred on January 15, 2010 @25Capricorn (opposite Trump's natal Saturn in self-protective Cancer!) and will next occur in 2028 @6Aquarius (conjunct US natal South Node). And actually, Capricorn PEs relate to authority figures, business, government, and to attempts to 'correct wrongful karmic situations' (Lineman). Some say that via Omarosa, Mr. Trump has met his match and I assert that her natal Astrology agrees!

And perhaps you agree that on some level, 12 North themes sound quite a lot like the format of TV's The Apprentice previously led by Donald Trump, the man who helped catapult Omarosa Manigault into the public eye where she has remained all these years--and the current activation of her PE themes by dutiful legal-eagle Saturn seems tangled up with Special Counsel Robert Mueller's investigation of allegations of Donald Trump's racism, his ties to Russia, his obstruction of justice, his financial crimes, his possible campaign violations, his breaking of the emoluments clause, and the demand for accountability for any and all of them which Mr. Trump hopes to avoid while undermining the White House and the presidency, and destroying America's reputation, laws, and traditions.

All this post is missing now is a hearty, kudos Omarosa!