'Wild Cards of the Universe' and 'Cosmic Blinks' From Above
by Jude Cowell
Dear Reader, you know that eclipses are just that, right? Something tossed into earthly affairs from Above, with changes of direction implied: disruptively Uranian, and possibly shocking in nature. For instance, here's a shocking event of worldwide importance which occurred under the influence of a 6 North Solar Eclipse:
Horoscope: Chernobyl Explosion of April 26, 1986 (RR: A) with Uranus Rx rising @22Sag00, Sun @5Tau22, Moon @24Sco26 - just spotlighted by the May 16, 2022 Lunar Eclipse @25Scorpio - Saturn Rx @8Sag35 (within the 'Nuclear Axis' degrees of 8-10 Gem-Sag), and Pluto Rx @5Sco59 opposing the Sun. And of course, the 25-27-degree range of Taurus brings in the Medusa star of rage and hatred, Algol.
To make matters more disturbing, the April 30, 2022 Solar Eclipse @10Tau28 also echoes the Chernobyl Meltdown because the 2022 eclipse was a repeat of the Solar Eclipse Saros Series in which the Chernobyl Explosion and Meltdown occurred, the 6 North. Yet no one needs Astrology to tell them that evil doers are on the loose across the land, my friends, and threatening to run wild as they did under the 6 North eclipse that manifested in 1932 @17Pisces. Events of 1932 and beyond resonate with Putin's "justification" for waging war against Ukraine because of an alleged nest of "nazis." But the truth is more like this: Putin: Ukraine 2022 vs Hitler: Poland 1939 - meaning that Putin's invasion of Ukraine is like Hitler's invasion of Poland.
Then another cosmic synchronicity is that the 6 North Eclipse @10Tau28 of April 30, 2022 spotlights the city of Washington DC, certainly a participant in all Ukrainian and putin-esque proceedings of the day. Follow the link and you'll see why.
Meanwhile, you've probably noticed that Newsweek ran a story in tandem with the May 16th Lunar Eclipse that Russian State TV Suggests Deploying Nuclear Weapons Against Finland and Sweden if they join NATO for protection against Putin. Allegedly, this would be Russia's "only option" and would make the threat to the two countries more dire. Naturally, the world thinks of the nuclear threat to the entire globe and the spector of WWIII.
But then today came a report that Putin backs down over NATO expansion as Ukrainian troops reach his border. Now his reluctance may only be a question of timing for the Russian dictator, but if this is truly the case, I must say that I like that journey for Vladimir Putin, and for the entire world.
And yet before 2022 ends, we'll see how things in the region play out as the October 2022 Scorpio Solar Eclipse of Power and Control conjuncts the natal Ascendant of NATO.
Related: Horoscope of the First Controlled Nuclear Chain Reaction of December 2, 1942.