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Showing posts with label Lunar Eclipse. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Lunar Eclipse. Show all posts

Feb 10, 2024

SCOTUS Throws America Under the Bus

by Jude Cowell, partisan for democracy and the common good

Lately I'm in a snit of miffdom and feeling fussy regarding our country's form of government under threat, in large part due to the recent anti-constitutional side-eyes from Supreme Court justices. Perhaps you're feeling fussy, too.

Now last year on SO'W we considered SCOTUS Decisions: Law and Domination, a post containing several links concerning today's topic.

This year, on February 8, 2024, Supreme Court justices heard oral arguments of great interest to our nation's future and which could be heard via C-SPAN, so listen I did. If you need it, the full audio is available here.

As you know, the questions from the justices, three liberals included, raised issues that lean on the side of Trumpian Fascism and its opportunity to take power again as the court threw the US Constitution's 14th Amendment Article 3 provision 'under the bus' along with its clear intention to disqualify insurrectionists (such as Jefferson Davis and his Confederate bros) from ever holding government office again.

But is Trump an "officer?," the justices plaintively opined. Well, he took the Oath of Office, didn't he? And then created chaos and division from within the Venusian Oval Office for four long years. Duh.

Disturbingly, the logic and necessity of adding such an Amendment to the Constitution in the years after the Civil War - until President Grant signed the Amnesty Act of 1872, eluded The Bench's braintrust, as they quibbled over semantics and failed to focus on the genuine issues at hand, so they were able to ignore the more pertinent considerations of the mess we're in. And so, SC justices punted which means that Trump seems likely to stay on the ballot in Colorado and elsewhere.

And this travesty, no matter how another term of Trump in the White House would tear our country apart while he finishes the job of destroying democracy.

In case you missed it, you may wish to see 'Appalling!' Historians torch Supreme Court's handling of Trump ballot (The Last Word, MSNBC). And Aggressive Supreme Court discovers new humility in facing Trump ballot case: Lithwick (MSNBC). Humility?! They ran from the issues!

Now one of the more disengenuous concerns was voiced by Justice Elena Kagan: that a single state shouldn't elect the president--which is exactly what Florida did in the 2000 Election when then-Chief-Justice Rhenquist tossed the presidency to George W. Bush by stopping the state's recount. Candidate Al Gore had millions more votes, but Dubya got the plum. And you know what misguided plans that led to.

February 8, 2024: notable midpoint picture potentials:

Sun = Saturn-Pluto: sparing no pains in one's work; renunciation; (Sun conjunct Cupido = spotlight on Corporatism, The Syndicate; The Family: intimidation? jc)

Saturn = Sun-Neptune: bad blood; emotional affliction; inhibitions via physical disability (or threats of it? - jc).

Pluto = Mercury-Mars: fanatic critics; sharp analysts; overzealous orators; suffering heavy assaults from others (if they don't tow the fascist line? - jc).

North Node = Jupiter-Neptune: swindlers and speculators; placing false hopes upon associations. (R. Ebertin). Nah! They all were probably swayed hard-right way before now. The "conservative" justices certainly were, as we know. No ethics to worry about there!

Then incidentally, legal eagle Saturn @7Pis19 on February 8th conjoined one of the Dark Moons (w'mat2) suggesting melancholy for some, secret agendas for others, Chiron in Aries sandwiched between Jupiter and Neptune which echoes the natal 2nd house trio of Herr Trump (Neptune-Chiron-Jupiter at RxS). But wait a minute: the Lunar Eclipse of March 25, 2024 @5Lib07 will land directly upon, and reveal secrets and deceptions concerning, the wanna-be dictator's natal Neptune in his 2nd house of possessions, earning ability, and values. This could be good.

So now, here's an excerpt from a previous post concerning Neptune's transit to the SCOTUS Saturn, karmic planet of law, legal systems, judges, and government:

"Other possibilities with Neptune-to-Saturn include contagion (Neptune) affecting judges or other court officials (Saturn) to a hobbling degree, there may be loss although it's impossible to say from what cause (it may be mysterious!), and/or there may be some combination of inspired ideals and misguided notions being argued during proceedings. Naturally, other court circuits may be affected as well (Saturn) with substandard judges attempting to adjudicate in positions they should not have taken due to inexperience, ill-preparedness, lack of education, and/or odd or strange ideas. Notably, conspiracy theories may crash against brick walls during this period." (Edit 2/10/24: sounds like Judge Aileen Cannon adjudicating, delaying, Trump's Mar-a-Lago stolen documents case, aka, espionage.) Here's the complete post, Undermining SCOTUS? Who Else But Neptune!

Looking ahead, there's a helpful glow appearing in the Spring Equinox 2024 Horoscope so focusing on this would not go amiss!

Then speaking of the dreary potentials of a second Trump term a la 2025, see: The Eclipse of the GOP's 'Project 2025'. How any voter in 2024 could possibly consider the draconian plan of the GOP worth voting for in November is beyond me. It must be because of their vain assumption that the suffering will be brought upon their fellow Americans, the ones that they themselves hate, while Trump and comrades will protect their loved ones - which means Trump voters will be balancing upon the very pentacle of gullibility with many harsh lessons to learn.

May 17, 2022

April and May 2022 Eclipses Stir Up Nuclear Concerns

'Wild Cards of the Universe' and 'Cosmic Blinks' From Above

by Jude Cowell

Dear Reader, you know that eclipses are just that, right? Something tossed into earthly affairs from Above, with changes of direction implied: disruptively Uranian, and possibly shocking in nature. For instance, here's a shocking event of worldwide importance which occurred under the influence of a 6 North Solar Eclipse:

Horoscope: Chernobyl Explosion of April 26, 1986 (RR: A) with Uranus Rx rising @22Sag00, Sun @5Tau22, Moon @24Sco26 - just spotlighted by the May 16, 2022 Lunar Eclipse @25Scorpio - Saturn Rx @8Sag35 (within the 'Nuclear Axis' degrees of 8-10 Gem-Sag), and Pluto Rx @5Sco59 opposing the Sun. And of course, the 25-27-degree range of Taurus brings in the Medusa star of rage and hatred, Algol.

To make matters more disturbing, the April 30, 2022 Solar Eclipse @10Tau28 also echoes the Chernobyl Meltdown because the 2022 eclipse was a repeat of the Solar Eclipse Saros Series in which the Chernobyl Explosion and Meltdown occurred, the 6 North. Yet no one needs Astrology to tell them that evil doers are on the loose across the land, my friends, and threatening to run wild as they did under the 6 North eclipse that manifested in 1932 @17Pisces. Events of 1932 and beyond resonate with Putin's "justification" for waging war against Ukraine because of an alleged nest of "nazis." But the truth is more like this: Putin: Ukraine 2022 vs Hitler: Poland 1939 - meaning that Putin's invasion of Ukraine is like Hitler's invasion of Poland.

Then another cosmic synchronicity is that the 6 North Eclipse @10Tau28 of April 30, 2022 spotlights the city of Washington DC, certainly a participant in all Ukrainian and putin-esque proceedings of the day. Follow the link and you'll see why.

Meanwhile, you've probably noticed that Newsweek ran a story in tandem with the May 16th Lunar Eclipse that Russian State TV Suggests Deploying Nuclear Weapons Against Finland and Sweden if they join NATO for protection against Putin. Allegedly, this would be Russia's "only option" and would make the threat to the two countries more dire. Naturally, the world thinks of the nuclear threat to the entire globe and the spector of WWIII.

But then today came a report that Putin backs down over NATO expansion as Ukrainian troops reach his border. Now his reluctance may only be a question of timing for the Russian dictator, but if this is truly the case, I must say that I like that journey for Vladimir Putin, and for the entire world.

And yet before 2022 ends, we'll see how things in the region play out as the October 2022 Scorpio Solar Eclipse of Power and Control conjuncts the natal Ascendant of NATO.

Related: Horoscope of the First Controlled Nuclear Chain Reaction of December 2, 1942.

Oct 19, 2021

Nov 2021 Lunar Eclipse hits US Constitution's MC-IC

Tuesday October 19, 2021: Below is a bi-wheel with the US Constitution Horoscope, inner, and the November 19, 2021 Lunar Eclipse @27Tau14, outer. As you see, the MC-IC angles of the 1787 Horoscope will be spotlighted by the eclipse across the Taurus-Scorpio axis so we must wonder if it's simply a matter of secrets or inconvenient facts revealed or does it relate to some sort of culmination or fulfillment phase involving the horoscope's Security and Public Status Axis? Perhaps 'all of the above' as hostile forces continue their sabotage against this venerable Freedom Document at the heart of America's founding:

Curiously, asteroid Phaethon arrives in his chariot along with the Eclipse Moon, so both conjunct the Constitution's IC, the foundation of the matter. Meanwhile, conjunct the Constitution's MC, The Goal Point, in 1787 is asteroid Diana insisting upon freedom and independence. Also at IC you see the Moon-North-Node conjunction which signifies "immune system" (R. Ebertin) and adds to our sense of the US Constitution's under-assault condition and the need to repel hostile forces - and to preserve it and work within the system to make sensible changes and improvements. Yes, it is time for an update if the changes are sensible and beneficial but personally I can and will never trust anti-constitutional GOP saboteurs to do the tinkering under the document's hood. Who in their right mind could?

Now speaking of Saturnian stability, consolidation, and increasing wisdom (were we?) you see how transit Saturn @8AQ08 conjuncts the document's Ascendant (chart source: Campion #377 4:00 pm LMT) with the third of three conjunctions exact on November 20, 2021 just after the Lunar Eclipse. Therefore, a serious sense of heaviness has been in force for some time and will increase as 2021 draws to a close. For the US Constitution and its supporters this is a sobering period with future transits coming that will tell more of the tale. Limitations are a potential of the Saturnian transit along with responsibilities which may seem burdensome to some. Yet with karmic Saturn already within orb of the document's 1787 Ascendant, our recognition of difficult conditions and constitutional crisis is obviously underway for those who pay attention to such weighty societal matters. With the scofflaws we have making trouble these days, everyone probably should.

Then there's:

Transit Saturn conjunct 1787 Pluto (@14AQ12 Rx prominent in 1st house) bringing power and control issues with a potential for the loss of control in situations that are simply too large to handle, exact in January 2022 so that sober feelings will increase and grow as 2022 dawns and proceeds. We must watch for even more insidious attacks upon our Freedom Document using state laws and lawsuits, however ill-written they may be.

Now as you see, transit Jupiter @24AQ00 conjoins 1787 Saturn, one of the indications that changes are underway, or should be. Jupiter and Saturn are known as the 'societal planets' and this transit typically suggests a partial lifting of responsibilities and/or restrictions so we'll see if something of that nature hits the news wires soon. Or perhaps it already has and I missed it. Alternately, it may simply indicate that hard work and careful planning will be rewarded, or, that our system's tradition of checks'n'balances is under scrutiny since we already know it's under assault. And naturally, we may expect that the US Supreme Court is involved.

US Constitution's Saturn Return/s: Legalities and Commitments

Then with karmic aplomb, the 1787 document will once again have a Saturn Return (@23AQ22 Rx - actually a three-fer return exact on April 16, 2022, July 25, 2022, and January 10, 2023 - dates are listed in the center of the bi-wheel). This period may seem discouraging at times but will also provide opportunities for Americans to reaffirm our commitment to America's founding principles and traditions. After all, the natal trine of 1787 between karmic Saturn and idealistic Neptune suggests that the document inherently contains a good balance between rational ideas and intuitive ones, plus, it is based on good ethics and values - things we should retain. So when transit Saturn returns to its 1787 degree in 2022 and 2023, Mr. Reliable will again trine 1787 Neptune in Libra so that spiritual development and karmic progress can be made - assuming that people at the helm of our country during that time are those who prefer America's founding principles and traditions and are determined to preserve them.

In closing, since the asteroid is prominently conjunct the November 19, 2021 Lunar Eclipse, here's a bit about Phaethon who was unprepared but assumed responsibility (a Saturn word!) anyway. Perhaps this cosmic picture will relate to the revelatory power of the Lunar Eclipse (and uncover a scandal or two) and must also involve President Biden because the Eclipse 'eclipses' his natal Scorpio Sun-Venus conjunction.

For a look beyond November 2021 try the Winter Solstice 2021 Horoscope set for Washington DC.

Oct 15, 2021

When Jupiter reaches Shadow Degree January 2022

by Jude Cowell

Update Sunday October 17, 2021: A look back about 12 years ago when transit Jupiter was @2Pis11:03 on January 27, 2010 (12:21:13 pm est) may be informative. Rising 29Tau27 with 2022 North Node @00Gem31 rising there; MC @7AQ43 (The Goal Point), is 2021 Saturn's favorite spot in the Zodiac to tarry these days. Meanwhile, 2010 Jupiter @2Pis11:03 is fresh off his Great Conjunction/s with dreamy Neptune (3 times in 2009 in the range of 24-27AQ), there's a difficult Saturn-Pluto square (0A14), but the breakthrough pair Jupiter and Uranus have yet to conjunct at Aries Point in June. Additionally, an unaspected 2010 Uranus @24Pis01 (of spurtlike activity) is where the 2022 Jupiter-Neptune Conjunction takes place = 'decisions based on odd or unusual theories' (our current condition thanks to bad faith actors, aka, saboteurs). Plus, Moon @2Can01 opposes Pluto (4Cap13) and forms a dynamic T-Square with 5th house Saturn Rx @4Lib28 suggesting 'realism concerning gloomy thoughts, constraining forces', and 'pressure to regroup forces and plan anew' (Tyl). The Prenatal Solar Eclipse series is the 12 North which speaks of 'accepting new responsibilities and commitments' (B. Brady) via the Solar Eclipse of January 15, 2010 @25Capricorn which is, as you well know, a highly sensitized area of the Zodiac these days and is very near US 1776 Pluto which returns to natal degree multiple times in 2022, a major first-ever transit.

Of course, you'll recognize the 2010 time period as an Obama administration year in which 'Obamacare' (ACA) was successfully passed in March but as a cosmic time link, the T-Square also involves the orange menace (or blighter as I often think of him) because 2010 Saturn conjuncts his natal 2nd house Neptune so that other potentials are suggested by the intense Moon-Pluto opposition of 2010 such as 'seeking miracles as rescue from immediate problems' and a 'lack of emotional clarity' (Munkasey). And while he probably sought miracles in 2010 with the Saturn-to-Neptune "grim face of a reality" transit in effect, he certainly excels with his ridiculous notions and fantasies now.

Original post begins here:

Friday October 15, 2021: Below is the DC Horoscope showing the moment on January 8, 2022 that transit Jupiter reaches, then surpasses, his own 'Shadow Degree' of 2Pis11:03 (10:12:31 pm est Washington DC with fixed star Denebola rising (to go against society; out of the mainstream). As you can see, starry Bellatrix (success through the shadow) sparkles at Midheaven (MC = The Goal/Aspirations/Public Status). But the fly in this Jupiterian ointment is the Mutable Grand Cross (highlighted in lavender) formed with the Ascendant and MC - but there are US natal Neptune conjunct ASC, and US natal Mars conjunct MC - making America's problematic square visible to the world, and is perhaps a suggestion of the US acting on the World Stage:

Now as we see, transit Neptune @20Pisces49 remains in process of opposing US Neptune in Virgo (sign of health) with racial and other persecutions denoted along with a clash of ideals - while this Mars @18Sag54 (conjunct IC) soon opposes US natal Mars (22Gemini), a 'head-against-brick-wall' transit. Thus the 2022 Mars-Neptune square activates or triggers the energies of America's natal Mars-Neptune square of misdirected actions and confused motivations with its tragic 'fog of war' implications. However, positively inspired action is certainly a potential but only if reality is directly and honestly faced (see chart-ruler Mercury's applying aspects, lower left corner).

And of course, facing Saturnian reality is only possible with Joe Biden in the White House and was never even considered by the orange menace (the great privaricator, the grand fantacist), then or now. Crazily, as I type his acolytes and financial enablers continue to advance his outright lies while making underhanded arrangements to steal elections in 2022 and 2024, because cheating is the only way the GOP can 'win'.

Even so, with his very survival at stake, reckon the orange menace cavorts upon The Edge of Petrified Forest? Well deserved if so, yet extreme caution is necessary since everyone knows that snakes are most dangerous when cornered:

So with stationing Jupiter @3Pisces ("A Petrified Forest" = 'SURVIVAL'), Jupiter in the above chart may represent on one level the Jupiterian Tr*mp fighting for his life. And as you see, Jupiter is posited in the 6th house of Military, Police, and Civil Service, plus, Health and Employment, so Yes, a weakening of someone's health may be indicated with contagious Neptune in 6th house, too.

More positively, the Covid situation in the US and across the globe will hopefully improve in 2022 as protective Jupiter moves ahead beginning in January, and/or political impasses may begin to resolve more beneficially in the US, or at least ease in some way or other. After all, Year 2022 starts under the cosmic imprint of the 5 South Solar Eclipse of December 4, 2021 @12Sag22 and with its joyful theme of benefits seems a positive way to start. And basically, once Jupiter turns Direct many projects can move ahead as 2022 proceeds. Also note the strong Venus-Sun-Pluto trio at 5th cusp of Risk-Taking with the predictive Syzygy Moon (last lunation prior, and was the first of 2021 on January 13th) of Joe Biden's Inauguration 2021 also conjoining the 5th cusp. Prominently, the 2021 Capricorn lunation @23Cap13 conjoined Inauguration 2021's Midheaven suggesting a seeding of new plans by the Biden administration.

Jupiter of Multiple Talents

Of course, gaseous Jupiter is also a corporate indicator as well and he loves the freedom to range beyond limitations and boundaries, but I don't care to guess at this early date what may improve for the corporate class unless we're talking about pro-democracy CEOs who pay their taxes and favor improvements within US society for the American people (often their customers! For after all, when the US government provides resources for the American people, We The People spend it back into the economy which aids the common good).

Now Jupiter may also represent bankers, financiers, investors, economists, military Generals, broadcasters, propagandists, professors, foreigners, and/or public relations gurus.

And we also know that generous Jupiter expands or increases everything he touches, positively or negatively, and sadly on June 24, 2021, with Jupiter at Station degree and apex planet of the difficult Saturn-Neptune midpoint (deceptive practices), Florida's Surfside Condominium Collapsed killing 98 people.

So whether or not the Jupiter at Station you see in the January 22nd chart signifies the wide-girthed orange menace, the functions of mundane Jupiter in Pisces will be set free at last and will move forward on many levels and in many realms of life since the Great Benefic turned retrograde on June 20, 2021 @2Pis11:03, the day of Summer Solstice 2021 (DC Horoscope shown: Jupiter at Station rises in DC!). Meanwhile, Washington's financial stalemates and heated legislative conflicts broiled on Jupiterian Capitol Hill, and it was a record-hot summer of heat waves in the US of A.

But wait! Mundane Jupiter the Hierphant can be religious yet he often wears a political cap so the planet 'entering fresh territory' in January 2022 will hopefully be helpful as the 2022 Midterms approach (day of a Lunar Eclipse!). Or at least, campaign donations will be huge - the same as they ever were.

Jan 16, 2021

Uranus-Pluto Uprising and the Trump Mob Attack

Power Grab, Social Change, and Violent Upheaval: Uranus-Pluto

by Jude Cowell

January 16, 2021: When I began pointing out in 2020 that the transiting Uranus-Pluto midpoint in mid-Pisces was opposing and triggering the Great Conjunction/s of Uranus and Pluto in mid-Virgo (once in 1965, twice in 1966) from across the victim-savior axis, little could I know that the planetary pair's violent, subversive energies would express physically against the US Congress on January 6, 2021 by what I call the Trump Mob (aka, the MAGA Mob). Civil Rights and other social causes of the mid-1960s bubbled up again, had never gone away nor been properly dealt with, and we were seeing in 2020 such historical 'rhyming' via Black Lives Matter protests and other social demonstrations, plus, the violence, upheaval, and denials of guilt that came with them.

As you know, the transformative pair of Uranus-Pluto is a marker for revolution and for 'collapse of the old order, construction of the new' (Ebertin). Adding to societal difficulties is the current Saturn-Uranus square with its resistance to law and order and challenges to authority vibes. Stubborn blockages will continue through the year between karmic Saturn's status quo qualities vs the futurism and progressiveness of techie Uranus, a pair that also contains 'old order vs new order' implications - all set upon the background of the recent Jupiter-Saturn Conjunction in Aquarius with its 'new order' timing.

So below is a bi-wheel of the first of three Uranus-Pluto Conjunctions (17Vir09: October 9, 1965 4:11 pm edt Washington DC; ASC 18AQ53) in center and around the outside, a Horoscope of the Trump Mob Attack of January 6, 2021 (set for 1:00 pm est since that's when the congressional session met to certify the Electoral votes for Joe Biden; the assault soon began).

Now annoyingly, my nose today is too sniffy with allergies to add a bunch of notes and fusses with these charts so perhaps you'll do that for yourself, dear reader. Yet I must note that the 1965 Midheaven ('MC'), the Goal Point, will soon receive a Lunar Eclipse @5Sag25 on May 26, 2021 so perhaps in May, June, or later in the year a few inconvenient secrets concerning Uranus-Pluto activities and conditions (ex: more names of backers or enablers involved on January 6th?) will be revealed by the light of the Full Moon!

So tell me: what else do you see?

Nov 30, 2020

Biden's Fractured Foot reflected by the Lunar Eclipse?

As you've heard, President-Elect Joe Biden fractured his foot on Saturday while playing with his dog Major and will likely need a "a walking boot for several weeks".

Astrologically, we may expect multiple cosmic influences to be in effect when an event manifests in the physical world but one factor that 'stands out' (sorry!) in this case is the nearness of his accident on November 28th to the November 30, 2020 Lunar Eclipse @8Gem38. As you know, eclipses are Uranian 'wild cards' and therefore can disrupt and/or reveal events early, late, or never. And if you're familiar with the natal chart of Joseph R. Biden then you know that this Gemini Lunar Eclipse 'eclipsed' his natal 7th house Saturn, ruler of bones, retrograde @9Gem57.

Of course, Saturn also rules such things as karma, stoppages, loss, the demands of responsibility, issues of accountability, authority, management, separation, and other realms but let's avoid considering that such accidents sometimes can be a plea for a break or an easing of Saturnian burdens! That's if the Biden campaign's explanation of 'slipping while walking his dog' holds up for the duration. And perhaps it's time for a bone density scan! Otherwise, it's too murky to imagine what sinister forces could be threatening from behind the scenes especially considering the mobster atmosphere now prevalent in the US. Yet if there are actors with sinister intent, I'd have to guess that the Fed, the National Treasury, currency valuation, and/or other financial matters could well be involved (because eclipse Sun 8Sag38 conjuncts The Fed's New Moon of 1910 during their secret meeting on Jekyll Island, Georgia). But that's only a wild guess.

And since Pisces is the sign of the feet, it appears significant that transit Neptune conjunct Biden's natal IC (4th house cusp of the Domestic Scene - slipping = Neptune; at home: 4th house) has expressed in the physical world in a visible way. And yet the possibility of Neptune's tendency toward veils, illusion, and deception cannot be completely ruled out at this early date.

Meanwhile, the Lunar Eclipse Sun opposes Joe Biden's natal Saturn, not the easiest transit for a natal Saturn to manage for it suggests that the more responsibilities he takes on these days, the more there will be to take on. Plus, higher authorities could expect former VP Biden to execute plans that he isn't prepared for, or he may have balked at certain commands. (Please note that I type as one who no longer believes that the US presidency makes "the most powerful man in the world", if indeed it ever did; disagree as you wish!) This transit is not a period of time when the President-Elect can count on luck to see him through but its ill effects should hopefully be short-lived. Except for the visual reminder for the public of his walking cast - for several weeks (or months).

Any of this as it may or may not be, I wish President-Elect Biden a very speedy recovery!

Oct 18, 2020

POTUS Sun, Jupiter-Saturn, and the Tail of the Dragon

Sun Conjunct South Node: Limitations On Power and Leadership Potential

by Jude Cowell

Sun/South Node of the Moon contacts have karmic implications that place obstacles in the path of solar objectives due to selfishly promoting one's ambitions at the expense of others. Recognition for what has been achieved is often denied and the conjunction suggests a lack of popularity with the public, and, at best, fluctuating success.

Note that in Western Astrology, the South Node of the Moon is said to have a Saturnian separative quality while the North Node has a Jupiterian joining quality. Some systems vary from this but it's how I tend to think of the karmic Nodal axis along with destiny and future direction (NN), and past tendencies and talents (SN) which we still depend on even though they no longer solve issues in the present, aka, neuroses.

In 2018 the 'Tail of the Dragon' Swiped US POTUS Sun: Ouch!

Although the catastrophes and natural disasters of 2018 may have faded somewhat in memory due to our current problems, one remarkable and predictive fact remains: that Year 2018 opened with a Super Blue Blood Moon, a stunning Total Lunar Eclipse on January 31, 2018 @11Leo37. As auspicious cosmic events go, this lunation heralded a difficult year to say the least. At the US-Mexican border, Trump and his minions ripped children from the arms of their mothers, massive California wild fires caused loss and death (as in 2020), huge bankruptcies were filed (exs: Sears and Toys'R'Us), Trump and Putin sweetly smooched in Helsinki, Robert Mueller was busy investigating, the Kavanaugh confirmation hearing and subsequent swearing-in caused upheaval, Jeff Bezos became the wealthiest man in the world (disgruntling Trump), Manafort and Cohen put Trump in a well-deserved hot seat - and then there were the deaths of John McCain, Barbara Bush, and George H.W. Bush, among other US and world events. Oh! And in May Meghan Markle married Prince Harry.

One political bright spot for a majority of Americans in November 2018 was our 'Blue Wave' turn-out at Midterm Elections which flipped the House for the Democrats. Yet regrettably, Republicans retained control of the Senate and somehow managed to gain two seats. As you know, Mitch "grim reaper" McConnell continues in 2020 to control all proposals of progressive change which would ease the suffering of the American people. He enjoys our suffering, some say, even laughs at it. Apparently, "Moscow Mitch" is a 'let 'em eat cake' kind of guy. Well, perhaps you saw Mitch on camera with Amy McGrath having a good ole laugh when called out over the Senate going on vacation this summer instead of providing Covid relief. Charming (snark).

Running in the background of our lives, Solar Eclipses of 2018 were prominent:

In February came a 1 South Eclipse ('flooded with options' or just flooded with Neptune in watery Pisces) conjunct US natal Moon (27AQ). Then the 2 Old North Eclipse in July was a repeat of Trump's own Prenatal Eclipse Series ('PE') with its 'unfortunate news' and 'separation' themes.

Yet the significant 'cosmic blink'/'wild card' eclipse of 2018 was 2 New North 'The Tower Eclipse' of August 11, 2018 @18Leo41 ('collapse of lifestyles and plans, major rebuilding once the dust settles' - Brady). Perhaps you agree that 'The Tower' Eclipse themes remain with us today and may be attributed in large part to the Covid pandemic. Such themes and events show that new leadership is needed for such rebuilding after the destruction wrought during Trump's four years playing the POTUS role. Going forward, the Uranian saboteur has no solutions, only more crazy uncle-ness, division, chaos, rage, and destruction. And wouldn't you know? 'The Tower Eclipse' horoscope shows malevolent, aggressive, ego-driven Mars Rx @00AQ!

So with major societal changes and reforms due with the approaching Jupiter-Saturn Conjunction on December 21, 2020 @00AQ29 - conjunct US POTUS Sun (@00AQ49 at noon January 20, 2017 = Trump) - I'm posting the 2018 SN-to-POTUS-Sun horoscope for reconsideration, and as always your on-topic comments are welcome and appreciated! Transit South Node @00AQ53 conjunct 2017 POTUS Sun (00AQ49), a cosmic event which perfected on October 27, 2018:

Please note that if you've viewed this horoscope previously, a few additional factors have been added by yours truly. An example (upper right): "This conjunction also relates to America's global status" due to its effect upon the presidential Oath of Office.

So let's close with another triggering of US POTUS Sun: In the realm of Politics there was at least one other activation of 00Aquarius, a significant conjunction because it was transit Uranus to 00AQ00 (Technology; 'global cooperation'? 'Age of Aquarius'?) on January 12, 1996 during the Bill Clinton era. So that Uranian cosmic event began America's Year 1996 with unpredicability and a few shocks, plus, Pluto's entry into Sagittarius. If you wish, check out the informative 'Uranus to 00AQ00' 1996 horoscope to which I've penned on the 2020 Jupiter-Saturn Conjunction. The 1996/2020 midpoint picture potentials may be of interest - 2020 Jupiter-Saturn = 1996 Uranus: 'great efforts; sudden change in circumstance; change of residence or occupation' (for Trump? oh please!); 'illness or death; damage to buildings' (which can include war) - R. Ebertin.

Now I ask you: is the Collective already in, or about to enter, the fabled 'Age of Aquarius'? If so, I must say that so far, it's not all that. Yet things could improve when we consider 2018's Blue Wave, and the fact that in 2020 we are in desperate need of a Blue Tsunami too big to rig! So please, dear reader, see what you can do about that, would ya?

Lunar Note: A 'Super' Moon due to its closest approach to Earth and coined as such by master astrologer Richard Nolle; 'blood' because the Moon took on a reddish (prophetic) hue, and 'blue' because it was the second Full Moon in the month.

Sep 1, 2020

September-November 2020: Mars in Aries to and fro

Two DC Horoscopes September and November 2020: Trolling the Path of Mars

by Jude Cowell

Lower left: September 9, 2020 Mars Direct Station @28Ari08 2nd house 6:22:12 pm edt Washington DC; Hour of Mars which squares 12th house Saturn (delays; resistance; stop'n'go energy); ASC 24AQ38 (US natal Moon rising) conjunct Uranus-MC suggests excitability, irritability, possible upsets; Uranus unaspected = spurts of activity; warlike Antares conjunct MC; at IC are Moon @12Gemini and Midas (fluctuating campaign finances?); Neptune and Pisces intercepted in 1st house suggests large events possibly water related and/or contagion/toxins; also, the media, the masses, deception, loss, theft, disappointment, conspiracy; voting planet Mercury 6Lib27 in 8th house and nearing Nemesis (the unbeatable foe).

Chart-ruler Saturn makes one applying Ptolemaic aspect, a conjunction with powerful manipulator Pluto (see lower left) which is, of course, a continuation of their conjunction's harsh, constraining energies of January 2020, and of course the Capricorn trio continues its heavy influence. Meanwhile, the revolutionary pair of Mars and Uranus will blend their energies on Election Day November 3, 2020 @6Tau44 with a disturbing potential for conflicts and destruction.

On Election Day 2020, Mars Rx 16Ari01 is opposing US natal Saturn (14lib48) off and on which denotes a period of potentials such as: attempts to circumvent rules and/or laws, anger flare ups, delays that lead to cancellations, organizational difficulties, resentment, and/or resistance to the authority of others. Obviously with Trump involved, court cases and legal decisions may be involved as well as ballot counting issues.

Upper right: November 13, 2020 Mars Rx Station @15Ari13 10th house 7:35:36 pm est Washington DC; Hour of Venus 20Lib42 5th house but leading a ruthless Locomotive shape into 4th house (condition of Venus in Libra relates to 2020 Election results: incumbent wins unless something miraculous occurs - ex: Blue Tsunami).

Both of Mars' changes of direction fall within the 4 North Summer Solstice Solar Eclipse Saros Series (restraint, restriction, separation, illusion) and as you see, the November 13th chart has US natal Jupiter rising just after the 4 North Solar Eclipse pops up over the horizon. And when Mars shifts to direct motion on November 13, 2020 'he' opposes Venus (ruthless as a Locomotive engine) which, among other things, suggests sore losers. However, by November 22nd, transit Venus will scoot on into Scorpio, leaving Mars to continue simmering in fiery Aries until early January 2021.

And with Cancer rising on November 13th, Moon is chart-ruler indicating emotions vs intellect, excitement, and potential conditions of instability, as seen in the Scorpio Moon's applying opposition to quirky Uranus Rx in money sign Taurus where finances tend to be uncertain and/or fluctuating and unusual sources of revenue are sought.

October 2020:Of course, more information (aka, inconvenient facts or secrets) are sure to be revealed by the light of the Halloween 2020 Full Moon @8Tau38 which casts its illuminating rays upon disruptive Uranus - the Witness and the Awakener!

Wild Cards of the Universe, Uranian Eclipses Disrupt Earthly Events

So will it be shock, awe, or a little of both when Uranus stars in a cosmic spotlight once again and closes the month of November 2020 with a Lunar Eclipse 8Gem38 conjunct US natal Uranus and simultaneously activates Trump's Prenatal Solar Eclipse in the 2 Old North Saros Series (8Gem48: 'unfortunate news; separation; but fast action can bring good results' - Brady).

Related and also in October 2020: Trump's Nodal Return.

Aug 24, 2020

DC Horoscope: Gemini Lunar Eclipse November 2020

Monday August 24, 2020: Of Cosmic Blinks, Secrets, and Cheats

by Jude Cowell

Between the Summer Solstice 2020 Solar Eclipse in the 4 North Saros Series and the Total December 14, 2020 Solar Eclipse in the difficult 4 South Saros Series comes a significant Lunar Eclipse @8Gem38 across the 2/8 axi$ when the horoscope is set for Washington DC.

Below is the DC Horoscope of the November 30, 2020 Lunar Eclipse @8Gem38 which conjuncts US natal Uranus (8Gem55 July 4, 1776). So although this Gemini Lunar Eclipse falls within the 4 North Solar Eclipse Saros Series of June, it's actually associated with the Sagittarius Solar Eclipse of December 14, 2020 in the 4 South Series with its 'money and relationship' concerns. An accompanying lunar eclipse reveals a sequence - here across the Gemini-Sagittarius polarity - relating to the karmic issues within its solar eclipse themes and provides information concerning the Collective's inner and/or emotional reactions to the disruptive karmic issues and problems. Here we have a Gemini Lunar Eclipse suggesting that a variety (Gemini) of solutions should be tried prior to and during the December 14th Solar Eclipse season in the Jupiterian realms of the eclipse's Sagittarian issues of ethics and morals, as noted in the center of the horoscope; a large splash of integrity would be appreciated, too:

Image: Lunar Eclipse @8Gem38 November 30, 2020 4:29:32 am est Washington DC; Ascendant 6Sco09 makes Mars chart-ruler and he's strong in Aries in 6th house of Health, Work, Service (Police, Military, Civil) and Daily Rounds. Fever-prone Mars is assisted by Scorpio's co- or sub-ruler wealthy stealthy Pluto yet neither planet applies Ptolemaically to other planets in this horoscope so their signs and houses are emphasized (Aries Mars 1st and 6th; for Pluto add his 3rd house position in Saturn-ruled Capricorn).

So with the November 30th Lunar Eclipse conjunct US natal Uranus (8Gem55) we may expect the unexpected from this Uranian 'Wild Card of the Universe' and/or we can prepare for shocks and more disruptions. That warrior Mars is in 6th house of the military and 1776 Uranus is America's totem planet of revolt and upheaval, battles and conflicts in society continue with the possibility of war, and simultaneously the eclipse activates Trump's Prenatal Solar Eclipse themes (2 Old North), his PE which manifested on May 30, 1946 @9Gemini ('separation; unfortunate news but quick action can bring positive results'- Brady).

Then can this Eclipse conjunct US natal Uranus be a picture of the US military preparing for action of a shocking nature on, before, or after January 20, 2021? Perhaps so. But basically, this revealing Horoscope of the Gemini Lunar Eclipse contains a preponderance of financial indicators along with 'social and religious fanaticism' vibes via the Capricorn trio (Saturn-Pluto = Jupiter). Add to this that Mercurial Gemini is the juggler, magician, and the trader (or, traitor), isn't he/she? Well, as you see, Mercury @27Sco48 rises in 1st house, disposits the eclipse Moon, and rules the corporate 8th house and the 11th house of Groups and Associations, Hopes and Wishes.

Other chart factors include 'values and currency' planet Venus rising in the Big Business sign of intense, brooding Scorpio and leading a Locomotive shape. A 'ruthless executive determined on success' is indicated by astrological Venus, the engine who, as an actor in our cosmic drama, can be vengeful, envious, and petty, or, more positively can signify some variety of diplomacy. Perhaps you've heard a few economic pundits warning about the potential for devaluation of the US dollar so we'll see if matters continue to skew in that downward direction. Others have hinted that Trump might crash the US economy if he loses in November. This could be what this eclipse shows especially since his PE is activated, as noted above, and the Total 4 South Solar Eclipse of December 14 2020 'eclipses' his natal Moon-South Node while opposing natal Sun-North-Node in Gemini, as we've previously discussed. However events turn out for him, Trump's 4/10 Home-Career axis is intimately involved.

1910/2020: $$$

Now if you will, check around the outside of the above horoscope and you'll see planetary placements of the Federal Reserve ('the Fed') based on the entity's secret organizational meeting on Jekyll Island, Georgia, timed by the December 1, 1910 New Moon @8Sag49, marked in green (3rd house). With the US economy shaky as Election Day 2020 approaches, will the November Lunar Eclipse uncover leaks and/or Secrets of the Federal Reserve? Or will it simply uncover more facts concerning Trump and Co's fraud and corruption? Note that some Fed planets (in green) are listed simply as '1910' and the Fed's 1910 Mars-Jupiter rising = 2020 Venus which suggests using guile vs force when competing. Plus, bottom right, you see listed the Jupiter-Saturn Conjunction and the third of three Jupiter-Pluto Conjunctions ('the Fed') both of which relate to the financial implications of this eclipse.

Also messily penned around the chart are the Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto of America (July 4, 1776) and of course, the hairy gorilla in the room (3rd house) is transit Saturn @28Cap21 and the taskmaster's continued ruffling of US natal Pluto Rx (27Cap33), a period of power and control issues, conditions too large to easily handle, and a lack of resources. Meanwhile transit Pluto @23Cap15 continues his opposition to Trump's natal Saturn in watery Cancer with Trump's new barricade of a wall built around the White House. Perhaps now his watery Saturn, planet of walls, borders, and fear, feels safe now. But neglecting his responsibilities during this Saturn-Pluto transit garners him little applause or reward so for 'best results' from the 2020 Election, cheating really is the only 'solution' for Trump and the GOP.

And significantly, all the Capricorn action is occurring on and around America's Inauguration Midheaven for all the world to see. Yes, Saturn to MC is a picture of Election 2020 and the assumption of control but the placement can also indicate a 'fall from grace' so we have that going against us.

Now as you see, coming right up is the midpoint between Saturn and Midheaven ('MC') rising on the Ascendant which forms a picture of 'hindered growth, shared anxiety, separation, and/or unfortunate circumstances' for some. However, the Saturn-MC duo can also denote important people! (Ebertin) with the difference depending upon other chart factors, as is always the case.

Now in closing, I want to add a note with cosmic time link implications:

The 4 South Solar Eclipse on December 14, 2020 @23Sagittarius potentially activates by degree the June 13, 1984 Lunar Eclipse @23Sag which was the accompanying Lunar Eclipse of the May 30, 1984 Solar Eclipse @9Gemini - in the 4 North Saros Series (as is the Summer Solstice 2020 Eclipse). To me, if not to you, this amount of reciprocal cosmic energy seems significant given our current conditions of light vs dark, and so, as usual, comparing the cosmic time link between years 1984 (Reagan: 're-elected') and 2020 (Trump: probably bwo cheating) through the 'rhyming' of historical events would most likely be informative for the curious seeker.

Related and curated for you! A 7m37s video George Orwell and 1984: How Freedom Dies detailing Orwell's vision of the future vs that of Aldous Huxley. Warning: Hedonism, Collectivism, and other -isms are involved.

Apr 11, 2020

Easter Sunrise 2020 Washington DC: Sun Trine Moon!

Easter April 12, 2020 Sunrise: He Is Risen! is how my Easter posts have always begun in celebration of the Good News for those who believe (as do I). Unfortunately, this post has Trumpism drizzled all over it due to current conditions of the Coronavirus contagion so ably encouraged by contagious Neptune floating through its own shady, frail sign of Pisces and with handmaidens harsh Saturn-Pluto and infectious Mars telling their own turbulent tales. For as you know, Neptune's urge-to-merge desires are being fulfilled all too well these days on a cellular level as people across the globe suffer and pass away, their demises often egged on by too-little-too-late medical care which is stymied, mishandled, or denied by politicians and their enablers of an anti-societal mindset, animated by the spirit of destruction that now roams the Earth almost completely unchecked. As foretold.

Conditions will get worse and stats will increase 'they say', and this we intuit without being told from the screens of our TVs and devices where 'talking heads' follow their scripts of doom, jobs are lost, and financial markets crash around greedy ears. Remember that year 2020 is forever imprinted by its first eclipse--a Lunar Eclipse at critical degree conjunct a certain star.

Meanwhile, shocking Uranus is busy lurching through earthy Taurus, a money sign of growth and development, as earth changes continue to alarm and harm, environmental damage and danger distress us, and new finance is sought from unusual sources. How obvious is it that Gaia, our Mother Earth, is upset and who can blame her? Do you know that April 22, 2020 is the 50th anniversary of Earth Day?

Now let's focus on the Cosmic Weather of Easter Sunday 2020 through a common-good yet political-astrological lens by considering the day's horoscope for clues. My apology that no horoscope image can appear here since ink cartridges are empty and a long waiting period for delivery means fresh cartridges will arrive whenever they manage to arrive. I'd be happy to hand-draw a chart for you but my printer won't allow me to skip print and select 'scan'! Therefore, this post will not consider the April 12th horoscope as fully as I'd prefer.

April 12, 2020 Sunrise at 6:39:40 am EDT over Washington DC with Sun rising at 22Aries and Moon @22Sagittarius in a Fire trine, karmic because the luminaries are in the same 22nd degree. Happily, there's Good News for a Sun-Moon trine suggests strong recuperative powers, stamina, and a sense of optimism - may they extend for everyone across the globe! Sabian Symbols for the rounded-up degrees of the Sun and Moon add information to our clues: "23Aries": "A Woman in Pastel Colors Carrying a Heavy and Valuable But Veiled Load" and "23Sag": "Immigrants Entering a New Country." Yes, Covid-19 restrictions have brought new conditions in and transformation of America and elsewhere, it's true.

Yet with the astrological Moon associated with the physical body and health, how curious that April 12, 2020 is a day of a monthly Trump Lunar Return so it's interesting that Trump has linked the day to his idea of an early recovery and "time to get back to work" after dire government commands to "shelter in place" and stay home from work if you're symptomatic, have tested positive for Covid-19, or are simply contagious with whatever. Apparently his mind has been changed to a later date but I wonder if his eagerness is misplaced optimism, foolhardiness, or a political tactic against his opponents in a desperate attempt to "win" by hook or crook in November? Maybe all of the above. After all, transit Neptune, planet of fantasy, deception, and fraud, continues moving into an exact square with Trump's natal Sun-Moon opposition suggesting that he's the wrong person to go to when realism is needed due to illusions, deceptions, misunderstandings, mistakes, easy upsets, and/or eroding relationships. In a nutshell, unreliability.

Of course, no one needs Astrology to tell them any of this for we know his fantastical history of lies, deceit, and misconceptions. Yet in spite of Donald Trump, Easter 2020 brings comfort to the afflicted via the Sun-Moon trine for those who care to receive the gift!

Comic Weather of Easter 2020

Now as you know, Sun Aries-Moon Sagittarius is a double Fire combo of conscious + unconscious energies with embers that fly high into the stratosphere like a roaring bonfire when things are going its way. But once reality steps in, the 'black dog of depression' hits hard. Historically, Winston Churchill and Mark Twain (aka, Samuel Clemons) were born under double Fire Sun-Moon blends and are known to have suffered heavy depression and dark pessimism when times were tough.

So although we are facing more dark days ahead, my fervent hope this Easter Morning is that tough times will ease soon, relief will come to the afflicted, responsibilities will be faced and shouldered with courage, and we will look up with confidence in the knowledge that what's been sown by those who worship death will be exactly what they reap--for all will be made right in the end.

Jul 11, 2019

Alex Acosta: 2019 Saturn Square his 1969 Aries Saturn

Donald Trump's embroiled Secretary of Labor Alex Acosta was born on January 16, 1969 in Miami, Florida and has served as US Labor Secretary since April 28, 2017. Here you see his official Labor Department portrait. Also see CNN's segment Breaking down Epstein's sweetheart deal now spotlightig Acosta's involvement in the Jeffrey Epstein case. Of course, "sweetheart deals" for the wealthy class are not uncommon in America's two-tiered 'justice' system, are they? Yet pedophiles are the lowest of the low, even in prison and apparently Epstein maintained a vast network of depravity that may eventually ensnare other perverted fish in its net of publicity if not captivity.

So is there anything outstanding about the natal planets of Harvard-pedigreed attorney Alex Acosta or perhaps a significant transit that applies to current events? Let's peek at the placements of January 16, 1969 using 'noon' since we have no birth time for him. Right away, we know he's a Sun Capricorn, sign of government, law, and business, ruled by legal planet Saturn, of authority, judgment, responsibility, and accountability fame. Now 50 years old this year, Acosta's natal Chiron @29Pisces is emphasized for its 'wounding/healing' and 'blind spot' functions--at a critical-crisis 29th degree and conjunct his Nodal path of destiny. For personality details (conscious-unconscious energies) we can check his natal Moon sign (in Sagittarius or, if born after 3:38 am est, in Capricorn) to add to his Capricorn Sun (conscious mind; adult personality). Plus, as you know, a Moon sign reveals information about a person's 'reigning need' (Tyl) and Acosta's natal Moon was out-of-bounds ('OOBs') all that day denoting a faulty and/or estranged relationship with Mother. So is his need for Sag 'freedom' or Capricorn 'authority'? See details, below.

Then there's Acosta's Prenatal Solar Eclipse series ('PE') which adds some very useful background information and supports the Capricorn need for control and authority which further adds to what I suspect are father-mother-parenting issues in his nature. And maybe his lusty Mars in sexy Scorpio has an opinion!

First, below, is the noon natal horoscope of Alex Acosta (inner) with the transits of December 13, 2019 snugged around it. Why those transits? Because on that day, transit Saturn @19Cap19 squares Acosta's natal Saturn (19Ari19 at noon) for the third of three times in 2019 (in green). Naturally, there are other planetary transits to his chart (ex: Neptune in Pisces to natal Venus--focus on his social behavior) yet a Saturn-Saturn square is so very timely and descriptive! For this restrictive period highlights law-abiding Saturn's legal and justice functions on an inner level (square) and marks 2019 as a testing year of squares beginning on or about March 22, squaring his Saturn again on June 8, with the final square coming December 13, 2019, the resolution phase. Karmic Saturn's orb of influence would be prior to those dates, and of course, without a birth time for him the dates of exactitude could possibly be off by a bit but not by much (making this a general guide to Acosta's Saturn-SQ-Saturn period 2019, a time of fears, formalities, and demands to conform):

Now only a few of my notes are penned on the charts for as both readers of SO'W know, I get rather fussy trying to type much about untimed charts. However, in the center of the bi-wheel I've penned on Acosta's PE in the 6 South ('6S') Saros Series @29Vir29 and some of its themes which include: 'being forceful and taking power' and 'sudden sexual encounters' (Brady). Obviously the first supports a Capricorn personality while the second suggests possible involvement with low characters such as Epstein. (I don't know this, I'm just sayin' since Bernadette Brady mentioned it first.) Perhaps time will tell or will exonerate Alex Acosta from all but his prosecutorial ramifications. Yet I would feel remiss not to add that Acosta's natal asteroid Lilith, the seductress, conjoins his natal Mercury in Aquarius, planet of young people (puers and puellas). Note that the last 6 South eclipse occurred on October 14, 2004 @30Aries and the next will perfect on October 24, 2022 @2Scorpio. And fyi, 6 South is the PE series of the 'Nazis' Rise to Power' in 1932: 'taking power'.

Now the bright, illuminating rays of the Lunar Eclipse of July 16, 2019 @24Cap04 are set to potentially reveal something about Acosta's natal Sun--more scandal? Secrets and/or leaks? This could occur prior to July 16 of course which is only 5 days hence as I type. Plus, the heavyweight transit of major karma, the Saturn-Pluto Conjunction @22Cap46 on January 12, 2020 may be worrisome for Acosta for it perfects near his natal Sun (25Cap53--26:55)--look for its position in the chart between the Venus-Pluto conjunction, above. Reinhold Ebertin says the intense Venus-Pluto pair of energies working together relates to lasciviousness, an excessive sexual urge, and/or to fanatic love. Will Saturn-Pluto bring restriction and accountability to Alex Acosta? Or merely to the other culprits involved in this tragic drama? How interesting that hidden wealth and organized crime are also features of the Venus-Pluto combination.

Astro-Notes: Alex Acosta's two possible Sun-Moon Personality Blends

Sun Cap-Moon Sag (Earth-Fire: powerful ego 'runs the show'; domineering) is self-motivated, zealous, and authoritative. This blend suggests the forceful personality of a natural politician, professor, or priest who occasionally likes to toss off the yoke of responsibility and "indulge in a crazy adventure". This is the 'old man' + 'crazy teen' combo but with a sense of 'high-mindedness' and a tendency toward pomposity. If Acosta's natal blend, he gets "fixated on narrow views that become rigidly moralistic".

Either or both of its two Images for Integration may apply: "In his spare time, a High Court judge takes up the serious hobby of gambling at horse races...A bank clerk plans a world cruise." And if this is Acosta's natal blend we should add two quotes from famous folk born under its influence:

"Great lords have their pleasures, but the people have fun." - Montesquieu; and, "All the things I like to do are either immoral, illegal, or fattening." - Alexander Woolcott. Well said, Mr. Woolcott!

The Sun Cap-Moon Cap combo (Double Earth: matter-of-fact; dependable; 'pillar of society'; fears chaos and loss of control) denotes practicality, responsibility, realism, and autocracy. Self-absorbed, serious, and ambitious, this blend tends to act professionally with a strong will power mobilized toward success. His "resourceful intellect always needs a challenge of some kind" and he is terrified of change and of things mysterious. Lust for power (Heaven Knows What, Grant Lewi), materialism, and shrewd common sense are marked features of his nature and he may wear overly tough defensive armor for he always expects the worst. Safety, security, rationality, authority and control are important to this stern combination with its double Saturnian vibes which can judge others self-righteously. Naturally, a legal career seems appropriate, or perhaps a career in politics or investment banking.

Now Sun Cap-Moon Cap has only one Image for Integration: "A hoary grandfather sits in his chair with his grandson on his knee. He gives him a gift for his seventh birthday - a first edition of Pilgrim's Progress."

Amusing that '7th birthdays' tend to mark the time frame of our very first Saturn squares!

Saturn-Pluto Conjunction 2020 @22Cap46 (2020 DC Horoscope shown as is their 1982 Conjunction); for more personality details see Sun Sign-Moon Sign by Charles and Suzi Harvey.

Nov 30, 2017

12/01/17 Mars oppo Uranus as GOP forces tax cut bill

Update Dec 1, 2017: in the following post I neglected to mention that voting planet Mercury's position @29Sag, a critical-crisis degree and will soon turn retrograde. Its critical condition (and just having left a conjunction with responsible Saturn--remember the old GOP mantra "fiscal responsibility"?) is apparently enough to stall Republican efforts to pass this bill though GOP leadership continues to shove in spite of the outline-of-a-bill massively increasing the national debt and the deficit.

Original post begins here:

Ho Ho Ho and Merry Christmas from the GOP! (suckers)

by Jude Cowell

Nov 30, 2017: If congressional Republicans have their (and ALEC's) way their bogus tax cut legislation to benefit the wealthy class and corporate interests will be voted on on Capitol Hill this evening or in the early hours of Friday December 1, 2017, last I heard. Looking for an astrological signature for this abomination against the American people, I stumbled upon a major opposition which will perfect on Friday December 1, 2017 at 5:05 am est--testy Mars opposing zealous Uranus.

Demands and arrogance tend to abound under this opposition along with the authoritarianism of those who are cantankerous, anti-traditional, argumentative, dangerous, and risk-taking--who like to 'throw caution to the wind' which is one of the ways the US Government of trust-breachers now treat our nation and which is currently shown most obviously by this corporate give-away legislation that Mr. Trump has called a Christmas gift to the American people.

Curiously, We the People's Moon in the Mars-Uranus opposition chart is @8Tau07 and, rounding up, we find an appropriate Sabian Symbol, "A Christmas Tree Decorated." M. E. Jones gives the negative side of this symbol as: "a desire to place people under obligation and to enjoy life's riches without payment in kind." That sounds about right--like the enslavement debt system we already suffer under and it will only get worse if this secretive bill passes and is signed into law by the bankrupt-in-chief. It may be yet another example of voting on a bill without knowing what's in it or it's even being completely written (the dupes and shills!) But their big political donations must keep piling in, right?

Now the Sabian Symbols for December 1's Mars and Uranus may enlighten us concerning under-the-surface conditions so let's list them with their negative potentials (since we're talking Politics and our saboteur-infiltrated Capitol Hill--maybe not so hidden after all):

Mars '25Libra': "Information in the Symbol of An Autumn Leaf...TACT: negative expression: fascination with the trivial and delight in unbridled fantasy" (this sounds like Trump to me though of course you may disagree!)

Uranus '25Aries': "A Double Promise" ('Reveals Its Inner and Outer Meanings')..."SENSIBILITY: negative expression: a lean to chicanery in all human relationships." Well, that part is self-explanatory, isn't it? Plus, it reminds me of the way Republicans keep using the 'we promised' pretext as if the public is awaiting this dicey bill with baited breath and would be so-o-o disappointed if it fails to pass when really it's the GOP's promise to wealthy donors that they are bound to the tightest for the sake of their careers.

Since the two planets are precisely opposite one another, each is at the Illumination Point degree of the other. Unbridled fantasy and chicanery are what we now expect from Trump, the GOP, and the corporate Democrats as they perform their Political Theater roles and further sell out the American people.

Also of interest is that Mars is the nose of a KITE pattern of high-flying success with maverick Uranus acting as the tail. Jupiter @11Sco09 rises in the chart denoting the bankers, financiers, political donors, and politicians who have large expectations from this lucrative bill--lucrative for them, that is.

Now perhaps mention of the MC of this chart, the Point of Goals and Aspirations--is in order for it is 22Leo20, the 'worst foot forward' or 'foot in mouth' degree (A. Louis). Also, this Mars-Uranus opposition chart when set for Capitol Hill uplifts the February 10, 2017 Lunar Eclipse (22Leo28) and in 10th house is The Great American Solar Eclipse of August 21, 2017 @28Leo52 which conjoined the natal Ascendant of Donald Trump. Currently we are all under the influence of this eclipse which is in The Mother of All Eclipses Saros Series of 1 North with themes of 'unexpected events put pressure on relationships' and 'info is distorted and possibly false' (Predictive Astrology, B. Brady).

See February 2017 (Lunar Eclipse) events here where, among other things, Rex Tillerson and the now-departed Tom Price were confirmed for Trump's cabinet.

Other Chart Factors of Note

Tellingly, the Sun @9Sag24 conjoins royal Antares, a war star, with '10Sag' revealing "A Stage Symbolization of the Goddess of Opportunity"! Venus is oriental (last to rise before the Sun) @00Sag02 with '1Sag' the "A Grand Army of the Republic Campfire" degree so full of meaning for America. Oriental Venus denotes those who deal with valuable things (ex: the lives and fortunes of the American people). At the chart's IC, the Foundation/Basis Point, is the midpoint of Pluto and Chiron, the plutocracy pair of oppression, exploitation, and primal violence. That violence has been threatened concerning this bill's successful passage would be no surprise to me if so.

Oh and did I mention that Pluto @17Cap48 is unaspected and thus representing the powerful foreign and other puppet masters in charge of Washington DC? You may recognize this degree as that of 1993's New World Order Great Conjunction/s of Uranus and Neptune and the midpoint picture transit Pluto forms @18Cap: the big picture demands a certain course of action, very little option to do otherwise (Tyl).

So perhaps you agree that, considering the lowering, degrading events since Donald Trump entered the Oval Office, America is being eclipsed across the globe and is being sabotaged from within. My fret today (which will be moot for now if the bill fails to pass) is that this ALEC/Koch-driven legislation will help make certain that our nation can never stand tall again.

Related posts include: Republican Tax Cuts to Harm the American People; February 2017 Solar and Lunar Eclipses (DC horoscopes shown).

Now, in case you missed it, here's a very brief video of the Capitol Hill Christmas Tree arriving on Monday November 27, 2017.

By Elcobbola (Own work) [Public domain or CC BY-SA 3.0 (], via Wikimedia Commons

Oct 2, 2017

Horoscope Feb 15, 2018: 'We The People' Solar Eclipse

Image: 'We The People' Solar Eclipse February 15, 2018 @27AQ07 so labeled because it eclipses US natal Moon in the 'Sibly US foundation horoscope' (July 4, 1776, late afternoon LMT with Moon in third decan of Aquarius. A late afternoon chart is one of many versions although other dates are potentially more foundational; some charts are set for Philadelphia, Pa).

Feb 15, 2018 4:05:08 pm EST Washington DC: Hour of Venus, Venus exalted in Pisces, corporate 8th house with a critical-crisis 29th degree on the cusp; Solar Eclipse Saros Series = 1 South (key themes listed, upper right, paraphrasing Bernadette Brady's Predictive Astrology); eclipse has just barely passed into the 7th house along with Mercury @25AQ49 and health asteroid Hygeia (repeal legislation again? Yes, the GOP promised tax cuts! They promised Charles Koch and other billionaire donors, that is.)

As seen in the horoscope, the opposite sign and degree, 29Leo21, is on the 2nd cusp of the National Treasury which in part stimulates themes of The Great American Eclipse of August 21, 2017 (info is distorted and possibly false; unexpected events place great pressure on relationships; fatigue or illness possible) and spotlights the natal Ascendant of Donald Trump along with royal Regulus (success if revenge is avoided). Have more waste and fraud of taxpayer money been perpetrated? If so, my suspicion is that some Trumpsters have engaged in additional pilfering, embezzlement, and/or theft via other areas besides private airline travel. Is this eclipse indicative of our National Treasury dangerously at risk? It so often is, you know. And there's quirky maverick Uranus at MC (Goal Point; Aspirations), planet of radical reforms, revolts, disruption, upsets, activism, fanatic zealotry, Utopianism, and those with unusual reputations in the world.

So you can suss out more factors in this chart and the solar eclipse for yourself, right? And you see listed on the chart under the eclipse info that 1 South's last manifestation was on February 5, 2000 @16AQ01...and you know what lay ahead at that point just prior to the much-touted practically magical and numinous 'New Millennium', don't you? The propaganda, paranoia, and glowing promises? Y2K madness? Tech bubble bursting? If you're old enough or can read, that is!

Now as this eclipse perfects at 4:05:08 pm EST, rising in Washington DC is dwarf-planet-archetype Ceres (food supplies, grains, milk, motherhood, sustainment, distribution, symbolic sheafs of wheat of a Virgoan goddess variety, and more) and she's retrograde suggesting a slow down or delay of some sort (FEMA difficulties come to mind). Yet with the fortunate North Node of the Moon in 1st house some development or growth with beneficial results is possible. Then in 7th house South Node @15AQ59 conjoins the degree of the Lunar Eclipse of August 7, 2017 so that similar issues or events of that period may return for further development, or may reoccur in similar fashion. Plus, North Node in Leo suggests festivities, entertainment, and a love of pomp such as an acting POTUS might have to endure. Or demand, depending on his personality--mild or brash.

Video: The Ceres Lights (13+ minutes).

And then with thinking Mercury in Aquarius nearby the eclipse, logic and common sense are needed for best karmic progress to be made for the sake of society, as suggested by a solar eclipse manifesting in cool, detached, rational Aquarius, the sign of We The People's Moon, as some believe, and a Tech, Science, and Futurism indicator.

As the BOWL Tips

Leading a BOWL shape of all the planets is Jupiter @22Sco31, 4th house, with Jupiter the General, CEO, politician, and/or preacher as the basis of it all and watery Scorpio as the sign of Big Business, Stealth, Wealth, control and/or betrayal. Are there more leaks of private information on the way? A BOWL shape emphasizes one hemisphere over the other and here we find signs Taurus through Libra 'missing' along with the related experiences described by those realms. Only the 1st house North Node links the two halves of the chart across the self-other axis.

The orientation of BOWL personalities can be advocacy of a cause, the furtherance of a mission, or perhaps it's based on divisions (and the furtherance of them? Trump!) The strongest point of application is the leading planet if it is in a Grand Cross pattern or in strong opposition which this Jupiter no longer is for the Jupiter-Uranus opposition is weakened with money-bags Jupiter in financial Scorpio and Uranus still in Aries. And yet, BOWL folk have something to give their fellow man and it may be "constructive or vindictive" (Jones) and will probably come by way of Jupiter in Scorpio (which is Reagan's natal Jupiter sign = massive tax cuts for the rich as Democrats in Congress enacted October 22, 1986?)

Now all this eclipse action is on the Leo-AQ self-will axis so Mr. Trump, the most famous Mars Rising in Leo fellow of bravado and quarrels that we know, is suggested on various levels of activity and events brought by the eclipse. However, it's important to note that it's Trump's natal Pluto @10Leo that is his first natal planet to rise in this particular horoscope so make of its power potential and wealth-grabbing-and-hoarding what and as you will or may.

For as you know, all eclipses are 'wild cards of the Universe' and 'cosmic blinks' that indicate times of change, pay attention--and those changes may involve sudden disruption, like astrological Uranus tends to do. Or not. Sooner or later. Or not at all. Because you know what they say about The Sky God: Expect the Unexpected and you'll never be disappointed.

A Previous Post: The Solar and Lunar Eclipses of 2018 with Themes.

Jun 17, 2017

Horoscope: Donald Trump's Mars Return Aug 31, 2017

Image: Donald Trump's Mars Return August 31, 2017 3:51:36 am edt White House, Washington DC; Hour of Venus (@6Leo08 and rising with US natal North Node). Mr. Trump's first natal planet to rise: Pluto @10Leo, planet of power, control, secret wealth, and obsession. Natal Mars @26Leo46 conjoins difficult fixed star Alphard (alpha Hydrae of a Saturn nature); this star is especially negative when triggered by Mars and indicating potentials for legal problems, love problems, and poisonings of all kinds.

Chart-ruler Sun @8Vir06 applies only once to 8th house Neptune @12Pis59 Rx which denotes an appearance of vagueness, mystery, and illusion; the 2/8 is a Money axis with 2nd house as the National Treasury in a mundane chart and 8th house as Corporate Business, Debt, Credit, Big Loans, Insurance, and the Occult, among other things. As America's representative, what affects Donald Trump affects the nation and We The People so let us not shy away from considering his 2017 Mars Return horoscope.

Please enlarge the chart for not all factors are mentioned in the following text:

Now as you know, a Mars Return chart symbolizes a new 2-year cycle of energy and activity underway and in this chart we see a cluster of trines forming a double Kite pattern of high-flying success. However, an undermining Sun-Neptune opposition is problematic plus, simultaneously transit Neptune @12Pisces remains in a masking relationship with US SP (progressed) Sun (POTUS) which suggests Mr. Trump's ongoing issues of paranoia, fanaticism, vagueness, deception, cover-up, illusions, pretense, an image of confusion, doubt, and disappointment--and, perhaps above all--scandal (real or manufactured). Yes, foggy Neptune is the "cloud" surrounding Mr. Trump and his White House minions. In addition, astrological Neptune represents both the media and the masses with propaganda and 'fake news' tossed in as deceptive tools to use and hide behind even as certain status quo forces attempt to unmask him and the rest of his crew who apparently have foreign ties and financial and/or political conflicts of interest.

Mr. Trump's current difficulties are also seen through transit Saturn @21Sag12, the taskmaster and lesson-bringer, again hitting Trump's natal Moon which conjoins his natal South Node and this transit we have discussed in previous posts (see link, below). Here, the 5th house of Risk-Taking, Creative Pursuits, and Children are spotlighted with possible separation themes (Saturn-SN; Moon = family and/or security concerns). In the 5th house, transit Moon @29Sag is in a critical state (29th degree) yet if we round up we find "The Pope Blessing the Faithful" (30Sag). Plus, the 5/11 axis holds an intercepted Gem-Sag polarity where Mr. Trump's natal Full Moon (Sun-NN/Moon-SN) has been accustomed to exercising free will while indulging his every whim as CEO.

But in the role of US president (which he admitted he thought would be "easier"), restrictions apply which, beside a security need for isolation, have included legal judgments--and triggered our traditional form of government with its checks and balances meant to keep a monarchical presidency in line. For as a political pundit stated recently, Donald Trump "doesn't own the US government", he's only a "caretaker." (Note that Alphard tends toward legal troubles and Trump's contentious Mars only adds energy and a sense of retaliation to his quarrels--legal, political, and personal; the 'poisoning' of or by Alphard may be vicious and malicious--and there's nearby Regulus, always tempted to take revenge).

Why, even astrological Venus can be vengeful, envious, and full of spite especially when scorned and here, she rises in Leo and suggests that dealings with valuable things, currency evaluation (or devaluation), luxury items, diplomacy, and/or relationships are on the White House agenda. Ruling the 4th house (via Libra, the Scales of Justice), legalities are suggested along with 4th house concerns such as security needs ('travel bans'? 'the wall'?), Real Estate (emoluments for Trump's properties? other?), Mining (coal?), and/or Endings, possibly through a Draining of Resources.

Mars Trine Uranus (1A26): Quirky Actions Bring Unexpected Results; Groups & Travel Are Favored

Now a bright spotlight is cast upon the Return 2nd house with Mars, Mercury, and Sun therein, plus, the 10th house contains Uranus Rx stirring things up; other areas most likely to be affected over the next two years by Mr. Trump's 2017 cycle of Mars (which must include Alphard) are the 5th house (penetrating Mars ruling Scorpio) and again, the 10th house of Career/Public Status/World Stage with Mars-ruled Aries on the cusp (MC), and as noted, unpredictable Uranus Rx @28Ari12 there acting as a tail of a complex Kite. Fortunate Jupiter conjoins the IC of the Return chart but from the 3rd house side (Communications galore) and has recently participated in Mr. Trump's 3rd of 3 Jupiter Returns (see August 4, below).

Of course, Uranus in Aries symbolizes blind zealots and Utopian anarchists (Ebertin) and maverick Mr. Trump's natal planets are lead by his quixotic Uranus in Gemini, also in natal 10th house as part of his natal Uranus-NN-Sun trio.

Then as you see, his Mars Return 2017 Mercury @00Vir12, the deal maker and communicator, is retrograde (reviews and delays?) in 2nd house and conjoins royal Regulus (caution: success if revenge is avoided). Plus, you know that Donald Trump's natal Ascendant (his nibs himself) conjoins Regulus, the king or kingmaker star so issues of a fragile ego and his ego-driven goals remain a focus for the self-important and very sensitive Mr. Trump (Mars rising in Sun-ruled Leo) who makes everything about himself--for he is the planet around which the world revolves.

August 2017 Cosmic Events Include:

August 3: Uranus Rx Station @28Ari31;

August 4: Trump's third of three Jupiter Returns @17Lib27;

August 7: Lunar Eclipse @15AQ:

August 12: Mercury Rx Station @24Ari15;

August 21: The Great American Eclipse @29Leo;

August 25: Saturn Direct Station @21Sag10--*conjunct Mr. Trump's natal Moon (ouch!)

A Few Related Trumpian posts:

Mr. Trump's Natal Horoscope;

The Whimsical Sun (POTUS) of Inauguration 2017;

The 'Cosmic Blinks' of Donald Trump (eclipses);

Astro-Notes on the Capulus of Donald Trump.

August 2017 Full of Mr. Trump's Karmic Returns;

*Saturn to Trump's Natal Moon, South Node, and the Sapphire Star.