Tri-Wheel: Donald Trump (center), James Comey (middle; 'noon' chart), and a transit chart (outer) set for 10:00 am edt, Capitol Building Washington DC, the approximate time former FBI Director James Comey is to testify concerning Mr. Trump, Comey's firing, and/or Trump's attempts to halt the FBI investigation (obstruction of justice) into his administration's ties to Russia and Vladimir Putin:
Update June 7, 2017: the Senate Intelligence Committee has posted Mr. Comey's opening statement and Bloomberg Politics is parsing it if you're interested.
Mr. Comey's testimony to Congress is public in the morning at 10:00 am edt with a private session set for after lunch (2:00 pm edt). The four Solar and Lunar Eclipses of 2017 are penned outside the charts and they bracket Trump's ASC-DESC axis--with the August 21st Solar Eclipse @29Leo precisely conjunct his natal Ascendant which can bring explosive events. We'll consider the planetary links that jump out at us although more connections exist, of course, and I trust you to find them if you wish.
Please enlarge the image to read my astro-notes; the primary planets active on Thursday morning are highlighted--Mr. Trump's natal planets in red, Mr. Comey's in aqua, and June 8, 2017 10:00 am transits in darker blue. The 10:00 am edt chart is ruled by Venus in Taurus (which Venus rules) who makes one applying aspect, a sextile to Mars in Cancer--a Mars approaching Mr. Comey's next Mars Return (conjunct Sirius), a new cycle of activity for him. Venus sextile Mars denotes a period of opportunity for someone if they aggressively follow through concerning the situation.
As you see, the spotlight (Sun 17Gem57) shines upon Mr. Trump's natal Uranus (17:53) which draws eyes to his quirky, disruptive style of 'governing'.
Now the main trio is Trump's rising Mars @26Leo conjoined by Comey's natal Uranus (explosive! bombshell!) and both planets are pointed toward by the transiting North Node of public encounters. An interpretation of this trio's potentials as a midpoint picture is penned on the chart, lower left, but add to it possibilities such as quarrels, disruption, meetings with law enforcement, and/or radical political reforms or reformers.
There is also a transiting 'YOD' (crisis; turning point; special task) formed at 10:00 am of Jupiter-Ascendant = Neptune (14Pis14), planet of masks, obfuscation, deception, and scandals which conjoins fixed star Achernar (crisis at the end of the river; the risk of rapid endings). The picture is: an astute politician with little practical sense (Munkasey); speculation; disappointments; losses (Ebertin). Neptune as apex planet of a YOD pattern indicates one who would rather remain in his emotional ivory tower than directly face harsh realities without--he gazes at his difficulties from afar.
Here's an unmasking of dreamy but gaseous Neptune now:
Between the natal charts of the two combatants is James Comey's natal Sun (22Sag) conjunct Donald Trump's natal Moon-SN conjunction and opposing Trump's natal Sun-NN conjunction. Is this a destined confrontation? It seems both personalities (Sun) and emotions (Moon) clash between them as reps of their generations (1946 vs 1960), and natal Sun conjunct another's Moon ultimately gives the Sun person (Comey) the upper hand. Plus, transit Saturn has been afflicting Mr. Trump's Sun-Moon opposition on his Nodal axis off and on since late last year (applying, with a 5-degree orb).
Then in Trump's 5th house you see transit Pluto @18Capricorn conjunct (as it has been off and on of late) Mr. Comey's natal Saturn, planet of authority, accountability, and control and denoting a situation where he must confront abuse of authority. And in a flurry of synchronicity, transit (Tr) Pluto is in the midst of the 1993 degree/s of the Great Conjunction of Uranus and Neptune which we've discussed several times previously: the big picture must be followed, very little option to do otherwise (Tyl).
Now as you know, Mr. Trump campaigned on fighting against that 'big picture' (global governance) with his version of American Nationalism and isolationism (ex: withdrawal from the Paris agreement on climate change). If the play goes on as scheduled on June 8, 2017 we'll see a political performance with Mr. Trump up against tremendous forces determined to take him down and though this is tragic on a personal level, it matters more that the US government is being 'taken down' with him, almost as if it were planned all along.
The sad misfortune of the American people circa 2017 and beyond partially lies in the flaws and failings of the man who now plays the role of our nation's knight in tarnished shining armor.