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Showing posts with label China. Show all posts
Showing posts with label China. Show all posts

Oct 16, 2007

Dalai Lama in the White House

Dalai Lama XIV, born July 6, 1935, 4:38 am LMT, Tengster Village, Tibet:

Bush to Meet with Dalai Lama Today and they may be sipping their cups of green tea as I type.

Bush chooses now to be seen in public with the Dalai Lama instead of sneaking around to meet as they have several times in the past.

China is miffed about the visit and the award, of course, esp since tomorrow's bestowing of the Congressional Gold Medal of Honor upon the Tibetan spiritual leader will coincide with China's Communist Party Congress. Bad timing seems to be a constant plague in Washington.

(Was it planned so? Congress is making Turkey angry with its belated genocide proclamation--China may as well join the snit against the US. And the majority of Americans are grumped up with the US Congress, too, so there's a definite chill on the Hill directed at the current infestation of insulated, speculating pocket-liners.)

Well, read the above-linked article for background on this visit although you may be up on the situation already...wouldn't surprise me.

The Dalai Lama (hereby dubbed DL for typing purposes) was born during the 9 Old South Solar Eclipse Series which ended in 1971, but it began on June 23, 727 (OS; 27 Can, conj Bush's natal Saturn)--so it was quite ancient and worn out, after all.

If you click-to-enlarge the chart you'll see DL's PE rising in his chart--and it's also his Syzygy Moon (the last lunation prior to birth.)

Brady's Predictive Astrology gives this Series as:

great constructive energy focused on the reuniting of loved ones, idealism, and expressions of love.

Born during a Moon Hour (good for nurturing, changes and publicity) with Mercury as final dispositor, DL has a forceful midpoint which is conjunct George Bush's natal Saturn (authority; control)--the Mars/Uranus combination of energies is where we have a short fuse, use nontraditional and innovative forms of energy, and where heated outbursts may occur. Yet one assumes he has his temper under control...still we must entertain the image of DL and Bush gazing into each others eyes over china teacups--that should do it:

Mars/Uranus = Saturn: lack of adaptability; violence; energy concentrated on separation; a clash between controls (Saturn) and the freest spirit (Uranus); potential battles and separations; controls cannnot be tolerated.

Hope their cups of green tea don't grow cold! And, of course, due to the reciprocity of Astrology, this picture may be referring to their discussion of the Tibet vs China impasse. It'd be impish of me to think the subject won't come up between them.

A change at Stars Over Washington:

Today begins a new cycle of interpretation: I have received my copy of Lynda Hill's excellent book 360 Degrees of Wisdom: Charting Your Destiny with the Sabian Oracles and find it to be spot-on and chocked with analysis.

Yet as usual I do not have time to do justice to the Dalai Lama's chart with its rising Mercury/Pluto midpoint (Mercury/Pluto = ASC: intellectual influence on others) so I'll close with a couple of factors which 'pop out' at my reluctant astrologer's eye.

Here is the Sabian Symbol of DL's n Sun with interpretation from Lynda's book (you will notice DL's n Sun is one degree from Bush's and the US natal Sun):

"12Can": "A Chinese Woman Nursing a Baby Whose Aura Reveals Him to Be the Reincarnation of a Great Teacher."

Oracle: Messages of hope for the future are coming through younger and more vital elements (is the mantle about to be passed? Transit Saturn and tr SN--separations-- are now conjunct but this more likely points again to the Tibet/China dilemma--jc); seeing the greatness of others; charisma and presence; visions; holistic perceptions; discovering latent talents.

The "Baby" has a unique and special talent that can be of benefit to the world in some way...the "Child" needs to be nurtured, nourished, and care for so he can reach his true potential.#

DL's natal Mars 18Lib16 (the position of US sec progr'd Mars Rx) is conj Bush's moneybags/guru planet, Jupiter. Both have major expansive Moon/Jupiter similarities--Bush has them conj, DL has them sextile.

His first house contains a Pluto/SN conjunction indicating a life disrupted by war and violence...and they sit upon Bush's natal Saturn. DL's n NN (the path or destiny) has this Symbol from Marc Edmund Jones: "Two Awards for Bravery in War." Well, he seems to be receiving one of them on Wednesday.

Lynda adds info to this degree Symbol: rewards for involvement in tough situations; benefits given or showered; legal claims; award ceremonies; recompense for taking action.

Caution: "Awards" as Band-Aids to assuage guilt produced in war; expecting money or other rewards for doing anything that one doesn't want to do; social ills of combat fighting; bribery. (Mucho thanks, Lynda!)

For this and other chart factors I'm not mentioning in detail, this visit may be all about cash-infusion. Is the Congressional Gold Medal of Honor genu-wine gold through and through? It will be interesting to hear what is given as the reason for his receiving the Gold Medal tomorrow--and if you hear anything interesting, please let me know, and be sure to visit Lynda Hill's Sabian Symbols for lots of Sabian goodness!

Noon News from NPR: major chem leak in Michigan, thousands of people being evacuated. Very sorry to hear of it.

Aug 18, 2007

American Corporations heart China

China Is Not the Problem

By Paul Craig Roberts

It is not China's fault that American corporations have so little regard for their employees and fellow citizens that they destroy their economic opportunities and give them to foreigners instead.