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Showing posts with label American corporations. Show all posts
Showing posts with label American corporations. Show all posts

Dec 14, 2013

How one Ayn-Rand-worshipping CEO ruined Sears

In recent years I have fewer reasons to frequent malls and stores such as Sears as often as when my kids were tiny tykes so this tale of how the CEO of Sears crashed the retail giant is news to me. And it took a devoted follower of Ayn Rand only a brief time to do it, in part by pitting his managers against one another!

Here's a previous SO'W post concerning Ayn Rand which contains a video of her laborious-to-watch film The Fountainhead (if you can watch the whole thing you deserve an award! even the novel is better), as well as a link to Rand's natal chart with biographical details.

May 23, 2013

'Too Hot for PBS: "Citizen Koch" trailer' (w Koch astro-notes)

Update May 24, 2013: see article Spying on Occupy Activists by Matthew Rothschild (in which we find that overbearing corporatists are not going to let US citizens get away with protesting against them and their sorriness no matter how much surveillance it takes.)

Original post begins here:

This just in from Forbidden Knowledge TV:

The Big Push is all happenin' at the state level, folks. If we've learned our lesson about neocons, endless war, and the super rich 1% who care not a fig for democracy, we've got to get with our own program and help each other out!

Here's the Wikipedia page for the Koch family. I'm sure you can sort out the two politically active siblings from there. A few astro-notes concerning them might be of interest so read on, if you wish!

Both brothers were born in Wichita, Kansas: Charles the elder on November 1, 1935 and David on May 3, 1940 with Moon either in Pisces or Aries. I'm using noon for both horoscopes in lieu of a correct birth hour, and for David, Moon in fiery Aries rather than in dreamy, compassionate Pisces. (On May 3, 1940, the transiting Moon reached Aries Point of Fame and Prominence at 8:52 am CST, and David the Libertarian has run for public office.)

Charles the elder was born with a Sun Scorpio-Moon Capricorn personality blend (Mars-Pluto; Saturn), a practical Water-Earth combination. Fanatical views both political and financial may be found within his Uranus-Pluto square (early Taurus to late Pisces, with both planets Rx and feeling their oats since 2010 via the current transiting Uranus-Pluto Cardinal Square.) Charles will be experiencing his Uranus Return around age 84, and his natal Pluto 27Can24 Rx opposes US natal Pluto 27Cap33 Rx: power v power for ultimate control.

Historical note: 1935 is the year the swastika became the official flag of Germany, and the Gallup Poll was introduced in the US.

Natal Mars @2Cap+ directs his energies and actions most efficiently and Jupiter in corporate Scorpio speaks for itself given his extreme wealth. Disruptive if restricted, Charles is actually something of a worrywart and this is born out by his Pre-Natal Solar Eclipse Series, 9 New South, with its theme of 'long term worries over loved ones or communications, or, chickens coming home to roost in relation to paperwork' (Brady.) You may remember this PE the last time it occurred on September 11, 2007, and if I had time, I'd search for what ruthless Mr. C. Koch was up to in 2007 because the info might be quite elucidating.

Public crusader Charles Koch has two apt 'Images for Integration' as given by Charles & Suzi Harvey (Sun Sign-Moon Sign): "A general leads his troops to victory...A film director plans each shot to maximize its emotional impact."

And I can't resist adding three quotes from three people who share his Sun Sco-Moon Cap blend for they might illuminate his character a bit:

"Take calculated risks. That is quite different from being rash." Gen. George Patton.

"Puritanism...helps us enjoy our misery while we are inflicting it on others." Marcel Ophuls.

"He was like a cock who thought the sun had risen to hear him crow." George Eliot (Mary Ann Evans.)

Now let's peek at David using the Venus-Mars, bulldozing Earth-Fire combo of Sun Taurus-Moon Aries. Charismatic and stubborn, this blend denotes one who has unswerving belief in himself--he's a go-getter who aims for what he wants without hesitation. Taking charge in all cooperative ventures is a talent (for those who like that sort of riding-roughshod method); domination and power are his goals. David is quite a pioneer, a trait supported by his adventurous Jupiter in Mars-ruled Aries (as is his natal Mercury.)

Yet curiously, with Saturn in Taurus, he is actually rather cautious with money, plus, he was born during a harsh Saturn-Pluto square with Pluto in very early Leo (powerful ego.)

Historical note: 1940 saw The Blitz (bombing of London and other cities), Winston Churchill became Britain's PM, and in the US Franklin Roosevelt was elected for the third time.

Now the PE for David Koch is the 14 South which last manifested on May 20, 2012 @00Gem20 (conjunct fixed star Alcyone of the Pleiades, key phrase: something to cry about; 14S's theme has a compulsively manipulative Mercury-Pluto flavor and denotes 'an obsessive idea is finally accepted' vibe (Brady.)

Perhaps you'll agree that one of the Sun Tau-Moon Aries "Images for Integration" may apply closely to the strong personality of the super rich and politically active Mr. D. Koch:

"A pirate's chest full of gold is discovered, which adds to the already vast empire of Genghis Khan." (Harvey.)

And there's only one descriptive quote from a fellow Sun Tau-Moon Aries personality that I care to type for you in this post so let's close with it since for me, it sums up a certain type of character now financially dominating US politics from the shadows--democracy and We the People be da*ned:

"Power takes as ingratitude the writhings of its victims." Rabindranath Tagore.

Yes. It certainly does.

Aug 11, 2011

"Corporations are people" w pockets, too (Mitt Romney video)

This campaign tussle starring Mitt 'corporate' Romney and a scoffing audience at the Iowa State Fair turned up today on the Thom Hartmann broadcast and I resisted placing the video here as long as I could.

Really I did!

No, really!


If you wish you may view a solar (sunrise) natal chart for second-time-around GOP candidate Mitt Romney with a few non-edited details which I posted in August 2007. See if you can spot my mention of 'pockets' then, too--deep ones!

For as you know, deep pockets are pretty much an American institution among our leaders since 1776...the Sabian Symbol for US natal Jupiter 5Can56 is '6 Cancer' = "Game Birds Feathering Their Nests"--a more poetic way of saying, Lining Their Pockets.

Feb 22, 2011

Rallies Across America: We Are All Wisconsin (2.26.11)

This pass-along arrived in a MoveOn Newsletter and it sounds like a great idea for American workers to rally this Saturday (Feb 26) in support of those in Wisconsin now on the front lines. Besides, the front lines are arriving soon to a pension or paycheck near you:

50-State Mobilization to Save the American Dream

Calling all students, teachers, union members, workers, patriots, public servants, unemployed folks, progressives, and people of conscience:

In Wisconsin and around our country, the American Dream is under fierce attack. Instead of creating jobs, Republicans are giving tax breaks to corporations and the very rich, and then cutting funding for education, police, emergency response and vital human services. The right to organize is on the chopping block. The American Dream is slipping out of reach for more and more Americans, and we have to fight back.

We call for emergency rallies in front of every statehouse this Saturday at noon to stand in solidarity with the people of Wisconsin. Demand an end to the attacks on workers' rights and public services across the country. Demand investment, to create decent jobs for the millions of people who desperately want to work. And demand that the rich and powerful pay their fair share.

We are all Wisconsin.

We are all Americans.

Add your endorsement and this Saturday we will stand together to save the American Dream.

Clicking below will add your name so you can start spreading the word:

Call for Action.

Thanks for all you do.

–Daniel, Lenore, Joan, Justin, and the rest of the team

P.S. In addition to allies like PCCC, Color of Change, CREDO Action, Democracy for America, Campaign for Community Change, National People's Action, TrueMajority, US Action, Progressive Majority, and Courage Campaign, green jobs visionary Van Jones has joined this call to action as well. His inspiring words from The Huffington Post this morning are worth quoting:

"In the past 24 months, those of us who longed for positive change have gone from hope to heartbreak. But hope is returning to America—at last—thanks largely to the courageous stand of the heroes and heroines of Wisconsin.

Reinvigorated by the idealism and fighting spirit on display right now in America's heartland, the movement for "hope and change" has a rare, second chance. It can renew itself and become again a national force with which to be reckoned.

Over the next hours and days, all who love this country need to do everything possible to spread the "spirit of Madison" to all 50 states. This does not mean we need to occupy 50 state capitol buildings; things elsewhere are not yet that dire. But this weekend, the best of America should rally on the steps of every statehouse in the union."


Further reading: It's spreading as Indiana Democrats Flee to keep from voting on the now-obvious Republican slash and burn campaign to collapse America by undermining the states.

Oct 6, 2009

Bill 'NAFTA' Clinton speaks on Jobs! video 10.5.09

Is this a joke? No, it's only Bill Clinton, the president who ushered in NAFTA and US jobs out the door, speaking Oct 5 on...wait for!

To be fair, Bill Clinton isn't solely to blame for outsourcing US jobs, closing manufacturing plants, and so forth. Corporate America's 'go cheap and sell out America' agenda had been underway for some time prior to Clinton's first term in the White House. But not only did President Clinton not stop the hemorrhaging, he sped up the flow with NAFTA - and, following Washington politics' usual 'call things the opposite of that they are and fool the fools' ploy - they called it and continue to call it - 'free' trade!

And I still say the US government has our armed forces waiting in the wings for chronically out-of- work Americans to sign up for perpetual war service. Now wouldn't that be a version of a 'jobless recovery' to die for?

Aug 18, 2007

American Corporations heart China

China Is Not the Problem

By Paul Craig Roberts

It is not China's fault that American corporations have so little regard for their employees and fellow citizens that they destroy their economic opportunities and give them to foreigners instead.