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Showing posts with label Ed Kohout. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Ed Kohout. Show all posts

Apr 30, 2024

Early America with Ed Kohout!

Saturn-Uranus: Old Order v New Order

by Jude Cowell, partisan for democracy

With ongoing challenges to our established system of government by authoritarian forces determined to topple our nation, the conflict heating to a boil as Election 2024 nears, I'm very pleased today to present gifted astrologer Ed Kohout with his thoughts regarding a question I recently posed to him concerning the Freemasonic founding of America, and whether the venerable Secret Society continues to influence our nation via current events.

Q: Ed, how do you see Freemasonry's involvement (if any) during these recent years of Uranian insurrectionists attacking The Establishment with the goal of toppling the US government, changing its form from a democratic Republic to an authoritarian dictatorship in league with foreign dictators - and is the order's influence being felt or utilized in modern-day Washington DC?

My first reply is to ask, which Freemasonry? The AFAM, the FAAM, or the Scottish Rite? Of these, the AASR (1801) is the brand that is truly only in the USA. The rest are beholden to the English and Scots-Irish realm, or the UK - the British Empire.

It's interesting because I've been meaning to get my old 2019 prediction stuff up on the blog, and I think part of the answer to "revolution" has to do with how the early "revolutionary" freemasons who took on the Crown had tapped into Plutonian energy that they could not have known to exist astrologically. Back then, they were the Uranians (upstarts), trying to do away with the Saturnians (English rule). All these years later, the upstarts are the Saturnians, and the new upstarts are the Uranians, who are basically trying to undermine the Saturnian rule of law.

In 1717, the Grand Lodge formed, and this was right before transiting Jupiter/Saturn conjoined transiting Pluto [JU/SA = PL].

In 1774 and 1775, a new [JU/SA = PL] did a triple-whammy from basically the moment the First Continental Congress warmed their seats until the battle of Bunker Hill and the "shot heard 'round the world" on April 19.

FF to 2020, and another triple-whammy of [JU/SA = PL] takes place, all during the pandemic, prompting both the overthrow (by the people) of Trump, and then the attempted Autogolpe of Trump. Trump is not just Trump, but a consortium of foreign despots and ankle-biters who want to weaken the USA and NATO because that's easier than growing more powerful on their own.

In short, Trump and his minions are pretty far away from the Masonic world, and it was the Masonic world's efforts to protect us from Trump. They were able to do this not just internally, but because the old Masonic network is truly international, and efforts to degrade the Trump regime from multiple angles went into action.

I have doubts that Modern Freemasons run the West anymore, as they have become a ceremonial relic for the most part, succumbing to bigger monied interests that can act without the Masonic networks, but we can still see their staid influence in institutions like NATO, the UN, the OAS, the FED, the CFR, and so on.

The AASR is still a formidable group, but one has to wonder if there is not a majority of its members who are sympathetic to the New Trump Order that wants to undo so many civil rights and Federal norms, them being based in the South.

By Ed Kohout, master of the pan flute.

Ed Kohout, Thank You so much. Your wider view of Freemasonry in America is, dare I say it, enlightening! And I hope readers unfamiliar with your extensive research will visit the deep-diving Occursion blog where you write intriguingly on "Hidden and Cryptic Astrological Histories."

Apr 24, 2022

The Star-Studded Founding of America

Binary star Sirius A and B; artwork; NASA, ESA and G. Bacon (STScI), Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons

April 24, 2022 Announcement:

For the curious seeker, in-depth information is now published concerning intriguing topics via Occursion Media On the DC Obelisk - Part II. Fixed stars such as Mercurial Procyon (before the dog), royal Aldebaran (The Watcher of the East; a martial star; The Follower), Sirius (the dog star; The Scorcher; the mundane becomes sacred), plus, Freemasonry, the Golden Mean, and various starry alignments of significance are included in the post - no, they are explained in the post.

Readers interested in delving into the origins of America (esoterically, historically, even mathematically) through the utilization of an astrological lens are invited to have a peek and consider cosmic synchronicities and more.

Additionally, we should note that Part III is on the drafting table as well.

Aug 11, 2016

2017's Great American Eclipse and DC's favorite sign Virgo -- Virgo as Isis

Astro-Notes Concerning Eclipses, America, and Switzerland

by Jude Cowell

This is a heads-up for those who may be interested in ancient star lore of Virgo the Virgin, Spica (celestial symbol of the Washington Monument), Scotland's Rosslyn Chapel and its Masonic Legacy, Knights Templar (who are said to have created Switzerland expressly for their banking purposes), and other esoteric topics: there is an astoundingly informative article by astrologer Ed Kohout that you may wish to check out.

But no one has to go all the way to Scotland to be in 'Rosslyn' since there's a Rosslyn, Virginia just across the Potomac from DC. Is it ironic that the 'Deepthroat' meetings that informed journalists Woodward and Bernstein about the Watergate break-in were held in a parking garage column '32', a Masonic number?

As for Campaign 2016, have you noticed how the Republican burglary of Democratic headquarters which resulted in the Watergate scandal resembles the current hacking (theft) of DNC emails? By which I imply: have Republicans enabled hackers in order to interfere with Hillary's chances for a second White House occupancy? Just wondering since America's political class is stuffed full of crooks on both sides determined to win at any cost. No dirty trick is too low for these varmints!

Related posts: Founding of the Federal City 1791 (includes DC's natal horoscope) and US Eclipse August 1776: Thor's Hammer, Isis' Key, and a Bucket (includes Leo Eclipse horoscope with themes that best describe the founding of America rather than the previous eclipse @00Pis33 which manifested prior to July 4, 1776). Also see Astro-Notes: Solar Eclipses 2015--2017.

Plus, a Coming Cosmic Event is The Great American Eclipse of August 21, 2017 @29Leo (conjunct Mr. Trump's natal Mars rising and Ascendant--with royal star Regulus -- will his "Make America Great Again" be the tragic eclipse of our nation?)

The August 2017 eclipse falls into the 1 North Saros Series and is the first repetition of the August 11, 1999 King of Alarm Eclipse (horoscope shown) associated with the Nostradamus prophecies. Substitute the word 'Terror' for 'Alarm' and we have the major theme of the New Millennium as finagled by crooked politicians and their banker enablers intent on global domination.

Remember the Bush-Cheney color alerts meant to ramp up our fear in their "war on terror"? The thuggish alerts were so ridiculed ('puce' and 'magenta' were favorites of mine) that Washington discontinued them along with 'sheets of plastic and duct tape' for our doors and windows. How the ruling class must have laughed over that silly advice which, as usual, made monkeys out of decent people and kept the ill-gained reins of control in the claws of the ruling elite.

The First 2017 Solar Eclipse Hits Switzerland's Natal Pisces Moon

A Swiss Note: the "lucky break" 19 South February 26, 2017 Solar Eclipse hits the 8 Pisces Moon in the natal 'Constitution' horoscope of Switzerland (Campion) set for September 12, 1848 11:12 LT Bern (Moon conjoins natal IC 7Pis54). This horoscope also shows that Switzerland is in process of a Uranus Return to natal degree of 21Ari26 Rx--conjunct the bankers' Pluto (27Ari34 Rx--both planets in natal 5th house and so the Uranus-Pluto conjunction is activated. Transit Uranus to natal Pluto denotes a time of abrupt changes to familiar patterns and social traditions, and a potential for disturbing situations and hidden fears which are difficult to confront for the people (Moon).

Also note that astrodatabank gives this RR:AA data for Switzerland: February 8, 1845 9:26 am GMT Bern with 3Taurus26 rising. Actually, when it comes to Knights Templar bankers setting up the place, I prefer Switzerland's natal chart of August 1, 1291 11:25:24 GMT Altdorf (Campion) with 4Sco50 rising and lots of Leo planets at Midheaven (ex: Sun-Jupiter = MC: great good fortune--Tyl).

Eclipse theme info based on Brady's Predictive Astrology.

Above collage: 'His American Majesty' by yours truly. Can you recognize the face of the crook in the center?

Feb 19, 2013

April 2013 Scorpio Lunar Eclipse to Share More Secrets and Light Our Path

by Jude Cowell

The first eclipse of 2013 is a Lunar Eclipse @5Sco45:44 on April 25, 2013 at 3:57:07 pm edt. The horoscope is set for Washington DC:

Hour Mars (@3Tau59 in 8th house); Fixed-Earth is strong and the chart is weighted on the Succedent side with balanced North-South hemispheres and an emphasis on the western side of Others-Partnerships, and possibly Open Enemies.

(Since the Moon rules ocean tides, with a Lunar Eclipse we may expect more leaks of the inconvenient kind, including hacked information--government and business.)

The trail of dispositorship leads to Venus in her own sign of Taurus (13:00 in 8th house conjunct US Inaugural Ascendants on January 20th noon in DC every 4 years); opposite the 2nd house Moon is the Sun @5Tau45:44 and Mercury 19Ari04 (degree of the Sun's exaltation) are also posited in 8th house of Debt, Credit, insurance, Shared Resources, Corporations, Transformation, Death, and the Occult--ruled here by Mars. And of course Scorpio is an occult sign with a Lunar Eclipse there denoting more secrets and scandals to unfold added to those revealed by the Solar Eclipse of November 13, 2012 @21Sco56 (the 2012 election eclipse); plus, the Nov 2012 Solar Eclipse fatefully conjoined US natal 12th cusp of Politics and Karma in the 5:10 pm 'Sibly' natal chart.

In Mundane Astrology, 2nd house represents the National Treasury and Moon there describes fluctuations, changes, and publicity, with the Moon ruling the eclipse's 11th house of Groups and Associations.

Prominent and closest planet to an angle is Jupiter @16Gem26 on the 9th house side of Midheaven (The Goal) both of which trigger the Venus Transit degree of June 2012 (paternalism, aka, the GOP's 'war on women'.)

Secretive Neptune in its own sign of Pisces, along with Chiron @12Pis38, indicates loss of jobs and employment on one level though I hope it also shows inspiration for creating jobs. Pisces is on the Descendant so there may be some confusion, even deception, is Partnerships and more problems for the US with Open Enemies, as noted above.

Then there's radical Uranus in Aries in 7th house showing disruption and unrest from partners--or from those who should be partners such as Rs and Ds 'doing the people's business' rather than working to undermine the president in an attempt to score political points in spite of how their obstructionism and hatred for Barack Obama ruins our nation and makes us look like idiotic, childish weaklings overseas. Ironic how Republicans have for decades made a big show of their concern for America's 'strength abroad'.

And since the Moon applies to conjunction with staid Saturn (2A38), Mr. Lesson Bringer has much to say about the proceedings issuing from this eclipse with chart-ruler Mercury (commerce, trade, insider trading and communications?) in Mars-ruled 8th house. Saturn and Mars are opposing one another (4A24) though the Venus-Saturn opposition is fading but 2/8 matters seem to be as stressful in late April into May as we know them to be with upcoming deadlines manufactured by radical politicians with ideological points to score and a Democratic president to foil.

Now as you know, timekeeper Saturn is one of the karmic or fated planets and when I type that I refer to reaping what was sown. His slow orbit of 28-30 years is inexorable but his reward--or the lack thereof--is sure to arrive as deserved. And fateful Pluto in Saturn-ruled Capricorn moves even more slowly but surely, permanently transforming and regenerating what he destroys ('permanent' being Saturn's word!) With the two in mutual reception and Saturn conjoining here the Ascendant in America's Scorpio Rising natal chart, 2013 is as much if not more of a watershed year for our nation as one year leads into the next. For Saturnian accountability relating to Scorpionic matters has arrived (business, money, spying agencies, occult shenanigans, etc.)

Yet motive always counts! And though the US is called "the great satan" in certain regions of the world (and drone strikes don't improve that opinion), I retain my faith in the American people as I do other populations of any nation I can name. Hierarchies tend to be what and whom I decry so with Pluto de-structuring or toppling governments and thrones the world over--and he's only just entered the 2nd decanate of Capricorn--my deepest hope is that no matter what disturbing secrets are uncovered in the coming year and how miscreants in Washington shake our trust in government, we'll depend upon decent folk to come through for one another and hold the line against corruption in high places.

And if fortune should favor us, perhaps the guardian angel nature of benefic Jupiter at MC will provide a clearer and safer path along our moonlit journey into May 2013 and beyond once Sun and Moon perfect with complete awareness across the Taurus/Scorpio axis.

For a handy list (including US planetary Return dates) try 2013 Solar and Lunar Eclipses.


For excellent Political Astrology articles based on the US Scorpio Rising horoscope, visit Neptune Café authored by master astrologer Michael O'Reilly. And do check out Ed Kohout's excellent mundane work when you get a chance!

Oct 12, 2011

Uranus to US 4th house as Anonymous says, Bankers Are the Problem (video)

So the first time I saw the film V is For Vendetta in 2006, I loved its message, its history lesson, and its insouciance. Now it's 2011 and members of the activist hacking group Anonymous have taken to wearing the oddly affecting mask from that film as in the following video.

But don't fret over the fellow's mask for it's global bankers who are at the bottom of the world's tragedies and They are the scary Anonymous says, The Bankers Are The Problem:

As it turns out, disruptive Uranus moving into America's 4th house of Domestic Scene and Homeland since 2010 and squaring powerful string-puller Pluto has brought a new era of public activism with radical, populist, grass roots, anti-corporate Uranian ideas for how our world can be rather than what plutocratic one-world-government promoters have told us it must be.

But the illuminized globalists are wrong.

So please wake up your friends and tell them the news! After all, The 5th of November rolls round again in about 3 weeks...


Scroll down the sidebar if you wish a video reminder of Bush Sr's 20-year-old freaky shout-outs for a 'New World Order' and if you type those words into the sidebar Search Field, you'll find many posts on that and similar topics, some containing quotes from public, corporate, and secret society figures touting--and revealing their own culpability--in their satanic take-over plan.

Love of money is the root of all evil. And money is what all global bankers and their minions dearly love. Mankind? Not so much.

Info Wars's Alex Jones says that Republican nom candidate for 2012, Herman Cain (once an agent for the Kansas City Federal Reserve), is backed by the (Skull & Bones) Pillsbury family! Given Mr. Cain's demonstrated globalist views, the connection doesn't surprise me one bit.

Guess that makes Herman Cain a real-life 'Dough Boy'!


UPDATE 12 noon edt: mundane astrologer Ed Kohout has alerted me to an article detailing who is paying NYC policemen to pepper spray Occupy Wall Street protesters in their faces. My fret is that more brutal tactics against peaceful demonstrators are planned by the corporate titans who run the US government.

As you know, the strong-arming of dissenting US citizens is happening on President Obama's watch-- and many if not all of those pepper sprayed for wanting improvements in America probably voted for him!

Read more here. Thanks, Ed! jc

Uranus conjunct Neptune, the Illuminati-NWO pair that last met during the Age of Reason in mid-Sagittarius, conjoined three times in 1993--at '18Cap' = POLITICAL POWER...negative manifestation: "smug or strong-armed paternalism."

And here we are.

(The Sabian Symbols in Astrology, Jones.)

Oct 8, 2011

Political Astrology, the Age of Saturn, and the elusive Rule of Law

On America's Natal Chart, Saturnalia, and Ed Kohout

by Jude Cowell

Well, once mundane astrologer Ed Kohout commented on one of my recent posts, I discovered the articles he published in December 2008 and January 2009 concerning America's odd *Sibly natal horoscope, the US Constitution, the Masonic laying of cornerstones in DC, and the significance of Fixed Star Sirius in the US natal chart, among other topics.

Now what do modern politicians in Washington mean when they tout a return to "the rule of law"? Can they really intend mankind's regression to that Saturnian Age of old? Well, America's natal Saturn is exalted in Libra, sign of the Scales of Justice and the balancing thereof.

We're still working on getting that 'balance' part down pat so perhaps it's old fashioned of Capricorn me to assume it but doesn't the US Constitution already establish America under the rule of law?

Being birthed with Saturn in Libra gives our national character a conscientious, loyal, and industrious streak so how crazy that modern politicians seem intent on causing America's downfall (natal Saturn in 10th house of the Sibly chart = fall from grace if Saturnian responsibilities are ignored as Washington GOPers and their allies are determined to do, 2011) through lack of accountability for the guilty, breaking our social safety net contract/s between the generations and dissolving public institutions, and the rampant corruption to our capitalist core of governmental, financial, and other systems.

Concerning political "rule of law" references, Harry Reid is sometimes guilty of making them but G.H.W. Bush was fond of spouting the phrase, too--I can hear him now. Especially if I scroll down this blog's sidebar and watch the video of Bush Sr calling for a New World Order with a "credible United Nations", and "the rule of law--not the law of the jungle," as Poppy threatened in 1991 (or 1990--there is some disagreement on the date of his NWO utterances.)

Or, is someone trying to hide the date of Bush's famous NWO shout-out--"Sept 11, 1991"? That's ten years to the day of their "new Pearl Harbor" event that sent America into war and perpetual occupation of the Middle East, as long-planned by global-minded Vulcans. And our troops were sent there by way of lies, as usual--half-truths used as a tool for deception. How very Machiavellian of them.

Yes, politicians' "rule of law" references point us toward the Saturnian Age, aka, the
Golden Age of ancient mythology which seems to be the level of 'reality' upon which our Washington politicians operate within their privileged Beltway Bubble, doesn't it?

As you know, it's easy to be super-idealistic when you're physically removed from the problem and from the real-world consequences which your ideologies and actions set in motion--and that other people pay for.

How appropriate that I'm typing this post on Saturday--Saturn's Day--in a word, Sabbath. For as you know, the Vatican set up their Christ's Mass--'Christmas'--to coincide with the traditional date of the Saturnalia (at Winter Solstice) so 'the church' would gain in popular appeal amongst pagans who were feasting, dancing about the place, and not contributing to the pope's coffers.

So! If you're interested in America's founding and other such historical topics as seen through the useful lens of Political Astrology, check out Ed Kohout's Emersion: An Alternative Study of Electional Astrology in Political History without Saturnian delay.

And if you haven't, a visit to the Ed Kohout website may be overdue for there you'll soon spy Ed's excellent study of the mysterious Rosslyn Chapel along with brilliant mundane articles on the Astrology of America's Masonic (and I would add, Illuminati-Sionist Rosicrucian) beginnings.


For further reading, excellent Political Astrology articles may be found @ Theodore White's Global Astrology (October 2011 Forecast now available), Michael O'Reilly's Neptune Cafe, Nancy's Starlight News, and Alex D'Atria's Political Astrology with Comet info by Mark Andrew Holmes.

Nov 18, 2009

Biden with Stewart, Spica @ Rosslyn Chapel, US natal Mercury Rx

As you know, VP Joe Biden was interesting on The Daily Show with Jon Stewart.

The Huff Po article details some of the VP's remarks and provides videos of his performance with Jon.

One thing I do whole-heartedly agree with the VP about concerning the depressing recession that crashed under Bush-Cheney and had its baton passed to Barack Obama on Jan 20, 2009, is that it is "fascinating" that people who got us into the financial stew are the ones bossing and throwing their weight around over what should be done.

It's fascinating, yes, but not as much for the reasons VP Biden implies, or suggests that I believe.

If time doesn't fleet totally away I hope eventually to study more closely the chart for the beginning of the US natal *Mercury/Pluto cycle which has the persuasive pair opposing one another in the US birth chart, with Mercury retrograde @ '25Cancer'...quoting Marc Edmund Jones:

"A Dark Shadow or Mantle Thrown Suddenly Over the Right Shoulder"...DESTINY.

positive expression: some dramatic manifestation of genius vital to the general welfare of man;

neg/unconscious/shadow side: a tendency to unwarranted presumption if not outright megalomania. (The Sabian Symbols in Astrology.)

Dane Rudhyar's '25 Can': "A Will-full Man Is Overshadowed by a Descent of Superior Power." Keynote: The response of spiritual forces to the integration of personality through positive will-full endeavors.'

(Yet one's man's will can cause another man's imprisonment. And it sounds like someone more powerful is over President Obama to me, willful though he may be. And it could be The Man Upstairs in a political and financial sense. jc.)

Rudhyar goes on to mention that 'the "mantle of power," the grace (baraka in Sufi philosophy) or the Providential assistance which can make him a true leader in his culture.

We witness a more transcendent expression of "success." It is not merely external success (as it is given by society to its prima donnas), but a spiritual response, a sign of inner strength and uncommon ENDOWMENT. (An Astrological Mandala.)

Now it's been a while since I quoted a degree from Adriano Carelli but I shall in part for '25Can' since it describes an intrinsic ingredient within America's psyche and her founding in 1776. So if America were a coconut pie, Mercury would be the_____well, you get the picture.

Not all his degree interpretations have word pictures but in The 360 Degrees of the Zodiac, Carelli gives '25Can' as "A Wild Horse" and says it relates to a "spirited being, full of noble purposes and setting his sights high, cherishing freedom above all earthly things..." He goes on to say that other stars may help him "make his mark in history" but under less favorable influence "his daring may become a reckless love of adventure, his zest for work wild and fickle fanaticism, his lofty aspirations selfish ambitions.

Travel will play a role in his life," (perhaps a pioneer), and "the secret of his success is his unshakable self-confidence supported by a fiery will."

Okay, there's the word will again - for a man or our nation. Reminds me of cults that use the 'what thou wilt' slogan to justify doing whatever they think to do - Crowley's crowd, is it? It's all quite Sun/Mars/Pluto - 'forcefully taking power' etc. And US n Sun is in Cancer, a most self-protective sign, always scuttling sideways like a crab to avoid what we don't want to confront. But give us an idea for an illegal invasion to secure oil and other resources and we're sitting on ready.

Now you may have heard that America has been accused lately of 'losing confidence' and one could suppose that a Secondary Mars turning Rx is one of the descriptors of such a change (on an inner level where self-confidence must exist), if indeed it has occurred. To me, the Fort Hood shootings seem designed for undermining our soldiers' and the public's sense of being safe on US soil inside a military facility...a loss of confidence in one's safety.

What I don't know for certain is whether the heinous crime was engineered under cover and is actually a false flag op to help make police state implementation seem more acceptable to the general populace - on US soil. It's the old political ploy 'trading security for freedoms' maze we're bedeviled with once again because politicians know we will follow them like sheep when under threat. And threats don't have to come from where we're told they come from, just manipulated against us.

Yes, the US natal Mercury, our Mercury/Pluto opposition, and Mercury's degree symbolisms (and Pluto's) are fascinating on more levels than this, but my pecking finger is just about all tucked out except for a...

Heads-Up: if you're interested in articles about Rosslyn Chapel and its Freemsonic Legacy, check out expert astrologer Ed Kohout on the subject in a 3-part article that includes the laying of the foundation stone of the Royal Observatory at Greenwich, among other fascinating and ancient things, plus a cast that includes Fixed Star Spica with Mars conjoined.

And one more note from my local evening news: Fulton County Courthouse of Atlanta is on the verge of shutting its doors, one more example of the 'the money's gone and tax revenues are down' script. Rep. John Lewis has been contacted in Washington to ask for financial aid to keep justice 'unfrozen' in Atlanta. Even divorces will be unavailable if the courthouse closes, and I know many other towns and cities are in similar straits.

Yet the same people involved in causing the financial swamp and allowing increasing job losses in the US are still on duty! Are we-the-people wacko or what? Do you think so few of us demanding accountability from our fraudsters, heisters, and crime syndicate types indicates something of a loss of confidence for the American people?


*America's Mercury/Pluto cycle begins with their conjunction of Jan 18, 1776 @ 26Cap32, where transiting midpoints Neptune/Pluto and Pluto/Chiron hang out circa 2009 with intermittent tete-a-tetes with tr Jupiter/Pluto; and of course, the degree is conjunct US natal Pluto 27Cap33 Rx; US Pluto has progressed to a 29th degree of Capricorn, a critical point in America's power developments. jc

Jun 28, 2009

America's Solar Return 2009: happy 233rd!

With the US Solar Return 2009 marking America's 233rd birthday, I've been reading quite a bit of the history of those early times to get myself revved up for this US Solar Return 2009 post. One result of my delving? See this blog's sidebar for a new link to Revolutionary War Archives' info on the 'American Revolution: 1st shot fired.' Now this post is a bit on the complex side since I often consult the so-called 'Sibly' natal chart (5:10 pm lmt) as the US birth chart, and the 'Franklin' chart (2:21 pm lmt, or 2:22 pm if you prefer; I often use it for 'secret service/agencies' issues with spying Scorpio rising) which is based on the time shown on the Independence Hall clock behind Ben Franklin on our 100-dollar bill. (Sychronistically perhaps, flip the chart to 2:21 or 2:22 am and you get Uranus 8Gem55 rising precisely, but that only muddies the "which natal chart for the US?" issue even more.) The difference between the two natal charts - one a symbolic chart involving London and astrologer Ebenezer Sibly, the other a teasing clue from astrologer Ben Franklin (who was something of a prankster in life) with the aid of the designer/s of the 20-dollar bill - results in a Solar Return alteration for the moment the Sun returns to its natal degree and minute. (Sibly Sun 13Can19; Franklin Sun 13Can13.) Using the 5:10 pm Sibly chart results in a Solar Return on July 5, 2009 at 12:58:40 am (edt) when set for the White House; the 2:21 pm Franklin chart gives a Solar Return for July 4, 2009 a 10:09:41 pm (edt) which is also set for the White House as you see in the charts' images above. Obviously the planetary signs/degrees remain basically the same in both Return charts (Moon's degrees showing the most difference because Luna moves most quickly) but the Angles (Asc/Desc; Mc/Ic) and other house cusps are different thereby placing planets in various houses between the SR charts. Chart-ruler changes as well from Aquarius' Saturn (co-ruler Uranus) to Aries' Mars, so their applying aspects are notated on the charts (click to enlarge.) 2009's SR based on the Franklin chart (natal Asc 8Sco27) has 11AQ34 rising so we always check which natal house is rising in a SR chart to see what issues (departments of life) are on the immediate menu as the Return period begins. In this case, it's the natal 3rd house of Communications, Lower Mind, Siblings, and Neighborhoods. In the Franklin natal chart (see below) Pluto 27Cap33 Rx and South Node (SN) 6AQ36 are posited in 3rd house bringing up transformational issues, plutonian controls, and past (unconscious) behaviors (SN) we'd do well to move beyond since this qualifies as neuroses that no longer bring the results wanted in current circumstances. First natal planet to rise in the SR 2009 is the 4th house Moon 25AQ28 (the people; the public; 4th house = domestic and security concerns; real estate; mining; inheritance.) 2009's SR based on the Sibly chart (natal Asc 12Sag13) has 18Ari09 rising which brings up natal 4th house (same concerns and issues as mentioned in last bit) but with natal Chiron 20Ari08 which indicates our 'inherited wound' in the pioneering and me-first departments...maybe that's one reason why America has always been gung-ho about such things. Chiron represents the unhealable wound and the blindspot, but ultimately its location may become the strongest point in any chart. After Chiron, the next natal planet to rise is Uranus 8Gem55 in 6th house of the Sibly chart, but just below the Descendant (see below.) In the last couple of years transiting asteroid Midas has been triggering America's natal Uranus, planet of disruption, rebellion, and reform. This hook-up describes just one of the facets we're dealing with in the financial sector (although I often tend to yell at Midas as the greedy gold-hoarder he is - Midas now direct 8Gem28....or rather his archetypal representative is.) A "natal echo" worth mentioning is that both SR charts show a Mercury/Pluto opposition, an aspect of busy minds always trying to consolidate and crystallize the abundant ideas within the frame of reference; there's deep curiosity about other people's secrets and their ways of thinking; corruption undermines existing circumstances; complex, incisive minds have to constantly regenerate thought patterns to facilitate proper interactions with others. (Alan Oken's Complete Astrology.) Now on the Sibly SR chart, you see marked the US Secondary Mars Rx upon the Desc of this SR ruled by Mars in Taurus in 2nd house of Earning Ability, Self-Worth, and Values. Mars is the first SR planet to rise in the Sibly SR chart as Pres. Obama continues the perpetual wars begun by Bush-Cheney...the wars that are keeping the American people from affording their own health care reforms and other needs. My intuition told me a few years ago that high unemployment rates in the US are meant to stimulate sign-ups and recruitments for wars and more wars - what do you think? Tellingly, we see that the Franklin SR chart has '1Sag' at Mc, the Goal Point of the chart...'1Sag': "A Grand Army of the Republic Campfire." That upheavals and concerns about 2/8 axis issues of Money, Credit, Corporate Profits, Insurance, Military Spending, Values, etc. will be on the US menu for the extent of the SR 2009 is obvious and we don't need a horoscope to tell us this, do we? Noted on both charts is a transiting midpoint of interest esp since the two planets - one of the past, one of the future - were in opposition on Nov 4, 2008 and will be continuing to affect US natal Mars off and on by forming a Mutable T-Square pattern with natal Mars as apex...this indicates an over-taxing of the nervous system and disruptive to the thought processes; a Mutable apex Mars shows a restless scattering of energies, diffusion, disorganization, and inconsistencies which must be directed by good planning. Finish a job before starting the next or nothing may get done! Here's the midpoint picture which the T-Square creates... Saturn/Uranus = natal Mars 21Gem+: challenges leading to a fight; upheavals through calamity or rebellion; an act of violence; accident or injury; a forced release from tensions; deprivation of freedom. Sun (the leader) is in the (Franklin) 5th house of Risk-Taking and Creativity, yet has just left the 6th house of Health, Work, and Service (and also of Servants, including military forces, police, etc.) The Sun in a Solar Return obviously highlights the issues and events of that house, and in the Sibly version of the SR, Sun is in 4th house conjunct Ic, indicating much activity at the start of the 2009 SR year...Independence Day will be a busy affair in more ways than one. The sextile (60 degr) of opportunity from Saturn 16Vir53/54 has been aiding the Sun in its work, but Saturn is moving ahead in Virgo and its sextiling rays will soon pass beyond the US natal Sun. Health care reform may pass with it (Virgo = health; Saturn = laws), for as the president has said, the reform must happen this year - or it won't. In both charts Solar Return Moon is in Sagittarius, sign of the seeker and the foreigner, so we may expect many changes (Mutable sign) in the areas of moving, relocating, long-distance travels, and re-education. The Sibly SR emphasizes the education/travel facet of this Moon since Sag is the natural sign of the 9th house. The Franklin chart has a 10th house SR Moon which emphasizes needs for recognition, opportunities for publicity, a greater need for emotional control as feelings are publicly on display; personal or family issues may come out into the open with this very public Moon; chances for career advancement tend to come from one's important associations, and errors tend to be more noticed with a 10th house SR Moon. Well, I hope you can click to enlarge the charts for readability, for this post is wumping me out (and Merlin is on TV now!) I'm fairly tuckered and must complete my remarks asap, if you will be so accommodating. Midpoint pictures should be discussed at the least, so stay tuned during the upcoming week. Here are dual images of the Sibly (upper on right) and Franklin (lower on left) natal charts for the USA so you may compare their differences and check them with the Solar Return 2009 chart/s which may be read separately as "natal chart for a year" yet ultimately should be read in tandem with the natal charts from which they are calculated. Expert astrologer Ed Kohout wrote an article which includes a list of all the known US natal charts, their creators, and more here if you'd like the list of possibilities. And check out his site when you have time to peruse at will...once there, click Mundane for political stuff including America's Masonic roots and the Fixed Star Grand Cross underpinning the US natal chart. ~:~
Update: You'll find the midpoint pictures for both US Solar Return 2009 charts posted at Jude's Threshold where you'll see that one of the SR charts has only one picture and the other has several! jc