A few basic details on Libertarian Congressman Justin Amash (uh-MOSH) are available such as his birthdate of April 18, 1980 in Grand Rapids, Michigan (hour unknown, noon is used, below). Rep. Amash is chair of the House Liberty Caucus (founded 1991) and has recently reached the top of the news heap by reading the entire Mueller Report and leaning toward the Impeach Trump side of the debate.
So a peek at Amash's natal planets in relation to those of Donald Trump's seems in order and there are several including their Mars-Mars conjunction (26Leo+). Actually, Mr. Amash was born under the sway of a trio of Mars-North Node-Jupiter Rx which conjoin the Mars-rising-with-Regulus-Ascendant trio of Trump (June 14, 1946 10:54 am est Queens, NY). The inclusion of royal Regulus (success if revenge is avoided) is interesting and we'll see if or how their pile-up expresses. Obviously success is involved for both men yet motive is everything.
Now Amash's natal Moon remained in Gemini for the entire 24-hour period so his Fire-Air personality blend of Aries-Gemini suggests a creative 'live-wire' of wit and directness. Yet rather than re-typing the same info concerning this blend, you'll find a few more details in a recent post inspired by the life and sad passing of Doris Day who was born with an Aries-Gemini personality blend herself.
As for other links between the natal planets of Trump and Amash they include:
Amash Uranus Rx @24Sco34 conjunct Trump IC (Endings; Basis of the Matter) with Uranus the planet of liberty, freedom, independence, equality, separation, disruption, progress, awakening, and revolution. Plus, sometimes hyper-aware Uranus acts as The Witness.
Amash Neptune Rx @22Sag30 conjoins Trump's problematic Moon-South-Node conjunction (Mama was distant or detached from Baby Donnie whose emotional well as an adult is a bottomless pit; please clap). Plus, this means that Amash's Neptune opposes Trump's Gemini Sun which can cause an erosion of their relationship; perhaps Mr. Amash is uninterested in becoming as dishonest as Trump and cannot approve of Trump's criminal behavior. Mercury-ruled Gemini is, after all, the sign of duplicity and tricksterism, and Amash is said to be a principled man who is transparent concerning all his votes which he explains the reasons for via Twitter. (Contrast what Trump does with his tweets.)
In addition, if born around noon, Rep. Amash's natal Moon @17Gemini conjoins Trump's natal 10th house Uranus, his 'guiding planet' of chaos, disruption, and revolutionary rule, which suggests, if so, that emotional closeness is not a feature of their relationship.
Finally, let's add Amash's Prenatal Solar Eclipse ('PE') which falls within the 18 South Saros Series @26AQ50 (conjunct US natal Moon and opposite his and Trump's 26Leo Mars positions and the trios listed, above). 18 South themes include 'endings, partings, and separations yet the new situation created tend to be positive' (Brady). An 18S eclipse last manifested on March 9, 2016 @19Pisces and the next 18S will occur on March 20, 2034 @30Pisces at Spring Equinox.