Jude Cowell, partisan for America
Today, as the "real world" process of relocating to a different apartment is ongoing, I'm publishing a second attempt at making sense of the J6 Solar Return Horoscope of January 6, 2025.
We previously discussed the upcoming J6 Solar Return Horoscope (to the 2:15 pm est "Breach!" chart which shows US 1776 Uranus ascending) here and if the horoscopes or texts then have differences or repetitions with today's effort, it's because the following horoscope was marked with my study notes without rereading the text or chart of my previous assessment:
In the above horoscope, you'll notice zealous Uranus conjunct Ascendent and the natal Midheaven of one D. Trump, plus, you see the significant Mercury-Mars inconjunction with 8th house Mercury (the voter; the votes; the counter of details) at the head of a ruthless Locomotive shape of all the planets (notes penned on chart). Meanwhile, Mars Rx is out of bounds ("OOBs") of the Earthly plane (off on his own) - at the D.A.R. position in Sabian Symbols. Yes, it's impossible to miss or to discount the titanic "win at any cost" Mars-Pluto opposition which will be operative for Election Day 2024, too.
This forceful opposition obviously hints at the GOP's strong-armed tactics intended to intimidate voters, election officials, and election workers. No normal person who cares about America's future wants Tr*mp's draconian policies, so cheating is all he's got.
Then with the chart's ruler Venus (via Tauru$ rising) unaspected, the isolated lady planet possesses unusual perpectives of a Piscean nature (compassionate and/or secretive).
Now to close this post and get back to my moving-day tasks, the 2025 Return's Sun Cap-Moon Aries duo gives a Mars-Saturn flavor to the day, and contains an apt Image for Integration (bwo the Harveys) of, "A Roman City-State Is Attacked by Barbarians, But Its Solid Walls Keep the Maurading Bandits at Bay." Great!
Incidentals in the Return chart include Jupiter Rx conjunct Midas Rx in duplicitous Gemini, and a 9th house Sun @16Cap42 opposing the natal Nemesis of Mr. T while conjoined in transit by asteroid Hopi of ambush and intolerance fame. Hopi carries a strong suggestion of prophecy bwo its Hopi Blue Star role. For more about the Hopi Blue Star please see A Georgia Guidestone Horoscope and the Hopi Prophecy of a New Age.
Thanks a bunch for reading! And share if you dare! Jude