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Showing posts with label Mars-Pluto opposition. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Mars-Pluto opposition. Show all posts

Oct 14, 2024

J6 Solar Return 2025: v2

Jude Cowell, partisan for America

Today, as the "real world" process of relocating to a different apartment is ongoing, I'm publishing a second attempt at making sense of the J6 Solar Return Horoscope of January 6, 2025.

We previously discussed the upcoming J6 Solar Return Horoscope (to the 2:15 pm est "Breach!" chart which shows US 1776 Uranus ascending) here and if the horoscopes or texts then have differences or repetitions with today's effort, it's because the following horoscope was marked with my study notes without rereading the text or chart of my previous assessment:

In the above horoscope, you'll notice zealous Uranus conjunct Ascendent and the natal Midheaven of one D. Trump, plus, you see the significant Mercury-Mars inconjunction with 8th house Mercury (the voter; the votes; the counter of details) at the head of a ruthless Locomotive shape of all the planets (notes penned on chart). Meanwhile, Mars Rx is out of bounds ("OOBs") of the Earthly plane (off on his own) - at the D.A.R. position in Sabian Symbols. Yes, it's impossible to miss or to discount the titanic "win at any cost" Mars-Pluto opposition which will be operative for Election Day 2024, too.

This forceful opposition obviously hints at the GOP's strong-armed tactics intended to intimidate voters, election officials, and election workers. No normal person who cares about America's future wants Tr*mp's draconian policies, so cheating is all he's got.

Then with the chart's ruler Venus (via Tauru$ rising) unaspected, the isolated lady planet possesses unusual perpectives of a Piscean nature (compassionate and/or secretive).

Now to close this post and get back to my moving-day tasks, the 2025 Return's Sun Cap-Moon Aries duo gives a Mars-Saturn flavor to the day, and contains an apt Image for Integration (bwo the Harveys) of, "A Roman City-State Is Attacked by Barbarians, But Its Solid Walls Keep the Maurading Bandits at Bay." Great!

Incidentals in the Return chart include Jupiter Rx conjunct Midas Rx in duplicitous Gemini, and a 9th house Sun @16Cap42 opposing the natal Nemesis of Mr. T while conjoined in transit by asteroid Hopi of ambush and intolerance fame. Hopi carries a strong suggestion of prophecy bwo its Hopi Blue Star role. For more about the Hopi Blue Star please see A Georgia Guidestone Horoscope and the Hopi Prophecy of a New Age.

Thanks a bunch for reading! And share if you dare! Jude

Jun 9, 2021

So Is AG Merrick Garland up to the task at hand?

Above Image: The US Department of Justice ('DOJ') Washington DC

Why Not Ask the Planets!

by Jude Cowell

Wednesday June 9, 2021: In today's Live broadcast of the Thom Hartmann program, Thom expressed his concerns about AG Merrick Garland, for one thing because of the recent DOJ decision to continue defending Tr*mp in the E. Jean Carroll rape case, and stated that AG Garland should leave the Department of Justice. To paraphrase Thom, "He's a nice guy but he's not up to the task." Thom also noted that some number of Tr*mp appointees remain in the DOJ, plus, Merrick Garland is a known Republican.

Thom also advanced an idea concerning events during AG Garland's brief stint as head of the DOJ: is he being bullied?

Now regular readers of SO'W may remember that yours truly is not fond of spending much time on horoscopes for which we have no accurate timing such as the case with Merrick Garland's natal chart. Born in Chicago, Illinois on November 13, 1952, Merrick Garland has a Scorpio Sun and a Libra Moon for Luna remained in Venus-ruled Libra for the entire 24-hour period. And of course, airy Libra is the sign of The Scales of Justice.

So the point of this post is that AG Garland's 'noon' position of Mars @23Cap53 reveals that the recent Mars-Pluto opposition has had his natal Mars within its forceful grip of power and control. Is he being bullied? Well, if he ever were going to be, this transit is perfect for the expression of such difficult karmic energies for any current problems may be due to actions taken in the past. Here are some possibilities:

Transit Pluto in Saturn-ruled Capricorn conjunct natal Mars suggests a period when an obsessive focus on competition may be in evidence, and may involve potentials for secrecy and deep research. Intensity affects relationships, especially with males, and there could be an unhealthy sexual involvement. Naturally, this can suggest a potential for an embarrassing scandal to turn up, plus, blackmail is always a possibility when surroundings and events involve the political realms. Physical danger and threats are potentials as well when revenge and/or anger are motivations (of his or of others toward him).

Meanwhile, transit Mars in Moon-ruled Cancer has been opposing the AG's natal Mars (efficient and exalted when in Capricorn) so a feeling of hitting his head against a brick wall may have been experienced as an equally determined show of force meets any aggression or self-will that he may have shown so that issues of wasted energy can be a result. And as you know, an opposing Mars to natal Mars can literally signify male personages in the environment, people determined to have their way at any cost. Pushy people!

Now of course, other planetary factors should be considered concerning this topic (and I would if I knew his birth time) such as his Mars squaring a natal Saturn-Neptune conjunction (social service work), plus, there's a wide opposition between his Mars and unpredictable Uranus in Cancer (is he drawn to reactionary politics of the GOP? taking uncharacteristic actions? Both? Neither?).

Even so, the forceful transiting Mars-Pluto opposition seems to me to contain monumental energies at a karmic time affecting AG Garland's planet of action, energy, and motivation, and can suggest that some form of bullying by a higher power has occurred or is occurring - either physically and/or by some form of intimidation that could risk the wellbeing of his daughter or another family member. After all, transit Mars is in Cancer, sign of The Family and of 'patriotism' and take-no-prisoners nationalism.

You may also wish to see Merrick Garland: Sun Scorpio-Moon Libra with Scorpio ruled by Mars, 'co-ruled' or at least influenced by powerful Pluto. And here's the DOJ 1934 Dedication Horoscope along with the agency's Progressed New Moon of August 2020.

Nov 16, 2017

The Mars-Pluto Opposition of Judge Roy Moore

If you've ever dealt with a person born during a Mars-Pluto opposition phase you probably felt the extremity of this difficult aspect in that person's psyche. The man in the news at the moment for alleged sexual misconduct is Alabama's Roy Moore who may become a Capitol Hill senator thanks to an empty seat left when Mr. Trump tapped Jeff Sessions as Attorney General of the United States.

Now we've already discussed the 'noon' natal chart of Roy Moore with Mars and Pluto across the Leo-AQ self-will axis but since his alleged unfit condition for the US Senate is much in the news along with the past aggressive sexual encounters reported by several women who were then in their teens, let's consider more closely what it means to be born with testosterone-driven Mars opposing powerful sex fiend Pluto, the abductor. As always, the potentials for this aspect in a natal chart are not written in stone and may be transcended by the mature individual if he or she so desires (a Mars word!) Yet this Scorpionic opposition may be one of the most difficult to control. (Alan Oken calls it a 'win at any cost' aspect that tends to use more force than is necessary and is often brusque or irritable when dealing with others.)

First, the Mars-Pluto pair when energies are combined indicates potentials for brutality, aggression, and 'superhuman power' along with the negative connotation of 'violent assaults, injuries' (Ebertin). Now such strength could have remained within Moore's chosen career field expressing much control and power within law enforcement and/or military service, but the Mars-Pluto duo on a personal level is problematic unless its primal energies are successfully channeled into positive pursuits. Yet the possibility of sexual deviancy and/or addiction, or even a rapist mentality, cannot be ruled out (Pelletier).

Mars opposing Pluto denotes one with a defiant attitude toward the results of his own aggression. Others don't feel as strongly and he may actually be surprised by the reactions of others to his aggression. This week we see Mr. Moore's defiance reported in the news and in fact, his personal lawyer, Trenton Garmon (see TYT video, below) is now attempting to defend Moore on CNN with Don Lemon and in other interviews. So far not so good.

With Mars-Pluto, an intense, strong sexual nature is apparent and can cause rifts in personal relationships; personal magnetism is indicated and may be used to gain control over others. Personal affairs are certain to be impacted by an incorrect use of Mars-Pluto's destructive energies when they could instead be used to better the lives of others via social concerns while acting within a broader religious context. He does purport himself to be religious in an Old Testament way, doesn't he? Does he fancy himself a preacher? Sometimes in speeches he sounds like it although no one religious that this particular Christian knows would ever try to blend Politics with Religion for they're like oil and water. Then again, I'm a Georgia native with Virginia roots and have never had a reason to visit the state of Alabama in my life! (It's probably a personal failing on my part though.)

So naturally, Judge Roy Moore's career has involved themes such as violence and criminality and his Mars-Pluto opposition fits in perfectly with these themes and probably helped inspire him to go into crime-related fields--impelled him, I suspect. Yet how this destructive energy with its Scorpionic 'Underworld' vibes will be used and felt on Capitol Hill and across the nation if Roy Moore attains a seat in the US Senate will be a tale for another post that I will not be looking forward to typing.

Perhaps the transiting square between Mars and Pluto which perfects on Sunday November 19th will increase pressure on the Republican candidate and some sort of resolution will occur, forced though it will most likely be.

Now you may wish to check out a TYT segment: Roy Moore Got the Most Racist Lawyer He Could Find:

Video link via The Young Turks Network, an independent news source.

Plus, Salon's Matthew Sheffield has posted GOP's Roy Moore dilemma reflects a much bigger crisis for conservative politics (article with video).

Feb 28, 2008

Mar 7: Mars opposes Pluto at World Points

Setting the chart for Washington DC, the upcoming opposition between Mars 00Can58 and Pluto 00Cap58 occurs from 3:35 am est until 4:45 am est, March 7, 2008.

The combo of Mars/Pluto is full of extreme force, persuasion, and excessive effort, and may have elements of brutality and ruthlessness to it.

Their last opposition in late Gem/Sag occurred in early April, 2006, so we may see issues resurfacing from that time period. Then the oppo was Mutable, now it will be Cardinal, a different type of energy...the first, changeable, the second initiating.

And for 2008, their opposition is occurring directly upon the World Points of the Cancer/Capricorn axis, aka the security and parental axis.

Events seem to manifest on the world stage when these Points are stimulated (as with 00Aries/00Lib); this axis also relates to business, law, politics--and to the domestic scene, and perhaps to oceans (Cancer, the Crab.)

Natural disasters cannot be ruled out here, for explosive Mars/Pluto contains massive amounts of power which must manifest somewhere.

And the March 7th Mars/Pluto opposition will be squaring the US natal Mc/Ic axis, if you don't mind using the US 'Sibly' chart for July 4, 1776, 5:10 pm lmt...not a comforting thought, is it?

One association of Mars/Pluto is people disabled in war , and another is piece-workers being paid overtime. (Ebertin.) Sports figures also relate to the Mars/Pluto combination, as well as zealots and fanatics. Those come on all sides.

Plus, one doesn't like to mention the N word in this context, but Nuclear energy may be on the menu, hopefully only as a discussion topic--but just as likely as a threat or a shady backroom deal.

The March 7 chart set for Washington has the opposition beginning with Pluto in 12th house of behind-the-scenes, and Jupiter 16Cap41 rising--one degree before the NWO degree, "18Cap" where the Great Uranus/Neptune Conjunction occurred in Oct 1993 with its "smug and strong-armed paternalism."

And during the hour and 10 minutes of this aspect, the plutocratic Pluto/Chiron midpoint rises.


Mars opposite Pluto will be happening during the Balsamic phase of the Moon--the dark phase when shenanigans can be hidden from view, yet somehow portents seem to indicate that Mars/Pluto wants to be known upon the world stage.

Yes, March 7, 2008 will be here quicker than a nuclear-powered bunny, so I'm wishing safety for the whole world, because most people are decent and kind, and know that violence is never the answer, and is only useful for opening the world's uglier cans of worms. Haven't we had our craws full of that?