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Showing posts with label J6 Solar Return 2025. Show all posts
Showing posts with label J6 Solar Return 2025. Show all posts

Oct 14, 2024

J6 Solar Return 2025: v2

Jude Cowell, partisan for America

Today, as the "real world" process of relocating to a different apartment is ongoing, I'm publishing a second attempt at making sense of the J6 Solar Return Horoscope of January 6, 2025.

We previously discussed the upcoming J6 Solar Return Horoscope (to the 2:15 pm est "Breach!" chart which shows US 1776 Uranus ascending) here and if the horoscopes or texts then have differences or repetitions with today's effort, it's because the following horoscope was marked with my study notes without rereading the text or chart of my previous assessment:

In the above horoscope, you'll notice zealous Uranus conjunct Ascendent and the natal Midheaven of one D. Trump, plus, you see the significant Mercury-Mars inconjunction with 8th house Mercury (the voter; the votes; the counter of details) at the head of a ruthless Locomotive shape of all the planets (notes penned on chart). Meanwhile, Mars Rx is out of bounds ("OOBs") of the Earthly plane (off on his own) - at the D.A.R. position in Sabian Symbols. Yes, it's impossible to miss or to discount the titanic "win at any cost" Mars-Pluto opposition which will be operative for Election Day 2024, too.

This forceful opposition obviously hints at the GOP's strong-armed tactics intended to intimidate voters, election officials, and election workers. No normal person who cares about America's future wants Tr*mp's draconian policies, so cheating is all he's got.

Then with the chart's ruler Venus (via Tauru$ rising) unaspected, the isolated lady planet possesses unusual perpectives of a Piscean nature (compassionate and/or secretive).

Now to close this post and get back to my moving-day tasks, the 2025 Return's Sun Cap-Moon Aries duo gives a Mars-Saturn flavor to the day, and contains an apt Image for Integration (bwo the Harveys) of, "A Roman City-State Is Attacked by Barbarians, But Its Solid Walls Keep the Maurading Bandits at Bay." Great!

Incidentals in the Return chart include Jupiter Rx conjunct Midas Rx in duplicitous Gemini, and a 9th house Sun @16Cap42 opposing the natal Nemesis of Mr. T while conjoined in transit by asteroid Hopi of ambush and intolerance fame. Hopi carries a strong suggestion of prophecy bwo its Hopi Blue Star role. For more about the Hopi Blue Star please see A Georgia Guidestone Horoscope and the Hopi Prophecy of a New Age.

Thanks a bunch for reading! And share if you dare! Jude

Sep 30, 2024

George Washington's Cosmic Ascension - and Donald's?

by Jude Cowell, partisan for the common good

The famous fresco painted by Constantino Brumidi, The Apotheosis of George Washington, was completed in the eye of the dome of the Capitol Building rotunda on Jupiterian Capitol Hill in 1865. Now, with the ongoing attempt to morph Trump into "The Chosen One" by his nibs himself and by reckless religious types whose goals are power, control, and extreme wealth, it's not much of a stretch to imagine the 1865 rotunda dome fresco suddenly updated to "uplift" Herr T as the rightful star of the mythological panoply - if he and his comrades manage to finagle the White House in November.

A (Death) Cult of Personality to Idolize

Vengeful Donald and his brutal purging agenda they call Project 2025 (a blueprint for fascism) cannot win the popular vote but the confusion now being sown in the states is how they intend to "justify" the 2024 election results being tossed to the House of Representatives for a decision. If so, each state would have one vote and thanks to gerrymandering and other tactics, there are more red states than blue in 2024. Of course, the win-at-any-cost Maga plan echoes the chicanery that put Rutherford B. Hayes in the White House.

Bi-Wheel of Natal Charts: Washington (center) and Trump (outer)

As you see, there are planetary contacts containing potentials between their charts including: Jupiter-Pluto (a thrust for power; building the big picture; establishing new perspectives; keeping in control), Jupiter-Neptune (the grand spirit; idealism; feeling special; religiousness; tricky legalisms; scandal), Mars-IC (change of status; recognition for one's basic qualities), and their Nodal Axes in opposition, denoting the separation of years between them (1732--1946), and their opposing goals and/or directions - across the Gemini-Sagittarius polarity (Mercury-Jupiter: thoughts about the spirit).

(See Noel Tyl's book, Solar Arcs for more details on planetary pairs #ad.)

Now if their Nodal opposition means that Washington's direction was upward, while Trump's is downward, this makes sense to me if not to you! After all, Donald is a scoundrel, liar, and a predator, while George Washington valued integrity and was born with the Sun in the sign of the Two Fishes (depicted in pencil above), one swimming upward toward the heights, the other swimming downward into the depths of degradation. To me this signifies that if an apotheosis should ever be attempted for America's Albatross, it will be fraudulent.

An Honorable President vs The Other Kind

And so at least one cosmic time link exists between what the Aryan Magas are trying to do with Election 2024 - and it's what they had planned for Election 2020 (Peter Navarro called it The Green Bay Sweep) but oops! Trump's mob outside the Capitol Building breached the Masonic edifice on January 6, 2021 and Donald's Maga coup attempt went haywire. For hours later, the Electoral College Votes were certified for President Joe Biden after all, and Donald has been pouting, whining, and lying ever since.

For he must condition his gullible voters for more whoppers to come and the unquestioning acceptance of the underhanded tactics that are necessary to steal Election 2024 for god-in-his-own-mind, the kingly dictator wanna-be, Donald Trump - as he continues promoting the primal violence and retribution of Pluto of the Underworld across the land.

And across George Washington's natal Midheaven where this particular Daughter of the Revolution asserts it does not belong.

A Previous Yet Related Post: The J6 Solar Return for 2025 with its forceful Mars-Pluto opposition and transit Pluto conjunct the natal Midheaven, the Point of Aspiration and Public Status, of the ascended George Washington whose cult of personality lives on and on and on.

Aug 2, 2024

Is Election 2024 a Jupiter Return to Election 2012?

by Jude Cowell, partisan for democracy

Above cameo: Jupiter; thanks to NASA

Knowing that the orbit of planet Jupiter takes close to 12 years to complete, the cyclical return of Jupiter to a certain Zodiacal position takes about that long. And since Election 2012 was the successful re-election of President Barack Obama and VP Joe Biden, Election Year 2024 carries the cosmic imprint of a Jupiter Return to Election Year 2012. By a difference of one day, the 2012 Election was held on November 6th with Jupiter @14Gem33, and as you know, this year the Election is on November 5th with Jupiter Rx @20Gem06.

So we can see that The Jolly One has moved on by about 6 degrees from his 2012 position - similar to the way the American people have moved beyond grumpy old man Trump the frowny sour puss - and forward to the easy laughter and stellar political skills of VP Kamala Harris who believes in a progressive future for our country, not a dark past irrationally revisited under the yoke of a death cult.

For as you know, on November 5th our choice is between young vs old, future vs past, light vs dark, life vs death, folks! And a victorious Kamala Harris as President will need down-ballot victories, too, in both House and Senate in order to correct mistakes and move America toward the future. By Zoom call, VP Harris has accepted the Democrats' nomination and says she will officially accept next week at the DNC 2024, an event which will be cosmically imprinted by an Aquarian Full Moon.

In case you missed it, check out Thom Hartmann's overview of Trump entering his Fat Elvis phase of trying to recapture his faded glory. And of course, "fat" is a Jupiterian descriptor, plus, albatrossian Trump was born under a 2nd hou$e Stationary Jupiter in Libra with its constant refrain of, "it's not fair!," along with a hefty urge to break through boundaries including the boundaries of others.

Now if you wish, refresh yourself with details concerning Election 2012 held, as noted, on November 6, 2012 with Jupiter Rx @14Gem33. In 2024, the Election occurs on November 5, 2024 with Jupiter Rx clocking in @20Gem06.

And if out of curiosity, we search for the 2012 Election's Jupiter Return in 2024 we find three dates: 1. August 1st (yesterday!); 2. December 20, 2024 (see below); and 3. March 22, 2025, about one day after Spring Equinox 2025 (post with horoscope coming soon).

Now obviously, Mercury-ruled Gemini is the fluid Mutable (changeable) sign of communications, trade and commerce, thinking, teaching and learning, voting, decisions, travel, trickery, lies, theft, and a multiplicity of other things, while Jupiter operates in the realms of expansion, generosity, freedom, finances and banking, corporatism, politics, ideology, religion, law, justice, ethics, morality, civil service, and the list goes on.

Yet with transit Jupiter retrograde until October 9, 2024, we should add that today's news concerns what is now a softening of the US economy (ex: jobs numbers are down) as Republican Fed head Jerome Powell keeps interest rates up which continues helping Trump "win" in November. Finagling a recession in the US would make victory more difficult for VP Kamala Harris, but not impossible.

And so when Jupiter lumbers through Gemini - opposite Sagittarius, the sign it rules - we expect versatility, a variety of changes, making lots of contacts and connections, an obliging manner, an emphasis on those with carefree attitudes, but also a potential for superficiality, often a feature of skim-the-surface Gemini.

Then as Campaign 2024 trundles on, we're being "treated" to expansive fibs and fantasies from those who use deception and gaslighting (trickster Mercury ruling duplicitous Gemini) in order to achieve their take-over objectives and this identifies the win-at-any-cost crowd of cheaters and election fixers.

Meanwhile, in the context of the 2012 Election, we know that it was a Blue Wave of Democrats and Independentswho voted to re-elect President Obama and VP Biden so to avoid the tyrannical agenda of radical Republicans in November 2024 into 2025, a Blue Tsunami is needed to wash the dark-visioned saboteurs, including Fat Elvis, out to sea!

In closing, related posts include the Solar and Lunar Eclipses Pre-Election 2024 (that's 8 South, the Saros Series into which Fed head Jerome Powell was born in 1953, so is he one of the anti-democracy operators who works to activate 8 South's themes of loss and separation against the US economy, and thus against American Democracy?

Pertinent for our nation is the January 3rd 119th Congress Horoscope with the North Node of future direction conjunct the Aries Point of World Events.

Then there's the J6 Solar Return 2025 Horoscope which perfects on January 6, 2025, the very day that the US Congress is scheduled to count and certify the 2024 Electoral College Votes as in 2021. Notable is that the Jupiter Return date of December 20, 2024, mentioned above, falls within December 17th when electors vote in the states and December 25th, the latest day that electoral college votes must be received by the President of the Senate and the Archivist as we see listed on the 2024 Electoral College Vote Timeline.

Dear reader: If you'd like to encourage more posts such as this, why not Buy Me A Coffee - and my sincere Thanks to all who do! jc

May 8, 2024

A J6 Solar Return Horoscope for 2025

A Forewarned Is Forearmed SO'W Post

by Jude Cowell, partisan for democracy

A topic of discussion for political pundits these days is that Donald and his never-give-up comrades are likely to be planning another J6-style coup attempt of the US government which may include violence, so I set up the J6 Solar Return Horoscope for 2025 to see what we could see.

Instead of a physical attack, cyber warfare is a likely method of taking control (ex: Election 2024), or, some virulent combination of physical and cyber may be under consideration by these win-at-any-cost ruffians and thugs. In addition, it remains uncertain if stolen documents are being held over certain heads in order to force Donald's will for power and retaliation upon our country - in other words, to force his way back to the power that nests within the White House, thus pleasing his foreign bosses, comrades, and financiers.

Potentially, a second coup attempt could occur in 2024, of course, but let's focus on the 2025 Solar Return ("SR") of the Breach! J6 Horoscope (with US 1776 Uranus rising at 2:15 pm est when the Capitol Building was breached: Uranus = shock, revolt, and/or assault) for the chart shows us the planetary energies in play on the day of the 2021 coup attempt's 4th anniversary, January 6, 2025, at the very moment the Sun returns to its J6 position in 2021. No, I'm not saying that this is the exact day that saboteurs may take further action against America, however, the 2025 Return Horoscope merely symbolizes possibilities and trends of such anti-government behavior.

Mars-Pluto: Force, Brutality, Atomic Energy; Uranus-ASC: Upsets, Excitement

The current Mars-Pluto Cycle (use of force; violent measures) began on February 14, 2024 @00AQ46. What must be mentioned is the Mars-Pluto opposition which is Angular (prominent - like a Full Moon phase in their cycle), and radical zealot Uranus Rx rising - doubly Angular for it lands upon the natal Midheaven ('MC') of Mr. Trump indicating a potential for a major job change (Uranus-ASC = n MC); this is if his fascist authoritarian dream of dystopia comes true, or if he's somehow knocked out of the running and must make other arrangements:

ASC 23Tau52 makes unaspected Venus in Pisces the chart-ruler with unusual perspectives, lack of self-control, an impressionable nature, and isolation (R. Ebertin) more or less in charge. At MC, the Goal Point, we find manipulative, wealthy Pluto in Aquarius with exaggerated plans for reform, or, popular plans for bringing folks together as a community. Obviously, this depends on who manages to nab the presidency in November 2024. Also of note: mundane Pluto can wear a variety of hats including that of The Pope, the spy, and/or the assassin.

The Solar Return Sun and Moon

Sun @16Cap41 conjuncts asteroid Hopi, known for its association with ambushes and prejudice, while the Sun applies twice: 1. square Chiron which spotlights a potential for gaining center stage by a restless character, and 2. trine Uranus which implies technological cooperation, and novel or unusual ideas and methods. Notably, the J6 Sun also opposes the natal Nemesis (16Can40) of Herr Trump which may symbolize little more than his nibs' challenge to national leadership and his determination toward retribution for his loss.

When a Solar Return Moon is in Aries, a new element can be expected within the environment, and heading in a new direction is indicated (C. Teal). However, the square from the Capricorn Sun shows conflict through insensitive or arrogant people making unrealistic demands that interrupt or interfere with our druthers. In 12th house, a SR Moon suggests a period of reflection, recuperation, or possibly confinement. The Moon-Chiron conjunction places an emphasis on patriotism, while the Moon-Jupiter sextile offers assistance and a ray of hope (A. Oken).

As for J6 SR 2025's Earth-Fire Sun Capricorn-Moon Aries blend of conscious and unconscious energies, its "Image for Integration" tells a tale all its own:

"A Roman City-State Is Attacked by Barbarians But Its Solid Walls Keep Marauding Bandits At Bay" (The Harveys). Well, it worked before, may it do so again!

Meanwhile, orating Mercury, the messenger planet in late Sagittarius is the ruthless executive leading a Locomotive shape of planets and in Jupiter-ruled Sag may denote the rhetoric of a religious figure (real or imagined). Provocation, aggressive language, and abuse are in the mix via the Mercury-Mars inconjunct, and the aggression could possibly transfer energies into physical activities, or enthuse others into taking action. Additionally, the deceptive, fantasy-prone, skewed perceptions of the Mercury-Neptune square echo the same square in the natal chart and psyche of malicious schemer, Herr Trump.

Activist Mars @The Foundation

Significantly, warrior planet Mars @30Cancer ("A Daughter of the American Revolution") is out-of-bounds ('OOBs') so who knows what he (or she!) is up to off on his/her own yet can also represent foreign actors as can ivory tower Pluto in 9th house of Foreign Lands and Legal Affairs. My suspicion is that outside agitators should be expected to enter our domestic scene (IC) in order to participate, a ploy we've already seen in current campus upheavals, and have experienced in the past (ex: DNC 1968 Chicago).

The Love of Money Is the Root of All Evil

Financial indicators (exs: embezzlement; foreign raids; more tax breaks; bribery) are bunched around the 2nd cusp of the National Treasury and Earning Ability and include Jupiter, gold-hoarding Midas, and Cupido, asteroid of Corporatism, The Syndicate, the mafia, and/or 'The Family' (also a reference to the power-craving "religious" fundamentalist group in DC that journalist/author Jeff Sharlet has written about and which was made into a Netflix documentary). Then on a more positive note, US employment numbers may continue to impress!

The Jupiter-Saturn Cycle Squared

As you know, their 20-year cycle began with the Conjunction of December 21, 2020 @00AQ+ (conjunct the current Mars-Pluto Cycle @00AQ+), and it would take an additional post for more than a mention of the Jupiter-Saturn Cycle once January 6, 2025 rolls around. For as you see, generous Jupiter in Gemini (Rx until early February 2025) and restrictive Saturn in Pisces (conjunct the Republican Party's 1854 Neptune in mid-Pisces: the grim face of reality transit) are at a square stage of blockages and obstacles. Specifically, we may expect projects to begin before previous projects end, some financial imbalance, and of course, there's the pair's typical association in government of checks and balances which could be part of this picture especially considering the afore-mentioned marauding bandits in the form of the seditious saboteurs, foreign and domestic, who continue to afflict the US government - our government.

Well, there you have my look at the J6 Solar Return Horoscope for 2025. Other planetary factors exist which may stand out more clearly to you, or which may take precedence as we approach Election 2024 and enter the New Year. A variety of transits and progressions will certainly change the cosmic picture substantially along with events as-yet unknown, so let's keep our chins up, our eyes peeled, and fervently hope that our solid walls hold as needed, shall we?

Related posts include: America, Neptune-Pluto, and Organized Crime and The 119th Congress Opens (January 3, 2025 horoscope shown).