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Showing posts with label Jupiter-Pluto square. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Jupiter-Pluto square. Show all posts

Oct 30, 2023

Trump Org Testimony w Trump natal: Anger and Obligations

by Jude Cowell, partisan for democracy

In case Donald Trump shows up in Judge Engoron's courtroom on Monday November 6, 2023 for the Trump Org fraud trial, below is Trump's natal horosope (inner) surrounded by the transiting planets on November 6th at the speculative hour of 10:00 am EST.

Study notes for your consideration are squooshed upon both charts and, as you see, certain planets are angular such as: Moon conjunct his natal ASC and Mars: anger; frustration; publicity, Saturn, karmic planet of legalisms, conjunct his natal Descendant: obligations, Uranus conjunct his natal Midheaven: change of status and/or career, and testifying Mercury, planet of meetings and investigations, conjunct his natal IC at the "An X-Ray" degree (Trump under scrutiny; housing issues):

Also notable is the exact square (blockage) from Jupiter Rx @10Tauru$ to his natal 12th house Pluto @10Leo (00A00), a karmic indicator when at the same degree. This suggests that Trump's influence isn't what it used to be (see lower left corner), and in general a Jupiter-Pluto square is the mark of The False Prophet (A. Oken).

Plus, transit Pluto remains within a 5-degree orb of opposition to both his Saturn and Venus in Cancer which denotes unfavorable legal matters, challenges to traditions and priorities, and an altered lifestyle with fewer options than before. Additionally, compulsory detention is not completely out of the question (Nov 6th: Pluto = Saturn-ASC) but because this is a civil trial, detention cannot result from this legal situation unless it comes from the breaking of a gag order (yet again).

However, bad news and a mournful situation will likely result from the proceedings with the transiting Mars-Saturn midpoint @8Capricorn (the 'death axis'--R. Ebertin) opposing Trump's natal Mercury @8Cancer if the opposition is strong enough to significantly affect conditions.

Related: Saturn in Pisces Turns Direct: Trump Trial Testimonies Scheduled.