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Showing posts with label Saturn in Pisces. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Saturn in Pisces. Show all posts

Oct 20, 2024

VP Kamala Harris Turns 60 today!

October 20, 2024: Happy Birthday to VP Kamala Harris who turns 60 years old today!

Below you see her stand-alone Solar Return 2024 Horoscope. The chart is symbolically set for Washington DC since she lives there at the Naval Observatory as Vice President, and is in process of campaigning and traveling the country to and fro.

Now recently we discussed the Solar Return 2024 Horoscope of our current VP and 2024 presidential candidate Kamala Harris (her natal chart shown surrounded by that of Fox's Bret Baier, and you know how that interviewus interruptus turned out.

So by reader request, here's a stand-alone version of the Solar Return 2024 Horoscope for VP Kamala Harris sprinkled with a few of my study notes:

As you see, the Sun Libra-Moon Gemini Solar Return blend is a double Air combo with lots of plans and ideas; a reasonable, civilized, and logical communicator and thinker (-The Harveys). This blend of conscious-unconscious energies tends to soar toward ideals that build social and political structures and systems which are positive for humankind if implemented. I say, let her!

Not listed on the chart is the Vertex of fated encounters which lands @19Leo40 in Return House 7 of Alliances and Partnershps. Meanwhile, Return Saturn @13Pis15 is a significant troublemaker for her from now until her 61st birthday: restrictive, depressive Saturn is in Return 2nd hou$e of the National Treasury and squares Return Moon (obstacles; limitations) with Luna conjunct transit Midas of gold-loving fame. Therefore, financial matters are obviously a trouble spot with Congress in charge of the purse strings, and certain operatives working to collapse the US dollar into worthlessness so that the elusive "crypto-currency" appears to be a workable solution rather than the scam and ruse that it is.

After all, turning illusion into reality will be quite a magical feat with an abundant amount of deception required. Beware!

Then of interest is Return Saturn's rounded-up degree in Sabian Symbols: "A Lady in Fox Fur" which likely indicates Fox "News" propaganda about her on into 2025 but also suggests VP Harris' recent "out-foxing" of Bret Baier, as linked above. Also interesting is the fact that the ongoing transit of Saturn in Pisces has been landing off and on upon the Republican Party's 1854 Neptune which, as you know, is the "grim face of reality" transit that brings Saturnian reality to stomp on Neptunian deceptions, fantasies, and illusions - "The Big Lie" included.

And boy, do they - and We The People - need it.

A Related Post: Karmic Saturn in Karmic Pisces Until 2026.

Sep 4, 2024

Pluto in Capricorn: Dictators and Post Liberals

by Jude Cowell, partisan for the common good

Much is explained concerning current affairs and authoritarian saboteurs in an informative article in The Dispatch: Post Liberalism. And as astrologers know, and fabled astrologer Reinhold Ebertin confirms, Pluto in Saturn-ruled Capricorn is The Dictator placement so it's no comfort that transit Pluto Rx left Aquarius and stepped a claw back into Capricorn on Sunday September 1, 2024, with Capricorn being the sign of government, law, business, investment, leadership - and (a potential for) world government.

Significantly, September 1, 2024 also timed a New Moon @11Vir04 at 9:58 pm ET, plus, it was Labor Day 2024 in the US which signaled the official beginning of Campaign 2024.

So for curiosity's sake, below you see a DC Horoscope of the very first moment (according to my SolarFireGold v9.27 software) that Pluto backed into Capricorn @29:59:59 at 7:57:26 pm edt on September 1st. For obvious reasons, the horoscope is set for Washington DC and shows subversive Neptune rising in 1st house at a critical 29th degree of shady Pisces, sign of the ocean, other bodies of water, marine creatures - and the Blue Tsunami of voters needed for best results on November 5th:

Meanwhile, transit Neptune remains conjoined with fixed star Scheat which suggests such events as weather disasters, drownings, or erosion. We've seen such events featured in the news with Scheat known as a star of misfortune when configured with malefic planets.

Then Jupiter, planet of codified religion, rules the chart's Ascendant (what?) and Midheaven (why?) as authoritative Saturn in Pisces rises - not the best placement for old man Saturn, planet of legalities, limits, blockages, restriction, responsibility, and authenticity. A potential for conflicts with opponents also applies to this placement, a clear reference to Campaign 2024 and the upcoming Harris-Trump Debate scheduled for September 10th, assuming that the old man shows up.

Must The Roman Empire Come Again?

Actually, the Roman Empire never ended, but morphed into the Catholic Church and remains submerged within the darkened chambers of Vatican City (horoscope linked, below). Despising America's Enlightenment principles, it's the religious rule of government model the saboteurs and seditionists are attempting to establish in the US. We experienced this negative energy on one level via their "anti-woke" campaign.

Then as Campaign 2024 trundles along and with US Election 2024 approaching, there's a lifelong predatory criminal running to stay out of prison who aspires to be dictator of America - in essence, a "divine-right" monarch, untouchable by law, and intending to restore a new, or perhaps an old, monarchy as in Europe (for background see The Dispatch linked, above) - and in total defiance of the Magna Carta, the scaffold of civilization.

Yet co-dictatorship with The Vatican must be part of their longed-for theocratic agenda of authoritarianism with enforced worhip on Sunday a major objective of their dream of "world government." Perhaps you've heard that when enforced observance on Sunday is implemented, it's the "mark of the beast" appearing to oppress and control. For it's all about timing, as you know.

Now to close this fussy post, here's Roman Empire: Birthday of a New Order, plus, you may wish to view the 1929 Horoscope of The Vatican City State. Or not. Because as always, it's completely up to you! jc

Image: Neptune Ascends; pencil on paper; jc

Nov 13, 2023

Volcano Watch in Iceland

Taurus Uranus-Pisces Saturn: Tectonic Shifts

by Jude Cowell, partisan for the comon good

A variety of news sources are reporting on the potential volcanic eruption expected in Iceland specifically for the small coastal town of Grindavik and a state of emergency was issued November 10, 2023. For more details see Iceland braces for a potential volcanic eruption: what is likely to happen and what are the risks?

Being only mildly versed in Astrometeorology, I'll simply publish here for your consideration the two horoscopes for Iceland which appear in Campion's The Book of World Horoscopes (#ad), and which may be handy for future reference.

Meanwhile, I shall add the good people of Iceland to my Piscean Moon's list of folks to be concerned about along with the victims of the multiple traumatic events occurring around the globe.

Iceland legal sovereignty 1918 (lower left) and Iceland Republic Proclaimed and Announced 1944 (upper right); a few study notes are penned on including today's positions of Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto with earthy Taurus and watery Pisces standing out although Mars in its own intense sign of Scorpio, Neptune in its own oceanic sign of Pisces, and Pluto in earthy Capricorn are worth keeping an eye on:

A Related Post: The Saturn-Neptune Conjunctions of 1989 and 2026; notably, the conjunction of February 20, 2026 occurs upon the Aries Point suggesting significant world events and, according to Reinhold Ebertin, there may be an element of hysteria developing in certain locations.

Forewarned is forearmed.

Oct 30, 2023

Trump Org Testimony w Trump natal: Anger and Obligations

by Jude Cowell, partisan for democracy

In case Donald Trump shows up in Judge Engoron's courtroom on Monday November 6, 2023 for the Trump Org fraud trial, below is Trump's natal horosope (inner) surrounded by the transiting planets on November 6th at the speculative hour of 10:00 am EST.

Study notes for your consideration are squooshed upon both charts and, as you see, certain planets are angular such as: Moon conjunct his natal ASC and Mars: anger; frustration; publicity, Saturn, karmic planet of legalisms, conjunct his natal Descendant: obligations, Uranus conjunct his natal Midheaven: change of status and/or career, and testifying Mercury, planet of meetings and investigations, conjunct his natal IC at the "An X-Ray" degree (Trump under scrutiny; housing issues):

Also notable is the exact square (blockage) from Jupiter Rx @10Tauru$ to his natal 12th house Pluto @10Leo (00A00), a karmic indicator when at the same degree. This suggests that Trump's influence isn't what it used to be (see lower left corner), and in general a Jupiter-Pluto square is the mark of The False Prophet (A. Oken).

Plus, transit Pluto remains within a 5-degree orb of opposition to both his Saturn and Venus in Cancer which denotes unfavorable legal matters, challenges to traditions and priorities, and an altered lifestyle with fewer options than before. Additionally, compulsory detention is not completely out of the question (Nov 6th: Pluto = Saturn-ASC) but because this is a civil trial, detention cannot result from this legal situation unless it comes from the breaking of a gag order (yet again).

However, bad news and a mournful situation will likely result from the proceedings with the transiting Mars-Saturn midpoint @8Capricorn (the 'death axis'--R. Ebertin) opposing Trump's natal Mercury @8Cancer if the opposition is strong enough to significantly affect conditions.

Related: Saturn in Pisces Turns Direct: Trump Trial Testimonies Scheduled.

Oct 29, 2023

Saturn Turns Direct 2023: Trump Trial NYC

by Jude Cowell, partisan for the commmon good

By now you've heard about Judge Engoron setting a schedule for testimonies in the Trump Org fraud trial in NYC: November 1st Don Jr, November 2nd Eric Trump, November 3rd Ivanka Trump Kushner, and, after Saturn turns Direct, Poppa Trump is scheduled to testify on Monday November 6th.

Of karmic significance is legal eagle planet Saturn's Station Rx, turning Direct on Saturday November 4, 2023 @00Pis30 at 3:02:52 am edt, as you see in the two horoscopes shown, below. One chart is set for NYC, the other for Washington DC.

In the NYC chart, a change of house occurs via the Sun-Jupiter opposition with the Sun from 3rd to 2nd house of Earning Ability and Values, and Jupiter Rx from 9th to 8th house of Shared Resources, Debt, Credit, and Insurance. And in both charts, is it curious that the Sun @11Scorpio conjuncts the natal Venus of Vladimir Putin?

Saturn Direct Nov 4, 2023: NYC (lower left) and Washington DC (upper right):

Now as you see, a bunch of my study notes are penned on the image such as Saturn unaspected (focused, concentrated, undeterred) and Saturn conjunct America's 12 South Prenatal Eclipse ('PE') @00Pis33 (Feb 19, 1776 with Saturn @20Libra). Saturn conjunct a Solar Eclipse reveals those with the responsibility and discipline to carry out the imperatives of the eclipse and here it's 12 South themes of "successful outcomes to long-term worries" (B. Brady).

In these karmic circumstances, those would be the legal officers of the court and attorneys; negative indications of Saturn's Sabian Symbol, "A Public Market," are listed, upper left, and include potentials for "closing of accounts," and/or "bankruptcy" (D. Rudhyar). Jail would be but is not an option since this is a civil trial.

In both locations, Mercury-ruled Virgo rises, so Mercury rules, and applies twice: an opposition to Uranus (willful defense), and a trine with Neptune (telling stories). As for the out-of-bounds ('OOBs') Moon (alienated, and at a critical 29th degree), an opposition from powerful Pluto denotes those seeking to control the environment or to manipulate the people involved, often in underhanded ways (A. Oken).

For more details about the testimonies see 'Complicity': Ivanka Trump's testimony could ruin it all for her dad and brothers. This is primarily due to the fact that Ivanka may be asked about three Deustche Bank loans and about the bid she submitted to the federal government regarding DC's Old Post Office building, a bid based on Poppa Trump's fraudulent "net worth."

Then there's this recent news: Deutsche Bank Slashes Trump's Net Worth -'We're Tired of Listening to Him Lie'. Well, ain't we all!

Previously appearing on SO'W: the Founding Horoscope of Deutsche Bank (March 10, 1870) with Saturn in late Sagittarius sextile Venus in late Aquarius suggesting that at the bank's founding, there existed a sense of duty which brought eventual business success. But once Donald, the self-styled "King of Debt" showed up, all bets were off.

Collage: Saturn in Pisces, Jude Cowell Art

Aug 24, 2023

Scofflaw Trump to Atlanta: Mars trine Pluto

Atlanta Airport Restricted 6:45 pm--9:00 pm edt; Mars Trump Bows to Pluto's Power

by Jude Cowell

With cooperation in his cards, this evening, August 24, 2023, Mars-rising Trump flies into Atlanta and says he'll surrender for arrest at the Rice Street jail, Atlanta, Georgia a la DA Fani Willis - and he'll do so in "prime time." Naturally, the reality TV guy wants to create a ratings-grabbing media circus out of his current disgraceful arrest.

Well, powering through the shame (he refuses to feel or admit) despite the intervention of a higher power is a potential since at 8:23 pm edt in Atlanta, Georgia, a power-laden Mars-Pluto trine perfects and forms a protective Earth Grand Trine with zealous, radical Uranus the chaos-creator which happens to conjunct Trump's natal Midheaven (24Tau18) of Goals and Objectives. A high-flying Kite pattern of success results if we add 1st house Neptune Rx @26Pis56 to the Mars-Pluto-Uranus trine. Yet a caution of a Grand Trine is that mismanaging its energies can turn out more negatively than positively.

Meanwhile, legal eagle planet Saturn Rx @4Pisces, Lord of Karma, is rising at 8:23 pm suggesting to me that Saturnian accountability comes first, then comes Trump's spin of the event (orating Mercury trine Jupiter, the broadcaster), an arrest for which he's said he's "proud." Translation: he expects more donations to pour in from his gullible cult members - and indictment number 4 adds to his "martyr" mystique and fuels the skewed rhetoric he will be employing.

Freedom-Lover Uranus, Planet of Chaos and Fanaticism

Then at 8:23 pm edt, Trump's first natal planet to rise is his 10th house Uranus (17Gem55) dragging with it his natal North Node and Gemini Sun. Also along for the ride is his natal Jupiter-Uranus trine which seems to be continuing the lucky breaks that here suggest the villain will be allowed to walk away tonight from the Rice Street jail. No one expects him to be detained, of course, I'm only saying that the Cosmos supports this. For now, at least:

Now several other astro-factors of note are penned upon the above horoscope for those who are curious, yet many factors are not listed.

Therefore, if you read but one or two of my study notes, check out the Earth Grand Trine info, lower right corner highlighted in yellow, and the midpoint picture potentials of Mars-Saturn = MC, upper right corner, while keeping in mind Trump's natal Mars-Saturn = Pluto midpoint picture of death, destruction, and fury buried deep within his 12th house of the Unconscious - plus, of note tonight is another potential of this picture--the intervention of a higher power, as noted above.

A related post: America's Mars-Pluto Cycle (conjunct @25Cap35).

And in case you missed it, check out Keith Olbermann's current Countdown podcast episode, Trump is Romping Because DeSantis Is a Hologram with Keith's commentary re: last night's Republican debate.

Also see: Ron DeSantis' Sun Virgo-Moon Aquarius.

Jun 28, 2023

Social Security's Saturn Return Is Near!

August 2023: Social Security Turns 88 yo w/ a Saturn Return in 2024

by Jude Cowell

As shown in the video, below, to relieve poverty of the aged President Franklin D. Roosevelt signed the Social Security Act on August 14, 1935 under the auspices of a 9 New South Eclipse. So first, here's an excerpt from a 2022 post that celebrated the Act's 87th birthday detailing the themes and influences of 9 New South Eclipses:

Bringing to the surface long-term worries about loved ones, health, or issues to do with paperwork or communications; this could manifest as a worrying piece of news about a loved one or responsibilities with paperwork coming home to roost; any news will have a sense of fatedness or destiny attached (paraphrasing B. Brady).

And here's FDR signing up Americans to contribute to the greatest social safety net program We the People have ever known--the one that Republicans want to take away:

The Social Security Safety Net's Planetary Pair: the Ilness Axis

That would be the Saturn-Neptune duo so a previous post of horoscopes showing the current cycle of the two planets's conjunction/s in 1989 (three times from 10--12 Capricorn), with the cycle ending and the next beginning on February 20, 2026 Conjunct the Aries Point. Obviously, the fact that the one-time Conjunction in early 2026 lands upon the primary Cardinal World Point of manifestation and global events (00Aries) grabs our attention, especially those of us who continue to use America's July 4, 1776 Horoscope with Aries Point conjunct IC, the Foundation of the Matter. Yes, Endings may be involved, too, and we should take into account what Reinhold Ebertin gives for Saturn-Neptune = the first point of Aries: Hysteria. Yes, neuroses and undermining circumstances that lead to illness are also suggested and may come with the chaos if Republicans manage to destroy our Social Security program thus tearing apart the social fabric of American society.

And yet there's a bright note in the current Saturn-Neptune horoscope (March 3, 1989) for 'higher power' Pluto @15Scorpio, the Point of Regeneration, sextiles the conjunction and indicates that a defense from victimization may be found in the law with researchers and journalists having important roles to play in the 'rescue' of Social Security.

Jun 26, 2023

Trump Mercury Return 2023: Continual Indiscretion

Shown: Trump Mercury Return (8Can51) Horoscope of June 30, 2023 set for Bedminster, New Jersey; a new annual cycle of Mercurial matters and interests begins and includes Mercury ruling his natal 2nd and 11th houses:

As you see, for this post I've had to resort to a hand-drawn horoscope but after this evening, fresh ink cartridges are scheduled to arrive at my door and we can proceed as usual. Please enlarge or print the image to read my astro-notes penned on if need be. Notes include the rounded-up Sabian Symbol for the fellow's natal Mercury "9 Cancer": "A Tiny Nude Miss Reaching in the Water for a Fish" (Jones). Now yes, there is a low-charactered interpretation of this word picture for this particular Mars in Leo bounder, but I'll leave it for you, dear reader, to consider its implications, if you care to. But let's add Jones' negative expression for "9 Cancer": "continual indiscretion."

An additional note: Herr Trump's next Mars Return occurs on July 4, 2023, which times a new cycle of activity for the orange blighter. More on this is planned for a later post. And view his natal horoscope if you must.

Now it's also significant is that every year or so when transit Mercury returns to its natal degree in Trump's chart, it repeats the Mercury-square-Neptune that he was born under with its lack of discrimination, misperceptions, lack of objectivity, and the lies and fantasies he can't stop spouting and hiding behind. The man cannot or will not follow instructions (even those laid down by judges--at his peril!), misunderstandings and disbelief occur, wrong conclusions are drawn, he questions facts with instincts that differ from reality, selective hearing or tone-deafness, and leaks and scandals occur. For him such confusing, deceptive conditions are operative all the time, of course, but his yearly Mercury Return spotlights them in some way or another - and he's off to the races, spinning tales for the gullible, passing around gossip, promoting $chemes, and mouthing insults.

Of course, mundane Mercury (the trickster and communicator) can also act as a trader, or perhaps more of a traitor in this case - certainly a documents thief. So for a few interesting details concerning propagandist Trump's Mercury in Cancer check out a previous post which provides enlightenment via Carelli's Degrees.

And so with agent orange's 2023 Return Mercury in Return 6th house of Health, Work, Service, and Daily Rounds -- and Return Sun (vitality) posited in 6th h, too -- these are the areas of interest and engagement for him over the next year along with his natal 2nd and 11th house concerns which include finances and group endeavors. Plus, we can expect that a medical check-up is on his calendar, as it should be at his advanced age.

Then when we look to the Return Ascendant with 12th house Pluto rising at a critical 29th degree along with the Hera archetype (the legal wife; keeping accounts), we find legal eagle Saturn rising and Rx in 1st house, an inauspicious determinant for his Mercurial year since Saturn rules the return chart and its retrograde condition hints at Trump's usual delay tactic in legal matters. However, there are potentials for a variety of negative outcomes due to karmic Saturn hitting his natal Moon-MC and Neptune-Pluto midpoints such as: 'pessimism; collapse' or breakdown, 'separation; bereavement', and "untenable objectives" (R. Ebertin). Now I'm not wishing, just reading a horoscope here. Disagree and read the chart as you wish!

Then naturally with speedy little Mercury, travel is usually prominent as well via short trips, but for Trump, a journey across the ocean (Mercury in watery Cancer) is possible. After all, he retains possession of his passport, if memory serves.

2023: Two Return Aspects to Trump's Mercury

Then with Return Jupiter (@9Tau17 in Return 3rd house) sextile his Mercury, business opportunities may appear here or abroad, and his (tiresome) publishing efforts could expand. Meanwhile Saturn (@7Pis03 Rx and rising, as noted) suggests legal or other stabilizing help from an established network or system, and commerce is favored. Plus, as previously discussed, Saturn in Pisces suggests "struggling with opponents" (R. Ebertin) so Campaign 2024 is involved with orator Mercury's conditions and indications from now until his next Mercury Return on June 21, 2024 with Return Mars @9Taurus in place of this chart's Jupiter. Obviously, his 2024 Mercury Return will directly affect Election 2024 next November, assuming that Trump is active in election matters next year.

Meanwhile, you'll notice in the chart, above, that at Midheaven ('MC'), the WHY?-Career-Public-Status Point is Cupido Rx which indicates the continued involvement of organizations such as, The Network, The Family (his family, and/or the power-mad 'religious' group), The Mafia, The Criminal Syndicate/s, and/or simply anti-democratic Corporatism.

And speaking of planetary returns, a prominent return for us all has to be the 28-to-30-year Saturn Return for even a controlling person like ole man Trump cannot continue to ignore dealing with the demands of authoritative Saturn forever, with issues and lessons such as the accountability which he now faces because legal eagle planet Saturn has finally caught up with him.

References: The Sabian Symbols in Astrology, Marc Edmund Jones; and, The 360 Degrees of The Zodiac, Adriano Carelli. #ad

May 23, 2023

Tim Scott (R-SC): his Saturn Return 2024

Announcing his 2024 prez bid yesterday, details concerning freshly minted 2024 candidate Tim Scott (R-SC) reveal his birth date to be September 19, 1965. His Moon is in Cancer for the 24-hour period, and is out-of-bounds suggesting a measure of estrangement from Mother, or an emotional loss of some kind.

Here's a current interview with Tim Scott who says God is involved with his political decision to run in 2024, see What God Told Tim Scott Before He Announced Presidential Run. Is he genuine? Well, Senator Scott says he's confident that God isn't finished with our country yet, and this Protestant can't disagree.

So in case the 2024 presidential campaign of Tim Scott becomes a thing instead of fading out to nothing (his current poll numbers are very low), here's a natal horoscope for Tim Scott, unmarked and suitable for saving and/or printing. A few notes are added, below.

Horoscope: Tim Scott September 19, 1965 "12:00 pm" EST North Charleston, SC

Focusing on Saturn @12Pis50 Rx with Senator Scott's next Saturn Return (3x) perfecting all through 2024. Will Saturn bring him new responsibilities or more lessons? Of course, without a timed natal chart we can't consider houses in his return chart/s but using the 12:00 pm timing, the three dates that transit Saturn returns to 12Pis50 are:

1. March 26, 2024 (Trump's criminal trial date now set for March 25, 2024, NYC);

2. November 2, 2024 Rx: 3 days prior to Election 2024, and with a helpful Sun-Saturn trine;

3. November 28, 2024.

Now as you know, karmic Saturn is an important planet for everyone but also for those who hold responsible positions in society, plus, Scott's Saturn is prominent as the handle of a Bucket pattern. Notably, he was born in 1965 as the 3 Great Conjunction/s of Uranus-Pluto were getting underway. Also significant is that Scott's natal Saturn (conjunct Chiron in Pisces: a mentor, likely a religious figure) opposes his Virgo trio of Uranus-Pluto-Mercury, with his Sun @26Vir31. A restless and resourceful individual is indicated, even a revolutionary (Uranus-Pluto). Meanwhile, Saturn in Pisces denotes one who "struggles with oppponents" (R. Ebertin).

Then there are historical associations with the Uranus-Pluto cycle including the slave trade, black rights, and oppression. Well, perhaps you remember in his 2021 SOTU rebuttal, Tim Scott's controversial declaration that "America is not a racist country"!

As for Saturn Returns, they relate to professional security and provide individuals with a 28-to-30-year horoscope to keep an eye on. Of course, when any planet returns to its natal Zodiacal position, it repeats natal aspects, if any. In Tim Scott's case, those are: Saturn trine Moon-Venus-Neptune, and opposing Uranus and Pluto while squaring his Nodal Axis. Any personal idiosyncracies may turn up in 2024, and a zealous side may be noticed. Plus, the closest applying aspect to his natal Sun (ego; goal) is a square from expansive Jupiter (29Gem51) so we may expect that his financial capabilities should be considered or perhaps scrutinized.

Tim Scott's Personality Blend: Sun Virgo-Moon Cancer

His Earth (Virgo)/Water (Cancer) blend suggests pragmatism and viewpoints which may be somewhat limited. There are leanings toward anxiety and worry, and an oversensitivity that can lead to huffiness and misunderstandings. There is concern for social welfare, along with adaptability, and loyalty to family and friends. Prone to complaining, the Senator may like to rationalize away his idiosyncracies, can remain stuck in old habits, and may exhibit a suspicious attitude at times. Yet he's a very optimistic and conservative guy, which is a Jupiter-Saturn combination suggesting balanced energies.

Now there's one "Image for Integration" (conscious plus unconscious energies) which may apply to Tim Scott considering today's political climate of foreign interference in US elections, dark money financiers, and politicians with foreign bank accounts: "Two old Chinese women gossip about family problems as they work rhythmically in the rice paddies" (Sun Sign-Moon Sign, The Harveys) #ad).

This personality blend is shared by author Upton Sinclair so here's that famous quote of his:

"Is it altogether a Utopian dream, that once in history a ruling class might be willing to make the great surrender, and permit social change to come about without hatred, turmoil, and waste of human life?

Yes, it's a Utopian dream that leads to the fallacy that no laws are needed. Chaos would result and this is what the current crop of Republicans want. However, 2024 candidate Tim Scott seems rather a mild Republican so far, but it's early days yet. And another factor should be noted: his Mars-Neptune conjunction indicates one who may be confused over his real goals, be indecisive and/or inconsistent with his efforts, and sports an interesting label provided by Alan Oken: "Here, there, everywhere, and nowhere". Perhaps the vacillating energies of this aspect will be noticed as his campaign goes on, or, it may play a part in his dropping out at some point. Then with the conjunction in secretive Scorpio, perhaps some sort of surreptious activities have or will occur. Of course, senators have secretive dealings and work with hidden facts all the time so maybe that's how his Scorpionic energies express. Nothing sinister, I hope!

Then on another level, Scott's Mars-Neptune midpoint has his Uranus at apex so that "reaching for pie-in-the-sky" is indicated, according to Noel Tyl. Curiously, planet Uranus is known as, 'the sky god', and Tim Scott says that his rise in life is an example of the American dream. Therefore, for Tim it sounds like it's apple pie in the sky, and perhaps a leaning toward the Great Beyond in the spiritual sense.

So let's close with the Solar Eclipse Saros Series into which Tim Scott was born: the 3 North which manifested on May 30, 1965 @9Gemini, which in the Mercurial sign indicates a focus on logic and fluency. 3 North themes include obsessive energies, "news that transforms a situation" and "large plans are wanted but don't get carried away" (B. Brady). Is mounting a 2024 campaign for the presidency getting carried away?

Then in 2001, 3 North is the Saros Series in which the WTC attacks of 9/11 occurred. But the last occurrence of a 3 North Eclipse happened under Tr*mp on July 2, 2019 @10Can37 among America's 1776 Venus-Jupiter-Sun trio, and possibly landed at or near Tim Scott's natal Moon which ranged from 5-to-20 Cancer on September 19, 1965; the Eclipse in 2019 may have increased his (lunar) intuitive ability with his Moon strong in her own sign of Cancer.

Feb 11, 2023

DC Horoscope: Saturn Perigee 2023

Aug 27, 2023: Bright Saturn Shines Opposite the Sun

by Jude Cowell

Tropically speaking, in Mundane Astrology, because karmic Saturn, lord of many realms such as: Time, reality, authority, responsibility, accountability, maturity, wisdom, restriction, control, limits, borders, form, structure, consolidation, old age, conservatism, blockages or obstacles, loss, the status quo, The Establishment, the system, and laws, opposes the Virgo Sun on August 27, 2023, we can be certain that the word perigee will pop up all over the internet any minute now. Already has done, in fact!

For on that day, the Earth passes between Saturn and the Sun, a cosmic event that contains all manner of advantages for astronomers, but for Stars Over Washington's purposes, let's settle for a DC Horoscope set for August 27, 2023 4:28 am edt which is when my astrology program calculates an exact opposition between Sun and Saturn. Chart factors and astro-notes are thus generated, some of which are typed below the following Horoscope with astro-notes scribbled upon the image for your consideration.

The notes include the 'PE' in the 7 North Saros Series during which the Saturn perigee 2023 occurs, highlighted in orange, in 10th house @29Ari50 - conjunct the January 6, 2021 insurrection's Mars position and, as I've noted in previous posts, this lunation also times a "birthday eclipse" for Herr Adolf. Then will bunker boy sit up or merely roll over?

Meanwhile, the 7 North eclipse's throwback to J6 Mars increases potentials in August 2023 for zealotry, violence, and/or criminal actions - hopefully blocked by Saturnian forces! - such as those perpetrated on that day when the US Congress was assaulted and its work of certifying the 2020 Electoral College Vote for Joe Biden was disrupted for a few hours.

So to me it seems significant that the Vertex ('VX') in the August Horoscope @23Sag37 (5th house) points toward a fated encounter of some kind, perhaps legal, which concerns the 4 South Solar Eclipse of December 14, 2020 @23Sag08 as what I've termed the Electoral College Vote 2020 Eclipse which 'justified' in the delusional Geminian mind of the orange albatross the 'Big Lie' he has used to aggravate his followers and certain politicians into storming the Capitol Building and the US government - strong feelings which Herr Trump continues to use for what he considers to be his financial, legal, and political advantage (see lower right corner). For as everyone knows, he is a desperate man determined to 'get away with it'.

Yet we should take heart for there is a bright note (perigee Saturn will be bright and large so close to Earth!) because Astraea, asteroid of Justice, directly opposes the Vertex and the 4 South Eclipse, as you see. Come on Justice Department, put on your Saturn cap and do the right thing! And if a Trump indictment is to be, then let it be:

Note: Sabian Symbols for the Sun-Saturn opposition (4Virgo/4Pisces) are messily penned on the chart. And if you wish, feel free to enlarge and/or print the image for better viewing.

Also of interest, is that the Sun @3Vir50 conjuncts the Progressed New Moon ('SP') of Herr Trump, a symbolic life passage timed by his SP New Moon which perfected on September 16, 2019 @3Virgo with its "white power" implications (see above chart, upper right).

Then remembering that America was founded under Sun-Saturn square energies which in part describe the need to develope maturity as the US ages rather than relying on the superficiality and unreliability that our institutions have often been accused of - plus, our 'worship' of youth and disrespect for wisdom - general potentials within the Hegelian form of the Sun-Saturn duo include:

Thesis: Form and definition in an enterprise; the will of the people as defined in the principal founding documents; the checks and balances within enterprises as implemented by various administrations.

Antithesis: Pessimism and gloom as a center focus of policy; unreasonable centralization of authority in one location; a leadership preoccupied with the various forms of law enforcement; older and more distanced leaders.

(Midpoints: Unleashing the Power of the Planets, Michael Munkasey #ad); my italics.

Among other topics, perhaps the ongoing campaign by Republicans to tinker under the hood of the US Constitution will be part of the scrutiny as the Sun and Saturn oppose one another in August 2023.

Previously on SO'W: Shadow into Light: an Esoteric Department of Justice showing its Dedication Horoscope of 1934 (by FDR) where we find DOJ Uranus Rx @29Ari21 conjunct its Syzygy Moon (28:31), and DOJ Mars @4Virgo. Now as you know, these create cosmic time links to the above positions particularly to the karmic 7 North Eclipse for when Uranus is involved, the karma attached to eclipse themes is intensified, positively or negatively, while adding a touch of 'brotherhood' to the cosmic mix. Major karmic progress can be made!

A final thought: Therefore, it seems the time has come for the DOJ to spear the snake as depicted on the building's outside panel which is why my reference to an "esoteric" Department of Justice. And we both know exactly who the snake really is. jc

May 25, 2022

The Civil War's Solar Eclipse soon repeats

The 7 North Saros Series of Solar Eclipses have brought the world difficult, even violent, events such as the Civil War of 1861 (Charleston SC Horoscope shown, below, upper right) and the 7 North Eclipse which manifested on February 23, 1933 as what I tend to call the 'Fascism Rising' Eclipse due to the violent, power-grabbing, take control actions of one Herr Hitl*r, pervert and failed dictator inspired by dreams too big to handle.

So nowadays the world has a new crop of fasc*st miscreants and criminals determined to rise again to power, and this time it's a global movement - better organized with more saboteurs placed in key government positions in the US and elsewhere, and more abundantly funded by a faithless corporate class of what must be Ayn Randers. They follow the 'Statism + Corporatism = Fascism' model in which Enlightenment principles of our Founders and We The People are outmoded concepts they intend to delete from society by any means necessary.

7 North: 1861-1933-2023

Now also shown in the dual image, lower left, is the coming 7 North Solar Eclipse of April 20, 2023 @29Ari50, the degree of belligerent Mars during Herr Tr*mp's January 6, 2021 coup attempt (basically a dress rehearsal). As you see, the April 2023 7 North Horoscope is relocated to Charleston, SC for the sake of comparison although if set for Washington DC, very little difference occurs with house cusps (perhaps about one degree), however, Pluto @00AQ19 (conjunct US Inaugural Sun: it's all about power over others with starry Altair the Eagle there as well hinting at Roman Empire days) does cross into the 1st house in DC from its 2nd house position in Charleston, as you see here:

Actually, we've previously discussed the Fascism Rising Eclipse of 1933 (Berlin Horoscope shown) back in 2020. Significant is the fact that transit Saturn will exactly conjunct the 1933 Eclipse @5Pis28 three times in 2023 and 2024: 1. May 1, 2023; 2. August 4, 2023; and 3. January 23, 2024 with 2024 being a presidential election year, as you know. Saturn conjunct the eclipse suggests those with the responsibility to carry out the themes of the eclipse with 7 North themes of 'deep passion, long hidden takes people by surprise' and 'lust' (to which I must add 'blood lust' due to our current circumstances and the saboteurs so excited about fomenting a second Civil War in the US, grabbing power, and casting our nation back into the 1850s days of slavery. As for karmic Saturn in Pisces, this placement denotes potentials for: 'struggles with opponents, secluded work, and/or depression (R. Ebertin).

So for now I'll hush about this disturbing topic, but as usual, my feeling is that forewarned is forearmed - because the enemies of America are aligned and organized.

Therefore, lovers of American Democracy, freedom, and a civilized society must be aligned and organized, too.

May 24, 2022

Horoscope: Pluto Station Rx conjunct Saturn in mid-Pisces

A Distant View: Positive vs Negative Societal Conditions

by Jude Cowell

If you've been wondering when the next great Saturn-Pluto Conjunction will occur while we toil under the harsh, compressive energies of their current conjunction (January 12, 2020 @22Cap46 - karmically conjunct Tr*mp's natal Vertex of fated encounters), check out the following DC Horoscope of the moment of pausing when transit Pluto Stations Retrograde @14Pis30:01 conjunct transit Saturn @14Pis28:28 on June 13, 2053 at 6:57:23 pm 'est' in 3rd house:

Now it's true that there may exist no city of 'Washington DC' by year 2053, yet as you see, an abundance of my study notes and chart factors are notated upon the chart - optimistically assuming that DC's spot upon the Earth may continue to exist. And yes, we who now breathe air must wait a long time before the current Saturn-Pluto Conjunction in governmental Capricorn runs its course within the planets' 33-year cycle. Personally, I don't expect to be around in 2053 but if you, dear reader, are young enough, perhaps you will be. So you may wish to note the rounded-up Sabian Symbol of Pluto's Station Rx conjunct Saturn: "15 Pisces" ("An Officer Preparing to Drill His Men"). Saturn (teamed with Pluto) leads a Locomotive pattern of the planets suggesting ruthless executives determined to have their way. Well, aren't they always?

Additionally, there are other interesting chart factors such as the Eclipse Series ('PE') in which this conjunction occurs: the 19 South Solar Eclipse of March 20, 2053 conjunct the Cardinal World Point of 00Ari08, the Aries Point. Then as you know, solar eclipses in Mars-ruled Aries indicate potentials for daring, courage, boldness, challenges, and the spirit of competition, yet overly aggressive energies may also be activated and mobilized (R. Lineman).

And yet 19 South themes include: 'joy, and lucky wins or breaks' (paraphrasing B. Brady) which sound positive - unless folk harboring malicious motivations and intent take that ball and run with it because they, too, can experience what they consider to be lucky wins or breaks. Still, as always, we know that life on Earth contains both positive and negative conditions and potentials occurring simultaneously or in an alternating fashion. Such is the dualism of life on Earth, for as you know, it's a light vs dark affair.

Expansive Jupiter in Airy Libra

Meanwhile, chart-ruler Jupiter (highlighted in green), the banker, politician, broadcaster, and/or The General, has something to say about matters yet 'he' makes no applying Ptolemaic aspects in the chart which would provide us with clues for 'how things will proceed' from Pluto's Station Rx moment. Therefore, we must depend upon Jupiter's sign of Venus-ruled Libra in the 10th house of Career, Public Status, and the World Stage for hints such as dependence on others, doing public work, and/or possessing a sense of justice (my favorite!). Because as a common-gooder sort of American, my hope is always that the Great Benefic's protective function will kick in and provide as many positive influences as possible, no matter how negative the circumstances. And helpfully, Jupiter the Generous is trined by the Sun in Gemini, an aspect that Alan Oken has called "A Cosmic Blessing"!

Meanwhile, there's erratic, disruptive planet Uranus @1Lib00, another Cardinal World Point of activity suggesting 'sudden conflicts, an urge for freedom, and/or separation' (R. Ebertin). Those potentials are when a midpoint picture is considered (Sun-Moon oppo Uranus) at the most visible point of the chart ('MC') - but from the 9th house side of Foreign Lands/Travel, Higher Education, Philosophy, Religion, and possible Legalities. Plus, with radical zealot Uranus involved, quirky philosophies and bizarre ideologies can be part of the picture (as they are already in 2022).

So to close this looking-wayyy-forward post, I should add that the above horoscope is not an exact Saturn-Pluto Conjunction chart circa 2053 because, thanks to their retrograde tendencies, the two karmic planets may actually conjunct multiple times, possibly all within year 2053.

Instead, the above horoscope shows the significant moment when distant Pluto is poised in process of changing direction (as viewed from Earth) while conjunct Time Keeper Saturn at the same degree - and everyone is aware of the troubles society is having with their current conjunction in Saturn-ruled Capricorn.

Then if you look, lower left, you can see a note that the Moon, an excellent timer and mundane indicator of the masses and of fluctuation, will join the Saturn-Pluto pair @13Pis+ on August 2, 2053 thus reflecting and spotlighting the planetary pair's cosmic correspondences with fanaticism, renunciation, hard work, cruelty, harshness, and/or possible martyrdom.

But are there positive indications of the Saturn-Pluto combo? Perhaps potentials for: tenacity, toughness, endurance, self-discipline, self-denial such as spartanism, adherence to principles (but aka, fanaticism), achievements brought about by large groups of people, and/or the ability to 'make record achievements of the highest order' (R. Ebertin).

And, depending on their deepest motivations, we could even toss in magicians and adepts!

Aug 16, 2020

Uranus-Pluto 1966 with Bucket Handle Saturn in Pisces

Troubles by the Bucket: 1966, 2015, and 2020

by Jude Cowell

During the presidency of Lyndon Baines Johnson ('LBJ') came the three Great Conjunctions of Uranus and Pluto in mid-Virgo: 1. October 9, 1965 @17Vir09; 2. April 4, 1966 @16Vir28; and 3. June 30, 1966 @16Vir06. Below is the June 30, 1966 horoscope set for Washington DC with many messy study notes penned on for the daring to read if they so wish:

1966 vs 2020: Upheavals vs Upheavals

There are multiple places in this chart where Trump figures into the equation, one of which is karmic Saturn @29Pis35 (10th house) conjunct Scheat, star of misfortune (suicide, murder), which was activated by the Summer Solstice 2015 Eclipse and in part resulted in Trump's 'escalator ride' to deliver his 2015 'Prez Bid' announcement the morning of a Gemini New Moon. Yes, his disturbing announcement occurred under the influence of the 17 South Saros Series which imprints upon his 'prez bid' and upon what turned out to be his 'presidency' involving the 17 South themes of 'sudden success/good news concerning groups or relationships'. We may wish to note that 17 South can have positive or negative effects and is the Prenatal Eclipse series ('PE') of notables such as Adolf Hitler, Ayn Rand, Rachel Carson, Princess Diana (her birth and tragic death!), Newt Gingrich, and Barack Obama.

Eclipses: Uranian Wild Cards and Cosmic Blinks from Above

However! 17 South is not the PE of this 1966 Uranus-Pluto Conjunction, 4 North is! Because prior to the June 30th conjunction, a 4 North Eclipse manifested on May 20, 1966 @28Tau55 (spotlighted in red, 11th house near the NN-Algol conjunction) among the stars of the Pleiades constellation. And considering America's current conditions of upheaval, protests, revolt, violence, riots that bring changes in government, and civil rights demonstrations, it seems significant to me that the Uranus-Pluto Conjunctions of the mid-1960s are now triggered or activated via opposition from the transiting midpoint of Uranus-and-Pluto in mid-Pisces (@16Pis51 as I type).

Other cosmic factors are involved, of course, such as the harsh conjunction of karmic Saturn and Pluto on January 12, 2020 which imprinted the duo's compressed, toilsome energies upon the year 2020. As a planetary pair, Saturn-Pluto can also represent 'deeply researching scientists, violent people, reactionaries, and mass murderers' (Ebertin) - all of which sounds to me like events and people of 2020 so far including the pandemic, rioting in the streets, violent acts and the threat of them, political conflicts, and the cruelty of a leadership that cares nothing for its people.

Yet another chart factor stands out and cosmically links events and conditions of 1966 with 2020: currently we're again influenced by a 4 North Solar Eclipse which recently perfected at Summer Solstice 2020 @00Can21, a Cardinal World Point of Manifestation. And as you know, History tends to rhyme so it's no wonder that we are dealing once again with 4 North themes of 'restraint, restriction, separation, illusions' and more. Note that 4 North solar eclipses occurred in the years 1912, 1930, 1948, (1966), 1984, and 2002 and relate to restrictive or separative events and/or illusions operable during those years. See the center of the horoscope for a few events of 1966. You may also wish to note the Sabian Symbol of the rising Jupiter ('12 Cancer' = "A Chinese Woman Nursing a Baby With a Message") and the fact that opposing expansive Jupiter is health asteroid Aesculapia. Plus, 2020's Capricorn stellium of planets cluster around 1966's Saturn-Neptune midpoint @24Cap37 which is the "illness axis" (Ebertin) - and the 8th cusp of this chart with US natal Pluto upon it. Saturn-Neptune = Pluto: a serious illness (Ebertin).

Donald Trump June 14, 1946 10:54 am edt Queens (or Jamaica) New York; Sun Gemini-Moon Sagittarius = "The Pied Piper" (Sun Sign-Moon Sign, Charles and Suzi Harvey).

Other cosmic links are more obvious than the eclipse connection: Trump's natal Mercury (8Can51--the mouthpiece) rises in this Uranus-Pluto 1966 chart along with the Sun (8Can09) and fixed star Alhena (to have a mission), plus, 1966's North Node of future direction (24Tau43 in 11th house) points toward the nasty star of fury and destruction, Algol, which twinkles upon Trump's natal Midheaven ('MC': his Goal). Algol always implicates the malevolent stare of vicious Medusa. (With Trump I tend to think of this as the raptor's stare! Tragically, We the People are in the raptor's direct line of sight with his aggressive, vengeful Mars opposing US natal Moon.)

Now there are many more chart factors worth noting (leave your on-topic comments if you wish!) but let's close with only a bigly one:

Now you know that grim reaper Saturn is aka, the old man or senex, right? Dr. Liz Greene calls him 'the old devil' and I would never disagree with that assessment. Saturn represents authority and authority figures, accountability, responsibility, maturity, seniority, old age, the past, concentration, hard work, the taskmaster, lesson-bringer, solidity, consolidation, soberness, modesty, shyness, flaws, conservation, preservation, studiousness, reserve, economy, loss, learning from experience, borders, walls, bones, skeletons, teeth, cells, systems and structures, soil, tectonic plates, the Earth, inertia - the list goes on, as you know. In the chart above, earthy Saturn is placed in watery Pisces ('a struggle with opponents') and acts as the handle of a Bucket pattern. This handle is similar to the lead planet of a Locomotive shape (ruthlessly determined toward success; a high-powered executive) of planets. Plus, Bucket handle Saturn here is at a critical-crisis 29th degree, straining toward the Aries Point.

Now as you know, a Bucket is a Bowl with a handle, hemispheric emphasis is important, and the handle planet acts as "an important direction of interest" but doesn't change the fact that a Bowl denotes a dedicated cause or mission. With a handle planet, it's more a question of "adapting allegiances to lines along which efforts count for the most" (Jones). This Saturn represents either the "instructor or inspirer of others" or the zealous "agitator and malcontent". So - what's in it for him? Well, I'll let you decide who might be fulfilling the role of 1966 Saturn in 2020, if anyone, and with the violent energies of Uranus-Pluto stirred up and expressing online and in the streets.

Yes once again, as in 1966 during the Vietnam War, deferral-lovin' Trump is "a soldier derelict in his duty" as he mishandles the Covid-19 catastrophe, takes no responsibility, and hundreds of thousands of Americans suffer and die. And instead of calming riots in the streets of America, he promotes them! To me it seems as if a lot of "misjudging strength or the situation" is going on in Washington DC (another 4 North influence) under figurehead Trump.

Meanwhile, we should probably add that the Moon-Venus opposition across the 6/12 victim-savior axis forms the rim of the Bowl (with Moon conjunct war-like Antares!) which handle Saturn, the authority figure, has hold of. Besides the suggestion of maladjusted relationships within this opposition, Moon-Venus in Politics and Business suggests potentials for "manufacturing and agricultural productivity and how it affects the overall wealth and well-being of the people" and "how a country preserves the heritage, customs, lifestyle, and culture of native people" and "esteem for minority groups" (Munkasey). Under the Trump regime, I'd have to say, lack of esteem for minorities, anti-preservation attitudes for cultural sites and customs, and little if any sense of well-being for everyone.

Because after all, authoritative Saturn rules government, law, business, and tradition, but with Trump's natal Saturn in the watery, tribal, nationalistic, emotional sign of Cancer, his tendencies toward discontent, fantasy when realism is called for, and egotistical hypersensitivity constantly interfere with the possibility that he is able to exhibit any real leadership so that his complete lack of respect for rules, laws, and traditions makes him merely a corrupt scofflaw president if he's any kind of president at all.

Troubles by the bucket? Yeah, we've got 'em.

Jul 24, 2020

Horoscope: Uranus to AQ 1996 = Jupiter-Saturn 2020

DC Horoscope: Uranus to futuristic Aquarius January 12, 1996 2:12:57 am est Washington DC; Hour of the Moon (changes, fluctuation) which leads a BOWL shape of planets; 1996 Sun and Neptune @25Cap06 have been 'met' by the 2020 Capricorn trio of Saturn, Jupiter, and Pluto, here in the 3rd house of Communications (Technology!) which, combined, suggests potentials for dreams come true vs the grim face of reality (Saturn), fanaticism, paranoia, scandal, pretense, bankruptcy (Jupiter), Civil Rights struggles, control issues in the realms of politics, economics, society, and religion (perfect timing for Jupiter-Saturn's game-changing input), and/or the illusion of power, or power that erodes over time (Pluto). It all sounds familiar, yes?

The 1996 Uranus to Aquarius Ingress Horoscope is posted here because of the Winter Solstice 2020 Great Conjunction (or, Great Mutation from Earth to Air, if you prefer) of societal planets Jupiter and Saturn for the pair will also conjunct 1996 Uranus @00AQ+ then and thus create a midpoint picture of potentials (listed on the chart, upper right) for shifts, changes, and reforms. And noted in 3rd house are Jupiter and Saturn 2020, highlighted in blue, and Uranus 1996 highlighted in green.

Additionally, in the center of the horoscope a few potentials are listed for 2020 Neptune in Pisces conjunct 1996 Saturn (@20Pis14, 4th house) which transit Neptune has done off and on of late and will again, plus, the Prenatal Solar Eclipse ('PE'; highlighted in red) of the 1996 Ingress event is in 12th house @00Sco17 in the 16 North Saros Series with its themes listed, lower right. Basically, 16 North = 'Illumination of ideas' and the Collective rising up of 'unconscious material and insights' (Brady) thanks to the vibes of Uranus-Neptune (with their NWO, Illuminati implications) with The Enlightenment pair of planets moonlighting as 'New World Order' heralds of visionary idealism, awakening, (or, loss of consciousness), higher planes of knowledge, mysticism, the occult including Astrology, illusions, disguises, and/or the possible use of underhanded methods. (As you know, Uranus and Neptune conjoined three times in Capricorn all through 1993 where 2017 Pluto activated their 'Big Picture which must be followed' potential.)

Now prior to January 12, 1996, about 84 years earlier, transit Uranus entered its own sign of Aquarius on January 30, 1912. A busy year, 1912 brought several Uranian-style events of novelty, new beginnings, suddenness, and/or shock such as: the establishment of the Republic of China (January 1), New Mexico (January 6) and Arizona (February 14) becoming 47th and 48th states, a Suffragette Parade in NYC (May 6), US Marines landing in Cuba (June 5), the eruption of Mount Novarupta in Alaska (June 6-8), the RNC nomination of Taft (June 18) and the DNC nomination of Wilson (June 25), US Marines invasion of Nicaragua (August 4), break-away progressive Republicans forming the Bull Moose Party and nominating Teddy Roosevelt (August 5), an attempt on Roosevelt's life while he was making a speech in Milwaukee (October 14), the first novel in the series Tarzan King of the Apes, and quite a bit more.

So will the 2020 activation of rebellious Uranus by the combined energies of Jupiter and Saturn in December 2020 be noticeable or merely an unconscious blip for us all as we fret over the future? Might the planetary trio reflect a 'history rhymes' condition in society or signify absolutely nothing at all? Or, because of the unpredictable nature of planet Uranus can there be reliable answers to such pertinent questions at all?

Well, to me it seems that if Uranian energies are activated in or around December and do express in noticeable ways (echoing any events of 1912 or 1996 - or not), we must wait patiently to see if astrological Uranus follows its usual erratic course and acts early, late - or never. Yet beneath it all, it's possible that the 'new order' or 'reset' implications of the Jupiter-Saturn Conjunction could combine with 'Age of Aquarius' Uranian vibes and boost the old world into 2021 with something like, say, A 'Great Reset' Agenda manipulated by the World Economic Forum at Davos in January.

If so, my suspicion is that that high-handed agenda (aka, the 'Big Picture which must be followed'?) is what the calamities and purifications of 2020 have been preparing the world for. Whether we like it or not.

Nov 3, 2018

Horoscope: Flower Power Eclipse 1966

Enough of Trump--now for something completely different. Well, not too different for we of the Flower Power generation circa 1960s must get out and Vote on November 6th if we haven't for if the Cosmic Peace Symbol of planets in effect during the Total 4 South Solar Eclipse of November 12, 1966 @19Sco45 still has any meaning at all, hopefully we'll vote en masse for compassionate candidates and not for those who favor and promote hatred, intolerance, and violence. That's my personal hope anyway!

So here's the Flower Power Eclipse Horoscope set for--where else?--San Francisco, California:

Hour of the Moon (fluctuations, instability); chart-ruler Mars applies to three planets (see chart, lower left); violent trio of Mars-Pluto-Uranus in Virgo 10th house opposes Saturn Rx in Pisces which conjoins Wounded Healer and Blind Spot Chiron also Rx in Pisces which suggests social rigidity vs archetypal forces seeking to force their way into public consciousness. A difficult midpoint picture is formed between Mars-Uranus = Pluto (which conjoins fixed star Denebola: to go against society, or, out of the mainstream which can describe the Flower Power generation)--but also Nixon's government with potentials for the use of force, violent intervention (such as Kent State 1970), and battling against a higher power (Ebertin; Munkasey).

The most prominent planet in the eclipse chart besides the eclipse itself, is karmic Saturn in the karmic sign of Pisces for Saturn is the handle of a Sling shape--like a Bundle except the handle planet assumes great significance because the energies of all the other planets are directed toward it. And while a Bundle shape in its extreme manifestation is the archetypal signature of a ruthless dictator (Mussolini was born with it, Trump has it now via his Secondary Progressions--you can view the Bundle in his SP New Moon Horoscope of September 16, 2019). Guess that's the ruthless mindset it takes in order to cage innocent children and to order the US military to the border to shoot kids throwing pebbles and rocks--and Trump's got it. Nixon's natal horoscope shows a Locomotive shape led by Mars @29Sag44--the 'ruthless executive' pattern--while Mussolini's natal Uranus @20Vir52 conjoins Pluto in the Flower Power Eclipse chart shown here. All three men answer to the 'win-at-any-cost' model in which the ends allegedly justify the means, the use of force and violence included.

This Solar Eclipse in Scorpio sparked two fixed stars by degree (19 Scorpio). First is Alpha Serpentis, keywords: tragedy and misfortune; plus, Devore gives 19 Scorpio as "the crucial point in the struggle between the Supreme Will and the ego"; Anthony Louis notes that it is traditionally considered by some to be "an accursed degree of the accursed sign," but adds that "this is not too reliable." The second star is North Scale which contains both positive and negative potentials of 'wealth, honors, intelligence, distinction, success in religion, law, writing, war, and sports'; negatives are 'hasty words cause problems, tragedy, and violence' (Horary Astrology Plain and Simple, A. Louis).

Plus, a third star, South Scale, rises in the eclipse chart with the separative, neurotic South Node of the Moon along with Hidalgo, one of the "power" asteroids which reminds me of the era and the book The Teachings of Don Juan: A Yaqui Way of Knowledge by Carlos Castenada, published in 1968 and originally his Master thesis in Anthropology at the University of California. Even now, the debate continues as to whether Castenada 'made it all up' or actually experienced the events he describes in the book. Keywords for South Scale are 'theft, loss, betrayal' (our generation felt betrayed by The Establishment in more ways than the Vietnam War--US bombing increased in 1966), venereal disease (a dreary downside to our misguided 'free love' illusion), revenge, anguish, criminality, abuse, and/or drowning'. These potentials sound very Neptunian and Piscean, don't they?

And accompanying the eclipse is a Venus-Neptune conjunction in sexy Scorpio, a duo suggesting those who live in a beautiful world of the imagination, plus, love and adoration, goddess worship, erroneous if idealistic perceptions about love and sex (deluded love), escapes from reality--through dreams and visions--or, through drugs, pop music and psychedelic art.

Now this eclipse falls into the 4 South Saros Series, as noted above, with themes of 'strong emotional feelings about relationships and/or money with a sense of fate or karma attached' ('soul mates forever'?); 'anger or lust; relationship events that are beyond personal control' (passionate, intense Scorpio is all about control of self and others--and betrayal); 'much frustration as emotions are blocked or checked somehow; a sudden desire to end a relationship; avoid rash action until issues settle down' (paraphrasing Brady's Predictive Astrology).

A 4 South eclipse last manifested on December 4, 2002 @12Sag (conjunct US natal Ascendant) and a 4 South next occurs on December 14, 2020 @23Sag.

Additionally, any Solar Eclipse in Scorpio offers the cosmic gifts of 'probing insight' for discerning the 'root causes of karmic situations and problems' but it's up to individuals to use such knowledge for gaining karmic progress or not. However, control of the darker side of Scorpio is imperative in order to create positive outcomes from the events and conditions brought by the eclipse otherwise via Scorpio and its ruler Mars, sub-ruler Pluto, hatred, cruelty, sexual perversions, vengeance, and the primal urge for retribution can override humanity's capacity for forgiveness.

So how do you think America's Flower Power generation is managing the karmic retribution vs forgiveness imperative so far?