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Showing posts with label Reagan's Evil Empire Speech. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Reagan's Evil Empire Speech. Show all posts

Mar 6, 2022

Ukraine Crisis, Putin, Saturn-Pluto 2022

March 6, 2022

Now That We See the GOP Is "The Evil Empire" Party

by Jude Cowell

Saturn; Voyager 2, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons

As always, there are both positive and negative transits upcoming for us all and given the dire state of conditions in Ukraine, a look at 2022 planetary transits to the country's Independence Horoscope of December 1, 1991 6:00 pm EET Kiev, UKR (Campion #342) may be revealing, with an emphasis on the harsh, destructive Saturn-Pluto duo in particular.

And naturally, we know that the duo's recent Conjunction @22Cap46 on January 12, 2020 started a new 33-year cycle of their difficult, compressive energies, the first since November 8, 1982 (@27Lib36: under Reagan). Check out the transcript of Reagan's March 8, 1983 speech that soon became known as his Evil Empire Speech as the 'good vs evil' planetary duo of Saturn and Pluto aligned in late Libra, years after their three-fer conjunctions during World War I (Horoscope shown). In 1982, the US Congress was in process of debating (they used to debate) a resolution in support of a "nuclear freeze" which the Reagan administration was against.

Was Mr. Reagan projecting evil on to the Soviet Union, a case of the devil slyly calling out the devil? Well, as you see, Tuesday March 8, 2022 marks his speech's 39th anniversary - and now the world suffers through Putin's dream of world domination, beginning with his take-over efforts in Ukraine. If Putin is successful (or seen as successful), other grabby dictators will follow suit. Could Putin's warmongering be a form of payback for Reagan's label for the Soviet Union as "evil"? Well, it is the Soviet Union that Putin wants to reassemble. So if you've missed it so far, I highly recommend Frontline's documentary Putin's Way (53 mins).

Pluto; NASA; Hubble false-color image July 2015

Why, the January 12, 2020 Saturn-Pluto Conjunction @22Cap46 even hit disruptive Uranus in the Fed's 1910 New Moon chart (Jekyll Island, GA) resulting in a midpoint picture of "brutal efforts to start a new order" which is a perfect example of the turmoil and cruelty the evil duo of Saturn and Pluto can instigate (their oposition on 9/11/01 another tragic example). Obviously, large amounts of money are involved (exs: Putin's and his oligarchs' hidden wealth, currency devalued, stock markets at risk, etc). Follow the link to view a bi-wheel of the Fed New Moon with the 2020 Saturn-Pluto Conjunction chart, outer.

Meanwhile, in case you missed it, here's recent news commentary from MSNBC's Chris Hayes, Why Putin Didn't Invade Ukraine During Trump's Presidency.

So as noted above, mitigating transits and progressions will aid matters, or can possibly worsen them, but here is a list of some of the more challenging planetary transits of 2022 that will hit the December 1, 1991 Horoscope of Ukraine, the more worrying ones involving aspects from karmic Saturn and Pluto and Ukraine's 5th house Pluto @21Sco01, 4th house Jupiter @13Vir17, and 8th house Saturn @2AQ49:

Putin invades Ukraine February 24, 2022

February 26, 2022 Jupiter opposes 1991 Jupiter once: Jupiter the General is discontent with his achievements, yet no one is impressed with overblown, overly optimistic efforts at territorial expansion; impulsive overstepping of boundaries = not cool.

2022 Saturn square 1991 Pluto 3x exact on March 21, August 26, December 16, 2022: refugee crisis continues as frightened populations are forced to step into unknown territories; manipulation, contrived actions, frustration, as more power and control are sought and harsh challenges are met; structures continue to be destroyed; children under threat (parents struggle to protect them); nuclear risks incurred.

July 4, 2022: by transit the 'Tail of the Dragon', the separative South Node of the Moon @21Sco01, will swipe across 1991 Pluto suggesting a time of large social events beyond personal control, large-scale changes initiated without regard to their effects on the lives of others; war and violence; personal security destroyed; victims of circumstance; resentment, misunderstandings. Positively, Pluto-SN provides resourcefulness, self-reliance, and the stamina to survive hardships. Now that the transiting South Node is in intense Scorpio, these potentials are already being felt and exercised.

Then once transit Pluto enters Aquarius, the subversive one will be on-track toward conjunction with Ukraine's 1991 Saturn @2AQ49 in 8th house thus creating a double measure of Saturn-Pluto influences. But let's consider that particular cosmic bridge when the world comes to it.

Muchly related posts include: Putin: Ukraine 2022 vs Hitler: Poland 1939