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Showing posts with label Saturn-Pluto. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Saturn-Pluto. Show all posts

Jun 1, 2024

"The Storm" Eclipse of 2019

Capricorn: Sign of Government, Law, Business, and Authority Figures

by Jude Cowell, partisan for our democratic Republic

As agent orange lurked in the people's White House playing POTUS, year 2019 opened with a significant Solar Eclipse in the 2 South Saros Series @15Cap25:02, and if we use the First Vote for Independence Horoscope of July 1, 1776, aka, the Powell Horoscope of America, the Eclipse landed upon - "eclipsed" - the Powell Moon, symbol of We the People - as independence and freedom from oppression were demanded.

Actually, this cosmic synchronicity (Sun-Moon conjunct Moon) gave many Americans the intuitive ability to realize on a deep level what authoritarians were up to and to understand what must be done, while others compounded our nation's karmic debt by repeating mistakes of the past - or by trying to (ex: the Naz*s desire for world domination via brutality and theft). A "unified Reich," as Trump has subversively promoted.

So recognizing that some folks have referred to the J6 coup attempt as "the storm" or "a storming, below you see an unmarked version of the 2 South Eclipse of January 5, 2019, aka, "The Storm" Eclipse based on its future direction North Node's rounded-up Sabian Symbol, "A Storm in a Canyon"; negative potential = "fatuous enjoyment of turmoil" (M. E. Jones). Perhaps we can agree that turmoil, chaos, and disruption are precisely the tactics that Uranian Trump likes to create and use against us for like Naz*s in the olden days, such conditions create the best period of time for reforms to be more easily implemented - distasteful, dystopian, undemocratic, and anti-American as his so obviously are:

Planetary aspects to 2 South provide a fuller picture of conditions and trends:

Saturn conjunct Ecl: those with responsibilities related to 2 South themes and who are well-equipped to correctly handle the issues (Saturn in its own sign of Capricorn);

Pluto conjunct Ecl: Plutonians unite; a network of Syndicates; negative potentials include gang wars and rapes, and other criminal offenses (Pluto in Capricorn: the dictator - R. Ebertin). Note that the harsh, compressive Saturn-Pluto Conjunction of January 12, 2020 was yet to come and would conjoin Trump's natal Vertex @23Capricorn, a point of fateful encounters and with a potential for "wish fulfillment."

Neptune sextile Ecl: inspires the loftier side of Neptune's spiritual gifts, plus, psychic and intuitive powers increase bringing hope to the downtrodden masses.

2 South Themes: Unusual groups; finding a particular group to join where a great deal can be gained (paraphrasing B. Brady). Initial 2 South occurred on April 17, 991 (OS) @1Tau47, Venus conjunct Aries Point, and Pluto-NN = Jupiter (@12Aries): "Desire to obtain position and power by force through the help of other people" (ex: Putin); and "attainment of great gains through others " (R. Ebertin). Michael Munkasey adds: "potential success through an ability to use people" and "An enhanced ability to read the political motives of the people you meet and assess their needs for power".

Other prominent features of 2019's 2 South Eclipse include: Saturn-Pluto conjunct Sun/Moon: sparing no pains in one's work; over-exertion; cold feelings; a tragic destiny for women (R. Ebertin); Munkasey adds: important denials of extremes; controlling emotions as you push toward goals; dominating others through a strong will; strong control over other people's habits (and over women's healthcare, as it turned out--jc).

And here's a bi-wheel of our Powell Horoscope of July 1, 1776 (inner) with the 2 South Eclipse 2019 Horoscope (outer) as a transit chart:

Events of 2019

Multiple events in 2019 relate to issues of freedom and independence. One such involves the INF Treaty (Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty) which was signed by Reagan and Gorbachev on December 8, 1987 at the White House under the influence of a 7 South Eclipse with themes of Mars-Pluto power issues. The INF was set to expire on August 2, 2019 but earlier on February 1, 2019, now-felony-convicted Trump confirmed that the US had withdrawn from the INF citing Russian non-compliance. Next day, Russia withdrew from the Treaty as well, and considering Trump's close tie with authoritarian Putin, one might reaonably expect that their withdrawals were coordinated.

Obviously, this freed Putin and Trump on the nuclear level to act as they wish by failing to renew the 1987 aggreement and by not signing a new version. Of course, in 2022 Putin invaded Ukraine and is destroying the country as best his massive ego can.

So! Follow the 2019 link, above, to check for additional events influenced by the group-joining 2 South Eclipse until the 3 North of July 2, 2019 @11Cancer over South America with themes of "news that transforms a situation" and "obessive worry" (B. Brady).

In closing: if you're concerned for America's future with foreign and domestic enemies continuing to target the US, you may wish to see a previous post Is History on Russia's Side?

Recommended for more eclipse info: Predictive Astrology, Bernadette Brady, and Your Prenatal Eclipse, Rose Lineman (AFA) #ad.

Oct 16, 2023

DC Horoscope: J6 Trial March 4, 2024 w Lunations

For your consideration:

First, a bi-wheel of Trump J6 Coup Attempt perpetrated on January 6, 2021 (inner; 2:15 pm est, the "breach" chart with US 1776 Uranus rising) surrounded by a DC Horoscope of Trump's upcoming J6 Trial for election interference, set for March 4, 2024 and overseen by Judge Chutkan, Washington DC, for the speculative hour of 10:00 am est:

Then for context, here are the two March 2024 Lunations Horoscopes which will probably perfect while the trial is in progress, with the Full Moon suggesting a culmination phase of something seeded or begun at the New Moon of March 10, 2024; at the least, the Full Moon may reveal a few previously unknown secrets concerning subversive actions and the sabotaging efforts of Mr. D. Trump and comrades:

New Moon @20Pis16 March 10, 2024 (lower left) and the Full Moon of March 25, 2024 @5Lib07 (upper right) which directly casts a cosmic spotlight upon the natal Neptune of Donald Trump which must include his 2nd hou$e trio of Neptune-Chiron-Jupiter of speculation and fraud, and, I believe, relates to the demagogue's major problems judging size and his absurdly irregular perspectives made worse by natal Jupiter stationary in Libra ("it's not fair!").

For as you know, Libra is the sign of balance, moderation, and the Scales of Justice. And significantly, the Sabian Symbol for Trump's natal Jupiter (@18Libra) may finally apply to events--

"Two Men Placed Under Arrest":

Previously on SO'W: Saturn and the Trump Trial March 4, 2024, and Horoscopes: Judge Chutkan and Trump, where you'll notice that between them, there's Saturn-Pluto-conjunct-Nodal Axis involvement that relates to abuse of power issues -- with a major side order of karma.

Note: Today, October 16, 2023, is the 18th anniversary of Stars Over Washington. My Thanks to all those who have supported SO'W by reading my fussy posts through the years, and also a huge Thank You to my Patreon subscribers who encourage the continuance of SO'W by helping defray expenses!

--Jude Cowell, partisan for democracy and the common good

Aug 18, 2023

Horoscopes: Judge Chutkan and Trump

Authority v Power: Trump's and Those Propping Him Up

by Jude Cowell

For my Friday post of the week, here are two images: A bi-wheel of Donald Trump natal (inner) with Judge Tanya Chutkan's 'noon' natal chart (her birth hour unknown) surrounding it.

The planetary contacts between them that stand out to me are her Mercury @22Gemini (conjunct his 10th house Sun-North-Node and radical planet of chaos, Uranus), Mars @27Taurus (conjunct his MC-Algol conjunction), Uranus @28Leo (conjunct his ASC-Mars-Regulus trio: Uranus-conj-Mars suggests the danger inherent within their relationship including his viol*nt thugs, fellow gangsters, and the global criminal network). Then significantly, there's her Saturn Rx @9AQ53 (opposing his powerful 12th house Pluto at apex of his Mars-Saturn midpoint of death, fury, and destruction).

Then notably, the August 1, 2023 Full Moon @9AQ16 spotlighted her natal Saturn and opposed his natal Pluto, for him a time when his attempts at manipulation will not turn out well. Authority challenges power and Saturnian limits and restrictions are called for. Is Trump nearing the end of his lifelong crime spree?

The August Full Moon focused its rays upon Judge Chutkan's Saturnian authority and the task to oppose and challenge his Plutonian activities of subversion and criminality. One of the potentials of the Mars-Saturn = Pluto midpoint picture is, intervention of a higher power (R. Ebertin) such as the US legal system holding a criminal defendant to account with accountability one of legal eagle Saturn's demands via facts and reality, and with past abuse of power becoming significant to the present:

And here is a synastry grid of the contacts between them with squares indicating obstacles or blockages, and oppositions showing challenges and/or adversaries:

May 15, 2023

Karmic Saturn and US National Security

Saturn, Pluto, Karma, and America's Enemies

by Jude Cowell

Way back in December 2017 we discussed the horoscope of Russia - Flag Raised 1991 and what we now understand were - and are - connections between agent orange and Vladimir Putin. And later, evidence was plain to see when the two men met at Helsinki, Finland in July 2018 with the Sun (leadership) conjunct Trump's natal Saturn, planet of authority, responsibility, authenticity, in watery Cancer, sign of tribalism, nationalism, and self-protection.

A form of patriotism may be noticed as well with this placement such as a demagogue wrapping his arms around an American flag as if to snuff it out. Then as you know, Saturn in Moon-ruled Cancer tends to love its own independence but tends toward discontent, crabby emotions, and aggravation caused through karmic ties and family connections. And all while Trump's Saturn @23Can48 squelches US 1776 Mercury, a serious contact that agent orange has used in his favor, seldom if ever in ours. Naturally, censorship and free speech are issues with and for Trump. Plus, his Saturn-to-US-Mercury connection actually ropes in America's 1776 Mercury-Pluto opposition of secrets and surveillance which, I suspect, relates to his theft of government documents and the alleged sharing and sale of them to America's enemies, both foreign and domestic. All this occurring across the Cancer-Capricorn axis of Security and Ambition, Domestic Scene and Career.

So in the scheme of things, old man Trump's 11th house Saturn has turned out to be a big deal when it comes to America's national security and the national security crisis that a disloyal agent orange has targeted against We the People and democracy itself. Even his pet 'build a wall' project falls into a Saturn (wall) in Cancer (shell of protection--easily broken or washed away) category, watery and crumbling as it's been - and with Bannon's financial fraud involved. Plus, abuse of power is always a potential with the harsh, compressed energies of the Saturn-Pluto combination.

So perhaps for the purposes of these topics, the December 31, 2021 Horoscope of the third time that transit Pluto in Capricorn opposed Trump's natal Saturn might be informative in view of the sinister, evil duo of Saturn-Pluto which met in Great Conjunction on January 12, 2020 @22Cap46 - conjunct Donald Trump's natal Vertex of fated encounters (see John Townley's The Vertex: Crossroads of Destiny):

And for those who use a late afternoon horoscope for America (July 4, 1776), the fact that Trump's rising Mars @27Leo opposes, and will always oppose, We the People's Moon @27AQ describes the anger, resentment, and grudges Mr. Revenge holds against his "fellow Americans" and toward anyone who stands in his tyrannical way. So for this and a thousand other reasons, Herr Revenge cannot be allowed to again fondle the keys to the White House with his tiny fingers itching to push The Button.

So please, dear reader, Vote Blue in 2024 as if your democratic Republic depends on it. Because you know that it totally does.

Also appearing on SO'W: Saturn-Neptune and Trump's Deep State Shadow Government. Plus, on May 24, 2023 Trump's Progressed Crescent Moon phase begins and in October its degree will be 'hit' by the 7 South Solar Eclipse @21Libra so you won't want to miss 7 South's Mars-Pluto implications for the orange marauder and for society in general.

May 3, 2023

Jupiter-Pluto's YOD signals a US Default Crisis

Republicans: the 'Downgrade America' Party

by Jude Cowell

US Must Pay Deadbeat Trump's Bills He Already Racked Up.

When we think of financial systems, powerful handlers of money such as bankers, politicians, power-brokers, Wall Street gentry, financiers, Federal Reserve officials, corporatists and other powerful movers and shakers, we naturally think of the Jupiter-Pluto planetary combination. And now that the stage-managed "debt ceiling crisis" is being tried on again by hostage-taking Republicans, as in 1995 and 2011, we look for information within the current Jupiter-Pluto Cycle which began in 2020 with three conjunctions - the first on April 5th, the third on November 12, 2020.

Jupiter-Pluto's 13-Year Cycle Began in 2020

Below is the previously published horoscope of the third conjunction of Jupiter and Pluto @22Cap51, in the highly sensitized 'governmental' degrees which also relate to the objectification of other people, whether in Capricorn or Cancer - and note that the 2020 conjunction manifested upon the natal Vertex ('VX') of gold-lover Donald Tr*mp, as did the Saturn-Pluto Conjuncton of January 12, 2020, the 'hardship' duo such as Republicans threaten now:

As you see, rising over the Capitol Building at the moment the 2020 Jupiter-Pluto Conjunction #3 perfected is 17Tau10 where radical Uranus cavorts. And with YOD patterns indicating conditions of crises, turning points, crossroads, special tasks, and/or karmic opportunities, we see in the horoscope that a pseudo-YOD exists when the Ascendant sextile Neptune (18Pis14 Rx) is considered as the pattern's base - but an element of timing comes into play once radical reformer Uranus arrives by transit and replaces the Ascendant in the YOD pattern.

As a result, apex planets activated by the YOD's Uranus-Neptune sextile (untapped energy sources) are the Moon and Venus (working together = good judgment of values) in 6th house, with Venus one of the money planets, and the Moon conjunct the natal 2nd house Jupiter of Mr Tr*mp. Perhaps we can agree that agent orange is a primary villain behind Speaker McCarthy's threat to crash the global economy if he and his maga-ites don't get their wish to cause misery and suffering across the land - why, Rs even want to cut veterans' benefits!

Of course, collapsing the US government is the goal of the GOP so that a nazi-style regime can be installed - with all the sadism and brutality this implies. Plus, note that the Jupiter-Pluto Conjunction perfected in the 9th house of Foreign Lands which suggests interference in our 'debt ceiling crisis' from abroad. Or perhaps instructions and orders from abroad would be closer to the truth.

And it's revealing that chaos-creator Uranus, the planet of zealotry and fanaticism, now completes the energy circuit of the 2020 YOD because the Uranian anarchists of the Republican Party, peeking out from behind Kevin McCarthy, are the ones forcing the issue as they attempt to shove President Biden into a corner over social safety net programs. As we know from past exerience, a debt default would make America a third-world country and this would please our country's enemies, domestic and foreign, with millions of American jobs lost, and bringing more of the "American carnage" promised by Herr Trump.

Apex Planets Moon and Venus

Then as we see with the activated YOD, it's time to step up via the apex planets, Moon and Venus, which are feminine, and the activated YOD indicates that the time has come to swing into action and address and solve a variety of societal problems, not just economic ones - problems such as testifying in court against predators, speaking up against crooked SCOTUS justices, and voting for common sense solutions in any situation that involves powerful people of wealth and public status who act against society, among other things. Yet it's true that the mundane Moon also symbolizes We the People and Venus = the ladies!

Meanwhile, it remains to be seen whether those in charge will come up with new and better ways of dealing with current issues before the clock runs out on our democratic Republic. Personally, my prayers are with and for leaders of good faith and concern for their fellow women and men. Therefore, my hope for avoiding 'US default' now rests with a secret plot via Rep. Mark Desaulnier (D-CA) and H.R. 626, a discharge petition to force a vote that by-passes the plans of Speaker McCarthy and his maga insurrectionists who'd rather 'burn it all down'!

Now according to congressional rules, on May 16, 2023, Democrats can begin collecting names on the discharge petition and we should note that five Republicans are needed to sign as well for a total of 218. Then with the debt default crisis out of the way, fiscal responsibility can rear its head as common sense negotiations on the budget move forward without any pearl-clutching at all.

Feb 3, 2023

Feb 2023: SOTU 2023 and a Spy Balloon

by Jude Cowell

Perhaps you remember President Biden's pseudo-SOTU Address to a pared-down Congress on April 28, 2021 with a transiting North Node-Mida$ conjunction in force. At the time, I had labeled Biden's 2021 address as pseudo because it was delivered prior to the end of his first year in office. However, the address was delivered at the invitation of then-House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, as per tradition.

An annual event, there was a need to hear from our Commander-in-Chief at that time due to all the trauma and drama in society, economic and medical concerns, plus, turmoil that we're still attempting to navigate in 2023 - with the albatross of anti-democracy Republicans tied to our collective neck - and the specter of violence being perpetrated across the land and creating the unsafe environment in Congress as Democrats attempt to serve next to neo-fascist far-right Republicans toting guns and wearing AR-15 pins on their lapels in place of the usual US flag pins. Symbolic much?

So below is an unmarked Horoscope of 2023 SOTU February 7, 2023 9:00 pm est Washington DC. Note that the 2023 SOTU address' Air-Earth Sun AQ-Moon Virgo blend of conscious and unconscious energies is shared natally by Gertrude Stein, SCOTUS, and our 9th President William H. Harrison (my 14th cousin 5x removed, says geni dot com) who served for only 32 days.

Topics which may be mentioned during SOTU 2023 include healthcare and mental health, democracy, Supreme Court decisions, economics and budgets, ethics and principles, immigration policy, plus, other societal issues - spotlighted in a speech by a humanitarian president with a utilitarian world view based on common sense and truth seeking.

Of note, President Biden's first natal planet to rise at 9:00 pm is his compassionate Neptune @1Lib30 along with America's July 4, 1776 Midheaven 00Lib47:

Then below is a bi-wheel of America's July 4, 1776 Horoscope with Moon @27Aquarius (inner) showing SOTU's 2023 Saturn conjunct Luna for a measure of depression, oppression, moodiness, and serious topics brought to the public discourse. Other planetary contacts may be seen as well (ex: Mercury-Pluto = surveillance and secrets). Astro-notes are penned upon the bi-wheel which may be enlarged and/or printed for easier viewing (see center of the bi-wheel for a prominent midpoint picture with karmic Saturn as apex planet):

As for current threats from aspiring deadbeat Republicans to crash the US and world economies by refusing to raise the debt ceiling in order to pay America's already-incurred bills, a rereading of the Two Santa Claus Theory of politics may be helpful at this point, just for context.

Major Planetary Cycles Operative Since 2020

So all the while, knocking at America's door are societal shifts and perils within - timed in part by the January 2020 Saturn-Pluto Conjunction @23Capricorn and the December 2020 Jupiter-Saturn Conjunction @00AQ29 conjunct US Inaugural Sun.

Such societal shifts are also described astrologically by two heavyweight transits: the primal cause US Pluto Return and transit Neptune in shady Pisces opposing US 1776 Neptune in fact-based Virgo. The first transit: transformation via Pluto's destructuring function down to bare bones then rebuilding, while the second is a generational clash of ideologies (Virgo-Pisces) with persecutions and prejudices coming to the Neptunian surface to be dealt with, hopefully more honestly than ever before - with racism and misygyny topping the national menu of strong-armed paternalism vs a caring democracy. Here we find the vicious 'slave patrol' mindset embedded within various police departments (though thankfully not all).

So it must be obvious that America's foreign and domestic enemies have long studied which wedge issues will divide We the People most disruptively for their undermining purposes intended to topple the US government from global leadership, taking democracy down with it.

And so We the People remain within the throes of sustained assaults from enemies within and without, not the least of which is an insurrectionist-infested Republican House of Representatives now in control of the government they're desperate to overthrow in favor of fascist-style authoritarianism. And as Julia Ioffe stated in her informative Frontline interview 2 or 3 days ago, to Putin, Trump looks like a "wrecking ball." Yep, the orange marauder is the Kremlin's wrecking ball, a fact that many Americans have realized all along.

Speaking of threats, a Chinese spy balloon has been flying over Montana for the last few days - or is it only a weather balloon? Either way, US Secretary of State Antony Blinken is scheduled to visit China soon. Hmm. Well, we do have IBMs stored in Montana but so far no word on a direct threat, just surveillance it seems, and the Biden administration has told the Chinese government to cut it out if they're spying. Of interest astrologically is that, among other activities and concepts, both Neptune and Pluto are associated with spying and surveillance, infiltration, theft, and criminal activities such as organized crime.

Okay, I'll quit fussing now. Because it is Friday after all.

A Related Post: Horoscope of the 118th Congress.

Dec 28, 2022

Why Congress Can't Cut Defense Spending: Feat. Rep. Mark Pocan - clip

Here's a recent segment from a Thom Hartmann broadcast with guest Rep. Mark Pocan:

And here's a nostalgic view of the Pentagon's founding horoscope (April 29, 1942) with its war-waging, out-of-bounds Mars in Moon-ruled Cancer (touchy!) at apex of two difficult midpoints: ruthless Saturn-Pluto and fanatical Uranus-Pluto, creating both brutal and intense conditions.

Additionally, snugged around this particular view of the Pentagon 1942 chart is the DC Horoscope of the 12 North Solar Eclipse of January 15, 2010 (@25Cap01, in the highly sensitized area of governmental/legal Capricorn which includes US Pluto Return, a three-fer due to planetary retrogradation).

As for America's years of out-of-this-world amounts of defense spending, we might consider Capricorn eclipses for their negative implications of ruler Saturn: avarice and selfishness which impede karmic progress and identify the imperative to adhere to conservative Saturn's demands for self-control, conscientiousness, sober thinking, and self-discipline when it comes to financial investments (rather than clearing out the National Treasury - and all the while promoting austerity for the masses).

From a previous post, let's close with a quote clipped from President Eisenhower's famous 'Chance for Peace' speech of 1953, an era when the Republican Party wasn't sadistic, brutal, deceptive, and crass as it is now:

"Every gun that is made, every warship launched, every rocket fired signifies, in the final sense, a theft from those who hunger and are not fed, those who are cold and are not clothed. This world in arms is not spending money alone. It is spending the sweat of its laborers, the genius of its scientists, the hopes of its children."

Sep 29, 2022

Trump's "Furious Storm" Solar Eclipse

2019 North Node of Future Direction: 2021 and Beyond

by Jude Cowell

Published on the significant day of January 20, 2021 came NPR's The "Storm" Never Struck as 'QAnon' bizarrely predicted so let's have a peek at what I'm calling "The Storm" Solar Eclipse of January 5, 2019 @15Cap25:02 which by degree eclipsed the 1st house Moon (We The People) in America's Powell Horoscope (@15Cap16).

Now we know that 'QAnon' began spinning and gaslighting the public in 2017, the first year of the Trump regime, but I'm labeling the 2019 manifestation of a 2 South Eclipse as, "The Storm" due to the rounded-up Sabian Symbol of the eclipse's North Node of future direction, or destiny (@27Cancer): "A Furious Storm Rages Through a Residential Canyon" (Jones; Dane Rudhyar gives, not "Furious" but "Violent"). This symbol reveals a negative expression of "fatuous enjoyment of turmoil" (M.E. Jones).

Opposing this degree is its Illumination Point of "27Capricorn" = "A Mountain Pilgrimage" which contains many potentials, including the esoteric, and is the US Inauguration Midheaven degree these days (conjunct US 1776 Pluto Rx). Negative expression of "27Cap": "satisfaction in superficial allegiances and a parade of false virtue" (M.E.J.).

Now if any of this reminds you of people who feign patriotism while being and behaving anti-American, then we're on the same page, dear reader. After all, fascists and nazis can hardly be considered patriotic in an American sense. (To this I must add 'Christian' Nationalists and theocrats who want to negate our traditional separation of Church and State so they can dominate US society and enforce their religious beliefs including what day we worship: see upper right corner of the bi-wheel!)

When Pluto the Dragon Encountered His Own Tail

So by transit, the Saturnian South Node (aka, 'tail of the dragon') swiped across America's 1776 Pluto Rx (natal and progressed) in late 2018 and early 2019 - under Trump's feckless tutelage. The Pluto-SN combination denotes people whose wills are out of sync with current social trends and conditions and this causes resentment, misunderstandings, and the destruction of personal security. Although a measure of self-reliance may be indicated by a Pluto-SN conjunction, dangerous collective events of a perilous nature, even war, are also part of the Plutonian-Saturnian picture.

Plus, as you see, "The Storm Eclipse" of 2019 @15Cap25 is bracketed by karmic planets Saturn and Pluto, the harsh planetary pair that, one year 7 days after this eclipse, met by conjunction on January 12, 2020 @22Cap46 - conjunct Trump's natal Vertex of fated encounters. These are good vs evil days, my friends, and I suspect that Trump knew this cosmic factoid about his Vertex and used it to his advantage as much as he could - with his natal Saturn in Cancer of misrule opposing. For as everyone knows, responsible Saturn's demand for accountability has never been his 'thing'.

Trump Coup Attempt a Mercury-Pluto/Mars-Uranus Endeavor

Meanwhile, a midpoint picture formed on January 6, 2021 around 1:00 pm est of,Mercury-Pluto = MC: 'arrranging matters well' (R. Ebertin). Secret arrangements, as we know, but which are now coming to light via the J6 hearings. My suspicion is that US Secret Service agents are implicated in Herr Trump's Mercury-Pluto plans, along with the potential that the attack on Congress was in part an attempt to steal certain documents from congressional offices. Were they part of the documents recovered from Mar-a-Lago? Are they buried on Trump's Bedminster golf course?

So as you see, our 1776 Mercury-Pluto opposition (of surveillance) lies upon the transiting Nodal Axis, a planetary pair that turned up on January 6, 2021 with 'insurrection' Mercury conjunct Pluto snugged around the Midheaven (Goal Point). Also of interest is Inauguration 2017's 9th house Mercury @6Cap45 rising in the US Powell Chart (ASC @6Cap07) with all that speedy Mercury can imply (exs: intel, secrets, rhetoric, oration, travel, commerce, lies, etc.)

As for Trump's seditious coup attempt (ongoing, as we know: "The Storm"?), his disruptive, chaotic Uranus, planet of radical politics, revolt, anarchy, and zealotry - is his guiding planet because it's oriental (last planet to rise before his 10th house Gemini Sun: Mr. Chaos). So the point of this post is that, for readers who want to sleuth into "The Storm" Eclipse Horoscope for further information, here's a view of the chart set for Washington DC with 2 South's theme penned on the image, upper center.

Plus, as usual, my messy study notes are penned on; please enlarge or print the bi-wheel for easier reading, if you wish:

Now naturally there are several other chart factors worth your consideration and I hope your interest is piqued enough to check them out. And do leave your insights in a Comment if you wish! jc

Jul 6, 2022

NYSE transits: Is the US Economy in or approaching Recession?

A Planetary Spotcheck on the NYSE: 2022 into 2023

by Jude Cowell

Whether we look at the horoscope for the NYSE Buttonwood Handshake Agreement of May 17, 1792 NYC that first formed the 'Wall Street Casino', or the reorganization chart of May 11, 1869 (for timing I use the New Moon of that day @20Tau57 at 11:11:27 am LMT NYC), we find several difficult planetary transits of stress and strain in process as the bond yield market inverts which forecasts recession for the US economy, or, alerts us to the fact that the US economy is already in recession. Can Astrology, via a novice astrologer, show such a problem of market instability?

Perhaps, because certain planetary contacts to the 1792 and 1869 charts, shown above, indicate that in general, upheaval is in our financial cards. But since my theory is that no reader makes it to the end of a very long post, I'll simply mention a major transit affecting each horoscope - and both contacts occur three times due to retrogradation which stretches out the effects and conditions:

NYSE May 17, 1792 7:52 am LMT NYC shows wealth-hoarding Pluto @23AQ31, direct and in the corporate Big Business 8th house. However, 1792 Pluto squares 11th house Sun and Mercury Rx in money sign Taurus, therefore, transit Saturn squares them, too, which adds to the difficulties. Yet financier planet Jupiter of 1792 (22Lib57, 4th house) trines 1792 Pluto (big wheeler-dealers), so transit Saturn beneficially trines 1792 Jupiter so that a measure of mitigation of difficulties is provided during the earth-shaking, old order vs new order influences of Saturn conjunct 1792 Pluto exact on: 1. April 19, 2022; 2. July 22, 2022; 3. January 11, 2023. Power and control issues are also part of the Saturn-Pluto picture.

NYSE Reorganization May 11, 1869 NYC New Moon @20Tau57 in 10th house along with money planets Pluto (16Tau36) and Venus (21Tau33); there's a crisis/turning point YOD pattern between Uranus (14Can26 11th house) sextile Pluto at its base representing the reordering or reorganization of Wall Street itself due to crisis conditions, with apex Saturn Rx @15Sag33 in 4th house, planet of karma and of senior, well-established participants. Rounding up old man's Saturn's degree we get a Sabian Symbol significant to our current topic: "Sea Gulls Watching a Ship". And if we read the trio as a midpoint picture we find potentials for egoism, self-will, and exposure to great pressure (R. Ebertin). Great pressure sounds to me like a current condition as well.

Suggesting upheaval, changes, and a very bumpy ride, transit Uranus conjuncts 1869 Pluto three times, exact on: 1. June 6, 2022; 2. November 16, 2022; 3. March 28, 2023. You'll note the November 16th date so near the November 8, 2022 Election Day with Uranus conjunct 1869 Pluto. Perhaps we can agree that violent disruptions interfering with Midterms 2022 voting bodes ill for society on many levels which includes economic issues.

Yet we know that the inverted bond yield indicator isn't written in stone as a recession signpost since its negative effects could be avoided with careful navigation, yet the wealthy elite are apparently lacking confidence in America 'going forward' which may prove even more important since their failure to invest in the US economy can trigger a recession. Why, some of the wealthy villains even supported Trump's violent J6 coup attempt against the US Congress but you can bet that many of them made the bulk of their fortunes off the American people - in our democratic society.

Meanwhile, we should begin to understand more about these issues once banking planet Jupiter Stations and turns Rx on July 28, 2022 @8Ari43. Jupiter will remain inwardly turned (inverted?) until the third week of November 2022 after the 2022 Midterm Elections and the day's Taurus Lunar Eclipse conjunct disruptive Uranus, planet of radical politics and zealots which creates a major problem of instability for financial markets and for Main Street shoppers who stay home out of fear, and who may stay home from the November polls, choosing to Vote By Mail.

So as you see, these major transits to the NYSE charts are already in progress since April and June 2022 which possibly denotes that a recession is already in progress (although other more beneficial transits into 2023 may bring economic relief). But however Wall Street decides to react to these cosmic influences, we may as well expect difficulties through the bond yield market on into 2023 with little if any benefits from retrograde Jupiter's funds or from the Great Benefic's protective function.

Actually, my suspicion is that there are potentials in store for aid delayed and/or blocked efforts to show up on our societal menu, most likely engineered and promoted by sorehead politicians of a regressive persuasion working hard to sabotage our country on behalf of their foreign and domestic handlers and financiers. My feeling is that voting for malevolent saboteurs in the 2022 Midterms will go ahead and sink that Ship (of State), the one the seagulls are watching very intently for signs of faltering.

Therefore, realistically speaking - and as previously noted - these major 2022-2023 transits for a US economy led by Wall Street gentry may be cosmic announcements of a very bumpy ride.

But hey! How about fighting back the toffs? For there's one event full of hope (one of Jupiter's favorite functions!) which was held on June 18, 2022 under the restless influences of the first Uranus-to-Pluto transit to the 1869 chart. As you know, the Uranus-Pluto pair is always active when social protests rise up under great pressure, as we saw with Reverend William Barber's Mass Poor People's and Low-Wage Workers' Assembly and Moral March on Washington and to the Polls.

So for more information,and you don't have to be poor, why not check out the PoorPeoplesCampaign website!

May 10, 2022

Bi-Wheel: Coup Attempt 2021 w/ J6 Public Hearing June 2022

June 9th Accountability Knocks: Will the Guilty Answer?

by Jude Cowell

On April 29, 2022, J6 Committee Chairman Bennie Thompson told the American people to expect "at least 8 hearings" investigating Trump's Attempted Coup of January 6, 2021. Finding no exact hour the opening hearing of June 9, 2022 may begin, the following bi-wheel shows the Public Hearing (outer) set for the speculative hour of 9:30 am edt, Capitol Building (or other DC location) with US natal North Node (meetings) conjunct the IC (endings) of the Trump Coup Attempt chart (inner).

Note: Although I'm calling this the 'first' public hearing, Capitol Hill officers testified in July 2021 about the coup attempt. These horoscopes are posted today because most of us are hoping that politicians and others who aided and abetted Trump's power grab scheme will be held accountable bwo of the J6 Summer 2022 hearings, and by the DOJ. If the culprits aren't, a coup attempt will occur again, as everyone knows. Yet a plus is that transit Pluto conjunct Mercury supplies deeper powers for delving into hidden meanings and motivations, so let's take appropriate actions to protect democracy and our Republic!

For the January 6, 2021 insurrection horoscope shown here, I'm using 1:32:32 pm est so that 26Tau27 rises with malevolent Algol conjunct Trump's natal Midheaven 'MC' (the goal), along with the opening hearing's Mercury, planet of testimony, communication, negotiation - but also of lies, deception, theft, and trickersterism. Transit North Node @22Tau15 conjuncts ASC as well which suggests that Trump has been and will be the central figure in the J6 proceedings (for clear reasons). And yes, the leader of the sabotage felt very joyful on that day as shown by Sun = Venus-Jupiter!

Both Charts/Events: Moon-Mars Oppositions with Don't Tred On Me Vibes

Besides the anger, quarrels, fights, and self-willedness that a Moon-Mars opposition suggests, a prominent transit for Trump is legal eagle planet of karma, accountability, and timing, Saturn Rx @25AQ14, opposing Trump's natal Mars in Leo (and his natal Ascendant, for that matter). This denotes potentials for gridlock, anger and resentment, negative dealings with males and the public, illness (heart problems, stress, strain, inflammation, injuries), and yes, a potential for violence. According to R. Ebertin, there are also indications of 'mysterious death, grievous loss, insufficient power to tackle obstacles or resistance, weakening efforts, self-torment', and/or the 'undermining of vitality' via 'poison, gas, or epidemic', as shown by the J6 public hearing's Mars-Saturn @18Pis23 conjunct Coup Attempt Neptune @18Pis35) with Mars-Saturn as 'the death axis'. We should brace for the possibility that sinister, mysterious, or subversive events could occur before or during the Summer 2022 J6 hearings. This is supported by the ongoing themes of the current 6 North Solar Eclipse (@10Tau28 on April 30, 2022) suggesting 'commitments accepted due to another person's unreliability or illness' and with 'relationships to authority figures' being prominent (paraphrasing B. Brady).

Now there are multiple planetary contacts between the two horoscopes and events as you see and some are mentioned, above. But let's continue our focus with the multi-faceted contacts affecting the Coup Attempt's Mercury-Pluto conjunction, remembering that 2022 is the year of America's first-ever Pluto Return (3x for good measure). And let's note that the Coup Attempt's Saturn-Pluto midpoint is joined by the Public Hearing's Pluto which adds recognition and confrontation with evil to the mix (Munkasey). There, I typed it: pure evil such as the 2020 Saturn-Pluto Conjunction @22Cap46 cosmically consolidated for humanity as their nearly 33-year cycle began once again - while perfecting their conjunction directly upon the natal Vertex of Mr. Trump (22Cap51): fated encounters or wish fulfillment? Perhaps both

Thing is, it's time for Americans to decide once and for all what sort of country we have and what brand of government we want, and the J6 hearings are part of the challenge along with the US Pluto Return/s. It's as if the old R vs D stand-offs are distilled into the current Authoritarianism vs Democracy tug of war, but we must be certain to recognize that it's brutal, malevolent neo-nazis mounting the challenge to American democracy. Why, even the double Moon-Mars oppositional influences echo Trump's natal Mars opposing (targeting) US natal Moon in Aquarius. How much plainer can the Cosmos make the threat?

Then What About the Libra Moon/s?

So besides Luna's opposition with warrior planet Mars, the Moon on June 9, 2022 @12Lib11, a critical degree, acts as the handle of a Bucket pattern and thus is a primary driver or motivator of the proceedings. As you know, the mundane Moon = the public, publicity, public relations, family, security concerns, and as a timing agent, we should note that the Coup Attempt's Moon @21Lib31 returns to her position (a Lunar Return) on June 10, 2022 at 2:00:59 am edt with early Aries rising. An earlier position of testy Mars is signifiant - @12Ari02, a critical-crisis degree - exactly opposite the June 9th Public Hearing's Moon (12Lib11) which is a Moon-Mars (angry or upset people!) emphasized again.

And a cosmic echo of the Tr*mp natal Mars @26Leo opposing US natal Moon.

Mar 6, 2022

Ukraine Crisis, Putin, Saturn-Pluto 2022

March 6, 2022

Now That We See the GOP Is "The Evil Empire" Party

by Jude Cowell

Saturn; Voyager 2, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons

As always, there are both positive and negative transits upcoming for us all and given the dire state of conditions in Ukraine, a look at 2022 planetary transits to the country's Independence Horoscope of December 1, 1991 6:00 pm EET Kiev, UKR (Campion #342) may be revealing, with an emphasis on the harsh, destructive Saturn-Pluto duo in particular.

And naturally, we know that the duo's recent Conjunction @22Cap46 on January 12, 2020 started a new 33-year cycle of their difficult, compressive energies, the first since November 8, 1982 (@27Lib36: under Reagan). Check out the transcript of Reagan's March 8, 1983 speech that soon became known as his Evil Empire Speech as the 'good vs evil' planetary duo of Saturn and Pluto aligned in late Libra, years after their three-fer conjunctions during World War I (Horoscope shown). In 1982, the US Congress was in process of debating (they used to debate) a resolution in support of a "nuclear freeze" which the Reagan administration was against.

Was Mr. Reagan projecting evil on to the Soviet Union, a case of the devil slyly calling out the devil? Well, as you see, Tuesday March 8, 2022 marks his speech's 39th anniversary - and now the world suffers through Putin's dream of world domination, beginning with his take-over efforts in Ukraine. If Putin is successful (or seen as successful), other grabby dictators will follow suit. Could Putin's warmongering be a form of payback for Reagan's label for the Soviet Union as "evil"? Well, it is the Soviet Union that Putin wants to reassemble. So if you've missed it so far, I highly recommend Frontline's documentary Putin's Way (53 mins).

Pluto; NASA; Hubble false-color image July 2015

Why, the January 12, 2020 Saturn-Pluto Conjunction @22Cap46 even hit disruptive Uranus in the Fed's 1910 New Moon chart (Jekyll Island, GA) resulting in a midpoint picture of "brutal efforts to start a new order" which is a perfect example of the turmoil and cruelty the evil duo of Saturn and Pluto can instigate (their oposition on 9/11/01 another tragic example). Obviously, large amounts of money are involved (exs: Putin's and his oligarchs' hidden wealth, currency devalued, stock markets at risk, etc). Follow the link to view a bi-wheel of the Fed New Moon with the 2020 Saturn-Pluto Conjunction chart, outer.

Meanwhile, in case you missed it, here's recent news commentary from MSNBC's Chris Hayes, Why Putin Didn't Invade Ukraine During Trump's Presidency.

So as noted above, mitigating transits and progressions will aid matters, or can possibly worsen them, but here is a list of some of the more challenging planetary transits of 2022 that will hit the December 1, 1991 Horoscope of Ukraine, the more worrying ones involving aspects from karmic Saturn and Pluto and Ukraine's 5th house Pluto @21Sco01, 4th house Jupiter @13Vir17, and 8th house Saturn @2AQ49:

Putin invades Ukraine February 24, 2022

February 26, 2022 Jupiter opposes 1991 Jupiter once: Jupiter the General is discontent with his achievements, yet no one is impressed with overblown, overly optimistic efforts at territorial expansion; impulsive overstepping of boundaries = not cool.

2022 Saturn square 1991 Pluto 3x exact on March 21, August 26, December 16, 2022: refugee crisis continues as frightened populations are forced to step into unknown territories; manipulation, contrived actions, frustration, as more power and control are sought and harsh challenges are met; structures continue to be destroyed; children under threat (parents struggle to protect them); nuclear risks incurred.

July 4, 2022: by transit the 'Tail of the Dragon', the separative South Node of the Moon @21Sco01, will swipe across 1991 Pluto suggesting a time of large social events beyond personal control, large-scale changes initiated without regard to their effects on the lives of others; war and violence; personal security destroyed; victims of circumstance; resentment, misunderstandings. Positively, Pluto-SN provides resourcefulness, self-reliance, and the stamina to survive hardships. Now that the transiting South Node is in intense Scorpio, these potentials are already being felt and exercised.

Then once transit Pluto enters Aquarius, the subversive one will be on-track toward conjunction with Ukraine's 1991 Saturn @2AQ49 in 8th house thus creating a double measure of Saturn-Pluto influences. But let's consider that particular cosmic bridge when the world comes to it.

Muchly related posts include: Putin: Ukraine 2022 vs Hitler: Poland 1939

Mar 1, 2022

Putin: Ukraine 2022 vs Hitler: Poland 1939

February 2022 Invasion Echoes Poland 1939

by Jude Cowell

Recently, comparisons have been made by talking heads between Herr Hitler's brutal invasion, bombing, and take-over of Poland from September 1, 1939 to October 6, 1939, his 'September Campaign', and the February 24, 2022 invasion and bombing of Ukraine by Russian 'president' Vladimir Putin, a man with dreams of global dictatorship - just as Hitler had.

So naturally, worries about a world war starting are now on steroids thanks to Putin's power-grab of Ukraine and his nuclear threats, for as you know, Hitler's action against Poland sparked World War II. And synchronistically, the take-over of Poland and WWII (September 1, 1939 Danzig, Poland) both fall under the influences of the same Solar Eclipse, the 13 South Eclipse of April 19, 1939 @28Ari43 which is displayed, below, with astro-notes penned on including the fact that the Eclipse hit very near Herr Hitler's natal Sun (00Taurus), his 'trigger point of violence', and death-dealer Pluto at a critical-crisis 29th degree of Capricorn (conjunct America's current progressed position of Pluto) squares the Solar Eclipse indicating ruthless behavior, torture, and other criminal offences.

Meanwhile, karmic Saturn @22Aries separates from the Eclipse (6S42) and denotes those with the responsibility to carry out 13 South's themes which are penned at the top of the horoscope, and include sinister energy and an urge to expand as they 'strive toward group endeavors' (B. Brady). Of course, these two planets aspecting the 1939 Eclipse make up the evil pair of Saturn-Pluto which had last met in Conjunction three times from October 1914 to May 19, 1915 (@00Cancer, a Cardinal World Point of Manifestation: World War - not so now). Yet there are Saturn and Pluto again at the Foundation of this Eclipse chart conjunct the IC (22Cap30) which weirdly enough, conjuncts the January 12, 2020 Saturn-Pluto Conjunction which happened to hit the natal Vertex ('VX') of Herr Trump with its 'fated encounters' implications. Now these, plus, other cosmic synchronicities are listed, below, and are not comforting, I know, but there it is.

So see what you can make of the eclipse chart and leave an on-topic comment with this post, if you wish:

Image: World War II 13 South Solar Eclipse @28Ari43; April 19, 1939 5:35:02 pm CET Danzig, Poland

One recent event notated on the horoscope is the 1939 Eclipse's 7th house Vertex of fated encounters @6Tau44 pointing directly at the US Inauguration Day 2021 Mars-Uranus Conjunction - also @6Tau44 (!). Either Universal synchronicity is full of irony, or someone devious plans ahead using astrological principles and placements as timing devices for their activities in the here and now, inspired by, or in tribute to, similar brutalities perpetrated by a long-gone dictator following the voices in his head (as do Putin and Trump). Now I know that many folks realize the similarities without the aid of Astrology, even without seeing white "supremacists" marching on TV and in streets with tiki torches burning as they yell hateful slogans - a global movement toward strong-armed authoritarianism. The recent banning and burning of books is a major clue as well - oh, and add the Moon's position (29Aries) during the Mars-Uranus Conjunction of 2021 for Luna conjoined the 13 South Solar Eclipse degree of 1939, a cosmic picture of completion and/or fulfillment of some sort. Apparently, current-day neo-nazis are simply preening with pride at how hateful, racist, and brutal they are.

Of course, basic factors that all solar eclipses in Mars-ruled Aries indicate are potentials for militancy, belligerence, boldness, and leadership, but when the energies are negatively expressed, these turn to arrogance, aggression, self-willedness, and a headstrong attitude that bodes ill for other people. In fact, the foolhardiness implied tends to cause more problems than it solves. Add to this Eclipse-ruler Mars in Capricorn ('the warrior') leading the planets in a Locomotive shape and we see an indication of a 'ruthlessness executive determined to achieve success at any cost' (whether in Poland or in Ukraine). The Eclipse falling in the 7th house in Danzig denotes pacts and karmic alliances or partnerships.

So do you think that history is rhyming from 1939 to 2022? Or is someone devious purposefully causing current events to 'rhyme' with past events in order to 'complete' a certain psychopath's malevolent agenda? See November 2022 Eclipse hits Austrian Psychopath's Chart which shows yet another example from the 1939 Eclipse horoscope - radical planet of anarchy and zealotry, Uranus @16Tau42 will conjunct the Lunar Eclipse in Taurus conjunct Uranus on the very day of America's 2022 Midterms - with reactionary Uranus conjunct Herr Hitler's natal Venus-Mars Conjunction, a passionate pair that recently met on February 16, 2022 @16Capricorn - the conjunction a repetition or an echoing of Adolf's unhinged energies from the past - when we take current events into consideration. As you know, the Venus-Mars pairing is super-passionate and can at times make quite a spectacle of themselves.

Cosmic Time Links: 1939 to 2022

And of course, comrade Putin's current actions are intended on a sinister level to undermine and collapse America, as you know, in revenge for the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991.

So! If you can manage it, do check out Astrology King's insightful analysis of Herr Hitler with his Sun conjunct fixed star Mirach in Andromeda and the star's 'chained woman' implications which, to me, relate to the 'strong-armed paternalism' that again threatens the world, no less so than in American politics via Republicans determined to control women's health choices.

And note that this area of the Zodiac will be lit up once again by a Solar Eclipse in April 2023 (30Aries) so as I've asked before in a previous post, Are we once again being haunted by Mirach's Ghost?

Jan 10, 2022

DC Horoscope: SOTU 2022 (unmarked)

America 2022: Disjointed and Ill Yet Hopeful

by Jude Cowell

January 10, 2022

Shown below is a photo of the unmarked DC Horoscope of what is reported to be (per Speaker Pelosi's invitation to President Joe Biden) the March 1, 2022 SOTU Address to a Joint Session of Congress concerning the State of our Union.

As scheduled, the SOTU 2022 chart is set for 9:00 pm est, Capitol Building, with 18Lib24 rising (bringing up Tr*mp's natal Jupiter opposed by Speaker Pelosi's natal Jupiter @18Aries at Descendant), and with Sun, Moon, Jupiter, and Neptune in the creative 5th house. A pile of trouble constellates around the IC of the chart (21Cap07) including the 2020 Saturn-Pluto Conjunction @22Capricorn which conjoined the natal Vertex of Herr Tr*mp.

Then as you see, intense conjunctions between Venus-Pluto and Mars-Pluto are lining up (both exact on March 3, 2022 - conjunct US natal Pluto @27Cap33) and, appropriate for a SOTU Address during difficult times in society, there's a serious and tenacious Mercury-Saturn Conjunction @18AQ+ exact on the morning of the March 2, 2022 New Moon (12:35 pm est @12Pis07).

Therefore, SOTU 2022 will be delivered during the prophetic Dark of the Moon phase with major Piscean overtones. No, this date is not the most auspicious timing for expressing the optimism and enthusiasm that President Biden is bound to show during his speech - yet perhaps March 2022 is when Piscean compassion will be the most needed and valued:

North Node and the Virgo-Pisces victim-savior axis

With transit Neptune, elusive planet of compassion and contagion, still floating through its own sign of Pisces, culmination, fulfillment, relationship issues, and/or full awareness of the plans hatched at or about the March 2nd New Moon in Pisces arrives on or about the Full Moon of March 18, 2022 @27Vir40 at 3:18 am est.

Now as you know, the Nodal Axis circles the Zodiac approximately every 19.6 years and March 2022 signals the time for the North Node of the Moon, the head of the dragon, to point directly at the malevolent star that twinkles upon the natal Midheaven, the Goal Point, of one D. Tr*mp: Algol. Meanwhile, the tail of the dragon (the separative South Node), swipes the natal IC of Endings in the natal horoscope of Herr Tr*mp.

Now obviously, his ugly memory may be noted (though unnamed!) during SOTU 2022 and we know that unpredictable events and legal actions are certain to occur between the time of this publishing and March 1, 2022. Yet if given a chance, the screams and rage of vicious, vengeful Algol with the star's suggestion of 'piled up corpses' may again be on display from the direction of the orange menace and his thugs - or, will simply be called out by others in speeches, in reporting and books, and in courts of law.

If so, we'll be forewarned. But we won't be surprised.

UPDATE 01/10/22: Today a Patreon post is now published and specifically intended for SO'W subscribers which adds additional information to the above post for it focuses on the March 2, 2022 Mercury-Saturn Conjunction in Aquarius, a significant cosmic event that relates to SOTU 2022. jc

Nov 2, 2021

Nov 2022 Eclipse hits Austrian Psychopath's Chart

by Jude Cowell

Tuesday November 2, 2021

Please note that today's post and horoscopes are published as a function of my self-appointed "duty to warn" role on behalf of a democratic America and some of its content may not be appropriate for all readers.

October 18, 2022 Update: First, the 6 South Solar Eclipse @2Scorpio (October 25, 2022 = 'forcefully taking power and control') hits very near the Austrian Psychopath's natal Ascendant - and is rising in his chart, in fact. Then an even more direct 'hit' comes from the Taurus Lunar Eclipse which perfects on the very day of America's 2022 Midterm Elections - conjunct Uranus, planet of anarchy, zealotry, and attack. Erratic shows of anger may arise from nazi-lovers.

Original post begins here:

So the following bi-wheel of a certain Austrian Psychopath's natal chart (inner) with the Horoscope of the Midterms 2022 Lunar Eclipse @16Taurus (outer) may or may not time significant events in the US, events and conditions which could or could not implicate the ongoing threat of violence by Neo-Nazis determined to take over the US government and turn it into a grotesque likeness of a certain goatish Austrian Psychopath who during his 'career' envisioned a world order that he himself would control. Today's modern acolytes of his violent methods toward grasping power continue to hold such an objective as their own and showed their vicious determination on January 6, 2021 as the Executive Branch of government attacked the Legislative Branch. And as everyone knows, their ring leader and white power mascot is dictator-wanna-be Donald J. Trump.

As to the significance of November 2022 Lunar Eclipse contacts to our 'mystery' Psychopath's natal Venus-Mars conjunction (@16Taurus+) of passion, pushiness, sexual impotency, and/or tactlessness, one factor to consider is that the November 8, 2022 Lunar Eclipse in Taurus - conjunct radical zealot Uranus Rx and opposing the Scorpio Sun-Mercury conjunction - reveals cosmic clues about the Collective's emotional reactions to the previous Solar Eclipse which manifests on October 25, 2022 @2Scorpio in the 6 South Saros Series which happens to be the influential Prenatal Solar Eclipse ('PE') of the Midterm 2022 Elections. Obviously, every candidate's 2022 campaign will also be affected by 6 South's 'forcefully taking power, manic energy, huge efforts in group activities' and 'sudden events' themes and by the Taurus Lunar Eclipse following, but such considerations are beyond the scope of this post. However, I'll add a few notes under the bi-wheel concerning some basic transits of November 2022 to the Austrian Psychopath's natals of 1889.

And please note that on the image, lower left, the 6 South Solar Eclipse is mislabeled as the 'Fascism Rising Eclipse' when in fact, it's a repeat of the 'Nazis Rise to Power Eclipse'. Ma bad. But not to fret for an eclipse in the 'Fascism Rising' series will repeat in 2023 in the 7 North series: theme 'deep passion long hidden' - which resonates with the Austrian Psychopath's Venus-Mars conjunction, suggesting the frustrated, driving force within his power moves and his lust for power. At '30Aries' the 7 North Eclipse of 2023 will conjunct the natal Sun (@00Tau48, a degree of violence) of the Austrian Psychopath whose natal chart you see, below. And let's emphasize that these are 6 South and 7 North solar eclipses repeating from 1932 and 1933 - in 2022 and 2023. So as you see, they frame a period of time - and group efforts to take power and control, thus my "duty to warn."

So if you're curious, dear reader, please enlarge or perhaps print the bi-wheel, disturbing as its potentials may be. And as usual, astro-notes are penned on (too squishily!) for your consideration. As always, your observations and comments (name-tagged and on-topic, no ads please) are welcomed and will be published and answered unless you direct otherwise. Shares-if-you-dare would be much appreciated too, for my posts are seldom shared and the lack affects SO'W's Google ranking. Thanks!

Now all eclipses are disruptive 'wild cards of the Universe' and Lunar Eclipses are particularly good at uncovering hidden secrets and inconvenient facts from deep within the Collective Unconscious, plus, disturbing revelations cast under the glare of any Full Moon of total awareness will often lead to controversies and scandals, especially within the scandal-prone world of Politics. So here we go!

Midterms 2022 Lunar Eclipse w Austrian Psychopath's Natals (1889): Potentials

2022 Sun opposes 1889 Venus and Mars: urge for power, a desire to fight, headstrong output of energy, injuries; excessive emotional expressions, bad taste.

2022 Mercury opposes 1889 Venus and Mars: superficial interactions, conflicts, rash actions, mechanical breakdowns.

2022 Moon conjunct 1889 Venus and Mars: indulgence, courage, bravery, quick responses, instinctive leadership. Release of unconscious material, uncovering of secrets, hidden motivations, weaknesses and vulnerabilities. With Uranus: radical reactionaries and reformers may be identified.

2022 Uranus Rx conjunct 1889 Venus and Mars: unpredictable changes in relationships or partnerships, unexpected alliances established, unorthodox attitudes, changed appearances; halted activities and/or new enterprises begin, highly charged actions bring unexpected results, explosive conditions, danger, confronting adversaries, accidents.

2022 Venus opposes 1889 Venus and Mars: sore losers, opposing view points, conflicts; aggressively stirring things up; disagreements can turn into brawls.

2022 MC 13Leo36 conjunct 1889 Saturn 13Leo27: major moves, focus upon ambition, blaming others for wrong actions; failures.

And note that on the chart, lower right, are the dates when transit Saturn in Aquarius most recently opposed 1889 Saturn in Leo (across the self-will axis!) marking a period when modern-day acolytes of the Austrian Psychopath are working to correct past mistakes in order to try again. In fact, the third such opposition has yet to occur as I type for it perfects on January 14, 2022. However, we should note that a Saturn-oppo-Saturn transit also marks a time when 'crops planted on rocky soil will fail'!

Yet it's true, dear reader: a brutal, evil death cult from the past now attempts to raise its Medusa's Head and take control of our lives - and once again the evil (spurred on by the January 2020 Conjunction of karmic Saturn and Pluto) desperately needs to be resoundingly slapped down!

And if you agree, then you must know that henceforth every vote for a Republican is a vote for Medusa in disguise.

Related: The Big Brazen N*zi Rally of 1939 NYC (Horoscope shown)

For more info on eclipse themes see Predictive Astrology by Bernadette Brady #ad.

Oct 14, 2021

October 20, 2021 Full Moon Ruffles a 1931 Solar Eclipse

The October 2021 Full Moon Times a Serious Cosmic Heads-Up

by Jude Cowell

October 14, 2021: A 5 North Solar Eclipse, one of which is now in effect since June 10, 2021 @19Gem47, also manifested on April 17, 1931 @27Ari02. Below is the April 1931 Eclipse Horoscope (inner) which by degree will be "ruffled" or somehow triggered by the Full Moon of October 20, 2021 @26Ari26 (outer); my study notes are penned on for the curious, and a few prominent chart factors are listed under the horoscope - you will find more factors, of course:

5 North Eclipse Themes are fairly positive ('hunches, visions, prophetic dreams' - plus, a potential for 'psychism' - B. Brady) yet any eclipse is a 'cosmic blink' from Above and represents a Uranian-style disruption which can force a change or shift of direction here on Earth. But that's not my fuss here. It's the correlation between Events of 1931 and what's going on now in the US and across the globe as authoritarianism heats up along with the weather, and a global (neo) nazi movement attempts to rise once again. This has been well established and anyone who hasn't noticed must pay attention now.

Jupiter in Aquarius: A Sense of Justice but Can Be Indecisive

Is it possible that protective Jupiter (@22AQ20) at IC, the Foundation Point of the 1931 chart, will be enough to mitigate our difficulties - or increase them? Hopefully mitigation will be achieved as the American people seek rescue (see 2021 rescue-seeking Circe conjunct 1931 MC). However, 2021 Jupiter opposes two of 1931's midpoints at 1931 Midheaven: Venus-Saturn (with Jupiter = 'unanticipated support'; and Mars-Neptune with expansive Jupiter: 'amplified dreams, visions, and the power to bring them into reality' - Munkasey). Of course, 'dreams and visions' are found within the themes of the 5 North Eclipse and can be positive or negative depending on the motivations of those involved. Plus, a mixture of both (probably alternating in effectiveness) may be possible as well - this is kind of like a row of cherries lining up on a gambling machine. Risk is in the air. Can you feel it?

Double the Harsh Saturn-Pluto Influences

So in relation to the draconian global movement on the upswing (as neo-fascists hope) and its cosmic reflections Above, you'll note the dynamic T-Square of tension penned on the chart between the Saturn-Pluto opposition (not exact in this eclipse chart but in 1931 their opposition did perfect - however, in the chart you see the death-dealing Mars-Saturn opposition - 1931 was a brutal year of fanaticism and included financial collapse in Central Europe - see Midas involvement, below) squaring the erratic Utopian zealot planet of disruption and chaos, Uranus @16Ari00 (conjunct the North Node of destiny and indicating radical reformers). Saturn-Pluto = Uranus: "brutal efforts to start a new order" (Tyl); 'sudden vio**nce' (R. Ebertin).

Well! There's a cosmic picture of the global neo-nazi movement, isn't it? And in the US, the predatory orange menace is riding the wave along with his Republican comrades - some of them blackmailed and/or under threat of criminal thuggery, or compelled by fear of being 'primaried' out of office. Yet some are actually fans of the hate-filled ideology. For as you know, underhandedness, threat, cheating, and primal vio**nce are the primary methods that authoritarians have always used to forcefully take control - and they're never openly honest about their true intentions to increase suffering and misery wherever they go, either in the 1930s, 1940s - or now. They are, in fact, the "be afraid" thugs and barbarians who've infiltrated the US government and who must be kicked out - by Blue Waves of voters in 2022 and 2024. Difficult as this may be, it simply must be accomplished.

Now naturally, there are other disturbing and more positive planetary factors in the 1931 and 2021 charts. One such is transit Saturn @6AQ57 in 3rd house opposing 1931 Mars (5Leo30 - which conjuncts 1931 Pluto-MC and indicates potentials for gridlock, bottlenecks (including ports and ships), anger, vio**nce, and/or resistance to authority). Now Pluto-MC is a power-craving midpoint (see details lower right corner: 'urge to dominate'!). Plus, we also find 2021 Pluto @24Cap21 conjunct 1931 Saturn (see bottom left corner for details such as 'abuse of authority confronted and corrected'; 'altered traditions') and generationally, there's the massive 2021 Pluto opposing 1931 Pluto (penned in the center of the bi-wheel = 'titanic power struggle' - which I say is a stark struggle between Democracy and the Rule of Law vs Fascism and neo-nazi Utopian zealots of anarchy forcing complete lawlessness upon civilized society.

Neptune-to-Venus/Nemesis, Mercury-with-Chiron x 2, and Uranus-to-Mercury

As you see, 2021 Neptune, planet of illusion, deception, gaslighting, and fraud, veils the 1931 Venus-Nemesis conjunction (@20Pisces) with potentials listed, upper right such as: 'unrealistic expectations; confusion; paranoia'. And just above that, you see listed 2021 Mercury @10Lib29 in 1931's 11th house, leading a Locomotive shape of the 2021 Full Moon planets suggesting a Mercurial person or persons such as a 'high-powered executive ruthlessly determined toward success'. And possibly a young-ish one, or, someone in the publishing, commerce, or trading and investment businesses. Even a high-powered person dealing in space travel may be indicated. The imagination fairly soars. Yet note that 2021 Uranus conjunct 1931 Mercury can suggest potentials for frazzled nerves, seeking freedom, disrupted thinking or travel, plus, restlessness and/or original ideas in relation to the 1931/2021 5 North Eclipse themes and certain underhanded plans that are being promoted once again in our day.

So now that you're all bummed out from reading this far (kudos!), let's close this fussy post with more details worth mentioning which relate to Thinking, Planning, and Communications - the 1931 Mercury-Chiron Conjunction in money sign Taurus conjunct 1931 Midas, the gold-hoarder - now activated or electrified by 2021 Uranus @13Tau24 Rx setting on 1931's Descendant/Partnership angle - and the fact that in the October 20, 2021 Full Moon Horoscope, Mercury and Chiron are in opposition which we could take as a timing device in a broader Mercury-Chiron cycle. This suggests: initiates, occultists, and promoters, popularizers, and guardians (R. Nolle; Clow) who share revelations they consider unique and transformative in society (repeated over and over: propaganda). So the 1931 conjunction denotes one or more persons who acted as channels, mediums, and mouthpieces, with their 2021 opposition possibly a timing device, as noted, for the spreading of transformative theories and ideas that were prevalent in 1931. At least, that's what I'm suggesting with this 'heads-up' post although, of course, as always you are welcome to disagree.

Related: 2021 Solar and Lunar Eclipses Repeat from 1931.

Jun 22, 2021

Astro-Notes on the Dixiecrats of 1948 and their spawn

by Jude Cowell

Back in the day, a gaggle of anti-Civil-Rights Southerners, known as the Dixiecrats, met in Birmingham, Alabama and on July 17, 1948 nominated South Carolina Gov. Strom Thurmond for president and Mississippi Gov. Fielding L. Wright for vice president. The Truman and Democratic Party programs supporting Civil Rights for the disenfrachised victims of our country had enraged them, apparently enough to secede from the Democratic Party and proceed to row their own political canoe of States' Rights, racial segregation, white supremacy, Southern Nationalism, and other regressive attitudes and policies ('Jim Crow' laws once again being one of them even though the far-right party officially dissolved in 1948 - but we still have the GOP; I suggest that Dixiecrat ghosts continue to haunt us now.)

Plus, President Truman's Executive Order 9981 ended discrimination in the US military, a major faux pas in the eyes of the racist Dixiecrats. (Side note: Strom Thurmond became a Republican in 1964, and in the November 2, 1948 General Election, he received only 39 Electoral Votes and 2.4% of the popular vote.)

Now these events of 1948 occurred soon after the harsh, cruel energies of the Saturn-Pluto Conjunction of August 11, 1947 @13Leo07 and the two karmic planets remained in royal Leo by the time of Governor Thurmond's nomination on July 17, 1948, but with an orb of 8+ degrees. And of course, Sun-ruled Leo is the proud, vain sign of the natural leader while a self-satisfied Moon-Jupiter conjunction perfected that very evening in the 20-22 degree-range of Sagittarius (conjunct you-know-who's tiresome, needy Moon-SN conjunction).

Additionally, the formation of the Dixiecrat Party and Thurmond's nomination fell under the cosmic influences of a 4 North Solar Eclipse with its themes of: 'restraint, restriction, inhibition, separation, illusion, and a 'misjudgment of strength or the situation' (Brady). If 4 North themes sound familiar it's because we recently struggled through them again, thanks to the Summer Solstice 2020 Eclipse @00Cancer.

Inconveniently, the natal horoscope of politician Strom Thurmond has no accurate birth time but check out the chart if you wish. Born December 5, 1902 in Edgefield, SC, you'll find an impressive line-up of planets in Jupiter-ruled Sagittarius (Mercury-Sun-Venus-Uranus) and with Jupiter @13Aquarius, he possibly was born with an expansive Moon-Jupiter conjunction, not an unusual pairing for a glad-handing politician whose Mama had always assured him that he could be anything he wanted to be, you see. And this vision-of-grandeur belief, if repeated often enough, can sometimes lead to a presidential run!

Yet also visible in Strom's chart is a dynamic T-Square in effect no matter his birth time: Uranus-Pluto = Mars (@23Vir10 - square US 1776 Mars and conjunct US Neptune) with potentials for: 'fanaticism and violence' (R. Ebertin) and/or an 'impulsive, demanding nature' (M. Munkasey). Then as you know, the Uranus-Pluto duo, his a rebellious opposition, suggests potentials for engaging in extremely violent destruction, anarchy, and revolution (A. Oken).

Well, that's enough fussing about my fellow Southerners and their undistinguished actions in US history. Why fuss? Because if you've read SO'W before this you may remember my assertion that the American people must directly face our monsters - 'Dixiecrats', Jim Crow laws, bigotry, violence, and otherwise - if we wish to have any hope whatsoever of vanquishing them and entertaining the better angels our nature.

Personally, my money is on a constitutional America and democracy. How about yours? #

Update July 7, 2021: Expert astrologer Gary Lorentzen has informed me that Richard Nixon invited the Dixiecrats to "formally join the GOP" on August 5, 1968, aka, Nixon's Southern Strategy. This date falls within the 6 North Saros Series with themes of, 'relationship to authority figures, or, the need to take responsibility and control; commitments are presented due to another person's illness or unreliability' (Brady). The last 6 North eclipse occurred in 2004 @30Aries, the next will manifest on April 30, 2022 @10Taurus. Therefore, this political 'slight of hand' amounted to a gaggle of racists joining the Republican Party.

Jun 11, 2021

Horoscope: 2021 Saturn opposes Trump n Pluto #3 of 3

by Jude Cowell

June 11, 2021: As you know, restrictive Saturn, karmic planet of Time, authority, authenticity, realism, limits, death, and/or loss (if deserved, or the time draws nigh), now traverses the sign of Aquarius where the Old Man rules along with eccentric, progressive Uranus (unless you're a complete traditionalist!) so we should note that the ongoing Saturn-Uranus square in rigid Fixed signs (AQ-Taurus) over our heads signifies the current R vs D stalemates in Congress (status quo vs progress), plus, global society is experiencing a general conflict between the old order vs a new order, nowadays in the form of democracy vs authoritarianism (or, fascism/neo-nazism).

Note that when in Aquarius, reality-based Saturn can signify practical ideals and plans, but for less grounded types can denote eccentric expectations that lead to disappointment, or, ambitious plans without a firm foundation.

Now today's post is for considering major 2021 transits to the natal chart of Donald Tr*mp, a demagogue I'd hoped to never type about again.

Yet certain 2021 transits to his natal planets are significant for the American people (through his nibs as a recent figurehead of the country, now trying hard to remain politically relevant - and solvent). These transits may be used as a lens through which to ponder the wider cosmic influences affecting our society and affecting other nations and cultures across the globe, at least until he is completely removed from the world stage. So here goes:

Below is a color-coded bi-wheel with Tr*mp's natal chart in center, with the third of three transit charts (outer) showing legal eagle Saturn opposing his natal 12th house, unaspected Pluto (10AQ02 vs 10Leo02) which represents the several legal battles and lawsuits that his delusional, underworld self is embattled by. As you know, his Pluto = his Mars-Saturn midpoint, the 'death axis' according to Reinhold Ebertin, and signifying brutality, destruction, and the deaths of many people, as we've experienced.

Several midpoint pictures are listed on the chart, plus, the transit that times the chart is highlighted: Saturn oppo natal Pluto with potentials for: 'a time of limited resources, authority directly challenges and threatens power and control'. We may expect that his popularity will continue to plummet with transit Venus in Capricorn opposing natal Venus in Cancer, and the ability to 'face the truth' certainly is not one of his strong suits (Pluto oppo natal Venus: 3x in 2021 exact on February 18, July 10, and December 25).

Meanwhile, as many astrologers have noted, transit Neptune in shady Pisces has been squaring his natal Sun-Moon opposition and Nodal Axis (fated!) suggesting his personal condition of illusion, fantasy, discontent, isolation, and the undermining of relationships. (For as you know, since the Tr*mp Mob Attack of 1/6, droves of supporters have been deserting the sinking bulk of Herr Tr*mp. See The slow disillusionment with Trump continues - 'slow' Neptune = disillusionment, disappointment, fraud, deception, karmic loss.) And of course, Neptune in Pisces is the natal placement of the Republican Party (1854), sometimes called the Conspiracy Party.

It seems that the GOP has used Neptune's return to Pisces to time their current undermining and erosion of the federal, centralized US government - as such hotheads did in secession days culminating with the Civil War - but that's a fuss for another day.

So for Tr*mp, all of 2021 is unfavorable for 'exacting revenge' (his favorite pastime!), 'calling in debts', and/or 'working against tradition or authority'. Plus, transit Pluto opposing natal Venus indicates that it's time to face the truth (as if!) and may trigger bankruptcy filing since resources are limited; relationship conflicts are also suggested. However, these potentials do not address any hidden wealth (Pluto in Leo) he has squirreled away, although that possibility may be disputed by some since he's always been known to be a fortune-hunting wastrel (see lower left).

So as noted, the following horoscope displays the 3rd of three oppositions to natal Pluto. 1. March 16, 2021; 2. August 4, 2021; and 3. December 13, 2021. Admittedly, he may or may not be located in Mar-A-Lago, Florida in December 2021 - and should not be since it's a place of business, not legally a residence.

Please enlarge the image if you wish to read my study notes which include more transits and a few midpoint pictures which denote potentials for 'gloom, separation, perversions, infection, illness, obstacles created by others, mourning, living in a world of illusion, acting and pretending, insecurity, uncertainty, pursuit of wrong objectives, little sense of reality, damage through thoughtlessness, fortune-hunting and squandering (Ebertin; Tyl).

And of course, the 'biggie' is the fact that the Saturn-Uranus square involved with his natal Pluto forms a major T-Square of difficult potentials - Saturn-Pluto square Uranus = 'sudden violence; brutal efforts to start a new order' (with Tr*mp at the helm, he hopes), and/or 'an attack regardless of potential losses' with apex Uranus in Taurus taking the reins, leading the mob, and suggesting the radical politics of zealotry and Utopian anarchy.