August 26, 2018: As our nation mourns the loss of Republican Senator John McCain, the Capitol Building lowers the US flag to half-mast in honor of our fallen senator and Vietnam war veteran.
Astrologers can compare transits for last evening with Senator McCain's natal horoscope and although I glanced at them myself, I haven't the umph for typing them here. However, there is a Sabian Symbol, a word picture, which seems appropriate to quote in full, not just in honor of the senator and his sad passing, but also for the symbol's meaning as a description of such a man as John McCain:
"25 Virgo: 'A Flag at Half Mast'. This is a symbol of the inevitable judgment which life must pronounce on itself, and of the sure rewards that stand ready for whatever proves of worth in the course of effort. The highest of everyday values for the common man are created in a public service which has its first compensation in the individual's self-fulfillment, and its ultimate justification in some measure of immortal contribution to history. Reputation is the subtle coin by which personality creates an enduring wealth for everyone, to be preserved no less in death than in life. The keyword is RESPECT. When positive, the degree is achievement in a full transcendence of selfhood, and when negative, superficial self-dramatization.
To me it seems obvious that we can correctly leave off the negative expression for Senator McCain or apply it to a certain Gemini who now strides over Washington DC.
John McCain (1936--2018) He did his duty. May he R.I.P.