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Showing posts with label Virgo. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Virgo. Show all posts

Apr 15, 2021

April 28, 2021: President Biden Addresses Congress

Update April 28, 2021: Advancing the chart below to a 9:00 pm edt start-time puts President Biden's natal Mercury, planet of communication, speeches oration, and messages, squarely upon the Ascendant, raises the Sag Moon closer to the Ascendant, and plops 3Virgo14 upon the Midheaven ('4Virgo' = "A Colored Child Playing With White Children") which spotlights both health and employment matters (Virgo), plus, the racial issues implied by the degree's Sabian Symbol. Compassion will be shown!

Original post begins here:

Astrology's What? (ASC) Where? (Desc) Why? (MC) and How? (IC) Points

by Jude Cowell

April 15, 2021: As you've heard, Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi has invited President Joe Biden to address a pared-down Congress on April 28, 2021, the day before the end of the President's first 100 days in office and one day after the Full Moon @7Sco06. His address is not being billed as an official SOTU (State of the Union) Address since that's traditionally delivered after a full year in office, but we all know that basically, a SOTU Address it will be. Therefore, I'm labeling his speech as a "pseudo-SOTU."

Below is a speculative 8:00 pm edt DC Horoscope set for April 28, 2021 Capitol Building with an abundance of planetary factors squished upon the chart for those who may care to enlarge the image and read the study notes of a novice astrologer with a lamentable interest in the Politics as practiced in the City where she once resided:

Solar Hour (Sun = the leader), regenerative Scorpio rises (the WHAT? Point), and Sun-ruled Leo at Midheaven (The Goal or WHY? Point) provides us with basic information concerning the address. The Scorpio Ascendant (forceful 'Mars-Pluto') spotlights the "A Drowning Man Rescued" degree which I believe will be one of Mr. Biden's themes of the night involving finances and mask-wearing in order to save lives. And as you see, the "Drowning Man" (ASC) is the apex point of a YOD pattern (highlighted in green = crisis; crossroads; karmic opportunity; special task) formed with a Chiron-North Node sextile at its base. The sextile includes wealthy MIDAS conjunct Node Node in the 8th house of Corporatism, Credit, Debt, and High Finance, plus, priestly Chiron is the wounded healer, here @"11Aries" = "The President of the Country" (Joe!). Opposite the 8th is the 2nd house of the National Treasury with Nemesis Rx (an unbeatable foe) pushing into the proceedings via the separative South Node, a (neurotic) Saturnian point of 'methods that worked in the past but now do not'. I'm counting this 3rd house Saturn @13AQ02 as 'conservatives' and obstructionists such as Republican opponents who work hard to block Biden's progressive, more liberal plans as seen in the Saturn-Uranus square (2A27; highlighted in blue at the bottom of the chart).

For as you know, Saturn-Uranus is the 'old order vs new order' pair of planetary energies. Yet confounding GOP efforts against him is the fact that their old friend Joe Biden is a liberal with conservative leanings so he can be signified by 'old man' Saturn in futuristic Aquarius. Notably, an apt midpoint picture reveals plutocrats who crave power - Jupiter-Pluto - conjunct restrictive Saturn so that 'the big picture must be adjusted to meet with more convention' and 'strategy becomes necessary' (Tyl). This would apply to the Biden administration and Democratic Party as well as to the GOP. As practiced, US Politics is always a high-stakes game and curiously, the public Moon at "6Sag" = "A Game of Cricket': 'exceptional competency in crisis' (Jones).

Also in 2nd house of Money and Values is the current Solar Eclipse which perfected on December 14, 2020 @23Sag08 (Electoral College Vote day) in the difficult 4 South family of eclipses. You know 4 South's sour themes: 'strong emotions over money and/or relationships; blockages and frustrations; relationships suddenly ended; a sense of fated events beyond personal control' (paraphrasing Brady's Predictive Astrology #ad). Hopefully, the former guy's belly-aching and malicious schemes concerning his 2020 Election loss will continue to fade away or perhaps come to a screeching halt under the milder influences of the June 10, 2021 Solar Eclipse @20Gemini as it bestows the better themes of 5 North ('prophetic dreams and visions').

Someone's Mars Is Rising

Now President Biden's first natal planet to rise in this chart is his unaspected Mars @12Sco35 ("13Scorpio" = " An Inventor Inventing") which can act directly, free of interference or influence; by 9:00 pm edt, ASC = 22Sco08 along with Mr. Biden's natal Mercury (21:32), the messenger. Meanwhile, 8th house Mars @3Can20 is out-of-bounds (OOBs) of the earthly plane and off attending to who-knows-what - perhaps additional plans to undermine the Biden administration and delay improvements for the American people? Well, as you know, activist Mars when in Moon-ruled Cancer is impulsive, moody, resentful, and subject to angry outbursts, even arson. Add to this an inconjunct from Mars to the public's Moon (@5Sag12 and rising in 1st house: happy mood) and a cosmic picture forms of hotheads (Mars) who lack self-control, tend to misjudge others, and form alliances with, and allegiances to, the very people who exploit them. In general, a Moon-Mars inconjunct is an aspect of nervous irritation and emotional anxiety which describes most of us these days. Yet Mars @3Can20 conjuncts US natal Venus so cooperation is needed for best results. But that would favor Joe Biden, whine the Republicans! As would wearing masks (see the IC's Sabian Symbol conjunct the HOW? Point) and the WHY? Point with "A Chemist Conducts an Experiment" upon it suggesting vaccines created to fight against the Covid-19 contagion and President Biden's inventive plans to rescue the US economy, with a tip of his hat to FDR's New Deal programs.

Also notable are the Sabian Symbols for the North Node ("12Gemini" = "A Black Slave Girl Demands Her Rights From Her Mistress" - will he mention America's killer cop trials? And perhaps reparations?). Then there's orating Mercury @"21Taurus" = "Moving Finger Points to Significant Passages in a Book", possibly a reference to the Bible, or to the secret book all presidents are said to follow. Or, it's simply an echo of the YOD pattern noted, above. Thing is, orating Mercury in Taurus opposes Mr. Biden's natal Mercury in Scorpio, a perfect cosmic picture of the disagreements and diverse opinions his pseudo-SOTU 2021 will activate, or aggravate.

Now in closing, we may wish to consider the cosmic weather of the evening via its Sun Taurus-Moon Sagittarius pairing, an Earth-Fire blend of conscious and unconscious energies ruled by the popular Venus-Jupiter combination. This 'dynamic duo' wants to make a contribution to the world via a stable economy and suggests common sense, inventiveness, and doing things on a grand scale which may refer to President Biden's visionary plans which must be large enough to make a difference in spite of opponents who, by harming Joe Biden, also harm the American people.

Well, there are many more factors of interest in this speculative horoscope of Biden's pseudo-SOTU Address 2021 so check them out if you wish. And if inspired, leave an on-topic comment! jc

(For more details see Sun Sign Moon Sign by Charles and Suzi Harvey #ad)

Dec 12, 2019

January 12, 2020 Pluto Echoes Events of 1773/1774

Hunting Pluto's Historical Past to Inform the Present

by Jude Cowell

With America's first-ever Pluto Return/s coming in 2022, and in consideration of the duration of karmic Pluto's cycle of approximately 248 years, it has become an interest of mine to find the historical date/s of Pluto based on its January 12, 2020 degree. For as you know, this is the date of the next Saturn-Pluto Conjunction @22Cap46:34 through which current and upcoming political, financial, and social events will resonate, perhaps harshly or in a restrictive, compressed manner. Certainly, we know that hard work will be required.

In comparison, the last (and current until January 12, 2020) Saturn-Pluto Conjunction @27Lib36 was in 1982 under Reagan's presidency with his voo doo financial finaglings and slights of hand under which We The People have suffered these many years while the wealthy class has grown fatter and bossier. However, please note that in this post I'm looking at Pluto's position at the moment of the 2020 Saturn-Pluto Conjunction and not its US natal position in 1776 (Rx @27Cap32/33 in natal 2nd hou$e) although some historical overlap or similarities may be be noticed involving the years 1773--1776. And so the 2020 Conjunction times a Pluto Return to the 1773/1774 positions listed below and we may wonder: will history rhyme if not repeat? Well, the 2020 Pluto Return symbolizes a cosmic time link of karmic proportions, so we'll see, won't we?

Now when we sleuth for Pluto @22Cap46:34, we discover that the manipulating wealth-hoarder was lurking about during the years 1773 and 1774 and suggesting potentials for foreign agents, spying and intrigue, hidden wealth, and manipulation from abroad. Sounds familiar! Historical events of 1773 and 1774 show several interesting incidents, discoveries, activities, speeches, an essay, and legislation, some relating to the American Revolution and the First Continental Congress (May 28, 1774), some to scientific breakthroughs, and several having to do with the Boston Tea Party of December 16, 1773--plus, Britain's fussy reaction to it via King George III--and the Boston Massacre.

Another notable if quirky event was Benjamin Franklin's essay in the form of a letter, An Edict by the King of Prussia, in which our First Patriot writes under the guise of the King of Prussia, publishes the hoax of a letter in the Public Advertiser in September 1773, and thereby pointedly criticizes through satire the overreach of the British government toward our American Colonies. Curiously, under Trump the word "hoax" gets quite a work-out. The Prenatal Solar Eclipse ('PE') of Franklin's hoax letter manifested on September 16, 1773 @24Virgo00 in the 10 North Saros Series (10 North themes are listed in the center of the chart, below); this was a Total Eclipse and also serves as the PE of #3 on the following list.

Transit Pluto hit 22Cap46:34 five times in 1773 and 1774:

1. March 14, 1773

2. June 4, 1773 Rx

3. January 12, 1774 - This is the stand-out chart with its same date (January 12) and the fact that its Angles and cusps are basically the same as America's yet-to-happen natal horoscope (July 4, 1776 5:09 pm LMT Philadelphia, PA). As you see, in 1774 the line-up was: Sun 22Cap21, Moon 22Cap47, Pluto 22Cap46, and Mars 24Cap41; note that this particular Pluto Pre-Return to its 2020 position (as I'm quirkily calling it!) occurred on the day of a New Moon @22Cap20 (3:45:07 am LMT--a new cycle of activity) which further emphasizes the 22 and 23 degrees of Saturn-ruled Capricorn, sign of government, law, investment, and business. Actually, Pluto's January 2020 return to its 1773/74 degrees constitutes a 'cosmic time link' with the Saturn-Pluto Conjunction of January 12, 2020. Plus, a study of the next Full Moon on January 27, 1774 @8Leo01 could yield further information on what we're facing in 2020.

Quick note: In his Encyclopedia of Astrology, Nicholas Devore gives '23 Capricorn' as a degree of governmental authority--and, 22Cap51 is the position of Trump's natal Vertex, a point of fated encounters and a potential for changing work conditions.

As for historical events of 1774, we find many stalemates and struggles between the status quo of the era's prevailing power structures and those who would grasp the freedom to wrest power and authority away for themselves. To me this sounds like an echo of Trump's and the global crime syndicate's coup of the US government and/or the attempt by the current power structure (The Establishment) to vanquish the gang of lawless usurpers and saboteurs. For now, let's say Pluto in Capricorn conjunct a governmental degree describes both sides' ongoing struggle for power and control in general. This is, it seems, a fated struggle of destiny. Different from the American Revolution--and yet somehow more similar than apathetic Americans wish to admit--they who have 'so much to lose'! Meanwhile, failing to fight for democracy is to lose.

Now the other two historical dates for Pluto @22Cap46:34 are August 28, 1774 and November 10, 1774 but as you see, the chart with the most clout for our modern-day money is #3 January 12, 1774 so here's the horoscope if you're curious:

As usual, much info is penned on the horoscope (pardon!) intended for those who care to have a look and mention must be made of the massive Earth Grand Trine of Sun, Moon, Mars, Pluto, Uranus, Saturn, Neptune, and North Node of destiny ('NN') which suggests concerns with material comforts, worldly position, value, and perhaps above all given the dangerous times both then and now, security. The Capricorn line-up in 1774 is amazingly similar to that of January 12, 2020 (just add 2020 Mercury, subtract 1774 Mars) but since this is meant to be a post not a book, I'll leave this topic with you, dear reader, in case your own comparison of Pluto activity between 1773/1774 and 2020 is worth your time.

And as always, your on-topic comments, queries, and shares are very welcome! jc

Sep 18, 2019

Sept 18, 2019: 226 Years Ago the Capitol Cornerstone Laid

After yesterday's circus theatrics and stonewalling before the House Judiciary Committee one is tempted to wonder if the United States Capitol Building remains standing on Capitol Hill where George Washington put it. Well, though its foundation may be somewhat shaken, it still stands even as the power of Congress over a rebellious Executive Branch is in question. For after all, the temple-like building is all of 226 years old if we count its genesis from the Laying of the Cornerstone by Freemason George Washington and his brothers in Masonic ceremony (bros from Lodges No.22 Virginia and No.9 Maryland). Their solemn procession gathered in Alexandria at 10:00 am LMT, crossed the river, and must have reached Jenkins Heights (aka, Jenkins Hill) around lunch time or thereabouts, give or take.

The symbolic founding horoscope I use for the US Capitol Building is set for 10:53 am LMT September 18, 1793 when expansive, freedom-loving, protective Jupiter @27Scorpio peeked over the horizon; The Sun, Mercury, and North Node were in Virgo which is typically a prominent sign in any horoscope dealing with the founding of Washington DC and is highly important in Freemasonry symbolism with its wheat shaft, the goddess/Virgin, and 'widow's son' implications along with Ceres, an asteroid of nurturing that is sometimes used to represent democracy. Yes, there are goddess archetypes galore across Washington DC, Zodiacs and horoscopes, too.

Actually, in December 2017 I posted on the Laying of the US Capitol Cornerstone with a little Astrology added for good measure (see The Secret Architecture of Our Nation's Capital by David Ovason for more details). Or as Washington, Franklin, Jefferson, and the others must have called it, Sacred Geometry.

So here's wishing a Happy 226th Anniversary, US Capitol Building! But in future, please figure out a way for your proceedings to do without the infiltrators and saboteurs currently undermining your very foundation.


Your friend,

A Child of the Revolution.

Aug 26, 2018

Senator John McCain and a Flag at Half-Mast

August 26, 2018: As our nation mourns the loss of Republican Senator John McCain, the Capitol Building lowers the US flag to half-mast in honor of our fallen senator and Vietnam war veteran.

Astrologers can compare transits for last evening with Senator McCain's natal horoscope and although I glanced at them myself, I haven't the umph for typing them here. However, there is a Sabian Symbol, a word picture, which seems appropriate to quote in full, not just in honor of the senator and his sad passing, but also for the symbol's meaning as a description of such a man as John McCain:

"25 Virgo: 'A Flag at Half Mast'. This is a symbol of the inevitable judgment which life must pronounce on itself, and of the sure rewards that stand ready for whatever proves of worth in the course of effort. The highest of everyday values for the common man are created in a public service which has its first compensation in the individual's self-fulfillment, and its ultimate justification in some measure of immortal contribution to history. Reputation is the subtle coin by which personality creates an enduring wealth for everyone, to be preserved no less in death than in life. The keyword is RESPECT. When positive, the degree is achievement in a full transcendence of selfhood, and when negative, superficial self-dramatization.

To me it seems obvious that we can correctly leave off the negative expression for Senator McCain or apply it to a certain Gemini who now strides over Washington DC.

John McCain (1936--2018) He did his duty. May he R.I.P.

Mar 24, 2018

The Progressed New Moons of Trump and Bolton

Below is a dual image of the Secondary Progressed (SP) New Moons of both Donald Trump (lower left) and John Bolton (upper right). Trump SP New Moon we've discussed here previously and since Trump's natal chart is apparently accurately timed (birth data, below), the date of Trump's SP New Moon is assumed to be accurate.

John Bolton's lack of a correct birth time is more problematic when attempting to assess his progressed planets--the SP New Moon you see here issues from a 'noon' natal horoscope--and the SP New Moon's degree for Mr. Bolton is the same (8AQ52) for all three 'natal' charts I've progressed for this post--setting his natal chart for 12:00 am gives an SP New Moon on October 16, 2018 while 11:59 pm gives October 17, 2017. As noted, a natal chart set for 12:00 noon results in an SP New Moon on April 16, 2018, as you see. And since Mr. Bolton is scheduled to take over the position of National Security Adviser for Donald Trump on April 9, 2018 (last I heard), I'm choosing the 12:00 pm natal chart to calculate Bolton's SP New Moon, symbolically the beginning of a new cycle of life as will be his new White House job (if nothing goes wrong):

As you know, the timing of an SP New Moon denotes that one has been living previously within a darkened Balsamic Lunar Phase of endings, partings, and things going bump in the night, and may time a period when secrets abound. A good example of this phase and its effects is Donald Trump who was 'elected' during the phase and began his White House tenure under it. Balsamic phases are not favored periods during which to begin a new phase of life or a new project or job as we've seen with the many departures and endings of his alliances and relationships since he entered Politics. It's also a period of life when someone cannot carry on and another must take the reins in one's stead. If this can be applied to a previous president's term ending and a new fellow moving in, then there we go--Trump in the White House.

Otherwise, the constant hints or threats of VP Mike Pence taking over the POTUS helm could be part of this Dark of the Moon time which will symbolically come to a close on September 16, 2019 with Trump's SP New Moon @3Virgo12. For a view of the SP New Moon chart you see here along with the chart of the beginning of Trump's Balsamic Phase in April 2016, try this previous post. Of course, with SP New Moons, it takes time before the new life phase and its new themes become apparent to the individual as the lunar light symbolically brightens toward the culmination of an SP Full Moon.

Sabian Symbols Are Informative for Lunar Phase Degrees

Rounded up, the Sabian Symbol for Trump's SP New Moon '4Virgo' seems applicable to his concerns: "A Colored Child Playing with White Children." Now this doesn't mean that Trump is a colored child (though he behaves like a pouting little man-baby) but it does reveal a particular issue he must deal with at this time of life, and of course, the suggestion of racism and bigotry tend to be on his menu. The Keyword for '4Virgo' is: INTIMACY...and its negative expression = lack of capacity for psychological adjustment. I think most if not all people have given up hope that Trump can or will choose to change his behavior to any appreciable amount.

As for Mr. Bolton (whenever his SP New Moon perfects), his SP New Moon's rounded-up degree is '9AQ": "A Flag Turned Into an Eagle.". The Keyword for '9AQ" is: DRAMATIZATION...negative expression = vindictive pride. For Mr. Bolton, the Balsamic Lunar Phase holds true since he's stepping into the White House position left open by Trump's recent ouster of General McMaster (though I must confess that 'vindictive pride' sounds very much like Donald Trump's behavior). Plus, that Bolton may also be in a Balsamic Phase bodes ill for his new position lasting.

Planetary Shapes Also Inform

A further comparison may be made via the shapes of the planets in the SP charts: Trump's SP planets form a BUNDLE denoting an opportunist and archetypal dictator with narrow interests, one who can build the small into the great (which includes a tendency to turn mountains into molehills--and to build towers, one supposes). Supporting the Balsamic endings vibe is Trump's SP Saturn conjunct SP Midheaven which can be a potential marker for a fall from grace if conditions are right and other chart factors and transits concur. There certainly are those working against him to facilitate such an outcome to Trump's political career.

(Note that the natal chart of Benito Mussolini contains a BUNDLE shape of the archetypal dictator--at least, that's how Benny chose to use those particular energies.)

John Bolton's SP New Moon is a different tale for his SP planets form a SEESAW shape denoting one who constantly weighs pros vs cons, works mentally within polarities, and sees the world as full of conflicts. Bolton's natal Mars-Uranus opposition supports such a world view but unfortunately it does so on a grand and explosive scale and may be used by Mr. Trump to 'justify' war maneuvers and further power and territory grabs.

Jun 21, 2017

The Great American Eclipse in Makanda Illinois

Here for my Makanda, Illinois friends is a horoscope of The Great American Eclipse set for their town where the eclipse (in 9th house with starry Thuban conjunct Mercury Rx in Virgo at Midheaven). In Makanda the eclipse will be experienced for 2 minutes 40 seconds; its partial phase begins at 11:52 am CDT; Totality begins at 1:20:11 pm CDT.

Chart: August 21, 2017 28Leo52:56 at 1:30:07 pm CDT Makanda, IL; Sun-Moon = Mercury-Mars: propaganda distorts the news of the day (Munkasey); Thuban = to protect or make a treasure (Solar Fire v9). Royal Regulus (the king, the kingmaker: success if revenge is avoided) @00Virgo is atop the chart and activated by the eclipse.

And as you know, eclipse safety glasses are a must!

Aug 11, 2016

2017's Great American Eclipse and DC's favorite sign Virgo -- Virgo as Isis

Astro-Notes Concerning Eclipses, America, and Switzerland

by Jude Cowell

This is a heads-up for those who may be interested in ancient star lore of Virgo the Virgin, Spica (celestial symbol of the Washington Monument), Scotland's Rosslyn Chapel and its Masonic Legacy, Knights Templar (who are said to have created Switzerland expressly for their banking purposes), and other esoteric topics: there is an astoundingly informative article by astrologer Ed Kohout that you may wish to check out.

But no one has to go all the way to Scotland to be in 'Rosslyn' since there's a Rosslyn, Virginia just across the Potomac from DC. Is it ironic that the 'Deepthroat' meetings that informed journalists Woodward and Bernstein about the Watergate break-in were held in a parking garage column '32', a Masonic number?

As for Campaign 2016, have you noticed how the Republican burglary of Democratic headquarters which resulted in the Watergate scandal resembles the current hacking (theft) of DNC emails? By which I imply: have Republicans enabled hackers in order to interfere with Hillary's chances for a second White House occupancy? Just wondering since America's political class is stuffed full of crooks on both sides determined to win at any cost. No dirty trick is too low for these varmints!

Related posts: Founding of the Federal City 1791 (includes DC's natal horoscope) and US Eclipse August 1776: Thor's Hammer, Isis' Key, and a Bucket (includes Leo Eclipse horoscope with themes that best describe the founding of America rather than the previous eclipse @00Pis33 which manifested prior to July 4, 1776). Also see Astro-Notes: Solar Eclipses 2015--2017.

Plus, a Coming Cosmic Event is The Great American Eclipse of August 21, 2017 @29Leo (conjunct Mr. Trump's natal Mars rising and Ascendant--with royal star Regulus -- will his "Make America Great Again" be the tragic eclipse of our nation?)

The August 2017 eclipse falls into the 1 North Saros Series and is the first repetition of the August 11, 1999 King of Alarm Eclipse (horoscope shown) associated with the Nostradamus prophecies. Substitute the word 'Terror' for 'Alarm' and we have the major theme of the New Millennium as finagled by crooked politicians and their banker enablers intent on global domination.

Remember the Bush-Cheney color alerts meant to ramp up our fear in their "war on terror"? The thuggish alerts were so ridiculed ('puce' and 'magenta' were favorites of mine) that Washington discontinued them along with 'sheets of plastic and duct tape' for our doors and windows. How the ruling class must have laughed over that silly advice which, as usual, made monkeys out of decent people and kept the ill-gained reins of control in the claws of the ruling elite.

The First 2017 Solar Eclipse Hits Switzerland's Natal Pisces Moon

A Swiss Note: the "lucky break" 19 South February 26, 2017 Solar Eclipse hits the 8 Pisces Moon in the natal 'Constitution' horoscope of Switzerland (Campion) set for September 12, 1848 11:12 LT Bern (Moon conjoins natal IC 7Pis54). This horoscope also shows that Switzerland is in process of a Uranus Return to natal degree of 21Ari26 Rx--conjunct the bankers' Pluto (27Ari34 Rx--both planets in natal 5th house and so the Uranus-Pluto conjunction is activated. Transit Uranus to natal Pluto denotes a time of abrupt changes to familiar patterns and social traditions, and a potential for disturbing situations and hidden fears which are difficult to confront for the people (Moon).

Also note that astrodatabank gives this RR:AA data for Switzerland: February 8, 1845 9:26 am GMT Bern with 3Taurus26 rising. Actually, when it comes to Knights Templar bankers setting up the place, I prefer Switzerland's natal chart of August 1, 1291 11:25:24 GMT Altdorf (Campion) with 4Sco50 rising and lots of Leo planets at Midheaven (ex: Sun-Jupiter = MC: great good fortune--Tyl).

Eclipse theme info based on Brady's Predictive Astrology.

Above collage: 'His American Majesty' by yours truly. Can you recognize the face of the crook in the center?

Jul 30, 2016

August 23, 2016 Horoscope: Mars-Saturn-Antares conjoin

August 2016 Lunations, a Mutable Grand Cross, and a Triple Conjunction

Well, it's an ugly situation but here it is, the horoscope of Mars conjunct Saturn conjunct royal star Antares at a moment no one but the violent have been waiting for. The chart is set for the White House (to represent our nation as well as our capital city) on August 24, 2016 at 7:26:09 am edt Washington DC. It's an Hour of Mercury posited in its own sign of Virgo in the first house and lined up with North Node, Venus, and Jupiter--aggressive Mars @9Sag52 conjoins Saturn and the IC and is out-of-bounds (OOBs) of the earthly plane. Read on if you dare...(and please pardon my typo in this post's title..if corrected the link won't work!)

First, let's list the August 2016 Lunations:

August 2 New Moon @10Leo57 4:44:30 pm edt White House; New Moon in 8th house trined by a 12th house Saturn Rx (9Sag52); Hour of Venus which is at the end of Leo (26:35, also in 8th house); ASC 17Sag13 makes Jupiter chart-ruler from its own 9th house @22Vir24 conjunct US natal Neptune suggesting inspiration, but negatively hinting at unwise speculation, paranoia, fanaticism, inflation, and scandal. This Jupiter also conjoins the natal Mars of President Obama which can cause overestimation of strength, having a large part to play in proceedings, and/or success if moderation and caution are used. The midpoint of Jupiter and Neptune rise in this chart so the potentials for speculation and lack of realism are increased.

August 18 Full Moon @25AQ51 (conjunct US natal Moon/We the People) 5:26:30 am edt White House; Full Moon in 7th house of Partnerships and Open Enemies so the 1/7 polarity is emphasized between Self and Others with the Sun rising @25Leo51;ASC 13Leo23 conjoins Mr. Obama's natal Sun, and the Virgo line-up is in the 2nd house of the National Treasury, Earning Ability, and Values; Jupiter and Neptune rule the 8th house of Corporatism, Credit, Debt, Shared Resources, Legacies, Transformation, (Death, and the Occult) so there's a money/wealth emphasis across the 2/8 axis--and fraudulent Neptune @10Pis02 Rx is in the 8th house as is Wounded Healer Chiron @24Pis08 Rx (suggesting a mentor or mentors); Neptune and the Saturnian South Node are conjoined (1 degree 41 min orb) in 8th so the implications of loss through fraud or through weather disasters such as floods and storms are increased. Gas, oil, and toxic fumes are also possibilities as are catastrophes related to drugs, poisons, contagion or epidemics, and/or to soil erosion or upheaval (see Antares, below).

As for the horoscope you see here with its Mars-Saturn-Antares flavors at the Ending or HOW? Point of the chart, their conjunction adds to the likelihood of natural disasters, quarrels, suspicion, belligerence, military action, violence, fires, explosions, shipwrecks, tectonic shifts, and/or other natural or man made catastrophes. Not a pretty picture at all, is it? Well, Mars-Saturn is often said to be the 'death axis' in a horoscope and as malevolents, one or both planets tend to be active during times of extremism and violent measures especially when Angular as they are here in Washington DC.

Add Antares (alpha Scorpii; Watcher of the West) to the brew and the negative tendencies of Mars-Saturn with its frustrating stop-go energies can be invigorated toward destruction (including self-destruction), obsessive behavior, and dramatic turns of events. Murder (or worse, mass murder) and executions cannot be ruled out with such a turbulent trio which could very well affect masses of people. Plus, miners and laborers may be in the spotlight since the trio is in the 4th house.

Two Royal Stars in a Mutable Grand Cross

Opposite Antares is royal star Aldebaran (alpha Tauri; Watcher of the West; success through integrity; in Arabian Astrology, 'the one who follows the Pleiades') at the very visible Midheaven would seem to be related to The Goal (the WHY? Point of the chart) so there we have two royal stars completing a Mutable Grand Cross that expresses at the Public angle at MC. Please enlarge the chart for more details such as the actors in the Grand Cross: Mars/Saturn/IC/Antares, Neptune/SN/Descendant, MC/Aldebaran, and the Ascendant/NN conjunction. Also note the Seesaw shape of the planets weighted on the Virgo side which denotes the capability for major achievement while working under contrasting and antagonistic polarities (Jones).

Obviously a few T-Squares are formed via the Grand Cross planets and points and these can be read as midpoint pictures which contain a variety of positive and negative potentials such as: recognition, success, bringing ideas to fruition at all costs, muddled aspirations, corruption, failure, wrong arrangements, peculiar circumstances, disappointment, depression, mayhem, suffering, mourning, a lack of clarity, links to others via unfortunate conditions and...a love of humanity. (I prefer the last potential, don't you?)

Not included in the Grand Cross pattern are an unaspected Sun and Uranus (Rx). Unaspected, each planet tends to work within its own sphere of interests--the Sun in the karmic 12th house of Politics and Back Room Deals, and Uranus, anarchistic in Aries and possibly causing turns of fortune or fate in the 8th house realms already mentioned, above. Other actors (planets) don't moderate or affect the solar and Uranian energies in this chart so that they are expressed without the support or interference of others.

A Moon Exalted in Taurus

Aided by three applying trines, the Moon @22Tau45 is in the 9th house and signifies the populace in a Mundane chart. Practical Earth trines to the Moon coming from the 1st house trio of Mercury, Venus, and Jupiter in Virgo suggest that commodities markets, cyclical ups and downs, and legal matters are involved, and that fluctuations are being planned for. Taurus looks for preservation of values, increased development and growth, comfort, luxury, and possessions and these are the reigning needs of a Taurus Moon. (btw: 22Taurus is just beyond a Lunar Return for former president Bill Clinton whose natal Moon position is @20Taurus+.) Actually, a Taurus Moon in 9th house trined by two money planets (Venus and Jupiter) and the planet of negotiations and trade (Mercury) brings a hint of lawsuits with favorable outcomes to mind.

Also not part of the Mutable Grand Cross is wealthy, powerful manipulative Pluto @15Cap11 Rx which precisely conjoins the 5th cusp, the house of Risk-Taking, Gambling, Speculation, and Creative Ventures. However, Pluto is connected to the Mutable Cross since it is disposited by major player Saturn via Capricorn, planet of structure, authority, control, government, law, and business. Of interest is the fixed star that Pluto conjoins, lovely Vega (alpha Lyrae) which provides such potentials as: good fortune in Politics, wealth via dealing with the government, double dealing, fleeting fame, and mother problems (A. Louis). Hmmm. Seems likely to me it might just as often indicate father problems with Saturn-ruled Capricorn involved!

2016 Solar Eclipses Spotlight the Virgo-Pisces Victim-Savior Axis

Now running in the background in August is the current Solar Eclipse (18 South) which manifested on March 9, 2016 @18Pis55 with its themes of endings, separations, and partings (Brady). Sadly, such themes support rather well the more difficult Mars-Saturn-Antares energies of August, don't they? And we've already seen 18 South manifested in both the Republican and the Democratic campaigns as staffers and officials have been let go or stepped down (ex: DNC Chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz). Yet 18 South includes a ray of hope for positive outcomes may result from the new conditions created under the influence of the eclipse.

However, since August 23rd is within 2 weeks of the next Solar Eclipse (September 1st @9Virgo), its 19 North themes may affect the harsh trio conditions as well. Plus, a conjunction on an Angle such as we see here in DC can act disruptively itself in similar fashion to an eclipse or to the planet Uranus. In other words, these are 'wild card' energies being discussed here and the potentials may or may not express at all, one of the qualities of quirky Uranus which can act as a catalyst early, on time, late...or never! Plus, we can never reliably predict what Uranus is up to, can we? Especially when The Isolationist planet is further detached by being unaspected!

The Saturn-Neptune Square Links 2016 with 1989

And yes, the off-on Saturn-Neptune square applies again (1A00) which links back to their last Great Conjunction/s all through 1989--3 times from 10Cap22 (#3) to 11Cap14 and 11:55 where transit Pluto crept for the last few years leading to deep fears of loss and/or a feeling of being downtrodden--which is more than a feeling thanks to draconian measures taken by governments across the globe and to the degradation of moral standards in society (imho). My feeling is that repressive governments with hidden agendas are the main problem, not the people! For without racketeering governments and their enablers, war would not exist. Meanwhile, profiteering 'leaders' provide mere lip service to the cause of peace!

Now perhaps you remember that for the first time since the late 15th century, the year 1989 saw a triple conjunction of Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune, thus thickening the planetary plot beyond the scope of this post although we should note that workers' and civil rights and a fair and just society were obvious areas of interest then and are on society's front burner again, often as 'income inequality' issues. You know, lowering the IQ score for entering police academies hasn't improved society at all for it represents degraded standards.

As for hotheaded Mars, the confrontational warrior planet applies to nebulous Neptune (1A00) in murky Pisces, an aspect that echoes America's natal Mars-Neptune square of misguided or misdirected energies, confused motivations, though occasionally inspired actions. However, we may expect this square to blow the fog of war up our apathetic (noses) as usual. Tragically for humanity, perpetual war is a primary goal of the power elite. And corporate planet Jupiter conjunct starry Denebola in 1st house tells the tale: to go against society.

Okay, I'll hush for now and hope that this downer post serves to inspire moderation, a strengthening of our community spirit, and perhaps thoughts for safety precautions during the month of August 2016 into September. After all, we have the September 1st Solar Eclipse of realism and tackling the truth approaching as we each ruminate upon which of two sub-par presidential candidates we'll vote for on November 8th--so please do not stay home!


FYI: the last Mars-Saturn conjunction I remember is the one in late August 2014 @17Sco41; there was a Quarter Moon @24Taurus on August 17th reflecting a cycle of rigid, stubborn Fixed energies. jc

Oct 20, 2015

Oct 22, 2015: Astro-Notes on Clinton vs Gowdy

October 22, 2015 Re-Match: Gowdy 1964 vs Clinton 1947

by Jude Cowell

On September 3, 2015 I posted a video of Thom Hartmann discussing Trey Gowdy (R-SC) and his "political witch hunt" against Hillary Clinton, a 2016 candidate who is again scheduled to testify before a Gowdy-run Benghazi hearing on Thursday October 22, 2015.

Looking at a horoscope for Oct 22, 2015 set for Capitol Hill it looks like fairly smooth sailing for Hillary with negligence as the main charge against her if a rising Saturn @3Sag04 tells the legal tale (Moon-Jupiter = Saturn.) Check the 10th house of Career, Public Status, and Reputation and we find quite a fortuitous line up of planets: Venus (leader of a Locomotive pattern of success and executive power) @12Virgo, generous Jupiter @15Virgo, Mars @17Virgo, North Node @00Libra (conjunct US natal MC in the 'Sibly' chart), and testifying Mercury @12Libra, a critical degree, with Mercury also ruling hearings and such. And at 10:00 am edt, Venus precisely conjoins MC on Capitol Hill...

A rounding-up of lady Venus' degree to 13Sag gives a very appropriate Sabian Symbol (word picture): "A Powerful Statesman Overcomes a State of Political Hysteria" which Dane Rudhyar describes as "a personage endowed with CHARISMA, this elusive and mysterious power that comes from a man's or woman's openness to the power of planetary evolution."

Plus, considering recent news reports that undermine Trey Gowdy and his Benghazi Committee, it would save US tax payers time and money if this wastrel Republican partisan 'take-down' of a democratic candidate--their political nemesis--was canceled though of course you may disagree. And naturally Committee Chair Gowdy is defending Committee Efforts ahead of Clinton's appearance.

Yet there may be a fly in Hillary's Benghazi ointment and his name is Trey Gowdy.

Born on August 22, 1964 just prior to the Great Conjunction/s of Uranus and Pluto (1965-1966), Gowdy's natal Pluto @13Virgo is also triggered these days by Venus denoting a period when strategy is necessary in order to manipulate outcomes and he attempts to take charge of every detail. Simultaneously, Pluto @13Cap now trines his natal Pluto, a generational influence denoting added power (or the demand for it.) Plus, Gowdy's natal Mercury @17Virgo Rx is activated on October 22 by transit Mars which shows a tremendous increase of ideas and plans, a faster pace of life, and which partially describes his insistent demands that others speak (testify) in combative group sessions (hearings.) Of course, when Mercury and Mars are linked there's a decided leaning toward Politics.

In addition, Gowdy's natal Uranus @9Virgo has recently been activated by the Virgo line-up mentioned above so unpredictability is part of the picture (ex: Kevin McCarthy's inconvenient revelation on the political nature of the Benghazi Committee to lower Hillary's poll numbers.) With quirky rebel Uranus involved, alliances breaking apart and/or unusual if temporary partnerships are possibilities for Mr. Gowdy.

Now it seems interesting to me that a natal midpoint picture in Gowdy's natal horoscope is now echoed or stimulated by a transiting Mercury-Uranus = Pluto T-Square which is in effect on October 22, 2015. Mercury-Uranus = Pluto: added slurs and vulgarities in speech (Munkasey); getting the biggest job done in a commanding way (Tyl); a hasty realization of plans; over-strained nerves (Ebertin.)

And after three long years of Benghazi hearings we may wish to note that Mr. Gowdy's natal Saturn (authority; responsibility; accountability; fear) @1Pis49 Rx has in recent years been touched by nebulous Neptune's fairy wand of delusion with Neptune a higher octave ruler of Pisces. This marks a time when one becomes even more idealistic than usual and misguided tendencies cast an obscuring veil over one's sense of Saturnian reality. Add to that Gowdy's natal Neptune @15Scorpio--conjunct Hillary Clinton's natal Venus @16Scorpio--and it is doubtful that her relationships and diplomatic efforts can ever be truly and clearly perceived by Benghazi Committee Chair Trey Gowdy whose natal Sun (ego) conjoins royal star of Persia, Regulus, the king.

Aug 1, 2015

Virgo August 2015 - Steve Judd, video

Not everyone was born with planets, angles, or nodes in Mercury-ruled Virgo, but we all have the discriminating, purifying, scientific sign located somewhere in our natal horoscopes. Here's astrologer Steve Judd giving an overview of August 2015 for the sign of Virgo, the Virgin (and the sign of Washington DC!), including the July 25th Retrograde Station of Venus @00Virgo46 (Direct Station Sep 6th @14Leo23), and transit Jupiter entering Virgo on or about August 12, 2015:

Virgo #Astrology #SteveJudd

Feb 21, 2015

March 3, 2015 Full Moon in Virgo: "Faith and Reason Shake Hands"

The Full Moon @14Vir50 on March 5, 2015

by Jude Cowell

The Earth-Water combination of March 3, 2015's Full Moon @14Vir50 indicates supportive, practical, and nourishing energies with the Sun in Watery Pisces. Exact at 1:05 pm EDT, the Sun Pisces-Moon Virgo blend is shared natally by such personalities as Luther Burbank, Alexander Graham Bell, Jack Kerouac, Glenn Miller, Roberto Assagioli (see quote, below), and Senator Edward Kennedy.

This is the Syzygy Moon (last lunation) prior to Spring Equinox on March 20, 2015 (6:45 pm EDT, a New Moon) and the Solar Eclipse @29Pis27 which manifests on that date at 5:36 am. Of course, Spring Equinox is also called the Aries Ingress (Sun to Mars-ruled Aries Point, 00Ari00:00) which spotlights major changes and peaks of activity on the world stage and stands as a predictive horoscope for an entire year. Other information is gained by consulting the horoscopes of Summer Solstice in June (00Can00), Autumn Equinox in September (00Lib00), and Winter Solstice in December (00Cap00) along with America's Solar Return of July, plus, other national Return horoscopes, and event charts.

Information found in President Obama's Solar Return in August 2015 is also relevant to the course of our nation along with transits and progressions to all related horoscopes; these must be studied for a fuller picture (although not suitable for today's brief post.)

Full Moon (awareness, opposition, culmination, relationships) March 3, 2015: Sun Pisces-Moon Virgo, the "Faith and Reason Shake Hands" *blend, denotes energies that give broad intelligence, analytical talent, and great perception which will bolster the Full Moon awareness factor. But in what departments of life? On a personal level, perception will be most notable for those who are aware of their natal planetary placements---in which house do you find 14/15 Virgo and 14/15 Pisces for there is where illumination will occur. On a mundane level, we may expect the victim-savior axis of Virgo-Pisces to be highlighted by the light of the March 3 Full Moon and the polarity emphasizes the tragedy of more brutality and revenge, as you know.

*Small events bring enormous consequences

Additionally, sign rulers Mercury (Virgo) and Jupiter (Pisces--with sub-ruler Neptune now strong in its own sign) and the Mercury-Jupiter and Mercury-Neptune pairings of energies are worth considering. In the realms of politics and business, we find Mercury-Jupiter denoting such potentials as expanding communications and transport systems, and discussions on legal, business, religious, and/or philosophical matters and theories. Such discussions and plans indicate possibilities for strained budgets, inflation concerns, religious leaders vying for political power, and scholarship censored by religious beliefs. Well-considered communications bring benefits with Mercury-Jupiter but with a caution against promoting overblown ideas or ideals.

With Mercury-Neptune we find a legislature controlling the excessive dreams and plans of government and business leaders while futuristic visualizations are promoted by leaders sharing their dreams of growth, development, and progress. Of course, the presence of nebulous Neptune, planet of veils, masks, fog, smoke, inspiration, and deception adds its typical undermining influence which leads to instability; weak or artificial plans need rethinking.

Use of delusion to mesmerize the public (propaganda) is evident for communications promise more than can be delivered and serve to divert the people's attention from important matters which may be carried out surreptitiously by fraudsters and spendthrifts with the Neptunian media playing the usual supporting role of keeping the corporate ball in the air.

And since a Full Moon is often a time of relationship fulfillment and brings a culmination of some kind, the Moon's ability to grant us fuller awareness across the Virgo-Pisces axis may clarify that others are not what we thought them to be---or, that they have purposefully deceived or even secretly harmed us. A wise course is to beware of illusion and deception under the silver moonbeams of March!

Now in spite of the fact that a "Faith and Reason" influence adds Illuminati-New World Order-globalism vibes to the March 3 Full Moon via Neptune (Faith, Spirituality) and Uranus (Reason, Science), let's close with some very good advice for all world leaders and wanna-bes, and for the war-wagers who profit from the deaths of others. The quote concerns the victim-savior axis even though as a group the power elite class seems to be too craven and self-serving to learn from it (which to me makes them seem rather ignorant):

"Without forgiveness life is governed endless cycle of resentment and retaliation." Roberto Assagioli.

Tragically for humanity, that's the sort of natural law their plans for global governance depend on.


Recommended reading: *Sun Sign, Moon Sign by Charles and Suzi Harvey; Midpoints: Unleashing the Power of the Planets by Michael Munkasey.

Jan 16, 2015

The White House Eclipse and the rays of Virgo

On October 13, 1792 the White House cornerstone was laid in a Masonic ceremony under important Virgo contacts: Moon 23Vir56, North Node 24:13, and both conjoining the ceremony's Pre-Natal Eclipse @24Vir07 in the 11 North Saros Series.

You may wish to see David Ovason's book, The Secret Architecture of Our Nation's Capital for more info.

Themes of the 11N Series include: suddenly changing groups that one mixes with either through travel, ideas, or both and the implied separation leads to very positive outcomes; or, a sudden decision may lead to greater commitment in a relationship. Either way, situations that arise under 11N may be trusted. (Predictive Astrology, Brady).

The initial eclipse of this Series occurred @14Leo33 on August 1, 1125 (OS) and ends on September 4, 2369. Two midpoint pictures are imprinted upon 11N and thus provide clues to its themes: Uranus-NN = Sun = Moon, and Venus-Saturn = Jupiter.

Perhaps you agree that 11N themes describe something of the experience of a person who is selected to play the role of US president when the tap on the shoulder comes.

In recent decades, 11N has manifested in 1900, 1918, 1936, 1954, 1973, 1991, and on January 26, 2009, what I've called our 'New President Eclipse' in honor of Barack Obama's presidency. 11N is the Pre-Natal Eclipse Series (PE) of: the White House cornerstone laying (1792) as noted above, the assassination of Abraham Lincoln (1865), William Herschel (discoverer in 1791 of America's 'totem' planet of war, Uranus), the Hindenburg Disaster (1937), Operation Desert Storm (1991), Cindy McCain (1954), and astrologer-occult-researcher and lecturer Manly P. Hall (1901).

11 North next occurs on February 6, 2027 @18AQ.

May 1, 2013

April 30, 1803: Louisiana Purchase a done deal w Jupiter Rx in Virgo

Empiric Sorrows Developing Since 1803

by Jude Cowell

Tuesday April 30, 2013 marked the 210th anniversary of the signing of America's Louisiana Purchase, a Treaty signed in Paris, France, which doubled the size of the US and made us in 1803 the largest country in the world. Setting a bad precedent for future empire builders, President Thomas Jefferson put aside his doubts about the constitutionality of such an expansion (it wasn't and still isn't), aka, a land grab, in order to take advantage of what remains so far the greatest real estate bargain in history!

Subsequently, America's Jupiterian expansionist tendency was made irresistible by none other than Mr. Jefferson and became known as Manifest Destiny and has presented our nation with many difficulties through the years. Perhaps the ultimate problem we've encountered is Washington's unfortunate, over-reaching habit of playing the role of global cop, our domestic economy be dratted (though we're still expected to do our part and pay taxes to the IRS, our war-fund collector.)

As for the often-praised Louisiana Purchase, American Originals has the scoop, images, and a link to the Treaty's text if you wish to check out more details.

And because the whole endeavor is such a Jupiterian one, and since Jupiter left his shadow (of his Rx Station degree 16Gem22, of Oct 5, 2012) on April 25, 2013, you know I had to peek to discover where expansionist Jupiter was located on April 30, 1803--@26Vir46 and Rx, using the noon hour, Paris, FR.

Virgo is Jefferson's natal Jupiter sign though earlier by degree--still, it's a placement denoting a scientist, which he was. Being in the last decanate of Virgo, 1803 Jupiter had recently moved beyond US natal Neptune 22Vir25 but in Rx condition was headed back that way, so we may naturally consider the transit since the combination of Jupiter-Neptune is the speculator-spendthrift-wastrel-grand-schemer duo of energies, and this massive land deal of 828,000 square acres for $15 million falls neatly into such a category. Oui?

Transit Jupiter conjunct natal Neptune indicates a time of unprecedented development yet losing touch with reality is a possibility; actions may be grandly inspired or inspirational, and that it has been, but it can also lead to illusions, delusions, and fanaticism (which I also think it has.) Additionally, our representatives' journey across the ocean to France is also described by adventurous Jupiter conjoining urge-to-merge Neptune, ruler of The Seas.

And the subsequent problems created in 1803 by our imperial expansion? Why, there's a problematic YOD pattern of crisis, turning points, special tasks, and/or crossroads between the Sun (9Tau08, an Earth sign that can be rather greedy for more--in this case, land) and powerful hidden hand Pluto @8Pis04, the natal position on July 4, 1776 of US natal Ceres ("amber waves of grain") and of our natal Pluto-Chiron midpoint of take-what-you-want Plutocracy.

In Closing, a Powerful Midpoint Picture

Now the Sun-Pluto sextile at the base of the YOD points its two quincunxes (150 degrees) toward catalyst Uranus Rx @8Lib11 (in 3rd house at noon of April 30, 1803, Paris) so we have potential expressions of the trio's midpoint picture--any, all, or none may apply. Plus, 'Sun-Pluto' = 'striving for power; craving rulership; power of attainment; establishing and consolidating one's position as a leader'--Ebertin.) With this Purchase, I'm thinking of President Jefferson's opportunistic disregard for the US Constitution as I type, a bad habit, now ingrained, which Washington politicians can't seem to get enough of these days in their Quest:

Sun-Pluto = Uranus: carrying out fanatic reforms without regard for oneself (Ebertin); sudden changes; rebellion; new individual perspectives (Tyl.)

Jul 27, 2010

Of sassy Virgo virgins and Mars-Neptune quincunxes

Today I've been moseying around the internet picking a small bouquet of articles for you, dear reader, and you simply cannot go wrong with Julie Demboski's take on the current Virgoan energies now shared between lovers Venus and Mars.

Mars now quincunxes (inconjuncts; 150 degrees) nebulous Neptune and shaman Chiron so check out what Julie has to say about this week's Virgoan sassiness with her usual clear-eyed, clearly explained planetary info.

Then Donna Cunningham points us all to the August-September issue of The Mountain Astrologer Magazine where we'll find her brilliant article on quincunxes, the square-peg-in-a-round-hole aspect that figures prominently in Finger of God patterns (YODs) when two quincunxes point to a third planet; the two planets in sextile (60 degrees) make a base which results in a shape that favors a squooshed triangle, third planet/s at its apex.

In Astrology, YODs denote a special task or purpose, a crisis, and/or turning point and in natal charts may indicate a purpose, lesson, or undealt-with condition passed down through the generations. It's time to deal in your lifetime with the issues shown by the involved planetary energies if you have a YOD in your chart. And when a YOD pattern forms by progression, it can be like an alarm clock going off saying, Get Busy. Outer planet involvement shows a larger condition which may need your input on behalf of the collective.

Yes, the quincunx is a major, not a minor aspect!

In fact, Mars quincunx Neptune gives an over-anxious, impatient quality to their hook-up and indicates failure of efforts even though one attempts to assert oneself positively. Postpone any hastily made plans when Mars inconjuncts Neptune (whose foggy, nebulous energies tend to gum up or confuse matters quite regularly on its own!)

Relationships can make huge demands on us under a Mars-Neptune quincunx so exploitation is a potential; we find it difficult to see through other people's insincerity. Machinery failures are common, and we're also vulnerable to infections so do what Mama said: wash those hands and cover your mouth when you cough or sneeze please. Even psychosomatic conditions may act up or sabotage us under this influence (which Neptune tends to have a hand in even without Mars coming along.)

And anyone considering doing something shady under Mars quincunx Neptune should be prepared for loads of guilty feelings welling up inside (or even better - reconsider and don't do it!)

Well, those are the good stuff I've found so far in my ramblings today. If you've found, know of, or have written an Astrology article of interest to the collective, do feel free to leave a Comment including its link here for others to follow.

Now for the sakes of Venus, Mars, and magical Neptune, here's Faye's Magic Lamp, one of my Vesta-esque drawings from Cosmic Persona Designs, a collection of fanciful figure studies for the 17+ among us.