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Showing posts with label Tisiphone. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Tisiphone. Show all posts

Apr 5, 2024

An Overview of the April 8, 2024 Eclipse

A Total and Visible Eclipse During Election Year 2024

by Jude Cowell

The Presidential Election of our first official president, George Washington, was held from December 15, 1788 to January 7, 1789, and results have long been known.

As for our Election 2024, on Tuesday April 8, 2024, a Total Solar Eclipse in the 8 North Series repeats as The Great American Eclipse, the third of three (also in 1878 and 2017) visible across the US.

So because next week's April 8th Eclipse is in partile conjunction with wounded healer Chiron, both @19Ari24, and because America's founding Chiron of 1776 is @20Ari08, I looked back at the 1700s time frame for the manifestation of an 8 North Eclipse during that era and found that an 8 North Eclipse perfected on May 16, 1789 @25Sco16:15 - conjunct the initial 8 North 1501 Eclipse's Pluto, apex planet of the YOD pattern as noted, above, and representing power and transformation. Astro-notes are penned on the chart shown, below.

Now I haven't checked out all the 8 North Eclipses in between, but the Eclipse-Pluto contact does qualify as a cosmic time link between 1501 and 1789, and at its worst, can denote manipulation, criminal and/or violent offenses, with war being an obvious potential, then and now. Yet unlike individuals in 1501, one major difference in 1789 is that George Washington refused to accept the title of "king" and was inaugurated, not crowned. Such is the example our government has followed yet nowadays, malicious malcontents threaten violence and another "civil war" in order to force their wills upon the rest of us.

Because with current events and individuals of our day - there's one candidate who really really wants to be crowned "king of America" so he can fulfill Herr Adolf's "vision," avoid a prison sentence, and settle old scores. Curiously, the 8 North Horoscope of 1789 in NYC at 10:18:02 pm LMT, shows a rising asteroid, Tisiphone, with retaliation her primary objective.

Meanwhile, take a look at the initial 8 North Eclipse:

Above is the DC Horoscope of the initial 8 North Eclipse, with the Gemini lens through which all subsequent 8 Norths may be viewed in order to gain a deeper or broader picture of what was a violent era in human history (Saturn-Uranus square; Mars-Pluto trine) and how its energies may pass down to our era. As you see, the Eclipse perfected on May 16, 1501 @4Gem51:24 with Eclipse Pluto Rx @26Sco10 at apex of a YOD pattern with a Mercury-Jupiter sextile at its base. Somehow, communications and logical problem-solving were involved with this Gemini Eclipse. Check the Events of 1501 link, below, for clues.

Now besides the YOD's turning point/crisis/karmic opportunity implications, the planetary trio of 1501 forms a midpoint picture with potentials for: suggestive oration; rebuffed theories; elimination of discussions on philosophical or religious books; the big proposal; the quick advance (Ebertin; Munkasey; Tyl). So with history's tendency to rhyme if not repeat, the Events of 1501 are instructive and include several kingly events, treaties, battles, the Ottoman-Venetian War (1499--1503) - the arrest of Christopher Columbus, and more.

You may also wish to see the DC Horoscope of America's Chiron Return of April 20, 2024, the day of the Great Jupiter-Uranus Conjunction @21Tau50, the beginning of another of their 14-year cycles.

Additionally, Eclipses may also link years and events by degree in totally different Saros Series, creating a sensitive degree. One example is the 8 North of April 8, 2024 in Aries which conjuncts by degree a certain other Eclipse in Aries - from 1986. Check it out!

Mar 27, 2024

Horoscope: Hush Money Trial Apr 2024

by Jude Cowell, partisan for the common good

Update: Going after Judge Marchan's daughter again may be what stalls the trial date as per Mercury Rx while an appeal is heard. Original post begins here:

Below you see two images of what is scheduled to be the Trump Hush Money Trial, aka, Election Interference Trial, Manhattan, NY, set by Judge Juan Marchan for Monday April 15, 2024. I'm using a start time for jury selection of 9:30 am edt which may or may not need adjusting. The first chart has my scribbled study notes messily penned on, the second horoscope is sans scribbles.

A few factors worth mentioning include:

In 11th house, chart-ruler Mercury is retrograde ('Rx') which suggests delays (yet Judge Marchan is against delays hence the April 15th trial date), and conjuncts the trial's Prenatal Solar Eclipse, the April 8th 8 North @19Ari24 of dreams and visions which falls within Trump's natal 8th house opposite his natal Jupiter stationary. This opposition identifies ethical lapses and immorality. Additionally, legal eagle planet Saturn @15Pis10 in 10th house conjuncts crisis star Achernar (risk of rapid endings) along with testy Mars and confused Neptune in late Pisces. Check Saturn as apex planet of a midpoint picture, highlighted in blue.

Then Mercury's Rx condition suggests review, revision, and testimonies perhaps previously heard; plus, in Aries Mercury may bring exaggeration and criticism into the courtroom.

How Things Will Proceed via Chart-ruler Mercury

Chart-and-Trial-Ruler Mercury applies to conjunction with Venus at a critical degree of Aries (will Stormy Daniels testify?); Mercury also conjoins Chiron, a good placement for business negotiations, and for disseminating information in general; obviously, news and reporting are suggested although Chiron may include a blindspot condition.

Then on or about April 25th, Mercury will station conjunct the Hush Money Trial's North Node of public contact so perhaps a decision and/or an announcement will occur soon after. If the April 15th date holds steady, that is. Given Trump's serial habit of delaying justice, we'll see if changes are made.

Meanwhile, the 25 Gemini Ascendant ruled by Mercury brings up Trump's "Prez Bid New Moon" of June 16, 2015 which is penned on the chart, while Pluto @2AQ02 in 7th house leads a BOWL shape of planets indicating advocacy of a cause or a mission. Then as you see, Astraea, asteroid of Justice, @15Can23 conjuncts the 2nd cusp of Money, Possessions, and Values, while Tisiphone, asteroid of retaliation, rises at 9:30 am edt:

T-Square: Moon-Pluto = Sun: "far-reaching plans" (N. Tyl)

Significantly, powerful Pluto afflicts the Sun-Moon square, opposing Moon and squaring Sun. Potentials are for pursuit of unreasonable desires, retribution is sought, the domestic scene and family members are under threat or feeling threatened, strong emotions are expressed, someone is dealing with a loss of power and influence through an unstable power structure, and/or there are setbacks in ambitions through overblown ego problems (R. Ebertin). Now I wonder whose ego is the most overblown of all?

Chart #2: April 15, 2024 Horoscope unmarked:

In closing, here are a few details on the April 15th Hush Money Trial's steamy fire-water Sun Aries-Moon Cancer blend of conscious and unconscious energies: a volatile, self-centered, impulsive, clannish combination. Quickly sizing up situations is a talent as is smooth-talking, but handling personal criticism is very difficult. In fact, one of the blend's Images for Integration provided by the Harveys may manage to take the hush money trial by storm:

"A child in a fit of petulent fury runs away from home."

Now Trump does tend to storm out of courtrooms, this we know, but hopefully, this isn't a cosmic picture of a flight risk from justice!

Sep 28, 2023

GOP's Biden Impeachment Inquiry Opens

by Jude Cowell, partisan for democracy and the common good

Chaired by Republican Rep. Jim Jordan, the GOP (maga) inquiry into impeaching President Joe Biden opened this morning at 10:00 am edt. Actually, Trump's handmaidens are on a fishing expedition to 'catch' Joe Biden by linking him to his son Hunter's activities, in hopes of making Trump look better to voters. So far, no equivalency has been found between decades-long public servant Biden and insurrectionist Trump. And you know, Joe came out of retirement to help us with this fascism thing but extremist Republicans don't like it.

Blue Saturn, karmic planet of law and order

So! Below you see a bi-wheel of the Republican Party Horoscope (inner) set for March 20, 1854 6:30 pm LMT Ripon, WI, and (outer) today's 10:00 am EDT chart set for Septmber 28, 2023 with 10Sco06 rising ("11 Scorpio": "A Drowning Man Rescued"). Wonder who ordered this fishing expedition hoping to be rescued from his troubles? Well, Scorpio is the sign of detectives and investigations, with Mars its ruler, and Pluto its sub-ruler.

As you see, the Mars inconjunct Uranus is listed on the chart since Mars rules the inquiry itself with Plutonian influences of power, control, and manipulation in his back pocket. Meanwhile, a 4th house Pluto @27Cap55 Rx remains within orb of America's first-ever Pluto Return and had conjoined 1854 Jupiter 5 times from 2019 into 2020 during the Trump years. Here, Pluto squares North Node of public contact which suggests the revolutionary reforms now in play which challenge The Establishment (Saturn).

But my primary focus is on today's Saturn Rx @1Pis36 which conjuncts 1854 Venus while opposing 1854 Mars. In other words, transit Saturn is activating the Republican Party's quarrelsome Venus-Mars opposition (see lower right corner for details). And there's today's Venus atop the chart with her Leonine pride and her tendencies toward jealousy and greed when she's been scorned (aka, not voted for!)

As for accountability, you know that Saturn demands truth, realism, and the facts but look what was rising at 10:00 am this morning in Washington DC as the proceedings began: Trump's natal Neptune @5Libra, the first planet of his 2nd house trio that includes Chiron and his stationary Jupiter in Libra - and with the morning Sun spotlighting it! To me this implies that Donald's Dream (Jupiter-Neptune) of floating above the fray (his indictments and trials) is on today's menu as his handmaidens attempt to improve the orange oldster's tattered public image, damaged by his own criminality and vengefulness.

And yes, there are plenty of other chart factors of interest for the curious but let's close by saying that the Mars-Uranus inconjunct bodes ill for the outcome of today's political stunt and for its ultimate consequences for the Republican Party. Because maddeningly, instead of working to keep the government from shutting down this Saturday at midnight, these maga-style 'Putin pals' are performing yet another congressional clown show for the sake of sore loser Trump who made his own bed and will now have to lie in it.

Sep 15, 2023

Jim Jones and Trump's Tisiphone

by Jude Cowell, posting on behalf of the common good

Tisiphone, one of the demons in Greek Mythology

Now feeling cornered (my interpretation of scofflaw Trump's current behavior), the you-knew-I-was-a-snake con man Donald Trump, who's facing an astonishing amount of legal charges and indictments intended to hold him accountable under the law for his crimes, the potential exists for megalomaniac Trump to experience narcissist collapse. Yet for now, Herr T continues fighting opponents, for his combative Mars rising in proud Leo doesn't know how to give up - and he's always been a cutthroat competitor.

These conditions, plus, planetary contacts between two narcissistic death-cult leaders, Trump and Jim Jones, resonate within the abusive conditions, personalities, events, and twisted motives behind the Jonestown Massacre of November 18, 1978. Add to this the possibility that Trump may experience a similarly tragic collapse wrapped up with the retribution he threatens vengefully to mete out if he manages to grab the helm of the Oval Office in 2024/2025. Or even if he doesn't regain control of the White House again, one assumes.

Because retribution is the orange grudge-holder's dearest dream with asteroid Tisiphone as its archetypal symbol in a chart. So when Herr T says he's his followers' "retribution," he really means it: Trump's natal Tisiphone @22Sag54 Rx falls upon his natal Sun-NN/Moon SN axis, conjunct his Moon - and natal Moon reveals the reigning need!

Notable in the Lindaland forum, I found further descriptions of Tisphone as "the killer's conscience personified," and, being one of the Furies, Tisiphone represents "vigilante homocide," as Trump's 'maga' coup attempt of thuggery showed on January 6, 2021. In a word, murder, which resonates with Trump's 12th house midpoint picture: Pluto = Mars-Saturn: 'fury, destruction, the deaths of many people' (R. Ebertin).

As for the tragic Jonestown Massacre, Congressman Leo Ryan (D-CA; May 5, 1925--Nov 18, 1978) paid a visit to Jonestown with some journalists, then as they were boarding a plane home from Port Kaituma, Jim Jones ordered their assassinations. Evangelical preacher-turned-megalomaniac Jim Jones was a malignant narcissist who led what turned out to be, not just a cult, but a death cult, and its failure - his failure and subsequent death - is an example of a narcissistic collapse. Unable to accept failure and retain the fantasy, Jones' psychological collapse resulted in 918 deaths including Rep. Leo Ryan, may he R.I.P.

Then if you're like me, the tragic example of Jim Jones reminds you of egomaniac Trump's 12th house Pluto @10Leo conjunct his Mars-Saturn midpoint which is the "death axis," in a horoscope, as noted above. This provides a midpoint picture of negative potentials for brutality, the rage of destruction; intervening of a higher power, bodily injury or harm; murder, death of many people (The Combination of Stellar Influences #ad). My hope is that the intervention by a higher power is the US Justice System holding the lifelong criminal and seditionist accountable.

Are there Mars-Saturn signatures of fatality in the natal horoscope of Jim Jones?

Jonestown Massacre November 18, 1978 Georgetown, Guyana

Now a while back, expert astrologer Eric Francis published an excellent analysis of Jones and Jonestown. In fact, a view of the Jonestown Massacre Horoscope is available but I'm not certain where his timing comes from: 5:20:00 pm BZT3. With 24Tau06 rising, this places the nasty, enraged star Algol on the horizon in that location, on that date, so this is the chart I've added to my files.

So by now, you've perhaps read Thom Hartmann's 2022 article, Is something called 'narcissist collapse' coming to America?" If so, this would be compliments of America's current malignant narcissist, Donald Trump. For as presidents go, so goes America. And Donald is not even president anymore if indeed he ever was! Now you may disagree, but I've always maintained that the Mango Mussolini only played the role of POTUS on TV (badly), and he's a serial fantasist, as we know, with his Mercury-Neptune square of misperception, deception, and a tendency to create his own version of reality, aka, a fantasy world. Notably, this aspect of faulty thinking is described by Alan Oken as The Sneaky Mind.

For more details concerning the mental condition try Psychology Today's When the Narcissist Fails.

And for astrologers and the astro-curious, there's also an Apple podcast by Dark Alignment (Brittney and Eruca Rose) available, The Astrology of Jim Jones and the Jonestown Massacre (S4E2) with Natal and Transit charts.

May 5, 2023

Trump To Dictate Fascistic “Townhall” On CNN Next Week -- Thom Hartmann

Thom, a Fascist Townhall Horoscope, and Moon-Pluto

by Jude Cowell

To gain higher ratings and profits, CNN has been moving to the right politically, thanks to a billionaire investor, and a live broadcast of a Tr*mp "Townhall" in Goffstown, New Hampshire is scheduled in which grievances will once gain be listed ad nauseum along with the fascist views of agent orange, still bu*t-hurt over his election loss in 2020.

Trump's Townhall of Republican questioners is a far-reich signal along the road toward the nazi-style dystopia now assaulting America. Now I know that the strong-armed paternalism that fascists offer America may seem comforting to some folks, and for others it seems to provide a way to make money, but make no mistake that it includes the criminality and violence now accosting our society - including the targets they and the NRA have placed on the backs of our children. Yet A majority of rational Americans do not want fascist government.

Casting Blame on Pluto in Saturn-Ruled Capricorn

Yes, primal violence came along with America's first-ever Pluto Return, a three-fer of conjunctions (to its 1776 position 27Cap33) all through 2022: Pluto, planet of Plutocracy and exploitation, fulfilling his role as stealthy assassin, and making his play for a barbaric transformation of US society into a police state - and We the People have decades during which these destructive energies and actors must be vigorously fought in defense of democracy.

That's if we take the 248-year cycle of Pluto, divide by 3, and consider the first of the three Pluto Return horoscopes as a cosmic guide lasting approximately 83 years. This gives us a time frame of 2022 to year 2105 in which to deal with fascist lies, fraud, sinister actors and threats of violence - and curiously, 83 years is very close to the 84-year orbit of Uranus, planet of disruption but also of progressive reforms. See below for a link to a tri-wheel of America's three Pluto Return horoscopes.

But please don't fret for we know that despair is not an option, as Thom always reminds us! So for your consideration, here's commentary concerning Trump's upcoming "Townhall" of fascist promotion (with Mercury Rx = repetition!) from progressive broadcaster Thom Hartmann who spotlights a definition of fascism in the words of FDR's VP Henry Wallace, speaking on April 9, 1944 - a not-to-be-missed citing by one of the men who faced the rising tide of fascism and Nazism in their era - and prevailed:

Now if all goes as planned, the live "Townhall" with Republicans asking Trump questions is scheduled for Wednesday May 10, 2023 at 8:00 pm edt. Of interest that evening is a Moon-Pluto Conjunction perfecting at 10:40 pm edt @00AQ20 conjunct US Inaugural Sun (corrupting elements--he'll insult President Biden any way he can), and transit Tisiphone, asteroid of retaliation. Mentions will include immigration, crime and violent events (Trump's threat of "American carnage"?), his usual grievances and grudges, funding, and possibly his real or imagined popularity with the public which isn't what he pretends or wants it to be.

Please enlarge or print the image to read further details, as you wish:

As you can see in the upper right horoscope, above, the 4 South 'Electoral College Vote Eclipse' of December 14, 2020 rises as the Moon-Pluto Conjunction becomes exact at 10:40 pm edt which may perfect after the broadcast ends but even if so, the conjunction's extreme emotions and tendency toward quarrels and violence will be certain to express in one way or another.

Of course, the Electoral College Vote of 2020 activated sore-loser Trump's "Big Lie," and crazily, there's his natal stationary Jupiter (18Lib27) sitting atop the Moon-Pluto Conjunction Horoscope! Rounded up we find that "19Libra" = "A Gang of Robbers in Hiding" which is one way to describe Trump and his corrupt comrades desperate for more money and power. Can Stormy Daniels turn up in his rhetoric? I ask because her natal Pluto Rx @18Lib26 does conjunct his boundary-and-taboo-breaking Jupiter in Libra with its eternal whine, "it's not fair!"

Well, Boo and Hoo. Obviously, a Townhall full of belly-achin' is in store for viewers.

Meanwhile, lower left is the Townhall 8:00 pm edt chart with karmic Saturn @6Pis03 at its base (IC) and conjoining the Fascism Rising Eclipse of February 1933 in the 7 North Saros Series with themes of (blood) "-lust, and long-hidden passion that catches people off-guard" (B. Brady). Therefore, Trump's May 10th Townhall is occurring under the influences of the series in which we now toil because a 7 North Eclipse repeated on April 20, 2023 @29Ari50, as what I've termed, "Hitler's birthday eclipse."

So how do we vanquish Fascism in America?

Why, Vote Blue in 2024! And in massive numbers.

If needed, here's a previous post displaying a tri-wheel of the three-fer US Pluto Return/s with the first 83-year horoscope in center. Plus, there's this: Remembering Henry Wallace, Our Mystic Vice President.

Jun 8, 2021

Coming in early July: America's Solar Return 2021

US Solar Return 2021: So Far Our Democracy Has Weathered 245 Years

by Jude Cowell

Tuesday June 8, 2021: This summer we can expect America's Solar Return to our July 4, 1776 Sun degree (@13Can19:19; mundane Sun = leadership) to perfect actually on July 4th (at 10:51:37 pm edt; horoscope shown) which is not always the case. However, as you know, everyone's Sun always returns to natal degree within one day or on their birthday. For those who prefer a late afternoon horoscope for the founding of this illuminating 'experiment' in self-governance with Jupiter-ruled Sagittarius rising (I tend toward '5:09 pm LMT' because it places Cardinal World Points of manifestation and recognition on the MC-IC angles of the chart but I'm not wedded to this chart and don't mind calling it 'speculative') - in the Solar Return 2021 Horoscope ('SR') we find US natal Moon rising (ASC @26AQ30) when the chart is set for Washington DC. If you follow the above link you can see this for yourself.

Also of note is that all planetary returns repeat whatever aspects a returning planet makes in the natal or founding chart; for America that would be Cancer Sun square Saturn exalted in Libra, a time for taking responsibility, having to measure up, and delayed rewards) yet a mitigating factor of optimism is the US Sun-Jupiter conjunction with Venus in Cancer nearby.

Also rising in our SR 2021 Horoscope are the assertive, destiny-changing Uranus-MC midpoint (hastiness, excitement, sudden adjustment to new conditions - Ebertin), and transiting Tisiphone, asteroid of retaliation (against anti-democracy seditionists? count me in for as I've typed on SO'W multiple times through the years, America is my only nag in the race - which includes the common good, a sovereign nation, and a Republic replete with democracy).

Now readers familiar with the natal horoscope and planets of the former guy (that some call the KKK's Grand Dragon) know that US SR 2021's ASC @26AQ30 conjunct US natal Moon places agent orange's natal Mars in Leo upon the SR 2021 Descendant so his aggression (Mars) targeting the American people continues (see the Tr*mp vs America Synastry Grid). Yet admittedly, no Astrology is necessary to realize any of this concerning the revenge-loving fellow so fond of retaliation who was contentiously born with hot, fiery Mars rising (if 10:54 am is his actual birth time on June 14, 1946).

Plus, the heat has recently been turned up via former guy's threat to run for Congress in 2022 but this seems like a stretch, doesn't it? For one thing, a seat in Congress is not elevated enough for Mr. Ego and the thought of his laziness with a bunch of paperwork on his desk is laughably absurd. Yet could a congressional seat be a stepping stone to another presidential run for agent orange? For many politicians it definitely could be but he's not a 'regular' politician, is he? Or one at all to my way of thinking.

Besides, his 'grand', wide physical presence in Congress, the place he sent shock troops to attack its members on 1/6, would certainly shake up congressional proceedings like no one else could do. Stop them entirely, one supposes. His antics could easily shut down the US government as he has done multiple times before. Which makes me wonder: could the Capitol Building (Masonic temple as it is) be made safe enough for such a 'grand' figure?

Meanwhile, one thing seems certain to me based on many things including the US Solar Return 2021 Horoscope: demagogue Tr*mp is not done harming and undermining our nation. And with a Democratic Party seen as weak, milque-toast, and possibly not up to the task of again successfully beating back (the now Tr*mp-style) neo-nazism (aka, neo-fascism), it falls upon We The People (US natal Moon rising in our SR 2021 chart!) to make clear that draconian authoritarianism is totally unacceptable because We The People prefer to Keep our Republic as We were challenged to do by Benjamin Franklin on September 17, 1787 (shown: US Constitution Horoscope with Mercury-Pluto = MC: the ability to cope).

So to close this fussy post, here's a question for you: do you know that the Midpoint Pictures in the Inauguration 2017 Horoscope perfectly describe many of the outcomes the American people experienced while Tr*mp was crouching (rent-free) in the White House? I thought you did.

Apr 11, 2018

The Natal Chart of Stormy Daniels with Sappho Rising

April 11, 2018: once the New York FBI raided the home, office, and NY hotel room of Trump attorney/fixer, Michael Cohen on Monday (April 9, 2018), it seemed the time to post the natal horoscope of Trump 'amor' "Stormy Daniels" (nee Stephanie Clifford) so here's her horoscope with my typical messy notes, plus a few Trump natal planets and angles marked in red around her chart; as you see, sexy Sappho rises:

Added to the chart are two lunations--her Prenatal Solar Eclipse @7Pis29 in the 17 South Saros Series with themes of good news and success in relationship matters (Brady) and her Syzygy Moon @22Vir41 conjunct fixed star Denebola (out of the mainstream; to go against society) in 9th house and this is supported by natal Moon @4Sco56 as apex planet of her Neptune-NN midpoint (lack of community spirit; disappointment in relationships--Ebertin). Another picture, Uranus-Pluto = Moon gives her a sense of restlessness, plus, determined ambition, intuition, and emotional conviction (Tyl).

Trump, Daniels, and Cohen

One implication of the current Cohen-Trump turmoil over sex and hush money is seen via Trump's natal Jupiter conjunct Miss Clifford's natal 10th house Pluto (18Lis26 Rx), plus, natal Sun @26Pis05 conjoins asteroid Demeter (Greek goddess of nurturing which in Roman Mythology is Ceres) and asteroid of retaliation, Tisiphone. Note that in a Jupiter-Pluto hook-up, astrological Pluto, as always, holds the cards.

Three aspects to her chart-ruler Jupiter (at critical degree in 8th house of sex) are listed, lower left and she is in process of a three-fer Mercury Return with dates listed, lower right--Mercury's next exact hit occurs April 24, 2018, and as you know, Mercury rules negotiations, deals, and agreements including Non-Disclosure Agreements (NDA).

Jupiter Exalts in Moon-ruled Cancer

The lady's last/current Jupiter Return (29Can07) perfected on July 12, 2014 with natal 8th house rising and transit Neptune @7Pis19 conjunct her PE, a Total eclipse which manifested on February 26, 1979. The last 17 South Eclipse occurred March 20, 2015 conjunct Scheat, a difficult star of extreme misfortune. This 17 South solar manifestation was the Spring Equinox 2015 Solar Eclipse of 'sneaks, leaks, and veils' which heralded the prez-bid announcement of Donald Trump (with Stormy's hush money paid just before the 2016 Election). Also note that Stormy's essence is seen via the closest applying aspect to natal Sun and in her case, it's a Sun-Jupiter trine (3A01), an aspect of good luck and success which makes it easy for her to gain the cooperation of others.

And if we progress Miss Daniels' natal chart, we find that she symbolically entered a Balsamic Lunar Phase of endings, partings, and/or hidden activities on January 24, 2016 with SP Moon @17Pis24 conjunct SP South Node, a separative influence. Approaching for her is a new stage in life, an SP New Moon @5Tau42 which perfects on June 17, 2019. Mr. Trump, a Moon-SN kind of guy, was elected during a Balsamic phase and he remains in it until an SP New Moon @3Virgo perfects on September 16, 2019.

For now that's all I wish to type concerning Stormy Daniels' natal horoscope so please enlarge the image if you wish to read my scribbles. And also note that the lady's natal chart and a few biographical details are available at (RR: A) so get thee hence, if you so wish.

Stephanie Clifford natal data: March 17, 1979 1:10 am CST Baton Rouge, Louisiana, with the hour of birth tweeted by the lady herself.

Jan 4, 2018

An Astro-Peek at the Furious Trump-Bannon Battle!

With fiery Mars-rising Donald Trump's upcoming medical examination on January 12, he really needs to keep his blood pressure under control by avoiding furious rage-outs. But what are the chances of that for Mr. Retaliation, the resident-in-chief, born not only with Mars rising in proud Leo but asteroid Tisiphone--retaliation--at his MC 24Taurus along with enraged star of violent fury Algol?

Well, expert astrologer Marjorie Orr has just published a piece on the Fire and Fury controversy of Mr. Bannon's criticism of Trump and Family that the book reveals if you wish to read her assessment (scroll past the Prince Harry-Meghan Markle charts which you may also wish to check out). An Amazon link to Michael Wollfe's book is linked, below.

Now previously, I've posted on Steve Bannon's natal Jupiter (with a nod to his conscience-free Saturn) and today I'll add a link to a previous post showing the natal chart of Julian Assange with Bannon's 'noon' natal chart around it. (And note Bannon's natal Venus (vengeful when scorned) is @19Scorpio which is traditionally an 'evil degree' and has two nasty fixed stars there. Devore says it's "the crucial point between the Ego and the Supreme Will".)

Transit Mars to Natal Mercury: Time for a Fuss

Looking at Mr. Bannon's planets, you can see that the current position of transit Mars (quarrels, fights, fires, activism, motives) conjoins Bannon's natal Mercury, planet of quotes and opinions, in mid-degrees of Scorpio, sign of betrayal and the need for self-control. And when transit Mars conjoins natal Mercury, verbal combat as he speaks his mind is a likely outcome and with subsequent chaos involved. Certainly another major bump on the Trump-Mercer-Koch-GOP road to chaos and government collapse has occurred.

Plus as you know, transit Mars and Jupiter are about to conjoin in Scorpio so the Trump-Bannon battle may be affected by this pair which in Politics and Business suggests potentials for: advice which angers or inflames others, action taken in response to legal judgments (also a hint concerning Paul Manafort's just-filed lawsuit against Special Counsel Robert Mueller's investigation?), and/or judgment of enemies or those who seek to do battle (Munkasey).

An so it seems (unless this is only another fascinating Trump distraction from what's really going on), a Trump-Bannon battle is now enjoined and with Mars and Jupiter about to meet, book sales of Michael Wolffe's Fire and Fury: Inside the Trump White House are already proving to be brisk and furious!

Jul 4, 2007

America's Solar Return 2007

Here are a few July 4 headlines to mark America's 231st birthday today although the Sun actually returns to her natal degree July 5, 1:27 pm, Washington DC.) Beware: propaganda may be present in nebulous quantities:

Bush invites just a few to hear Independence Day war-promo speech and reads from a 1777 newspaper article about the 1777 celebration in Philadelphia--they "toasted democracy" back then--and since history repeats--so does Bush!

Kidnapped BBC Reporter Freed in Gaza which is my favorite news of the day so far!

Gore's Son Arrested on Drug Suspicion as the fragrance of marijunana wafted from the car window, Al III's bail was set to a mere $20,000 even with a bunch of Viocodins, Valiums, Xanaxes, and Adderall tabs on the menu. Guess it's who you know.

Putin Predicts Progress in US Relations (who didn't see that coming?)

Search for Sept 11 Remains to Continue (someone ought to be ashamed--six years!)

And there's a Solar Eclipse on Sept 11, 2007 in the 9 New South (18Virgo); this series tends to bring to the surface or the consciousness long-term worries about loved ones, health, or issues to do with paperwork or communications (those mysteriously missing emails, Karl?).

This eclipse series first manifested July 19, 1917 with Sun/Moon 25Can51, and Venus at 18Leo18--her degree on Sept 11, 2001, and the Solar Eclipse degree of Aug 11, 1999, the "Mother of All Eclipses" or aka The King of Alarm Eclipse of Nostradamus.

Bringing to the surface seems to already in progress as described in the article!

America's 2007 Solar Return Chart:

Here are the applying aspects of the Sun which describe how things will go in the next year for the initiatives, goals, and aspirations of our nation (and of her 'leader'):

1. Sun Quindecile (165 degr) Pluto (1A06): intense drive gains power and control; ruthless, manipulative, intimidating; purges old concepts; can possess strength of character; self-evaluation needed and beneficial (The Quindecile, Ricki Reeves.)

2. Sun inconjunct (150 degr) Chiron (1A18): total drive toward The Quest; rigidity about destiny hardens; the effect is like a loaded stick of dynamite (Chiron, Barbara Hand Clow.)

The Sun squares SR ASC (1A18; 14Lib37 so US natal Saturn is rising along with her natal Sun SQ Saturn--SR Sun is at MC, 2007 is a pivotal year for America with SR Sun conj an angle.)

Sun also is applying to MC (3A24), MC 16Can43 which links to the Pentagon's natal chart.

3. Sun trine (120 degr) Uranus (5A19): good fortune comes but may not be manipulated; some who seek more ego-satisfaction may advance; leadership, willpower, and career goals may prosper--but 'expect the unexpected.'

With America's natal Sun/Saturn square being in focus in the 2007 Solar Return chart we also find two asteroids rising as well with n Saturn (responsibility; restriction; control; accountability; the Old Man; authority figures) and these are:

Juno, the Wife, associated with legal relationships, wanting justice, fairness, and balance; restrictions (echoes Saturn); the abused/the abuser.

Tisiphone: retaliation.

The only midpoint picture becomes two when you substitute SR ASC for n Saturn:

NN/ASC = Pluto: strange or fated associations; power plays with others for personal advancement.

NN/ASC = n Saturn: oppression; suppression; separation or seclusion; conservatism; prevailing with wisdom and realism (that'd be refreshing coming from Washington, wouldn't it?)

There's a lot more I could say in the "speculation; wastefulness" areas for this Solar Return year but I'd be repeating myself since the beginning of this blog about the fleas and other crawly things of Washington. Attacked from without and within, America needs a lightening bug of truth to illumine her way in spite of all who wish her harm, and the maturity to stand up and make the changes which are now so obviously necessary.

Perhaps Saturn rising for 2007 will remind us of her natal ability for taking responsibility for past actions (planet Saturn would love that!) and our eternal youth image in the world (Gemini) might ripen to wiser maturity.

For abolishing a government not doing the People's will is our right...see this document and substitute Bush-Cheney for the king we railed against 231 years ago.

Seems an Ideal's dream of perfection is never done, is it?