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Showing posts with label political theater. Show all posts
Showing posts with label political theater. Show all posts

Nov 2, 2006

"The Stars of November 8"

Well, Stars of the Stars!

Lawrence O'Donnell's predictive article of Nov 1 on Huffington Post sounds good to anyone who wants our inept, corrupt government officials held accountable for Bush's war and more--assuming their newly-in-charge enablers can dodge their own bullets--but at SO'W, the knowledge that trickster Rove is still on the loose means that it's no given that Ds will be inhabiting exalted catbird seats on November 8.

Yet change is good for the soul, and O'Donnell's The Stars of Nov 8 is a quick read on what could happen if the stars line up to create Dem "stars." But Mr.O'Donnell may not be as concerned about a retrograde Scorpio Mercury (until appr Nov 18) as he should be!

It's a recipe for recount and review.

Remember: the Democratic Party had its Progressed New Moon this August--the beginning of a new cycle of activity--so the time could be right for the Ds.

And also remember: the Ds are just a few years away from being ousted for corruption yet again--it is all about cycles, isn't it?

11.2.06 11:13 am
