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Showing posts with label shipwreck. Show all posts
Showing posts with label shipwreck. Show all posts

Feb 2, 2008

Bush at the helm: shipwreck, me matey

"Whoever undertakes to set himself up as a judge of Truth and Knowledge is shipwrecked by the laughter of the gods." --Albert Einstein

Many times during Bush's terms of office, I've heard or read references to America's being shipwrecked by this administration--and I'm sure you have also.

Hmmm...where in Bush's natal chart have I seen "shipwreck" indications before?

Using Anthony Louis' Horary Astrology Plain and Simple, I checked his list of Fixed Stars and Malefic Degrees in the back of the book and found these Stars and their keywords linked to two angles of Bush's birth chart: the Ascendant (his nibs himself) and the IC, the Foundation or Ending Point of the chart, aka the drain.

As you know, chart angles are points of dynamic manifestation:

Natal ASC 7Leo07 conj Praesepe 7Leo20 (the beehive = what he stirred up in the Middle East; Praesepe is a nebula on Cancer the crab's head--plus, his natal Sun is in side-stepping Cancer): inner drive; reclusiveness; blindness; injury; fires; murder; tragedy; "exhalation of piled up corpses";

North Asellus 7Leo32: shipwreck; blindness or eye problems; military preferment (AWOL from Vietnam courtesy of Poppy's connections? The Pentagon dancing to his tune?);

South Asellus 8Leo34 (this brings in natal Mercury and that of the GOP): same as North Asellus but add horrors; mass murder.

(Now remember--I'm just telling you what the Stars say...while reading the news these last eight years.)

Then there's his nibs' natal IC conj Foramen 22Lib09: prosperity; eyesight problems or blindness; leadership; shipwreck.

Well, there we have it--the man and his leadership, at the helm of America and sinking her as fast as he can. He's only got one year left, y'know, he's blind as a bat, and the NWO must be served to promote the North American Union. Bush and colleagues labor under the "a course of action which must be followed--little option to do otherwise" credo.

Read up on the NAU: The August Review.