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Showing posts with label George Bush natal chart. Show all posts
Showing posts with label George Bush natal chart. Show all posts

Feb 5, 2011

Bush cancels Swiss visit to avoid protests and arrest

They Once Called It Treason

by Jude Cowell

Now this is the sort of news I delight in hearing: that George W. Bush (the decider) has decided to cancel his plans to speak in Switzerland on February 12th due to the threat of protests and the potential arrest of his war criminal self.

Wonder if he'll return their check? If he was paid by direct deposit, good luck to them trying to claw back their funds.

Now it's been a while since it was necessary so I swallowed my distaste and had a quick peek at current transits to Bush's natal chart (July 6, 1946 7:26 am edt New Haven, CT; ASC 7Leo07 = '8Leo' = "A Bolshevik Propagandist" - or "propaganda catapulter," as he described himself while in office; Mc 24Ari13; Sun 13Can47 in 12th house and conjunct US natal Sun; Moon 16Lib42 conj Chiron 15Lib25 and Jupiter 18Lib09 in 3rd house with Neptune 5Lib56; Mars 9Vir18 in 2nd house; Mercury 9Leo50 rising and conjunct the Republican Party's natal Mercury, Pluto 10Leo35, Venus 21Leo30, all in 1st house of Self; born during a Jupiter Hour.

Restrictive Saturn 17Lib08 Rx has been tromping about Dubya's expansive Moon/Jupiter conjunction of late, off and on due to Saturn's retrogradation, but the Lesson Bringer is now between them which forms a midpoint picture:

Natal Moon/Jupiter = tr Saturn: concerns about security; interference through outside restrictions.

I should say so!

One of Bush's natal midpoint pictures may have come into play as well since tr Saturn is active in his chart:

Sun/Pluto = Saturn 26Can30 (in 12th house of Karma and Politics): a blockage of wild tendencies; restraint when showing self-destructive tendencies; restriction; imprisonment (!)

Then, with Bush's natal Sun famously conjoining US natal Sun, tr Saturn has been providing blockages and obstacles to his ability to 'shine' (Sun = ego) by its squaring aspect, a time when ego-satisfaction is difficult to come by, and an annoying situation can easily become worse if Saturnian rules and regulations are ignored in a brazen attempt to bypass them while authorities (Saturn) challenge or threaten the success of goals or ventures (or journeys abroad to spread neoconnism or to defend one's prior actions and decisions.)

My suspicion is that someone older and wiser (Saturn) advised the cancellation of Bush's plans to speak in Switzerland and it's good advice since defying authority when Saturn squares one's natal Sun is foolhardy at best and quite useless besides.

Tr Mars in Aquarius has recently opposed his natal Mercury and Pluto as well: Mars (protesters; police) opposing n Mercury (oration; travel) indicates a time when intellectual efforts (such as speeches) are not apt to succeed if they proceed at all, one's mercurial plans may be opposed or dismissed altogether, and discussions are disrupted by angry words (or slogans on placards.)

Tr Mars opposing n Pluto describes an encounter with hostile forces which has an immobilizing effect, and any contest of wills should be avoided!

A coming-soon transit shared by the US (natal Sun, the leader) is tr Pluto's opposition to Bush's natal Sun, a time of power struggles between opposing forces, no-compromise competition, and manipulation within a contest of wills.

Yet more long-distance travel may be on Bush's schedule with the travel-inducing Jupiter/Uranus conjunction (now separating so perhaps his Swiss engagement seemed a good idea when the reservations were made) in his natal 9th house of Foreign Lands and Philosophy. Tr Neptune 27AQ56 today, sits directly upon Bush's n 8th cusp 27:36 making his capture a dream but also a possibility. Fraud and loss (Neptune) of funds (8th H) are potentials as well.

And with tr Mercury 2AQ45 soon to oppose his n Mercury 9Leo50, diverse opinions are in the air and may be in total conflict with his own. Cooperative ventures are lacking and feelings of being appreciated are missing with tr Sun about to oppose n Venus 21Leo30, planet of attraction and popularity. (Boo Hoo.)

Now I don't know about you, but it would suit this blogging gnat of the Common Good persuasion if someone caught and prosecuted this Oval Office usurper who together with his pals have caused the world so much damage and harm by way of their jingoistic slogans, propaganda, and doctored intell invented in order to lead the US into illegal war and virtual bankruptcy.

Any thoughts on the topic? Leave a comment!


Midpoint pictures: Tyl; Ebertin: Munkasey; any, all, or none may apply.

Oct 17, 2008

George Bush + Oliver Stone natal charts

Lower left chart, George W. Bush (July 6, 1946), upper right chart Oliver Stone (Sep 15, 1946, rating B.)

From what I'm hearing about director Oliver Stone's new film W, he and George W. Bush share something - each has a father complex.

Yet from the looks of their close-in-time natal charts, they share more than that.

Both men were born within the same Pre-Natal Eclipse Series, 2 New North, the Series that concerns collapse of plans and lifestyles with long-term effects of rebuilding and transformation. If you relate this Series to the Tarot deck's #16 - The Tower card, you have it in a nutshell.

Brady's Predictive Astrology adds that after the dust settles and the rebuilding starts, the consequences of the re-shaping will have far-reaching effects; this Eclipse Series tends to change people's directions through a sudden collapse of an existing structure.

Now we know that Solar Eclipses can leave their marks for years by sensitizing the degrees at which they manifest, and this particular Series is still having, imo, far-reaching effects (along with the 'King of Terror' - or 'Alarm' - Eclipse of August 11, 1999; 18Leo+, the position of Venus on 9/11/01.)

Both Eclipses are part of the ongoing financial crisis and collapse of our world economy which I have previously stated stems from the ripples issuing from the attacks of 9/11 ("The Tower" x 2.)

That I believe the economic collapse has been on the drawing board for years in order to usher in a new financial world order is beside the point - the point is, you're feeling these effects and so is everyone you know. Fear is what they want us to feel. Notice Warren Buffett's comments about when he buys up stocks.

So the media is helping to prepare us now with "our financial system will never be the same" - things will be 'different', and questions like, Is capitalism dead? You've heard it all, I know you have, as Pluto's transformative power moves into the business-politics-law sign of Capricorn, sign of The Father.

Synchronistically, another 'heralding' event occurred within the 2NN Series: the bombing of the USS Cole (Oct 12, 2000.) And I believe that much of the final plans for the 'New Millennium' switch toward totalitarianism were laid under the auspices of this difficult Eclipse Series along with that of the August '99 Eclipse. The secret hand of Pluto has an ephemeris and Astrology software, too, oh yes it does.

So July 31, 2000's 2NN Eclipse occurred at '7Cancer' which, as you see if you click the image to enlarge, is conj Bush's 12th cusp, and teh Unconscious 12th house is the house of Karma and Self-Undoing, while in Stone's chart '7Can' falls in his 9th house of Philosophy, Higher Education, and the Higher Mind.

The degree of George Bush's natal Ascendant - and the Midheaven of Oliver Stone - WHAT? in Bush's chart, WHY? in Stone's is '8Leo.' This is also the natal degree of Mercury for Bush, the GOP, and for Alberto Gonzales.

So Bush thinks (Mercury) like a Leo, while Stone thinks like a more somber Virgo. Bush's essence (Sun) is self-protective, crabby Cancer (sorry Cancers, but you know Bush!) while Stone's essence is dedicated worker, Virgo...Stone thinks as he is with Sun and Mercury in the same sign.

This is because by Sept 15, Mercury had moved on to 22Vir41 conj Stone's natal Sun, both of which are conj US n Neptune (film; photography; subterfuge; camera tricks; the masses, including mass delusions) - all of which are conj Barack Obama's natal Mars. That's quite a pile-up of planets at 22Vir+ - esp for transiting Saturn to stomp upon at the end of August, 2009.

And both Bush and Stone have the ruthless pair, Saturn and Pluto snugged around this Bush's Asc, Stone's Mc...'8Leo' = "A Bolshevik Propagandist."

Now Oliver Stone was born during a Moon (publicity) Hour in a Disseminating phase of the Moon (communicator; teacher; propagandist), and Bush was born during an expansive Jupiter Hour during a 1st quarter Moon (which I neglected to note on his chart - 92 degr 56 mins - the 'crisis in action' phase); Bush was born when Pluto was out-of-bounds (oobs), Stone in September when Pluto was back in bounds of the earthly plane and cooperating with the chart's other energies (planets.)

Well, I just wanted to peek at their natal charts since the two men are being compared now because of Stone's bio-pic of Bush (I guess you'd call it a 'bio-pic')'ll see their midpoint pictures listed with quite a bit of 'pile-up' to them, too, and I can type them out for you later if you want, just let me know if you don't have another source for them, okay? I don't mind, but I'm just a wumped-out puppy at the moment.

Perhaps I'll add the rest of their *Sun-Moon Images for Integration later as well since, as you see, I put brief but telling descriptions...thumbnails, if you will...

Oliver Stone: "A sculpture of still life..."

George Bush: "Mother Goose recites a poem..."


* Sun Sign-Moon Sign, Chas & Suzy Harvey

Feb 2, 2008

Bush at the helm: shipwreck, me matey

"Whoever undertakes to set himself up as a judge of Truth and Knowledge is shipwrecked by the laughter of the gods." --Albert Einstein

Many times during Bush's terms of office, I've heard or read references to America's being shipwrecked by this administration--and I'm sure you have also.

Hmmm...where in Bush's natal chart have I seen "shipwreck" indications before?

Using Anthony Louis' Horary Astrology Plain and Simple, I checked his list of Fixed Stars and Malefic Degrees in the back of the book and found these Stars and their keywords linked to two angles of Bush's birth chart: the Ascendant (his nibs himself) and the IC, the Foundation or Ending Point of the chart, aka the drain.

As you know, chart angles are points of dynamic manifestation:

Natal ASC 7Leo07 conj Praesepe 7Leo20 (the beehive = what he stirred up in the Middle East; Praesepe is a nebula on Cancer the crab's head--plus, his natal Sun is in side-stepping Cancer): inner drive; reclusiveness; blindness; injury; fires; murder; tragedy; "exhalation of piled up corpses";

North Asellus 7Leo32: shipwreck; blindness or eye problems; military preferment (AWOL from Vietnam courtesy of Poppy's connections? The Pentagon dancing to his tune?);

South Asellus 8Leo34 (this brings in natal Mercury and that of the GOP): same as North Asellus but add horrors; mass murder.

(Now remember--I'm just telling you what the Stars say...while reading the news these last eight years.)

Then there's his nibs' natal IC conj Foramen 22Lib09: prosperity; eyesight problems or blindness; leadership; shipwreck.

Well, there we have it--the man and his leadership, at the helm of America and sinking her as fast as he can. He's only got one year left, y'know, he's blind as a bat, and the NWO must be served to promote the North American Union. Bush and colleagues labor under the "a course of action which must be followed--little option to do otherwise" credo.

Read up on the NAU: The August Review.

Mar 26, 2007

Novak: Bush is alone

No kiddin'!

If you read Robert Novak's column Bush is isolated from GOP lawmakers in the Chicago Sun Times, you may find Novak attempting to save what's left of his "party of better management" which has been revealed to be otherwise.

In this article you will learn that Alberto Gonzales is the "least popular Cabinet member on Capitol Hill" and that the "I-word (incompetence) is used by Republicans in describing the Bush administration generally."

Well, it took them a while to discover that their "commander-in-chief" wasn't so very good at governing...thing is, they don't seem eager to criticize the things he's done--undermining America, her Constitution, the Bill of Rights, the Geneva Conventions, etc--just how he's done it all. Guess if he'd been "competent" he'd still be the cat's meow to the GOP.

Instead, he's alone and unable to "help" his GOP brethren who are not lining up in support of Gonzales as they did for Rumsfeld--and the Rs got snookered on that one when Bush cut Rummy loose, so who can blame them?

Current transits to Bush's natal chart:

Months ago I posted on Saturn's visit to Bush's natal Ascendant (his nibs himself) which occurred around Katrina Time--when we first heard Bush choke on the word accountability, one of serious Saturn's favorite words.

And here's my Oct 2006 mention of the Saturnian Scythe now bedeviling Bush, the lonely leader.

Now as you know, Saturn is still in Bush's first house and has recently conjuncted his n Pluto--the same transit I posted on concerning Al Gonzales--power and control issues--scroll down to read.

Also in first house is Bush's n Venus, and I remember posting around Katrina Time that this would be a time when Bush won't be "feelin' the love." Under Saturn-to-Venus, relationships become fraught with seriousness, including joint ventures, and more structure is imposed upon them.

Bush's Pretzel Parties may be stymied or curtailed altogether as a gloomy picture prevails under this transit.

We may also consider his n Venus/Pluto midpoint (Pluto 10Leo35; Venus 21Leo30) with Saturn hanging out between...

Ven/Pluto = Saturn: the sense of tragedy; immorality.

Seems to me Bush brought both to the world and in that he's been overly over-achiever in the tragedy realm.

Simultaneously today, tr Mars 21AQ52, and tr Neptune 21AQ07, are opposing n Pluto and Venus.

Ven/Pluto = Mars: a brutal and coarse expression of feeling; temperamental emotionalism (he must be awfully p-o'd these days, ya think?);

Ven/Plu = Neptune: immorality (again); possible instability in relationships.

Tr Neptune opposite Pluto is a generational influence unless and until one is personally involved in power/control structures, as he is, so:

Political and economic power are eroded by current society's thinking and ideals--one's power structures are threatened.

Tr Neptune opposite Venus: relationships suffer under very confusing, unclear influences now...deception, mistrust, and undermining conditions affect dealings and interactions with others. Promised cooperation is on shakey ground--false promises are prominent (watch out, Al G!)

Diplomatic gestures are self-serving or empty and are not likely to advance in any meaningful way. Social status and joint projects are subject to strange circumstances, misunderstandings, and loss.

The last reminds me of the Brit sailors in Iranian waters--some have related the situation to the Gulf of Tonkin Reso-illusion that finagled the US into Vietnam...history repeats?

Over at the National Press Club today, 1:00 pm edt, former GA congressman Bob Barr, David Keene (American Conservative Union), constitutional scholar Bruce Fein (served in Reagan adm as associate deputy atty general), and direct-mailing pioneer Richard Viguerrie are presenting their new American Freedom Agenda.

This so-called AFA is being billed as an effort to "restore civil liberties under assault by the executive branch."

As long as they're not following the Bush-Cheney-Rove model of naming things the opposite of what they do (I'm lookin' at You, "clean" water and "clear" skies) we can all be onboard, but it rtbs...remains to be seen whether or not this will amount to anything helpful to America for the proof is always in the pudding, and by their fruits you shall know them.

Melinda Henneberger has more info at HuffPo if you're interested in the scoop on these late bloomers in the Stop Bush department.

Perhaps it's a wonder America is still kickin' at all--extremists attacking her without while the GOP and their allies undermine her from within. Bad timing? Or a well-planned assault to cause the sheeple to go along with the proffered New American Union with Canada and Mexico?

Funny--I thought that's what America was and is--a "freedom agenda."

Having Bob Barr and Richard Viguerrie as America's champions to save the day? Priceless.

Oct 16, 2005

George W Bush July 6, 1946

Hi Everyone!

Setting up this blog to give a wider perspective, astrologically speaking--on America's politics, wheeler-dealers, and on the propagandists who tirelessly assail and manipulate us without shame or, it would seem, without conscience.

As the common good has fallen by the wayside, the propaganda continues to be catapulted ad nauseum, and this blog is a small way to manage my frustration with
the climate of "personal destruction as usual" practiced inside the Beltway and beyond...and the people's business be dam*ed in the process.

Here are a few notes on the natal chart of George Bush, for no one in the world was born exactly when and precisely where, was the Bush they call George...

Bush's Ascendant has this Sabian Symbol to explain his nibs rather well:

"8Leo": "A bolshevik propagandist." (And that's for a self-professed "propaganda catapulter". )


pos: a determination to share the soul's vision and to make a permanent impact on history (he's succeeded too well, hasn't he?);

neg/unconscious or shadow side: futile ranting against a multitude of superficial ills.

(The Sabian Symbols in Astrology, Dr. Marc Edmund Jones.)

And Adriano Carelli, in his book, 'The 360 Degrees of the Zodiac" gives details for '8 Leo' as: 'The burning bush'...fieriness along with reserve; aims sublime but secret; a nature flashing with hope...should the horoscope point to a lustful nature, the Lion's eighth degree would shift to its opposite polarity and, instead of a divine imprint, give it a luciferic bent.

The burning bush will thus change into the lunar devilish image of Cain and the thorns. Then an unquenchable passion, impure yet devoid of hidden motives and mental reservations, will slowly and steadily eat up the whole being, body and soul. The fire might not die out before having wasted the mind to its innermost reserves and burnt out the organism to its last shred.

Whether heavenward or earthbound, such a mind will be ruled by instinct rather than by reason.

(degree of 31st president, Herbert Hoover's Moon-Mars conjunction.)#

Ruled by instinct and unable to change his mind or course? That'd be George. Of course, for his masters' purposes, he's been highly successful for their one world government agenda.

~Update Dec 18, 2008: 'Hoover' Bush sounds about right considering the massive heist he and his colleagues have perpetrated upon the US economy. His work here is almost done, January 20, 2008 cometh... ~

And here are the Images for his Sun/Moon personality blend:

Sun Cancer/Moon Libra: Mother Goose recites a poem, surrounded by adoring fairy tale creatures...A family holds a lucrative sale of its artistic heirlooms to the neighborhood.

(Guess the first Image puts you in mind of 'My Pet Goat' from 9/, too.)

Hopefully I will have a chance to post on personalities, and on pertinent current events in a timely fashion, for that is what Astrology brings to the table - the element of Time.

For as you know, our Solar System is a Great Cosmic Clock of which all should be more aware. We're on this globe together, although the way some people act, you'd hardly think so, would you?

So while comments and questions are heartily welcome, this blog is not meant to persuade anyone of Astrology's usefulness, but for gaining insight, wherever possible, and for peeking under the hood of Politics (which is chocked full of hoodlums.) But serious inquiries for serious times, please!

Hereupon, the Placidus house system will be used unless otherwise noted. If a birth or event time is unknown, a chart will be set up for Sunrise, or sometimes for Noon, which will be noted, if so, with the occasional conjunction as timer, if applicable.

birth details: President George W. Bush, July 6, 1946 7:26 am EDT New Haven, CT USA;

from the AstroDataBank site.

Sun Sign-Moon Sign, Charles and Suzy Harvey, all books available at

-Jude Cowell, reluctant astrologer (that's Coh' wull, not 'cow' as in moo-cow or Simon)

SO'W born: Oct 16, 2005 3:30 am edt USA


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