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Sep 29, 2006

you were warned

House passes warrantless domestic spying measure 28 Sep 2006 The House of Representatives passed a bill on Thursday that would provide congressional authorization for Dictator George W. Bush's warrantless domestic spying program but subject it to new rules [?]. The president would be permitted to order warrantless surveillance, for example, after an "armed attack," "terrorist attack" or when the president deems there is an "imminent threat." Rep. John Conyers, a Michigan Democrat, charged: "Hidden in the fine print are provisions which grant the administration authority to maintain permanent records on innocent U.S. citizens, granting the administration new authority to demand personal records without court review, and terminating any and all legal challenges to unlawful wiretapping."

Do notice the "hidden in the fine print..." part above and reread my little verse from months ago which, I've been told by someone waking up just now, that it finally makes sense concerning their former idol:

May I be a tad specific?
Mr. Bush is hitler-ific
and he takes psycho
Napoleon to heart.

With his finger on The Button
and the rest of us as mutton
putting bossy at the helm
was not so smart.

Can we fix it in a minute?
'cos we're really thickly in it
and I see no help in sight
from George the king.

If you want your rights, Miranda
swallow all his propaganda
(and a CAFTA he will hand ya)
but you won't receive a notice
'til the spring.

Now, E.N., you see I wasn't kidding...and the trap's been sprung. This week's rubberstamp legislation is your notice. And considering the administration's record at keeping records safe from hacking and theft, I'm SURE these "permanent records on innocent US citizens" will be safe as a toad in a hidey hole.

November '06 and '08: Like flies on flypaper, we must Vote Democratic--it's our only hope. Or--we can listen to George--he's only torturing at his own whim and taking away your rights for your own good. Now go back to sleep.

9.29.06 10:29 am


Sep 27, 2006

refreshing the inner George Bush

Feeling like a trade-in? Want your money back?

Well, this hornery cuss has no plans to go anywhere, so you may as well refresh yourself on his modus operandi...unless a mysterious 'heart attack' should become necessary, that is.

May I recommend the burning bush of George Bush: 8 Leo relating to his natal Ascendant--his nibs himself, 8 Leo rising and

Chiron-Uranus Types in Government where I describe the reformist tendencies of Bush and his minions, including their adolescent proclivities.

You'll notice that his current law-changing to cover his torturing patootie traits are described here also--always a loophole or an escape hatch for these dice-rollers.

Hope to update the Chiron-Uranus info tomorrow or Friday at the latest.

9.27.06 10:27 pm/publishing 9.28 at 10:23 am...Blogger wouldn't publish it last evening.

9.29 12:46 am: It's shocking! admitted and proven liar! says White House spokesman as Congress Chronicles Ambramoff's Contacts but some of Abramoff's efforts to buy influence were supposedly unsuccessful, so that gives the White House a pass (insert 2nd: it's shocking! an admitted and proven liar!)

As I love to remind myself--it's all theater, Dahling, all theater...and the Circus goes on the road tomorrow...will they be coming to your town? Beware Cerberus the two-headed dog would be my best advice--oh, and watch your wallet.


Sep 26, 2006

Paper Trail, America?

Our elections are an elaborate and costly charade--sign the petition! Pathetic that we must demand honesty from our 'government', isn't it? And yet they want to transport our (alleged) democracy all over the world while simultaneously diverting it at home.

Let America Vote and demand a paper ballot if necessary--use the Hansel and Gretel method because we can't trust these clowns.

9.26.06 11:04 am


1:17 pm: How's your blood pressure today? Feeling sluggish? Visit where they're keeping an eye on Halliburton's politician-buying, lobbying, and influence-peddling.

Here's a link to my new blog Judes Cowell's Art and Then Some where I didn't realize a new blog would be found by Technorati so quickly--thought I was "hiding"!

Sep 25, 2006

Flight 5191 update

Lone survivor, co-pilot James Polehinke, is showing some improvement, say his doctors. Yay!

Investigators are still extracting info from the flight recorder but medical results show that No Alcohol Use by Pilots in Ky. Crash --you may read my earlier post/updates on this tragic crash here if you wish.

9.25.06 3:58 pm


glitch and coup

Am I suffering from coup envy after 6 years of the Bush regime?

There seems to be a lot of it going on, first Thailand, now Shangai Leader Ousted for Corruption and after millions of Pakistanis went without electricity Sunday due to a "glitch" (pesky squirrel tripping the breaker?) in the national electricity system, Musharraf-in-America insists his own coup rumors back home are "nonsense in nonsense in nonsense." Say whaa-a-a?

Yep, Musharraf Calls Coup Rumors 'Nonsense' but perhaps he should hurry home and not dally in the USA (his heart exam turned out just swell.)

Surely his people need him after yesterday's power "glitch" and who knows? There may be another one waiting with his name on it.

9.25.06 1:08 pm


Sep 24, 2006

Sen Coburn hearts Howie Rich

Senator Tom Coburn (R-OK) is listed as "Chairman Emeritus" on the board of directors of "Americans For Limited Government" (ALG) which is one of NY real estate investor Howard "Howie" Rich's intricate network of shell organizations which fund GOP intitiatives and line certain pockets..."game birds feathering their nests"--the natal degree of the US Jupiter ("6Can")!!

And so America's upper class has always done since the start. This current crop is no different in that respect, other than the ends supposedly justifying the means--which morally they do not.

Howie in Colorado:

CO is the state which suffered under Rich's Tabor gimmick until the voters kiboshed it, but are these Voter Intiatives such as using eminent domain concerns (sign three times--they didn't send us any 'carbon paper'!!! Is carbon paper still manufactured?!?) coming to your state? They've already been there! Did you sign once, twice, three times? Then they punk'd ya, lady!

Following the Rovian tactic of naming things the opposite of what they do (Clear Skies? Operation Iraqi Freedom? Mission Accomplished?), Rich and pals have set up* to cloud porky issues for ya, while is making a valiant effort to bring CLARITY to muddy political ploys which may keep power-mad neocons in office, but are secretly busy disenfranchising what was meant to be our Of-By-For The People government.

Wealthy Libertarian Party activists including Howie Rich have ties to Ed Crane, founder and president of the Cato Institute--and ALG has connections to Grover Norquist's Americans For Tax Reform (helps you only if you're Rich, it seems.)

UPDATE 10.8.06: SO'W has received better information concerning Rich and Crane party ties--see Melinda Pillsbury-Foster's comment at the end of this post. Thanks, Melinda! And visit How the Neocons Stole Freedom because as Melinda says, we ought to know that neocons are "Gaslighting America." (As I've posted before--it's not enough that the US is threatened from without--she has neocon fascists "reforming" every institution and every branch of government is being undermined from the inside simultaneously. Why, you'd think they WANT her to fail or something!

How can you fight enemies without when your foundations have been placed on shifting sand? #

Back to my original post:

The rest of us are left to sign bogus petitions and faux-vote on virus-riddled ballot machines--part of the joke on the American Sheeple.

There are many other squirrelly connections between these "organizations" so click on the HowieRichExposed link above to read the list, if you haven't already. The StopThePork site is apparently discontinued for good, oink oink. Smart move, GOP.

Our Collective Trance:

As John Danforth said on my teevee this morning--the "Religious Right" IS the base of the Republican Party...and look how things are going in the world, says I.

Makes me wonder who has the bigger death wish--radicals in the East or radicals in the West. Yet before I point an accusing finger at Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld, Perle, Rice, Ahmadinejad, Maliki, bin Laden, Putin, Chavez, or at any other crime syndicate boss or minion throttling the world's gullet at the moment, I must first level that finger at myself--for how else to recognize specks if not for your own beams?

As I've said here before (unpopularly): if suicide bombers are not the so-obvious manifestation of the Scripture's warning of satan opposing himself--and taking as many down with him as he goes because he knows Life has already trumped Death--I don't know what is.

So if I have any clarity of thought or intention--or any moral standard to 'stand' upon left to me, it would be to denounce them all as well as myself for being culpable in this murderous charade--this mirage of religious fervor which intends the entire world the cruelest and most ultimate harm.

9.24.06 4:08 pm

4:59 pm: Mr.A.Cat, who has served our nation so well, has been at the political verses again. Read "Spinach" at Lim's Limericks a collection of get-out-the-limerick nonsense posted specifically for your groaning consideration. And today 9.25: added a verse on Howie Rich and the propaganda pig which must be read to be groaned at.

*Monday 12:12 pm: just checked the link to again--it's mysteriously Not Working Today. Must be hog-swillin' time.


Sunday 8:55 pm: MORE Cat Fighting? Yusuf Islam, formerly known as Cat Stevens, has said in a BBC interview that the pope's words against Islam "proved he was not infallible." My sentiments precisely. Rraoww-r-wr-wrrrr!

It's still a mystery to me how Benedict could say such things in his backdoor fashion--it wasn't me, it was the Byzantine--and not know he was lobbing a bomb into the tender box. I repeat--he did know. He just didn't want it attributed to him, Mr. Infallible. Hope he and his puppet Bush and their globalist friends are satisfied.

NOW THIS from the SO'W Duh Department: April's NIE Report is just NOW being outed? Bush's misdirected Iraq War inflaming terroism, it says? That's a rather big DUH they've got goin' there.

Now Senator Arlen Specter is acting concerned over the loss of habeas corpus? This Capitol Hill Theater of late has been hammily stinky and rife with poor performances. Glad I only paid for a matinee. These hams must be the nasty odor the astronauts smelled on Atlantis the other day.

9:02 pm

Sep 23, 2006

unconfirmed typhoid worst kind

Jacques Chirac confesses he is "a bit surprised" at a leak to the press of a French report (re pore') that bin Laden was victim of a "severe typhoid crisis while in Pakistan on August 23, 2006." Within his lonely isolation there was understandably no medical help and the al-Qaeda leader has allegedly expired, paralyzed lower limbs and all.

SO'W is more than a little surprised that Jacques would be "a bit surprised" but not surprised that France Looks Into Bin Laden Death Report ...what a fortunate break it would be for George.

But you'd expect that others must've been affected in the "severe typhoid crisis", so how many rebels/terroists/jihadists are dead in their mountainous Pakistani retreat? And if this were true, you'd think Musharraf would've been trumpeting the news--and perhaps taking credit for sending in the blankets.

9.23.06 10:18 am

What a cruel thing is war: to separate and destroy families and friends, and mar the purest joys and happiness God has granted us in this world; to fill our hearts with hatred instead of love for our neighbors, and to devastate the fair face of this beautiful world: Robert E. Lee, in a letter to his wife, 1864

I destroy my enemies when I make them my friends: Abraham Lincoln


Sep 20, 2006

UN Cat Fight: Rrrraowww-w-w-w!

Dueling presidents at the UN yesterday--Bush the street-fightin' alley cat, Ahmadinejad the Siamese, if you please, sprayin' all over the place, and accusing each other of their own crimes.

Bush's supposed shout-out to the Iranian people that their leadership was using "your nation's resources to fund terroism, and fuel extremism, and pursue nuclear weapons"--can I get a "Karl Rove"?--sounds hauntingly familiar.

If you're feeling generous toward Mr. Bush, you could substitute "tout" for "fund" and you'd have a hypocrite who knows whereof he speaks--from experience. Wonder what Bush imagines he's used US resources for if not for same?

Ahmadinejad countered several hours later (keep the kitties apart now, or else!)
that the US was using terroism as a "pretext for the continued presence of foreign forces in Iraq". True, imho, except he left out the part where Iran is benefiting from the situation immensely, and wanted the Bush regime to invade Iraq--who put Chalabi up to it after all?

The Iranian prez also criticized the UN for standing "idly by" during the violence in Lebanon--another spray toward the US who kept the war going, backed it, and probably came up with the idea to use the soldiers' kidnapping as the "pretext" in the first place.

So the tension was high, the kitties can't be allowed to pass each other in the halls this week or the fur will fly, and yesterday's showdown was a stand-off of Saturn-opposite-Neptune proportions. (Dates of their exact oppositions: 8/31/06; 2/28/07; and 6/25/07...the snarly cat fight continues.)

Authoritative Saturn = US; mystical, oily Neptune--always associated with the Middle remember that Neptune was at 6 Aquarius on 9/11/01--the Medina degree...and so 9/11 marked a Neptune Return for Mohammed's entry into Medina--the founding of Islam. And bin Laden well knew this--perhaps Bush did, too!

9.20.06 11:43 am

Friday: See Lim's Limericks to add Chavez to the fight! And now 9.22.06 Armitage and Musharraf are snarly with puffed- up fur. Guess now we know why Pakistan was so QUICK to support Bush after 9/11--Bush was "taken aback", he says, to hear of the bomb-back-to-the-stone-age-threat all right--taken aback that the truth got out. Machiavelli's Stench rises again.

Someone pass the catnip PLEASE...Cosmic Catnip, if you have it.


Sep 19, 2006

Bush to UN: the brass ring

2:46 pm: Went way but now I'm back...if someone will tell me what time Bush began speaking, I'll update the chart with comments....? Anyone?

UPDATE 12:04 pm: He hasn't begun speaking yet, as reported by NPR. Wonder what the hold-up is? Dragon Pluto is on the rise...or could the fairy have butterflies? Nah, not with this overconfident cuss. His audience is "skeptical", the AP says...a generous assessment.

Passing around the Kool-Aid won't make Bush's task any easier in this particular venue--and our self-styled emperor will be standing in front of the Assembly naked as the day he was born.

Looking at the chart for today's performance for the General Assembly, 11:30 am edt (last I heard), the rising (WHAT) degree is "23Sco": "A bunny metamorphosed into a fairy."


pos: the thourough self-conquest by which anindividual subordinates his naive and animal impulses to his ideals and aspirations;

neg: undisciplined escapism and complete distortion of attitude.

The larger world considers Mr Bush and his 'democracy' promotion extremely naive. Will changing into a fairy with this speech change anyone's opinions?

Chart-ruler Mars makes no applying aspects in this chart with the exception of an irritating semi-square to the Ascendant (the speech itself. Hopefully, 11:30 am is correct.)

I don't use outer planets as rulers personally, but looking at Pluto's applying aspects (power being the name of the game), Pluto is trining Saturn in 9th house, so he's got some help in his mission.

But Pluto is soon to square tr NN--the dragon squaring his own dragonhead...a difficult and possibly nuclear time. This will put Pluto in karmic degree with the NN in Pisces (Sag SQ Pisces has a religious significance, and the Dragon is, of course, the symbol of China.)

The WHY Point of this chart/speech "6Vir": "A merry-go-round" which speaks of attempts to catch the brass ring. HOW (Ic)? "6Pis": "Officers on dress parade."

WHERE (Desc) does this lead? "23Tau": "A jewelry shop filled with the most magnificent jewels."

Interestingly this is the degree of the last conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn, May 28, 2000...when Rs and Ds made their plans for the Bush presidency under which the world now labors.

Thanks, crooks, thieves, and war-mongerers...guess you're satisfied with your devil's pact.

Cyclically Jupiter and Saturn aquared one another June 22, with their next square Oct 25...more quarrels to come.

Bush's appearance at the UN today is occurring in a Balsamic phase (endings and partings) and the Solar Eclipse Friday is also about endings, losses, and separations. Doesn't sound good for Bush's mission to gain support for his misadventures, does it?

More later on this speech--or maybe I should say "plea"--if there's anything interesting to say about the mess of the naive fairy.

11:46 am



Sep 18, 2006

Rotunda then unda + Sept 22 Eclipse

You've heard about the armed man who crashed his SUV through a "security" (!) barricade "shortly before 8 am" this morning at the Capitol Building.

He ran into the Building, raced through the Rotunda and down the stairs to the basement, then "appeared to have a seizure"--thus the police were then able to apprehend and catch him. It appears that his seizure helped them seize him. He was taken to "the hospital." And then some, I imagine.

Testosterone-filled Mars was rising at the Capitol Building at 7:52:10 am edt, 6Libra41 with Mercury 9Lib22 close on his heels (Mars conj Mercury = violent driving.)

Due to the fact that there is depression and pessimism all over the chart, I'll not say any more for now--it could be that yet another citizen went bonkers (as in summer of 1998..."mentally ill")--OR he was lookin' for Bush in all the wrong places.

Uranus is Rx at 12Pis14 today, and so is still within orb of opposing Bush's natal Mars again--not a safe time for anyone. Altercations with males are best avoided during this transit, and Bush's dissention from his fellow politicians is in part being influenced by this ongoing transit. The Public is part of the dissention, too--the "subjects" are revolting against the "king" and someone may be deposed--December 10 is a interesting date to watch.

The revolt got heated up around the end of June marked, perhaps, by the ongoing Jupiter (Repubs) square Saturn (Dems) of June 22. The next exact (partile) square between these two societal planets will be Oct 25--more contention and disagreements heating to the boil--scalding, I would say.

On tv now: Barbara Walters, who spent a recent evening at the White House with the Bushs (George says Good Night at EXACTLY 10 pm), said a while ago on The View, that Bush is "very organized" and in his office "every morning at 7 am."

Good to know...

So I'll save this morning's 'Rotunda then unda' chart in case it becomes of import later on, but for now, the main picture to be seen here is:

Moon/Saturn (a depressive pair all by themselves) = Neptune: sickness of the soul; depression; pessimism.

This administration affects me in a similar way...howbowchu?

9.18.06 12:23 pm


pope-note: he only expressed regret for the Muslim "reaction" to his remarks--not for making the remarks. He HAD to know he was lobbing a bomb into a tenderbox, just as Bush had to know invading the Middle East was instigating hell on earth.

Think Bush and the Vatican are working together?

On My Radio: Terri Gross' Fresh Air today: Is Zionism in Israel's ultimate best interests? The US's "religious right" want Jesus' Second Coming to hurry up (like His timetable is Their decision), so why would Israel go for that? Wacky!!

I may not be sure of all that, but I know one thing: our "leaders" all seem to be stuffed full of bad ideas, and the cards they're now playing are a losing hand for Everyone on Earth...unless you're fond of death and violence and war. Then you've got a full house.


ps: today is the day of the prior-mentioned Sun (leader) conjunct SN, too.


>Space Weather News for Sept. 18, 2006

SOLAR ECLIPSE: On Friday, Sept. 22nd, the Moon's shadow will cut across Earth, producing an annular ("ring of fire") solar eclipse. Unfortunately, most of the eclipse takes place over uninhabited ocean, but sky watchers in South America and Africa will be able to see at least a fraction of the display. Visit for timetables and animated maps of the eclipse.

SPACESHIP SILHOUETTES: The space shuttle Atlantis undocked from the International Space Station yesterday. In a moment of cosmic coincidence, an amateur astronomer in France caught the two spacecraft separating just as they passed in front of the sun. His unusual photo, entitled "Spaceship Silhouettes", may be found on today's edition of ##

SO'W: This is the "loss and seprations; to finish something and be sad at its completion; physical injury possible--don't overdo" (Bernadette Brady, Predictive Astrology) Eclipse in the 8 South Series which began April 1, 1718. In 1718 this Eclipse occurred at 10Aries54..."11 Aries": "The president of the country" so it could very well apply to George Bush directly since the cycle (Series) is repeating.

Friday's Eclipse of the 8S Series occurs at a critical 29th degree in Virgo. Any planet or point at the 29th degree vibrates at a very high frequency--there's a sense of crisis attached here, and Virgo is the sign of Health, and of dedicated service.

More later as the Eclipse nears although it's influence will be in effect for appr 6 months.

2:00 pm


Sep 17, 2006

UN's image to be restored

With their plans proceeding, the green light has been given for reconstituting the public image of the United Nations and the Associated Press is cooperating nicely as U.N. Is Back in the Global Spotlight and that's the GLOBAL Spotlight, natch!

Setting the UN's Sec Progr'd Chart for the time this article appeared online (5:26 pm edt NYC) we see an interesting picture:

Pluto/Chiron = Moon (the public) the Plutocracy Duo is conjunct Sec Moon at the Foundation/IC of the Sec Chart (IC = HOW.)

And the recent Lunar Eclipse of Sept 7 (15Vir/Pis) is conjunct the Sec MC/IC axis of Public Status/Career--with a Full Moon being the culmination of plans, and a Lunar Eclipse being the ending of something hidden...bringing it into consciousness--putting it out, it seems.

Guess Bolton's meddling has yielded fruit and we'll be hearing more of the UN's new lease on life.

Now I hope they DO stop violence in the Sudan and anywhere else they can get their hooves into. But there are those who believe--and I'm not referring here to astrologers--that the UN will be the sword, along with the US military, of the New World Order. Given this Pluto/Chiron = Moon picture (and other features of the charts which I have no time tonight to post on) I wouldn't be surprised.

One more thing I've been meaning to mention because it is upon us--first half of October, in fact:

US (Sibly) Solar Arc Directed Uranus conjunct natal Pluto 27Cap33.

The Uranus/Pluto pair signify all sorts of things--revolution; violence; reforms and reformers; collapse of the old order and establishment of the new (could relate to the UN's reinvigoration, but probably more, considering the Bush regime); upsets; subversive activities; the enforcement of decisions; putting a gun to someone's head; an accident. It's a jolly hodge podge of ills, and as usual in our dualistic world, it can be directed outward or inward.

Solar Arcs may indicate that this energy is directed toward the US (unfortunately for the majority of us) but this doesn't say WHO is actually behind the mayhem.

S.Arc Uranus to natal Pluto = overturning the status quo; creating a whole new perspective for ego recognition. There is a definite 'coercion' influence to this combo, and an electrifying energy.

Reluctantly I must admit that it could indicate sudden use of Plutonic devices such as nuclear energy. There--I said it--I've been avoiding posting this for some time--or it could signify a nightmarish Plutonic type of "accident."

Also, it may be quite telling and instructive to consider the Sabian Symbol between this big hook-up of Uranus to Pluto (first time in our nation's history that they've met like this)--"28Cap">"A large aviary." Hmm-m-m-m...

There's a T-square in the UN's Sec Chart also:

Moon/MC = Uranus (the reformer): emotional crises; vocational upsets and instability; anxiety and nervousness in reaction to changes. Uranus "15Gem": "Two Dutch children talking"> CLARIFICATION (!! How many times have you heard Bush and others touting that word lately?)...

pos: a self-confidence of spirit by which man is able to establish himself advantageously at ease in any possible situation;

neg/shadow side: extreme provincialism and inability to communicate ideas of any moment.

In this evening's 'article online' chart (5:26 pm edt NYC), Moon/MC is pointing to Mars: strong work orientation; total devotion to a cause; the spirit of endeavor; promotion (was someone promoted over the catapulting of this propaganda?)

Well, there you have it...the UN is on the march, and the US is under a revolutionary threat once again. Seems like old times.

9.17.06 10:00 pm


Cheney and 9/11 revisited

Honorable Re-Post: VP Cheney's *Secondary Progressed Chart set for 9/11/01:

If you click to enlarge this chart, you'll see a bunch of my chicken scratch with some midpoint pictures translated--so I'll not repeat them in this text. If you're reading this through feed, please come here to SO'W and see the chart for yourself. That's why I'm re-posting this chart with a few additional comments--you really have to see it to believe it. Even if you don't speak much astrologese, you'll see what I mean.

The most obvious feature here is his Sec Pluto/Chiron midpoint sitting squarely upon MC (Aspiration Point) at the top of the chart--you can't miss it. This is the case when natal chart is progressed using natal birth location, and although I've certainly experimented through the years with re-locating progressed charts, this is the kind of result--as with others--that causes me most often to stick with the natal location for progressions. (The possible exception would be for Solar Arc Directions.)

Also at MC is Uranus/NN: sudden recognition of a joint goal or venture; desire to bring plans to fruition with others; teamwork paying off (this same midpoint pic is currently active in Bush's Sec Chart, btw.) Uranus/North Node is: association with reformers and progressive groups. Yuh.

On the chart you see written: "Outer: Transits Sept 18, 2006 6:24 am White House" for tomorrow's transits to this chart but I've neglected to list completely the planets for Monday--you see sec Mercury 14Pis50 which has been transited recently by Uranus = acuteness of thought; intensification of nervous system; speed; sudden travel plans.

And transit Pluto 24Sag08 on Monday morning is conjunct his Sec 3rd cusp on 9/11/01.
3rd house concerns communications, as you know--this post falls in the category, mere gnat though it is--so I think others will be continuing to look deeply into Cheney's association with the attacks of 9/11.

The transiting Saturn/Neptune oppostition is in the 4/10 axis of this chart--you see I've listed Saturn, but not Neptune (don't ask why--I don't know why!) Jupiter's current position 16Sco12 is in 1st house, thus Saturn/Neptune = Jupiter: egoism; very upset with the ways of the world; losing the will to fight (doubtful with this determined cuss.)

Now the main reason I've used this time and date is because tr Sun 25Pis22 is conjunct tr SN (separation) and so they are both conjunct Cheney's Sec Neptune, as you see. In fact, when tr SN was conjunct this Sec NN (end of May, 2006) it was a Nodal Half-Return, a time when weak relationships are let go of along with many other associations--including something dissolving in his relationship with The Public.

(Personally I'm past ready to cut him loose altogether, but never mind me.)

Sun to Neptune = possible befuddlement; remoteness; impracticality; imagination (his natal Moon is in imaginative--and sometimes deceptive Pisces, sign of the Mystic.)

So...if you go to Cheney Sec Progr'd to 9.11.01 you may read my original post and comments on this chart. Check out that Sec Mars (war; violence; quarrels) weighing in at "30 Cap" and at the Foundation/How Point of the chart...

"30Cap": "A secret business conference"> OPPORTUNITY...

pos: a gift for clever planning and successful administration in every area of life;

neg/shadow side: rampant selfishness and rank exploitation of others.

The opposite degree--the Point of Illumination--"30Cancer": "A daughter of the American Revolution"> INHERITANCE...

pos: an infectious pride in leadership through which a group is able to act as a unit;

neg/shadow side: the ultimate betrayal of selfhood by a false assumption of superiority.

Sounds like the "antinomian" view of elites being able to do whatever occurs to them because they 'can do no wrong' may Ultimately be an incorrect assumption. Aleister Crowley's nonsense was similar--The Will was said to be one's only guide...for the initiated. Egoism and irrational will indeed. (As we've seen, George Bush has a but*load of both.)

And if Cheney and Friends are at the bottom of the attacks of 9/11/01--or simply failed to act for their own cynical power-grabbing reasons when they could've stopped it--they will be answering for their crimes one will we all. In this case, they've betrayed the whole world and themselves in the process.

9.17.06 6:58 pm

*Secondary Progressed Chart = the physical plane

Using Ebertin's The Combination of Stellar Influences, and Dr. Noel Tyl's Solar Arc directory


Kings had always been involving and impoverishing their people in wars, pretending generally, if not always, that the good of the people was the object: Abraham Lincoln