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Showing posts with label George Bush. Show all posts
Showing posts with label George Bush. Show all posts

Sep 18, 2014

"American Democracy: Murder Spies And Voting Lies" video

With the November 4, 2014 Mid-Terms on our political agenda, here's a 26-minute video mash-up detailing the voter fraud and corruption of the Bush-Kerry election of 2004 to reflect upon:

My thanks to Forbidden Knowledge TV for the heads-up on this video.

And in case I have no chance to post an article concerning the horoscopes of the November 2014 elections please note that in a recent post appeared my prognostication that Democrats look to me to be favored astrologically but of course dirty politics can interfere with outcomes.

Nov 18, 2013

London Mayor warns George Bush book tour to avoid UK (video)

Well, I'll be! The Mayor of London says, Don't come knockin' or sellin' your book, George, or else you could finally face your war criminal trial:

If memory serves, wasn't it the country of Georgia that named an avenue after George W. Bush? Well, if so, all roads must come to an end and all little red wagons bought on someone else's credit card must be paid for eventually. *If* authorities can catch up with you, that is.

Jan 5, 2012

My Lousiest News award for Jan 6, 2012

The upcoming US-Israeli war maneuvers are being touted by both governments as the world's biggest ever!

And certain transglobal warmongering chaos-creators actually seem happy over this dramatic turn of events which the US government in collusion with most of Congress and the business and weapons industries will soon remind us of the heady days when Dubs Bush lied us into war in Iraq and his case turned out to hinge on the credibility of Colin Powell's U.N. presentation.

And on Americans wanting to believe in their president's motives in spite of all evidence not supporting our trust.

So who do you think will play the 'Colin Powell-respected military leader' role in 2012 as Washington stirs itself into a tizzy over Iran's intentions (so they say) and imagines it has convinced the American people of some very deluded, fevered visions of the 1% Gang who are apparently "riding again" and wanting to force We the People into yet another Vulcan hellishness of an illegal, vulgar war--as if that little expansion project would be a good and sane idea.

But who benefits most?

Well, any of the two or three American citizens reading this post who are not recognizing Washington's military campaign for what it is--a long term attempt at Global Governance directed by entities abroad (ex: Citizens United 2010 brings big time foreign investors into US elections, aka, meddling), please stop reading here because I am truly done. For now.


Blog Note: am about to take a weekend off from le ususal & may blog from another location if inspired. Catchya later!! Jude

Sep 29, 2011

Charles Koch to Economist Hayek: "Use Social Security"!

Well, the following article is so fascinating, its link just had to be posted here to read any time I start to forget what total hypocrites all anti-social-program conservatives are whether they call themselves Republican, Libertarian, Tea Party, or what-have-you--even *DINOs.

Letters have been outed from 1973 with Charles Koch (a Koch Industries brother and Tea Party backer) writing to famed laissez-faire economist Friedrich Hayek encouraging him to "use Social Security to support his medical needs. Hayek had taught in the US and paid into our SS system for ten years so Koch assured him he was entitled to what Koch and his ilk now like to call an "entitlement program."

You see, the professor had had some gall bladder surgery in Austria and feared "falling ill away from home" if he returned to the US to pontificate his economic theories.

But not to fear! For America's excellent Social Security insurance program came to Hayek's rescue!!

Personally, I think America's so-called "Ponzi scheme" should have been given a satin cape years ago. Besides--a Ponzi scheme isn't much of a Ponzi scheme unless and until it's stopped, at which time it collapses from its own weight--precisely the aim of the GOP and those such as the Koch Brothers who are determined that Wall Street get its greedy claws on the money while crashing our nation in the process.

And then, who can forget those halcyon days of 'President' George Bush schlepping round the country (on the tax payers' dime) peddling his disengenuous sales pitch about privatizing Social Security? Yet alas, his thin arguments didn't go over very well, did they? And though they've been fairly well shushed on the matter for now, GOP schemers continue to parrot the "SS is bankrupt" slogan whenever they feel so moved.

Now as you know, Dubya considers not privatizing the program that has made such a difference in millions of American lives (and in the lives of the odd foreigner, as we learn above) to be the "biggest failure" of his presidency--not invading the Holy Land, not bombing women and children, nor cynically sending US troops overseas to grab and guard US oil interests and fatten power elite portfolios--not even dooming America and the world to the misery of perpetual war--but to not handing SS monies on a golden platter to his Wall Street backers as the bankers who run the US government insisted.

So here's the Worst President in US History now, if you can stomach a re-listen of his attempt to sell us bank bailouts and TARP. But what he's actually doing is summing up the financials of his disastrous 8-year presidency::

Funny that the much-touted and obsessive conservative fear of "socialism" from the Obama administration ignores a key astrological factor concerning George Bush's natal chart which has always seemed very telling to me about Bush's hidden character--the Sabian Symbol (8 Leo) for his natal Ascendant (his nibs himself) is: "A Bolshevik Propagandist."

Or, as Dane Rudhyar gives the degree--and to me it seems to apply perfectly to Bush's 'Privatize SS You Suckers' Tour:

"A Communist Activist Spreading His Revolutionary Ideals"...

'Keynote: The emotional and ideological attempt to return to a state of non-differentiation and chaos as a prelude to a new type of order.'

(That would be Poppy Bush's 'New World Order' heralded by his Desert Storm invasion.)

Rudhyar expands on 8 Leo: "...ideally it could show how the vision of a cosmic order might heal the potential conflict between an obsolete Establishment and its youthful challengers. But reality today presents a more cruel picture of CATABOLIC ACTION.

...and one witnesses a struggle for personal and dictatorial power."

I'm not kidding--you can't make this stuff up!


*Democrats In Name Only, and close cousins of RINOs.

The first Symbol is from Marc Edmund Jones' The Sabian Symbols in Astrology; Rudhyar's book, An Astrological Mandala.

Aug 15, 2011

Dec 14, 1996: US Sec Saturn Rx Station @ 3Sco25

An Astro-Peek at When US Authority and Authenticity Changed

by Jude Cowell

In the Fall 2010 issue of Julie Demboski's Eclipse e-zine (subscription only, now an email subscription and worth it!), I wrote a column called American Empire: When Jupiter Bowed to the Sun which detailed my views on one of the signposts along the way of America's change of trajectory toward overreach, over-expansion, overspending, quixotic notions leading us astray, and excessive arrogance and greed.

This is not our Founders' country anymore, as many Americans feel!

Astrological Jupiter's connection to idealism, broadened horizons, philosophy, and finances figures into the path-diverted picture as well for a planet moving direct at birth (July 4, 1776 US natal Jupiter 5Can56 conjunct US natal Sun and Venus) may turn retrograde by progression depending on whether it turns Rx in real time (1776), and a progressed chart is based on a natal chart when the 'clock' starts ticking by degree as well as moment--for America's founding, Jupiter began @ 5Can56.

So, you ask, just when did America's planet of Jupiterian realms turn Rx onto a more inward-looking, subtle, distanced course which transformed its participation with other natal planetary energies? Precisely on November 15, 1905, and right away we think of President Teddy Roosevelt, the Progressive Social Movement, the soon to blowup Panic of 1907, and the resulting creation of the privately-owned Federal Reserve Bank. Other events and changes occurred as well, and perhaps you can locate my article in Julie's Eclipse issue for more details.

Besides, today I want to focus on US *Sec Saturn's Rx Station on December 14, 1996 during the President Clinton era--especially with the final conjunction of US Saturn by transit to US natal Saturn @ 14Lib48, our national Saturn Return, occurring soon on August 28, 2011--the date that the new Martin Luther King Jr Memorial is to be dedicated in Washington, DC. Plus, Saturn rules stone and stone markers, of course, in an attempt to create a permanent (Saturn) remembrance of a person or event.

Astrological Saturn, as you know, rules such things as authority, accountability, responsibility, austerity, reality, restriction, constriction, restraint, constraint, reserve, inhibition, Time, delay, endings, discipline, loss, lack...but also form, function, structure, walls and boundaries (even bones, teeth, skin), prisons, membranes, old age, the elderly, etc. You know the senex scoop.

If such a Rx change of direction by progression occurs simultaneously with major transits (as they did with US Sec Jupiter's Rx Station of 1905--lots of powerful Mars/Pluto action in the early 1900s), then a "backdrop for new perspectives" becomes evident although it will be subtle at first. However, something tangible may happen during that year (1996), perhaps directed by those who are aware of the planetary change, and some US leaders are nothing if not aware of such subtle forces which they attempt to engineer to suit their wills--the old win-win way of playing the game for those in charge. Plus, a need-to-know-basis is used for keeping the strings of power within certain hands.

With Saturn Stationing Rx, a progressed trine to the Sun follows in about 11 to 13 years when a fruition of some kind is achieved which stems from the year of the directional change--1996, here, so the years 2007--2009 are implicated (US Sec Full Moon Sun 4Pis10, December 2008, occurred less than one degree past the Sec Sun/Saturn trine.)

This info, of course, provides us with a time frame linking the internalization of America's Saturnian functions (such as authority, authenticity, realism) during the Clinton era 1996 (his second term) into the era of George Bush and on into the Obama Inauguration of January 20, 2009--and beyond to this very moment, for Mr. Obama is still in office.

Yes, the presidential baton was passed from Dubya to Barry in 2009, yet on many levels, the new boss of Saturnian authority acts much the same as the old, doesn't he? And we have basically the same problems grinding on.

So looking back to the Clinton era we may one day be able to see a suspension or weakening of Saturnian functions more than we can now. And it would take months or years for me to study and blog at you concerning the effects of Saturn's directional shift as evidenced by actual events. (My Sec Jupiter Rx Station article took about 5 months off and on to compile and compose.)

Besides, you probably remember some of the authoritarian actions or non-actions of the Clinton administration (the February 28, 1993 Siege of Waco comes to mind as Sec Saturn was slowing down in preparation, already on its Station degree @ 3Sco24 and had just crossed Sec IC by progression into 3rd house where it remains) but here is a brief list of December 14, 1996 events to whet the whistle of those who are concerned with the condition of the US government and the inverted condition of our Saturn, planet of government, law, and business.

Yes, it's 2011 and America's 'broken systems' have been in the news every day now since 2007/08--and tottering, they tell us, on the brink of Saturnian collapse with transit Pluto (transformation; destruction) in Capricorn working his toppling magic.

The rest of 1996 applies as well but why not use the actual date since we have it?

Now you'll note from these news stories the use of Saturnian words such as loyalist, rigid rules, big conservative, hostages, governor, law-politics-labor-business, blockages, obstacles, and other terms which tie in directly to Saturnian themes and issues.

All 5 articles are from the Baltimore Sun and the list begins with the nation that is now our biggest creditor and a man who, it states, once worked for General Electric:

China's new man in Hong Kong Governor-elect Tung Chee-hwa was a big conservative in the US;

Clinton taps Reno, Richardson, Daley Commerce, U.N. posts go to loyalists (contains 'free' trade agreement mention--current lack of US tariff barriers now pose a huge problem along with Ross Perot's predicted "sucking sound" of US jobs being shipped overseas, aka, the NAFTA SHAFTA);

Daley has ties to law, politics, labor, business Son of Chicago mayor ran Clinton's '92 Ill. campaign (Daley 'managed' it: Saturn!);

Businesses challenge Glendening lawsuit planned to block Governor on collective bargaining;

Richardson has knack for freeing hostages abroad Nominee for U.N. envoy also is Clinton loyalist with Hispanic roots.

Well, do you feel that 'something changed in America' during Clinton's presidency as his 'authority' was constantly under challenge and threat from the GOP? Our legal system certainly was affected by the brouhaha. But I'm not so certain that the legal challenges by conservatives to his administration weren't just staged Political Theater meant for public consumption (and for the usual dividing-and-conquering of the people, plus, a financial boondoggle) for it isn't as if the Clinton presidency ended over Ken Starr's investigation, now is it?


Some key themes and potentials for Saturn in Scorpio: skill, obstinacy, occupation with spheres of metaphysical knowledge, endurance, a serious outlook, transformation, delving into difficult problems, spiritual rebirth, melancholy. (Ebertin.) As I type, US Sec Saturn Rx is @ 3Sco14.

Station Rx info inspired by Erin Sullivan.

*I tend to use 'Sec' for Secondary Progressions (aka, SP) to distinguish them in my notes from Minor and Tertiary Progressions. The three represent the 27:13:1 planes of existence: mental-causal, emotional-intuitive, and physical. jc

May 25, 2011

Netanyahu in America: heckle at your peril

In yesterday's post, written in real time, I wondered what was happening in the hall to the lady who shouted out as Israeli PM Netayahu was addressing a Joint Session of the US Congress whose members began applauding loudly in an attempt to cover up the noise as she was strong-armed out of the room...

Protester Who Heckled Netanyahu Beaten, Arrested at Hospital

By Eric W. Dolan

The 28-year-old Jewish American woman was allegedly tackled by members of the American-Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) during Netanyahu's speech to Congress after she yelled, "stop Israeli war crimes." #

Unfortunately she was sitting too far away from yesterday's speaker to hurl her shoes.

As our much-lauded President Abraham Lincoln said, "To sin by silence when they should protest makes cowards of men."

May 2, 2011

Attack on Osama bin Laden Tweeted in real time!

Of all that I've heard or seen since late last evening concerning the attack and killing of Osama bin Laden, my so-far favorite comes from a resident who didn't know what he was Tweeting about when he first Tweeted it!.

Here's TIME's timeline of events though how many grains of salt you want handy as you read are up to you.

(His DNA was taken and his body buried at sea? Really? DNA could have been taken any time since Tora Bora - 2001 - and 'buried at sea' within the required 24 hours is awfully convenient for not having to produce the man's body. Hmm.)


A stroll down Memory Lane soon finds a George W. Bush giving up on finding bin Laden quite quickly or at least he spun it that way in March 2002:

"Who knows if he's hiding in some cave or not. We haven't heard from him in a long time. The idea of focusing on one person really indicates to me people don’t understand the scope of the mission. Terror is bigger than one person. He's just a person who's been marginalized....I don't know where he is. I really just don’t spend that much time on him, to be honest with you."

Feb 5, 2011

Bush cancels Swiss visit to avoid protests and arrest

They Once Called It Treason

by Jude Cowell

Now this is the sort of news I delight in hearing: that George W. Bush (the decider) has decided to cancel his plans to speak in Switzerland on February 12th due to the threat of protests and the potential arrest of his war criminal self.

Wonder if he'll return their check? If he was paid by direct deposit, good luck to them trying to claw back their funds.

Now it's been a while since it was necessary so I swallowed my distaste and had a quick peek at current transits to Bush's natal chart (July 6, 1946 7:26 am edt New Haven, CT; ASC 7Leo07 = '8Leo' = "A Bolshevik Propagandist" - or "propaganda catapulter," as he described himself while in office; Mc 24Ari13; Sun 13Can47 in 12th house and conjunct US natal Sun; Moon 16Lib42 conj Chiron 15Lib25 and Jupiter 18Lib09 in 3rd house with Neptune 5Lib56; Mars 9Vir18 in 2nd house; Mercury 9Leo50 rising and conjunct the Republican Party's natal Mercury, Pluto 10Leo35, Venus 21Leo30, all in 1st house of Self; born during a Jupiter Hour.

Restrictive Saturn 17Lib08 Rx has been tromping about Dubya's expansive Moon/Jupiter conjunction of late, off and on due to Saturn's retrogradation, but the Lesson Bringer is now between them which forms a midpoint picture:

Natal Moon/Jupiter = tr Saturn: concerns about security; interference through outside restrictions.

I should say so!

One of Bush's natal midpoint pictures may have come into play as well since tr Saturn is active in his chart:

Sun/Pluto = Saturn 26Can30 (in 12th house of Karma and Politics): a blockage of wild tendencies; restraint when showing self-destructive tendencies; restriction; imprisonment (!)

Then, with Bush's natal Sun famously conjoining US natal Sun, tr Saturn has been providing blockages and obstacles to his ability to 'shine' (Sun = ego) by its squaring aspect, a time when ego-satisfaction is difficult to come by, and an annoying situation can easily become worse if Saturnian rules and regulations are ignored in a brazen attempt to bypass them while authorities (Saturn) challenge or threaten the success of goals or ventures (or journeys abroad to spread neoconnism or to defend one's prior actions and decisions.)

My suspicion is that someone older and wiser (Saturn) advised the cancellation of Bush's plans to speak in Switzerland and it's good advice since defying authority when Saturn squares one's natal Sun is foolhardy at best and quite useless besides.

Tr Mars in Aquarius has recently opposed his natal Mercury and Pluto as well: Mars (protesters; police) opposing n Mercury (oration; travel) indicates a time when intellectual efforts (such as speeches) are not apt to succeed if they proceed at all, one's mercurial plans may be opposed or dismissed altogether, and discussions are disrupted by angry words (or slogans on placards.)

Tr Mars opposing n Pluto describes an encounter with hostile forces which has an immobilizing effect, and any contest of wills should be avoided!

A coming-soon transit shared by the US (natal Sun, the leader) is tr Pluto's opposition to Bush's natal Sun, a time of power struggles between opposing forces, no-compromise competition, and manipulation within a contest of wills.

Yet more long-distance travel may be on Bush's schedule with the travel-inducing Jupiter/Uranus conjunction (now separating so perhaps his Swiss engagement seemed a good idea when the reservations were made) in his natal 9th house of Foreign Lands and Philosophy. Tr Neptune 27AQ56 today, sits directly upon Bush's n 8th cusp 27:36 making his capture a dream but also a possibility. Fraud and loss (Neptune) of funds (8th H) are potentials as well.

And with tr Mercury 2AQ45 soon to oppose his n Mercury 9Leo50, diverse opinions are in the air and may be in total conflict with his own. Cooperative ventures are lacking and feelings of being appreciated are missing with tr Sun about to oppose n Venus 21Leo30, planet of attraction and popularity. (Boo Hoo.)

Now I don't know about you, but it would suit this blogging gnat of the Common Good persuasion if someone caught and prosecuted this Oval Office usurper who together with his pals have caused the world so much damage and harm by way of their jingoistic slogans, propaganda, and doctored intell invented in order to lead the US into illegal war and virtual bankruptcy.

Any thoughts on the topic? Leave a comment!


Midpoint pictures: Tyl; Ebertin: Munkasey; any, all, or none may apply.

Nov 20, 2010

Inauguration 2009: Pluto/Chiron = Midheaven

Today as I organized my papers, charts, magazines, and Astrology books, I ran across a copy of Dell Horoscope Magazine from December 2002 with an article on Chiron authored by Canadian astrologer Roderick Benns.

A tidbit within the article caught my Political Astrology eye, for it intimately concerns the Inauguration 2009 horoscope's Midheaven (Mc), the Goal-Aspiration Point of any horoscope.

Here I quote Mr. Benns' analysis of the midpoint picture Pluto/Chiron = Mc, which was in effect on January 20, 2009 noon at the Capitol Building in Washington DC, with noon being the official time that an old administration ends and a new one begins. In this case, we speak, of course, of the presidency of Barack Obama and of the status (10th house) of the United States of America...

"Pluto/Chiron = Mc: status in life challenged or wounded by necessary transformation of perspective."

For comparison, Bush Inauguration 2001 had Pluto/Chiron @ 19Sag02 from the Pluto-Moon-Chiron line-up in 8th house of Transformation, Death, Debt, and Big Business which gave us: Pluto/Chiron = Moon (we-the-people); his 2005 Inauguration had Pluto/Chiron @ 10Cap21 showing the oppression-plutocracy duo's midpoint as it progressed in transit closer to US Inaugural Mc in the 26/27 degree range of Capricorn...a process well-described by Astrology.

January 20, 2009

(Also at Mc in Inauguration 2009's chart - Mars/Jupiter = Mc: opportunity for success; growth by using all forces or energy available. Tyl; Munkasey. Of course, US natal Pluto 27Cap33 Rx is at Mc as well with natal Mercury Rx at Ic; Mercury/Pluto = persuasion; propaganda; deep perception; intelligence activities; communications satellites; political talk which offers disruptive changes.)

Now the world-bank-engineered Financial Collapse 2008 has certainly brought a new perspective to most Americans concerning our nation's place in the world (which is what the 10th house is all about.) But why is America's collapse deemed to be necessary? As part of an agenda now 'marching' the planet toward a New World Order (sometimes referred to as a 'new economic world order'.)

That's why we hear many hints of currency collapse and devaluation in the news these days which have big implications for the US dollar losing its place as the global reserve currency. And 2011 seems to be a pivotal year, if my astrological studies (and those of others) are correct.

So here's a previous post with famous quotes concerning the NWO and a link to one-world-government promoter David Rockfeller's statement about how we're being "marched" toward it; this describes a very long-term process.

But no, a so-called NWO is not a given, folks, at least not in the form they wish: totalitarian control and global serfdom for the people after 'population control' (genocide) has been accomplished on a scale we cannot now imagine. This will leave more natural resources for the survivors, as you may know - the select few the power elite deem worthy.

All of this NWO madness is one of the main reasons I spend many hours blogging in complimentary fashion while hoping that a few readers will pass around the info so that all may have a chance to become aware of the false reality the power elite has created to keep our attention diverted from what they're up to - and their ploy very much includes the entertainment industry and its decades-long lowering of our moral standards.

After all, TV didn't put 'Survivor' (as in, survival of the fittest, an obvious shout-out to Darwin's theory) on the air years ago and call it a 'hit' for nothing.

For as former President Franklin Delano Roosevelt informed us - and a truism followed by this blog's populist slant...

"In politics, nothing happens by accident. If it happens, you can bet it was planned that way."


More instructive quotes for America 2010/2011 from FDR who obviously, unlike most of today's politicians, knew the difference between man made laws and the natural laws of the universe:

But while they prate of economic laws, men and women are starving. We must lay hold of the fact that economic laws are not made by nature. They are made by human beings.

Competition has been shown to be useful up to a certain point and no further, but cooperation, which is the thing we must strive for today, begins where competition leaves off.

Confidence...thrives on honesty, on honor, on the sacredness of obligations, on faithful protection and on unselfish performance. Without them it cannot live.

Don't forget what I discovered that over ninety percent of all national deficits from 1921 to 1939 were caused by payments for past, present, and future wars.

Here is my principle: Taxes shall be levied according to ability to pay. That is the only American principle.

Human kindness has never weakened the stamina or softened the fiber of a free people. A nation does not have to be cruel to be tough.

I am neither bitter nor cynical but I do wish there was less immaturity in political thinking.

I believe that in every country the people themselves are more peaceably and liberally inclined than their governments.

It is an unfortunate human failing that a full pocketbook often groans more loudly than an empty stomach.

It is common sense to take a method and try it. If it fails, admit it frankly and try another. But above all, try something.

I do not look upon these United States as a finished product. We are still in the making.

Oct 22, 2010

Vote GOP Nov 2 - if you wish to privatize SS

Update Oct 23, 2010:

GOP Plan Dramatically Reduces Social Security Benefits, Actuary Finds

By Sahil Kapur

A high-profile Republican budget plan would slash Social Security benefits in the long-run -- perhaps even by up to half of what they are now, the program's actuary concluded in a new study.

Original post begins here:

Seniors beware! The Republican Party's money-grabbing drive to privatize the Social Security system (thereby handing the funds we worked hard for to Wall Street bankers who need it the least) will be part of the GOP's upcoming political agenda if Rs are victorious in the November 2010 midterms.

You remember George Bush's big nation-straddling campaign while president to 'privatize' SS, right? It flopped thanks to large scale public opposition. How we vote on November 2 is our next opportunity to show our total opposition again.

Well, yesterday Bush mouthed off on the contentious subject as his biggest failure! Delusional, deceptive, or both - it's all the same NWO crap to me. He categorizes it as a 'failure' because his globalist bosses think so (he was 'tasked' to implement it!) yet the millions of deaths, maimings, and thwarted lives their illegal wars have caused apparently don't fit the criteria as 'biggest failure' of his miserable presidency!!

No, it's no delight for me to vote Democrat either (Dems certainly did their part to undermine meaningful financial reform since they take Wall Street money, too) but I do hope this issue helps millions of GOP-leaning voters to wake up and smell the thievery before they (and their younger family members which seniors will have to move in with if their SS benefits are squandered on Wall Street profiteers) find themselves victims of a Wall street scam/crash on an entirely new level never before seen.

Imho, America's biggest failure of a president: "war president" George W. Bush, son of another of our biggest duds.

Oct 7, 2010

Graphing the National Debt

Supply-siders revealed! Voo Doo Economics don't work! Trickle Down is poppycock!

There's more behind America's National Debt situation than most people care to admit - especially the GOP who rail against it only when Democrats are in charge.

The graph begins with Ronald Reagan and morphs into his virtual sidekick, George W. Bush, which in my opinion is a very good place to start.

Which reminds me: in November midterms, a vote for Republicans is a vote for Karl Rove.

Please tick one on behalf of America's future: Turdblossom ___ Not Turdblossom ___

Remember the delightful day of August 31, 2007 when Karl Rove sniffled on his last official day at the White House? Good times! Please do what you can on November 2 to keep Mr. Rove officially out of Washington so we won't rubber stamp his neocon fascist way of doing business and starting misdirected wars.

We may be uncertain of President Obama's policies now, but we know what we got under 8 years of Bush-Cheney-Rove.

And in case you missed it, do check out Teri Gross' interviews on Fresh Air today concerning the Citizens United SCOTUS decision which "opened the floodgates on groups' ad spending"; link takes you to the interview text; its audio will be available around 5:00 pm ET today.

Disclaimer: the above message is 100% unfunded by the US Chamber of Commerce, foreign entities, American Crossroads, or any other shady group of manipulators monkeying in US politics. I'm just one blogging gnat and a Child of the Revolution!

Jul 2, 2010

Suspicions grow over Dr David Kelly's 2003 "suicide"

It's been a while since I studied the mysterious death chart of nuclear weapons expert Dr. David Kelly, but this is news I've been waiting for:

Doubts Grow In Whistle-blower "Suicide"

By Alex Newman

New revelations in the suspicious "suicide" death of whistle-blower Dr. David Kelly point even more strongly to the possibility of murder and a subsequent cover-up. #

And here's a link to an earlier article about how Dr. Kelly's post mortem results are to be kept secret for 70 years. Wonder how that's going seven years on?

7 down, 63 more to go?

Well, perhaps in spite of his inexplicable tendency to garner 'peace' awards unto himself, Tony Blair, and the rest of the Hussein-toppling crew, will eventually find their shadows being stepped upon by the Truth catching up with them. And that goes for Bush, Cheney, and Lord Hutton, too.

Oh, and let's not forget the mystery-lady American journalist that Dr. Kelly was in touch with just before he took his fatal walk and supposedly managed to suicide himself in a very suspicious, seemingly impossible, manner.

July 4, 2010: Presidential scholars rank Bush 5th worst in US history

Happy Independence Day, America! Here's the Sibly version of our birth chart:

Yes, it's year #234 and barely counting, considering what politicians and bankers have done with the place - their private cash cow apparently.

Well, just in time for 2010's July 4th festivities, some bad news not wholly unexpected has arrived concerning the recent 8-year era of US expansionist and war speculator, George Bush: he's been ranked by presidential scholars as the 5th worst president in US history, with President Obama ranked 15th from the top of this year's list.

Yes, war hawk Bush is ranked in the bottom five as is Franklin Pierce with whom Dubya shares family lineage. And Poppy Bush doesn't fair very well either which gives me some small hope that hoards of discerning Americans will nix any future presidential hopes of candidates from this particular gene pool.

That's about as gently as I can put it so early in the day while listening to the second reading of the morning on NPR of the Declaration of Independence. The horoscope above marks the day with expanding Jupiter as chart-ruler during a Venus Hour, both planets relating on one level to money and its pursuit.

Now to be fair, President Pierce did have the unfortunate distinction of losing his 11-year-old son in a horrible train accident just two months before inauguration which had to be a nightmarish-beyond-belief way to begin a term in the White House.

That Pierce won with the Democrats' slogan, "We Polked you in 1844; we shall Pierce you in 1852!" is a marvel or a miracle, I'm not certain which (that said with a 2010 perspective, however.)

And perhaps the person writing on Wikipedia concerning the presidency of Franklin Pierce had Dubya in the back of his/her mind when he/she typed:

"having publicly committed himself to an ill-considered position, he maintained it steadfastly, but at tremendous cost to his reputation."

With Bush, it seems that nature and nurture supported one another during his disastrous presidency with "At least we know where he stands" the popular sentiment with the end of the sentence being, "even though he's wrong."

Well, if history turns out to be 'kind' to George W. Bush as John Ashcroft once panderingly intoned, its pages will have to be very creatively rewritten down to the last period if it hopes to disguise the misery, loss, and teeth-grinding inspired across the globe by the stubborn-willed presidency of you-know-who (with the enabling of his elite backers, his "base" as he called them.)

May this be the final time I publish a photo of this man who had to cheat to 'win' the presidency of the United States of America, with the end of the sentence being, "cheating isn't winning, it's stealing."


On the chart image I failed to note that along with Venus and Mars, our Pluto in Capricorn is also out-of-bounds.

Feb 19, 2010

CPAC descends, Obama attacked as drug user

Sayin' What They Want to Hear

Well, it didn't take conservatives at CPAC long to bring up an old subject concerning President Obama as being a cocaine snorter but I wonder where the same conservatives were during 8 years of George Bush whose liberal drug use is well known?

Plus, it's been said that Laura Bush was the dime bag go-to girl in college yet that was hushed up during the 2000 campaign. She also ran over and killed someone at some point in her young life, an act which could be misconstrued as an initiation rite of passage into a society of some sort where murder is required for membership.

Or as simply a young driver running a STOP sign with highly unfortunate results that demonstrate why we have STOP signs to obey.

Okay, let's see: if you're a GOPer you can be forgiven anything in your past (even if it's only yesterday's amour or last night's alcohol binge) but if you're a Democrat (an opponent) it's different. Has Mr. Obama ever used cocaine in his life? Probably. Don't know, don't especially care. But I do know he'd look pretty silly at press conferences with a snowy nose and would make a fool of himself in such a condition.

Scratching the Underbelly of Washington, DC

Where there's big money and massive amounts of power, drugs (and prostitutes) always come along for the ride...even for the holier-than-thou types who like to pretend they're white as 'snow' - but the other guy!


Blog Note: This is my last post until Sunday - Georgia Aquarium here we come! ;p

Oct 26, 2009

ABA Convention protests and the Saturn/Pluto Square

"We're not here to cause trouble - we're here because we are in trouble." So begins this video of the weekend's protests at the American Bankers Association in Chicago, Illinois, the ABA. Or as we have every right to think of them based on their actions: the American Bankrobbers Association.

1,000 protesters were involved and they are expecting over 5,000 people to arrive in Chicago by Tuesday, Oct 27, to join in protesting Wall Street bankers taking our tax money and using it to give themselves massive bonuses and lobby Washington against meaningful financial reform.

Last evening I was studying the *astrology chart of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002, signed by George Bush on July 30, 2002 @ 10:28 am edt in Washington, with the Sun 7Leo15 conjunct Bush's natal Ascendant, and Mars 10Leo52 conjunct his natal Mercury/Pluto conj in 1st house of Self.

Mercury/Pluto = tr Mars: indefatigable; an ability to master great tasks; sharp criticism; a desire to attack others; a blackmailer; grasping a situation quickly, rightly or wrongly, and taking confident and persuasive action; attacking an issue without reservation. (Tyl; Ebertin.)

(Midpoint pictures may operate in an any-all-or-none fashion - here Bush's natal midpoint is being triggered by transiting Mars. You be the decider if it applies to the issue at hand.)

As I said, I was studying the signing chart last evening and am copying/pasting the post I began then. You can see the mood I was in after feeling an inconvenient compulsion to read about the smokescreen legislation of Sarbanes-Oxley and George Bush. And this, after celebrating a radiant 4-year-old's birthday. What a come-down.

The SOX bill was supposedly going to improve the financial system and take significant steps to penalize fraud, but with deceptive, veiling - fraudulent - Neptune 9AQ39 Rx in 5th house of Gambling and Risk-Taking - and opposing the Sun-Mars conjunction affecting Bush's natal chart, it's easy to see what a baseless belief that was. 'Smokescreen' is a Neptunian word par excellence and the fraud was baked into the bill itself.

From my post of last evening:

Hold on to your Green Stamps, Myrtle, Bush is signin' somethin' again...or he did, on July 30, 2002 at 10:28 am edt at the usual scene of the crime, the White House.

A kitten's yarnball of complexity, the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 was eagerly put into play by erstwhile politicians, and yet according to Ron Paul, was unnecessary and costly to US businesses. Plus, Fedheader Alan Greenspan praised it which is enough to cause a gut reaction against it for me, and we can't say that SOX has put on the breaks of fraud's jalopy in US financial markets, can we?

Here you may read Bush's pie-in-the-sky signing statement and one must wonder if the bill was one of those under the table you-follow-the-law-cos-I-won't affairs Bush was so fond of and famous for. He liked to pick and choose which points his chain-yankers agreed with in the bills he signed, you remember.

Financial wheeler-dealer Dick Cheney wasn't on hand for the signing, oddly enough. Perhaps he had big-time insider trading to do and couldn't break away from the game.


That's as far as I got with last night's post until today when I find the video of the weekend protesters doing the right thing on behalf of their fellow American taxpayers across our bankrupted-by-the-power-elite land.

My heart is with them in Chicago yet my body must remain in Georgia! Collectively, Saturn is squaring Pluto, and Bush's boots are kicked back on the front porch of new-world-orderism while giving the occasional speech for mega-bucks. His recent speeches given in Canada have been attracting protesters, too. Good.

When Saturn squares Pluto there is a defensive stance against social responsibility which can be seen in the above video as bankers refuse to listen much less come clean. Under this aspect such responsibility is seen as an obstacle rather than an opportunity.

Extremes are resorted to in order to get out of being held accountable, such as tossing out protesters and writing/backing sorry legislations - which, if they have any teeth at all will only be loop holed by the wealthy - so this square between two planets concerned with control and change is undergirding a lot of what's going on in the collective, including the protests.

Saturn/Pluto squares are times when superiors will not tolerate underlings' attempts to grasp control, and we see the impatience and resentment of a we're-fed-up protest by the people. Status and security are prime motivators for those in control and yes, they are feeling threatened by the opposition to their fulfilment of every wish to dominate others and to gather all resources within their Midas caves of greed.

So perhaps the poster child of the Saturn/Pluto square and its anti-societal effects can here be named: Wall Street wheeler-dealer Dick Cheney, who was born with the aspect in his natal chart. And the aspect kind of summarizes his freakish VP governing style, doesn't it?


Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002, July 30 @ 10:28 am edt, DC: ASC 28Vir24 (Saturn there in recent days); MC (The Goal) 28Gem11 (Sabian Symbol for '28Vir' - "A Bald-headed Man Who Has Seized Power"; The Goal? '28Gem' - "A Man Declared Bankrupt" - that'd be us and corporations avoiding social responsibilities like pensions, etc.)

Sun as noted above, Moon in 7th house @17Ari14, trining chart-tuler Mercury (signings, contracts, bills) @ 17Leo33 in 11th house. Mercury's only applying aspect is its trine to the Moon which opposes Bush's natal Chiron, Moon, Jupiter conjunction.

And moneybags Jupiter? Just barely into 10th house of Public Status - significantly positioned @ 29Can32, the degree of the Solar Eclipse cycle we're now in since the July 21, 2009 Eclipse - 'systems fail; new ideas and methods needed.' (Brady's Predictive Astrology.)

The bankers (Jupiter) are part of the crew who want our financial system to fail. But you've noticed that by now, right?

12th house of backdoor deals contains values-oriented Venus 21Vir46 conjunct tr asteroid Cupido linked to corporatism; Venus is conjunct Fixed Star Denebola, keywords: to go against society; against the mainstream.

SOX signing data from the official White House website.

Oct 23, 2009

George W. Bush smirks his regrets...

Eight years of a George Bush presidency saw hundreds of thousands of Americans repeatedly protesting in the streets, but funny how it made no difference in his decisions. Apparently the fix was in with the ones who select presidents, profit from war, build and export armaments, and plot to dominate the world 'on the ground' and from space...Bush stayed in office, and the majority of us cringed several times per day.

During the Bush administration, the attacks of 9/11/01 were used, at the least, to paper over the Bush-Cheney-SCOTUS affair which shoved the two oil men through the back door of the White House, and personally I see no reason to pardon SCOTUS for the travesty - EVER.

But in Canada these days, where Bush is on a rather extensive speaking tour, it's a different story and Bush is including a 'self-reflective' schtick meant to deflect inconvenient questions posed by audience members. And yet grumpy protesters keep showing up outside each venue, burning effigies and making it clear where they stand on George Bush's heinous ways and his sorry, sociopathic self.

Now I don't know what version of the Bible Bush clings to for his justifications, but as I groused before he invaded Iraq: the God in my Bible couldn't possibly rubberstamp his and his backers' decision to bomb the Holy Land back to the Stone Age and kill millions - millions of people who also happen to be God's children, oil or no oil.

And that is the best I can say for George W. Bush who now 'regrets' not sending troops into New Orleans earlier for Hurricane Katrina.

Troops? He thinks they only needed troops? What a jacka*s.

Sep 13, 2009

Poverty in US way up, Power Elite doing just fine

On September 10, 2009, the US Census Bureau released the latest figures for poverty rates in America which now affect one in eight Americans.

Our plutocrats-in-charge, the grossly wealthy and morally deformed power elite, remain unmoved as their NWO plans steamroll along.

And it continues to amaze me that so few people in this country see a connection!

On Jan 1, 2006, with Astrology as a lens and intuition my guide, I was blogging like the dissenting gnat I am here on SO'W and fussing about upcoming Soup Lines Across America. Was I wrong? Well, I wanted to be, yet felt a sinking feeling that I was not.

Please check out a bit of (Freemason) President Franklin D. Roosevelt's Jan 20, 1937 Inaugural Address where he defines the test of our progress, the dynamics of which I assert were of no concern to George Bush or to other US oligarchs.

So Bush's financial crisis of 2007/2008 expectably occurred, ostensibly giving states and the federal government many excuses for cutting back on public services just when they're needed most; now we see where Republican policies have led - to lukewarm bowls of Sole of Shoe Soup for many Americans, if they can get them.

Posted with the Fondest Affection for...


Update 9.13.09 6:22 pm edt: please check out the On America list in sidebar for a link to a new article concerning the US-Israeli relationship's role in the attacks of 9/11.

Aug 13, 2009

Jupiter Direct Station 17AQ10 10.13.09

Before you in black and white, you see a map showing the 1st minute and second of Jupiter's Direct Station 17AQ10 on Oct 13, 2009, 00:34:18 am edt, Washington, DC USA. The precise moment depends, of course, on the exactitude of one's software, which is quite naturally tossed off slightly by Moon Wobbles and other Quirks of the Universe.

How constantly grateful am I not to be even remotely responsible as the one who keeps our solar system's planets in their courses!

~Click image to enlarge/read notations and scribbles~

There is the grouchy Mars/South Node rising with North Node, the Dragon's Head, conjunct US natal Pluto. The look of the chart is disturbing and I prefer not mentioning it in too fine a detail for now. Perhaps you might study it for yourself and let me know what you decide. For now, let's discuss Jupiter's new condition as of Oct 13 as a planet (seemingly) moving ahead in the zodiac...

So imagine you're in DC (aka, the District of Columbia) during the wee hour of 12:34 am edt on Tuesday, Oct 13, 2009, and the Jolly Giant~Rotund Monk~Major General~Professor-the Banker of Means, performs a symbolic about-face resulting in things of a Jupiterian nature beginning - slowly at first, he's a big'un - to move forward where for months they'd been stalled, delayed, or grudgingly offered.

Well! That may be a wisp of fresh air!

This particular Direct Station of Jupiter closely conjuncts my daughter's natal Mars, so we'll see...perhaps sales will pick up even more in her Etsy Shop of Handspun and Dyed Yarns, or hubby will receive a bounty of some sort. Actually, a Direct Jupiter may benefit a lot of people (in Aquarius, sign of groups. Hey! What about Health Care Reform? Not a novel ideal, but...)

2009 Jupiter conj Neptune 3x = The Speculators, Gamblers, and Spendthrifts Among Us

Yes, hyper-inflation, inflation, and the over-printing of US monies fall under sway of 2009's year-long festival of the Great Conjunction/s of Jupiter and Neptune, a bubbly affair. Increased spirituality? For those receptive, yes. Lovely!

But financially speaking, these big guys are the Speculator Pair when scamming together. Fraud is often a partner when Neptune's deceptive tendencies meld with Jupiter's promises which can turn out to be over-estimations or pie-in-the-sky flights of whimsical fancy - not necessarily or consciously meant to deceive, yet deceive they may.

Jupiter's position at any time indicates where over-optimism may snuggle deep while over-reach creeps into the foundations and cornerstones...the first big wind swoops it all out to sea like a chilly mist over the cape...Neptune's waters are stronger than Saturn's stone or Jupiter's mantra.

Chill with Saturn

To counterbalance an over-abundant Jupiter, we need Saturnian stability and, rein in our exuberance, else it will grow irrational if left unattended. In a word, wild.

But things in Life and Astrology are always mixtures of +-, of yin and yang, male-fem, dark and light. So when Jupiter relates to others in an egomaniacal and unbalanced way, we often see a difficult personality that has necessarily developed many facets (masks) in the past for hiding the holes of the traits he doesn't possess. Parts of a human psyche go...missing and distorted. Ex: your average anti-social criminal types are 'missing' consciences for one reason or another.

Those of an I'm-on-the-world-stage-look-at-me mentality are simply ruthless to a much higher - make that, deeper - level, and their actions can affect larger numbers of people. They're hard to miss, so you probably know their names of the big ponzi scheme the world is saddled with. Think 'usury interest rates' and 'war profiteers' and you'll have most of them squirming in a giant pile already.

Astrologically, one signature for such a bigger-than-life egotist is a birth (natal) chart with all planets posited on one side (hemisphere) of a the 360 degree chart (circle.)

One clear example of this one-sided phenomena is George W. Bush of New Haven, CT.

You must have moxy, use of a good hynotist, and you must hold high a major goal to strive for, in order to reach the presidency and "catapult the propaganda" for the backers; yes, that's the job description someone gave W when he signed on to robot for the cause. He thoughtlessly passed the phrase on while on camera. To be crude, why should he have cared who knew? It's in the bag!

(Now other countries' presidencies and ministerships are much the same, of course. But it's America of which I speak - where Rs saluted and praised Bush after 9/11, almost as if he'd accomplished a feat which, for other men, would have been impossible. He stayed out of the way while Washington, DC, New York City, and __?__ (Pennsylvania) were attacked. Rotund monk Dick Cheney was behind a curtain with control panel in hand and button at elbow.)

So next time you spy a president or VP in your neighborhood, on TV, radio, iPhone, online, or wherever, please ask - of no one in particular - "What wealthy shadows back this nag?"

Then follow the whiff of money as it leads you by the nose like a cartoon cat or a mouse after cheese.

And let the world know what you find! At least that's what I'd do.

Cheney's influence on Bush waned

Turns out, from all the squawkin' Dick Cheney is now doing, we learn that he's admitting that his ifluence on George Bush waned during the 2nd term of the Bush-Cheney regime, aka 'administration' the Dick is miffed.

Jul 24, 2009

Last tiff between Bush and Cheney?

The last tiff between titans Bush and Cheney, just hours before they left office, is said to be the question of a pardon for Cheney's favorite yet discredited operative, Scooter Libby.

Methinks perhaps they were substituting the question of a presidential pardon for Mr. Libby for disagreements over their ill-conceived invasion of Iraq, the elephant they should have been arguing over.

Update July 27, 2009: here's a column citing Bush-Cheney crimes as posted on At-Largely yesterday, July 26.