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Dec 2, 2006

Alexander Litvinenko Dec 4 1962

Sunday 6:45 pm: Okay, I give up:

Alexander Litvinenko's natal sunrise chart is posted at Lim's Limericks because Mr A.Cat and Lim have generously allowed it to be posted on their blog which makes sense what with Mr. A.Cat's former status as an agent in service to our nation, so click Alexander Litvinenko's natal chart.

It's under post title, Lim helps out Stars Over Washington, in case you get lost. Wouldn't surprise me if you did (I'm lookin' at you, BLOGGER.)

But if the BLOGGER photo non-posting situation clears up here I'll improve this situation asap, otherwise, this is the only end-run I can come up with for now to solve the disembodied chart/text least you can have a gander at the chart with just one click!


Sunday 12.3.06: Well, this is annoying. After being under the weather the last few days, I'm almost recoup'd and wanting to post Alexander Litvinenko's natal sunrise chart along with Nov 1 transits added, but BLOGGER is having none of it.

Although I tried several times and BLOGGER seems to upload the image, there's no image there. So I'm publishing this anyway and will return later in the afternoon to (hopefully) add the image of the poor man's chart with his day-of-poisoning transits written in.

XXXX UPDATE March 24 2008: the links to this article and the next are no longer available oddly enough...even though U.K. supposedly widened their 'probe' of the ex-spy's heinous poisoning which brought U.K. investigators to the US, to interview former KGB officer Yuri Shvets in Virginia. Um-hmm.


Original post begins here:

Italian who dined with the former KGB spy may yet share his fate from The Scotsman. Click on the article's link, Alexander Litvinenko and you'll find several articles on this sad matter.

~~~>(March 24, 2008: perhaps you can search for these articles on the Litvinenko poisoning investigation - good luck because you may need it!)

Per request, I'm publishing Alexander Litvinenko's natal sunrise chart, birth time unknown, and have written in my usual chicken scratch around the outside the transits for Nov 1, 2006, day of his poisoning, Sun at Mc at "9Sco": "Dental work."

As mentioned in a recent post, we see transit Venus in Scorpio, sign of spies and betrayal, on the verge of forming her Return to Litvinenko and to Putin's natal Venus--for they share Venus in the 11-13 Scorpio range--part of the Via Combusta, the burning way (15 Libra--15Scorpio.)

This area of the zodiac was considered in ancient times to be esp unfortunate due to the large number of malignant stars in the first half of Scorpio, but because of precession, Via Combusta is seldom used in modern times. The usual exception would be with horary astrology--the answering of specific questions.

Concerning the natal chart of Litvinenko (AL) we see an out-of-bounds Mercury in Sagittarius, and an Oriental Neptune--the planet rising just before the Sun. This indicates a person who is able to be or seem whatever his surroundings need him to be...a cameleon, a handy trait to have when engaged in espionage.

AL's prenatal eclipse series is 19North, a series which began July 5, 1331.

From the brilliant Bernadette Brady in her invaluable book, Predictive Astrology, the Eagle and the Lark,, the 19N Series tends to bring realism; coming down to earth with a thud; becoming aware of an old situation and seeing it for what it really is; a good time for tackling the truth.

A Solar Eclipse last occurred in the Series Aug 22, 1998, so for the 6 months afterward, AL may have dealt with these experiences...and I believe he did which may be part of why they silenced him.

In fact, his disagreements and outspokenness against the Kremlin and the FSB began publicly in 1998. #

The recent Mercury Transit:

TRANSIT OF MERCURY PHOTO CONTEST: Photos. Paintings. 3D Anaglyphs: Hundreds of entries to the Transit of Mercury Photo Contest have been judged. And the winners are ... click here: SpaceWeather News.

Nov 30, 2006

Radioactive Red Herrings?

Update Friday 8:00 pm: it's just a little radiation: Former Spy's Wife Positive for Radiation...

Update Thursday 5:33 pm --AP: FBI Joins Investigation of Poisoned Spy...

This Morning:

12 Sites in U.K. Show Radioactive Traces tells of the Litvinenko poisoning investigation's expansion to more aeroplanes including a Russian plane.

SO'W has received an email suggesting an interesting theory that Putin is spreading radioactive red herrings about the place. Good point, Daan.

And then there's Ireland:

Economist and former Russian premier Yegor Gaidar, at a conference in Maynooth the other day, became violently ill and was rushed to an Irish hospital. He's diabetic, but it wasn't the meal's sugar content. Was Dioxin Soup on the menu once again?

Gaidar was returned to Moscow earlier this week and is said to be improving from possible poisoning. Hope he has a dragon guarding his door--it may take a dragon to fight these desperate characters who act outside all bounds of decency. Read about it in the above-linked article, what little they're letting out.

And so...the "cause" of terroism is spread regardless of who poisoned whom--there are buried truths here which sane people may never know. The psychopaths have overrun the asylum as we see...and I hope they catch the bastards.

Bush and Maliki still in cahoots (imaginary wringing of hands):

Bush has assured Maliki that the US isn't looking for a "graceful exit" from the Iraq War...which leaves me close to speechless! He and Cheney and the rest never intended an exit at all! Talk about a red herring--I wish the media would shut up about will he or won't he--that's not the issue. Really.


Nov 29, 2006

20/20 tonight: John Stossel on the rich

Tonight's 20/20 has a Stossel expose on how cheap most rich folk this news?

My theory is that you have to be grasping to pile up the pesos and it helps to be King Midas or his offspring to hang on to your piles.

Still, Stossel on The View this morning seems to have interesting interviews and conclusions in store for the rest of us schlups...schlups who give more charitable $$s in portion to income than do the greedy Midases among us.

And I know one thing: it's easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God.

So is it Gates Foundation at the Pearly Gates? Hmm-m-m...


NOON> NPR reports: Bill Frist is NOT running for president! Whew! That was close.
He'll be perpetrating medicine again.

Nov 28, 2006

Bush blacklisting privileges nixed

Judge Strikes Down Bush on Terror Groups but how long will it last with a sidewindin' varmint like Bush?

All apologies to the wonderful Cancer personality reading this post, but Bush exhibits all the (crabby) Cancerian traits of going around obstacles sideways if other Chiron/Uranus reformer-types, he always has a trapdoor and an escape hatch lined up to reach that cushy hidey-hole under the protective shell of plausible deniability.


testing Scaramella

Italian Who Met With Ex-KGB Agent Tested for radiation contamination from the Alexander Litvinenko assassination.

From whence polonium-210? Russia says that 8 grams are exported monthly--all of it to the United States. How's that for the big insinuation? They say there've been no exports to Britain in five years.

But Britain, who admits to something like 130 nuclear sites, has plenty of her own, thanks. And there are cups o'tea all over the British Isles, of that I'm certain...the vast majority of them delicious and radiation-free.

Previously I had been looking at Scaramella as Jupiter--the professor, but Jupiter may also signify...the mentor...

...was exiled Russian millionaire Boris Berezovsky--said to have been Litvinenko's mentor--represented by Jupiter (rich man; guru; mentor) in the poisoning chart of Nov 1 ?(details below...scroll a little please.)

Nov 1> Mercury/Jupiter at "25Sco": "An x-ray">INVESTIGATION. Descriptive, no?

Mercury (young person = Litvenenko? but he was 43...Mercury is also the student or the scribe) and was Rx and in process of conjuncting Jupiter Nov 1. And it is now being reported that Litvinenko visited Berezovsky's Mayfair office that he was wont to use the telephone, computer, and photo-copier.

Yet: is a spy without a cell phone like a Russian president without an alibi?


STOP the lame duck Cheney-Specter bill

Are you shocked? You should be:

President Bush recently announced his plan to use the "lame duck" session of Congress to push through a bill authorizing the government to read our emails and tap our phone calls without our consent.

This un-American "Big Brother" bill could come to pass in just two months! Speak up now - before our right to free speech is stripped away. Stop the government from reading your email or listening to your phone calls without consent.

Legislation known as the "Cheney-Specter" bill would allow warrantless surveillance of all international calls and emails of Americans and businesses in the U.S., without any evidence that they are conspiring with foreign terrorist organizations.

A New York Times editorial summed up the situation by saying that this is "one of the worst ideas his administration and its Republican allies on Capitol Hill have come up with: a bill that would legalize his illegal wiretapping program and gut the law that limits a president's ability to abuse his power in this way."

A federal court has already ruled that the domestic spying program violates the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA), which was passed to curb executive abuses like spying on civil rights leaders and Members of Congress. But despite this ruling, President Bush has made this legislation top priority for the "lame duck" session of Congress! president's ability to abuse his power in this way."

Stand up to protect our privacy and constitutional rights. Sign the petition at:

America prides itself on being a country founded on liberty and due process. We can't sit back while this is changed forever. Thank you for signing this important petition.#

There are 30,000+ signatures on this petition and they want 50,000.

Do you want privacy in your communications...or a Bush, Cheney, and Specter snoot shoved into your personal business?

PLEASE SIGN TODAY--the end of the year approaches and the hawkish Republican Congress is determined to do their dirtiest to the American people before their goose-steppin', boot-scootin' jig is up.

Pass the word!


Nov 27, 2006

$500 million for Bush Reach-Around Library

All you need are a few good friends...from Peter Baker's article in WaPo, Nov 18: Bush Has Fewer and Fewer Friends. Looks more like a partners-in-crime line-up, doesn't it? And Putin looks good in blue.

Shelley Lewis, author of Naked Republicans, A Full-Frontal Exposure of Right-wing Hyposcrisy and Greed,has written an article on HuffPost with some excellent suggestions for Bush's proposed $500 million dollar presidential Texas, where else? Do you see any locations lining up to host it?

Here's an excerpt: "And how about a cakewalk in the museum cafeteria? No pretzels, though; they're a choke hazard."

You may want to quick-read the rest in case you're tempted to become a megadonor for this boondoggling absurdity or if you plan to get paid (once it's up, running, and super-funded) for writing papers favorable to George W. Bush and his "presidency" but you'll have your work cut out for ya there, pilgrim...

What Five Hundred Million Dollars Will Buy in the Bush Library has some great ideas for naming things exactly what they turned out to be as the fox was selected to guard the henhouse and the robber barons have crept out of hiding to ride roughshod again.


Nov 26, 2006

Neptune's rare and exotic mist

As Neptune continues triggering the "A man unmasked" degree, we find that the poison used upon Alexander Litvinenko on November 1 was possibly administered to his sushi lunch by way of an aerosol mist and now Londoners tested as Litvinenko poison fears grow

Polonium-210, which emits alpha radiation, is considered rare and exotic, and must be sophisticatedly bombarded by neutrons...and a huge amount was used to kill just one man. Very few labs can manage this process, it seems...wonder if there are more of them than we think?

Sounds like the fear level in London--or in the West--may have been part of the plan, doesn't it? A bit of a showy way to kill one man, I'd say.

There are national charts for two Middle Eastern countries which have Neptune on natal Descendant just now (17AQ+) and you know Neptune's connection to poisons, mists, aerosols, fogs, drugs including alcohol...and to the Middle East (think: poppy fields and mysticism.)

In London, on Nov 1, the day Litvinenko was poisoned, saboteur and assassin Pluto (also connected with poisons and death) was rising at 11:07 am while 29Libra24 was at Mc...29 = a critical or crisis degree.

There are several other points of interest that day which are easily seen using the animated chart feature of Solar Fire, but Pluto rising would have to be pertinent, imho...esp with a 29 degree Mc (WHY)/Ic (HOW) showing up simultaneously.

Putin's natal ASC 3Sco10 was culminating at the top of the chart (Mc) at 11:21 am, and instigator Mars 5Sco57 culminated at 11:32 am. Venus is a "player" too esp since Putin has Venus in first house natally (11Sco42)...and his Venus Return was Nov 2...the next day.

At sunrise Nov 1, asteroid Hopi (keyword: ambush) was rising in tandem with Venus--and Venus can be even more vicious in war than Mars, as you know.

Yes, there's a "misplaced trust" vibe in several spots in the chart/s for Nov 1, but to simplify, I'll end with the Sun 8Sco56 at Mc> 11:44 am, "9Sco": "Dental work."

You'll find some interesting possibilities posed by a former CIA officer and others at at-Largely by Larisa Alexandrova...was the poison administered in a cup of morning tea taken at an old friend's flat prior to his luncheon meeting at the sushi restaurant?

The more I read, the more it seems that "misplaced trust" was the tone of the day--but Scaramella's motives are still suspect--seems the culprits thought the poison would fail to be identified! Those Brits!


Nov 25, 2006

Litvinenko's Statement

I would like to thank many people. My doctors, nurses and hospital staff; the British police who are pursuing my case with vigour and are watching over me and my family. I would like to thank the British Government for taking me under their care. I am honoured to be a British citizen.

I would like to thank the British public for their messages of support and for the interest they have shown in my plight.

I thank my wife, Marina, who has stood by me. My love for her and our son knows no bounds.

But, as I lie here I can distinctly hear the beating of wings of the angel of death. I may be able to give him the slip, but I have to say my legs do not run as fast as I would like. I think, therefore, that this may be the time to say one or two things to the person responsible for my present condition.

You may succeed in silencing me but that silence comes at a price. You have shown yourself to be as barbaric and ruthless as your most hostile critics have claimed.

You have shown yourself to have no respect for life, liberty or any civilised value.

You have shown yourself to be unworthy of your office, to be unworthy of the trust of civilised men and women.

You may succeed in silencing one man but the howl of protest from around the world will reverberate, Mr Putin, in your ears for the rest of your life. May God forgive you for what you have done, not only to me but to beloved Russia and its people.

--Alexander Litvinenko

This statement from: The Scotsman

Nov 24, 2006

Putin and the poisoned spy

Saturday Update> Putin's Prenatal Eclipse Series 8 South:

On September 22, 2006 was the 8S Solar Eclipse I have previously mentioned. Turns out that it's in the 8 South Series--same Series in which Vladdie Putin was born into and so the Eclipse issues tend to replay in Putin's life.

Bernadette Brady gives this interpretation of the Series (which began April 1, 1718, Sun/Moon 10Ari54, "11Ari" = "The president of the country"):

Loss, separation, partings, to be finished with something and be sad at its completion; physical injury possible esp through overstraining.

September's Eclipse occurred at 29Vir20 with 29 being a critical/crisis degree.

Using the Marc Edmund Jones' version, let's consider the Sabian Symbols for both 29Vir and 30Vir:

"29Vir": "A man gaining secret knowledge from an ancient scroll he is reading"...

pos: imagination brought to the full of its powers through conscious effort;

neg/shadow side: loss of common sense in pure supposition.

This Symbol refers to "the world's conservatism...the fixity of idea by which human beings preserve their culture is also a protection for all hidden wisdom and unsuspected ways of knowing... Keyword: DISCOVERY" --The Sabian Symbols in Astrology, Jones.

Very spy-esque, isn't it?

"30Vir": "A false call unheard in attention to immediate service"...

pos: exceptionally gratifying self-fulfillment through the development of a genuine integrity;

neg/shadow side: consistently witless indiscretion.

( indiscreet, if former, spy--or an indiscreet president of the country? Perhaps both.)

This Symbol refers to the dramatizing of "a high personal competency in everyday problem-solving. Keyword: SAFEGUARD."

The Sept 22 Solar Eclipse degree appears prominently in one particular chart during this sad affair--it's rising at the moment the Moon conjuncted Saturn 23Leo35 on Nov 13, with Rx Mercury that day at 11Sco22 (conjunct Putin's natal Venus, his natal chart-ruler...

"11Sco": "A drowning man rescued" and "12Sco": "an embassy ball"...

...and the Moon/Saturn conjunction's degree "25Leo": "A large camel crossing the desert"...

pos: uncompromising persistence and uncomplaining self-expenditure in any course to be followed;

neg: ruthlessness in an unintelligent self-interest. Keyword: ADEQUACY. This refers to "man's capacity to overcome handicaps imposed upon him..."

Also on Nov 13, Venus 24Sco4...and on the day Litvinenko was transferred to a second hospital in London (Nov 17), the Sun arose at 24Sco48...this is an important degree because not only have Mars and Jupiter traversed it, but the Mercury/Jupiter conjunction took place there on Nov 1--the day of his poisoning."25Sco": "An x-ray"...

pos: an exceptional power of analysis;

neg/shadow side (shadows on Litvinenkos' x-ray?): uncritical oversenitiveness to both the condition of self and the state of society. Keyword: INVESTIGATION...

...which is what Litvinenko was in process of doing...and, as it turned out, in process of sacrificing himself for, it seems.

Ands here's an interesting twist:

Dead Russian Spy Was Israeli Double Agent

Friday's post begins here:

London Nov 23, 2006 9:21 pm UT

Okay, Y'all, after a long holiday break, it's chicken scratch time--if you enlarge this tragic chart, you may be able to read my scratchy scribbles concerning Alexander Litvinenko's poisoning for ratting on Vladimir Putin and the KGB.

If you see nothing else in this chart, please see the midpoint of Moon and Ascendant (Moon/Asc) which is a midpoint most often present in cases of poisoning

Moon/Asc = Ic, the HOW Point of the chart...and if we use the opposite Point, the MC (WHY), we get-- Moon/Asc = Mc: exposing oneself to the influence of women.

With tr Moon 6Cap31 just recently passed the tr Mars/Neptune midpoint--a combo of infections and/or deceptive actions--we see--Mars/Nep = Moon: weak, sick or moody women; crooks; the danger of infection. This Moon is at "7Cap", the "Veiled prophet of power" degree, and I'm sure you've read what Mr Litvenenko has prophesied for Mr Putin's future.

The Images for the Sun Sag/Moon Cap of Litvenenko's convenient death are:

In the year 2999, a courageous explorer goes on a quest for knowledge of the past which opens up for a man a hopeful future on another planet (guess Britain was the wrong "planet" but he was questing, all right--jc)...With patient skill a rock climber scales a seemingly impossible mountain peak.

Very Capricornian, that last one.

Incidental note: the Mc/Ic of this death chart is the same as the Mc/Ic axis of George Bush's natal chart.

Enlarge chart to see the pile-up of Putin's planets rising in this chart, if you can.

In Putin's natal chart, transiting Saturn (control; responsibility; authority; the grim reaper) has just crossed his natal Mc after conjuncting natal South Node, a separative point (it wasn't me! he says.) And low and behold, there's his natal Pluto at Mc, too...planet of secret activities including powerful organized crime syndicates and such.

This gives a line-up of: natal SN 20Leo00; natal Mc 21Leo13; natal Pluto 22Leo43, and there sits bowling-for-polonium-210 Saturn reaping away as he lines up for the Saturnian Scythe now forming with the Blade--all those planets in Scorpio (which has death issues of its own.)

Tr Saturn has been conjuncting these points and planets for Mr Putin since mid-September and of course, journalist Anna Politkovskaya was assassinated in October...which is what Mr Litvinenko was investigating.

Mr Litvinenko, in his deathbed statement, called Putin "barbaric and ruthless"--traits which are easily visible in Putin's natal chart, so I won't cover them here.

And if you want more info on this unfolding story, here are some links:

from the AP...Poisoned Spy Blames Putin for His Death

Former Russian spy dies in hospital as mystery over 'poisoning' deepens and

Academic says he and ex-spy were on hit list say The Scotsman...which brings Italian Intelligence into the picture. Italy is where The Vatican is located, y'know.

Then there's this from ITAR TASS Deaths should not be used for political provocative acts-Putin. You may want to take a shower after reading this one.

Well, there's a lot more I could say on Putin and other things, but for now I'll just be keeping a squinty eye on the situation and will let you know if anything pertinent appears in the starry realms which could yield a clue ot two into the mystery...

...and am sending out my sincere condolences to Mr Litvenenko's family and friends.

"The bastards got him."



And if you, Lone Reader, wonder where I've been all week, here's a link to an article on Gather which tells the tale of local developers attempting to run amuck over rural communities...and you'll see that I get my feistiness by natural means...

John Barnett, Revolutionary Patriot and for an update since the Planning Commission meeting, there's:
John Barnett's RIP update.

It's Round One down with much more to come, Y'all!



UPDATE Jan 22, 2016: Putin and Alexander Litvinenko are again in the news so I returned to check the article links in this post. Oddly they are no longer live. Like Alexander Litvinenko, may he R. I. P. jc

PS: and is no longer in existence so my John Barnett articles are poof! j

Nov 19, 2006

If their kids had to fight

New York Democrat Charles Rangel believes that if politicians' kids had to fight wars, Congress would be deterred from launching them.

Rep. Rangel Will Seek to Reinstate Draft next year.

Yeah. It's easy to send someone else to do your dirty work, isn't it?



Nov 17, 2006

shadowed Bush hears voices calling

Iraq War Shadows Bush Visit to Vietnam...not his conscience, mind one seems to be sure he ever had one of those.

Bush said that the US sees its role in Asia, a region with a history of colonialism, as one of "partnership, not paternalism."

Degree of the New World Order's Uranus/Neptune conjunction, 1993, at "18Cap"--let's say it all together now..."Smug or strong-armed paternalism."

Have you ever thought Bush or Cheney seemed on the smug side? Me, too!

Pacific Grim:

Not much enthusiam being shown by the sparse crowds--not like when Clinton cameoed a few years ago. Good times!

2006: Trade deals with our Asian partners? No borders now, with that New World Order now! Quite a tightrope he's been walking, isn't it? Rallying national "patriotism" enough to get Americans to sacrifice their lives yet dissolving our borders at the same time! Wow, what a task! Why it's almost...subtle.

Bush said in his speech at the National University of Singapore that "we hear voices calling (Pelosi, Murtha, and Hoyer?) for us to retreat from the world
(how about from policing the world and throwing good money after bad?) and close the doors to these opportunities."

And you know who these opportunities benefit the most. He ignores the real "isolationism" which his lousy policies and strong-arming created--ain't he a card? Fancies himself a joker, our mr. with-us-or-against-us.

My advice: navigate over to Lim's Limericks to get Mr.A.Cat's take on Bush's worser-late-than-never trip to Vietman with a groanworthy enough rendition of A Kitten Flew into Hanoi.

Skedaddle now--what are you waiting for? The show's over and you can't stay here...

