Of Saturn-Neptune, Droughts, and Controversial Rainmakers
by Jude Cowell
Note: This post from 2012 has been mildly updated in 2024 due to its previously embedded video and some article expirations. Hopefully what remains herein is still Live by the time you arrive! jc
Original post begins here:
The Texas droughts that spread to other states got me thinking about the drought in 1953 and the triple Great Conjunction/s of Saturn (restriction, stoppage, loss, and drought a long time coming) and Neptune of water, rain, gas ('orgone energy', in this case), and oceanic tendencies, with Neptune also a planet of loss, theft, and intrigue, and both planets karmic in nature (karma: reaping what was sown). Or, in the case of drought conditions, perhaps not reaping anything at all.
So below is a list of Saturn-Neptune conjunction dates and degrees of 1952/53 though they did meet 3 times in 1989 in the 10--12 Capricorn degree range, where transit Pluto soon will plod (Saturn-Neptune = tr Pluto: feeling downtrodden; tremendous awareness of a potential for loss; fear--Tyl; rejection of responsibility and denial of guilt from responsible people; new ideas on evolution which upset long-held but weaker historical theories--M. Munkasey.)
Saturn-Neptune Conjunctions of 1952/53:
1. November 21, 1952 @22Lib47; 2. May 1, 1953 @22Lib39; 3. July 22, 1953 @21Lib12, as Saturn 'stopped' the Neptunian 'rain' from falling. And to use an antique concept these degrees in Libra are within the perilous Via Combusta (the burning way) but thankfully, the Moon is not there!
You'll note that the Libra degrees from 1952-53 are recently being re-visited by dry, drying Saturn, today @24Lib28. Saturn-Neptune with more Saturn = Cutting through deception; added tolerance for tedious tasks--M. Munkasey). Also today, Neptune is @2Pis07 Rx ('3Pisces' = "A Petrified Forest," a very dry scene) yet you'd think there would be no droughts at all in any location with Neptune now floating through in its own watery sign of Pisces, wouldn't you?
The Drought in 1953
Austrian psychoanalyst Wilhelm Reich's invention, the cloudbuster, was demonstrated on July 6, 1953--just before conjunction #3, above, near Maine's Bangor hydro-electric dam (hydro = Neptune, electric = Uranus) in what's called The Blueberry Experiment, beginning at 10 am. Yes, it rained and crops were saved!
And if you set up a horoscope for July 6, 1953 you'll see a vital, interesting planetary conjunction with a major star: Sun, Mars, and SIRIUS in Cancer, water sign of The Crab, scuttling sideways. In an appropriate synchronicity, SIRIUS links with the annual flooding of the Nile in ancient Egypt.
Plus, in 1953 the Sun-Mars-SIRIUS trio was in the cosmic neighborhood of electrical Uranus @18Can29 of lightening bolt fame.
Then looking ahead, the next Great Conjunction of Saturn (government; laws; boundaries; restriction; karma) and Neptune (veils; disguises; secrets; fraud; subversion; urge to merge; contagion) is on February 20, 2026 at Aries Point (actually @00Ari45), a World Point of Manifestation and/or Recognition, which will greatly enhance the significance of the Saturn-Neptune combination of antithetical energies while emphasizing the year 2026. Perhaps a drought will occur then and if so, its threat of famine could well be of global proportions (AP). Or, maybe the masks of the global crime syndicate's gaggle of corrupt government officials, secret agents, operatives, gangsters, and criminals will be finally washed away and the world will see their ugly faces.
Additionally with the Saturn-Neptune duo, matters relating to homelessness, healthcare, and our social safety net programs in the US are quite likely to be on the chopping block - not that the 'economic royalists" of the GOP have ever forgotten about gutting them since FDR created them.