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Mar 15, 2024

Old Nazi morphs into US Secret Agent by Joseph Conrad

Astro-Notes: An Old Nazi's Personality Blend

by Jude Cowell

Now this may not be news to you, dear reader, but Klaus Barbie, head of Germany's Gestapo (secret police) from 1942 to 1944, died of cancer on September 25, 1991 in Lyon, France, the place where he'd earned his title during WWII as The Butcher of Lyon. After the war, the US made him an intelligence officer and used Barbie for gathering whatever it was he gathered. For after all, what better opportunity could a world class murderer expect after a war ends than a new life perpetrating whatever he perpetrates best?

Now Nikolaus Barbie's reputation for torture and brutality preceded him and were enough of a work reference for US intelligence big wigs to give "Klaus" a free pass and a new life in Bolivia so that Washington could learn his methods. Was FBI Director J. Edgar in on the scheme, one imagines, or did other agencies benefit?

Well, somehow Herr Barbie's secret-keeping skills and work ethic of torture and barbarism may not have been the only reasons he was spirited away from European areas of devastation, willfully destroyed by villains such as Klaus Barbie. Apparently, the US government prized his anti-communists efforts enough to aid his escape which avoided an arrest warrant. Here he is now:

Section de recherche de la Gendarmerie nationale de Lyon, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons

Now agent Barbie was born October 25, 1913 7:00 am MET in Godesburg, Germany (RR: AA), so if you wish, grab a peek at the natal horoscope and planets of Klaus Barbie where you'll see his Water-Earth Sun Scorpio-Moon Virgo personality blend which suggests a strong mind, a sense of duty, and a generous helping of arrogance that will not be bullied. Notable leanings include narrow-mindedness and an assumption that if he can think them up, he's entitled to rewrite the rules to suit himself.

(For more details, see Sun-Moon Signs, Charles and Suzi Harvey. #ad.)

Then speaking of spycraft, back in the day I saw guitarist-singer Johnny Rivers play a college concert. Here he is with his 1966 hit, Secret Agent Man which was also a TV show theme starring British actor Patrick McGoohan (Sun Pisces-Moon AQ or Pisces; 1928-2009).

Mar 14, 2024

Haiti: Chaos and Crisis 2024

Transit Saturn 2024 Hits Haiti's Pluto-Moon Opposition

by Jude Cowell, partisan for the commmon good

Currently in Haiti, we find the stressful Saturn-Pluto duo affecting the Virgo-Pisces victim-savior axis as its leader resigns, cowers in Puerto Rico, and fears of widespread violence overtake the victimized population.

For details, see msn's Violence, Politics, and Hunger in Haiti. As you know, the chaos has simmered since the catastrophic 7.0 earthquake of January 12, 2010 which devastated Haiti and its people, and placed the island's national debt under global scrutiny. See Naomi Klein warns on Haiti disaster capitalism, a vintage post that also contains notes on the founding 1804 Horoscope of Haiti.

A Difficult Astrological Picture of Harsh Events

Now a Moon-Pluto opposition tends to attract violence and crime unless it can be used positively as a deep well of creativity. Yet there are now both positive and negative transits to Haiti's 1804 planets. Consider the following bi-wheel which is based on the February 1, 2024 transit of karmic Saturn, planet of restriction and limitation (ex: starvation, deprivation, fear) hitting Haiti's 1804 Pluto opposing its Virgo Moon, a picture of mental and emotional suffering. The bi-wheel provides an astro-snapshot of that and other planetary contacts ongoing and upcoming; my study notes are messily penned on for the curious reader.

Horoscopes: Haiti January 1, 1804 Gonaives 12:00 pm LMT (inner; Campion #146) and Transit Saturn Conjunct Haiti's Pluto-Moon Opposition February 1, 2024 Gonaives, Haiti:

Naturally, we tend to associate societal "chaos" with disruptive planet Uranus, now in earthy Taurus; shown in the bi-wheel is transit Uranus in Haiti's 2nd house of Money and Possessions aligning to oppose Haiti's 8th house Neptune @25Sco05--the House of Debt and Credit. So currently, Haiti suffers Uranian trouble on the financial Taurus-Scorpio axis of control and manipulation. This stressful transit will be exact three times with the first opposition coming on June 17, 2024, the second on November 20, 2024, and the third in 2025. Uranus opposing Neptune: fraud, illusion, and even masked marauders.

Now I realize that posting this bi-wheel today does absolutely nothing for the good people of Haiti, and so I offer my heartfelt prayers for their safety and for the strength to make it through yet another devastating crisis as larger forces battle one another for governmental, political, and financial control of their country. For like the good people of Ukraine and Gaza, the Haitian people deserve much better than they're getting.

Mar 12, 2024

Spring Equinox 2024: Moon-Pluto

by Jude Cowell, partisan for the common good

This post is a second look at the Spring Equinox 2024 Horoscope, again set for Washington DC. Unlisted is the Vertex ('VX') of fated encounters which falls at a Cardinal World Point of Manifestation: 00Can11 in the 8th house of the chart which qualifies as a cosmic time link with the 4 North Solar Eclipse @00Can21 on June 21, 2020 with themes of "restriction; restraint; illusion; separation; misjudging strength or the situation' (B. Brady).

Obviously, year 2020 is prominent for America in particular because it ended with the 4 South Electoral College Vote Eclipse of December 14, 2020 @23Sagittarius (near Trump's natal Moon/SN) with its "strong emotions over finances and/or relationships; sudden urge to end unions; blocked emotions; sense of fatedness; events beyond control; avoid rash action" (paraphrasing B.Brady). And as we know, these frustrated energies gave rise to "The Big Lie."

So as you see for year 2024, there's a prominent, emotional Moon-Pluto opposition (astro-notes penned on the chart, upper center) with Pluto @1AQ39 in 3rd house leading a BOWL shape (advocating for a cause along with Altair, the eagle star of empire) while combative Mars @27AQ46 conjuncts the IC of Domestic Scene and suggesting the quarrels, anger, and a potential for violent acts which Campaign 2024 could bring - but no one needs Astrology to tell them these possibilities:

Now for astrologers who use a late afternoon horoscope for America (July 4, 1776), Mars @26AQ46 conjuncts US Moon in late Aquarius which adds another level of belligerence and aggression to the Spring 2024 Moon-Pluto picture. Plus, as you know, a Spring Equinox Horoscope may be utilized for an entire year but also for a quarter of a year with the Summer Solstice 2024 Horoscope "taking over" in June. Yet obviously, an overview of both charts, plus, Autumn EQ and Winter Solstice will provide the broadest picture of an entire year into the next.

As an example, society has continued to operate under the auspices of the Winter Solstice 2023 Horoscope since last December and will continue to do so until the above March 19th horoscope "takes over" the reins, so to speak. Well, planetary positions do morph into one another don't they, as round and round they go, cycles within cycles.

Then last but not least, the above foundational position of warrior planet Mars diametrically opposes the natal Mars @26Leo46 and rising of Mr. Trump and reveals a year of hitting his head against a brick wall (due to irrational/unreasonable desires, as echoed above in my the Moon-Pluto opposition notes), with his ideas, plans, and aggressive actions meeting the equally determined forces arrayed against him.

And all under the influence of the 7 South Solar Eclipse which manifested on October 14, 2023 @21Lib07 with themes of "crisis," or, "a huge obstacle suddenly clears" with everything seeming to "move at great speed" (B. Brady) - and in Libra, the sign of the Scales of Justice.

Mar 8, 2024

January 3, 2025: 119th Congress opens

If All Goes Well on Capitol Hill

by Jude Cowell

Will the clownish, do-nothing, stunt-prone atmosphere of the current 118th Congress' Maga-led House fade away into the dustbin of history, yet with its sorry effects lingering on? Of late, there is an odor in the air, as perhaps you agree.

Well, when the 119th Congress swears in on January 3, 2025, below is the horoscope we get at 12 noon est, if all goes well. How many, if any, Maga and Freedom Caucus malcontents (aka, seditionists) will be sworn in depends on the results of Election 2024 - and whether the Justice Department catches up with congress members complicit in the J6 coup attempt. These topics we've discussed multiple times here on SO'W so let's not repeat it in this brief post as we look ahead to January 3, 2025 events.

Besides, when it comes to taking a congressional Oath of Office, we have cause to wonder what exactly any seditionist could possibly swear to that's in any way aboveboard.

119th Congress Horoscope January 3, 2025

Now as you see in the 119th Congress chart below, the 8 North "Great American Eclipse" of April 8, 2024 @19Ari24 rises with its visions and dreams vibes along with priestly Chiron, the wounded healer - and/or the blindspot. This may refer to "Republican" theocrats so desperate for governmental control, but hopefully it's more of a compassionate indicator than a brutal one - a New Testament Christ rather than an Old Testament authoritarian with a twisted eye-for-an-eye perspective against all humanity - women in particular.

However, the reality is that the 8 South Eclipse of October 2, 2024 @10Lib03 is of the Series in which all three events - Election 2024, the 119th Congress' swearing in, and Inauguration 2025 - occur with 8 South themes of loss and separation (B. Brady) for one side or the other. But isn't that always the case with any competition? One side wins and the other side loses. Personally, I prefer the good guys side rather than the evil bas**rds, and I hope you agree:

And here's an unmarked version of the same 119th Congress Horoscope which may be useful for future reference:

A Related Post: the Inauguration 2025 Horoscope.

Biden SOTU 2024: Bound to Succeed!

A SOTU 2024 Astro-Review

by Jude Cowell, partisan for the common good

Last night's SOTU Address to a joint session of Congress was delivered in fiery fashion by President Joe Biden who, some pundits say, will get him re-elected. Unlike his past SOTUs, President Biden didn't ask the malcontent Republicans to join him in legislative tasks to boost the country, instead he forcefully called them out on just about every issue they truculently oppose. With satisfaction I can type that Republicans' frilly gnatzie underpants were showing!

SOTU 2024 in Balsamic Lunar Phase: Prophetic

Citing a positive vision for our nation's future, Joe Biden symbolically reached ahead toward the promises of the visionary Great American Eclipse of April 8, 2024 of prophetic dreams, and claimed them to include in his bracing, forward-looking speech. Combative, yes, (his natal Saturn-Uranus conjunction came in handy!) and we can see these facets in midpoint pictures with the North Node of public contact in pioneering Aries at apex; penned on the chart, look for NN = Saturn-Uranus midpoint: combative energy, but also NN = Sun-Jupiter: new plans that feel "bound to succeed" (N. Tyl):

Above: SOTU 2024 9:27 pm est (lower left, Hour of Sun) and SOTU 2024 10:34 pm est (upper right, Hour of Mars); timings used from my phone's time stamp, yours may differ slightly.

Other astro-notes are listed on the charts for the curious including President Biden's natal Mars @12Scorpio rising as he ended his SOTU address--and with transit Jupiter in obstinate, often greedy Taurus opposing his Mars, a challenging opposition that will soon pass from Jupiter's Sabian Symbol word picture: "A Man Handling Baggage."

Well, I'd have to say that last night, Mr. Biden "handled" the dead-weight Republicans very well, those who refuse to govern and only pretend allegiance to America. Yet the quarrels won't end for it's Campaign 2024, after all.

And one, perhaps the major, issue the President has to improve upon is his outward support of Netanyahu's brutality against the Palestinian people and thousands of Michigan voters' recent protest against Biden's public stance--notwithstanding his workings behind the scenes toward a ceasefire in Gaza. See upper right corner for the Nemesis (divine foe) conjunction with Niobe (grieving mothers), both lingering in retrograde, for the Israeli-Palestinian paradox, the inability to forgive leading to endless acts of revenge, has caused strife and suffering in the world for as long as anyone can remember.

A Change of Perspective for Election 2024!

So now it's been confirmed that the Venus Election Cycle may be on the Democrats' side after all. Why? Because with election Venus in Sagittarius, sign of the outsider or stranger, the Venusian forecast is for a rival of the incumbent to be victorious this November, and there have been only a couple of exceptions through the years. But now that it's obvious that it's to be a Biden-Trump match-up and Herr Trump is running as "an incumbent," his Democratic rival is just as likely to win the presidency! Even more likely, if we-the-voters do our parts by turning out in massive numbers to Vote Blue for democracy on November 5, 2024. It's not hyperbole to say that our childrens' futures are on the line - and with women voters, a Biden victory can be assured and, along with House and Senate victories for Democrats, Roe v Wade will be restored along with womens' rights.

So in closing, here's a clear-eyed, plain-spoken, don't-miss podcast episode concerning last night's SOTU 2024 from the excellent David Feldman helpfully giving us The Mop-Up.

More astro-notes can be found in my previous post on Biden's SOTU Address 2024, written before the 9:00 pm start time was announced, and with Spica rising at 9:00 pm--still a symbolic chart for SOTU 2024, but it took several minutes for his glad-handing through the chamber (his old stomping ground) to lead President Biden to the podium where he began to speak at 9:27 pm!

A Closely Related Post: The Saturn-Uranus Cycle of Joe Biden.

Mar 6, 2024

Putin's Eclipse repeats in October 2024

by Jude Cowell, partisan for the common good

Today as I watched Mary Ann's Revealing Light Tarot reading Vladimir Putin in 2024 - War Plans and Failure I was inspired to post here the Horoscope of Putin's Prenatal Solar Eclipse ('PE") in the 8 South Saros Series primarily because an 8 South Eclipse repeats on October 2, 2024 @10Libra.

Besides being the PE of America's 2024 Election, it is also Putin's "personal eclipse series" with themes of "loss, separation, sad partings," and possible "physical injury" (B. Brady). So considering the number of injuries and deaths this Russian politician and former KGB agent has caused in the world, it seems appropriate that 8 South will repeat while his barbaric war against Ukraine, and his plan to reconstitute the "Soviet Union," are occurring simultaneously, and with other countries in his raptor's gaze as well.

So with my study notes penned on the charts, here's a dual image of Putin's generally accepted natal horoscope (lower left) along with the 1952 manifestation of his 8 North Eclipse @27Leo31 (upper right); aspects to the eclipse are listed (left side) and there are two of them: a square from Mars in Scorpio, and a conjunction with Pluto in Leo, both descriptive of the vengeful man whose Mars-Pluto energies activate in October 2024 along with his 8 South Eclipse themes:

Speaking of elderly politicians in the US (as so many do), October 2024 brings Putin his 72nd birthday - so he's no spring chicken either!

A Closely Related Post: Horoscopes: Putin Inauguration 2000 w/ Biden-Putin Meeting June 2021.

Mar 5, 2024

A Cosmic Catch-Up with Roe v Wade

Beware: An Ancient Fist of God Packs a Punch

by Jude Cowell

Having been remiss since 2022 concerning the topic of Roe v. Wade and the Supreme Court's announcement overturning it on June 24, 2022, here's a small effort to catch up with the astrology of the two events. Below you see a bi-wheel of the Historic Law: Roe v Wade 1973 Horoscope (inner; RR: AA) and the Roe v Wade overturned horoscope (outer; my time stamp that morning); as you see, the comparison reveals several planetary contacts.

Penned on the charts are the two Solar Eclipses influencing each event: 11 North in 1973 in mid-Capricorn, and 6 North in Taurus in 2022; brief indications of their themes are listed, plus, other astro-notes are sprinkled messily around the charts. I direct your attention to a particular transit of eroding, fraudulent Neptune @29Pis37 (conjunct Nemesis in 1973 - veiled by Neptune--and conjunct the star of misfortune, Scheat at a critical 29th degree) exact on May 29, 2024 when the RvW 1973 Ascendant will receive the gaseous giant for the first time and this begins a period of four more conjunctions of urge-to-merge Neptune to the Roe v Wade ASC on into 2026. Of course, destablizing Neptunian influences have been increasing for some time since transit Neptune was @24Pisces (5-degree orb).

Another significant double contact comes in April 2024 when transit Saturn, then transit Mars, will square 1973's Mars-Saturn opposition and this activates the opposition and suggests applying extreme pressure to complete stalled work and possibly a deficiency in planning (M. Munkasey). And as you know, the Mars-Saturn duo tends toward destructive or harmful energy and risks of death, which is what Republicans are forcing upon American women, pregnant women and girls. Bizarrely, embryoes are now deemed to be children even though a child cannot be frozen as an embryo can. A total lack of logic may be noticed since Republican propaganda skips the brain and aims directly at the emotions - no critical thinking required or sought. And Herr T says he "loves the uneducated," as we know.

Then perhaps this is where the 1973 Roe v Wade Midheaven (The Goal Point) sneaks in: "30Sag" = "The Pope Blessing the Faithful." The negative expression of this degree includes: "A surrender to a lust for power" (M.E. Jones). Wonder who?

So what's my guess? Obviously, a continuance of Republican efforts to take away more of women's access to healthcare such as birth control pills and IVF therapy, plus, the federal abortion ban that Herr Trump is promoting these days. Because the orange albatross is under orders, you know, while grabbing power and control is the basic objective along with continuing plans to sabotage America. Meanwhile, gender and other related issues are involved in their power-grab as well, but they're beyond the scope of this post.

Strong-Armed Paternalism Demands Total Control

Now naturally there are multiple planetary influences from 2022 to 1973 other than the few mentioned in this post, and I'm quite certain that interested parties can locate them. Why, you may already have discovered them! After all, this is only a belated catch-up with the ill fortune of SCOTUS acting against American women as if handmaidism is all we're good for. That's simplisitic, yes, but not being of the Vatican persuasion, the papacy's traditional stance against abortion is their business, their choice, and has always helped to fill church pews, one assumes.

Besides, my firm belief is that you can't legislate morality which must come from inside the individual, not externally. Irrationally, Moses Mike wants to impose his morality on us all and outcomes promise to be much more than difficult.

Thing is, America's traditional separation of church and state is under attack so that theocracy can be forced upon us along with fascism which always uses religion to shove its way into a society. Now before I fuss further I should add a personal note: that all through my life, folks of the Catholic persuasion have been some of the kindest people I've known. But when it comes to the Vatican hierarchy, a hidden fact is that "the church" is what the Roman Empire morphed into once the Empire fell, so if you have a look at the Horoscope of the Roman Empire you'll find that it contains planetary contacts with the horoscopes shown, above. You'll also see a telling Fist of God (aka, Thor's Hammer) pattern pointing unsurprisingly toward lady Venus, planet of goddess archetypes that the church worships via graven images.

And symbolically this forceful, oppressive cosmic pattern from ancient times symbolizes what our current Christian Nationalists and others are attempting to do: shove the force of God behind their oppressive laws in the US in order to muddy the line between man's law and God's law - resulting in the very opposite of the Founding Fathers' enlightened vision for establishing the government of this country.

Then with the third of three Great American Eclipses arriving on April 8, 2024 @19Aries24 conjunct priestly Chiron, its 8 North themes of vivid dreams, visions, intuitive leaps, and insights (B. Brady) could be utilized to lift our thoughts toward a higher direction as Election 2024 nears, with a significant eclipse in Mars-ruled Aries timing a period when competitors can boldly confront circumstances within society by exercising initiative and positive leadership.

So if I were you, dear US reader, I'd vote Blue up and down the ballot on November 5, 2024 if positive leadership is the outcome you prefer for America.

(Note Feb 8, 2024: an edit has been made to correct from "foetus" to "embryo" - mah bad jc.