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Showing posts with label Mars-Saturn - Pluto. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Mars-Saturn - Pluto. Show all posts

Apr 26, 2024

Remembering the Kent State Massacre

The 54th Anniversary of Nixon's Kent State Massacre

by Jude Cowell, partisan for the common good

In 2010, the Horoscope of the Kent State Massacre May 4, 1970 was published here on SO'W with quite a few astro-notes included. For details of the event and the astrology, I recommend to you a review of this vintage post concerning America's loss of all moral authority under Richard Nixon as he played the role of President of the United States to the extent that Washington had any left after the multiple assassinations of the 1960s, lying the American people into war, and other unsavory actions.

You see, the Kent State student protests were against Nixon's invasion of Cambodia during the Vietnam War, a ritual bloodbath, just like the rest. Subsequently, anti-war protests across the country became more vigorous and were very much a generational clash. And it was the Kent State Massacre that cast a stark spotlight on DC politics gone horribly wrong.

Strong-Armed Paternalism Is Dangerous

Adding complexity to this May 4's 54th anniversary of the tragic event, a deep wound in America's Collective psyche, is the current campaign to force criminal immunity into the tiny hands of one D. Trump, who longs to be in power again and will use whatever force against the American people that his tyrannical dreams of retribution via the ultimate power position require. In other words, mobbed-up Donald wants to be king of America, with no accountability for his crimes. This suggests that Big Orange must be planning some horrific fates for people on his enemies list (the kind of list that vengeful Nixon also maintained).

Yet despite it all, perhaps scofflaw Trump's efforts to change the form of government in our country from a democratic Republic to authoritarian fascism doesn't lead you, dear reader, to link his brutal tendencies with the Kent State Massacre and its perpetrator, Nixon - even though Trump is singing from the If the president does it, it isn't illegal hymnal. Or perhaps you're simply not interested as if such a change wouldn't affect you and your loved ones; or maybe you're a member of the let-someone-else-do-it club.

Well, current campus protests on behalf of the victimized people of Gaza are under scrutiny in many quarters yet with Joe Biden in the White House, assaults against student protesters would have to come from a different source than the Oval Office. And if young voters in November turn from President Biden, they'll be making a tragic mistake for themselves and for our country.

There are videos. One such is the History Channel's The Kent State Shootings, Explained.

8 North Eclipse 1970 Now Repeats in 2024

As for influential Solar Eclipses, the current 8 North, aka, the Great American Eclipse of April 8, 2024 @19Ari24 conjunct Chiron (19:24), is the very same Saros Series in which the Kent State Massacre occurred, but then 8N fell @17Pisces on March 7, 1970 with themes of, "dreams, visions, and new-found inspiration" (B. Brady) - to stay in power? For as you know, eclipse cycles and historical cycles tend to be in sync as seen by similar conditions and events. "History rhymes," as they say.

And so below you see an unmarked version of the May 4, 1970 Massacre Horoscope of the moment that students on the Kent State campus were shot by National Guardsmen who were mysteriously ordered to point and shoot in unison via Tricky Dick Nixon. Some say no order was given to fire, but this defies logic. The killings and woundings were perpetrated at 12:24 pm, and two of the fatalities were merely heading to class, and were not protesters at all. You'll note that in 1970, wounded Chiron was traveling through Mars-ruled Aries just as now. In 9th house, Chiron values democratic ideals (not tyranny); in Aries, Chiron values education and actively seeking truth.

Then as you see in the following horoscope, 10Leo27 rises at that fateful minute and only now can we realize that 10Leo02 is the degree of Trump's 12th house Pluto = Mars-Saturn midpoint picture with its deadly implications of destruction, physical harm, the deaths of many people, and the intervention of a higher power (R. Ebertin). Plus, Mars-Saturn (the death axis in any horoscope) conjunct Ascendant indicates potentials for health threats and/or bereavement. Tragically for students in Ohio and their loved ones on May 4, 1970, both potentials became reality.

Now here's the unmarked horoscope for you:

Naturally, other contacts exist between May 4, 1970 planets and Trump's natal planets - Donald was a mere 23 years old on that day - but listing them is beyond the scope of this post which is meant as a remembrance of the 1970 Massacre of students, May they R.I.P. - murdered by an out-of-control psychotic US president, hypersensitive to criticism. In closing, please note that this post is in no way intended to carry even one drop of water for hypersensitive agent orange with his sociopathic authoritarian tendencies.

Mar 2, 2024

Judge Chutkan Must Hold the Line!

by Jude Cowell, partisan for democracy

Perhaps you've noticed that Politico has published a summary of Judge Tanya Chutkan's difficult position concerning the scheduling of the Trump trial in DC possibly bumping up against Election Day 2024 (Nov 5th). Meanwhile, a majority of Americans want him tried before Election 2024. The pressure on Judge Chutkan is tremendous and more threats against her person are expected, since these days in the US, organized crime figures are trying to run the show and help agent orange complete his mission as successfully as possible.

Now the last time I checked, no accurate birth time is available online for Judge Chutkan but in 2023 we did discuss a bi-wheel of her 'noon' natal horoscope surrounding the timed chart of D. Trump, if you'd care for a look at the planetary contacts between them. Unsurprising that a Mars-Uranus link is shown with its combustible energies. And her Saturn Rx-South Node in Aquarius opposes Herr Trump's natal 12th house Pluto (conjunct his Mars-Saturn = destruction; intervention of a higher power - R. Ebertin) in Leo.

There are other significant contacts between them, as you can see. So here again is the image of their bi-wheel of natal planets, and here are my previously published astro-notes:

May Judge Chutkan receive all the protection she needs! jc

Jul 15, 2022

Ivana Trump natal w/ "found" chart

July 15, 2022

May Ivana Trump R.I. P.

Update: later reports give 12:40 pm edt as the time Ivana was found "dead," not unconscious as had been previously suggested. More work must be done.

Original post begins here:

Confessedly, I wish I could be a practitioner of Forensic Astrology but I'm not. It's late afternoon on Friday so my blogging time is brief, therefore, very few astro-notes will be typed at this hour. However, for anyone who cares to look, below is a bi-wheel set up backwards with the natal horoscope of Ivana Trump surrounding what I'm using as the "found" horoscope set for "just after 12:00 pm local time" (via news report) on her day of death (July 14, 2022, at her Manhattan home: fallen down the stairs, a possible cardiac arrest, last I heard). Interesting that Ivana's natal Neptune Rx in Libra rises, followed by her natal South Node, a point of separation. See lower right and left for Saturn and Pluto effects upon her natal Ascendant and North Node. Jupiter is angular as so often happens with cases involving death.

So as you see, the "found" chart (inner) shows ASC 7Lib45; chart ruler Venus makes no applying aspects but is conjunct her natal Uranus, an extravagant financial combination of planets; "found" MC @8Can58) is set for 12:05 pm edt, Manhattan, New York which places the natal Mercury of ex-husband Trump at Midheaven, the WHY? Point.

Because after all, Mercury is the planet of communications and depositions - which were scheduled to be conducted with the Trumps in New York today, but were understandably canceled due to the sad death of Ivana Trump, mother of Don Jr, Ivanka, and Eric.

Now if it seems that Ivana's death looks suspicious to me, you may be correct. After all, Ivana was born into a 4 South Saros Series and you may remember that the Electoral College Vote Eclipse of December 14, 2020 was also a 4 South eclipse of 'strong emotions over relationships and/or money; a sudden desire to end unions; a fated quality to events' (paraphrasing B. Brady). Surely more information will come out soon (via autopsy? investigation?), so murder is only a potential, a convenient-for-Trump potential, but a mere potential all the same. However, if Ivana's death was manipulated, we may never know.

So! See what you can make of the hastily marked and printed bi-wheel, below. A few examples which may apply include: 'death axis' Mars-Saturn at Aries Point; "found" Ascendant = her natal Moon-Pluto: 'a violent reaction to environmental conditions; temperamental or tremendous upsets'; "death Pluto" conjunct US 1776 Pluto opposing her natal Saturn-Uranus - heart block: 'harm through major force; an act of violence; rebellion' (note that cardiac arrests can be manipulated, too). Then there's Ivana's natal MC = Neptune-Pluto duo of Underworld Crime and criminal elements - or, a potential health breakdown:

In closing, my feeling is that the lady knew too much. And we may wish to remember what 'they' always say: That everything Donald Tr*mp touches, dies. And his natal midpoint picture of rage and cruelty has much to do with such brutal tendencies because, Mars-Saturn = Pluto: 'murder; intervention of a higher power; death of many people' (R. Ebertin). Plus, as we know, the man is literally fighting for survival - his own survival - which may or may not include the survival of anyone else.