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Nov 6, 2013

More Big Bank Scandals and Manipulations

Wealthy Pluto Manipulations: There Are No Accidents

by Jude Cowell

Following perfectly the truism that eclipses tend to uncover scandals and secrets--and since the Solar Eclipse of November 3, 2013 was in the financial sign of secretive Scorpio--Rolling Stone has just published Matt Taibbi's article Chase Isn't the Only Bank in Trouble in which he informs us of a looming, worldwide Libor-like manipulation scandal about to headline the news and cause inestimable trouble for financial markets.

Or maybe not if the financial industry and the mainstream media collude for as long as possible to keep the bad news under wraps. After all, how much did you hear or read about Libor: The Crime of the Century?

And how easy is it to say that fraudulent developments and practices such as these are part of the Global Government agenda to crash the world economy so that everyone will plead for a new system to be set up--a "New World Economic Order"?

Very easy.

A current marker of trouble may include the cosmic occurrence of banker Jupiter turning retrograde tomorrow, November 7, 2013 (in an opposing dance with wealthy Pluto), at 12:03 am est on a critical degree (20Can30:39), a degree in the Zodiac between US natal Sun (13Can) and natal Mercury Rx (24Can) which indicates that financial matters are on leadership's and the people's minds along with a potential for optimism and a hopefully increasing sense of protection. Hmm. Perhaps the optimism comes from the unconscious Uranus-Neptune content of the November 3rd Solar Eclipse with its resolution-solution vibes which the world so sorely needs.

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