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Showing posts with label Pluto. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Pluto. Show all posts

Sep 22, 2023

Lachlan Murdoch: Pluto = Sun-Uranus

by Jude Cowell, on behalf of democracy and the common good

Yesterday the news broke of a major transition at the head of Fox and Fox News Corp, that Papa Rupert had anointed son Lachlan Murcdoch to carry on; however, Papa says he'll be "watching." Apparently, Lachlan has been "groomed" since birth to carry the Murdoch family torch - now, into an uncertain future. Word is that Laclan is more authoritarian than his father, but Laclan did, after all, have an experienced teacher. Notable is that yesterday into today, the Sun conjoins Lachlan's natal Pluto so his power potential (carrying his Sun-Uranus 'radical reformist' vibes) are in the spotlight, a global spotlight.

Below, see the aspect grid of multiple squares and oppositions within their dynamic relationship. Even their natal Suns are in opposite signs!

Born with a significant midpoint picture of power, rebellion, radical reforms, and a potential for tragedy (Pluto = Sun-Uranus), Mr. Murdoch the Younger is a radical reformer (R. Ebertin) so this is one spot in his psyche where authoritarianism can creep in. Apparently, Fox and Fox News Corp are in for additional changes and shifts which may have already begun. Let's watch for shake-ups!

Plutocrat Pluto: Power, Control, Manipulation, Exploitation, Extreme Wealth, The Underworld

So here's the natal horoscope of the 'new boss, same as the old boss':

Lachlan Murdoch born September 8, 1971 9:00 pm CET (RR: C) Wimbledon, UK; a sprinkling of study notes are added including a few details re: his Prenatal Solar Eclipse ('PE'), the 9 New South, which repeats on September 21, 2025 @29Virgo conjunct his natal Pluto (see lower right corner):

And here's an aspect grid between father and son:

And btw, do you know that a German Media Baron Aided the Rise of Hitl*r?

Related: Rupert Murdoch's natal chart and Prenatal Solar Eclipse (contains a link to a 2015 Business Insider article about Rupert "stepping down" and "handing the reins to his son" but Papa will still have a "voice." As we say, history does rhyme (and sometimes does repeat).

Oct 7, 2022

The GOP Wants Confederacy 1861 Back

But Nationwide This Time Around as They Try Try Again

by Jude Cowell

Earlier this week Thom Hartmann began his broadcast discussing what must be described as the Republican Party wanting to re-establish The Confederacy, those who are determined to take America back to the period of the 1830s-1860s when there was no democracy in The South, only top-down oligarchy, Thom says. And as you know, war broke out in April 1861, and it was brother against brother, child against parent, cousin against cousin. Even so, disease was the primary killer in this war.

So to my ears, when I hear Republicans say things like, "take our country back," this is a large part of what they mean along with taking over power and control of the US Congress, and in 2024, the presidency (tragically, they have a majority of the 'Supreme' Court already). But such potentials are precisely what the October 25, 2022 6 South Solar Eclipse themes suggest: 'being forceful, taking power; huge efforts in group activities' (paraphrasing B. Brady). I mention this once again because forewarned is forearmed, as you know, and a massive turn out of voters for democracy will be necessary at the November Midterms in order to rescue America from the clutches of totalitarians with fascist-nazi leanings - saboteurs who are 100% unAmerican.

And so, because Thom the Historian mentioned the 1830s-1860s period of US history, and knowing a little about Southernism as I do as a native of Georgia with CSA ancestors, I took a peek at all the Solar Eclipses of that era to see if a power-grabbing 6 South Eclipse manifested therein. And I found it.

Shown below are dual charts of two 6 South Solar Eclipses, both Total: lower left = July 18, 1860 @26Can05 conjunct Venus Rx, and upper right = October 25, 2022 @2Scorpio - again conjunct Venus, but this time she's Direct in big-business Scorpio, a sign that can have issues with betrayal. And since the October 6 South is the 'Prenatal' Solar Eclipse ('PE') of our 2022 Midterms, its themes add extra significance to our country's future direction (even non-astrologers are admitting this about Midterms 2022) - and cosmically enough, the 1860 Eclipse (26Can05) lands upon the Midheaven (26:54) of the 2022 Eclipse Horoscope which is the Goal Point of the October 2022 chart when set for Washington DC. Therefore, forcefully grabbing power is the point.

Additionally, the 27Cancer Eclipse opposes US 1776 Pluto (wealthy, stealthy 'Mr. Hades' of the Underworld in process of returning to his 1776 degree, three times in 2022, with exploitation and primal violence in tow). This opposition to the eclipse suggests a reversion to animalism (aka, violence) while value$ planet Venus conjuncts both Eclipses and denotes materialism unless fairplay is the motivation.

Then in the 1860 Horoscope, Mars Rx is out-of-bounds (up to who-knows-what: like insurrection?), leads a ruthless, success-at-all-costs Locomotive shape of the planets, and opposes the 1860 Eclipse which indicates resentment and tug-of-war conditions (R. Lineman):

Meanwhile, if we round-up the 1860 degree of warrior planet Mars to 25Capricorn (a sensitized degree area) we have: "An Oriental Rug Dealer." Crazily, this symbol could refer to a future Herr T since he's associated with the concept of 'the deal', has shady links to regions like Saudi Arabia (MBS), and sports chaotic planet Uranus in Mercurial, duplicitous Gemini, the orator and trader, as his 'oriental planet' (last to rise before his Gemini Sun = his guiding planet, in the visible 10th house of Career and Public Status). For as we all know, chaos is Donald's jam, along with his Mars rising belligerence and aggression. These traits are partially why in 2016 he was installed in the White House by enemies of America (and perhaps we can agree that NBC has much to answer for, thanks to the deceptive public image created about him in The Apprentice; he's the dark lord's apprentice, more like.)

And now that transit Pluto has hit 1860 Mars, US society is experiencing intense karma via warriors focused on an aggressive male figure (of an orange hue) and thinking they have a 'special mission' to accomplish. Their aggression and seditious behavior reveals to me, if not to you, that the "oath" some of the sore loser malcontents take is not to the US Constitution but to the Constitution of the Confederacy.

The GOP: Chaos-Disruption-Deception-Brutality-R-Us

Now looking again at the 1860 Eclipse Horoscope during the lead-up to the separative Civil War, we find rebellious anarchist and Utopian zealot Uranus @10Gem33 conjunct the Eclipse's Midheaven during a contentious period of time when US 1776 Uranus returned to natal degree (8Gem46/55) and Uranus is, as always, America's totem planet of upheaval, war, revolution, freedom and independence. (Note that the next US Uranus Return won't occur until 2027-2028.)

And with a measure of cosmic synchronicity, the 1860 Eclipse = The Goal of 2022 and this makes the 1860 Eclipse's rounded-up Sabian Symbol highly instructive in light of current events being driven by the control freak orange Uranian fanatic and his rabid thugs and zealous comrades who, on January 6, 2021, "stormed" the US Capitol building and the congress folk working inside; deaths occurred. And we know that the seditionists and saboteurs of America mean business and are not done yet:

'27Cancer' = "A Furious Storm Rages Through a Residential Canyon", a symbol containing a negative potential for "fatuous enjoyment of turmoil" (M. E. Jones).

So! When did a 6 South Solar Eclipse occur in the 1930s era of fascism and hitlerism, you ask? On August 31, 1932 @8Virgo as what I tend to label the 'Nazis Rise to Power' Eclipse. And that, I'd have to say, qualifies as a brutal and furious storm of destruction that today's thuggish criminals, on-the-take politicians, and their corporate backers want to enforce upon America.

But hold on a minute! Their sinister plot failed in 1933 against FDR and, though corporate-backed and thus much better funded now, it must be made to fail again.

Aug 4, 2022

The Pentagon, an Eclipse, and Capricorn

Karmic Saturn: Planet of Authority and Accountability

by Jude Cowell

While combing through SO'W this morning looking for a different topic than what I found, a post displaying the Pentagon's 1942 horoscope surrounded by the 12 North Solar Eclipse Horoscope of January 15, 2010, turned out to be interesting, even useful to today's news events. Not just because this week's public discourse includes the query: were Pentagon officials involved in or complicit with Trump's January 6, 2021 coup attempt against the US government?

See USA Today's Pentagon 'wiped' phones of top Defense officials despite request for Jan 6 texts and emails. Sounds like more seditionists are trying to hide their tracks. It's a thing.

But the post is interesting also because the 12 North Eclipse of 2010 occurred @25Cap01 within the sensitized degree zone of governmental Capricorn which has seen karmic planets Saturn and Pluto working it over pretty good by transit of late. And as you know, the two planets even met on January 12, 2020 @22Cap46 to begin a new 33-year cycle of their harsh, compressive energies. Plus, the later degrees of the Cancer-Capricorn axis can have a tendency to treat people as objects (if such influences are unmitigated by other factors), and this is besides the sign's obvious implications in the realms of government, law, and business - some positive, some negative.

Then there's the handy switcheroo manipulated under the FDR administration when US Inaugurations were shifted from the first week in March, to the 20th of January (or other, when the 20th falls on Sunday), effective as of 1937, the change which placed Saturn-ruled Capricorn at Midheaven, the Goal Point of our inaugural charts and presidencies. Of course, included is US 1776 Pluto, and this signals the authoritarian democracy vs fascism dictatorship issues coming to a head in 2022 with America's first-ever Pluto Return, exact three times this very year beginning in February.

Meanwhile, our opportunity to vote in the 2022 Midterms comes in November when we'll attempt to choose what kind of government we want despite thugs and ruffians of a Trumpian persuasion, and the massive, nationwide cheating and rigging campaign that the GOP must perpetrate in order to shove through their anti-societal candidates.

Now commentators have identified the year 2009 as the beginning of anti-government racist organizations such as militia groups and the 'tea party', activated by the 2009 Inauguration of Barack Obama whose natal Saturn in Capricorn wasn't despotic enough for them, nor was he Caucasian enough.

So in closing, the Neptune-Pluto global criminal network, termed by some, The Octopus, appears in the Pentagon 1942 post linked, above, so do check it out if you dare!

Vintage Image: White House 1800s

May 5, 2020

A List of Planets' Meanings in Political Astrology

Here's an updated list with the meanings of planets in Political Astrology, a branch of Mundane Astrology. Now these are the meanings that I tend to use; no doubt others could add more or subtract a few:

Sun: supreme authority such as US President ('POTUS'), Prime Minister, Chancellor, CEO, leadership. (Solar eclipses hitting a Mundane Sun may denote the death or displacement of a head of state, national character and identity, major events, disruption or a turning point for government in the eclipse year and suggesting a new direction.)

Moon: the populace, We The People (USA), the popular mood, national security needs, basic necessities, women's issues, health, agriculture, nurturing, our daily rounds, the general emotional weather and/or societal trends.

Mercury: news media and the press, blogs and bloggers, oration-speeches/speakers-writers, messages, communications, and announcements, spreading of propaganda, negotiations, contracts, treaties and pacts, changes, votes-voters-ballots, literature, information, intell, spies, all schooling up to higher educational levels (Jupiter), the post office, thinking and planning, opinion polls, transportation (air+), sales, commerce, trade. As usual, young people in general, students and teachers are included where applicable, plus, medical research and doctors may also be represented by Mercury.

Venus: females, evaluations, smaller amounts of money, currency, relationships, partnerships, unions, diplomacy or diplomatic gestures, perspective; if afflicted: disease, arrogance, vengeance, defeat in war, anger, envy, possessiveness, and/or jealousy.

Mars: males between ages 25--35 or so, military and police forces, violence, criminals, war, industrial concerns, arsonists, sports figures, fighters, aggressors and combatants no matter the gender; combined with Uranus, Mars may cause explosions, terrorism, attacks, gun violence, operations; with Neptune, treachery, misguided motivations and/or actions, divisive elements in society, activists, protests or strikes (participants thereof), the fog of war, infections and epidemics.

Jupiter: clergy, churches, and religion, gurus, lawyers and judges, law and legal systems, higher education, prosperity, hope, breaking of boundaries, publishing, banking-bankers and the Fed, insurance; credit, corporations and CEOs, the upper classes; ministers of state, public relations and promoters, philanthropic institutions, especially if associated with Neptune, plus, Jupiter and Neptune = speculators, wastrels, spendthrifts, inflation, bubbles, grandiose schemers and planners, people who make promises they can't keep (ex: politicians).

Saturn: government, the system, The Establish, status quo, stability, institutions and bureaucracy, civil servants, conservatism, infrastructure, austerity, restriction or retraction, law and lawmakers (ex: US Congress), management, control, repression/suppression, accountability, loss, karma; with Jupiter, Saturn is associated with financial and business cycles (contraction vs expansion) and other cycles in society including in Politics; with Uranus, Saturn signifies the Middle East, especially Palestine and Israel; and/or old order vs new order; with Neptune Saturn = poor, sick, or depressed people, illness or disease, movements such as Socialism, social safety net programs, charities, those who suffer, undermining circumstances, difficulties or illness with causes difficult to diagnose.

Uranus: revolution, revolt, riots, protests, or strikes,reactive politics and politicians, progressive or radical movements, disruptive reforms, riots, counter-cultures; physical power such as electrical and nuclear, new technology, innovation; genius or sudden insight; the future; novelties; erratic persons; Uranus is also The Witness, The Awakener, the sky god; with Neptune: The 'Enlightened Ones' determined to establish a New Order to replace the Old, aka, a 'new world order' or the long-planned 'one world government'.

Neptune: the urge to merge, the Divine Source, the arts, glamour, the media, the masses, hope, idealism, covert actions, saboteurs, secrets, spying or other networks, secrets and leaks, socialism; hospitals, charitable institutions; the Navy or Marines. If afflicted: fraud, crime, scandal, deception, illusions, falsehoods, internet scams; undermining circumstances and those who cause them, brewing and alcohol, drugs; chemicals, oil, gas, water, footwear, oceans; with Pluto, Neptune = the Robber Baron class of the 1800s, resource plunderers, Organized Crime, mobsterism, the mafia.

Pluto: financial and/or political power, factions, oligarchies, Plutocracy, big business, nuclear energy, mines and tunnels, the Dragon Guarding the Riches; if afflicted: the criminal underworld, death, catastrophe, dictators, thieves and spies; Global Crime Syndicate/s; criminal detectives, spies, surveillance, hidden power/s behind 'the throne', The Pope, assassins, saboteurs, secretive men in invisible cloaks of power, death, transformation, regeneration, the occult and other hidden things and people.

Note that besides Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto can be karmic, too!

Got more political potentials to add to this list? Then leave your on-topic comment with this post! jc

Nov 30, 2019

DC Horoscope JFK Inauguration 1961: a Look Back

If you're curious, check out this Historic Footage: JFK Inauguration 1961 (7m23s). And below is the 1961 Inauguration Horoscope with John F. Kennedy's natal chart outside it (contacts between the planets are circled--1917 vs 1961). As usual, my messy notes are scribbled upon the charts and there are five primary contacts of note from the Inauguration 1961 chart to his natal planets--two are notable since they involve powerful Pluto but JFK's natal Saturn and Uranus are also activated by transit, plus, other transits and progressions occur as well, both positive and negative but these five are the ones that 'pop out' at me in this inaugural horoscope although you'll spy others, I'm certain, especially if you look at *future transits to the 1961 Inauguration Horoscope:

1. 1961 Pluto square natal Sun denotes potentials for a need to overcome those with more power and influence; loss-of-power issues; threats received; integrity challenged; benefits are gained but with much frustration and possible setbacks; determination is tested; achievement of ambitions may be delayed or transformed; willpower may be paralyzed temporarily.

2. 1961 Mars Rx conjunct natal Pluto indicates a period when karma comes into play as energies are intense, purposeful, and require patience and direct channeling for best results; male relationships are prominent and one male in particular (brother Bobbie, one assumes--see Mercury @10AQ03 in 10th house with the presidential Sun) may be a guiding or a driving force; negative conditions can involve provocation, blow-ups, jealousy, and/or revenge, plus, investing assets and deep research are on the menu.

3. 1961 Uranus Rx in Leo opposes natal Uranus at station in Aquarius three times from September 1960 through July 1961--this is the "mid-life crisis" transit of disruption when one may behave uncharacteristically and generational clashes occur with 'no meeting of the minds'; however, well-handled changes are beneficial and are not too disruptive, with moving forward the objective;

4. 1961 Saturn @21Cap54 opposes natal Saturn three times from March 1961 through December 1961 indicating a harvesting time when rewards may be reaped if hard work has been done in the past and responsibilities have been met; past mistakes, if any, need correcting, and legalities may temporarily get in the way of progress.

5. 1961 Venus square natal Venus suggests potentials for imperfect timing; wrong or unpleasant settings or environments; something amiss but not entirely useless; values are blocked in some way or are not quite appropriate; or, things don't work out as they should but they'll 'have to do'.

Note that both the Prenatal Solar Eclipse Saros Series ('PE') for 1961 and for JFK's birth and their themes are listed on the chart, lower left (1961) and lower right (1917). And if you're looking for any hints of the tragedy to come, may I suggest the usual suspects--Mars (to natal Pluto), Saturn (conjunct 1961 IC of Endings), Uranus (oppo natal Uranus, a time of instability and perhaps unusual characters in the environment--plus, 1961 Uranus is apex in a YOD crisis pattern suggesting Jack Kennedy's 'special task' of moving our nation toward a new direction which quite a few folks took great exception to); then there's hidden hand Pluto blocking his natal Sun (goals) while Venus, possibly scorned, adds her hints of jealousy and revenge.

In addition, we must include masking, deceptive, shady Neptune--both 1961 Neptune in intense Scorpio (angular and conjunct natal Eros, the piercing) and JFK's 1917 Neptune in Leo opposing his PE in the 9 New North Series.

*Two transits I'll mention here between the 1961 Inauguration Horoscope and the JFK Assassination Horoscope of November 22, 1963: in progress was a Nodal Half-Return across the Cancer-Capricorn security axis (see my scribble in the center of the bi-wheel concerning Sun-Saturn = MC) suggesting broken relationships, and transit Uranus which had met and crossed the 1961 Pluto-North-Node conjunction (the "tiger by the tail" duo) and thereby formed a midpoint picture of: "big upsets within the community; and, emotional suffering through separation" (Ebertin). Yes. That.

A Closely Related Post: Horoscope: LBJ Sworn In November 22, 1963.

Jun 24, 2019

Trump a TransPluto figure but Saturn-Pluto time nears

Image: Donald Trump's Precessed Progressions January 12, 2020 12:00 pm est showing his SP Pluto-TransPluto-MC-Saturn rendezvous. His non-precessed Progressions for that date show SP MC @1Leo34 conjunct his natal 12th cusp so SP Saturn @3Leo has yet to symbolically cross SP MC, but it will happen soon.

Astro-Notes re: TransPluto

When spoken of or infrequently used in Astrology, TransPluto is most often referred to as a hypothetical planet which may or may not actually exist. Well, it is said to orbit even farther away from Earth than distant Pluto itself yet according to expert astrologer Lynn Koiner, TransPluto Is Real! Now whether you agree with such an assessment or not, Lynn's article contains pertinent information concerning TransPluto and while reading it I recognized the bedeviling Donald Trump as the TransPluto figure who's been keeping the world awake each night with his wacky and deplorable--yes, deplorable--antics, bigotry, insults, propaganda, and criminal activities since his escalator descent of June 16, 2015 to announce his prez bid--expertly timed by a seed-planting New Moon @25Gem07 that very morning.

Now some folks consider TransPluto to be 'more plutonian than Pluto' but there's more...

For four years later we 'know' Trump better and it seems that the archetype of TransPluto described in Lynn's article--"Personality keywords: The Perfectionist/Perfectionism, Self-Sufficiency, The Reformer Complex, and Alienation"--apply directly to Mr. Trump (so determined to reform and rule the world which was Hitler's goal, too) so I hope you'll check out Lynn's assessment if you're unfamiliar with her research for these terms apply to Donald Trump much more deeply than my limited knowledge of TransPluto could ever have guessed. Plus, they support other chart factors and the work of other astrologers on the topic of Trump's childhood and the harsh criticism from Mom and Dad--especially Dad in his case--which made Donald the flawed, fear-driven, greedy individual he is today. Plus, Don Sr now passes on the crazy and treats his own sons in a similar witheringly critical fashion, Don Jr in particular.

(See astro-notes on Trump's unconscious 12th house of Politics, Karma, Self-Undoing, Secret Enemies and Hospitals--he's a man 'overshadowed by shadows'.)

Yes, such childhood issues apply to each of us, of course, for whose parents weren't narcissistic and made mistakes that continue to affect us negatively as adults? However, not everyone behaves as vengefully and achieves on the grand scale that the misshapen Donald Trump has with his bottomless pit of emotional needs for applause, approval, and his compulsive desperation on the material plane for more and better--and no criticism allowed. That's where the alienation comes in--work alone and no one can get close enough to you to criticize the flaws you fear you have. At least, that's his work method...alone for he can 'do it all' better than anyone else (as you may have heard!).

But his work conditions and/or methods may change drastically once the Saturn-Pluto conjunction of January 12, 2020 occurs @22Cap46--precisely opposite Trump's natal 11th house Saturn in watery, Moon-ruled Cancer, a sign of self-protection and nationalism, and simultaneously conjuncts his natal Vertex (which relates to transformation at or in work, and to fated encounters). Plus, old man Saturn, planet of work, brings karmic lessons to us all and when opposing natal Saturn, negative conditions form which relate to past actions (and mistakes--and in his case, illegalities), plus, regret, failure, and a lack of progress often result. That's if the individual hasn't acted with integrity and taken responsibility for his actions as Saturn demands. Yet a lack of conscience can soften the blow and we may soon see whether or not Trump has one or no--if so, it is hidden deep within.

Now this particular fuss actually began unbidden when I had a look at Trump's Secondary Progressions ('SP') set for January 12, 2020 which shows his SP TransPluto at SP Midheaven and snugged right between his SP Saturn (in SP 9th house) and SP Pluto (10th house)--all at 3-5 degrees of ego-based Leo.

(Note that Lynn Koiner's article mentions that TransPluto is in its fall in Leo, with a negative connotation of selfishness and pomposity; that in his childhood Trump's parents cruelly activated such traits and embedded his deep fear of failure ("so much winning!") is no excuse for his adult, childish, unfeeling behavior.) Of course, there are several other chart factors supporting these problems in his psyche but today the focus of this post is his TransPluto.

And so on the mundane political level of so-called Trumpism, I consider the January 12, 2020 blending of harsh Saturn and Pluto energies in governmental, Saturn-ruled Capricorn to be a cosmic echo of, or a timing device related to, Trump's SP trio of Pluto-TransPluto-Saturn. And considering that restrictive Saturn and transformative Pluto are within orb of opposing the fellow's natal Saturn (and natal Venus, too--venal Venus, so vengeful when scorned), a period of alterations, discension, separations, work-related difficulties, and the winds of destiny are suggested and may finally greet Donald Trump at the crossroads in early 2020 or later.

EDIT Jan 1, 2023: now hoping they meet at the crossroads very soon in 2023! jc

Jun 1, 2019

Trump as Apollo, Hercules, Bacchus? Venus applauds!

Image: Bacchus; Peter Paul Reubens 1638/1640; public domain

By studying his natal horoscope, curious cosmic myths and mysteries turn up concerning Donald Trump who, if one is to believe, was born June 14, 1946 at 10:54 am edt in Queens, New York. Notice the royal reference of his place of birth and, if his hour of entering the earthly flux is accurate, also note that royal star Regulus, the "king maker" or "little king", rises with his natal Ascendant (@29Le55: Self; Physical Body) at the moment of his birth. Also rising is a 'godly' asteroid, Apollo, the ancient 'sun god' along with a certain midpoint associated with goddess (or god) worship, veneration, and idolatry, Venus-Neptune. Perhaps you've noticed that in his own perverted way, Trump worships the female form, craves its beauty. In fact, only young, beautiful women will do! But is his vain self-image detached from reality? In the outer world, yes, but not on an inner level for he sees himself as the handsome Apollo and a royal king, the divine ruler! And we witness his sun worship via the orange face and white circles around his peepers ad nauseum! So whether by spray tan or tanning bed, there slouches our orange-hued 'Apollo' for all to see and marvel upon, red tie pointing ominously downward!

Yet there are deeper mysteries and intrigues under the surface of this superficial Gemini (Uranus-North-Node-Sun) who desperately longs to be taken seriously and to have speaks with world leaders of the strongman variety for Trump considers himself a strongman, too. But as with all human beings he is weak and flawed yet we find clues to his essence by his Regulus rising with lusty Mars in royal Leo (26Leo46) and in the myths associated with the royal star that Roman poet Ovid called Bacchi Sidus, "Star of Bacchus" (the Roman name for Dionysus, who remains well-known for his popular cult following). Of course these days, Regulus-rising Trump enjoys a (dwindling) Twitter following but still reaps benefits from the usual 'cult of personality' made familiar to the American public since the hallowed days of the high-minded George Washington (with whom his nibs can never compare, imho; in fact, they're opposites).

Now everyone knows that the leonine Regulus (now progressed from Leo to 00Virgo) is associated with the Nemean Lion who kidnapped maidens and kept them as hostages in his lair deep within his cave. (This sounds much like the myth of cave-dweller Pluto, god of Hades, and perpetrator of murder, assassination--and rape.) The warriors from surrounding towns would attempt to rescue the damsels in distress but misfortune resulted and so the myth goes that Heracles (the Roman Hercules, the strongman) was given the task of killing the Nemean Lion which he did by breaking its back with his bare hands for the Lion was impervious to all weapons. Does this remind you of the myth of "Teflon Trump"? Apparently it should. And according to the Trumpian mythology of his nibs, he plays the roles of both the Lion and the strongman who conquers!

Now curiously, Bacchus is associated with Regulus, an intriguing connection when it comes to D. Trump. Follow the Dionysus link, above, for more mythological info but I'll include a few details of interest here so you might consider whether or not they apply to his nibs. Such as:

Bacchus is known as the god of fertility, ritual madness (delirium), freedom to do as one wills (as with the satanic Thelema cult "of the Crowned and Conquering Child"), the harvest (grapes in particular), theater (Trump the thespian plays POTUS on TV!), and wine--or in the case of fussy narcissist Donald Trump, whine. In some cultural references Bacchus is a sibling of Apollo, and as the god of epiphany, Bacchus is "the god that comes" and his "foreignness as an arriving outsider" is an essential part of his cult and his reputation.

So if we cast our fatigued minds back to the 2016 Election, we find the Venus Cycle and goddess Venus' 4-and-8-year predictive relationship with the US Presidential Election cycle. In 2016, "Venus in Sagittarius supports a change to someone 'different'", I wrote then--in other words, election Venus in Sagittarius in 2016 supported the coming of a foreigner, a member of the rival party, an "outsider" who would be victorious over the incumbent party. A Bacchus figure, we might say if we wished.

Now let's allow goddess Venus to lure us back to Trump's natal midpoint picture of Ascendant = Venus-Neptune. Ebertin says of the Venus-Neptune pair (in no particular order per Trump and with a few mild edits):

'an erotic imagination, illusion, a person easily influenced, a dreamy nature, high ideals (when it comes to feminine beauty, at least--jc), a mistaken sense of love, indecision, uncertainty, a seducible character, erotic aberrations, inclination to mysticism (ex: idol worship; the occult--jc), romantic reverie, a poorly developed sense of reality, weakened glandular functions, pathological enlargement of the glands, weakness of the sex organs, lover of beauty and art, mystics, dreamers, visionaries, longing for love, peculiar desires and objectives, an unstable existence and changing occupations, difficult realization of ideals and wishes, awakening from emotional infatuation with awareness of disappointment or disillusionment, wrong ways of love.'

Add Trump's Ascendant for more specific potentials: 'A peculiar disposition with regard to love life, impressionable, lack of good taste, a union with persons of a peculiar disposition, and/or disappointment in love'. (The Combination of Stellar Influences, R. Ebertin.)

Now let's consider the combined energies of the Venus-Neptune pair in the realms of Politics and Business a la Munkasey's Midpoints: Unleashing the Power of the Planets through his helpful inclusion of the Hegelian Dialect used by ivory-towered societal meddlers and chess players of the world for whom we are only the pawns:

"Thesis: Appeals to the ideals of the people; an inflated treasury; use of inflation as a means for controlling or manipulating growth; wealth derived from gas, chemicals, or oil; exaggerates or misstates internal resources.

Antithesis: Scandals concerning the misuse of, or deceptive practices within, the treasury or internal resources; subversives who desire to gain access to finances; spies in the financial branches; monetary fraud; art deception." For Trump I would add, artful deception.

And Munkasey's Venus-Neptune potentials conjunct Trump's natal Ascendant?

"An appreciation of how reality can be altered for your own enjoyment; indulging in another's fantasy for personal gratification; perceptions about the illusions of how matter or form combine in the world."

And so it seems obvious to me that Trump's natal Mercury-Neptune square, a major fantasy-prone factor of misconception and falsehood lurking deep within his psyche, aids and supports his Venusian-Neptunian dreams, imaginings, illusions, and deceptions quite perfectly. Yet on this can we ever agree?

As you know, all royal stars in contact with personal horoscopes contain a caution not to be ignored. Here's A Very Closely Related Post: Will Regulus Assure the Destiny of Donald Trump?.

Dec 17, 2018

2019 Pluto Returns to its FBI-Cohen Raid position

When transit Pluto returns to its position in the April 9, 2018 FBI-Cohen Raid horoscope (21Cap14), the planet of the Underworld, aka, the 'god of Hades', will reinvigorate its aspects to other planets in the original April 9, 2018 chart.

This may be significant or may form a Timeline of sorts yet its importance partially depends on subsequent events which will continue to issue from the early morning raid/s on the office, hotel room, and home of Trump's former lawyer and 'fixer' Michael Cohen, recently tried and sentenced to three years in prison for his criminal activities--some perpetrated on behalf of Boss Trump. Therefore, we may wish to list the dates of Pluto's Returns to the chart which you see, below, and add a consideration of the three major aspects of Pluto in the FBI-Cohen Raid horoscope for these powerful energies will be re-activated on some level during the time period beginning on April 9, 2018.

Note that the usual associations and realms of astrological Pluto are involved: secrets, surveillance, wealth, hidden things, destruction, criminal activity, mobsterism, gangsterism, racketeering, corruption, theft, sabotage, isolation, psychotic or obsessive behavior, strong-arming, blackmail, kidnapping, manipulation, oppression, plutocracy, and with potentials for sexual liaisons, rape, and/or primal violence.

Pluto Returns to 21Cap14 4x: Once in 2018, Three Times in 2019

1. FBI-Cohen Raid April 9, 2018 5:07 am edt Manhattan, NY with powerful, usually unconsciously motivated Pluto is Direct @21Cap14 in the 11th house of Groups and Associations across the 5/11 self-will axis. Sneaky fraudster Neptune in Pisces rises and Trump's natal Moon-SN conjunction is in full view at Midheaven (MC 21Sag07) opposing his natal Uranus-NN-Sun trio at the Foundation/Basis Point (IC) of the chart (and of the raid). If memory serves, there was concern around the time that evidence (papers, emails, recordings, etc) would be or were being destroyed unless the raid was given the green light by a judge, as it legally was.

2. May 5, 2018 Rx (in May 2018 certain associates of Roger Stone were receiving subpoenaes);

3. January 20, 2019 (Trump Inauguration Solar Return 2019 - the raid's Pluto conjuncts IC!);

4. August 11, 2019 Rx (the 1st anniversary of 'The Tower' Solar Eclipse of 2018 under which 'cosmic blink' influence I now type);

5. November 22, 2019 (the 56th anniversary of the JFK assassination).

The Three Major Aspects of Pluto in the FBI-Cohen Raid Horoscope with Potentials:

1. Jupiter sextile Pluto (0A30): digging deeper for the truth; a desire to undo lies; suggests those with an ability to recognize people who will be loyal in a crisis (Epstein); people who resent the imposition of rules, regulations, laws; a talent for psychological warfare; people who have to face their losses alone and/or who develop enemies who sabotage them via rumor, gossip, misinformation; one who feels vulnerable and insists on micro-managing; ambitious developers of large-scale projects; plutocrats. Note that the Jupiter-Pluto midpoint in Politics or Business describes possibilities such as, "criminal elements with great social influence; destruction of legal documents; self-destructive forces stemming from official corruption or moral laxity within society; extreme depletion of resources" (Munkasey). Plus, Jupiter-Pluto = MC, the 'WHY? Point': 'hardworking attainment of power position' (Tyl); and Ebertin: 'advancement and promotion' (to the Big House? jc).

2. Sun square Pluto (1A46): tension, challenges, a "might makes right" attitude; issues of control, power, and domination; suggests paranoid people who demand constant control over events and activities and who obsess over their social position.

3. Mars conjunct Pluto (8A39): people who seek to win at all costs and are driven toward dominance, power, and control; immense willpower; those who face danger; anger and manipulation.

Well, there's a partial cosmic picture of Pluto's ongoing condition as part of the Mueller investigation into potential criminal activities of Donald Trump, family, and associates both foreign and domestic via catalyst Pluto's powerful influence which threatens to extend its creepiness through year 2019.

Image above: Pluto in hi-res; public domain.

Nov 17, 2018

Relationship Horoscopes and Ethics Analyses: Brett and Ashley Kavanaugh

Good news! Millennial astrologer Kevin Estes returns to Stars Over Washington with an in-depth analysis of Brett and Ashley Kavanaugh including their Composite, Synastry, Natal, and "love" horoscopes.

Note that Kevin favors the Regiomontanus house system for chart calculations and you'll want to check out his intriguing post which also analyzes each of the Kavanaughs in the ethics department of life at his Left Wing Astrology blog.

You might just find a surprise or two!

And in case you missed them, here are two previous posts by Kevin Estes with overviews of generational topics which apply to every person born upon Mother Earth:

Neptune Generations: The Image and Culture of Our Society

Pluto Generations: The Evolution of Our Society.

Nov 5, 2018

Nov 23 2018 Full Moon: The Really Big Picture

This is the DC Horoscope of the November 23, 2018 Full Moon @00Gem52 conjunct weeping Alcyone (keywords, "something to cry about").

Perfecting at 12:39:06 am est in Washington DC during a Mercury Hour (changes), we find chart-ruler Mercury Rx suggesting delays, reviews, and re-assessments which possibly refers to the November 6th Midterm Elections and the contesting of results via election fraud lawsuits and/or re-counts. As you know, a Gemini Moon is ruled by Mercury and there's little voting Mercury Rx at IC but in the 3rd house of Communications conjunct royal Antares, keywords: obsessed with success, but Antares is also a star of war.

In fact, the first of two applying Ptolemaic aspect made by chart-ruler Mercury is a square to warrior Mars @4Pis32 which also conjoins a royal star, Fomalhaut, keywords: success through noble ideals. Where Americans will find those 'noble ideals' is unknown by yours truly unless the Democrats grab control of the House and its committee chairmanships so that Trump's bone-spurred tootsies are held to the legal fire. If Republicans keep control of the House, the criminality of Trump and the GOP will continue and worsen for it will inflate authoritarian Trump's fantasized "mandate."

Mercury's second applying aspect is a conjunction with Jupiter which indicates a high volume of political information and ads, news about court decisions (once Mercury turns Direct on or about December 6th), international communications, and the expansion of very large plans.

Also note that in the 12th house of Politics, Large Institutions (ex: Congress), Backroom Deals, Self-Undoing, and Karma is the current Solar Eclipse ('PE') which I have termed The Tower Eclipse due to its collapsing theme. No planets are posited therein but the wide conjunction of Mars and deceptive Neptune oppose from the 6th house of Military, Police, and Civil Service. Yet Partnerships, Open Enemies, and Legalities are also involved with Neptune @13Pis41 Rx setting at Descendant and its rounded-up degree of '14Pisces' = "A Lady in Fox Fur." Plus, 14Pis01 is the position of the natal Neptune of the Republican (now, Trump) Party who seem to follow Fox 'News' instructions at every turn.

And in the 4th house of Real Estate, restrictive Saturn, strong in its own sign of Capricorn, may be alerting us to a downturn in housing sales, in speculation and other financial schemes (Capricorn on the 5th cusp of Risk-Taking and Gambling, as in Wall Street), or possibly the Lesson Bringer is hinting at trouble in the mining industry. Yet with Sagittarius on the 4th cusp, is karmic Saturn a marker for limiting legal decisions? Disturbingly, the transiting South Node of The Dragon now swipes its tail at US natal Pluto in Capricorn, a negative indicator in the 5th house suggesting large events out of personal control.

That said, we see the 5th house Pluto @19Cap26 as apex planet of the Mars-Jupiter midpoint = "The Really Big Picture" (Noel Tyl) which echoes the recent midpoint picture that formed when transit Pluto hit the 1993 degree of Uranus-Neptune--'The big picture must be followed, very little option to do otherwise'..."18Cap" = POLITICAL POWER: 'smug or strong-armed paternalism' (Jones). In three words, authoritarian Donald Trump, dictator wannabe.

Now there are too many planetary patterns to mention in this brief post (which resists becoming a book!) so I trust you, dear reader, to ferret them out if you care to. But a few more factors should be mentioned in closing such as the 2nd hou$e Venus @26Lib08, leader of a Locomotive shape identifying a 'ruthless, high-powered executive' and this brings monetary policy and evaluations (currency) into the cosmic picture--and with shocking, disruptive Uranus at a critical-crisis 29th degree and retrograde in the corporate 8th house. Plus, as you know, the Venus-Uranus pair tends toward extravagance, eccentricity (including with money), unfaithfulness, and separation in relationships. Perhaps this is a reference to the Trump marriage since the Sun-Moon (marriage/husband-wife) midpoint, which I neglected to pen into the 12th house @00Vir52, conjoins the natal Ascendant of Mr. Trump and conjoins royal Regulus, keywords: success if revenge is avoided. But as we know with Donald Trump, it never is.

May 2, 2018

The Syzygy Moon of the 2018 Midterm Elections

Prior to the November 6, 2018 Midterm Elections comes a Full Moon, the last lunation or 'Syzygy Moon', @1Tau13 which perfects on October 24, 2018 at 12:45:05 pm edt in Washington DC. This Full Moon Horoscope is titled, "Stormy Proceedings" (ASC = Mercury-Mars) and "(A) Military Band(s) on the March" (Jupiter the General--and expansive Politician--@27Scorpio):

Of course the intensity, delving, monetary, and other qualities within the Taurus-Scorpio polarity are well known so let's not belabor such basics. We must look to the restrictive yet stabilizing Saturn rising for The Lesson-Bringer drags with him his usual karmic implications, and a serious tone of austerity, authority, and accountability is cast over proceedings as the Midterm Elections approach with Saturn the planet of lawmakers whose seats are up for grabs in November. Yet Saturn is also the status quo planet of The Establishment so it seems somewhat doubtful that all Republicans in office will be tossed out on their wide tushies even with the expected 'Blue Wave' of Democrats welling up across the land and spoiling for a cleansing flood.

A mix of election results sounds more reasonable--yet this Syzygy Moon chart's MC-IC axis is at a critical-crisis 29th-degrees just as the Full Moon perfects. Matters are serious and strained and pressures must be released, perhaps partially in the T-Square between the Sun-Moon opposition squaring the 7th house North Node in dramatic Leo and suggesting new contacts and associations. Yet necessarily the separative South Node, the Tail of the Dragon rises in 1st house, not the happiest indicator in any chart, along with wealthy manipulator and saboteur Pluto at that problematic degree of '18Capricorn' of POLITICAL POWER and 'smug or strong-armed paternalism' (Jones). Authoritarianism with its draconian measures are on the rise unless We The People stop it in its tracks soon.


A values-laden 2nd house barely holds activist Mars desirous of reforms when in Aquarius while voting Mercury @21Sco29 has just entered the public 10th house at '22Scorpio' = "Hunters Starting Out For Ducks"...ENTERPRISE (Jones). This degree places transit Mercury nearing Mr. Trump's natal IC (24Sco18) from the 3rd house side with tr Jupiter in Scorpio, as noted above, on the 4th house side. Mercury-Jupiter opposite n MC may provide Jupiterian Trump a sense of optimism yet there are negative potentials involved with the planetary pair as well: failures through dishonesty; negligence or clumsiness; and fraud (Ebertin). Sadly, any or all of these possibilities may apply and I must also add grandiose thinking to this picture.

Will an 'October Surprise' occur intended to sway the Midterms?

Well, it's been years since one or more political 'surprises' (aka, dirty tricks) have not caused disruption of our elections or at least the fear of it--see disruptive chaos-creator Uranus at IC, the Basis of the Matter--which also suggests a sudden change of residence for someone! So let us agree that surprising events if not trickery will happen as 2018 rolls on toward November along with campaign promises--especially since at the 2018 Midterms, Jupiter will reach 29Scorpio which, rounded up, is "The Halloween Jester". And of course we can depend on tactics such as gerrymandering, voter suppression, foreign and domestic interference via hacking, and social networking illusions to haunt and muss with ballot boxes across the nation. And it isn't as if Trickster Trump the Gemini has supported any efforts to improve the 'integrity' of our voting system--things worked for him in 2016 so sly dog that he is, his 'Sneaky Mind' (Mercury-Neptune square--Oken) wouldn't willingly change a thing.

Of interest as well is the separative South Node of the Moon @1AQ21 nearing POTUS Sun (Trump 2017 = 00AQ49) so endings of relationships and separations from the White House continue as will further unpopularity with the public (Nodes) for Mr. Trump which supports the theme of a culminating Full Moon and its Venus-Uranus/Sun-Uranus oppositions, plus, the Moon-Uranus separation issues and excitement that nestle at the IC.

Eroding Neptune on Election Day 2018

A quick glance at two horoscopes set for November 6, 2018 Washington DC show deceptive loss-leader Neptune of media, propaganda, falsehood, and the masses fame at IC (the Basis of the Matter; The Drain) at 8:00 am est and again at MC (The Goal) at 8:00 pm est. In the chart above we see Neptune @13Pi57 Rx in Money House (2nd) with the Sabian Symbol for '14Pisces' = "A Lady in FOX Fur" (my bold, for obvious political and broadcasting reasons).

Underneath all this, the Republican Party's first-ever Neptune Return continues apace this year with the 4th of 5 'hits' perfecting on October 20, 2018, and the final conjunction perfecting on December 29, 2018. Strong in its own secretive scandal-plagued sign of Pisces, masking Neptune covers for Donald Trump as Republicans do while he play-acts the presidency of the United States and distracts the public from real issues which include the hollowing out of the US government by anti-government politicians and their wealthy backers. We may even find some evidence of his thespianism penned on the Syzygy Moon chart, lower left, in a midpoint picture:

Neptune-MC = Ascendant: acting and pretending which also carries potentials for an inability to get over losses and/or insecurity (Ebertin). Sorry Trump fans but I see no "stable genius" acting under the spotlight of this particular Full Moon--and that doesn't take into consideration The Tower Solar Eclipse of August 11, 2018 @19Leo which is the Prenatal Eclipse of the November 2018 Midterms as previously discussed, and falls into the corporate and Scorpionic 8th house of this Full Moon chart.

And one major caution exists within the Earth-Water Taurus-Scorpio energies here--that blindness to the motives of others is possible and this could affect the decisions of voters in November, especially those who tend to take the theatrical, superficial utterances of a man like Trump at face value as if he's serious and actually concerned about their issues. Will he be in office by November? Probably but who can say at this point? As you see listed on the chart, upper right, one of the Images for Integration as detailed in the Harveys' Sun Sign-Moon Sign book:

"Pluto takes Persephone into the Underworld" which may refer to the mobster/gangster atmosphere and dealings of Donald Trump and his thuggish minions such as Michael Cohen. Of course, the Persephone myth also relates to sexual relationships and abuse so there's that--and asteroids Persephone @17Scorpio (transition) and Atlantis (where we feel doomed; abuse of power) conjoin in the visible 10th house, while wounded healer Chiron, still in mystical if shady Pisces, is about to leave the 3rd house of Communications along with difficult Scheat @29Pisces, a star of misfortune. Is someone tweet-plaining their troubles? Still? Tiresome!

Quirky Quixotic Uranus--Trump's Erratic 'Guiding Planet'

Now I shall leave you to read the chart yourself or to check out my scribbled notes on the chart if you can or wish but I must note the relationship and culmination aspect of any Full Moon, shining its rays here upon the security-minded MC-IC axis of Career and Home, plus, the implications of a Venus-Uranus opposition of eccentricity, obstinacy, moodiness, separation in relationship, peculiarities, and/or someone's frayed nerves on display will add its excited energies to the sudden changes that are in store for America and Congress as we careen toward another Midterm Election Day.

Related: from January 20, 2018 here's a brief FOX News interview concerning the 2018 Midterms with Michael Dukakis who was born in 1933 under the auspices of the Sun Scorpio-Moon Taurus blend of energies which will cosmically replay in the heavens via the 2018 Midterms' Syzygy Moon.

Apr 1, 2018

Astrologer Warns of Pluto Crossing October 31, 2018

April 1, 2018: since today is Easter Sunday (He Is Risen!), family doings are in progress here so this post is merely a quick heads-up concerning astrologer Chris Rogers' warning of an upcoming cosmic event which may, in that history-rhyming sort of way, affect finances of the masses (ex: the stock market) and potentially the power structure in Washington DC and elsewhere.

This is disturbing, I know, yet it seems to me that Pluto's Crossing tallies with the difficult 2 New North Solar Eclipse of August 11, 2018 @19Leo which on Stars Over Washington (if nowhere else!) has been termed The Tower Eclipse due to its theme of 'collapse of existing structures and lifestyles' and the necessary 'rebuilding after the dust settles' (Brady). Basically, this eclipse describes #16 'The Tower' in the Tarot deck for those who use the cards. Notably, 2 New North also manifested prior to The Crash of 1929--follow the link for a few details. Also, 2 New North is the Prenatal Solar Eclipse of the November 2018 Midterm Elections (hacked or crashed voting machines with plutonian Putin's claw prints all over the sabotage?)

Plus, astrological Pluto is also associated with underworld figures, networks, criminal cartels, mobsters and other financial crooks, plus, transnational bankers and foreign power brokers so given the Mueller investigation into the political and financial ties of Donald Trump and his dubious 'associates', major events may be expected before the end of 2018 and into early 2019. Certainly, conclusions will be reached and reports revealed which involve potentials for destruction, transformation, and/or regeneration of a plutonian nature.

Now I could parrot here more details concerning Pluto's Crossing and its mass power effects on the stock market, etc, but you'll fare better letting Chris fill you in if you're curious:

Pluto Crosses the Ecliptic October 31, 2018 from north to south.

Related info: a harbinger? Lexell's Comet.

Feb 13, 2018

2018 Saturn and Pluto to Inauguration 2017 Planets

Below is the Inauguration 2017 Horoscope previously published here with my messy chart notes intact:

First, let's note the all-alone Sun (POTUS) in Career 10th house (conjunct asteroid Icarus) which has turned out to be prophetic given the high number of resignations and firings from the service of Donald Trump's White House--and in the brief time of his under-fire administration. Obviously, many stressful situations and separations have been self-created no less so than by Mr. Trump himself through his attempt to remake America in his distorted Klan-esque image.

Of course, it is no secret that this particular Southerner has never believed the man is up to the task of playing US president because I value the office more highly than his personal flaws can possibly reach. Many of my fellow astrologers criticize me for this bias yet I have also stated here and elsewhere that as any POTUS goes, so goes America and for this reason my hope as a Child of the Revolution has been that Donald Trump would do well in the job on behalf of the American people, and by extension, the rest of the world. Unfortunately, this so far seems an empty wish on my part and yet hope does, and must, spring eternal.

And so with trepidation, the following is my consideration of a few of the upcoming 2018/2019 transits to the Trump Inauguration chart of 2017. No beneficial transits will be listed which is due to my anxiety over the fate of our nation under Trump's quixotic Uranian leadership (see the 'whimsical' link at the end of this post). If this bothers you, dear reader, you are invited to discount this post and mosey on to something that echoes your adoration of Mr. Trump as 'dear leader' for you'll find no such adoration here!

Note that in the Inauguration 2017 chart, the rebellious Uranus-Pluto square is featured (3A09) and so...

Transit Pluto Square Inaugural Uranus 2018 into 2019

In the chart you see Inaugural Ascendant @14Tau07 which brought Trump's natal 9th house of legalities, foreign lands, philosophy and religion to the fore from the start and for the duration of his tenure. Inaugural Pluto in 9th house will make a series of squares to Inaugural Uranus (12th house of Politics, Karma, Self-Undoing, and Large Institutions) beginning on March 7, 2018--still a 9th-to-12th house situation. This occurs with both transiting planets at critical-crisis degrees (Aries-Capricorn 20:46). This is the Cardinal Square reasserting its difficult energies for Mr. Trump and our nation. The second exact square occurs on June 9, 2018, the third on January 6, 2019, the fourth on September 9, 2019, and the last on October 26, 2019 so the entire period is one of higher powers threatening or imposing restrictions on political and economic systems and on the radical reforms (Uranus is Aries = Utopian anarchists and blind zealots--Ebertin) of Mr. Trump and his conspiring Republicans.

Transit Saturn 2018 Conjunct Inaugural Mercury @6Cap45

As you know, astrological Mercury represents multiple things on various levels with plans, communications, and commerce being only three of them. In 2018 there are three conjunctions to 9th house Mercury (6Cap45) from transiting Saturn, karmic planet of limitation, delay, loss, judgments, courts, laws, lawmakers, government, and business. Of course, Saturn is strong in his own sign of Capricorn and is slowly gearing up for his Great Conjunction with powerful Pluto on January 12, 2020 (DC horoscope shown). But for now, the old devil hits Inaugural Mercury in the legal 9th house three times in 2018 on: February 21, June 14, and November 20. This creates a period of increased responsibilities, circumstances that require a broadening of skills and knowledge, serious meetings (testimonies?) occurring, soberness that pervades the environment, and schedules, ideas, and plans that are restricted, delayed, or denied--and may a military parade be one of them!

Of interest as well is March 8, 2018's Jupiter Station Retrograde @23Sco13, the same spot in the Zodiac where transit Mars Stationed Direct during the 2016 Campaign on June 29, 2016--conjunct Mr. Trump's natal IC. On March 8, Jupiter will again be leading a BOWL pattern as Mr. Moneybags (and Jupiter the General) has done of late. Perhaps this cosmic condition relates to dictator-idolizing Trump's dream of a military parade through the streets of Washington DC which would show Trump's and America's weakness rather than the projection of power that he imagines.

Another curious transit to the Inauguration 2017 horoscope is the transiting South Node of the Moon (the 'tail of the dragon') swiping US Inaugural Sun (00AQ49 = POTUS) exact on October 27, 2018. This karmic transit suggests ego concerns (as always for Trump), leadership differences, and the potential for physical interactions. A major separation from POTUS--perhaps of the public or his 'base'--is also a possibility around this time.

Year 2018 ends with transit Jupiter square Inaugural Neptune (10Pis16 in 11th house of Hopes, Wishes, and Group Associations) on December 24, a time when Mr. Trump's need to live in a fantasy world increases, his judgment becomes cloudier than usual, and he yearns for greener pastures. Well, one thing we know--that for a majority of Americans, the current kingpin-in-chief can't graze to greener pastures soon enough.

Related post include: Trump Inauguration 2017's 2018 Solar Return, The Whimsical Sun (POTUS) of Inauguration 2017, and 2018 Saturn to Trump's Natal Mercury-Neptune Square (reality to his delusions?)

Dec 18, 2017

Horoscope Dec 22 2017: Midnight on Capitol Hill

Horoscope December 22, 2017 11:59:59 pm est: Who knows what evil lurks in the hearts of Capitol Hill legislators at midnight when the time for legislating runs out? Government shutdown? ALEC bill-writers toss Americans into the streets and off their health insurance policies? Needy children starve? Arctic wildlife is decimated by Republican oil drilling? Corporations celebrate their free money at our expense? These are merely some of the possibilities that may be brought to fruition on Capitol Hill as this sessions ends.

Please enlarge the horoscope for a few chart factors are penned on; some details are noted, below:

As you see, brash Mars @8Sco40 ('9Sco' = "Drilling for Oil") leads the throng of planets in BOWL formation with lawmaker Saturn @00Cap21 conjunct IC ('The Drain'), a symbol of mining in 4th house. The Old Man is just growing accustomed to being back in his own sign of Capricorn (the sign of government, law, and business) during this Hour of Saturn with its freshly Stationed Direct Mercury @13Sag00, and valuable if vengeful Venus @27Sag27 out-of-bounds of the Earthly plane and isolated from the other planets (actors) yet by degree, Venus conjoins the December 18, 2017 New Moon (26Sag31), the 'Syzygy Moon' of the chart.

Leaving the 12th house of Karma, Politics, and Backroom Deals is the current Solar Eclipse @28Leo32 (the chart's 'PE'), aka, The Great American Eclipse of August 21, 2017 containing 1 North vibes of "information distorted and possibly false" and "great pressure is put upon relationships" (Brady).

This chart and the conditions it reveals contains potentials for quarrels, heavy and bitter attacks (Mercury-Pluto = Saturn), hysterical outbursts (see the Moon in 5th house--almost a US natal Lunar Return), realizing plans fanatically (Mars-Pluto = Mercury), tragic realizations (Moon-Mercury = Pluto), egotism, skepticism, nervous irritation, prosperity through cooperation and consciousness of objectives (Moon-Mars = Sun), indifference (Saturn-ASC = Jupiter), a persuasive orator (Mercury-Pluto = Sun), and obliging others (ASC-MC = NN); (Ebertin).

And of course, wealthy saboteur Pluto @18Cap29 (conjunct Minerva, journal of the Hegel Society) continues stimulating the 1993 Great Conjunction/s of Uranus and Neptune so we know that, "The big picture must be followed, very little option to do otherwise" (Tyl); this, in part, is a picture of the bribes, payoffs, and blackmail used on Capitol Hill by wealthy donors, bankers, and foreign financiers in order to sway US legislation and subsequent vote-counting their way. Herr Hegel would be proud!

Wonder how US finances would be now if it weren't for decades of embezzlement, financial sleight of hand, misuse of taxpayer funds, backroom deals on covert ops, secret slush funds, overblown military expenditures, and outright theft of taxpayer monies?

Well, as we know, the crooks are in charge and they're attempting now to avoid the financial reckoning they so richly deserve for their decades-long mismanagement of America's resources which rightly belong to...

Looking ahead to 2018, here's a link to the next Solar Eclipse of February, 15, 2018 @27AQ, what I prefer to call the We The People Solar Eclipse.

Nov 4, 2017

'The Tower' Eclipse of August 2018 w Pluto Unaspected

For the curious, here is a marked-up image of 'The Tower' Solar Eclipse of August 11, 2018 @18Leo41; chart set for Washington DC:

Perfection occurs at 5:57:39 am edt during a Moon Hour (fluctuations, changes, instability) with Mercury Rx @14Leo41 rising as oriental planet (rising last before the Sun) which suggests an emphasis or focus on details such as dotting Is and crossing Ts.

Quite a bit of information is smooshed upon the chart and may be readable if the image is enlarged. Included is the theme of this eclipse in the 2 New North Saros Series: 'collapse of an existing structure; confusions reigns; long-term rebuilding after the dust settles; far-reaching effects; new directions' (Predictive Astrology, B. Brady). The initial 2NN eclipse manifested on June 17, 1928 @26Gem21 with Jupiter @2Tau42 so this chart's Uranus @2Tau33 Rx performs a belated transit to 1928 Jupiter (in the eclipse's lead up to the Great Depression) indicating support for the eclipse theme of 'new directions' along with expansion in such areas as political and/or religious affiliations, freedom and independence issues, and intellectual growth.

As for the rising Solar Eclipse itself, obviously it keys the King of Alarm (or, Terror) Solar Eclipse by degree for that particular August 11, 1999 Solar Eclipse manifested in the 1 North Saros Series as The Mother of All Eclipses--just as did The Great American Eclipse of August 21, 2017 @29Leo (conjunct Mr. Trump's natal Ascendant). Typically, a process is described here for 1 North naturally leads to 1 South, and so we see 2 New North in all its formidable cosmic splendor and not-so-subtly pointing toward the August 1999 Solar Eclipse (of the Book of Revelation and Nostradamus fame) with its Fixed Grand Cross in the mid-degrees of the Fixed signs, Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, and Aquarius: 'Points' of the Oxen, Lion, Eagle, and Angel--described as the angels letting go the winds of war. And imho, they certainly did.

So what to expect from the August 2018 Solar Eclipse? Well, chart-ruler Sun makes no applying Ptolemaic aspects to give us hints of what's to come--unless we wish to count as a major aspect a quincunx to powerful Pluto in the Military-Police-Civil Service sector, the 6th house, suggesting those who take on responsibilities that they end up resenting. Obsessed with gaining the approval of others, a Sun-Pluto inconjunct hints at tense conflicts with others (The Generals/6th house?) and a preoccupation with power and position. Wonder who this describes?

And while we're on the topic of Pluto and obscure aspects not readily seen, there's a 'hidden square' (255/56 degrees) between creepy wealth-hoarder Pluto and values-oriented Venus, also a planet of perspective, alliance, and diplomacy. This background influence suggests the patronizing of others and conflicts in relationships (probably over currency evaluation and/or finances in general) and it's a curious one since Pluto is officially 'unaspected' in the chart, a condition which denotes isolationists, those 'overshadowed by shadows', and off-on spurts of overwhelming, compulsive desire (for total control, it seems, with Pluto in Saturn-ruled Capricorn). Always a loner, unaspected Pluto is so self-contained that astrological Pluto's important regenerative qualities are prevented or withheld from aiding the other planets (actors; forces) in the chart making objective analysis impossible and the spiraling plutonic darkness ever darker.

Also note that the military-and-weapons-infused Mars-North Node pair point toward MC and disruptive Uranus denoting interrupted meetings, upsets in a community or an organization, or possibly cooperative teamwork. Another midpoint picture stands out and is penned on the chart, lower right: Mars-Uranus = Neptune which hints at potentials for cunning, deceit, mean behavior, rage, and/or accidents and injuries (Ebertin; Munkasey). And of course, the Mars-Uranus duo when combined is a weapons-guns-sharp-instrument significator as well.

That these factors and the August 11, 2018 Solar Eclipse relate to such forces in the US as the 'Deep State', America's hidden or invisible government (a natal Neptune-Saturn signature at our nation's founding), and the Plutocracy that has overtaken our Republic, I have no doubt. For the oppression, racism, and other mankind-stomping programs, plans, and -isms of the Pluto-Chiron pair continue to bedevil us with renewed vigor since the Pluto-Chiron cycle began in November 1999--conjunct US natal Ascendant @12Sagittarius:

"A Flag That Turns into an Eagle That Crows," a degree and symbol that have brought our country much in the way of its negative (unconscious/shadow side) expression of idle prejudices and unsubstantiated claims. Oh, and that's Mr. Trump's natal Pluto (10Leo02) rising between Mercury and North Node indicating potentials for 'suspicions about leakages through spies; provocative data; removing' (deleting) 'massive amounts of data through groups of closely working companions' (ex: the White House); 'taking drastic measures to present ideas'. (Midpoints: Unleashing the Power of the Planets, Michael Munkasey.)

Yet the Sabian Symbols for the 2NN Solar Eclipse and the related Illumination Points should be considered as well so here are the M.E. Jones analyses of the karmic confrontation degree and the actual degree of the August 2018 Solar Eclipse (the position in the Zodiac where the 'cosmic blink' occurs--again!) along with each degree's Illumination Point which is opposite and unconscious:

'18Leo' = "A Teacher of Chemistry"...keyword: INSTRUCTION; positive expression: exceptional self-confidence and a delight in subjecting all experience to the test of immediate application; negative/unconscious/shadow side expression: unintelligent dependence on supposition or rules of the book.

Illumination Point '18AQ" = "A Man Unmasked"...keyword: ANALYSIS; positive: a considered self-dedication to greater or more wonderful reasons for being; negative: self-betrayal through exceptional ineptitude.

'19Leo' = "A Houseboat Party"...keyword: CONGENIALITY; positive: a gracious eagerness of participation in the more worthwhile or enduring aspects of human affairs; negative: thoughtless self-indulgence and contempt for the general welfare.

Illumination Point '19AQ' = "A Forest Fire Quenched"...keyword: CONCERN; positive: special skill in bringing personal interests to some larger point of effectiveness; negative: a fear of experience and a subtle delight in calamity.

Well, such as it is, there's my preliminary analysis of the 2 New North Solar Eclipse of August 11, 2018 and its potential influence upon our nation's capital and people. Of course, many other chart factors will affect conditions then and presently unknown events will occur so perhaps we shall discuss such cosmic topics more fully as the hour of solar-lunar perfection draws near and this particular 'wild card of the Universe' manifests in royal Leo, sign of ego, pride, vainglory, and leadership.


For more information see The Combination of Stellar Influences, Reinhold Ebertin; The Sabian Symbols in Astrology, Marc Edmund Jones; Dynamics of Aspect Analysis, Bil Tierney. #ads (that I do not profit from, btw. Plus, all ads were removed from SO'W months ago. jc

Jun 4, 2017

Aug 2017 Lunar Eclipse Hits The Confederacy's Sun

August 2017: Lunar and Solar Eclipse Alerts for the White House?

In January 2013 I posted here the natal horoscope of The Confederacy with its Sun @15Aquarius. The Confederacy Sun will be eclipsed on August 7, 2017 by a Lunar Eclipse @15AQ and given the infiltration of the White House by Klansmen (or by KKK supporters and sympaticos, Mr. Bannon in particular who just loves to employ the power of dark forces), it seems significant that such a solar relic from America's Civil War past will, in August 2017, be in focus via what can be called the cosmic blink of a Lunar Eclipse--then another blink from the accompanying Total Solar Eclipse as its shadow races across the country from Oregon to South Carolina where the Civil War's first shot was fired.

See Civil War April 12, 1861: Midpoint Pictures and Hidden Hands.

Now as you know, both lunar and solar eclipses may be described as "wild cards of the Universe" because of their disruptive Uranian qualities such as the ability to upset apple carts and dislodge secrets and other inconvenient information that some would prefer kept hidden. And since a Lunar Eclipse involves the Moon with its correlation to the unconscious and the past (including one's previous actions, behavior, and scandals), we may expect more glaring leaks and uncovered secrets in and around August 2017 and afterward. These may apply in particular to the shrouded-in-secrets White House and its current denizens who are already under much pressure. Besides, that's where the Klan lurks behind every door.

And as various Confederate monuments are being removed in the US it occurs to me to wonder why the most offensive of all (imho)--the statue of Confederate Brigadier General, Freemason, and Klansman Albert Pike--remains on guard in Judiciary Square near the US Capitol Building where Congress meets 'to do the people's business'.

UPDATE July 1, 2020: Good news for fussy me! On June 19, 2020 the (creepy, offensive) statue of musty old Albert Pike was toppled! Follow the link to view a bi-wheel of the toppling horoscope with Pike's natals surrounding it.

So while Googling for information on Pike's memorial statue, I ran across something of a defense of Albert Pike and the long held assumption of his being a Luciferian due in part to his famous quote concerning Lucifer. Check it out, if you're interested, for the blog puts Pike's words into context and I shall leave it to you, dear reader, to form your own conclusion concerning this 'Knight of the Golden Circle'.

Plus, you're familiar with the reputed and infamous letter the 'exalted' Freemason Pike sent to Mazzini (founder of Sicily's Mafia) dated August 15, 1871. Here's an excerpt which actually describes much of the social changes and unrest currently in progress and instigated by the radicals haunting the White House halls and their enablers, public and private:

"We shall unleash the Nihilists and the atheists, and we shall provoke a formidable social cataclysm which in all its horror will show clearly to the nations the effect of absolute atheism, origin of savagery, and of the most bloody turmoil. Then everywhere, the citizens, obliged to defend themselves against the world minority of revolutionaries, will exterminate those destroyers of civilization, and the multitude, disillusioned with Christianity, whose deistic spirits will from that moment be without compass, anxious for an ideal, but without knowing where to render its adoration, will receive the pure light...of Lucifer, brought finally into public view, a manifestation which will result from the general reactionary movement which will follow the destruction of Christianity and atheism, both conquered and exterminated at the same time."

Whether the letter was written by a luciferian Pike or not, its cunning is worthy of Lucifer-Satan's way of thinking--to seduce and take as many souls down with him as he goes as he possibly can. The letter goes on to promote the Masonic plan for World War III which turns up in 2017 as a frequent topic of concern and anxiety. Genuine or not, whoever penned the 1871 letter was, at the least, a master of run-on sentences.

So as Thomas Jefferson famously admitted, "I tremble for my country when I reflect that God is just; that His justice cannot sleep forever." And so should we all. But somehow the ones perpetrating the Utopian plan of global horror and persuasion upon the world seem unconcerned as if their actions are above natural law. Wonder how shocked they'll be when it turns out that that is exactly what they are not and that they will be held accountable for their actions on Earth and how they oppressed and harmed the innocent...because karma's law of reaping what's been sown applies to every single one of us on Planet Earth...with no exemptions for politicians or bankers.

And this August 2017, either karmic retribution or progress will arrive in America in two forms: a Lunar Eclipse in Aquarius (August 7) which will tell us something about our reactions to Solar Eclipse events and conditions, and on August 21 the Total Solar Eclipse in Leo at a critical 29th degree ('The Great American Eclipse') conjunct the natal Ascendant of plotter Donald Trump, a denizen of the White House and a man who listens to self-described Satanist Mr. Bannon with his radical agenda to destroy the US government and rebuild the world in the image of Lucifer.

The August Leo Eclipse: a Potential Ruh-Roh for America

As always, eclipses may trigger disastrous weather and other natural events (ex: Mount St. Helen's is rumbling again, and storms, flooding, and fires are potentials) but there's more to consider because eclipses in Leo spotlight the need to exercise genuine leadership in whatever karmic situations and conditions manifest. Plus, a Leonine 'cosmic blink' suggests a paternal karmic link with an offspring (also denizens of the White House) and cautions against self-centered egocentricity, vainglory, ostentation, pomposity, pride, and other negative traits of the sign Leo--and there's a huge ruh-roh right there in the form of you-know-who.

How unfortunate for America and the world that her current 'leader' can't seem to avoid displaying his negative Leo traits in such constant abundance with his 29Leo Ascendant and Mars rising in Leo conjunct royal star Regulus. And in spite of the star's traditional or else caution, it's tragically predictable with Mr. Trump that revenge and retaliation will be taken which guarantees that at some point, all that's been gained shall be taken away.

Related posts: How to View the Total Solar Eclipse of August 21, 2017, and here are a few astro-notes concerning White Nationalist Steve Bannon whose Uranus-South-Node conjunction (1953) identifies him as high strung, often irrational, and very upset with changing social and technological trends and conditions.


Check with to locate Lucifer in a horoscope for a specific date; asteroid Lucifer is #1930 which links it to planet Pluto, discovered in 1930, and in Astrology, god of the underworld, a saboteur, assassin, gold hoarder, 'the invisible man of power', and agent of transformation via destruction and regeneration.

For more eclipse info see Your Prenatal Eclipse by Rose Lineman.