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Showing posts with label US economy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label US economy. Show all posts

Sep 20, 2023

118th Congress w/ Govt Shutdown Oct 1, 2023

by Jude Cowell, a partisan for democracy and the common good

Just a quick posting of a bi-wheel of DC Horoscopes: the 118th Congress (inner) surrounded by a chart showing the possible GOP government shutdown (outer) set for October 1, 2023 12:00 am EDT, Capitol Building. Why quick? Because the shutdown may not happen at all, and because my time is as valuable as any of the Utopian idealists now working to sabotage the House of Representatives in their determination to destroy the US Congress, the US Justice System, and the federal government via the White House -- in words, our three branches of government are obstacles to their take-over agenda as is the US Constitution.

Of course, harming President Biden in case it boosts Republicans in November 2024 would be a bonus of causing yet another shutdown, they think, and the collateral damage to the US economy and to the lives of the American people - well these are only necessary side issues for the GOP. They'll even blame Democrats for any negative shutdown consequences if they can! And significant damage to the US Military is well underway thanks to Mr. Tuberville.

Yet this hostage scheme hasn't worked well for Republicans before but we do get to marvel at their neurotic activity as a head-against-wall exercise while expecting different outcomes. Be sure to note the Neptune/MC notes penned on, upper middle.

Meanwhile at home, the GOP's aberrant, underhanded behavior allows the American public and the entire world to witness them (self-styled ultra-magas) as they follow orders from their overlords, enemies of the US, both foreign and domestic. Why, even their cult idol Herr Trump must act under orders even though his mind is so addled lately he thinks he ran a race against President Obama!

Anyway, here's the bi-wheel. Do with it whatever you can:

Hopefully you can enlarge the image if you wish and read my study notes of which there are many.

Apr 10, 2023

Is Fed Chair Jerome Powell Purposely Destroying the Economy? - Thom Hartmann

Here's a March 2023 clip from Thom Hartmann discussing Republican Fedhead Jerome Powell, recession, the US economy, and the possibility that Powell's actions are intended to undermine President Joe Biden's economic policies in order to give Republicans a boost in the 2024 Elections. Misplaced blame and campaign talking points will result.

Because it's common sense that goose-stepping Republican candidates will need all the multiple forms of cheating their fascism can devise for any hope of victory in the November 2024 elections:

What If the Universe Steps In?

So you know how 'they say' The best laid plans of mice and men? That's because sometimes higher forces interrupt earthly events with 'wild cards' known as eclipses, the most obvious and visible disruptions that few earthlings can ignore.

In case you missed it, here's a recent SO'W post displaying both the Federal Rescerve Act's December 23, 1913 Horoscope with its Moon @15Scorpio (We the People betrayed) and the Lunar Eclipse of May 5, 2023 which 'eclipses' the Fed's 1913 Moon at the very same degree, what I tend to call a cosmic time link. Thanks to the lunar eclipse, we can expect the lunation to reveal, uncover, or leak information, even secrets, which can lead to outcomes such as scandals, karmic changes (positive or negative), and/or course corrections. As many economists agree, Mr. Powell would do the US economy a solid by listening.

Yet we know as with all events and conditions on Planet Earth, some measure of both positive and negative potentials may be blended, not just economically, but with other Scorpionic realms such as corporate big business, investment, the medical and pharmaceutical industries, research, further data breaches, war and diplomacy, and/or spying and surveillance. Such potentials will stretch through the Summer Solstice season while carrying along the themes of the April 2023 Solar Eclipse until the next Solar Eclipse in October 2023.

For more cosmic details concerning US budgetary and debt limit concerns into the summer season, you may wish to see June-July 2023 Lunations with a Message.

Mar 23, 2023

May 5, 2023: The Fed's Moon Is Eclipsed!

Lunar Eclipse of May 5, 2023 Hits The Fed's 1913 Moon

by Jude Cowell

On May 5, 2023 a Lunar Eclipse perfects @14Sco58 which conjuncts the Moon in the 1913 Federal Reserve Act Horoscope shown here, upper right; lower left is the May 5th Scorpio Lunar Eclipse Horoscope; both charts are set for Washington DC. As you know, the Taurus-Scorpio 2/8 polarity is the Big Business axis of greed, corporations, finance, and investment, and you'll notice that the powerful Sun-Pluto opposition (upper right corner) of December 23, 1913 tops the 6:02 pm est horoscope at the Goal Point - and the Sun @1Capricorn 'acts as an agent for or against structural collapse':

Now as you see, a variety of astro-notes are penned upon both charts so please enlarge and/or print the image if you wish to read them. And of course, setting up the horoscopes for yourself may be a viable option, if possible, and do check out the various Sabian Symbols (they're online).

Additionally, we should mention that the May 5th Lunar Eclipse falls upon America's Inaugural Ascendant-Descendant axis of January 20th at noon, the Oath of Office, so the White House and/or presidency are likely to be somehow reflected, or disrupted, in May by the upcoming Scorpio Lunar Eclipse. Plus, President Biden was born with Mars, Mercury, Sun, and Venus in Scorpio, if it matters.

DC Horoscopes: December 23, 1913 and May 5, 2023

Moon @15Scorpio, the Eagle Point of Regeneration, conjuncts fixed star Zuben Elgenubi with its keyphrase, positive social reform. However, in Astrology when this star conjuncts Luna, the cosmic picture can darken to levels of disappointment, anxiety, and wrongful accusations which seem these days to be the required fuel for Washington DC politics to run on, at least as a tactic for far-right saboteurs.

But then again, yours truly is one of those skeptics who thinks that Fedhead Jerome Powell is raising interest rates (as if) to control inflation when it's primarily corporate greed driving the financial jalopy so that the Biden adminstration can take the blame for the US economy possibly running into a ditch - at least as planned within the fevered brains of far-right Republicans who have peculiar domestic and foreign masters to please. After all, politicians' wildly inflated incomes depend upon their compliance by which they hope to avoid being primaried in 2024 and thus losing their posh seats.

So will the rays of the May 5th Scorpio Full Moon Eclipse lift a veil or two on previous or present financial secrets? Will leaked information cause a financial and/or political scandal or yet another controversy spawned by wild conspiracy theories? Or, is the Lunar Eclipse a cosmic signal that the American people (Moon 1913) are being bamboozled once again by a tone deaf Federal Reserve of 2023 prescribing an erroneous solution that only makes things worse and causes massive job lay-offs? We'll both have to stay tuned to find out. My vote goes to Zuben Elgenubi's positivity!

Additional notes re Jerome Powell: born February 4, 1953 in Washington DC, no known birth time but a noon chart shows Sun @15Aquarius, Moon @17Libra, Jupiter @12Taurus, and Saturn strong at Direct Station @27Libra and exalted. Of particular interest is Mr. Powell's Prenatal Solar Eclipse ('PE") @28Leo conjunct royal Regulus which manifested on August 20, 1952 in the difficult 8 South Saros Series ('loss; separation': B. Brady) because an 8 South eclipse repeats on October 2, 2024 @10Libra.

Therefore, 8 South is the PE of both Election 2024 and Inauguration 2025. My suspicion, unfortunate as it is, is that all this cosmic solar-lunar synchronicity in May and October 2023 could be a page or two from the far-right script meant to undermine democracy, disrupt our social fabric, and demolish the Democratic Party on behalf of a dystopian government take-over such as was seen via the failed January 6, 2021 'maga' coup - a rehearsal, if you will.

Yet perhaps we can agree that one of the comforts of using an astrological lens to study such events, conditions, individuals, and disruptions is that forewarned is forearmed!

Feb 27, 2023

Did Free Market Experiments Make YOU Poor? Feat. Charles Sauer - clip, Plus Venus-Jupiter

March 2, 2023: a New Venus-Jupiter Cycle Begins in Pioneering Aries

by Jude Cowell

In honor of the March 2, 2023 12:36 am ET Venus-Jupiter Conjunction @12Ari49, a critical or crisis degree, and since both planets are considered money planets (Venus smaller amounts, Jupiter larger, plus, Corporatism), here's a recent segment from Thom Hartmann speaking with Charles Sauer. Now as you know, in July 1776, Venus and Jupiter were happily conjunct in the business-oriented sign of Cancer.

Actually, this is the first such conjunction of the money duo since April 1904, the year that President Theodore Roosevelt was re-elected for a second term in November (the Progressive Era), and on April 30, 1904, the Louisiana Purchase Exposition World's Fair had opened in St. Louis, Missouri and included the debut of the delicious ice cream cone which suggests the planetary pair's association with sugar, overindulgence, hormone imbalances, and other health conditions.

Meanwhile, the Venus-Jupiter planetary pair influences not only our financial concerns but also issues of religion, politics, and legalities, so here's a more specific analysis of the duo from Michael Munkasey's Midpoints: Unleashing the Power of the Planets (#ad) provided in Hegelian Dialectic form:

Thesis: Periods of prosperity and growth; expansion in the economic and general outlook; increased processing of legal cases (my bold!); many new laws; attraction of foreigners to an enterprise; foreign capital investments.

Antithesis: Expansion of religions and their interference into the justice system (exs: Christian Nationalists, Republicans; SCOTUS); an expansion of social culture which affects all aspects of life; foreign raids on the treasury; an inability to defend values or symbols of enterprise.

A Few Examples of Venus-Jupiter People and Events:

George Washington's Inauguration; Alaskan Earthquake; Bolsheviks Seize Power; Ramstein Air Show Collision; First Atomic Bomb Explosion.

Aug 5, 2022

Are Co-Ops Really an Alternative To Capitalism? - Richard Wolff (plus, Astrology)

August 5, 2022

Jupiter and Neptune in Pisces: Impressionability; Pathological Inclinations; Financial Schemes and Fraud

With Midterms 2022 quickly approaching, it's typical that the US economy and household budgets are on most Americans' minds, thanks in large part to inflationary price-gouging by corporations (many of which funded death-cult leader and seditionist) Trump's January 6th coup attempt, ongoing.

Such financial schemes are partially described as a Jupiter-Neptune affair of grand schemes and speculation, with their new and current cycle beginning on April 12, 2022 @23Pis59.

Then notably, when wealth-hoarding power-player Pluto Stations on October 8, 2022 @26Cap06 (in process of completing America's first-ever Pluto Return), transit Neptune will still be spreading its wide-girthed gaseousness all over the dreamy 23Pisces+ position in its April 12, 2022 conjunction horoscope. Illusion, delusion, and fanaticism are indicated along with a search for truth. And from these cosmic influences, society may experience a continuation of unreasonable plans, or perhaps a transformation - or collapse - of them.

Meanwhile, here's a related discussion concerning financial issues from yesterday's Live broadcast of the Thom Hartmann Show:

And so, my friends, if you share my common good leanings at all, you're mighty fed up with Predatory Capitalism exploiting the American people into penury, ruining our children's futures, and undermining our country in every way it can devise. One way that such concerns may be studied is via the Pluto-Chiron cycle of Plutocracy, exploitation, racism, Capitalism, Socialism, Fascism (other -isms), and the primal violence and cruelty now on the rise in society. Their current cycle began anew on December 30, 1999 @11Sag22, conjunct what some astrologers continue to use as America's founding Ascendant (late afternoon of July 4, 1776). See Pluto and Chiron Conjunct: a New Cycle.

Yet whether we place the Pluto-Chiron Conjunction of December 1999 upon our US 1776 Ascendant or not - their 60-year cycle relating to Collective consciousness and a mass need - the troubling conditions are expressing loudly in this, the not-so New Millennium, a new cycle announced by the Pluto-Chiron Conjunction and in other ways, so that we now find unfettered Plutocracy of the economic royalist class and its enablers shoving America and the US government into a downward spiral of tyranny and misery.

Now as you know, multiple foreign actors are 'in on' the big picture with the expected objective of removing the US from global leadership on behalf of Russia and China (countries that are unable to reach such elevated positions by their merits so they have to cheat to gain advantages - like Trump). And yes, this is a topic fussed about multiple times here on SO'W so I won't repeat such fusses in this, my Friday post of the week, except to mention that atomic and nuclear concerns are also within the realms of Pluto-Chiron.

Suffice to say in closing, it is imperative that every American Vote in the Midterms Elections of November 2022, and again in the November 2024 elections, despite any and all obstacles.

Because as Thom Hartmann and multiple others are saying, democracy is on the ballot in November 2022 and in 2024.

Therefore, when it comes to rational pro-constitutional citizens, the crushing of our democratic Republic under the boot of brutal authoritarian fascist dictators with neo-Nazism on their evil minds is simply not an option.

Jul 6, 2022

NYSE transits: Is the US Economy in or approaching Recession?

A Planetary Spotcheck on the NYSE: 2022 into 2023

by Jude Cowell

Whether we look at the horoscope for the NYSE Buttonwood Handshake Agreement of May 17, 1792 NYC that first formed the 'Wall Street Casino', or the reorganization chart of May 11, 1869 (for timing I use the New Moon of that day @20Tau57 at 11:11:27 am LMT NYC), we find several difficult planetary transits of stress and strain in process as the bond yield market inverts which forecasts recession for the US economy, or, alerts us to the fact that the US economy is already in recession. Can Astrology, via a novice astrologer, show such a problem of market instability?

Perhaps, because certain planetary contacts to the 1792 and 1869 charts, shown above, indicate that in general, upheaval is in our financial cards. But since my theory is that no reader makes it to the end of a very long post, I'll simply mention a major transit affecting each horoscope - and both contacts occur three times due to retrogradation which stretches out the effects and conditions:

NYSE May 17, 1792 7:52 am LMT NYC shows wealth-hoarding Pluto @23AQ31, direct and in the corporate Big Business 8th house. However, 1792 Pluto squares 11th house Sun and Mercury Rx in money sign Taurus, therefore, transit Saturn squares them, too, which adds to the difficulties. Yet financier planet Jupiter of 1792 (22Lib57, 4th house) trines 1792 Pluto (big wheeler-dealers), so transit Saturn beneficially trines 1792 Jupiter so that a measure of mitigation of difficulties is provided during the earth-shaking, old order vs new order influences of Saturn conjunct 1792 Pluto exact on: 1. April 19, 2022; 2. July 22, 2022; 3. January 11, 2023. Power and control issues are also part of the Saturn-Pluto picture.

NYSE Reorganization May 11, 1869 NYC New Moon @20Tau57 in 10th house along with money planets Pluto (16Tau36) and Venus (21Tau33); there's a crisis/turning point YOD pattern between Uranus (14Can26 11th house) sextile Pluto at its base representing the reordering or reorganization of Wall Street itself due to crisis conditions, with apex Saturn Rx @15Sag33 in 4th house, planet of karma and of senior, well-established participants. Rounding up old man's Saturn's degree we get a Sabian Symbol significant to our current topic: "Sea Gulls Watching a Ship". And if we read the trio as a midpoint picture we find potentials for egoism, self-will, and exposure to great pressure (R. Ebertin). Great pressure sounds to me like a current condition as well.

Suggesting upheaval, changes, and a very bumpy ride, transit Uranus conjuncts 1869 Pluto three times, exact on: 1. June 6, 2022; 2. November 16, 2022; 3. March 28, 2023. You'll note the November 16th date so near the November 8, 2022 Election Day with Uranus conjunct 1869 Pluto. Perhaps we can agree that violent disruptions interfering with Midterms 2022 voting bodes ill for society on many levels which includes economic issues.

Yet we know that the inverted bond yield indicator isn't written in stone as a recession signpost since its negative effects could be avoided with careful navigation, yet the wealthy elite are apparently lacking confidence in America 'going forward' which may prove even more important since their failure to invest in the US economy can trigger a recession. Why, some of the wealthy villains even supported Trump's violent J6 coup attempt against the US Congress but you can bet that many of them made the bulk of their fortunes off the American people - in our democratic society.

Meanwhile, we should begin to understand more about these issues once banking planet Jupiter Stations and turns Rx on July 28, 2022 @8Ari43. Jupiter will remain inwardly turned (inverted?) until the third week of November 2022 after the 2022 Midterm Elections and the day's Taurus Lunar Eclipse conjunct disruptive Uranus, planet of radical politics and zealots which creates a major problem of instability for financial markets and for Main Street shoppers who stay home out of fear, and who may stay home from the November polls, choosing to Vote By Mail.

So as you see, these major transits to the NYSE charts are already in progress since April and June 2022 which possibly denotes that a recession is already in progress (although other more beneficial transits into 2023 may bring economic relief). But however Wall Street decides to react to these cosmic influences, we may as well expect difficulties through the bond yield market on into 2023 with little if any benefits from retrograde Jupiter's funds or from the Great Benefic's protective function.

Actually, my suspicion is that there are potentials in store for aid delayed and/or blocked efforts to show up on our societal menu, most likely engineered and promoted by sorehead politicians of a regressive persuasion working hard to sabotage our country on behalf of their foreign and domestic handlers and financiers. My feeling is that voting for malevolent saboteurs in the 2022 Midterms will go ahead and sink that Ship (of State), the one the seagulls are watching very intently for signs of faltering.

Therefore, realistically speaking - and as previously noted - these major 2022-2023 transits for a US economy led by Wall Street gentry may be cosmic announcements of a very bumpy ride.

But hey! How about fighting back the toffs? For there's one event full of hope (one of Jupiter's favorite functions!) which was held on June 18, 2022 under the restless influences of the first Uranus-to-Pluto transit to the 1869 chart. As you know, the Uranus-Pluto pair is always active when social protests rise up under great pressure, as we saw with Reverend William Barber's Mass Poor People's and Low-Wage Workers' Assembly and Moral March on Washington and to the Polls.

So for more information,and you don't have to be poor, why not check out the PoorPeoplesCampaign website!

Aug 25, 2021

America is Facing a Toxic Political Fault Line - Thom Hartmann

Wednesday August 25, 2021: This August 24th segment from progressive broadcaster and author Thom Hartmann may be of interest to readers of Stars Over Washington:

As transit Neptune, planet of contagion and paranoia, continues floating through its own sign of Pisces, "toxic" is definitely one of the operative words for our besieged America these days especially since transit Neptune opposes US natal Neptune in Virgo, a long-time-coming opposition stuffed full of karma, loss, disappointment, regret, and persecution. And speaking of the US economy -

Also see Spring and Summer 2021: the Path of Benefic Jupiter (Mr. Moneybags).

And here, as an artful tribute to oceanic Neptune and imaginative, fishy Pisces, is my botanical depiction of an Ornate Butterfish floating in from my online Dreamyfish Art collection of pencil portraits:

Aug 13, 2021

Jupiter-Neptune 2022: Is Inflation On the Rise?

by Jude Cowell

Friday August 13, 2021: When a dual image of horoscopes was published recently showing the Jupiter-Neptune Conjunctions of April 12, 2022 and the third of three conjunctions that perfected during 2009, several chart factors were noted in the post. Today, increasing mentions in the news of inflation in the US economy has spurred a re-posting of the April 12, 2022 horoscope for your consideration.

(Please follow the above link if you wish to read my notes for I won't retype them here.)

So as you've heard, in June and July of 2021 the US inflation rate was 5.4%, up from 5.0 in May as you can see in the US Inflation Rate Calculator.

DC Horoscope: Jupiter-Neptune Conjunct in Pisces Apr 12, 2022 10:43 am edt:

These gaseous giants meet approximately every 13 years: a grand spirit may begin!

Similar to a close conjunction, parallels make good timing devices so it could be worth a peek at a time frame beginning April 11, 2022 1:00 pm edt when Jupiter parallels Neptune (0A00) and up to their exact conjunction of April 12th as seen in the horoscope, above. This provides the curious seeker with a fuller picture of Jupiter-Neptune potentials which include inflation, bubbles, speculation, and/or political conflicts. As you know, another good timing device in Astrology is the quick-traveling Moon which floats from 18Leo54 on April 11th (1:00 pm edt) to 00Vir19 on April 12th (10:43 am edt) with Luna conjunct and reflecting royal Regulus ('success if revenge is avoided; otherwise all that's been gained will be taken away').

This is good advice to my way of thinking! Even for politicians.

Jul 27, 2021

Uranus-Pluto: Can Biden's American Rescue Plan end the Reagan Revolution?

Uranus-Pluto: A Pair of Revolutionary Planets and Their Midpoint then and now

by Jude Cowell

Tuesday July 27, 2021: Since the first hearing of the House Select Committee on 1/6 has ended at 1:00 pm edt with intense Mercury-Pluto conjunct Ascendant @26Lib59, and chart-ruler Venus in fact-based Virgo making no applying aspects but squares the Nodal Axis: inappropriate social reactions (by some such as secessionist Republican Taylor Greene - and detailed today by four testifying police officers), I'm adding a link to some of Thom Hartmann's commentary concerning the Biden administration's economic efforts on behalf of our country and people about which, Thom asks, Does the American Rescue Plan Signal the End of the Reagan Revolution?

As he has before, Thom cites Peter Turchin's piece in Nature (published 10 years ago) in which he notes that we would see "massive political upheaval in 2020 because politics tends to go in cycles of around between 40 and 60 years, most often 50 years." And since cycles are the stock in trade for all astrologers, it's only natural that our curiosity should perk up concerning Turchin's prediction, yes? As Above, So Below. Or as some of us think of the concept, "Thy will be done on Earth as it is in Heaven."

Mr. Turchin had then predicted that "we'd see people in the streets" (last year, 2020) "like we hadn't seen since the late 1960s -" and most astrologers easily recognize the riotous influences of the Great Conjunctions of zealous anarchist Uranus, the Utopian rebel, and powerful planet of transformation and death, Pluto, the hidden hand, in the mid-1960s, in mid-Virgo, across the victim-savior axis.

And as I've noted here and elsewhere months ago, the transiting Uranus-Pluto midpoint in mid-Pisces had for some time been precisely opposing the degrees of the Uranus-Pluto Conjunction of the 1960s, a cosmic circumstance I tend to ascribe to a triggering of such rebellious energies of upheaval and social protest against the lack or loss of rights, and, via the Black Lives Matter movement - in 2020 demanding that 'slave patrol' style police officers stop killing people of color which, of course, was triggered primarily by the cruel execution of George Floyd. Add the current transit of Neptune in Pisces opposing US natal Neptune in Virgo and we have racial, social, and religious persecution, in addition to the violent reactions and rebellion against authority made timely by the Saturn-Uranus square in rigid, stubborn Fixed signs as old and new ideas and methods clash.

Then notably today at 1:00 pm edt, we find that the transiting midpoint of Uranus-Pluto has moved on to 19Pis59 - conjunct the 1:00 pm Moon suggesting potentials for 'daring; ambition; determination; intuition; restlessness; bringing about changes by force' (R. Ebertin). Perhaps Luna is Rep. Liz Cheney! Of course, you know that transiting Neptune Rx @22Pis58 is nearby as well and with transit Uranus-Pluto within orb, society's current conditions of 'insecurity, uncertainty', and, for some mentally or emotionaly unbalanced folk, 'neuroses' are unfortunately activated (R. Ebertin).

Bad Policies and Financial Scams Always Make Social Conditions Worse

Then for economic considerations such as financial transformation in the US sometimes called the Reagan Revolution, Thom adds the fact that, "-- 50 years ago, in 1971, the modern conservative era was kicked off with the Powell Memo "(see link, below), "which started building a massive conservative infrastructure and led to the election of Reagan. Like old Confederate statues," Thom continues, "the shine on St. Ronny seems to have turned rather green." Thus the speculation that the 'Reagan Revolution' may finally be ending with Biden initiatives - and taking 40 years of social and economic harm, including the discredited "trickle down" scam against the American people, with it.

If so, it's a case of good riddance and huzzah.

For more details on such riotous topics, eclipses, and more, see a previous SO'W post from 2020: Summer 2020: Uranus-Pluto and Crisis Across America. Perhaps the title of the post and my commentary within seemed overblown or hyperbolic to some SO'W readers in 2020 but after the Trump Mob Coup Attempt of January 6th, this may no longer be the case especially for those who recognize the benefits of facing reality no matter how harsh so that our side's Uranus-Pluto energies and other resources can be harnessed to fight back against radical reactionaries of the fascist/neo-nazi persuasion.

The Capitol police officers fought such forces on 1/6, as they testified today to defending Democracy against the violent mob sent there, as one officer, Mr. Dunn, stated, sent by "a hitman."

So if you, dear reader, have any qualms about the true identity of said "hitman," I must wonder why in the world you would be wasting your precious time reading Stars Over Washington!

Also related: 1971: Nixon, Gold, Jupiter-Neptune, and a Solar Eclipse Series ends; The Powell Memo: a Genesis of Corporatism in Control ('noon' horoscope shown); Astrology of Reagan's First Inauguration 1981 (chart shown, links to his Inaugural address); and Reaganomics Eclipse 1981 a Turning Point for America (horoscope shown).

Above image: a vintage depiction of the US Capitol Building.

Mar 5, 2021

Will Universal Basic Income Save You From Eviction? - Thom Hartmann

March 5, 2021: As the US Senate wrestles with President Biden's Covid Relief Bill and I work with some Forensic Astrology horoscopes from 1993, here's a recent segment of interest from Thom Hartmann in case you missed it:

Dec 4, 2020

Either Radical Change Or Democracy Ends! (w/Richard Wolff); plus US Pluto

From December 3, 2020: Thom Hartmann interviews economics professor Dr. Richard Wolff:


Astrologically, two signifiers come quickly to mind: Pluto-Chiron, Plutocracy's plutocratic, exploitative combo representing Capitalism fanatics and predatory vulture capitalists, and Uranus-NN (North Node) denoting radical politics, or, as Reinhold Ebertin phrases it in his The Combination of Stellar Influences, "a political association advocating reforms." (#ad)

And of course wealthy, stealthy Pluto itself plays along as America's first-ever Pluto Return/s approach with its de-structuring effects already being experienced.

Please note that, as always, the views expressed within this content are not necessarily shared by yours truly although in this case, they mainly are. On SO'W, content is, and has always been, shared in a spirit of allowing you, dear reader, to consider and decide for yourself! Jude

For the curious, here's something I wrote in a 2011 post concerning America's 2022 Pluto Return/s, and includes the 2022 Solar Eclipses with themes (by Brady) that will run in the background of society; the following details on our Pluto Return/s to 27Cap33:57 are based on a 5:09 pm LMT 'Sibley' American Horoscope (a chart I'm not as enthused about these days thanks to the excellent work of astrologer Gary Lorentzen who champions America's Powell Chart):

"Pluto's current traverse of Capricorn, sign of law, government, business, and investment is taking its toll on us with restrictive, karmic Saturn's background influence as ruler of Capricorn.

1. February 20, 2022: Pluto in 8th house of the Return chart along with a Venus/Mars conjunction @20Cap (a critical degree); plutocracy's Pluto/Chiron midpoint = communism/socialism/capitalism, etc, in early Pisces and 2 degrees from invisible government's Saturn/Neptune midpoint; the return falls within the 5 New South Solar Eclipse Series: benefits and peak experiences; eclipse @12Sag22 conjoins US natal ASC of the US Sibly chart...something's brewing and will be in view; in the US Sibly natal chart, Pluto is Rx @27Cap33 and in 2nd house of Earnings and Self-Worth.

In modern times, 5 New South occurred in the years 1913, 1931, 1949, 1967, 1985, and 2003.

2. July 11, 2022: Pluto Rx in return's 1st H and re-creating its former sextile with transiting Neptune in late Pisces; Sun @20Cap (a crisis degree); activist Mars @5Taurus is in 5th H and unaspected, or working on his own; this return falls within the 6 North Solar Eclipse Series which involves issues of 'relationships to father/authority figures, the need to take responsibility and control, and acceptance of commitments due to the unreliability of others'; eclipse @10Tau29.

6N manifested in the years 1914, 1932, 1950, 1968, 1986, and 2004.

3. December 28, 2022: Pluto in return's 1st H with a Mercury/Venus conjunction in Capricorn; Jupiter returns to Aries Point, a World Point of Manifestation, for the first time since 2010; this return falls within the 6 South Solar Eclipse Series which conjoins the return chart's MC (The Goal; Aspirations) with issues of a manic nature such as being 'forceful and taking power, great strength in relationships, sudden events, and huge efforts exerted in group endeavors'; eclipse @2Scor01.

6S occurred in the years 1914, 1932, 1950, 1968, 1986, and 2004 (same years as 6N).

(Years correspond to WWI, WWII and the rise of Fascism, the Korean War, the Vietnam War, the Challenger explosion, US bombs Tripoli, Iran-Contra details come out, and the Bush-Cheney wars in the Middle East escalated by Barack Obama.)

Since our nation has never experienced a Pluto Return before, no one can predict precisely what it will mean yet the historical events of those years listed give hints of similar issues which will again be on the world's menu as the 5 New South, 6 North, and 6 South eclipses repeat during the watershed year 2022 of America's Pluto Return.

For as 'they' like to say, history rhymes though it may not repeat."

And speaking of eclipses affecting America, Can a Past Eclipse Spotlight Current Conditions?.

Sep 16, 2020

Bamboozlers-in-Chief: 1981 and 2017--2020

Must We Still Be Bamboozled by Reaganism?

by Jude Cowell

Back in the olden days of November 2019, I published the Reaganomics Eclipse of 1981 in a post titled, Reaganomics Eclipse 1981 a Turning Point for America. Now naturally there have been various turning points through the years but for pure cussedness on an epic scale, the "Reagan Revolution" takes the cake on several levels, not the least of which are financial and political (The Gipper's cutesy "government is the problem" for example). And while it's true that shrinking the size of the US government wasn't such a bad idea in 1981, we now see the steroids upon which Trump and his enablers have us which makes the current pandemic vastly more difficult to deal with. Some folks even say that Covid-19 has uncovered just how weakened and inefficient our systems and institutions have become and with this I must agree. How could it not?

Besides, it's almost as if the fabled glow around Reagan's saintly noggin has suddenly faded thanks to Covid and revealed the selfish, greedy monster underneath an ill-deserved halo! Not for every Republican, of course, but for the rest of us for we more clearly see the monster who bedeviled, hypnotized, charmed, and stole from the American people through the years - as his policies continue to do.

So now, since 2017, we have another bamboozler-in-chief of the 'Republic Party' persuasion who had lots of experience cheating 'suckers' even before he and his network of comrades moved into the Oval Office. And with a large backing of pro-nazi corporate enablers surrounding him, propping him up, instructing him, and manipulating certain strings (exs: Election 2020; corporate media who are 'in on the scam'), our entire society is being threatened with collapse - is, in fact, collapsing under the enormous weight and vile undertones of Herr Spanky and The Saboteurs.

Of course, this collapse is supported, aggravated by several general factors such as 'All empires must fall", and America's Pluto Return/s in 2022, and I suspect that those who understand these cosmic conditions are taking advantage of them to promote a major power grab. Yes, fascists have learned a lot since their efforts in 1933. Now that would have been a turning point unsuitable for lovers of democracy, and a change of course for sure. As we see in 2020, bad actors continue to work for what I would call an unrecognizable America so we must be even more determined to stop them.

Meanwhile, we face a December 21, 2020 shift brought to us by the Great Conjunction of societal planets Jupiter and Saturn from Earth to Air, plus, we're in the midst of the three conjunctions (all through 2020) of a favorite planetary pair of plutocrats everywhere, Jupiter and Pluto. Yes, someone's plans are 'coming together' as 2020 morphs into 2021 and 2022 as old orders collapse and new orders rush in. The upcoming paradigm shifts are scheduled for us by the Universe but their results can be more on the positive side or the negative. In such weighty matters, motive is everything.

So again, here's the Reaganomics Eclipse Horoscope (chart details linked, above); note that its 8th house Neptune will be 'eclipsed' by the financially difficult December 14, 2020 Solar Eclipse @23Sag08 which also affects Trump's natal Sun-Moon opposition and his (karmic) Nodal Axis:

Now to me it seems significant that cosmic time links exist between 1981 and 2020. For one thing, the 1 North Solar Eclipse of 1981 (Reagan) repeated as The Great American Eclipse of 2017 (Trump). Plus, in 1981, planets Jupiter and Saturn blended their energies in early Libra: their third of three conjunctions occurred on July 24, 1981 (@4Libra56--conjunct Trump's natal 2nd hou$e Neptune--he was a 35-yo playboy and soon-to-be serial bankrupt) and they will again meet on December 21, 2020 @00AQ29 (conjunct US POTUS Sun: Trump). Then, as in 1981 (once @24Lib53), money planets Jupiter and Pluto, which have been tangoing all through 2020, will make their final pas de deux on November 12, 2020 @22Cap52 which karmically conjuncts Trump's natal Vertex @22Cap51.

And so, dear reader, we have a case of American history rhyming with similar vibes in 1981 and 2020 - or, 2021 if you prefer to compare US Inaugurations of two arch bamboozlers.

Aug 24, 2020

DC Horoscope: Gemini Lunar Eclipse November 2020

Monday August 24, 2020: Of Cosmic Blinks, Secrets, and Cheats

by Jude Cowell

Between the Summer Solstice 2020 Solar Eclipse in the 4 North Saros Series and the Total December 14, 2020 Solar Eclipse in the difficult 4 South Saros Series comes a significant Lunar Eclipse @8Gem38 across the 2/8 axi$ when the horoscope is set for Washington DC.

Below is the DC Horoscope of the November 30, 2020 Lunar Eclipse @8Gem38 which conjuncts US natal Uranus (8Gem55 July 4, 1776). So although this Gemini Lunar Eclipse falls within the 4 North Solar Eclipse Saros Series of June, it's actually associated with the Sagittarius Solar Eclipse of December 14, 2020 in the 4 South Series with its 'money and relationship' concerns. An accompanying lunar eclipse reveals a sequence - here across the Gemini-Sagittarius polarity - relating to the karmic issues within its solar eclipse themes and provides information concerning the Collective's inner and/or emotional reactions to the disruptive karmic issues and problems. Here we have a Gemini Lunar Eclipse suggesting that a variety (Gemini) of solutions should be tried prior to and during the December 14th Solar Eclipse season in the Jupiterian realms of the eclipse's Sagittarian issues of ethics and morals, as noted in the center of the horoscope; a large splash of integrity would be appreciated, too:

Image: Lunar Eclipse @8Gem38 November 30, 2020 4:29:32 am est Washington DC; Ascendant 6Sco09 makes Mars chart-ruler and he's strong in Aries in 6th house of Health, Work, Service (Police, Military, Civil) and Daily Rounds. Fever-prone Mars is assisted by Scorpio's co- or sub-ruler wealthy stealthy Pluto yet neither planet applies Ptolemaically to other planets in this horoscope so their signs and houses are emphasized (Aries Mars 1st and 6th; for Pluto add his 3rd house position in Saturn-ruled Capricorn).

So with the November 30th Lunar Eclipse conjunct US natal Uranus (8Gem55) we may expect the unexpected from this Uranian 'Wild Card of the Universe' and/or we can prepare for shocks and more disruptions. That warrior Mars is in 6th house of the military and 1776 Uranus is America's totem planet of revolt and upheaval, battles and conflicts in society continue with the possibility of war, and simultaneously the eclipse activates Trump's Prenatal Solar Eclipse themes (2 Old North), his PE which manifested on May 30, 1946 @9Gemini ('separation; unfortunate news but quick action can bring positive results'- Brady).

Then can this Eclipse conjunct US natal Uranus be a picture of the US military preparing for action of a shocking nature on, before, or after January 20, 2021? Perhaps so. But basically, this revealing Horoscope of the Gemini Lunar Eclipse contains a preponderance of financial indicators along with 'social and religious fanaticism' vibes via the Capricorn trio (Saturn-Pluto = Jupiter). Add to this that Mercurial Gemini is the juggler, magician, and the trader (or, traitor), isn't he/she? Well, as you see, Mercury @27Sco48 rises in 1st house, disposits the eclipse Moon, and rules the corporate 8th house and the 11th house of Groups and Associations, Hopes and Wishes.

Other chart factors include 'values and currency' planet Venus rising in the Big Business sign of intense, brooding Scorpio and leading a Locomotive shape. A 'ruthless executive determined on success' is indicated by astrological Venus, the engine who, as an actor in our cosmic drama, can be vengeful, envious, and petty, or, more positively can signify some variety of diplomacy. Perhaps you've heard a few economic pundits warning about the potential for devaluation of the US dollar so we'll see if matters continue to skew in that downward direction. Others have hinted that Trump might crash the US economy if he loses in November. This could be what this eclipse shows especially since his PE is activated, as noted above, and the Total 4 South Solar Eclipse of December 14 2020 'eclipses' his natal Moon-South Node while opposing natal Sun-North-Node in Gemini, as we've previously discussed. However events turn out for him, Trump's 4/10 Home-Career axis is intimately involved.

1910/2020: $$$

Now if you will, check around the outside of the above horoscope and you'll see planetary placements of the Federal Reserve ('the Fed') based on the entity's secret organizational meeting on Jekyll Island, Georgia, timed by the December 1, 1910 New Moon @8Sag49, marked in green (3rd house). With the US economy shaky as Election Day 2020 approaches, will the November Lunar Eclipse uncover leaks and/or Secrets of the Federal Reserve? Or will it simply uncover more facts concerning Trump and Co's fraud and corruption? Note that some Fed planets (in green) are listed simply as '1910' and the Fed's 1910 Mars-Jupiter rising = 2020 Venus which suggests using guile vs force when competing. Plus, bottom right, you see listed the Jupiter-Saturn Conjunction and the third of three Jupiter-Pluto Conjunctions ('the Fed') both of which relate to the financial implications of this eclipse.

Also messily penned around the chart are the Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto of America (July 4, 1776) and of course, the hairy gorilla in the room (3rd house) is transit Saturn @28Cap21 and the taskmaster's continued ruffling of US natal Pluto Rx (27Cap33), a period of power and control issues, conditions too large to easily handle, and a lack of resources. Meanwhile transit Pluto @23Cap15 continues his opposition to Trump's natal Saturn in watery Cancer with Trump's new barricade of a wall built around the White House. Perhaps now his watery Saturn, planet of walls, borders, and fear, feels safe now. But neglecting his responsibilities during this Saturn-Pluto transit garners him little applause or reward so for 'best results' from the 2020 Election, cheating really is the only 'solution' for Trump and the GOP.

And significantly, all the Capricorn action is occurring on and around America's Inauguration Midheaven for all the world to see. Yes, Saturn to MC is a picture of Election 2020 and the assumption of control but the placement can also indicate a 'fall from grace' so we have that going against us.

Now as you see, coming right up is the midpoint between Saturn and Midheaven ('MC') rising on the Ascendant which forms a picture of 'hindered growth, shared anxiety, separation, and/or unfortunate circumstances' for some. However, the Saturn-MC duo can also denote important people! (Ebertin) with the difference depending upon other chart factors, as is always the case.

Now in closing, I want to add a note with cosmic time link implications:

The 4 South Solar Eclipse on December 14, 2020 @23Sagittarius potentially activates by degree the June 13, 1984 Lunar Eclipse @23Sag which was the accompanying Lunar Eclipse of the May 30, 1984 Solar Eclipse @9Gemini - in the 4 North Saros Series (as is the Summer Solstice 2020 Eclipse). To me, if not to you, this amount of reciprocal cosmic energy seems significant given our current conditions of light vs dark, and so, as usual, comparing the cosmic time link between years 1984 (Reagan: 're-elected') and 2020 (Trump: probably bwo cheating) through the 'rhyming' of historical events would most likely be informative for the curious seeker.

Related and curated for you! A 7m37s video George Orwell and 1984: How Freedom Dies detailing Orwell's vision of the future vs that of Aldous Huxley. Warning: Hedonism, Collectivism, and other -isms are involved.

Aug 10, 2020

Trump Threatens To Crash Economy If He Loses 2020 - Thom Hartmann

August 10, 2020: Yes, the threats are starting to fly thick and fast from a nervous Trump fearful that all his manipulations and Republican Party dirty tricks won't be enough to "re-elect" him in November 2020 if a massive Blue Wave should wash Agent Orange away:

You know this very day the Sun made its annual return to its degree in The Tower Solar Eclipse Horoscope. When I used to post to SO'W concerning the difficult themes of the 2018 eclipse, I'd hoped it was only 'Trump's Towers' that would collapse into rubble and not the US economy at all.

But since the Covid-19 pandemic came along and the country, if not the world, has more or less shut down, 'The Tower' now suggests that a much larger rebuilding job is on our schedules. And who better at bad-tempered, sore-loser retaliation than grudge-holder Donald Trump?

Image: 16 The Tower Tarot Card from The Enchanted Tarot by Amy Zerner.

Jul 17, 2020

Capitalism's Biggest Bubble Is About To POP! (w/ Richard Wolff)

July 17, 2020: Here's progressive broadcaster and author Thom Hartmann spotlighting another insightful interview with economics Professor Richard Wollf:

However you can, support independent media!


You know, Trump's natal 2nd hou$e Jupiter-Neptune conjunction (bubbles, speculation; waste, grand schemes, financial fraud and corruption - with his wounded/wounding Chiron snugged between!) is the perfect vehicle through which a financial collapse of America is being implemented, as we now see. And of course, these conditions are aided mightily by Pluto's creep through structural Capricorn, sign of government, law, and business. Yet there is a small amount of comfort in knowing that transit Pluto has been opposing Trump's natal Saturn in watery Cancer and bringing him challenges and a few failures in his abuse-of-authority-and-power department!

Jul 2, 2020

State of The Hive ~ Solstice, Eclipse and Summer 2020 ~ Financial & Economic Restructure ~ War of AI

July 2020: With our Summer 2020 full of turmoil, loss, uncertainty, and dire social, health, and economic matters The Uranian Astrologer has published an informative presentation you'll want to check out (recommended!):

May 16, 2020

US Government & the Fed in Blind Panic (w/ Richard Wolff)

May 16, 2020: Here's an informative May 15th segment from the Thom Hartmann program with economics Professor Richard Wolff concerning the Fed and economic panic:

So! Translating this Federal Reserve topic into astrologese, remember when we discussed how the Great Conjunction of karmic loss-leaders Saturn and Pluto in January 2020 'hit' the 1910 Uranus of the Fed? And of course, astrological Uranus represents potentials for lightening bolts, shocks, disruptions, separations, revolt, radical political activists, reactionaries (ex: the GOP), Utopian zealots, visionary ideals and such.

But it's the midpoint picture formed by transit Saturn-Pluto 2020 conjunct the Fed's Uranus (based on the secret meeting on Jekyll Island, Georgia December 1, 1910) that reveals the massive long-standing corporate agenda that more folks than ever are aware of by now 'thanks' to the current pandemic with its quarantine conditions, feelings of dread at what's being done behind our backs, and the resulting economic panic:

2020 Saturn-Pluto = 1910 Uranus: "Brutal efforts to start a new order; an attack regardless of potential losses" (Tyl). Social tinkerers needed something global, brutal, and completely irreversible to interfere with and stop society so that we'd all say in unison, Oh please establish a one world government to rescue us! And complete the 5G control grid while you're at it for we'll gladly trade privacy for 'security'! (Add: like the gullible fools most of us have turned out to be.)

Can the objectives of 'the powers that think they be' be any clearer?

Apr 15, 2020

November 12, 2020: Jupiter Conjunct Pluto #3 of 3

Jupiter Hearts Pluto 2020: A Grand Year for Plutocracy and Exploitation

by Jude Cowell

A previous post appeared here on SO'W concerning 2020's three conjunctions of financial planets Jupiter and Pluto in Capricorn. Follow the link to view a tri-wheel of all three conjunction horoscopes set for Washington DC. Their conjunctions range from 24Cap53 (April 4, just passed), to 24Cap06 (June 30), and back to 22Cap52 (November 12), a highly fertilized degree area of the Zodiac this year. Of course, this area of Saturn-ruled Capricorn relates to banking and investment, bail-outs-loans-debt, government, laws, and other Saturnian realms such as authority, systems, structure, order, The Establishment, conservatism, Capitalism, management, stability, the past, and the status quo. Add Pluto and we have powerful religious or military figures, wealthy CEOs, prominent judges, organizers of large-scale projects, people with power or money to dispense, and plutocrats exploiting the masses.

Meanwhile, as the novel Coronavirus pandemic has laid bare, the time has come for 'the old' to be replaced by 'the new' and for those who 'speak astrologese' this is made obvious astrologically by the multiple Great Conjunctions of planets in 2020 that begin ticking away their new cycles in timely fashion. And as 2022 nears, many can feel Pluto approaching his natal degree in the US founding horoscope of 1776--the old order now turned gray around the muzzle. Major transformation now in progress!

Plus, Jupiter and Saturn Start Over Again in December

Of course, the Great Mutation (Conjunction in AIR) of societal planets Jupiter and Saturn will arrive at Winter Solstice 2020 (conjunction horoscope shown) to bookend the year and the era with a fresh beginning in the expansion-contraction realms of life. Plus, their Conjunction joins with America's POTUS Sun (that's US Inaugural Sun @00AQ+ since January 20, 1937 when Freemason FDR changed the Inaugural date from early March with its Pisces Sun).

So what might Jupiter-Saturn = POTUS Sun bring? Will positive leadership be shown? Must boasting from the White House continue? Will the US government's traditional checks and balances finally be crushed? How about the infiltrated, weakened US Justice System? Perhaps we'll find that leniency vs harshness issues turn up in legal, social, and/or economic systems. At the least, we can expect changes in government and/or repression based on morality and ethics (ethical asteroid Pallas conjoins the November Jupiter-Pluto conjunction--and the natal Vertex of Donald Trump). Of course, Pallas also signifies the daughter so Ivanka may be prominent in a new way come late October or early November.

Now below is the third of three conjunctions on November 12 of Jupiter and Pluto, a Plutocracy pair of speculation and inflated power cravings. Obviously, the blending of their energies relates to current bail-outs and other financial, social, and religious happenings going on in 2020 but this November horoscope catapults their energies into 2021 and remains active for about the next 13 years--actually all three of their Conjunction horoscopes remain active with the 13 years divided into quarters of influence. This method gives precedence to the April 5, 2020 chart for the next 4+ years until 2024 or so. (Their next Conjunction will be a one-fer on February 5, 2033 @14AQ50.)

So please enlarge the image if you wish to read my messy study notes for I won't repeat them in this text:

Significant is that the November 12, 2020 Jupiter-Pluto Conjunction @22Cap51 is joined by a transiting midpoint of Mercury-Mars. This duo has political implications in the realms of debate, oration, and discussion. It also relates to powers of thought, determination, achievement and the spirit of enterprise. A few potentials of the midpoint pictures are penned on the chart, upper center, but there was no room to add: 'quarrels, judgments, rash actions, lawsuits and controversies, obstinacy', and/or 'retaliation' (Ebertin).

Lower right you see a 'YOD' or a semblance of one for one point of it is the Ascendant rather than a planet. However, midpoint pictures may be read with the Moon--leader of a Locomotive shape ruthlessly determined on success--Venus, and Trump's natal Jupiter because the Moon conjoins his 2nd house Jupiter. So we have potentials for:

Neptune-ASC = Venus:'showing dislike'; with Moon: disharmony; and DJT's Jupiter: 'the urge to cheat others, or, cheating others'; 'loss of money and/or possessions' (Ebertin).

And if you're looking for the applying aspects of chart-ruler Venus you'll find them, lower left, with a few possibilities. Yes, wastefulness and extravagance seem to be on the Jupiter-Pluto menu--but also total dominance over others.

And finally, the Prenatal Solar Eclipse in the difficult 4 North Saros Series occurring at Summer Solstice 2020 (@00Can21) influences the 2nd house of Money, Possessions, Values, Earning Ability, and the National Treasury with 4 North themes of: 'restriction, restraint, inhibition, separation ("social distancing"?), illusions, events that block, misjudgments of strength or the situation; wait until the eclipse passes before taking any real action' (Brady) which on one level I take to mean that our current sequestration measures should continue through the rest of 2020 and perhaps beyond. But with impatient Mars-rising Trump on the loose, what are the chances that caution will rule the day?

Now lots more info is embedded within the November 2020 Jupiter-Pluto horoscope and I have confidence that you, dear reader, will discover it and perhaps share your insights here with others. It would be much appreciated by yours truly! jc

Upcoming: December 2020 Solar Eclipses 'Hits' Trump's Lunar Eclipse 1946

Mar 23, 2020

Jupiter-Pluto-Saturn on Election Day 2020

Jupiter-Saturn Joined by Saboteur Pluto: Karma 2020 and Beyond

by Jude Cowell

March 23, 2020: If you have yet to view the horoscope of Election Day 2020, here's a previously posted bi-wheel of November 3, 2020 showing 12:00 am to 11:59 pm set for Washington DC. There you'll see a Capricorn trio of Jupiter, Pluto, and Saturn forming a revealing midpoint picture on that significant day of a super-significant presidential election. Not that down-ballot elections aren't important--they are, of course, especially since the Democratic Party needs to take the Senate and keep the House. Otherwise it's more years of regressive reactionary politics and policies led by Republicans and their crabby anti-constitutional backers - and no picnic even if Democrats prevail. Keeping our democratic Republic is the objective - or it should be.

However, if Republicans follow their usual formula now that wastrel Trump and his fellow culprits have demolished the National Treasury with their tax cuts for the wealthy, corporate welfare hand-outs, and other financial schemes and thefts, the reins of power will be handed to Democrats to 'fix' the economy. That's if it can be fixed after Covid-19 has its way with us. But as you know, faith is necessary in order to believe that there will be a US economy! For isn't it 'faith' that keeps fiat currency afloat to the extent that it has?

Well, be that as it may or may not be, this post is about societal planets Jupiter (expansion) and Saturn (restriction) which, as a team, represent in Politics such things as 'checks and balances' - the form of government the Founders created back in 1776, and the form of government zealous saboteurs have shoved Washington away from - with circumstances made worse under the faithless Trump, McConnell, and friends. Will their Executive Branch power grab be permanent?

Jupiter-Saturn: More Changes Coming

Now as you know, year 2020 ends with a Great Conjunction (or Great Mutation, if you prefer) of Jupiter and Saturn, a 20-year cosmic event of major importance marking the time when a new cycle begins in society. Formerly conjoined in practical Earth signs, the upcoming conjunction occurs in the Air sign of water-bearer Aquarius with its Saturn-Uranus vibes of old order vs new order. If this marks the fabled "Age of Aquarius" it leaves much to be desired.

Now hopefully the following information will not be too confusing to read for instead of typing it all again, here's a slightly-edited-for-clarity reprint of my previous Jupiter-Saturn post followed by potentials of the Jupiter-Saturn = Pluto midpoint, plus, a few fussy remarks by yours truly:

Note that the Jupiter-Saturn Conjunction perfects on December 21, 2020 @00AQ29 (conjunct US POTUS Sun and a few minutes after Winter Solstice) at 1:20 pm est White House Washington DC:

Midpoint Potentials for societal planets Jupiter (expansion) and Saturn (restriction) when their energies combine approximately every 20 years - in Politics or Business (Michael Munkasey) = "checks and balances; changes in governmental, religious, or social orders; repression based on morality instituted by law or religion; a judicial system at its breaking point; leniency and harshness vie for balance within the overall social and economic systems."

To Jupiter-Saturn Reinhold Ebertin adds: "government officials, politicians, law professors, clergymen, civil servants of the administration."

To Jupiter-Saturn Noel Tyl adds: "Law and order, ambition given the go-ahead signal; patience pays off, feeling righter than right; dogmatic; control tempers zeal; opportunities are carefully evaluated; success takes on long-term security; one has 'made it happen'; strategy."

And here are the potentials of the Winter Solstice 2020 midpoint picture of Jupiter-Saturn = (POTUS) Sun:

"Boasting a lot; dreaming of a potential for actuality; feeling you can positively influence social change; an increase in self-pride and ability to demonstrate positive leadership before others" (Munkasey); "inconstancy; moodiness (via liver disturbances); happy in solitude; change of residence; gaining experience" (Ebertin); "taking destiny into one's own hands; major changes according to plan; or, if nothing has been prepared, becoming gripped by the status quo and having to make the best of things" (Tyl).

(As for "positively" influencing social change, I'd prefer the laid-back Joe Biden, thanks, especially since it's difficult to imagine how "King of Debt" narcissist Trump, 'the divider', could have any positive influence upon society at all. For it seems to me he's proven his negative intentions with his natal Mars opposing US natal Moon (We The People) although you're welcome to disagree. Yes, I complained about this touchy Moon-Mars opposition before Election 2016 but Trump voters were totally entranced by the snake and his lies to take heed.)

Yet we know that any, all, or none of these midpoint potentials may apply or express no matter who sits in the Oval Office playing the role of President of the United States in 2021 and beyond, and any of the midpoints may be activated by transits, progressions, lunations (New and Full Moons) and solar and lunar eclipses. This can make positive changes to previous changes a possibility!

Yes, the fact that the Great Conjunction of heavyweights Jupiter and Saturn occurs at Winter Solstice 2020 makes it even more influential and doubles its global significance. Especially since the two planets are considered the 'flywheel of the Universe" (yin-yang) which keeps our Solar System's planets orbiting within their courses. Personally, I thank the Great Mathematician for this!

Yet we might also note that the explosive, violent Mars-Uranus duo rises and conjoins the Ascendant in the Jupiter-Saturn Conjunction 2020 Horoscope which suggests potentials for more changes and for 'upsetting events, arrests, or injuries' (Ebertin); and/or 'deriving enjoyment from agitating or upsetting others' (Munkasey). Well, arresting culpable corporate culprits would be an improvement for a change, wouldn't it?

As for their last conjunction--the current cycle of Jupiter-Saturn in effect until December 21, 2020--that would be the Great Conjunction of May 28, 2000 @22Tau43, one of the heralds of the New Millennium, at '23Taurus' = "A Jewelry Shop Filled with the Most Magnificent Gems"...negative expression: a greediness which betrays the soul with trifles" (Jones). Curiously enough, the 2000 conjunction perfected upon the natal MC (Goals; Aspirations) of the greedy Donald Trump who seems to have betrayed his country for filthy lucre--and for power over the world, corrupt and authoritarian though it may be. Jupiter-Saturn = natal MC: "changes, losses, fluctuating success" (Ebertin).

So the fact that the Great Conjunction of heavyweights Jupiter and Saturn occurs at Winter Solstice 2020 makes it more influential and of global significance. Especially since the two planets are indispensable as the 'flywheel of the Universe" (yin-yang) which keeps our Solar System's planets orbiting within their courses.

Yet we must also note that the explosive, violent, gun-totin' Mars-Uranus midpoint rises and conjoins the Ascendant of the above chart which suggests potentials for "upsetting events, arrests, or injuries" (Ebertin); and/or "deriving enjoyment from agitating or upsetting others" (Munkasey).

Of course, the last and current cycle of Jupiter-Saturn in effect until December 21, 2020 is their conjunction of May 28, 2000 @22Tau43, one of the heralds of the New Millennium. '23Taurus' = "A Jewelry Shop Filled with the Most Magnificent Gems"..."negative expression: a greediness which betrays the soul with trifles" (Jones). Curiously enough, the 2000 conjunction occurred at the natal MC (Goals; Aspirations) of the greedy Donald Trump who, imho, seems to continually betray his country for filthy lucre. To me the New Millennium has so far seemed a crooks-run-wild affair although you're welcome to disagree.

Karma Knocks at Society's Door

Jupiter-Saturn = Pluto: "intense business activity; a total reversal to previously made plans; extreme changes" (Munkasey); "violent changes; immense effort; separation; restriction (Ebertin, who adds, "in certain cases Pluto = Jupiter-Saturn leads to an enforced change through imprisonment, in which case the political situation has to be considered"); major change of situation; tremendous perseverance; dramatic thrust of self; control of the situation" (Tyl). (Note that "violent changes" may refer to earth changes such as natural disasters with disruptive Uranus in Earthy Taurus, a money sign, so there are economic implications as well.)

And here are the midpoint's potentials provided by Michael Munkasey in his book Midpoints: Unleashing the Power of the Planets: "Jupiter-Saturn = Pluto: intense business activity; a total reversal to plans previously made; extreme lifestyle changes; transforming personal ideas about the future into today's reality."

Of course, the trio of planets in Capricorn play musical chairs off and on as the months go by creating different midpoint pictures as they change positions, yet considering that we're already experiencing such extreme changes now, it's safe to say that restrictive societal reforms will continue in one form or another into 2021 no matter who 'wins' in November 2020 or whether election results can be trusted--or, whether Election 2020 collapses or actually occurs or not.

And through all this, what I'm trying to say is that apparently, major changes and reforms to governmental, social, economic, and religious orders, as timed primarily by Jupiter Conjunct Saturn 2020 is an 'idea' (Aquarius) whose time has come, digitally and otherwise. And although we're feeling strong hints of them now, how harsh the upcoming changes, reforms, and restrictions will be remains to be seen.

: The Prenatal Eclipse of Inauguration 2021 (DC Horoscope shown) which manifests @23Sagittarius conjunct Trump's natal Moon-South-Node conjunction, his bottomless pit of reigning emotional need for Jupiterian expansion and freedom.