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Showing posts with label Jupiter-Pluto. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Jupiter-Pluto. Show all posts

Apr 19, 2024

April 29, 2024: Mars Meets Neptune

Mars-Neptune and the Search for Greener Pastures

by Jude Cowell

Please pardon the messiness of my study notes penned on the chart, below, it's been a tiring week for multiple reasons, and Mercury retrograde hasn't helped matters. Even so, I want to publish the DC Horoscope of the upcoming Mars-Neptune Conjunction @28Pis52 which lands upon the difficult fixed star of misfortune, Scheat. The conjunction also perfects upon the Jupiter-Pluto midpoint, the power-seeking planetary pair of Plutocracy and big wheeler-dealing.

Obviously, big finance (banking), power politics, religion, and transnational corporatism are indicated along with congressional and court proceedings; a measure of dissatisfaction tends to come along with Mars-Neptune, and the usual fogginess, confusion, and possibly misdirected energies are always present with America's 1776 Mars-Neptune square (in this chart, from 6th to 8th house), and will affect conditions from behind the scenes, perhaps surreptiously; see below for notes concerning this horoscope's unaspected ruler, Saturn:

Then as you see, the rising Capricorn Moon plays a prominent role in the chart and the situation; Luna is out of bounds ('OOBs') so is somehow emotionally alienated or estranged, and yet she also leads all the planets in a BOWL shape which denotes advancing a cause or a mission. Of course, Capricorn is the sign of government, law, business, and investments, and sign and chart-ruler Saturn rules legalities, judges, lawmakers, managers, and older, more experienced participants. Or, we might say, adults in the room.

Yet typically dutiful Saturn, when unaspected in a horoscope, can tend toward indifference or a lack of concern over processes outside a limited sphere of operation. In fact, a lack of motivation to take direct action may be noticed. And with the Mars-Neptune duo suggesting confusion, indecision, and inconsistent efforts, unaspected Saturn's slackness may allow matters to become more disorganized, even chaotic. Add to this unaspected Saturn's lack of conscience and any Saturnian proceedings may linger a while without resolution - until limits are placed or rules established.

A Piscean Sabian Symbol to Ponder

Mars-Neptune's rounded up degree is 29 Pisces with a Sabian Symbol of "A Prism" (see the chart's upper right corner for the keyword). This is, "A symbol of the world's stability," a potential which sounds really good about now, as you may agree.

For more info see: The Sabian Symbols in Astrology, Marc Edmund Jones; Dynamics of Aspect Analysis, Bil Tierney #ad.

Feb 21, 2024

Virgo Full Moon 2024 and a Shutdown?

Full Moon Culmination and a Chinese Servant, Too

by Jude Cowell

There are two "tranches" of unfunding of the US government which can lead to yet another Republican government shutdown. Refusing to fund what our government needs in order to pay bills that are already wracked up, March 1, 2024 is the first "tranch" and March 8th is the second. Meanwhile, you see below a DC Horoscope of the February 24, 2024 Full Moon @5Vir23 which is the Syzygy Moon (last lunation prior to the March 1st "tranch" and potential shutdown) with its Sabian Symbol keyword (6Virgo): DIVERSION (M.E.Jones).

As you see, the big-developer-speculator-banker pair of Jupiter and Pluto meet upon the Ascendant of the Full Moon chart which spotlights those who seek power (including both politicians and religious figures). Now in previous posts, I have related the Jupiter-Pluto duo to the Federal Reserve System of Big Bankers, for understandable reasons, but that little factoid is beyond the scope of this Full Moon post:

Full Moon's Ascendant (in DC) rounded up = "21Pisces": "A Little White Lamb, a Child, and a Chinese Servant". See: How Much US Debt Does China Own? Q: Is America the "Chinese Servant"?

Well, perhaps you remember that America was put through a Debt Crisis by Republicans back in May 2023 with a semblance of a 'YOD' pattern of 'crisis' and 'turning point' shown in the horoscope.

And I've always felt that this "shutdown" form of political theater, begun by Newt Gingrich against Bill Clinton, is actually the Republican Party acting out under orders from both foreign and domestic enemies of democracy. But their shutdown antics do more than disrupt their political opponents - they're getting the American people accustomed to a collapsed US government by pretending that democratic government just doesn't work anymore and can't handle the massive problems of today (problems caused by the GOP). It's the Hegelian Dialectic: cause the problem, decry it, then "solve" the problem the way you intended to all along.

What's even more tragic beyond belief is that the current crop of gaslit Republican voters are going along with 'the script' as if they and their families will somehow profit by such sabotage! Emotionalism reigns over facts, while logic is discouraged, and this is what all that "woke" nonsense was about.

So I'll end this fussy post by pointing out that a cosmic time link exists between 2024 and 2020 so that 2020 events and conditions must be revisited and will hopefully be dealt with once and for all by folks who appreciate the benefits of living in a democratic Republic with the freedom to reach for better conditions and progress rather than falling back into a twisted and brutal past.

Events of 2020.

And here's a soon-coming cosmic events that relates to the current Trump Trials: Trump Agenda's Neptune Meets Saturn, exact on March 3, 2024. That's Saturn, planet of lawsuits, judges, and karma!

Jan 17, 2024

Stormy Daniels at the Hush Money Trial

by Jude Cowell, partisan for the common good

Now Donald Trump won't like this news at all, but Stormy Daniels says she's set to testify in Trump's Hush Money Trial currently set for March 25, 2024. Note that on March 25, 2024 comes a Lunar Eclipse @5Lib07 - conjunct Trump's natal Neptune so obviously, information concerning scandals, financial payments, secrets, and/or fraud will be revealed, plus, there may even be a mention of cults with urge-to-merge Neptune involved.

Because as you know, Stormy (aka, Stephanie Clifford) was one of the recipients of thousands of dollars in October 2016 intended to keep her quiet about Trump's extramarital activities with her because the November 2016 Election was upcoming and a sex scandal could look bad for candidate Trump. Not that his adulterous behavior was bad, but the scandal would have been a bad look for the aging orange playboy just days before the 2016 election.

From Reuters: Timeline of Trump's Alleged Hush Money Payments and Criminal Charges; and from CBS News: Trump's scheduled trial dates and where they fall in the presidential primary calendar.

Shown below is The Natal Chart of Stormy Daniels with Sappho Rising and Trump natal planets penned around the outside; as you see, a major connection is her Pluto conjunct his Jupiter; plus, transit Pluto @29Capricorn has been opposing her natal Jupiter Rx @29Can07 and her 8th cusp so the trial is a big-time Jupiter-Pluto situation about sex, money, and power:

Follow the above link for astro-notes concerning this chart. And here's Stormy Daniels' unmarked natal horoscope for you:

Like Oil and Water, Politics and Religion Do Not Mix

So thanks to Stormy Daniels, the best information I've found explaining Trump's Cult of Personality and his profane mix of politics and religion is the podcast episode of Stormy's interview with Dr. Steven Hassan, well known cult deprogrammer and author of the 2020 book, The Cult of Trump (#ad).

Well, if Trump is in any way "the chosen one" as he's been told and promoted by evangelicals, then they're being tested and these misguided cult followers have failed America and the world miserably. According to the Bible I've read since childhood, Herr T is a false prophet, more like. For as you know, the Bible predicts false prophets arising in Earth's latter days. You know - like one year ago in the desert at Trump's first campaign stop, a rally at Waco, Texas where the tragic Siege at Waco took place in 1993. We should note that skewed cult leader 'David Koresh' considered himself a prophet, too. The Trump rally 'celebrated' the anniversary of the carnage of 1993.

Podcast: Beyond the Norm with Stormy Daniels

Now Dr. Hassan says that leaders of cults such as the Christian Nationalists, Moonies, The Family, the 7 Mountain Dominionists (like Maga Mike Johnson), Opus Dei, and others have instructed their members to gather beneath the gloriousness that is Trump on his path to ultimate political power where religionists think they can 'reform' the United States of America into a paternalistic theocracy, handmaids in the kitchen. And perhaps their advice to flock to Trump is so that their shared dream of ending our world can come true sooner rather than later, they think - as if Almighty God needs their puny help with timing issues! Paradoxically, a gold-worshiping man like Trump lays up his treasure on the Earth, therefore, ending this world cannot possibly be his goal. Oil and water do not mix!

Magical Thinking Fits His "Power of Positive Thinking"

Now as you know, Trump's accepted natal horoscope shows a 2nd house Jupiter-Neptune Conjunction in Venus-ruled Libra which just happens to have Wounded Chiron in the center of the magical thinking duo. This suggests that some kind of wounding occurred to his grand schemes/grand spirit/speculation/bubbly pair of Jupiter (stationary and boundary-breaking) and Neptune, so often a planet of fraud and deception. This means that every Jupiter Return for him and every transiting or progressed aspect between the two planets (their last conjunction April 12, 2022 @23Pis59--still in effect until their next conjunction March 24, 2035 @21Ari21) may ping his 2nd house trio into taking action such as overblown rhetorical flourishes and/or the promotion of financial schemes.

Meanwhile, back in 2022, when we discussed the Magical Thinking of Jupiter-Neptune and the duo's connection to overblown rhetoric, unfulfilled promises, grand schemes (religious, financial, and otherwise), and "unfounded or foolish legal situations" (M. Munkasey) I had no inkling that in 2024 the news would surface that the Cult of Trump, a death cult similar to the Nazi Death Cult of the 1930s and 40s, would so intimately involve magical thinking with multiple cult leaders having instructed their members to gather under the tent of the Trump Cult of Personality. For some folks, Chiron symbolizes the priesthood, too, and so certain groups have banded together behind Trump, the so-called "chosen one," to forcefully fulfill their shared goal, but they are being utilized as a tool by the political class who have their own power-grabbing purposes - and they have wealthy backers to please.

All the cultishness and more is detailed in the podcast episode linked below, in a discussion between host Stormy Daniels and, as noted, her guest Dr. Steven Hassan, a former Moonie cult member, who now deprograms cult members and, as previousy noted, authors books such as The Cult of Trump. Check out their informative interview:

Stormy Talks with MAGA Cult Deprogrammer Dr. Steven Hassan. It's well worth a listen!

And in case you've yet to see it, here's a link to the latest ad by The Lincoln Project So God made a dictator. Absolutely brilliant. But I suspect that Trump won't like this either.

Previously on SO'W: The Nazi Regime and US Election 2024.

Sep 8, 2023

Jupiter's Zodiacal Path 2023 Into 2024

by Jude Cowell, posting on behalf of the common good

As you know, the GOP and their comrades, both foreign and domestic, are working hard to crash the US economy and may shut down the government once again because they hope that President Biden will be blamed in time for Election 2024, and that Republican candidates, such as they are, will be victorious in November 2024 - despite all common sense to the contrary.

Well, since the GOP's authoritarian agenda is harmful and brutal, how else can they 'stand for election'? It isn't as if Republicans can be open and honest with voters about their anti-societal, anti-constitutional, anti-democratic, misogynistic "policies," now can they? Plus, most folks realize that Nazism was tried and found wanting decades ago, so which society in its right mind would want to make such a hideous mistake again?

Since our good news planet Jupiter is known as The Great Benefic perhaps his example, influence, and protective function can help steer us toward Election year 2024!

Therefore, let's consider The Path of Jupiter from 2023 into Election Year 2024, with the planet's Zodiacal journey having begun on January 1, 2023 with Jupiter @1Aries (just beyond the Aries Point), and ending December 31, 2023 with Jupiter @5Taurus. His stay in comfort-loving Taurus extends until he reaches Gemini in late May 2024, a sign through which Jupiter tends to relate to others with his more carefree and loquacious qualities, but the Mercurial placement can also be on the superficial side at times. And obviously, travel-loving Jupiter in chatty Gemini suggests a larger volume of communications including the technological kind, plus, an emphasis may become more obvious regarding Jupiter's hierophant leanings. Here's the Big Fella now (NASA):

Then look below for a view of the DC Horoscope of the very moment that transit Jupiter reaches his shadow degree where he turned Rx on September 4, 2023 (@15Tau34), for then he'll begin to lumber forward into new territory. Because after all, Jupiterian realms tend to run more smoothly when Mr. Moneybags moves in direct motion so the chart (March 23, 2024) is added below the dual charts, with study notes penned on. In fact, all my study notes are penned on for your consideration: the Rx and Direct charts (dual images, below), and the 'Jupiter leaves its shadow 2024' Horoscope, as promised.

But first, some basics concerning Jupiter and Venus, with finances and funding as key elements, of course, but also Jupiter is active in such fields of endeavor as politics, legal affairs, religion, broadcasting, propaganda, ideology, philosophy, higher education, corporate enterprises, travel, and discovery. Then with Venus on a positive level: relationships, diplomacy, beauty, and luxury are involved. The negatives such as jealousy, envy, and revenge you already know. With negative Jupiter, it's often a question of overdoing issues, recklessly speculating, and/or overpromising with overblown, grandstanding, or boasting rhetoric. So basically, Jupiter can represent the windbag personality who loves the sound of his own voice. You know the type.

Potentials of Jupiter in Venus-ruled Taurus include:

Generosity; liberality; trusteeship; love of comfort; the capacity for enjoyment; financial interests; wastefulness; illness through excessive pleasures; the urge to gain financial security (R. Ebertin). I would add humor and comedy to his list!

Then there's Venus, symbolizing smaller amounts of money - and showing her more avaricious side when in Taurus - but in Leo, Venus indicates a love of luxury, romance, pleasure, games, and entertainment.

September 4, 2023: Jupiter turns Retrograde ('Rx') @15Tau34 between Moon and Uranus (grand ambitions: to shut down the US government? or to improve the economy?); on December 30, 2023, Jupiter turns Direct @5Tau34 with the 12th house Moon @25Leo25 as the focus of activity (as handle planet of a Bucket pattern; 12th house = behind the scenes; are ladies and/or their issues secretly directing the action?).

And of course, manipulative Pluto, still within orb of our transformative US Pluto Return/s, has the most filthy lucre of all: there 'he' is, sneaking around the IC, the Foundation of the Matter, as Jupiter turned Rx September 4th. Then by the end of 2023, there's Venus in Jupiter-ruled Sagittarius conjunct the IC instead which suggests that things may pan out optimistically, after all, if the stability of US currency isn't under more threat than usual of being discarded.

Annoyingly, those familiar with the natal positions of Trump's planets will recognize that the Leo Moon reflects the abrasive rising Mars in his natal chart. Try as I might, the blighter's natal and progressed planets continue to assert themselves in every horoscope I study. Have you found this to be the case, too? And this includes the Inauguration 2025 Horoscope.

Then noting that financier Jupiter can also wear political, religious, and military hats, here's a dual image of Jupiter Rx and Direct circa 2023, both charts set for Washington DC and with plenty of study notes penned on; obviously the current GOP threat to shut down the government is involved with the path of transiting Jupiter since the US government 'runs out of money' on September 30, 2023 (Jupiter Rx), a stupid political construct by which power games are tiresomely played by Republicans attempting to blame Democrats:

We should add a final note: that banking planet Jupiter turns Direct in late December 2023 while sextile US 1776 Jupiter (5Can56), and when in Taurus, Mr. Moneybags, scion of corporations everywhere, tends to treat the US Treasury and the economy fairly well - except for foreigners and their domestic shills who have a habit of raiding our coffers. Plus, our Tuberville-inspired military troubles are in desperate need of resolution since National Security is negatively affected, and Jupiter the General prefers his major role as our nation's protector rather than as a political tool for Mr. Tuberville and his comrades to utilize on behalf of America's enemies.

The 'Jupiter leaves its shadow 2024' Horoscope:

And here's a previous post concerning Jupiter in Taurus which may be of interest: A Horoscope for the Pilgrim Fathers which, via Pluto, brings in to America a fanatic streak of Plutocracy - very much like We the People now face with Christian Nationalists trying to turn America into a fascist police state. Like that.

A Recommended Post: Donald Trump: In the Realms of Jupiter.

May 16, 2023

May 16, 2023: Mars-Pluto opposition squares Jupiter

Today transit Jupiter @29Aries conjoins and enlarges the themes of the 7 North Solar Eclipse of April 20, 2023, Hitler's birthday - themes of (blood) "lust" and "deep passions long-hidden that catch people off-guard" (B. Brady). Take care out there, folks, don't let anyone catch you off-guard, especially for the rest of May into June! The sensitized, critical 29th degree of Mars-ruled Aries has long been prominent in the US - it's the position of the Sun in the American Revolution Horoscope, and also the position of hothead Mars on January 6, 2021, Trump's 'maga' coup attempt of sedition. Jupiter to Mars can temporarily expand the active role of combatants in societal affairs and may refer to militia men, and the actual military itself. Even police state actions may be indicated.

Now to make it clear, my personal assertion is that my Revolutionary War ancestors do not approve of the attempted coup for the sake of - of all things! - an economic royalist like gold-lover Trump who holds monarchical delusions of grandeur to become a perpetual despot--exactly the tyranny the Revolution fought against and freed us from! Now naturally, I'm speaking on their behalf knowing something of the sacrifice, loss, even death that they and their families - my families - suffered during that harrowing time.

Now, it's harrowing times once again, and today transit Mars @27Can42 opposes not only transit Pluto (00AQ18 Rx) over our heads but also opposes US progressed Pluto (29Capricorn), a complex opposition that squares transit Jupiter @29Ari55 and, as a midpoint picture, contains potentials for: "wars; rape; mayhem; chaos; attacks" (M. Munkasey). See why I said to take care out there, folks? Of course, these are issues society is already dealing with so the T-square may be simply reflecting them.

Then two more cosmic links are occurring: transit Pluto @00AQ continues its conjunction to US Inaugural Sun, a role of power now inhabited by President Joe Biden. Obviously, a power game and a contest of wills is in progress as the President squares off against a maga GOP holding the US economy hostage - or else economic collapse that, if it results, they hope to blame on Joe Biden. In addition, Pluto @00AQ continues to activate the recent Jupiter-Saturn Conjunction of December 21, 2020 @00AQ29 which times the start of a new 20-year economic and social order!

Meanwhile, the global economy is also being held on the edge of collapse by power-mad, sore-loser Republicans with Confederacy sentiments that, as you know, include "a dark vein of intolerance."

So in light of the current Mars-Pluto stand-off of force and control, here's a Horoscope of the first moment that America's Mars-Pluto Cycle began. Check where transit Mars, Pluto, and Jupiter are today in relation to our country's initial cycle, for the clock is ticking:

A closing note: yes, there may a lifting of the T-square energies once transit Jupiter travels into Taurus a few desgrees. The Great Benefic enters Taurus today, May 16, 2023 at 1:20 pm edt. This is, however, the solar position of little Herr Adolf so a measure of ego expansion by nazi-types may occur for some people while others may end a project they began about 12 years ago. Then tomorrow evening, May 17th, a Jupiter-Pluto square becomes exact at 9:11 pm edt which suggests views and plans that are too broad or encompassing to be ultimately successful. jc

May 3, 2023

Jupiter-Pluto's YOD signals a US Default Crisis

Republicans: the 'Downgrade America' Party

by Jude Cowell

US Must Pay Deadbeat Trump's Bills He Already Racked Up.

When we think of financial systems, powerful handlers of money such as bankers, politicians, power-brokers, Wall Street gentry, financiers, Federal Reserve officials, corporatists and other powerful movers and shakers, we naturally think of the Jupiter-Pluto planetary combination. And now that the stage-managed "debt ceiling crisis" is being tried on again by hostage-taking Republicans, as in 1995 and 2011, we look for information within the current Jupiter-Pluto Cycle which began in 2020 with three conjunctions - the first on April 5th, the third on November 12, 2020.

Jupiter-Pluto's 13-Year Cycle Began in 2020

Below is the previously published horoscope of the third conjunction of Jupiter and Pluto @22Cap51, in the highly sensitized 'governmental' degrees which also relate to the objectification of other people, whether in Capricorn or Cancer - and note that the 2020 conjunction manifested upon the natal Vertex ('VX') of gold-lover Donald Tr*mp, as did the Saturn-Pluto Conjuncton of January 12, 2020, the 'hardship' duo such as Republicans threaten now:

As you see, rising over the Capitol Building at the moment the 2020 Jupiter-Pluto Conjunction #3 perfected is 17Tau10 where radical Uranus cavorts. And with YOD patterns indicating conditions of crises, turning points, crossroads, special tasks, and/or karmic opportunities, we see in the horoscope that a pseudo-YOD exists when the Ascendant sextile Neptune (18Pis14 Rx) is considered as the pattern's base - but an element of timing comes into play once radical reformer Uranus arrives by transit and replaces the Ascendant in the YOD pattern.

As a result, apex planets activated by the YOD's Uranus-Neptune sextile (untapped energy sources) are the Moon and Venus (working together = good judgment of values) in 6th house, with Venus one of the money planets, and the Moon conjunct the natal 2nd house Jupiter of Mr Tr*mp. Perhaps we can agree that agent orange is a primary villain behind Speaker McCarthy's threat to crash the global economy if he and his maga-ites don't get their wish to cause misery and suffering across the land - why, Rs even want to cut veterans' benefits!

Of course, collapsing the US government is the goal of the GOP so that a nazi-style regime can be installed - with all the sadism and brutality this implies. Plus, note that the Jupiter-Pluto Conjunction perfected in the 9th house of Foreign Lands which suggests interference in our 'debt ceiling crisis' from abroad. Or perhaps instructions and orders from abroad would be closer to the truth.

And it's revealing that chaos-creator Uranus, the planet of zealotry and fanaticism, now completes the energy circuit of the 2020 YOD because the Uranian anarchists of the Republican Party, peeking out from behind Kevin McCarthy, are the ones forcing the issue as they attempt to shove President Biden into a corner over social safety net programs. As we know from past exerience, a debt default would make America a third-world country and this would please our country's enemies, domestic and foreign, with millions of American jobs lost, and bringing more of the "American carnage" promised by Herr Trump.

Apex Planets Moon and Venus

Then as we see with the activated YOD, it's time to step up via the apex planets, Moon and Venus, which are feminine, and the activated YOD indicates that the time has come to swing into action and address and solve a variety of societal problems, not just economic ones - problems such as testifying in court against predators, speaking up against crooked SCOTUS justices, and voting for common sense solutions in any situation that involves powerful people of wealth and public status who act against society, among other things. Yet it's true that the mundane Moon also symbolizes We the People and Venus = the ladies!

Meanwhile, it remains to be seen whether those in charge will come up with new and better ways of dealing with current issues before the clock runs out on our democratic Republic. Personally, my prayers are with and for leaders of good faith and concern for their fellow women and men. Therefore, my hope for avoiding 'US default' now rests with a secret plot via Rep. Mark Desaulnier (D-CA) and H.R. 626, a discharge petition to force a vote that by-passes the plans of Speaker McCarthy and his maga insurrectionists who'd rather 'burn it all down'!

Now according to congressional rules, on May 16, 2023, Democrats can begin collecting names on the discharge petition and we should note that five Republicans are needed to sign as well for a total of 218. Then with the debt default crisis out of the way, fiscal responsibility can rear its head as common sense negotiations on the budget move forward without any pearl-clutching at all.

Jul 14, 2022

A Horoscope for The Pilgrim Fathers

Plymouth Rock; Raime, CC BY-SA 3.0 , via Wikimedia Commons

July 14, 2022

Perhaps you've noticed that Wikipedia maintains a page concerning the Pilgrims and Plymouth Colony with quite a bit of basic information, including names of the Separatists, Merchant Adventurers, and other participants of the endeavor. And it's possible to discover one's descendancy from signers of The Mayflower Compact or other passengers by researching their surnames. For that purpose, a handy list is provided by Mayflower Society, for millions of Americans are descendants. Plus, you may also wish to check out's 7 Famous Mayflower Descendants. The list includes a mild sprinkling of US presidents: John Adams, Zachary Taylor, and James Garfield, plus, actor Humphrey Bogart and artist Norman Rockwell.

Why, any American reading this post could be a Pilgrim descendant, too! So if you've yet to discover it, why not investigate whether or not you descend from one or more of the Mayflower Compact Signatories with the famous signing occurring aboard ship on November 11, 1620 while it anchored in Provincetown Harbor.

So below you'll find a Horoscope of the Pilgrim Fathers as published in Nicholas Campion's The Book of World Horoscopes #ad (set for December 21, 1620 6:00 pm LMT Plymouth, Massachusetts, and unaltered by yours truly). None of my study notes are penned on in case you'd like to print a blank copy of the horoscope.

However, I'll add an astro-note or two: With Sagittarius rising (sign of strangers, foreigners, adventurers, explorers, religious folk, and immigrants!), Jupiter in the practical money sign of Taurus rules the chart and the enterprise, and as you see, Jupiter and an undiscovered Pluto (undiscovered then, but you and I know it was there) are closely conjunct @11Taurus23/40. Both are retrograde ('Rx') in the 5th house of Risk-Taking and Gambling, with Jupiter's Rx condition suggesting potential delays of some kind within one or more Jupiterian realms.

And so this power-laden planetary pair hints that the leaders assuming control were plutocrats, financiers, speculators, and organizers accustomed to handling large projects, but with a definite emphasis on powerful religious figures able to express leadership qualities. And with Jupiter-Pluto involvement, there's even a potential for the squandering of resources (which did occur, I've read).

Yet perhaps the enterprise's primary emphasis as shown by this planetary pair is investment in the form of funding from the London stock company which made the venture possible for the Separatists. Meanwhile, sailors, men hired to protect company interests, and the indentured servants who made the perilous journey across the Atlantic are represented by the Mars-Neptune conjunction. And of course, planet Uranus must relate to the very ideas of separatism and a breaking away from the rest - first, from the Church of England, then from the Old World to the New.

Now in closing, a final note: it's beyond the scope of this post, but here may be an idea worth taking up: That the self-righteous Puritan streak of our Pilgrim Fathers rearing up and causing social and political turmoil in America (and expressing within society on one level as the Republicans' implementation of 'handmaidism' of the chained woman) may be lurking within the 1620 Horoscope of the Pilgrim Fathers, perhaps signified in part by Venus in sexy Scorpio opposing the Jupiter-Pluto conjunction. We basically saw evidence of current-day (and inherited?) misogyny appearing before our eyes with the recent Alito draft leak of his Supreme Court decision striking down Roe v Wade which included a bizarre citing of a judge from ye olden days of the Salem Witch Trials when women were persecuted, even executed - sometimes in order to rob them of their property.

To which I say, Judge not, lest ye be also judged.

So now you, dear reader, know why I finally got around to publishing A Horoscope for the Pilgrim Fathers.

Jan 25, 2022

NATO and the October 2022 Solar Eclipse of Power and Control

Re-Typing a Post Under Mercury Retrograde!

by Jude Cowell

January 25, 2022

After Blogger erroneously 'ate' yesterday's posting of the following bi-wheel of charts just after my post went Live on SO'W, with today's effort I'll try again with a re-publish of NATO's 1949 Horoscope, its "into effect" chart as signed by President Truman, surrounded by the 6 South Solar Eclipse Horoscope which manifests on October 25, 2022 @2Scorpio - conjunct NATO's Ascendant (the organization itself). 'Conjunct Ascendant' makes the 6 South Eclipse of 2022 and its themes significant to, or prominent for, the organization and its objectives with issues of 'taking power and control' on the menu.

So with my usual desire to be helpful, 6 South themes of influence are listed on the chart (upper right) highlighted in orange along with a few other details such as potentials offered society by all Scorpio solar eclipses (top left). A prominent NATO midpoint picture is penned in the center of the bi-wheel and in part suggests NATO's 'cautious nature':

Also note that with the October 2022 Eclipse comes a potential for a change of position in Jupiterian realms (Saturn-NN = Jupiter: Senators Sinema or Manchin? Russia and Ukraine?), and the 2022 Eclipse conjunct Venus denotes that material values are on the disruptive 'cosmic blink' menu of the eclipse. In fact, Scorpio's intense Mars-Pluto influences simmer while NATO's Prenatal Eclipse ('PE') @8Taurus themes rumble in the background with its 'prophetic dreams and visions' vibes that include the requirement to persistently stand against all regressive obstacles (exs: neo-naz*sm, Putin, other incursions and conflicts: wars and rumors of war; and/or Ds vs Rs?) while avoiding obstinacy, intolerance, and greediness which are downsides of Venus-ruled Taurus. It's a tall order, isn't it?

Back In April and August 1949

Yet to me it seems that positive influences (protective, practical Taurus, a money sign of growth and development) must have inspired the formation of NATO (founded April 4, 1949 with US Neptune rising in Virgo and US Mars in Gemini at MC - our hard-to-control Mars-Neptune square - yet negative or misguided influences always wait in the wings for use by unscrupulous participants harboring greedy desires and old grudges.

'Cosmic Blinks' = 'Wild Cards of the Universe' 1932/2022

And so we should note that the manifestation of a 6 South Eclipse in 1932 is the one I tend to call the 'Nazi Rise to Power Eclipse' and includes the fact that the 1932 Eclipse @8Virgo was conjoined by NATO's Saturn-Moon-Sun trio in Virgo as the organization became operational in 1949 - with Saturnian karmic implications of restriction upon 6 South Eclipse themes, thankfully enforced after WWII. (Please note that my relatives fought the Naz*s in WWII and I have not the least intention of cheering for today's version of the brutal blighters.)

NATO's Jupiter Return/s Perfected Three Times in 2020

Then as you see, 2022 Pluto in Capricorn recently conjoined NATO's 1949 Jupiter Rx, exact in December 2020, and marking a Jupiterian-Plutonian period when political and economic objectives become expansive, even to the point of fanaticism, as greater power and control are sought. Simultaneously, transit Pluto also opposed NATO's Mars in Cancer adding a strong hint of conflict to the powerful, manipulated Jupiterian picture. Of course, NATO's Jupiter Rx wields the handle of a Sling shape of its 1949 planets (large and in charge?) and falls within what has become a highly sensitized area of the Zodiac in our era, not the least of which is due to the harsh, compressive energies of the Great Conjunction of Saturn and Pluto @22Cap46 on January 12, 2020. And as noted, NATO's Mars-Jupiter opposition was 'hit' by transformative Pluto, and suggests the potential to attempt more than can be kept under NATO control - unless the opposition's gift of objectivity is carefully and honestly utilized. Perhaps powerful Pluto came along by transit and is supporting this.

Or not. For on this very day, Plutonian despot Putin has threatened America if Washington dares to restrict his expansion into Ukraine, including cyber attacks and/or in other ways of his devising. Meanwhile, gas pipelines from Russia are under threat by Germany. Checkmate?

So as you've heard, "US troops are now on high alert" as are military forces of other countries, members of NATO. And is the number 8,500? Well, hopefully, no US president is hapless enough when facing conflict with a Nemesis to publicly name the true number of troops being geared up for such a disclosure would inform America's opponents!

Saturn-Pluto Conjunct and in Opposition

So obviously, NATO went into effect in 1949 after the Saturn-Pluto Conjunction of August 1947 @13Leo07, the conjunction acting as a cosmic timer of great frustration with limitations and restrictions, although positively their combined energies can provide responsible members of society with endurance, stamina, and an opportunity to create a new framework for dealing with the laws of society. Notably, their exact opposition of 1931 perfected during the hard economic struggles of the Great Depression, and we know what cruelty and hardships the 2001 Saturn-Pluto opposition brought to the world (as manipulated by unscrupulous individuals holding grudges and with a lust for power and wealth).

Meanwhile, we both know that there are many real-world implications suggested by the cosmic links between NATO planets of 1949 and the 6 South Eclipse of October 2022 particularly in light of the current rise of anti-democratic authoritarianism and dictatorships across the globe, harsh and draconian in nature, and once again striving to take over America as it did unsuccessfully in 1933.

In Conclusion: Can Forewarned Be Forearmed?

Now while I don't intend to promote a warlike stance for the US, the above bi-wheel is shown here due to the October 2022 Solar Eclipse 'hitting' or 'eclipsing' the natal Ascendant of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization, aka, NATO, with forceful 6 South 'taking power' vibes, as previously noted. May NATO be forewarned!

Now admittedly, one of my hopes is that a reader's curiosity may be stirred toward more research and consideration of the possibilities as reflected upon the Earth, then perhaps adding your on-topic observation to this post. However, what most Americans don't want to do is to display excessive upset or paranoia over what Putin might impulsively do as he struggles to gain more territory, power, and status in the world because exhibiting emotional upsets would play into his grasping claws as he continues to undermine America and the democracy he malevolently hates. As usual, such a creature always looks for pretexts intended to 'justify' his actions. Therefore, despite sore-loser Republicans' political opposition to any and all of President Biden's efforts, our faith in American leadership must never be abandoned, no matter what the nay-sayers say!

For more eclipse info see Brady's Predictive Astrology #ad.

And if you, dear reader, need a lift after reading this rather drab post, why not watch Thom Hartmann's recent interview with Democratic strategist Joe Trippi, More Optimism, Less Gloom in 2022!

Sep 16, 2020

Bamboozlers-in-Chief: 1981 and 2017--2020

Must We Still Be Bamboozled by Reaganism?

by Jude Cowell

Back in the olden days of November 2019, I published the Reaganomics Eclipse of 1981 in a post titled, Reaganomics Eclipse 1981 a Turning Point for America. Now naturally there have been various turning points through the years but for pure cussedness on an epic scale, the "Reagan Revolution" takes the cake on several levels, not the least of which are financial and political (The Gipper's cutesy "government is the problem" for example). And while it's true that shrinking the size of the US government wasn't such a bad idea in 1981, we now see the steroids upon which Trump and his enablers have us which makes the current pandemic vastly more difficult to deal with. Some folks even say that Covid-19 has uncovered just how weakened and inefficient our systems and institutions have become and with this I must agree. How could it not?

Besides, it's almost as if the fabled glow around Reagan's saintly noggin has suddenly faded thanks to Covid and revealed the selfish, greedy monster underneath an ill-deserved halo! Not for every Republican, of course, but for the rest of us for we more clearly see the monster who bedeviled, hypnotized, charmed, and stole from the American people through the years - as his policies continue to do.

So now, since 2017, we have another bamboozler-in-chief of the 'Republic Party' persuasion who had lots of experience cheating 'suckers' even before he and his network of comrades moved into the Oval Office. And with a large backing of pro-nazi corporate enablers surrounding him, propping him up, instructing him, and manipulating certain strings (exs: Election 2020; corporate media who are 'in on the scam'), our entire society is being threatened with collapse - is, in fact, collapsing under the enormous weight and vile undertones of Herr Spanky and The Saboteurs.

Of course, this collapse is supported, aggravated by several general factors such as 'All empires must fall", and America's Pluto Return/s in 2022, and I suspect that those who understand these cosmic conditions are taking advantage of them to promote a major power grab. Yes, fascists have learned a lot since their efforts in 1933. Now that would have been a turning point unsuitable for lovers of democracy, and a change of course for sure. As we see in 2020, bad actors continue to work for what I would call an unrecognizable America so we must be even more determined to stop them.

Meanwhile, we face a December 21, 2020 shift brought to us by the Great Conjunction of societal planets Jupiter and Saturn from Earth to Air, plus, we're in the midst of the three conjunctions (all through 2020) of a favorite planetary pair of plutocrats everywhere, Jupiter and Pluto. Yes, someone's plans are 'coming together' as 2020 morphs into 2021 and 2022 as old orders collapse and new orders rush in. The upcoming paradigm shifts are scheduled for us by the Universe but their results can be more on the positive side or the negative. In such weighty matters, motive is everything.

So again, here's the Reaganomics Eclipse Horoscope (chart details linked, above); note that its 8th house Neptune will be 'eclipsed' by the financially difficult December 14, 2020 Solar Eclipse @23Sag08 which also affects Trump's natal Sun-Moon opposition and his (karmic) Nodal Axis:

Now to me it seems significant that cosmic time links exist between 1981 and 2020. For one thing, the 1 North Solar Eclipse of 1981 (Reagan) repeated as The Great American Eclipse of 2017 (Trump). Plus, in 1981, planets Jupiter and Saturn blended their energies in early Libra: their third of three conjunctions occurred on July 24, 1981 (@4Libra56--conjunct Trump's natal 2nd hou$e Neptune--he was a 35-yo playboy and soon-to-be serial bankrupt) and they will again meet on December 21, 2020 @00AQ29 (conjunct US POTUS Sun: Trump). Then, as in 1981 (once @24Lib53), money planets Jupiter and Pluto, which have been tangoing all through 2020, will make their final pas de deux on November 12, 2020 @22Cap52 which karmically conjuncts Trump's natal Vertex @22Cap51.

And so, dear reader, we have a case of American history rhyming with similar vibes in 1981 and 2020 - or, 2021 if you prefer to compare US Inaugurations of two arch bamboozlers.

Sep 4, 2020

On the Origin of The Covid Eclipse

Traumatic Transformation and The 'Covid Eclipse'

by Jude Cowell

September 4, 2020: While checking out the upcoming virtual ISAR conference on the Great Conjunction/Mutation of Jupiter and Saturn, plus, an astrologer-studded discussion of Election 2020 and the candidates, Reimagining the Future, I ran across the dates that societal planets Jupiter and Saturn were previously in Air signs: between 1186 and 1226. As you know, their December 21, 2020 Conjunction is in Air sign Aquarius rather than Earthy Taurus as on May 28 2000.

This caused me to wonder if I could locate a Solar Eclipse Saros Series that began (its initial eclipse) within that time frame and it turns out that the 3 South Saros Series began on August 13, 1208 with a Solar Eclipse @27Leo10:35 (conjunct Trump's natal Mars and Ascendant with 10:54 am edt as his accurate birth time, June 14, 1946).

Below you see the Horoscope of the initial 3 South Solar Eclipse of August 13, 1208 which I've set for Washington DC. Obviously, the Masonic federal city only existed in 1208 as a spot upon the Earth but setting the horoscope for DC creates in space (for me, if not for you) a cosmic time link of sorts as do solar eclipse cycles with their rhyming, if not repeating, themes. In 1208, this was a partial solar eclipse but its accompanying Lunar Eclipse was Total and perfected on July 28, 1208 @12AQ27 conjunct the August Solar Eclipse's North Node. (Note that the Lunar Eclipse chart is not shown but is listed on the chart, 7th house, highlighted in red.) For karmic progress to be made, a solar eclipse in royal Leo cautions against the negative traits of the solar-ruled sign such as egocentricity, pride, arrogance, conceit, pomposity, ostentatiousness, glory-seeking, and using a half-hearted approach when a full effort is called for. With Leo, the parent-child relationship is also a prominent consideration and must be kept aboveboard with each generation - child abuse and/or exploitation retard karmic progress (R. Lineman).

Image: Solar Eclipse @27Leo10 August 13, 1208 3:23:51 am LMT 'Washington DC USA': ASC 3Leo55; chart-ruler Sun applies once - conjunct Uranus: acting independently; a revolutionary spirit - Ebertin; MC 21Ari26 conjoins US natal Chiron of July 4, 1776 ('the wounded healer'; Christ archetype); Hour of Mars (closely conjunct Venus); final dispositor = Sun in Leo; Neptune Rx, planet of contagion, pandemics, urge to merge, and insane ideas, in 9th house of Foreign Lands (in relation to the US) @5Ari26 opposes the natal Neptune of Donald Trump which suggests a recurring period through the generations of racial tension, religious persecution, and clashing ideals and ideologies:

So why connect the 3 South Saros Series with Covid-19?

Because the deadly virus gained steam in later 2019 into early 2020 in tandem with a 3 South Solar Eclipse which repeated on December 26, 2019 @4Cap06 and which contains appropriate themes (see below). Plus, 3 South's initial eclipse of the series indicates that for more information, a solar Leo lens should be used to view the 2019 Capricorn Eclipse ('Sun-Saturn' vibes: 'lack of vitality; sick people' - Ebertin) and with themes of authority and authority figures, responsibility, accountability, control, finances, investment, lack, restriction, limitation, and other Saturn-Capricorn potentials which guided society into the New Year of 2020. (You see the 2019 3 South Solar Eclipse penned on the horoscope conjunct the 6th cusp of Health, Work, Service, and Daily Routines when the chart is set for Washington DC as representative of America.) In addition, Covid negatively affects the heart and Leo is the sign of the heart so there's a hidden link to the 1208 initial eclipse right there.

Yet it's also Capricorn's avaricious tendencies now being negatively expressed in the world as most folks might agree and viewing the 2019 Capricorn eclipse through the lens of 3 South's initial eclipse's sign (Leo) and house (2nd) adds information that would remain hidden (unconscious) otherwise.

And with a generations-long flurry of synchronicity, the Goal-oriented Midheaven ('MC' @4Cap34) of 3 South's accompanying Lunar Eclipse Horoscope (when set for DC) of July 28, 1208 (9:24:45 LMT) @12AQ27, sports upon it the 3 South Solar Eclipse of December 26, 2019 - what I call 'The Covid Eclipse'. We should note that when the sequential lunar eclipse occurs before its solar eclipse 'mate' (bwo sign polarity--here, Leo-AQ, the self-will axis) the waning cycle of the Moon is indicated denoting a period of decline, passivity (and things going bump in the night!), plus, genetic or inherited tendencies and negative habits are emphasized. And in this case (1208 vs 2019), the egocentricity and vanity of Leo should compliment or be mitigated by the humanitarianism of Aquarius - and with Covid-19 and other negative social conditions we see efforts being taken toward such an eventuality.

And yet, can you feel how greed and Leonine self-interest are interfering with progress and societal improvements? To me it seems that Trump vs Biden 2020 is a direct expression of our Leo-AQ condition with one candidate capable of speaking to and of humankind with compassion and a respect for Science (AQ), while the other is a stranger to any idea or activity that doesn't directly benefit him and add to his hidden bank accounts.

3 South Themes

So! Our country and the world entered 2020 with 3 South themes once again running in the background of society: 'traumatic transformation; deep emotions (with saboteur Pluto involved); sudden endings of relationships, possibly with a younger person (paraphrasing Brady's Predictive Astrology). Society has definitely been transformed - but into what we don't yet know. For clues we can search historical events of 1208 but there aren't very many except for the typical murders, fires, and some papacy action (Jupiter-Pluto!) if you care to look.

Meanwhile, there are two culprits returning in 2020 to the scene of the 1208 'crime': Jupiter and Pluto. For as you know, the two 'big money' planets (of the Fed, corporate bankers, hidden wealth, underworld financiers, the Vatican Bank) have met and will meet in Great Conjunction three times through 2020: 1. April 5th @24Cap53; 2. June 30th @24Cap06; and 3. November 12th @22Cap52, with the third conjunction activating Trump's natal Vertex of fated encounters, possible job change, and/or wish fulfillment (22Cap51). If his nibs longs for a new job I hope his wish comes true!

So in the initial eclipse chart, Plutocracy's Jupiter-Pluto duo of 1208 have a starring role as they rise together in 1st house with plans to exploit and plunder all they can through each generation (conjunct the karmic South Node suggesting inherited wealth and bad blood). And if we look to 1208 Pluto's sign and degree it seems significant to me that 1208 Pluto = Donald Trump's natal 12th house Pluto which always brings along his cruelest natal midpoint picture, Mars-Saturn = Pluto: 'death of many people; brutality; destruction; intervention of a higher power' (Ebertin).

Now as you see, the key planet in the eclipse chart is Mercury Rx @26Leo58 conjunct Trump's natal Mars with the pair typically suggesting potentials for political activities, strong opinions and debates, crankiness, criticism, and involvement in lawsuits and controversies. Or I should say that Trump's birth in 1946 timed a Mars-to-Mercury transit for the 1208 eclipse. Either way, the planetary contact time links the eclipse to his nibs and suggests verbal combat particularly since he's a globally known figure who is intimately involved with America's dire Covid-19 conditions and, whether he admits it or not, is responsible for (mis) managing the Neptunian pandemic. And as you see, contagious Neptune leads the tilt of a BOWL shape in 1208 with the unoccupied section of the horoscope representing challenges to existence. Among other factors, this points to the December 2019 3 South Solar Eclipse in Saturn-ruled Capricorn and encapsulates its themes of traumatic transformation and endings of relationships along with karmic Saturn's government, law, and business involvement, plus, issues of limitation, restriction, and working in isolation. Yes, certain companies and share holders (including politicians) are gaining huge profits from the virus as I'm sure you've heard. See NY Magazine's The Companies That Stand to Profit from the Pandemic for more information.

And so, dear reader, there are plenty of other chart factors worthy of attention but in my constant quest to keep my fusses as mere posts not e-books, I shall look forward to reading your on-topic insights concerning any part of this matter. For you know that your thoughtful input is always appreciated! Jude

Aug 24, 2020

DC Horoscope: Gemini Lunar Eclipse November 2020

Monday August 24, 2020: Of Cosmic Blinks, Secrets, and Cheats

by Jude Cowell

Between the Summer Solstice 2020 Solar Eclipse in the 4 North Saros Series and the Total December 14, 2020 Solar Eclipse in the difficult 4 South Saros Series comes a significant Lunar Eclipse @8Gem38 across the 2/8 axi$ when the horoscope is set for Washington DC.

Below is the DC Horoscope of the November 30, 2020 Lunar Eclipse @8Gem38 which conjuncts US natal Uranus (8Gem55 July 4, 1776). So although this Gemini Lunar Eclipse falls within the 4 North Solar Eclipse Saros Series of June, it's actually associated with the Sagittarius Solar Eclipse of December 14, 2020 in the 4 South Series with its 'money and relationship' concerns. An accompanying lunar eclipse reveals a sequence - here across the Gemini-Sagittarius polarity - relating to the karmic issues within its solar eclipse themes and provides information concerning the Collective's inner and/or emotional reactions to the disruptive karmic issues and problems. Here we have a Gemini Lunar Eclipse suggesting that a variety (Gemini) of solutions should be tried prior to and during the December 14th Solar Eclipse season in the Jupiterian realms of the eclipse's Sagittarian issues of ethics and morals, as noted in the center of the horoscope; a large splash of integrity would be appreciated, too:

Image: Lunar Eclipse @8Gem38 November 30, 2020 4:29:32 am est Washington DC; Ascendant 6Sco09 makes Mars chart-ruler and he's strong in Aries in 6th house of Health, Work, Service (Police, Military, Civil) and Daily Rounds. Fever-prone Mars is assisted by Scorpio's co- or sub-ruler wealthy stealthy Pluto yet neither planet applies Ptolemaically to other planets in this horoscope so their signs and houses are emphasized (Aries Mars 1st and 6th; for Pluto add his 3rd house position in Saturn-ruled Capricorn).

So with the November 30th Lunar Eclipse conjunct US natal Uranus (8Gem55) we may expect the unexpected from this Uranian 'Wild Card of the Universe' and/or we can prepare for shocks and more disruptions. That warrior Mars is in 6th house of the military and 1776 Uranus is America's totem planet of revolt and upheaval, battles and conflicts in society continue with the possibility of war, and simultaneously the eclipse activates Trump's Prenatal Solar Eclipse themes (2 Old North), his PE which manifested on May 30, 1946 @9Gemini ('separation; unfortunate news but quick action can bring positive results'- Brady).

Then can this Eclipse conjunct US natal Uranus be a picture of the US military preparing for action of a shocking nature on, before, or after January 20, 2021? Perhaps so. But basically, this revealing Horoscope of the Gemini Lunar Eclipse contains a preponderance of financial indicators along with 'social and religious fanaticism' vibes via the Capricorn trio (Saturn-Pluto = Jupiter). Add to this that Mercurial Gemini is the juggler, magician, and the trader (or, traitor), isn't he/she? Well, as you see, Mercury @27Sco48 rises in 1st house, disposits the eclipse Moon, and rules the corporate 8th house and the 11th house of Groups and Associations, Hopes and Wishes.

Other chart factors include 'values and currency' planet Venus rising in the Big Business sign of intense, brooding Scorpio and leading a Locomotive shape. A 'ruthless executive determined on success' is indicated by astrological Venus, the engine who, as an actor in our cosmic drama, can be vengeful, envious, and petty, or, more positively can signify some variety of diplomacy. Perhaps you've heard a few economic pundits warning about the potential for devaluation of the US dollar so we'll see if matters continue to skew in that downward direction. Others have hinted that Trump might crash the US economy if he loses in November. This could be what this eclipse shows especially since his PE is activated, as noted above, and the Total 4 South Solar Eclipse of December 14 2020 'eclipses' his natal Moon-South Node while opposing natal Sun-North-Node in Gemini, as we've previously discussed. However events turn out for him, Trump's 4/10 Home-Career axis is intimately involved.

1910/2020: $$$

Now if you will, check around the outside of the above horoscope and you'll see planetary placements of the Federal Reserve ('the Fed') based on the entity's secret organizational meeting on Jekyll Island, Georgia, timed by the December 1, 1910 New Moon @8Sag49, marked in green (3rd house). With the US economy shaky as Election Day 2020 approaches, will the November Lunar Eclipse uncover leaks and/or Secrets of the Federal Reserve? Or will it simply uncover more facts concerning Trump and Co's fraud and corruption? Note that some Fed planets (in green) are listed simply as '1910' and the Fed's 1910 Mars-Jupiter rising = 2020 Venus which suggests using guile vs force when competing. Plus, bottom right, you see listed the Jupiter-Saturn Conjunction and the third of three Jupiter-Pluto Conjunctions ('the Fed') both of which relate to the financial implications of this eclipse.

Also messily penned around the chart are the Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto of America (July 4, 1776) and of course, the hairy gorilla in the room (3rd house) is transit Saturn @28Cap21 and the taskmaster's continued ruffling of US natal Pluto Rx (27Cap33), a period of power and control issues, conditions too large to easily handle, and a lack of resources. Meanwhile transit Pluto @23Cap15 continues his opposition to Trump's natal Saturn in watery Cancer with Trump's new barricade of a wall built around the White House. Perhaps now his watery Saturn, planet of walls, borders, and fear, feels safe now. But neglecting his responsibilities during this Saturn-Pluto transit garners him little applause or reward so for 'best results' from the 2020 Election, cheating really is the only 'solution' for Trump and the GOP.

And significantly, all the Capricorn action is occurring on and around America's Inauguration Midheaven for all the world to see. Yes, Saturn to MC is a picture of Election 2020 and the assumption of control but the placement can also indicate a 'fall from grace' so we have that going against us.

Now as you see, coming right up is the midpoint between Saturn and Midheaven ('MC') rising on the Ascendant which forms a picture of 'hindered growth, shared anxiety, separation, and/or unfortunate circumstances' for some. However, the Saturn-MC duo can also denote important people! (Ebertin) with the difference depending upon other chart factors, as is always the case.

Now in closing, I want to add a note with cosmic time link implications:

The 4 South Solar Eclipse on December 14, 2020 @23Sagittarius potentially activates by degree the June 13, 1984 Lunar Eclipse @23Sag which was the accompanying Lunar Eclipse of the May 30, 1984 Solar Eclipse @9Gemini - in the 4 North Saros Series (as is the Summer Solstice 2020 Eclipse). To me, if not to you, this amount of reciprocal cosmic energy seems significant given our current conditions of light vs dark, and so, as usual, comparing the cosmic time link between years 1984 (Reagan: 're-elected') and 2020 (Trump: probably bwo cheating) through the 'rhyming' of historical events would most likely be informative for the curious seeker.

Related and curated for you! A 7m37s video George Orwell and 1984: How Freedom Dies detailing Orwell's vision of the future vs that of Aldous Huxley. Warning: Hedonism, Collectivism, and other -isms are involved.

Jun 14, 2020

America 2020: Twisting Between Eclipses

Riots Across America and a Summer of Eclipses

by Jude Cowell

In June 2019 we took a look at the 3 South Solar Eclipse of December 26, 2019 (shown below) with its themes of 'traumatic transformation through news received or short journeys undertaken' and 'sudden endings of relationships or associations'. Few would disagree that changes since then have been traumatic and separative, and recently we're hearing more and more public figures speak of "transformation." Perhaps you've heard them say this, too.

DC Horoscope: 3 South Solar Eclipse December 26, 2019 @4Cap06:

Naturally, astrologers tend to think of astrological Pluto when it comes to concepts such as transformation by which nothing stays the same. These days we're having a more generous helping of intensity via a boost from the planet of shocks and sudden events: erratic, radical Uranus, now in money sign Taurus and stirring up chaotic conditions as he lurches along.

So considering the current protests, riots, unrest, disruption, violence, and general turmoil in society my suspicion is that the transiting midpoint of Uranus-Pluto in mid-Pisces, opposing the mid-degrees of Virgo where Uranus and Pluto conjoined three times in the mid-1960s, is responsible for some major 'stirring up' of such restless and revolutionary energies of civil unrest and revolt. You, dear reader, may disagree about their midpoint, but there it is.

Now with Pluto plodding through Capricorn, we see startling transformation within the Saturnian realms of government, law, business, and investment. Three conjunctions with Jupiter, planet of expansion and increase, all through 2020 ups the significance and depth of Plutonian changes as Plutocracy (Jupiter-Pluto) makes a stand against massive pushback from We The People.

Then, warming up Summer 2020 are two Lunar Eclipses. One has already occurred on June 5th @15Sag34, in first house of late afternoon US Horoscopes (July 4, 1776) that show Jupiter-ruled Sagittarius rising. But soon comes a second Lunar Eclipse, a sort of 'birthday eclipse' for America for it perfects on July 5th @13Cap37 - an 'eclipse' of America's natal Sun (13Can19). This involves two fixed stars of note: Sirius, the scorcher, and Canopus, the star of old age.

But the most scorching heat of Summer 2020 may arise (between the two Lunar Eclipses) from the Summer Solstice 2020 Solar Eclipse in the 4 North Saros Series (chart shown). By degree this eclipse echoes the transformative 3 North Solar Eclipse of Summer Solstice 2001 @00Cancer, one of the four critical Cardinal Points of Manifestation upon which eclipses (those 'wild cards of the Universe') tend to spur some measure of global events. Yet since 00Cancer is known as 'the gate of life' degree, can we expect improved conditions running in the background of society under the influence of the Cancer Solar Eclipse as opposed to the difficult 2019 Capricorn Solar Eclipse, both falling across the Cancer-Capricorn security axis? By theme, it's doubtful since 4 North themes include potentials for 'restraint, restriction, misjudgments, and illusions'.

That is, unless 4 North's 'restrictions, restraint, and misjudgments' should refer to, disrupt, and/or somehow transform the bad actors and rotten apples now disrupting the American barrel as they act under the illusion that our country should belong to authoritarian despots and criminals instead of to We The People!

For more on eclipse themes you may wish to see Predictive Astrology by Bernadette Brady. In fact, I highly recommend it. jc

Jun 12, 2020

June 25, 2020 Venus Direct: Trying to Save What's Left

DC Horoscope: June 25, 2020 Venus Rx Station Turns Direct @5Gem20:11 first moment at 2:48:01 am edt Washington DC; Hour of Venus, Rising in 1st House and Chart-Ruler with No Applying Aspects:

With this chart's Angles conjunct those of modern US Inauguration Horoscopes the significance of the June 2020 Venus Direct Horoscope is multiplied particularly in relation to the US, to Washington DC, the White House, and to The National Treasury for there are multiple financial indicators such as 9th house Pluto leading a Locomotive (a high-powered executive ruthlessly determined on success). Of course, wealthy manipulator Pluto conjoins Jupiter, the banker/politician/pastor/guru/The General/CEO planet, and, having crossed US Inauguration 2017's Midheaven ('MC': The Goal), transit Saturn Rx, planet of law and order, conjoins US Inaugural Sun @00AQ26/49. The first such conjunction occurred on April 3rd, the second of three exact conjunctions perfected on June 18, 2020, and the final Saturn-to-Sun (POTUS) conjunction arrives December 24, 2020 suggesting that 2020 is a period when responsibilities and consequences of past actions and decisions must be faced; it is a time of isolation for Donald Trump, political and professional, as well as physical. Yes, restriction, restraint, constraint, accountability, and maturity are demanded by lesson-bringer Saturn but with Trump's massive ego (Sun) and self-serving mindset, what are the chances he'll step up?

Besides, we know that Trump will not take Adam Schiff's recent advice and stay snugged within the White House bunker until the 2020 Election, thus causing no more harm! But perhaps ongoing lawsuits involving Trump's finances will cycle up and the miracle of holding criminals accountable for their crimes will be addressed and adjudicated by the legal system and/or lawmakers, both realms of legal-eagle Saturn.

Jupiter-Pluto and Jupiter-Saturn 2020

So as you see, the three Jupiter-Pluto Conjunctions of 2020 are in progress: exact on April 5, June 30, and November 12 in the degree range of 22-25 Capricorn, a highly sensitized and activated Zodiacal zone of late which emphasizes governmental, power/authority, legal, and investment issues in particular. Note the strongly influential midpoint picture penned on--Saturn-Pluto = Jupiter with potentials for "trouble with authority; adoption of the austere; staying out of trouble; and/or trying to save what's left" (Tyl). At 2017 Inaugural MC and this chart's MC (where US natal Pluto is enthroned since January 20, 1937), scandals, loss, and mourning are visible for the whole world to see during this time frame of America's fated, karmic struggle as We The People endure the loss of our nation's global status and reputation. And as you know, America and the world are in an old order vs new order phase which officially begins at Winter Solstice 2020 with the Great Conjunction of societal planets *Jupiter and Saturn. Washington DC Politics are front and center for us because the conjunction perfects upon US Presidential Sun, as noted. (For a few potential expressions, see their midpoint picture, below.) Perhaps you've thought or heard some politician or pundit remark about a 'new day' or a 'new world' - actually, there's 'a new vision fighting to be understood' (old Saturn + new Uranus = visionary Neptune) as the digital world is taking over society more than ever before.

Qs: Does the heavyweight trio at MC depict a destructive blend of the ruling class adopting additional austerity measures to oppress We The People while gifting themselves and their corporate pals and enablers with even more funds and tax breaks they don't need? As I've fussed on SO'W for years, bankrupting the United States is a primary goal of foreign and domestic zealots working toward anarchy and America's collapse (as did the Soviet Union in 1991: revenge). So does Pluto in Capricorn ('the dictator' placement--Ebertin) represent more than figurehead mobster Trump but also sorehead Putin in league with China? That's for you to decide, dear reader. I know what I think. But what do you think? As always, your on-topic comments are much appreciated (and are moderated for spam!)

Sun @4Cancer-Moon @24Leo

Now with Sun and Moon in mutual reception, some amount of friendliness is shown here between leadership (Sun) and the public (Moon), but not necessarily toward or from Trump. Note that Luna in dramatic Leo is about to conjoin Trump's natal Mars, then his Ascendant, and may trigger the Moon-Mars opposition that exists between cantankerous Trump (Mars rising) and the American people (Moon) so the friendliness could refer to his nibs but also to leaders other than his nibs. Another potentials is that friendliness is not felt by or toward everyone. Actually, when it comes to Trump, anger at being assaulted from or by the Oval Office (ruled by Venus!) is more like it for a majority of us. For his assaults are ongoing and are part of a larger plan. Plus, penned in the center of the chart is a midpoint picture of US natal Venus-Jupiter = transit Sun @4Cancer: "foreign raids on the treasury" (M. Munkasey).

As for June 25th's cosmic weather, a peek at its steamy, volatile Fire-Water Sun Cancer-Moon Leo blend of conscious-unconscious energies reveals tendencies toward clannishness, pride, and deep feelings. Zealotry and even jealousy may also be part of the cosmic picture (with Venus turning vicious and venal if scorned). The Sun is posited in a money house (2nd) with the fluctuating Moon in the 5th house of Speculation and Gambling - dramatic Leo's natural house - so we may be looking at another financial indicator with this blend's business shrewdness, plus, a devotion to family or clan. Showy Leo wants to risk and play while business-oriented Cancer tends to be more cautious, hiding in its emotional shell like a crab (like a bunker boy?). Moodiness, rejection of all criticism, and a need to 'rule the roost' are possible results of this combination. Yet another chart factor is that the Moon is unaspected (Ptolemaically speaking) which suggests an alienated, isolated, and/or estranged populace. Personally, I resemble that remark. Don't we all these days?

Matters of Health and Funding

Now as you see, other indications can be located within the horoscope which relate to health issues (inconjuncts, sesquisquares, and a semisquare) and infections (Mars-Neptune in watery Pisces, the duo fresh from their June 13th conjunction @20Pis59). Plus, we find disruption of family life, separations, isolation, and turmoil in society (see Uranus in Taurus opposing Inaugural 2017 Moon in Scorpio penned on). Yet with Venus rising and acting as chart-ruler (in greedy Taurus but in duplicitous Gemini - and also ruling 6th house) added to the prominent Pluto-Jupiter-Saturn trio at MC, the US is, as we know, experiencing a period of financial turmoil with Venus connected to currency, expenditures, luxury (or its lack), extravagance, smaller amounts of money, (diplomacy, relationships). As you see, her sign of Libra (balance!) is intercepted (karmic dealings which echoes the karmic trio at MC) in the 6th house of Health, Daily Rounds, Civil, Military, and Police Service. And as you know, the current Venus retrograde ('Rx') period (since May 13th @21Gem50) has spotlighted all these matters along with actions and non-actions of the US Congress which allegedly continues to control America's "purse strings".

However, we know that transit Venus won't reach and surpass her own shadow (where she turned Rx) until the last week of July so we'll see how financial and other societal conditions begin to alter once Lady Venus is again 'in the light' astrologically and heads toward her prominent role in the November 2020 Election/s. Meanwhile, funding and/or defunding of police departments turns up here as well, although for me, the word "re-allocation" of funds seems a more rational choice rather than allowing a lawless society to result as zealous Utopians and saboteurs would prefer. In addition, America's extravagant military funding is again being mentioned recently thanks to the ongoing protests against the death-by-police of George Floyd in Minneapolis, MN on May 25, 2020. Military and police funding and budgets are issues that bring Congress into this Venusian picture as America continues to borrow from China to keep our illusion of solvency going. Or should we include on our list of creditors one or more of the Middle Eastern regimes? America indebted to foreign actors: just what the Founding Fathers feared!

And of course, Trump's tangled finances and 'hidden' alliances have only made our nation's circumstances less transparent and unsustainable - and, sad to say, replete with paranoia and dread. He seems to be an extremely blackmail-able guy who'll do anything for money and power, no matter what it costs the American people.

Donald Trump is, in fact, too expensive to keep.

*December 21, 2020: transit Jupiter-Saturn = (Presidential/POTUS) Sun: "Taking destiny into one's own hands; major changes according to plan; or, if nothing has been prepared, becoming gripped by the status quo and having to make the best of things (Tyl).

For more cosmic blend details see Sun Sign-Moon Sign, by Charles and Suzi Harvey.

May 24, 2020

May 26, 2020 Horoscope: Pluto oppo US natal Mercury

by Jude Cowell

For a while now, transit Pluto has led the tilt of a BOWL shape of planets. Here you see a DC Horoscope set for the moment on May 26, 2020 that transit Pluto and Moon oppose one another across the Cancer-Capricorn security axis ('Moon-Saturn' = a health indicator along with ambition and strategy). Moon-Saturn's signs are intercepted across the 3/9 Communication axis (local vs foreign) suggesting that our problems are karmic and must be dealt with, one way or another. Power-mad Pluto @24Cap46 Rx tilts or tips the BOWL as you see while Luna, acting as an excellent timer (to the second!) makes up the opposite rim of the BOWL. A lack of balance is suggested while simultaneously, Pluto, within orb of US natal Pluto, opposes US natal Mercury Rx which implicates America's surveillance-loving, thought-controlling Mercury-Pluto opposition of July 4, 1776--here with transit Jupiter Rx @24Cap00 conjunct US natal Pluto Rx (27:32). Someone is misusing intelligence reports and/or leaking secrets, which in Washington DC comes as no surprise.

Now I'm not suggesting that the May 26th opposition identifies a moment or a day when a significant event will occur (which would take far more factors than one chart can show) but the chart is posted here merely as a symbolic horoscope spotlighting current conditions in society at the end of May 2020 particularly in the realms of Moon-Pluto, Mercury-Pluto, Jupiter-Pluto, Saturn-Pluto, and more if one cares to seek.

In general, possibilities of the noted planetary pairs include:

Underhanded tactics to gain control, zealotry, ambitious new plans, emotional outbursts, upheavals, investigative research (a vaccine perhaps?), conflicts and uprisings, fanatical aims, plutocrats exploiting the masses (tiresomely!), cold hearts, renunciation, reactionaries and violent people, painstaking work, martyrdom, mass murder, pursuing egoistic aims (wonder who?), a demagogue (peep-eye!), a propagandist, persuasive oration, plagiarism, speculation, large projects, those with power to dispense, 'legal eagles', economists, professors, and, last but not least: a sense of duty, isolation, thrift, self-control, depression, finding fault, wounds, blood transfusions, and/or kidney and other diseases. Obviously, a very difficult period is described and is discernible by conditions and events (sans Astrology) in society.

So What's Not in the BOWL?

The zodiacal signs not contained within the BOWL are: Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, and Sagittarius (except for South Node in Sag) and these describe huge areas of experience missing from current proceedings at the moment for the plutonians in charge and thus they represent 'challenges to existence' for those utilizing the BOWL energies as they advocate for a cause or a mission with greedy Pluto 'scooping up' all planetary energies (Jones). Plus, even without the lens of Astrology, few people are unaware of the titanic power struggles ongoing in America and elsewhere between radical reactionary political operatives--saboteurs, I call them, neo-fascists others call them--and the Establishment entities and forces which imply, if not promise, society a less chaotic existence (I'm for that! Can you tell?).

Meanwhile, the restrictive, constraining, tough-minded Saturn-Pluto Conjunction of January 2020 (@22Cap46 - conjunct Trump's natal Vertex!) continues to bedevil the globe, financially and otherwise--and their last conjunction of 1982 @27Lib36 ('Reaganomics') rises at Ascendant in this chart reminding us of our current potentials for difficult circumstances, loss, and silent power - some directly due to the limitations of Reagan era politics and economic policies (ex: cuts to mental health funding, corporate welfare, etc). Besides, we know that mundane Pluto is stealthy and manipulative all by himself and loves to wield silent power! And with karmic loss-leader Saturn by Pluto's side and strong in his own sign of Capricorn, what can possibly go wrong? (snark).

Well, for one thing, that's Trump's natal 12th house Pluto (10Leo02) near the top of the chart ('MC') as you see which always brings along his destructive, brutal midpoint picture of Mars-Saturn = Pluto: 'death of many people, murder, intervention of a higher power' (Ebertin). So we have that going against us as Trump corpses pile up and his particular brand of chaos and mismanagement reign--now with potentials for nuclear testing. Hopefully, nukes won't be 'the higher power' that intervenes.

So as you see at the Foundation of this chart (IC), the trio of heavyweights form a midpoint picture - Saturn-Pluto = Jupiter: 'difficulties caused through illness; social and religious fanaticism' (Ebertin) which pretty much sums up much of what's going on these days, yes?

And with the intense Moon-Pluto influence in this symbolic chart I'm thinking that the Secondary Progressed ('SP') Conjunction of US SP Moon and Pluto in October 2020 may be part of what's forewarned or pre-echoed in this chart. At the least, a cosmic time link is suggested between late May and October 2020 so perhaps Patreon subscribers of SO'W might consider a comparison between this horoscope and America's October SP horoscope recently published to Patreon!

So in closing

Mention should be made of transit Jupiter, the planet of expansion and increase (not always a good thing since negative conditions can be made worse by his presence!), precisely conjoining the natal Pluto of America only once: December 7, 2020. So as you see, this year will be the 79th anniversary of "a date that will live in infamy", a reference to Japan's attack on Pearl Harbor what some have called a version of a 'false flag op' (FDR knew it was coming and did nothing to divert it--similar to Trump and coronavirus in 2020). The attack on Pearl Harbor was then used by Washington to justify America's entry into World War II - which was a case of doing what the Pentagon wanted to do in the first place - an example of a practical use of the Hegelian Dialect that creates a problem then 'solves' it.

And yes, there remains an awful lot of such manipulation and 'solutions' that miss the mark going on in US Politics, that "systematic organisation of hatreds".

So my question for you is: through our years of apathy and laziness, have We The People finally merited the sorry government we've long deserved?

Exact 2020/21 Transits to US natal placements include Pluto oppose US Mercury 3x: February 27, June 26 (this chart), January 1, 2021 (disturbing news, forcing opinions on others, crisis); Saturn conjunct US Pluto 3x (power and control issues, conditions and/or events too large to handle): February 23, August 4, November 20; Jupiter oppose US Mercury 3x: March 30, June 29, November 20 (blunt opinions; tactlessness). Note that November 20, 2020 stands out due to transit Jupiter and Saturn ruffling the US natal Mercury-Pluto opposition. Also note that other pertinent transits and influences must be factored in for a fuller picture to be gained--some negative, and some positive and thus mitigating. Thank Goodness. jc