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Jul 20, 2016

July 21, 2016 Trump RNC Acceptance Speech under US Moon's Aquarian Rays

In Campaign 2016 Cosmic Synchronicity Abounds!

by Jude Cowell

Besides the fact that Election Day 2016 sports a US Moon Return to We the People's natal degree (27AQ09 5:09 pm LMT in 1776) we also have a Moon (or, Lunar) Return this Thursday evening (7/21/16) when newly coronated GOP nominee Donald Trump is scheduled to deliver his big speech of acceptance with bluster and brag.

And as you know, last evening (7/19/16) when Mr. Trump was officially nominated to run for the presidency, a Full Moon over Cleveland, Ohio perfected upon US natal Pluto (27Capricorn). Fear, paranoia, propaganda, and contagion spread stealthily as creepy Pluto took control of the proceedings and military-style police stood at the ready inside and out in case Pluto inspired an act of violence to burst out.

Astrologically, Full Moon phases denote complete awareness, polarity in relationships, culmination, and/or fulfillment of something begun in the dark of the previous seedling New Moon. July's last New Moon @13Cancer conjoined US natal Sun (the president) on Independence Day 2016 indicating the beginning of a new cycle of activity. This New Moon's degree in Trump's Sun-NN-Uranus sign of Gemini (the Messenger, Trickster, Magician, and Deal-Maker) temporarily winked at bright Sirius, the Egyptian goddess star (aka, The Scorcher) and the dramatic scene plays under the patronage of the Political Theater now being acted onstage--this week in Cleveland, next week in Philadelphia, PA, where the New American Masonic project claims its roots on this continent.

Then of course, the spectacular Donald Trump Plays President production of promotion and big promises (that can't or won't be delivered) actually began on cue under a different New Moon (25Gemini) over a year ago on June 16, 2015 in NYC's Tower of Trump and since then I have typed aloud wondering if last evening's Pluto-infused Full Moon in Capricorn was on some mystic level a fulfillment of the June 2015 New Moon of Trump's announced intention to grab the presidency. Donald hankers for a new job to conquer, you see, a job where he has more...control of a plutocratic variety. Can he fill the power elite's bill? Or, if elected, will Trump only act as a less-than-four-year place holder for the guy the Bilderbergers and their hidden enablers the Rothschild bankers really want in the White House: VP Mike Pence, the theocrat?

Okay, maybe not. But if Mr. Trump does finagle a stint in the Oval Office it will be quite a bit of cosmic synchronicity for one hefty circus barker to carry upon his shoulders even though born with energetic Mars and royal Regulus rising. But I think that most people suspect that the skim-the-surface, superficial Mr. Trump primarily desires to possess the look and status of the US presidency rather than do any heavy lifting (that's what underlings are for.) Isn't Shortcut his middle name?

Yet we mustn't leave out Washington's traditional *pocket-lining from the job description! After all, the Trump campaign is said to be empty pockets heading into the General Election (ask his offspring where the money went) but the fellow does know a lucrative deal when he sees one. Plus, with the Oval Office position best described as America's mouthpiece (TR's bully pulpit), Mr. Trump the Mercurial, short-attention-span Gemini will do quite well at that as long as they let him make it up as he goes along, pay less than contracted, and stop all that fact-checking on his reality-distorting Mercury-Neptune square.

However, if the Selected One turns out to be neoconish Hillary Rodham Clinton, at least we'd get a deeper thinking, realistic if traditional, Mercury-Saturn square!

*'traditional pocket-lining' refers to the Sabian Symbol for America's natal Jupiter @6Cancer: "Game Birds Feathering Their Nests."

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