Is planet Neptune in Shady Pisces "The Big Lie"?
by Jude Cowell
A few days ago when Can Astrology Show the GOP's "Turning Point"? was published here on SO'W concerning Rep. Liz Cheney's recent WaPo op-ed about the GOP's "turning point" from conservatism in favor of Trump's delusion of "The Big Lie," two progressed horoscopes were included which revealed that yes, the Republican Party (1854) does currently have "turning point" YOD patterns in both progressed charts, one with US Saturn (14Lib48) at apex and clear-eyed Saturn the planet of reality, truth, fact, and karma.
The subtitle of the above-linked post relates directly to the focus of today's offering: 'Hey Liz! Some Say the GOP's "Turning Point" Occurred Way Back in 2016!'. Now it's true that a case can be made for June 2015 when Tr*mp officially threw his red cap into the presidential ring, but let's take a look back to 2016 via the lens of Astrology to find "Big Lie" indications in real time, the real time of 2016 through the auspices of a certain 19 North Solar Eclipse.
For on September 1, 2016, a Solar Eclipse @9Virgo manifested in the 19 North Saros Series (family) with themes of: 'realism; coming down to earth; becoming aware of an old situation and seeing it for what it is rather than what he or she thought it was; a constructive time for tackling the truth' (paraphrasing Brady's Predictive Astrology #ad).
Dual DC Horoscopes: Inauguration 2017 and Inauguration 2021
Note gaseous Neptune in Pisces in 11th house opposing the 19 North Eclipse in 5th house (across the self-will axis) in the lower left Horoscope of Inauguration 2017. Eclipses are, as usual, penned on charts as 'PE' (Prenatal Eclipses).
So as you see, what made the 2016 repetition of a realism-promoting 19 North eclipse significant and inspired the misdirection of its honest energies was the Saturnian fact that transit Neptune in its own sign of shady, secretive Pisces directly opposed the eclipse and made the finding, uncovering, and speaking of truth highly challenging if not impossible for a time. Add to this the facts that the 19 North eclipse of 2016 occurred during Campaign 2016 (so full of lies, liars, and Neptunian confusion and delusion!) and is the series that affected (or dare I say was responsible for) Election 2016 and Inauguration 2017. So perhaps you agree that the atmosphere in the US of fact vs fantasy closely describes the White House residency of Donald Tr*mp, born under a deceptive Mercury-Neptune square (from Cancer to Libra) which just keeps on misperceiving and lying, even to himself. Yep, add such unfortunate energies from early parental input and The Prevaricator has become a fantasist extraordinaire, a veritable lie factory! Would you dare to say he's The Father of Lies?
Well, unfortunately, the former guy's fantasies are continuing to bedevil US society and The Gullible among us well into 2021 and beyond and they form the basis for donations to the orange one, plus, lawsuits, recounts, and voter suppression laws in various states written and passed under the Neptunian guise of "securing" future elections. Translation: assuring Republican "victories" because their draconian policies can't win with a majority of the American people which makes cheating the GOP's only recourse for grasping power. News Flash: cheating isn't winning, it's stealing.
And of course, when the Republican Party formed in 1854, Neptune in mid-Pisces was at or very near the "A Lady in FOX Fur" degree (my BOLD). Now as you know, early on the most prominent mouthpiece for GOP lies was, of course, Fox 'News' but now they have other propaganda platforms from which to spout falsehoods and Tr*mp's "Big Lie" in order to fuel his and the GOP's sordid attempt to coup the White House (again!) or least to make a 2024 presidential bid seem plausible and justified to the cult followers that agent orange constantly fleeces. This way, he hasn't completely lost the White House as his lucrative cash cow!
To close this fussy post, a few details concerning dubious Neptune afflicting a solar eclipse include conditions of chaos and confusion, states of tension and deception, people being pulled between reality and illusion/truth and fallacy, and a need for Saturnian objectivity if any karmic progress at all is to be made. Hopefully, our society is better situated in 2021 (with the former guy scheming in Florida) to see things and people for what they really are (come on Trump supporters!) so that criminals will be held accountable and justice on behalf of the American people will at last be served.
Related Posts: Inauguration 2025 Horoscope and America and the Neptune-Pluto Cycle of Crime and Fantasy showing the May 1, 2021 Horoscope of transit Neptune in contagious Pisces opposing US natal Neptune in fact-finding Virgo, sign of health and employment; plus, America has reached many turning points through the years such as the one in 1981 under the rays of the Reaganomics Eclipse and after 40 years of the "trickle down economics" delusion promoted by economic royalists, its harmful influences are finally, hopefully, coming to an end via the pro-America policies of President Joe Biden and his promise that "help is on the way."